IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#375 Part 1: Summoned Gate of Original Sin

Thurow by the bench, is looking up at that lunar eclipse city map. 瑟罗靠在长椅上,仰视着那张月蚀城地图。 , His line of sight shifted on that map gradually a remote corner/horn. 渐渐的,他的视线转移到了那张地图上偏僻的一角。 That probably by the corner that in everyone forgets, is occupied by the poor of entire lunar eclipse city lowest level. 那个好像被所有人遗忘的角落里,居住着整个月蚀城最底层的贫民。 Thurow was born there. 瑟罗就出生在那里。 He has come back this city to be very long, but has not actually visited there ; Probably there does not belong to this city, is not worth paying attention. 他已经回来这座城市很久了,但是却从来没有踏足过那里;好像那里并不属于这座城市,更不值得关注。 However in his heart, there all punctures probably long in the heart, card between bloodlines and soul. 但是在他心底里,那里的一切都好像一根刺长在心脏之中,卡在血脉和灵魂之间。 Thurow such lazy is lying down, the vision is gazing there, line of sight actually gradually blurry. 瑟罗就这样慵懒的躺着,目光注视着那里,视线却渐渐迷糊。 He heard these sounds probably. 恍惚间,他好像又听到了那些声音。 Ha!” “哈哈哈哈哈!” He really ate, he really ate.” “他真的吃了,他真的吃了。” Fool, this is a fool!” “傻子,这是一个傻子啊!” His family/home is a veterinarian, perhaps their family/home eats this specially, has been used.” “他家是兽医啊,或许他们家就是专门吃这个的吧,早就习惯了。” Ha, laughed at me.” “哈哈哈哈哈,笑死我了。” He is looking, that young handsome noble servant of God as if appeared on the temple stair. 他仰望着,那个年轻英俊高贵的神侍似乎又出现在了神庙的台阶上。 The opposite party keep aloof. 对方高高在上。 But he in mire contamination. 而他在泥潭污秽之中。 Excuse me, temple cannot receive your such person of contamination, that harms our temple honor.” “不好意思,神庙不能收你这样的污秽之人,那有损我们神庙的荣光。” servant of God, but world of mortals noblest existence, is not people like you can presumptuously think.” 神侍可是凡间最高贵的存在,不是你这样的人可以妄想的。” The family background lowly is not the issue, but comes lowly has the most extremely arrogant dream, this as if became Thurow's mistake. 出身卑贱本不是问题,而出身卑贱却有着最狂妄的梦想,这似乎成了瑟罗的错。 He and everyone are incompatible. 他和所有人格格不入。 His delusion was scoffed. 他的妄想被人耻笑。 His dream was trampled. 他的梦想被人践踏。 His insistence and diligently, becomes the mistake. 他的坚持和努力,都成为了错误。 Thurow is lying down, did not say a word, but in the mind recalled the picture of another person. 瑟罗躺着,一言不发,但是脑海之中又回想起了另外一个人的画面。 His father, that crude fierce father, that butcher and veterinarian who take on butcher knife the bloodstained. 他的父亲,那个粗暴凶恶的父亲,那个拿着屠刀手上染血的屠夫和兽医。 In a flash, Thurow's hand firmly held the chair arm rest. 一瞬间,瑟罗的手紧紧抓住了椅子扶手。 Obviously is a mortal, obviously is only a personality bad incomparable vulgar fellow, a coarse man (Han) who makes one despise, actually gave Thurow the endless fear. 明明是一个凡人,明明只是一个性格恶劣无比的粗俗家伙,一个让人鄙夷的糙汉,却给予了瑟罗无尽的恐惧。 Waste!” “废物!” A few words, let Thurow trembling cannot help but. 一句话,就让瑟罗不由自主的发起抖来。 He covers oneself head immediately: Go away, go away!” 他立刻捂住了自己头:“滚,滚啊!” Do not go to think.” “别去想。” Thinks that these to do what.” “去想那些干什么。” Do not go to think these things, these are gone.” “别去想那些事情,那些都已经成为了过去。” He as if in hypnosis, must say anything to repeatedly. 他似乎在催眠自己,一遍又一遍得对着自己说着什么。 Thurow has become very strong, he is an apostle, he had spanned the limit of mortal. 瑟罗已经变得很强了,他已经是使徒了,他已经跨越了凡人的极限。 He thinks that oneself does not care, these once shame, the words of these people, are unimportant. 他以为自己不在乎了,那些曾经的耻辱,那些人的话语,都已经不重要了。 However at this moment. 但是此时此刻。 He is not clear, why in his chest is surging as before the fear, anger. 他不明白,为什么他胸中依旧涌动着恐惧,还有怒火。 After quite a while, he calm. 半天之后,他才冷静了下来。 He spits to exhale. 他吐出了一口气。 Sets out, a person spoke one's mind. 起身,一个人自说自话。 I am not the waste, I am stronger than everyone.” “我才不是废物,我比所有人都强。” I will stiffen.” “我会变强。” I must be above everyone's imagination.” “我会强得超乎所有人的想象。” Strength that I will be inconceivable, inexhaustible strength.” “我会得到难以想象的力量,无穷无尽的力量。” If this world does not have the end, I am pursuing the strength to eternal.” “如果这个世界没有尽头,我就追逐着力量到永恒。” Thurow stands up, a fist stroked above the map. 瑟罗站起身来,一拳击打在了地图之上。 Thurow pursues the way of strength, is inexhaustible swallowing, swallows these intelligent species, swallows this city. 瑟罗追逐力量的方式,就是无穷无尽的吞噬,吞噬掉那些智慧种,吞噬掉这座城市。 Even, he also wants to swallow the abyss, swallows that eternal God. 甚至,他还想要吞噬掉深渊,吞噬那永恒的神明 Lunar eclipse city. 月蚀城。 Is his beginning. 就是他的起点。 At this time, Ackermanmon brought large quantities of corpse eater to intrude, but he alone entered Thurow's room. 这个时候,阿克曼蒙带着一大批食尸者闯入了进来,而他一个人进入了瑟罗的房间。 He explains the situation to Thurow immediately, to him expressed that the plan must cancel. 他立刻向瑟罗说明了情况,向他表示计划必须取消了。 Although was only left over for several days, but Sukob and Earth Demoness discovered, they wanted the implementation plan to be going to take the risk that was inconceivable again. 虽然只剩下几天了,但是苏科布大地魔女都发现了,他们想要再执行计划将要冒上难以想象的风险。 The Ackermanmon judgment, the best method is entire Corpse Eater Cult changes over to now underground, avoids God of Truth and Knowledge apostle Sukob and Earth Demoness point. 阿克曼蒙评判,现在最好的方法是整个食尸者密教转入地下,避开真理与知识之神使徒苏科布大地魔女的锋芒。 We must hurry to leave.” “我们必须赶紧离开。” „The seat of honor, God of Truth and Knowledge apostle Sukob had seen the highest pretor, then they might have the action.” “首席,真理与知识之神的使徒苏科布已经见了最高执政官,接下来他们很可能就会有行动。” Your medical fort must be discovered, they likely notice you.” “你的医堡不可能不被发现,他们很可能注意到你。” You must hurry to leave the lunar eclipse city now, so long as you have not had an accident, we have the opportunity of overturn.” “你现在必须赶紧离开月蚀城,只要你没有出事,我们就有翻盘的机会。” Ackermanmon said, wants to lead Thurow to walk toward outside together. 阿克曼蒙说完,就想要带着瑟罗一起朝着外面走去。 Thurow proceeded a small section. 瑟罗往前了一小段。 However finally. 但是最后。 He stayed in as in same place. 他依旧停留在了原地。 Ackermanmon turn head looks at Thurow, asked him: „The seat of honor, what are you in hesitating?” 阿克曼蒙回头看着瑟罗,问他:“首席,你在犹豫着什么?” Thurow: Second place.” 瑟罗:“次席。” You thought that I also do have the escape route?” “你觉得我还有退路吗?” Thurow told Ackermanmon: I use the abyss god graciousness technique to become the apostle, had started countdown that falls into the abyss, abyss in unceasing draws me to go toward the abyss.” 瑟罗告诉阿克曼蒙:“我用深渊神恩术成为了使徒,就已经开始了堕入深渊的倒计时,深渊在不断的拉着我朝着深渊而去。” This is my only opportunity, is last playing song during present world.” “这是我唯一的机会,也是最后一次在现世之中的奏歌。” Ackermanmon and Thurow said: That gives up planning, bringing present ghoul to enter the abyss to become King of Abyss.” 阿克曼蒙和瑟罗说道:“那就放弃计划,带着现在的食尸鬼进入深渊成为深渊之王。” Hehe hehe.” “呵呵呵呵。” Thurow cannot bear laugh, looks at Ackermanmon. 瑟罗忍不住发笑,看着阿克曼蒙 Second place!”Sometimes I do not understand you very much. ” “次席!””有的时候我很不明白你。” Why you always think that...... do have the escape route?” “为什么你总是觉得……自己是有退路的?” Ackermanmon can accept this sacrifice certain degree the income, obtains a guaranteeing a minimum harvest, he thought that this is the wise choice. 阿克曼蒙可以接受这种牺牲一定的程度的收益,获得一个保底的收获,他觉得这是明智的选择。 Thurow looks at Ackermanmon: „The crime of guzzling, cannot pursue the infinite strength, does not swallow these not existence that is possible to swallow, how can call it guzzling.” 瑟罗看着阿克曼蒙:“暴食之罪,不能够追求无限的力量,不去吞噬那些不可能吞噬的存在,怎么能够称之为暴食。” This plan, not only obtains the plan of strength, is my test.” “这一次的计划,不仅仅是获得力量的计划,也是我的考验。” I, if gave up, I was not Gluttony King.” “我如果放弃了,我就不是暴食之王了。” I am only ordinary people.” “我只是一个凡夫俗子。” I will become an abandoned child, rather than King of Abyss.” “我将成为一个弃子,而不是深渊之王。” I am unable through the test of abyss, to turn into a clumsy mischief-doer.” “我无法通过深渊的考验,将变成一个跳梁小丑。” Ackermanmon was silent, long time later he said: Proceeds, may die.” 阿克曼蒙沉默了,良久之后他说道:“往前,可能会死的。” That is an apostle, Earth Demoness.” “那是一个使徒,一位大地魔女。” In their back, but also has God.” “在他们的背后,还有着神明。” You can, when they not time that , they have not noticed carries out your plan, but you were discovered by them, will be doomed to be defeated.” “你可以在他们不在的时候,他们没有注意到的时候执行你的计划,但你被他们发现的时候,就注定会失败。” Thurow: Retreat will also possibly die, moreover dies does not have the value and significance.” 瑟罗:“后退也可能会死,而且死得毫无价值和意义。” Thurow and Ackermanmon look at each other. 瑟罗和阿克曼蒙对视。 Second place.” “次席。” Sometimes, you thought I am a lunatic, idiot who some talent however do not know the onset and retreat.” “有的时候,你是不是觉得我是一个疯子,一个有些天分但是不知道进退的蠢货。” Thurow looks to Ackermanmon: Because this is the creed of my life.” 瑟罗看向阿克曼蒙:“因为这是我人生的信条。” Advance.” “前进。” Advance.” “前进。” Never-ending.” “永无休止。” Thurow sends out a call suddenly, probably with coming from is whooshing in the voice of heart deep place. 瑟罗突然发出一声呐喊,就好像用源自于内心深处的声音在嘶吼。 Goes, holds all can obtain the strength the opportunity, goes to the greedy absorbing every inchs strength.” “去啊,抓住所有可以获得力量的机会,去贪婪的汲取每一寸力量。” Goes!” “去啊!” Captures others' strength, going to want the strengthens of completely all means.” “去夺取别人的力量,去想尽一切办法的变强。” Even brings the poisonous meat, I must swallow down it.” “就算是带毒的肉,我也要把它吞下去。” Even if breaks the taboo the evil law, can still use unscrupulously.” “就算是触犯禁忌的邪法,也可以肆无忌惮的使用。” Even if gave up all human natures and all, must obtain a more powerful strength.” “就算是放弃了所有人性和一切,也要获得更强大的力量。” Thurow said excited, even the saliva spluttered. 瑟罗说得激动不已,甚至口水都溅射了出来。 Does not prevent for any difficulty, no longer bows to any enemy.” “不为任何困难所阻挡,不再向任何敌人低头。” I am depending upon these faith, crawls from the mire, arrived here step by step.” “我正是依靠着这些信念,才从泥潭之中爬出,才一步步走到了这里。” Thurow aimed at outside gate. 瑟罗指向了外面的门。 Looks at that door.” “看那扇门。” „Did you see?” “你看到了吗?” Ackermanmon looked at a that door, speaking of: Gate in this, everyone can see.” 阿克曼蒙看了一眼那扇门,说到:“门就在这,所有人都可以看得到。” Thurow actually shakes the head, replied Ackermanmon: No, I cannot see.” 瑟罗却摇头,回答阿克曼蒙:“不,我看不到。” To me, that door does not exist.” “对于我来说,那扇门不存在。” To many have the escape route, degenerates into mediocrely during the retreat.” “对于很多人来说是有退路的,在后退之中沦为平庸。” They can choose to turn around to go out of this door, chooses easy and comfortable the waiting next choice during the retreat.” “他们可以选择转身走出这扇门,选择在后退之中安逸的等待下一次选择。” Thurow bellows: To me without this possibility.” 瑟罗大吼:“对于我来说没有这种可能性。” I do not have the escape route.” “我没有退路。” I do not accept mediocrely.” “我不接受平庸。” I, only then wins, moreover must win.” “我只有赢,而且必须一直赢下去。” Thurow retrocedes unceasingly: So long as loses one time, will lose all.” 瑟罗不断后退:“只要输一次,就会输掉所有。” Lost is not only a victory and defeat, my faith.” “输掉的不仅仅是一场胜负,还有我的信念。” I drew back, I no longer was I.” “我退了,我就不再是我了。” Thurow fell back on finally same place, he by the wall, depends probably above the sheer precipices and overhanging rocks, under the body is the abyss. 瑟罗最后退到了原地,他靠在墙壁上,就好像靠在悬崖绝壁之上,身下就是万丈深渊。 Now.” “现在。” Even if front is the cliff.” “哪怕前面是悬崖。” I will also jump, I will also seek that chance of success.” “我也会跳下去,我也会去博取那一线成功的机会。” Ackermanmon: Will really die.” 阿克曼蒙:“真的会死的。” Seat of honor.” “首席。” Thurow twists the mouth sidewise the mouth: Also without arriving at the last minute, who said that I can't create the miracle again?” 瑟罗咧开嘴巴:“还没到最后一刻,谁说我不能再一次创造奇迹?” Ackermanmon: If can't create the miracle again?” 阿克曼蒙:“如果不能再一次创造奇迹了呢?” The miracle was called the miracle , because it is nearly impossible to appear. 奇迹之所以被称之为奇迹,就是因为它近乎不可能出现。 Thurow spreads out the hand, saying that probably does not care at all. 瑟罗摊开手,好像满不在乎的说道。 That showed that I am a mortal, a clown.” “那证明我不过就是一个凡人,一个小丑。” Clown and mortal, such a fate of this/should falling.” “小丑和凡人,就该落的一个那样的下场。” Thurow had not said. 瑟罗没有说。 He cannot accept mediocre. 他不能够接受一个平庸的自己。 Accepts that. 接受那个。 Once arrived in mire lowly, that lay in who the ground begged. 曾经卑贱到泥潭里的自己,那个趴在地上乞怜的自己。 Can Ackermanmon not for Thurow's words , only then the opposite party who he cares win. 阿克曼蒙不为瑟罗的话所动,他在乎的只有对方能不能胜利。 He only chooses a side of victory. 他只选择胜利的一方。 If Thurow cannot win finally, he will not choose and Thurow together sunken wreck, or he has actually started to arrange the subsequent hand. 如果瑟罗最后不能胜利,他不会选择和瑟罗一同沉船,或者说他其实早就已经开始安排后手了。 Therefore, what to do you then do plan?” “所以,你接下来打算怎么办?” Carries out as scheduled? “还是按照原定计划执行? Thurow: „Didn't they discover us?” 瑟罗:“他们不是发现了我们吗?” They do not check, in city actually how many ghoul?” “他们不是要查,城市之内究竟有多少个食尸鬼吗?” They did not think that what conspiracy we are definitely going for?” “他们不是觉得我们肯定在搞什么阴谋吗?” That makes them see our plots.” “那就让他们看到我们的阴谋。” Ackermanmon thinks, he understands that Thurow is to confuse the line of sight, wins the final time for oneself. 阿克曼蒙想了一下,他明白瑟罗是想要混淆视线,为自己争取最后的时间。 This is insufficient, even if you can delay the time, finally you will face two most fearful enemies.” “这样还不够,你就算能够拖得时间,最后你将面临两个最可怕的敌人。” Apostle Sukob.” “使徒苏科布。” Also, Earth Demoness.” “还有,大地魔女。” Ackermanmon most was worried that is not the time is sufficient. 阿克曼蒙最担心的,并不是时间够不够用。 Rather, once their were discovered, the God apostle is squatting you in the world frequently. 而是,一旦他们被人发现,神明的使徒在人间时时刻刻蹲守着你。 Even can your final time successfully started the ceremony, the plan achieved smoothly, really achieve wishes? 就算你最后时刻成功启动了仪式,计划顺利达成,就真的能够如愿吗? Even the opposite party apostle is not your opponent. 就算对方使徒不是你的对手。 However the back of opposite party, may have true God! 但是对方的背后,可还有着真正的神明啊! Thurow said at this time: „Do you know? If you are willing to pay enough many prices, can summon Gate of Original Sin.” 瑟罗这个时候却说道:“你知道吗?如果你愿意付出足够多的代价,就可以召唤出原罪之门。” When the time comes, summons Its person to have the myth strength temporarily.” “到时候,召唤出祂的人将临时拥有神话的力量。” True darkness.” “真正的黑暗。” „The dark surface of the world, will arrive at the world.” “世界的暗面,将降临人间。” The abyss principle has this, when you pay enough many prices, can summon Gate of Original Sin. 深渊法则是有这一条,当你付出足够多的代价的时候,就能够召唤出原罪之门 Has this Gate of Myth. 拥有这具神话之门 You will have the God general strength. 你将拥有神明一般的力量。 Ackermanmon goes forward suddenly, he was really then shocked by Thurow's crazy. 阿克曼蒙突然上前,他这下是真的被瑟罗的疯狂惊呆了。 You prepare to revise the ceremony, with this city is the sacrificial offering, summoned Gate of Original Sin to arrive at the world?” “你准备修改仪式,用这座城市为祭品,召唤原罪之门降临人间?” What do you attempt?” “那你图什么?” What can such you obtain?” “那样你又能得到什么?” „Do you want to do?” “你到底想要干什么?” Thurow smiled, had not replied. 瑟罗笑了起来,却没有回答。 At this moment his smiling, his crazy. 只是此刻他的笑,他的疯狂。 Why does not know. 不知道为何。 Even Ackermanmon feels fearful and apprehensive- 阿克曼蒙都感觉到胆颤心惊- In the lunar eclipse city made recently flustered. 月蚀城之中最近闹得人心惶惶。 The plague runs amuck, the rumor rises from all directions. 瘟疫横行,流言四起。 But appears along with the plague, but also has an evil sect. 而伴随着瘟疫出现的,还有着一个邪恶的教派。 This evil and mysterious influence, existence of named Corpse Eater Cult, surfaced in plague disaster hardship finally, exposed their ambition and goal. 这个邪恶而神秘的势力,名为食尸者密教的存在,终于在瘟疫的灾厄之中浮出了水面,暴露出了他们的野心和目的。 They prepare through the dissemination plague, expands some existing belief. 他们准备通过传播瘟疫,来扩大某个存在的信仰。 Through the people's fear to plague, through their evil mystiques, controls this city. 通过人们对瘟疫的恐惧,通过他们那邪恶的秘法,来控制这座城市。 Can hear their evil hearsay inside and outside the city everywhere. 在城市内外到处都可以听到他们的邪恶传闻。 The member of this evil sect publicizes, so long as joins their sect, so long as believes Ghoul King, can avoid the corrosion of plague. 这个邪恶教派的成员宣扬,只要加入他们的教派,只要信仰食尸鬼之王,就可以免遭瘟疫的侵蚀。 But person who these have infected the plague, so long as can believe Ghoul King devotionally, can be redeemed, becomes the retinue under Ghoul King place, since is separated from the misery of the world. 而那些已经感染上瘟疫的人,只要能够虔诚的信仰食尸鬼之王,就能够得到救赎,成为食尸鬼之王座下的仆从,从此脱离人间的苦难。 They go down to main street and small alley, gathered in large numbers infected follower instantaneously, civilians of many frightened plague and death. 他们深入大街小巷,瞬间就聚集了一大批被感染的信徒,还有许多恐惧瘟疫和死亡的平民。 But another side. 而另一边。 They also quickly launched launched the corrosion to the high-level aristocrat, moreover spared nothing by one type, nearly crazy method. 他们也迅速展开了对高层的贵族展开腐蚀,而且是以一种不惜代价,近乎疯狂的方法。 Agreement attorney trade union. 契律师工会。 Is prosperous is reading evil secret Dian. 隆正在翻看一本邪恶的秘典。 Recently this secret Dian disseminated everywhere is, many aristocrats in city received this evil secret Dian. 最近这本秘典传播得到处都是,城内的不少贵族都收到了这本邪恶秘典。 Corpse Eater Cult standard meter?” 食尸者密教典仪?” Opens content prosperously, immediately stared in a big way the eye. 隆翻开其中的内容,顿时瞪大了眼睛。 Inside content, is introduced impressively how through ceremony and special feed method, obtains the Powerful strength. 里面的内容,赫然就是介绍如何通过仪式和特殊的进食方法,获得权能者的力量。 That method might be considered as the evil darkness to the pinnacle. 那方法堪称是邪恶黑暗到了极致。 These evil ceremony compositions, a design of that description purgatory abyss corner/horn. 那些邪恶的仪式构图,那描绘炼狱深渊一角的图案。 Let the person look at one on the dizziness vertigo, cannot bear want to feel sick. 让人看一眼就头晕眼花,忍不住想要作呕。 grand Dunshi felt that in the stomach tumbles to keep, but suppressed to look. 隆顿时感觉胃里翻滚不停,但是还是强忍着看完了。 However this book inside content, true «Corpse Eater Cult Standard Meter» first half ; Behind about the abyss and purgatory ceremony, how about plunders the method of blood of demon, only then mentioned is actually recorded. 不过这本册子里面的内容,只有真正的《食尸者密教典仪》的前半部分;后面关于深渊和炼狱仪式,关于如何掠夺魔物之血的方法,只有提及却没有被记载在其中的。 This secret Dian real!” “这秘典是真的!” Prosperous is also witch spirit that has the complete inheritance, the vision is high, his eyes looked that this book inside method is feasible. 隆也是个拥有完整传承的巫灵,眼界非常高,他一眼就看出来这本书里面的方法是可行的。 This is incomplete, according to inside introduction behind also has.” “这并不完整,按照里面的介绍后面还有。” Following?” “后面的呢?” Stands before the table, is supporting witch spirit ill-humored shaking the head of table. 站在桌子前,撑着桌子的巫灵没好气的摇了摇头。 My generation pays attention to Changlong Sir, the following where has is so easy to look.” “我的代理会长隆大人,后面的哪有那么好找。” Possibly the opposite party has not written separately the latter half, possibly the lattern half is a pretence, many Powerful writing a book this, writes some accent thing to be used to boast oneself fierce.” “可能对方就没有将后半部分写上去,可能后半部分就是个幌子,不少权能者写书都这样,写一些不着调的东西用来吹嘘自己有多厉害。” Moreover, I heard that many aristocrats received this book ; However checks they did not acknowledge that this matter, some are fears to invite trouble, some I look do not have the peaceful good intention.” “而且,我听说很多贵族都收到了这本书;但是去查的时候他们都不承认这件事情,有的是怕惹祸上身,有的我看就没安好心。” grand Like smelled the dangerous aura. 隆立刻嗅到了危险气息。 This «Corpse Eater Cult Standard Meter» is incomplete, related to strength also first-order. 这本《食尸者密教典仪》并不完整,涉及到的力量也只有一阶。 However even if so. 不过哪怕如此。 The influence and destructive power of this book are also above the imagination. 这本册子的影响力和破坏力也是超乎想象的。 Instead because of this first-order most common content, instead is the hazardous nature is biggest. 反而正是因为这一阶的最普通的内容,反而是危害性最大的。 Who one type can not to have the talent, obtains the Powerful strength the method . Moreover the price inexpensive being hard imagination, material also finds at everywhere. 一种能够让不具备天赋的人,获得权能者力量的方法,而且代价低廉的难以想象,“材料”也是随处可见。 Once this evil mystique disseminates, after grand Wufa imagines, what matter will have. 这种邪恶的秘法一旦传播开来,隆无法想象以后会发生什么样的事情。 So long as breaks the taboo not to have the lower limit, can leap to ascend to heaven to become Powerful. 只要触犯禁忌没有下限,就可以一跃登天成为权能者 Several average people can undergo lives in such test. 有几个普通人能够经受的住这样的考验。 Immediately checks!” “立刻查!” Checks them to contact with whom, how to obtain this evil secret Dian.” “查他们到底和谁联系,到底是怎么得到这本邪恶秘典的。” witch spirit replied: investigates passed/lived, I had also used Mind Reading Spell.” 巫灵回答:“已经查过了,我还用了读心术。” Can determine person who attains this book, majority and Corpse Eater Cult are not related.” “可以确定拿到这本书的人,大部分都和食尸者密教并没有关系。” This Corpse Eater Cult was simply insane, provides this unusual secret Dian free, sees somebody off everywhere.” “这个食尸者密教简直疯了,将这种超凡秘典免费发放,到处送人。” Prosperous immediately the complexion changed. 隆顿时脸色变了。 No, they are not stupid.” “不,他们才不蠢。” Their this is using this method, selects own similar, more people will drag down.” “他们这是在用这个方法,择选自己的同类,将更多的人拉下水。” So long as you chose practice «Corpse Eater Cult Standard Meter», you did not accommodate in this world, did not accommodate in Zhushen, can only go to that side them.” “只要你选择了修行《食尸者密教典仪》,你就不容于这个世界,不容于诸神,就只能投向他们那一边。” This secret Dian disseminates broadly, they are more powerful.” “这本秘典传播得越广,他们就越强大。” grand Yuexiang more worries, he seemed fully correct the goal of opposite party. 隆越想越着急,他似乎猜透了对方的目的。 Makes that fearful monster with the plague dissemination, with civilians who the fear and belief control the floor, corrodes the aristocrats in kingdom with evil «Corpse Eater Cult Standard Meter».” “用瘟疫传播来制造那种可怕的怪物,用恐惧和信仰来控制底层的平民,用邪恶的《食尸者密教典仪》来腐蚀王国的贵族们。” These people are simply fearful.” “这些人简直可怕至极。” Their this is ruining this country, ruins the foundation of this country.” “他们这是在毁掉这个国家,毁掉这个国家的根基。” Thought prosperously the matter has brooked no delay, he requested again saw right in front of one own teacher Sukob, prepares to start to draw in a net ahead of time. 隆觉得事情已经刻不容缓了,他再一次请求面见了自己的老师苏科布,准备提前开始收网。 He thought that oneself must prevent the opposite party to disseminate «Corpse Eater Cult Standard Meter», strangles it in the seed, preventing this evil technique law to pass on. 他觉得自己必须阻止对方散播《食尸者密教典仪》,将其扼杀在萌芽之中,阻止这个邪恶术法传出去。 Teacher!” “老师!” I prepare to take the action ahead of time.” “我准备提前展开行动。” After Sukob listened to the prosperous view, thought that «Corpse Eater Cult Standard Meter» this evil standard deserves consideration. 苏科布听了隆的说法之后,也觉得《食尸者密教典仪》这部邪典值得重视。 It is not because it is powerful, because it was too small and weak, small and weakly to without threshold, who to assume the post to practice small and weakly. 并不是因为它强大,而是因为它太弱小了,弱小到没有门槛,弱小到任何人都能修行。 This instead becomes it most fearful place. 这反而成为了它最可怕的地方。 On the same day. 当天。 royal court promulgated the law, the guards in city acted completely. 王庭就颁布了法令,城内的卫兵就全部行动了起来。 royal court issues the law, Corpse Eater Cult is determined as the cults, all Corpse Eater Cult believers will be the enemies in kingdom.” 王庭颁发法令,食尸者密教被判定为邪教,所有食尸者密教教徒都将是王国的敌人。” royal court promulgation law......” 王庭颁布法令……” The Corpse Eater Cult standard meter sends out all parties, makes the royal court highest pretor be furious, he felt the intense threat. 食尸者密教典仪散发各方,也让王庭的最高执政官震怒,他感觉到了强烈的威胁。 The opposite party gave many people to send this evil standard, including many people practice this evil standard. 对方到底给多少人发了这本邪典,其中有多少人修行了这本邪典。 In royal court. 王庭之中。 Also many people, had joined this evil influence, becomes corpse eater. 又有多少人已经在不知不觉之间,加入了这个邪恶的势力,成为了一个食尸者 This has offended his bottom line. 这已经触犯到了他的底线。 royal court investigates these possibly to join the Corpse Eater Cult aristocrat up and down everywhere, is investigating these suddenly from the average person, had existence of magic. 王庭上下到处调查那些可能加入食尸者密教的贵族,调查着那些突然之间从普通人,拥有了神奇力量的存在。 But another side. 而另一边。 Also started his draw in a net prosperously, he brought elite to enter these plagues of large quantities of witch spirit, ten thousand snake temple servant of God and in the Alchemy regiment reassigning to erupt the broadest region, in these slums. 隆也开始了他的收网,他带着大批的巫灵、万蛇神庙神侍炼金军团之中抽调来的精锐杀入了那些瘟疫爆发最广的区域,那些贫民窟之中。 Many plague blood incantation infected person carried off, delivers to that side the feather snake to place. 大量的瘟疫血咒感染者被带走,送到了羽蛇那边重新安置。 Massive believes in the Ghoul King follower, was suppressed and detained. 大量的信奉食尸鬼之王的信徒,被镇压和关押了起来。 But these true ghoul esoteric buddhism members, or was struck to kill, or was arrested. 而其中那些真正的食尸鬼密教成员,也一个个或被击杀,或者被缉拿。 Swelled it to lead personally, surrounds him to investigate for a long time, the suspicion was the place of this ghoul esoteric buddhism core foothold. 隆本身更是亲自带队,包围了他调查了最久,怀疑是这个食尸鬼密教核心据点的地方。 Thurow medicine fort. 瑟罗医堡。 In the afternoon. 这天下午。 Outside this heavy/thick ancient castle, suddenly presented massive Powerful. 这座厚重古老的城堡外,突然出现了大量的权能者 They surrounded this castle in a flash all mouth, even also has Fire Demon and wing demon flew into the sky, blocked some people to want the idea of the sky escaping. 他们一瞬间就围住了这座城堡的所有出去口,甚至还有着火魔和翼魔飞入了天空,阻断了有人想要从天空逃跑的想法。 „The royal court highest pretor orders, to eliminate all Corpse Eater Cult members, eliminates all has become the ghoul monster, burns down all cults secret Dian.” 王庭最高执政官命令,清除所有食尸者密教成员,清除所有已经成为食尸鬼的怪物,焚烧所有邪教秘典。” Sukob apostle......”Earth Demoness...... ” 苏科布使徒……””大地魔女……” The three parties Powerful influence, launched the general attack to this castle together. 三方权能者势力,一同向这座城堡发起了总攻。 They just flushed, heard the shouting sound of blotting out the sky. 他们刚刚冲进去,就听到了铺天盖地的嘶吼声。 Roar!” “吼!” They saw the terrifying regiment that ghoul composes killed, but these Corpse Eater Cult members mix in the ghoul regiment want to break through a tight encirclement. 紧接着,他们就看到了食尸鬼组成的恐怖军团杀了出来,而那些食尸者密教的成员则夹杂在食尸鬼军团之中想要杀出重围。 Comes face to face, a confusion. 狭路相逢,一片混乱。 Outside person must stop up these people unable to make them clash one, inside person spares nothing the strategic place to go to seek a way out, both sides are vigorously the dying war. 外面的人要堵住这些人不能让他们冲出去一个,里面的人不惜一切代价要冲出去寻求一条生路,双方都是倾力死战。 At once. 一时之间。 Can see that the powerful unusual war breaks out in the castle, Powerful is releasing divine spell mutually, between demon monster and ghoul resists to slaughter. 可以看到强大的超凡战争在城堡之中爆发,权能者互相释放着神术,魔怪食尸鬼之间对抗厮杀。 But in many ghoul, third-order ghoul is most noticeable. 而在诸多食尸鬼之中,一名三阶食尸鬼最引人瞩目。 It is controlling the plague blood incantation, summoned shadow of the terrifying curse, ripped open an opening the blockade in sky. 其操控着瘟疫血咒,召唤出了一个恐怖的诅咒之影,将天空之中的封锁撕开了一道口子。 Toward besieging their Powerful attacks, the third-order strength plow crosses the ground, the land raises layer upon layer. 紧接着又朝着围攻他们的权能者们攻击去,三阶的力量犁过地面,大地层层掀起。 But these by the terrifying shadow injures the person, either was direct, has not died also remained unconscious, the strange strength is attacking to corrode their consciousness. 而那些被恐怖暗影伤到了的人,要么直接死了,没死的也一个个昏迷不醒,诡异的力量正在攻击侵蚀他们的意识。 Medical fort really has the issue.” “医堡果然有问题。” Here is these ghoul dens.” “这里就是那些食尸鬼的老巢。” Swelled acted at this time finally, he can determine oneself have not found fault the place. 隆这个时候终于出手了,他可以确定自己没有找错地方。 His hand is grasping special legal code. 他手握着一本特殊的法典 With the name of agreement attorney.” “以契律师之名。” In the name of royal court spirit of legal code, places on trial to the evil.” “以王庭法典之灵的名义,给罪恶予以审判。”
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