IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#349 Part 1: Makes an abyss? Purgatory?

The Razer Kingdom war ended, both sides sign are not only ten thousand snake royal court Northeast stabilities that the peace contract brings, the high anxiety of south city-state alliance. 雷泽王国的战争结束,双方签订和平契约带来的不仅仅是万蛇王庭东北局势的稳定,还有南方城邦联盟的高度紧张。 Did not hit Razer Kingdom, whom then hit? 不打雷泽王国了,那么接下来打谁? As if not too many questions. 似乎没有太多疑问。 Suddenly. 一时间。 Ten thousand snake royal court and southern city-state alliance play out, both sides accuse various issues of opposite party mutually. 万蛇王庭和南方城邦联盟剑拔弩张,双方互相指责对方的各种问题。 Ten thousand snake royal court accuse the southern city-state alliance to collude with the abyss mission, the offering sacrifices evil god, triggers the famine, betrays royal court. 万蛇王庭指责南方城邦联盟勾结深渊教团,献祭邪神,引发饥荒,背叛王庭 The other side angrily rebuking opposite party humiliates the royal family, steals the royal power, refutes opposite party all accusations, and said all that the opposite party said are directing and perform. 另一方则怒斥对方欺凌王室,窃取王权,驳斥对方所有指责,并说对方所说的一切都不过是在自导自演。 The two quarrelled are heavily engaged. 二者吵得不可开交。 Appearance that on a parahippus must battle against. 一副马上就要开战的模样。 However at this time Suinhall actually involved to mediate, even White Tower Alchemy Alliance comes up to join in the fun. 但是这个时候苏因霍尔却介入调停,连白塔炼金联盟都上来凑热闹。 While the southern city-state alliance thinks the exterior support, ten thousand snake royal court do not dare to act rashly absolutely the slightly lax time. 正当南方城邦联盟以为有了外部的支持,万蛇王庭绝对不敢轻举妄动稍稍松懈的时候。 In a clamoring sound. 在一片喧哗声中。 The war broke out suddenly. 战争突然爆发了。 Fires the place of first war, is port. 打响第一场战争的地方,是瑟克港。 This was occupied several years harbor to be broken through by the south city-state alliance on the same day, flames of war from the north fever to the south. 这座被南方城邦联盟占据了数年的港口当天就被攻破,战火从北方烧向南方。 Warships packed with the weapon, commodity and soldier along Herder's River on, the haze of war covered in the sky of southern city-state alliance, 一艘艘战船满载着武器、物资、士兵沿着牧者之河而上,战争的阴霾笼罩在了南方城邦联盟的天空, Ten thousand snake royal court two Alchemy regiments and massive place regiments attack the southern city-state alliance from two routes respectively. 万蛇王庭的两个炼金军团和大量地方军团分别从两条路线攻击南方城邦联盟。 From northwest Pince City direction depart, will attack a city pull Zhai along the land. 一条从西北方向的潘斯城方向出发,将沿着陆地攻城拔寨。 From lunar eclipse city depart, prepares to attack the town of southern city-state alliance along Herder's River. 一条从月蚀城出发,准备沿着牧者之河攻打南方城邦联盟的城镇。 The dark moon/month general set the strategy, has not actually set the main attack direction. 暗月将军定下了策略,却没有定下主攻方向。 Or. 或者说。 Does not have any main attack direction. 根本没有什么主攻方向。 When which direction can obtain a bigger harvest, which direction south city-state alliance shows a bigger flaw, which direction is the main attack direction. 当哪个方向能够获得更大的收获,哪个方向南方城邦联盟露出更大的破绽,哪个方向就是主攻方向。 The duty that the day flame regiment that Byron leads received from lunar eclipse city depart, broke through the direction of southern city-state alliance along Herder's River at the maximum speed, burnt the flames of war to the territory of opposite party. 拜伦率领的日炎军团接到的任务就是从月蚀城出发,沿着牧者之河以最快的速度攻破南方城邦联盟的方向,将战火燃向对方的领土。 When the garrison troops of port saw that is appearing while the Alchemy regiment of warship in the distant place, looks that the ships of patrol were embezzled by the flame one after another. 当瑟克港的守军看到乘着战船的炼金军团出现在远方的时候,看着巡逻的船只一艘又一艘被火焰吞没的时候。 All are late. 一切都已经迟了。 The warship in port goes out of town to meet head-on, 瑟克港上的战船纷纷出城迎战, The red short hair, the red pupil, is always cloudy the face also has the eye socket of getting sucked. 红色的短发,红色的瞳孔,总是阴沉着的脸还有深陷的眼眶。 He is not always possibly able to go to sleep peacefully, so long as because falls asleep will then fall into the nightmare. 他可能总是无法安然入睡,因为只要睡着便会陷入噩梦之中。 This illustriously burning down Byron. 这就是赫赫有名的焚烧者拜伦。 That stands the red hair youth on bow waves. 那站在船头上的红发青年一挥手。 The dense and numerous flame puppets depart from his body, howl the wharf toward distant place to rush. 密密麻麻的火焰傀儡从他身体里飞出,呼啸着朝着远处的码头奔去。 At this moment. 此刻。 He seems like the king of flame. 他就好像是火焰的君王。 The flame of blotting out the sky crashes from the sky, lights the warship that the harbor overshoots completely, tens of thousands of people were swallowed by the raging fire instantaneously. 铺天盖地的火焰从天空坠落,将港口上冲出来的战船全部点燃,成千上万的人瞬间被烈火吞噬。 But in city. 而在城市之内。 On the street lots of residents are gathering, panic-stricken looks at the soaring to the heavens fire of distant place. 街道上大量的居民在聚集,惊恐的看着远处的冲天大火。 The black smoke of that flame combustion flows to the sky, pitiful yell in that raging fire visibles faintly, in the air is filling the thick flame combustion lumber even flesh smell. 那火焰燃烧的黑烟流向天空,那烈火之中的惨叫隐约可见,空气中弥漫着浓浓的火焰燃烧木材甚至人肉的气味。 Was on fire?” Many people in city have not known, the war has arrived. “起火了?”城市内的很多人还不知道,战争已经降临了。 Space in the below hot rain, what situation is this?” Some people saw from afar just Byron summoned of flame. “天上在下火雨,这是什么情况?”有人远远就看到了刚刚拜伦召唤出火焰的那一幕。 Ship, many ships, ten thousand snake royal court hit.” Harbor that side person has started to run away crazily, brings the war to arrive at the news of this city, follows to have the panic that comes. “船,好多的船,万蛇王庭打过来了。”港口那边的人已经开始疯狂逃窜,带来了战争降临这座城市的消息,伴随而来的还有恐慌。 Herder's River by the ships seal interruption, everyone in port is unable to escape again. 牧者之河被船只封闭截断,瑟克港中的所有人都无法再逃出去了。 The people in city look at the warship of that blockade rivers, in vision harbor of raging fire combustion. 城中的人看着那封锁河流的战船,还有目光中烈火燃烧的港口。 Shows the panic-stricken expression. 一个个露出惊恐的表情。 More and more ten thousand snake royal court soldiers gather in this. 紧接着,越来越多的万蛇王庭士兵汇聚于此。 Finally starts to attack this city. 最终开始攻打这座城市。 Even if the opposite party strikes besides the beforehand thunder, to retain this lively city has not then set out the third-order strength again ; This city including for day not to defend as before, finally in city remnant forces choice surrender. 哪怕对方除了之前的雷霆一击之外,为了保留住这座繁华的城市便没有再出动三阶的力量;这座城市依旧连一天都没有守住,最后城中残余势力选择投降。 Red hair Byron while travelling by boat to approach shore, from ship. 红发的拜伦乘坐着船靠岸,从船上走了下来。 Arrives this city with the stance of victor. 以胜利者的姿态驾临这座城市。 Announced this city once ruler, returned again. 宣告这座城市曾经的统治者,又再度回归。 Fire above harbor and rivers has not been put out, many constructions in city also then send out the intermittent thick smoke. 瑟克港口和河流之上的大火还没有熄灭,城内的不少建筑也接着散发出阵阵浓烟。 Various divine spell, items and unusual strength brought the destruction and death. 各种神术、道具、超凡力量带来了毁灭和死亡。 But the flame, is conveniently also the most direct destroying way. 而火焰,是最方便也最直接的摧毁方式。 In snake human divine spell, controls the strength of fire and earth is most common. 蛇人神术之中,操控火与土的力量是最常见的。 Controls the flame the item, is most popular. 操控火焰的道具,也是最受欢迎的。 Byron went to the government affairs hall, here person was towed. 拜伦来到了政务大厅,这里一个又一个人被拖了出来。 And some diehard are at death's door, is sending out the final curse to Byron. 其中一些顽固分子死到临头,对着拜伦发出自己最后的诅咒。 Burning down Byron!” “焚烧者拜伦!” You will suffer the retribution!” “你会遭受报应的!” Byron does not seem to hear to be the same, passes through from the opposite party. 拜伦就好像没有听到一样,从对方身旁走过。 . 只是。 After reaching the stair of government affairs hall, he turned head to look suddenly to below. 在登上了政务大厅的台阶过后,他突然扭头望向了下面。 Looks city that this is filling the raging fire and black smoke. 看着这座弥漫着烈火和黑烟的城市。 Nearby vice- army regimental commander was saying to him. 一旁的副军团长对着他说道。 Byron army regimental commander!” “拜伦军团长!” Do not look!” “别看了!” Repairs and maintains, we should then depart.” “修整一下,我们该接着出发了。” Dark moon/month general lets us at the maximum speed, captures most cities, five leads the rebels maximum pressure that to the south.” “暗月将军让我们以最快的速度,夺取最多的城市,给南方五领的叛徒们最大的压力。” Byron knows, he in being worried oneself remembered once had the fire in Pince City. 拜伦知道,他是在担心自己想起曾经发生在潘斯城中的大火。 A few years ago!” “几年前!” Was they launched the war, captured this city, simultaneously destroyed my family/home.” “就是他们发动了战争,夺取了这座城市,同时摧毁了我的家。” „The dark moon/month general, they can capture at that time the dark moon/month province taking advantage of the famine, even the estuary and great snake road of occupy.” “要不是暗月将军,他们当时就可以借着饥荒夺取暗月行省,甚至连出海口和巨蛇之路都占据。” For these years, companions drank my blood, even if turned into the monster also to win this war.” “这几年,一个又一个同伴饮下了我的血,哪怕变成怪物也要赢得这一场战争。” Byron raised oneself arm, making the vice- army regimental commanders look at the above hot mark. 拜伦举起了自己的手臂,让副军团长看一看上面的火纹。 Saw?” “看到了吗?” On this each mark, is a living person.” “这上面的每一道印记,都是一个活生生的人。” Each mark, is the hatred of remembering with eternal gratitude.” “每一道印记,都是刻骨铭心的仇恨。” Is even if died, even if changes into demon, hatred that also cannot cancel.” “是哪怕死去,哪怕化为魔物,也不能抹去的恨意。” Byron put down the hand. 拜伦放下了手。 You felt, young carpenter in my Pince City?” “你觉得,我还是那个潘斯城中的小木匠吗?” Person who the person who the person who in war died, in the famine died, in the disaster died.” “战争中死去的人,饥荒之中死去的人,灾难之中死去的人。” Needs a result, is longing for an answer.” “都需要一个结果,都渴望着一个答案。” What price regardless of pays, regardless of makes me make anything.” “无论付出什么样的代价,无论让我做些什么。” Byron is gazing at the vice- army regimental commander, finally said one. 拜伦注视着副军团长,最后说出了一句。 If wickedness does not have the retribution, if all these pass like this, then just what save?” “如果恶者没有报应,如果这一切都这样过去,那么正义何存?” If this world does not have the justice.” “如果这个世界没有正义。” Byron was suddenly silent. 拜伦突然沉默了。 He did not have then saying that said the words of heart deep place. 他没有接着说下去,说出内心深处的话。 The vice- army regimental commanders look at Byron, he as before is that dead face, but the vice- army regimental commanders actually saw from his eye the dreadful raging fire is burning. 副军团长看着拜伦,他依旧是那一副死人脸,但是副军团长却从他的眼睛里看到了滔天烈火在燃烧。 That flame is flooding the whole world, must burn through all. 那火焰充斥着整个世界,要将一切燃尽。 He said suddenly. 他突然说道。 Hatred!” “仇恨!” Really because of getting the result and answer vanished?” “真的会因为得到了结果和答案而消失吗?” The heart deep place, suddenly thought that Byron is somewhat fearful. 他内心深处,突然觉得拜伦有些可怕。 Because he participates in this war for this country, he is earliest one group of the people who are following the dark moon/month general, inherited the ideal of dark moon/month. 因为他参与这一场战争是为了这个国家,他是最早一批跟随着暗月将军的人,继承了暗月的理想。 But front Byron is completely different, he participates in this war to taking revenge completely. 而面前的拜伦完全不一样,他参与这一场战争完全是为了复仇。 This was one lost all avengers. 这是一个失去了一切的复仇者。 Such that seemed him saying that he needed a result, an answer. 就好像他所说的那样,他需要一个结果,一个答案。 But if this result. 但是如果这个结果。 This answer. 这个答案。 Cannot such as he hope. 不能如他所愿呢。 The vice- army regimental commanders also follow Byron together, looks at the combustion the harbor and river surface. 副军团长也跟着拜伦一起,看着燃烧的港口和河面。 He felt. 他感觉。 The hatred looks like this flame, like this war, once will open to spread unceasingly. 仇恨就像是这火焰,就像这战争,一旦开启就会不断的蔓延下去。 Until the city is reduced to ashes, withers away until the race and kingdom, perhaps will finish. 直到城市化为灰烬,直到种族和王国消亡,或许才会结束。 Byron had not replied that the question of vice- army regimental commander, he noticed on the street in government affairs hall not far away to have many people. 拜伦没有回答副军团长的疑问,他注意到了政务大厅不远处的街道上有着很多人。 What is that?” “那是什么?” Nearby some people replied: „The army regimental commander, is temple!” 一旁有人回答:“军团长,是神庙!” Byron goes down the staircase suddenly, walked toward temple. 拜伦突然走下楼梯,朝着神庙走了过去。 Once mother of all snakes had been emigrated temple, what inside is placing is Scarlet Goddess idol. 曾经的万蛇之母早已被移出了神庙,里面摆放着的是腥红女神神像 The dense and numerous people crawl inside and outside temple, here becomes the sanctuary in war, so long as God is, then no one can harm them. 密密麻麻的人匍匐在神庙内外,这里成为了战争之中的庇护地,只要神明所在,便没有人能够伤害他们。 They tremble, trembling is entreating pitying of God, imploring God to let them avoid the disaster. 他们瑟瑟发抖,颤颤巍巍的在哀求着神明的怜悯,祈求着神明让他们免于灾难。 God!” “神啊!” Please bless in me, making the disaster not fall in my body.” “请庇佑于我,让灾难不降于我身。” God! Punishes these evil people!” “神啊!惩罚那些恶徒吧!” God......” “神啊……” Summon gatherings in the palace, gather under spirit table. 一声声呼唤汇聚于殿堂之中,汇聚于神台之下。 But at this time, Byron led one group of soldiers to enter in temple, immediately temple inside and outside startled sound pieces, everyone is avoiding them. 而这个时候,拜伦带着一群士兵走进了神庙之中,顿时神庙内外惊慌声一片,所有人都躲避着他们。 Byron arrived under the palace, looks up Scarlet Goddess idol. 拜伦走到了殿堂下面,抬起头看着腥红女神神像 Byron has turned head, the vision has swept everyone on the scene, everyone lowers the head, no one dares to send youth looking at each other of red eyes with this scarlet. 拜伦扭过头,目光扫过了在场的每一个人,所有人纷纷低头,没有一个人敢于和这个赤发红眼的青年对视。 He saw spiritlessly, saw incompetently, saw facing desperate wailing of disaster. 他看到了懦弱,看到了无能,看到了面对灾难的绝望哀嚎。 He. 他。 Saw once. 看到了的曾经的自己。 Suddenly, the anger in his chest burns infinitely. 突然之间,他胸中的怒火无限燃烧。 He raised the head suddenly is gazing at the eye of idol stubbornly, the movement is swift and fierce makes in the person heart shake. 他陡然抬起头死死的注视着神像的眼睛,动作凌厉得让人心中一抖。 . 紧接着。 He sends out from the innermost feelings bottom ridicule, despises. 他发出自内心底部的嘲笑,还有鄙夷。 Prayed to God?” “向神明祈祷?” Just seeks the comfort of nihility.” “只不过是寻求虚无的安慰。” He is laughing, abandons oneself to Bohemianism in this God palace. 他大笑着,在这神明的殿堂里放浪形骸。 What are you imploring?” “你们在祈求什么?” „Are you one flock of base and low insects, one group of not being worth a red cent mortals, what imploring to keeping aloof God?” “你们一群卑微的虫子,一群一文不值的凡人,在向高高在上的神明祈求什么?” He hates these fears, weak face. 他恨这一张张恐惧,还有无力的面孔。 Hates these anything to be undoable, only to crawl in the form of ground. 恨这些什么都不能做,只能匍匐在地上的身影。 It seems like. 就好像。 Hated once. 恨曾经的自己。 He extends oneself arm, points at the God statue to say loudly. 他伸出自己的手臂,指着神明的塑像大声说道。 Does not have the empathize to care about you!” “没有神会在乎你们!” Does not have the empathize to save you!” “没有神会拯救你们!” Disaster arrives, the god will only sit by and do nothing, only then you can save itself.” “灾难降临的时候,神只会坐视不理,只有你们自己才能拯救自己。” You can choose dead in battle, can choose the surrender, can choose the matter that any can handle, rather than implored God here.” “你们可以选择战死,可以选择投降,可以选择任何可以做的事情,而不是在这里祈求神明。” Under Byron is in the glare of the public eye, unexpectedly violent anger destroyed Scarlet Goddess idol. 拜伦众目睽睽之下,竟然暴怒的摧毁了腥红女神神像 He waved to explode to be split up idol that kept aloof. 他挥手就将那高高在上的神像炸了个四分五裂。 Most people on the scene by his unscrupulous action frightening, person in groups escaped ignorant toward outside in panic-stricken. 在场的大多数人都被他肆无忌惮的举措给吓懵了,成群的人在惊恐之中朝着外面逃去。 However also some soldiers feel no, instead erupts the applauding sound. 但是也有士兵觉得没什么,反而爆发出叫好声。 The opposite party dare to have temple mother of all snakes, why won't they destroy Scarlet Goddess idol? 对方敢将万蛇之母请出神庙,他们为什么就不会摧毁腥红女神神像 Byron Station in temple, thought that was refreshed. 拜伦站在神庙中,觉得爽快极了。 He opens both hands: „After the raging fire, the dark moon/month general will establish a country of new order.” 他张开双手:“烈火之后,暗月将军将会建立起一个新秩序的国家。” Finally Byron lowers the head, looks straight ahead everyone saying: We do not need to implore God, we only asked ourselves.”- 最后拜伦低下头,直视着所有人说着:“我们不用祈求神明,我们只求自己。”- Above land. 大地之上。 Two Alchemy regiments are slaughtering, ground Powerful controls the stone demon puppet in groups, in the sky also has the wing demon army. 两个炼金军团正在厮杀,地上的权能者操控着成群的石魔傀儡,天空之中还有着翼魔部队。 Various divine spell fall from the sky, pounds to the world. 各种神术从天空落下,砸向人间。 Low-order Powerful in groups is brandishing the arm, started large-scale ceremony technique. 成群的低阶权能者挥舞着手臂,启动了大型仪式术阵。 demon monster throws off the land, divine spell claims the life of person in groups instantaneously, various unusual strengths form the cannot erase trace in this lands. 魔怪掀翻大地,神术瞬间夺走成群的人的生命,各种超凡力量在这片土地形成不可磨灭的痕迹。 Especially third-order Powerful strength. 尤其是三阶权能者的力量。 These monsters between fights, even can directly change a large area of terrain, the range of conveniently striking is dozens over a hundred meters. 这些怪物们之间的战斗,甚至可以直接改变大面积的地形,随手一击的范围就是数十上百米。 The time develops toward front, the strength that the mortal grasps is getting stronger and stronger , is getting more and more fearful. 时代往前面发展,凡人掌握的力量越来越强大,也越来越可怕。 Destruction that they bring, the brought disaster even more is also fearful. 他们带来的毁灭,带来的灾难也越发可怕。 Roar!” “吼!” More than 70 meters in height terrifying flame puppet roared, the dense and numerous small-sized flame puppets are surrounding it, plunged the ground. 身高70多米的恐怖火焰傀儡一声咆哮,密密麻麻的小号火焰傀儡环绕着它,扑向地面。 Sits above his head, is raised the hand by the red hair youth who the roaring flame surrounds. 坐在他头颅之上,被烈焰环绕的红发青年举起了手。 That hugest flame puppet also raised the hand. 那个最庞大的火焰傀儡也随之举起了手。 Hiss!” “嘶!” In the sky, opens the flesh wings to stimulate to movement the wind blade thorn to send out to neigh to the monster of land. 天空之中,一只张着肉翅催动着风刃刺向大地的怪物发出嘶鸣。 It has slightly does not pay attention, was held by Byron. 它稍有不注意,就被拜伦抓住了。 Another side, third-order Powerful that is controlling the statue puppet worried, immediately reckless attack to Byron. 另一边,一个操控着石像傀儡的三阶权能者着急了,立刻不顾一切的攻击向拜伦。 However Byron does not pay attention to his attack. 然而拜伦根本不理会他的攻击。 Is resisting the opposite party hardly, not independently stubbornly holds that wing demon. 硬抗着对方,怎么也不放手的死死的抓住那只翼魔。 The third-order big wing demon was also scared at this time, the giant flame puppet palm blew the hurricane, changed into the giant dragon volume to wrap the flame puppet. 三阶大翼魔这个时候也慌了神,巨大的火焰傀儡掌心刮起了飓风,化为巨大的龙卷将火焰傀儡包裹住。 However this strength not only cannot injure to Byron and flame puppet, instead urged to send to the pinnacle his strength, changed into exceedingly high flame dragon scroll. 但是这股力量不仅仅没能伤害到拜伦和火焰傀儡,反而将他的力量催发到了极致,化为了一只通天火焰龙卷。 The scene shocks incomparably. 场景震撼无比。 Also drove back that snake human third-order Powerful, cuts off opportunity that the big wing demon escaped finally. 也逼退了那蛇人三阶权能者,断绝了大翼魔最后逃生的机会。 Byron holds the third-order wing demon, the strength of unceasing percolation flame into within the body of wing demon. 拜伦抓住三阶翼魔,火焰之力不断的浸透入翼魔的体内。 Completely destroys its core, burns completely thoroughly. 将它的核心完全摧毁,完全烧透。 At this time, Byron let loose it. 这个时候,拜伦才放开了它。 In everyone's attention, that opens the wing to achieve more than 40 meters wing demons to change into one group of flame, swayed crashes from the sky. 在所有人的瞩目之中,那张开翅膀达到四十多米的翼魔化为一团火焰,摇摇晃晃的从天空坠落。 Pounds into the land, changed into the burned black skeleton. 砸入大地,化为了焦黑的尸骸。 Did not have any life rhythm again. 再也没有了任何生命律动。 During the Byron recent several fights, the biggest enemy is this fearful big wing demon. 拜伦最近几次战斗之中,最大的敌人便是这只可怕的大翼魔。 He just seized this opportunity, killed this archenemy at one fell swoop. 他刚好抓住了这个机会,一举杀死了这个大敌。 Another side third-order Powerful saw the third-order wing demon soon the incorrect time already turn tail, but how Byron is willing to put him to depart. 另一边的三阶权能者看见三阶翼魔快要不行的时候就已经转身逃跑了,但是拜伦怎么肯放他离去。 The opposite party are controlling the statue puppet, several steps span the forest to go far away. 对方驾驭着石像傀儡,几步就跨越森林远去。 Byron is controlling the flame, circles in the sky. 拜伦操控着火焰,在天空之中盘旋。 Caught up with the opposite party not long. 没有多久就追上了对方。 When he appears again in battlefield, in the hand is raising the head of that third-order Powerful. 等他再一次出现在战场上的时候,手上提着那名三阶权能者的头颅。 Nothing can compared with this more stirring scene. 没有什么能够比这更震撼人心的场面了。 A person fights two third-order powers alone, then wins. 一个人独斗两个三阶权能,然后战而胜之。 Won!” “赢了!” Byron army regimental commanders won!” “拜伦军团长赢了!” Invincible!” “战无不胜!” Invincible!” “战无不胜!” The following regiment soldiers, pressed crazily, but the enemy also starts the rout under this scene, not fights intent again, above the land is completely the corpses that the rout leaves behind. 下面的军团士兵们,一个个疯狂的压了上去,而敌人也在这场面下开始溃败,再无战意,大地之上全部都是溃败留下的尸体。 army regimental commander Byron of day flame regiment is pursuing the routed troop, crashed in the city of distant place. 日炎军团的军团长拜伦一路追着溃兵,冲进了远处的城市之中。 Lots of soldiers followed to clash together, occupied this important fort. 大量的士兵跟着一起冲了进来,占据了这座重要的要塞。 Here is the south city-state alliance was intimate, proceeds again. 这里已经是南方城邦联盟的腹心了,再往前。 Is the capital city wing demon city of south city-state alliance. 就是南方城邦联盟的都城翼魔城。 Naturally, ten thousand snake royal court did not acknowledge that southern city-state alliance name, will not approve their capital cities. 当然,万蛇王庭既不承认南方城邦联盟这个名字,更不会认可他们的都城。 This is the south city-state alliance assembles the military that is used to overturn, this rout, established thoroughly won the potential. 这是南方城邦联盟集结用来翻盘的兵力,这一场溃败,彻底奠定了胜势。 Wants Cery. 要塞里。 Everyone of day flame regiment are repairing and maintaining, just a war consumed a lot of commodities , rear area needs to wait for makes up neat. 日炎军团的所有人都在修整,刚刚一场大战消耗了大量的物资,也需要等待后方补齐。 The consumption of this Alchemy regiment is above the average man to imagine, once lacked the commodity, strength intensity also by enormously weakening. 这种炼金军团的消耗是超乎常人想象的,而一旦缺乏了物资,力量强度也会遭到极大的削弱。 Byron his present goal only has one, the wing demon city. 拜伦他现在的目标只有一个,翼魔城。 He stands under the city wall, without entering in city, such distant looks at the direction of wing demon city. 他站在城墙下,也没有进入城中,就这样远远的看着翼魔城的方向。 Byron was saying one to the vice- army regimental commanders. 拜伦对着副军团长说了一句。 Must finish.” “要结束了。” In these days.” “就在这几天。” The war continued entire one month. 战争持续了整整一个月。 The southern city-state alliance strove to insist for a month. 南方城邦联盟勉力坚持了一个月。 Although the southern city-state alliance defended the silver snake regiment army offensive of coming from Pince City, actually retreated in defeat again and again under the offensive of day flame regiment, lost the most territory. 南方城邦联盟虽然守住了来自于潘斯城的银蛇军团大军攻势,却在日炎军团的攻势下节节败退,丢失了大半的领土。 Just like the name of regiment, they seem the raging fire the same as corrode this country. 如同军团的名字一样,他们就好像烈火一样侵蚀着这个国家。 This birth several years kingdom, creakies flustered, in the war. 这个诞生不过数年的王国,在战争之中摇摇欲坠、人心惶惶。 They seek the support to the outside time and time again. 他们一次又一次向外部寻求支持。 However White Tower Alchemy Alliance and Suinhall remain unmoved as before, besides support and few commodities orally, has no movement again. 但是白塔炼金联盟苏因霍尔依旧不为所动,除了口头上的支持和少量的物资外,再也没有任何动作。 Moreover even if the commodity that they support, unusual item of support. 而且哪怕是他们支援的物资,支援的超凡道具。 Also must spend usually at least to turn time of money to buy. 也是要花平常至少翻倍钱买的。 Then, buys must look at others complexion. 就这样,买的时候还得看别人脸色。 The southern city-state alliance is not weak, they have two third-order Powerful, but also has a third-order wing demon to take the background. 南方城邦联盟并不弱,他们拥有两位三阶权能者,还有着一只三阶翼魔作为底蕴。 Even if ten thousand snake royal court hit, they are also capable of defending the present aspect. 原本哪怕万蛇王庭打过来,他们也有能力守住现在的局面。 And the biggest accident, is burning down Byron. 其中最大的变故,便是焚烧者拜伦。 Especially burning down Byron in a just war, he killed third-order Powerful of southern city-state alliance directly. 尤其是焚烧者拜伦在刚刚的一场大战之中,他直接杀死了南方城邦联盟的三阶权能者 But that only the powerful wing demon that inherits from the ancient time, during the chase of raging fire, changes into the fireball to crash from the sky. 而那只从古老时代传承下来的强大翼魔,也在烈火的追逐之中,化为火球从天空坠落。 Such news travels, sufficiently shock entire Ruhul Giant Island. 这样的消息传开,足以震惊整个鲁赫巨岛了。 Third-order Powerful, in which country, where. 三阶权能者,不论是在哪个国家,不论是在哪里。 Can be called is key forces of country, each is very valuable resources and strength, needs to consume the huge resources to train. 都称得上是一个国家的核心力量,每一个都是非常宝贵的资源和战力,需要耗费庞大的资源去培养。 Burning down Byron. 焚烧者拜伦。 He alone, changed this war. 他一个人,改变了这一场战争。 This was also the dark moon/month general left behind his reason initially, seized his reason from the abyss mission hand, once making a move trades a lot of times of returns now. 这也是暗月将军当初留下他的原因,从深渊教团手中夺走他的原因,曾经的出手如今换来了千百倍的回报。 Byron then said. 拜伦接着说道。 Tomorrow will then dispatch troops!” “明天接着出兵!” One breath takes the bottom wing demon city.” “一口气拿下翼魔城。” The vice- army regimental commanders quickly said: Does not worry, the dark moon/month general said that lets us and other silver snake regiment.” 副军团长却急忙说道:“不着急,暗月将军说了,让我们等一下银蛇军团。” When the time comes we attack the bottom wing demon city jointly, is safer.” “到时候我们联手攻下翼魔城,更加稳妥。” Although Byron impatient wants murderer/culprit who held these to start the conspiracy initially, but the words of dark moon/month general, he obeyed. 拜伦虽然迫不及待的想要抓住那些当初发动阴谋的真凶,但是暗月将军的话,他还是听从的。 However at this time, he lifted under one to look suddenly to the corner of fort. 不过这个时候,他突然抬了一下头看向了要塞的一处角落。 Byron saw suddenly in the city wall in fort, is standing a strange person. 拜伦突然看到了在要塞的城墙上,站着一个奇怪的人。 That person is looking at himself, he is throwing over the black cape, the back has one close behind the other snake that is nipping the tail. 那个人正在看着自己,他披着黑色斗篷,背后有着一只咬着自己尾巴的衔尾蛇。 The mark of abyss mission. 深渊教团的印记。 That person on this standing swaggering above top, the strong winds blow his clothes robe flap flap to make noise. 那人就这样大摇大摆的站在城头之上,狂风刮得他的衣袍猎猎作响。 Byron first gawked, then the look instantaneously changed. 拜伦先是愣了一下,然后眼神瞬间变了。 The terrifying flame sends out from his body, the flame puppet blots out the sky layer upon layer, the sky of fort changed into fiery red. 恐怖的火焰从他的身体里散发而出,层层火焰傀儡铺天盖地而起,要塞的上空都化为了一片火红。 you these fellows!” “伱们这些家伙!” Also dares to appear in my front unexpectedly.” “竟然还敢出现在我的面前。” Byron these years have been finding the person of abyss mission, what a pity are similar to the mixed fish common lunatic except for these, cannot find the core figure of abyss mission again. 拜伦这些年一直都在找深渊教团的人,可惜除了那些如同杂鱼一般的疯子,再也没能找到深渊教团的核心人物。 The abyss that in the past survived officiated greatly, two degenerated to officiate, vanished completely does not see. 当年残存的深渊大主祭,两位堕落主祭,全部都消失不见。 Above city wall. 城墙之上。 The abyss mission of new generation officiates Senge to look at Byron greatly, after several years. 新一代的深渊教团大主祭森格看着拜伦,时隔几年之后。 Found again initially by Child of Wrath that they make. 再一次找到了当初被他们制造出来的暴怒之子 Byron begins, recognized front this person. 拜伦动手的时候,也认出了面前这个人。 He called the status and name of opposite party. 他内心喊出了对方的身份和名字。 Degeneration of abyss mission officiates!” “深渊教团的堕落主祭!” Senge!” “森格!” The information that Byron obtains from dark moon/month general there knows, he had looked at the portrait of opposite party. 拜伦所得到的信息还是从暗月将军那里知道的,他曾经看过对方的画像。 The seemingly dark moon/month general also pays attention to this person very much, has also been investigating about his information. 貌似暗月将军也很关注这个人,一直也在调查着关于他的信息。 The flame pursues Senge to come, Senge also changed into one group of flame to rush to the horizon instantaneously. 火焰追逐着森格而来,森格也瞬间化为了一团火焰冲上了天际。 Compares is wild and intense in Byron's flame, Senge flame manifests a spirit. 相比于拜伦的火焰狂暴而激烈,森格的火焰更显灵动。 Byron is pursuing the opposite party, crashed in the sea of clouds. 拜伦追着对方,冲进了云海。 Dogfight of two people in sea of clouds. 二人在云海之中缠斗了一番。 The abyss mission officiates Senge greatly facing the opposite party so exciting mood, does not have the accident/surprise. 深渊教团大主祭森格面对对方如此激动的情绪,丝毫没有意外。 If can tranquil facing this world, that was not the violent anger. 如果能够平静的面对这个世界,那就不是暴怒了。 Or his current performance, they make, they want. 或者说他目前的表现,也正是他们制造出来的,他们想要的。 Child of Wrath!” 暴怒之子!” I deliberately look your!” “我是刻意来找你的!” Byron laughed, gave the response. 拜伦哈哈大笑,给予了回应。 Very good!” “很好!” Very good!” “很好!” I, continuously in......” “我也,一直都在在……” Finally, Byron roared. 最后,拜伦咆哮而出。 Looks for you.” “找你啊。” His flame use, dyed the red the rosy cloud of entire sky, the terrifying roaring flame storm spread along the horizon unceasingly. 他身上的火焰用处,将整个天空的云霞都染成了红色,恐怖的烈焰风暴沿着天际不断传开。 Senge in unceasing running away, is incapable of hitting back probably radically. 森格则在不断的逃窜,好像根本无力还手。 The speed that however at least, he escapes compared with controlling Powerful of statue puppet quickly. 但是至少,他逃跑的速度要比操控着石像傀儡的权能者快多了。
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