IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#349 Part 2: Makes an abyss? Purgatory?

Seemed like you to take to heart about the initial matter!” “看起来你对当初的事情还是耿耿于怀啊!” Byron has not spoken, was only the movement is swifter and fiercer. 拜伦没有说话,只是动作更加凌厉了。 Senge then said. 森格接着说道。 Does not know that you do have this feeling.” “不知道你有没有这种感觉。” Why? Why will just happen in Pince City, but hasn't happened in other city?” “为什么?为什么会刚好发生在了潘斯城,而没有发生在别的城市?” Why just selected you? Has seen that person in you soon after?” “为什么刚好选中了你?在你见过那个人不久之后?” However initially that disaster, that person knew to be the same probably ahead of time, even completed dealing ahead of time.” “而当初那一场灾难,那个人就好像提前知道一样,甚至提前做好了应对。” All why so skillful, have you thought?” “为什么一切这么巧,你想过吗?” Violent anger prince?” “暴怒的王子?” Senge worthily is the abyss believer of core, regarding induction person aspect, is very skilled. 森格不愧是核心的深渊教徒,对于诱导人这方面,很是熟练。 You have thought that was not the people of south city-state alliance planned that plan.” “你有没有想过,不是南方城邦联盟的人策划了那一次计划。” But is......” “而是……” That person who you most respect.” “你最最最敬仰的那个人。” That talent colludes with that person of abyss mission truly, is all secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulators?” “那个人才是真正勾结深渊教团的那个人,才是一切的幕后黑手呢?” Senge has not said the name of that person, but Byron knows that he refers to anyone. 森格没有说出那个人的名字,但是拜伦知道他指的是谁。 You felt!” “你觉得!” „Will I believe people like you?” “我会相信你这种人吗?” „Your these people of degeneration, you damn!” “你们这些堕落之人,你们都该死!” Regardless of you said anything, your time is impossible to live is leaving here.” “不论你说什么,你这一次都不可能活着离开这里。” After he said that the movement was wilder. 他说完之后,动作更加狂暴了。 He must leave behind Senge, but Senge was really skidding, a fish, how grasped probably cannot hold. 他要将森格留下,但是森格实在是太滑溜了,就好像一条鱼,怎么抓也抓不住。 Two people suddenly, ran out of beyond dozens li (0.5 km), but Byron does not dare to fly is too far, fearing the opposite party leads away itself, the goal is the day flame regiment. 两个人眨眼间,就冲出了数十里之外,不过拜伦也没有敢飞太远,怕对方是引开自己,目标是日炎军团。 However the opposite party does not want to lead away Byron probably, but leads him to turn circle, as if was really only some words wants to say with him. 不过对方好像也并不是想要引开拜伦,只是带着他转圈,仿佛真的只是有些话想要和他说。 Saw that Byron was angrier, Senge was probably happier. 看到拜伦更加愤怒了,森格好像更开心了。 He flies very lowly, is overlooking the land. 他飞得很低,在俯瞰着大地。 Look!” “看啊!” You defeated Razer Kingdom, you also want the destruction south city-state alliance immediately, you are a big hero, Child of Wrath?” “你打败了雷泽王国,你还马上就要覆灭南方城邦联盟,你是个大英雄啊,暴怒之子?” You are saving this country, is saving this world!” “你在拯救这个国家,在拯救这个世界啊!” „Do you think like this?” “你是不是这样想的?” Senge voice becomes the taunt to be incomparable, is ridiculing Byron recklessly. 森格的声音变得嘲讽无比,肆意的嘲弄着拜伦。 Saves the world?” “拯救世界?” You is a sacrificial victim!” “你不过是一个牺牲品罢了!” Dark moon/month is used to save the sacrificial victim of this kingdom!” “暗月用来拯救这个王国的牺牲品!” Your mother.” “你的母亲。” Your father.” “你的父亲。” Your big brother!” “你的大哥!” Your younger sister!” “你的妹妹!” Completely is the sacrificial victims!” “全部都是牺牲品!” Child of Wrath Byron heard the opposite party to raise oneself family member, during fell into thoroughly was wild. 暴怒之子拜伦听到对方提起了自己的家人,彻底陷入了狂暴之中。 You stop talking to me!” “你给我住口!” The flowing fire descends from the sky layer upon layer, lights the forest thoroughly. 层层流火从天空降落而下,将森林彻底点燃。 Lots of flame puppets run out, wrapped toward Senge, seeing the opposite party must fall into tight encirclement. 大量的火焰傀儡冲出,朝着森格包裹了过去,眼看着对方要陷入重围。 Senge actually disappeared directly, vanishes without a trace. 森格却直接消失了,消失得无影无踪。 Before vanishing, he threw a clay tablet. 消失之前,他扔出了一块泥板。 On the clay tablet is carving the ancient symbol, after compiles content. 泥板上刻着古老的符号,还有重新编撰后的内容。 «Purgatory God Graciousness Technique» 《炼狱神恩术》 Senge sound reverberation in the air, telling his clay tablet is anything. 森格的声音回荡在空气之中,告诉他这块泥板到底是什么。 This is the strength of apostle, breaks through the apostle level the method.” “这就是使徒的力量,突破使徒位阶的方法。” Does not need to suspect that is false!” “不用怀疑是假的!” Because!” “因为!” In this world, no one cares about you compared with us, was afraid you dead compared with us.” “这个世界上,没有人比我们更关心你,比我们更害怕你死去。” We are making you, we hope that you become more powerful, we hope that you can become the king!” “我们只是在制造你,我们希望你变得更强大,我们希望你能够成为王!” You are our part, Byron!” “你是我们的一部分,拜伦!” You are being doomed King of Abyss.” “你是注定的深渊之王。” Senge said and good, if he is one true believes in the God of Original Sin abyss to officiate greatly. 森格说的并不错,如果他是一名真正的信奉原罪之神的深渊大主祭的话。 Senge on outwardly is big officiating of abyss mission, he main status is the Pride King Avon retinue. 只是森格明面上是深渊教团的大主祭,他更主要的身份是傲慢之王亚弗安的仆从。 He has not only spoiled the Child of Wrath plan at this moment, instead is promoting Child of Wrath Byron to become the king. 他此刻不仅仅没有破坏暴怒之子计划,反而在推动着暴怒之子拜伦成为王。 This was too strange. 这就太奇怪了。 Byron does not know that this back secret, does not know these great people, even is the conspiracy between God plans. 拜伦根本不知道这背后的秘密,更不知道那些大人物,甚至是神明之间的阴谋算计。 He is only angry, oneself made the enemy escaping unexpectedly. 他只是气恼,自己竟然让敌人给逃掉了。 However looked for several years of does not have any message, here he finally saw the past years made the evil disciple of disaster, this instead made him feel that oneself came to right the place. 不过找了好几年都没有任何音讯,在这里他终于见到了当年制造灾难的邪徒,这反而更加让他觉得自己来对了地方。 He looked to the direction of wing demon city. 他看向了翼魔城的方向。 He felt, so long as obeys the dark moon/month general's order, breaks through that city. 他觉得只要听从暗月将军的命令,攻破那座城市。 He can the answer, be able to find in the past that truth, found in the past all control of that disaster. 他就能够得到答案,能够找到当年那件事情的真相,找到当年那场灾难的所有操控者。 Evil disciple!” “邪徒!” I will not believe you.” “我才不会相信你们。” „A character will not believe.” “一个字也不会信。” I will find your dens, gives my thing you, completely......” “我会找到你们的老巢,将你们送给我的东西,全部……” Gives back to you.” “都还给你们。” Why does not know, he kept this clay tablet.- 不知道为什么,他却将这块泥板留了下来。- Dreamland. 梦界 In the world of dark nihility, has a giant strange embryo that is flowing the black mud. 黑暗虚无的世界里,有着一个流淌着黑泥的巨大怪异胚胎。 Anomaly unceasing is infiltrating the black mud toward below, infiltrates a big black mire under the body. 怪胎不断的往下面渗透着黑泥,在身下渗透出一大片黑色的泥沼。 It does not know when is born, can see that it is growing in the by visible speed. 它不知道是什么时候诞生的,可以看到它在以肉眼可见的速度在增长。 Powerful, came from gathers the offering sacrifices strength of the world unceasingly in this, becomes its nutrient. 一股股强大的,来自于人间的献祭力量不断汇聚于此,成为它的养分。 It just started definitely and common. 它刚开始的时候肯定并不起眼。 Now, has the so huge area and build. 如今,却已经有了如此庞大的面积和体型。 The black mud surges, is breeding the strange embryo. 黑泥涌动,孕育着怪异的胚胎。 This. 这一幕。 With the abyss was once born time is how similar. 和曾经深渊诞生的时候何其相似。 Before for a long time is very very long, the abyss was just born is also a anomaly, along with terrifying black mud. 在很久很久以前,深渊刚刚诞生的也不过是一个怪胎,伴随着恐怖的黑泥。 Senge just disappeared in the present world, was drawn here by a here invisible strength. 森格刚刚消失在了现世,就是被这里的一股无形的力量拉到了这里来。 At this moment, he is flying high to stand above the black mire. 此刻,他就正凌空立在黑色泥沼之上。 Raises head to look at that to seem like the hill same anomaly. 仰头看着那好像小山一样的怪胎。 In Senge eyes has excitedly, probably the seed of many years of cultivation will soon blossom and bear fruit to be the same. 森格眼里有着激动,好像多年培育的种子即将开花结果一样。 Purgatory!” “炼狱!” New abyss!” “新的深渊!” Finally...... must be born finally!” “终于……终于要诞生了啊!” Clearly, he knows here. 很明显,他是认识这里的。 He the second time is arrived here, but previous time before making Child of Wrath. 他是第二次来到这里,而上一次还是在制造暴怒之子之前。 Without determining to be going born can be Child of Gluttony and Child of Wrath, or is the other kings of original sin, he has started to arrange here. 在不确定将要诞生的会是暴食之子暴怒之子,亦或者是其他原罪之王的时候,他就已经在这里开始布置了。 Obeying. 听从。 Pride King will. 傲慢之王的意志。 Senge he took off head hood, revealed the whole piece face, hair. 森格他摘下了头上的兜帽,露出了整张面孔,还有头发。 Can see his hair color, eye and face, has obvious Evel person characteristics. 可以看到他的发色、眼睛和面孔,有很明显的爱维尔人特征。 He and Sukob are the same, once do not leave behind on the Evel descendant in this island. 他和苏科布一样,都是曾经别遗留在在这座岛上的爱维尔后裔。 But he has not chosen God of Truth and Knowledge finally, but chose Pride King Avon. 只不过他最后并没有选择真理与知识之神,而是选择了傲慢之王亚弗安 Because. 因为。 If chooses him to believe the god in this world. 如果在这个世界上选择一个他想要信仰神。 That this person can only be Avon. 那这个人就只能是亚弗安 Rather than these keep aloof, overlook the row god of the world. 而不是那些高高在上,俯视人间的列神。 In Senge look, full is the anticipation. 森格的眼神里,满是期待。 Master!” “主人啊!” Great heroic Avon!” “伟大的英雄亚弗安!” Quickly!” “快!” Quick!” “很快!” I will complete your plan, this great plan, extricates from the fetter of original sin you.” “我就会完成您的计划,这项伟大的计划,将你从原罪的束缚之中解脱。” True, belongs to God of our Evel person to be born.” “真正的,属于我们爱维尔人的神明就要诞生。” He arrived under the strange embryo little, looks that under that strange embryo is connecting a meat manages, that pipe changes into the meat blanket to integrate in the black mire. 他一点点来到了怪异胚胎之下,看着那怪异胚胎下面连接着一个肉管,那管子化为肉毯融入黑色泥沼之中。 In the black mire, can see that the shadows of tens of thousands of person from squeezes out. 黑色的泥沼之中,可以看到成千上万人的影子从其中挤出。 The black mire forms a thin film, but these fearsome faces extrude from the thin film, cried out toward Senge. 黑色的泥沼形成一张薄膜,而这些可怖的面孔就从薄膜中挤压出来,朝着森格呐喊。 These people obviously die an untimely death. 这些人明显都是横死的。 Tragic death in wars, has lots of soldiers, the auxiliary soldiers and transportation personnel. 惨死于一场场战争之中,其中有着大量的士兵、辅兵和运输人员。 Also has the average person who in the disasters of war dies an untimely death, is burnt alive the aristocrat and bureaucrat. 也有着兵祸之中横死的普通人,被活活烧死的贵族和官僚。 Even also has once Pince City dead in the person of that disaster, in face that these struggle, can find the appearance of Byron family member. 甚至其中还有着曾经潘斯城死在那一场灾难的人,那些挣扎的面孔之中,其中还能够找到拜伦家人的模样。 Here all, are an offering sacrifices ceremony. 这里的一切,都是一场献祭仪式。 Purgatory ceremony. 炼狱仪式。 But the goal of this ceremony, makes a new abyss. 而这个仪式的目标,就是制造出一个新的深渊。 Most starts, here is only a beach has the primary black mud of Avon mark, is at first strength of myth separates from mythical embryo and abyss will. 最开始,这里就只是一滩有着亚弗安印记的原初黑泥,也即是最初从神话之胎和深渊意志中分离出来的神话之力。 The abyss was just born time, mythical embryo strength that abyss queen Merder gives birth. 深渊刚刚诞生的时候,深渊女王梅尔德生育出的神话之胎的力量。 At that time similar was also not God of Original Sin, but was Lord of Brilliance. 那个时候肖还不是原罪之神,而是光辉之主 Has not fallen into the abyss. 更没有堕入深渊。 At that time abyss queen Merder fell into the deep sleep, wielded the abyss a long time, held the post of the abyss master. 当时深渊女王梅尔德陷入沉睡,执掌深渊很长一段时间的,担任深渊主人的。 Is Avon. 亚弗安 Therefore in this primary black mud, what breeding is the abyss most primitive strength. 所以这原初黑泥之中,孕育的是深渊最原始的力量。 Until the birth of Child of Wrath, that ceremony is not only the ceremony that Child of Wrath is born, is the start of purgatory ceremony. 直到暴怒之子的诞生,那一场仪式不仅仅是暴怒之子诞生的仪式,也是炼狱仪式的开始。 Child of Wrath Byron starting from that time, becomes a part of purgatory ceremony. 暴怒之子拜伦从那个时候开始,就成为了炼狱仪式的一部分。 Dreamland primary black mud, huge quantity of offering sacrifices, offering sacrifices performer Child of Wrath. 梦界的原初黑泥,数量庞大的献祭,献祭执行者暴怒之子 The three composed this complete purgatory ceremony. 三者组成了这个完整的炼狱仪式。 But initially in that disaster the dead person, as well as afterward Child of Wrath Byron through the person who the flame puppet killed. 而当初那一场灾难之中死去人,以及后来暴怒之子拜伦通过火焰傀儡杀死的人。 Dies innumerably in the war person who he participates, these by the person who the flame swallows. 无数死在他参与的一场又一场战争之中的人,那些被火焰吞噬的人。 Is offering sacrifices through this ceremony to Dreamland. 都在通过这个仪式献祭向梦界之中。 Built, anomaly that this is breeding the formation. 营造出了,这个正在孕育成型的怪胎。 Brand-new abyss will. 全新的深渊意志。 Senge and Avon ultimate goal, then to build a new abyss. 森格和亚弗安最终的目的,便是为了打造出一个新的深渊。 Has saying that this is really a fearful and evil plan. 不得不说,这真是一个可怕而邪恶的计划。 But it dozens years ago, even 100 years ago, already during plan. 而它早在几十年前,甚至一百年以前,就已经在筹谋之中。 At that time, when Senge is ordinary young people. 当时,在森格还是个普通年轻人的时候。 Pride King Avon selected, mortal who this has the Evel person bloodlines as his retinue. 傲慢之王亚弗安就选中了,这个具有爱维尔人血脉的凡人作为他的仆从。 He from the abyss, circles very big. 他从深渊之中,绕很大一圈。 One group of black mud secrets that are sending out the strength of myth sent in Senge hand, opens the first step that this named purgatory ceremony planned. 才将一团散发着神话之力的黑泥隐秘的送入了森格的手中,开启了这个名为炼狱仪式计划的第一步。 Senge!” “森格!” My retinue.” “我的仆从。” According to me told you, went to make a new abyss for me.” “按照我告诉你的,去为我制造一个新的深渊。” Senge to see heroic Avon in legend is excited: New abyss?” 森格正在为见到传说之中的英雄亚弗安激动不已:“新的深渊?” Then Pride King, was completely different from ordinary Pride King. 当时的傲慢之王,和平常的傲慢之王完全不一样。 His sound sounds, although is still unruly, but was actually full of the sane feeling, rather than that crazy meaning. 他的声音听上去虽然依旧桀骜,但是却充满了理智的感觉,而不是那种疯狂的意味。 Is called the purgatory abyss!” “叫做炼狱深渊吧!” Also can call the purgatory directly, belongs to my purgatory!” “也可以直接叫炼狱,属于我的炼狱!” Senge story, starts from that moment truly. 森格的故事,也是从那一刻真正开始。 At this moment. 此时此刻。 Senge gazes is flowing the anomaly of black mud unceasingly, saw that faint trace flame flows out from the anomaly, forms the strange flame mark. 森格注视着不断流淌着黑泥的怪胎,看到一丝丝火焰从怪胎之上流出,形成诡异的火焰纹。 Ceremony conducted very much smoothly, however the final fruit has not had.” “仪式进行得很顺利了,但是最后的果实还没有结出。” Byron soon became the apostle.” “拜伦快要成为使徒了。” On difference final.” “就差最后了。” When Byron received that flash of god graciousness technique, he knows that the opposite party will certainly use finally. 当拜伦接下了神恩术的那一瞬间,他就知道对方最后一定会用。 Even if he does not use. 哪怕他不用。 Then Senge will also force the opposite party, making him the apostle. 接下来森格自己也会逼迫对方,让他成为使徒。 But at this moment, the abyss's first demon hot abyss. 而此时此刻,深渊第一层魔火深渊。 Gate of Original Sin opened on time, the black rainwater drops from the clouds, demon of entire abyss crazy. 原罪之门按时打开了,黑色的雨水从天而降,整个深渊的魔物都疯狂了起来。 The crazy skeleton King raised the head suddenly, is gazing at that leaf of Gate of Myth. 疯癫的骸骨王者突然抬起头,注视着那扇神话之门 At this moment on him crazy gradually diverged, put out a byte. 此刻他身上的疯狂逐渐散去,吐出了一个字节。 God of Original Sin ~ 原罪之神~” In the spoken language, does not have willing, has to covet. 言语之中,有着不甘心,也有着觊觎。 Pride King Avon he knows, in the abyss of original sin evil god, he will never possibly beat It. 傲慢之王亚弗安他知道,在原罪邪神的深渊之中,他永远不可能击败祂。 However he can make a new abyss, with the original sin evil god Xiao's irrelevant abyss, a name is the place of purgatory. 但是他可以制造出一个新的深渊,一个和原罪邪神肖毫不相关的深渊,一个名字叫做炼狱的地方。 Then, jumps from the abyss. 然后,从深渊之中跳出来。 Then comes and true ownership of original sin evil god similar Qiangduo abyss. 然后再来和原罪邪神肖抢夺深渊的真正归属权。 But the day, seemingly seems like not far. 而这一天,貌似看起来不远了。
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