IATV :: Volume #9

#895: Chapter 895 Nanyang monk, seventh spurts the god

Who is he?” Xu Zimo looks to Bai Li, asked. “他是谁啊?”徐子墨看向白漓,问道。 You are really, anything does not know that” Bai Li is covering the forehead, shakes the head to say. “你真的是,什么都不知道啊,”白漓捂着额头,摇头回道。 He once was Loose Cultivator that shook entire Central Continent. “他曾经是名震整个中央大陆散修 It is said cultivation technique that he practices is very special, can the reincarnation rebirth, be able the eternal life not dead finally. 据说他修练的功法很特殊,可以转世重生,最终能够永生不死。 Whenever life span comes to the end time, then can choose the reincarnation. 每当寿命走到尽头的时候,便可以选择转世。 But the price of reincarnation is very big, the memory and cultivation base will reset, must repair to start. 但转世的代价很大,记忆和修为都将清零,必须重修开始。 Only then after practicing to the altitude of previous generation, the memory will come back. ” 只有修练到前世的高度后,记忆才会回来。” Interesting,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “有意思,”徐子墨笑道。 Reason that everyone called he madman, was because he was reincarnated it is said entire seventh. “大家之所以叫他七世狂人,是因为据说他转世了整整七世。 Moreover his conduct attitude specially rampant, ” Bai Li continues to say. 而且他的行事作风特别的嚣张,”白漓继续说道。 This fellow, once was all alone destruction existence of Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate.” “这家伙,可是曾经孤身一人覆灭了一个帝统仙门的存在。” Kuang Qianting, can you also mix this matter to be inadequate?” Heavenly Nether Cult Old Ming walks. 狂千庭,你也要掺合这件事不成?”天冥教冥老走出来。 Said with a smile lightly: Might as well calculate that your, after we attack and occupy this Academy, how divides you 10%?” 轻笑道:“不如算你一份,我们攻占下来这学院之后,分你10%如何?” One crowd of dog shit, the father disdains and others to befriend with you,” Kuang Qianting stands in the vault of heaven. “一群狗屎,老子才不屑与你等为伍,”狂千庭站在苍穹。 The long hair is dancing in the air with the strong winds, in the double pupil flashes through coldly some. 长发随着狂风飞舞着,双眸中闪过些许冷冽。 I once obtained the azure tiger founder's guidance fortunately, now Academy has difficult, if you want to step one step. “我曾有幸得到青虎祖师的教导,如今学院有难,你们若是想跨进去一步。 First passes through from my corpse. ” 就先从我的尸体上走过。” Kuang Qianting, if usually the old man gives back to your three points of thin surface,” Old Ming light saying. 狂千庭,若是平时老夫还给你三分薄面,”冥老淡淡的说道。 But now face between we and Heavenly Way Academy has torn to pieces, since came, does not have the plan that easily must walk.” “但如今我们与天道学院之间的脸面已经撕破,既然来了,就没有轻易要走的打算。” That comes, you on, father frown to calculate me to lose together,” Kuang Qianting takes up behind meteor hammer slowly. “那就来,你们一起上,老子皱一下眉头算我输,”狂千庭缓缓拿起身后的流星锤。 In an instant Earthly Fire shoots up to the sky, above the meteor hammer, as if stars crash. 霎那间地火冲天而起,流星锤之上,仿佛一颗星辰坠落。 The meteorite day falls, falls to the enemy the trim void in the under foot. 陨石天降,将整片虚空都沦陷在脚下。 Thousand courtyard brothers, your may calculate that rushed to my front,” in this time, was big laughter resounds from the horizon. “千庭老弟,你这可算赶到我的前头了,”正在这时,又是一声大笑声从天边响起。 Leans the white liquor, circles the eastern fence, did not enter in the past two thanks Shi.” “倾白酒,绕东篱,不入当年二谢诗。” The people look up again. 众人再次抬头看去。 Also is a monk, wears the kasaya, the back carries a big burden. 又是一名和尚,身披百衲衣,背后背着一个大包袱。 He looks like the maitreya buddha, is supporting big belly, with a laugh from horizon. 他就像是弥勒佛,挺着大肚子,笑呵呵的从天边而来。 His body next fresh air is reverberating. 他身下一股清气回荡着。 This fresh air condenses as if cloud, is dragging slowly his. 这清气凝聚的就仿佛一朵云,拖着他慢悠悠的而来。 Nanyang monk,” some people called out in alarm one again. “南阳和尚,”有人再次惊叫了一声。 This yes damn, how in these ordinary days big shot each and everyone of these hard to get hold can barely catch a glimpse of appeared.” “这是见了鬼了,怎么这些平日里这些神龙见首不见尾的大佬一个个都出现了。” Nanyang monk, are you also help Heavenly Way Academy?” Kuang Qianting asked. “南阳和尚,你也是来帮天道学院的?”狂千庭问道。 „ A flowered world, a Tathagata. “一花一世界,一叶一如来。 Read one pure, the heart was the lotus flower opens. ” 一念一清净,心是莲花开。” Nanyang monk laughs saying: „ Monk my heart like the lotus flower, these 3000 infinite universe, then where is the pure land. 南阳和尚大笑道:“和尚我心如莲花,这三千大千世界,便何处都是净土。 Long ago by the Heavenly Way Academy kindness, comes today, is also the lotus flower of my heart, the purity of heart. ” 早年受过天道学院的恩惠,今日前来,便是还我心之莲花,心之清净。” I, although does not like teaching of your Buddha say/way, always thought that poisons people's minds.” Kuang Qianting laughs to say. “我虽然不喜欢你们这些佛道之教,总觉得蛊惑人心。”狂千庭大笑道。 But has saying that some Great Way principles are truly thought-provoking. “但不得不说,有些大道理确实令人深思。 At least can also make you understand, oneself is individual. ” 起码还能让你明白,自己是个人。” After Kuang Qianting said that looks to this vault of heaven various places. 狂千庭说完之后,看向这苍穹各处。 In the sound contains the unsurpassed power and influence, spread over a surrounding area several hundred li (0.5 km) place. 声音中蕴含着无上的威势,传遍了方圆数百里之地。 Today in this Heavenly Way city the matter of occurrence, I believe that the vision of entire mainland gathers in this. “今日这天道城内发生之事,我相信整个大陆的目光都汇聚于此。 Your each influences, certainly are observing here with various methods. 你们各个势力,一定都用各种方法观战着这里。 Heavenly Way Academy establishes from Great Desolate Era, they made the big contribution to my human race. 天道学院莽荒时代建立,他们为我人族做了多大的贡献。 Your ancestors , many people had led a pious life in Academy, by kindness. 你们的先祖,又有多少人曾经在学院修行过,受过恩惠。 Now Academy encounters the big change, in emotion in reason, should lend a hand to assist is. ” 如今学院遭遇大变,于情于理,都应该出手相助才是。” The Kuang Qianting sound somewhat is quite hysteric. 狂千庭的声音颇有些歇斯底里。 Your these people chose unexpectedly completely silent. “你们这些人竟然全部选择了沉默。 Your their these seven Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate were inferior, at least they also dare to come out frankly and uprightly. 你们连他们这七个帝统仙门都不如,起码他们还敢光明正大的出来。 Do not think that I do not know you are thinking anything, when they extinguished this Heavenly Way Academy, you will come out to slice. 别以为我不知道你们在想些什么,等他们灭了这天道学院,你们就会出来分一杯羹。 When the time comes was not only good, has not needed the load responsibility to destroy the Heavenly Way Academy infamy. 到时候不但有了好处,还不用担责毁灭天道学院的骂名。 This is the agreement that among you reaches. ” 这是你们之间达成的共识吧。” At this moment, hears the Kuang Qianting words, the situation in each Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate is mostly the same except for minor differences. 此刻,听到狂千庭的话,各个帝统仙门内的情况都大同小异。 In Long River Immortal Sect, in the main hall of sect discussing official business, gathers to each core elder from Sect Master in one. 长河仙宗内,在宗门议事的大殿中,从宗主到各个核心长老聚于一堂。 All arrived here. 全部来到这里。 The center of main hall, is putting a blood coffin. 大殿的中心处,放着一个血棺。 Still in void on head, the mirror presents the embed in void. 还在上首的虚空中,有一名镜子出现镶嵌在虚空中。 The picture that in this mirror puts, at the matter that in Heavenly Way Academy has. 这镜子中投放的画面,正是在天道学院中所发生的事。 This is the Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate method, ten million/countless as before even if in beside, them can be familiar sees clearly there to have the change of every bit of property. 这便是帝统仙门的手段,哪怕远在千万里之外,他们依旧能够熟悉的洞察那里发生的一草一木的变化。 This Kuang Qianting was insane, this was declares war to all Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate.” “这狂千庭疯了吗,这是向所有帝统仙门宣战啊。” He said also right, perhaps right now, we will become the object who in his population the multitude of people finger/refer.” “不过他说的也对,恐怕这下子,我们就会成为他人口中千夫所指的对象。” The people in main hall discuss spiritedly. 大殿内的众人议论纷纷。 Long River Immortal Sect Sect Master looks to the central blood coffin, asked: Old ancestor, do we want to help?” 长河仙宗宗主看向中央的血棺,问道:“老祖,我们要去帮忙吗?” Watches changes quietly,” in coffin broadcasts together the old sound. “静观其变,”棺中传来一道苍老的声音。 „ The ancestor also once received Heavenly Way Academy the graciousness of education initially. “可是当初先祖也曾受过天道学院的教育之恩。 This did not fear that was accused by others, ” Long River Immortal Sect sect asked. 这样不怕被别人指责嘛,”长河仙宗宗门问道。 Must know that Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate most pays great attention to own reputation and prestige. 要知道帝统仙门是最注重自己的名声和声望的。 As the Yuan Yang Continent strongest influence, most average person Loose Cultivator , to join an influence. 作为元央大陆最强的势力,大多数的普通人散修要想加入一个势力。 First the first choice definitely is Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate. 首先第一选择肯定是帝统仙门 Next is these first-class and second-class influences. 其次才是那些一流、二流的势力。 But if a Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate reputation were notorious, people joining it regard the shame. 但若是一个帝统仙门的名声臭了,人们把加入它当成耻辱。 Without flooding into of fresh blood, then this Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate future few half. 没有了新鲜血液的涌入,那么这个帝统仙门的未来就会少一半。 This is also one of reasons many Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate decline. 这也是许多帝统仙门没落的原因之一。 No matter ancestor once how powerful, time always most brutal martial tool. 不管先祖曾经多么的强大,时光总是最无情的武器 „,” The old man in blood coffin remains unmoved as before. “等,”血棺内的老者依旧不为所动。 This time matter complexity is very big, is not his Kuang Qianting several words can mislead.” “这次的事情复杂程度很大,不是他狂千庭几句话就能蛊惑的了。” Is similar this situation, had in each Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate, everyone has not chosen to act. 类似这种情况,发生了各个帝统仙门之中,大家都没有选择出手。 To look person who that takes the lead to crop up. 想看那个率先冒出头的人。 ............... …………… Sky over Heavenly Way Academy at this moment, Kuang Qianting words sound as in forceful resounding. 此刻的天道学院上空,狂千庭的话语声依旧在铿锵有力的响起。 Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate, ten thousand years foundation, Great Emperor later. 帝统仙门,万载根基,大帝之后。 I thought that you are staring on the table food, hides mouse that peeps in the corner. ” 我看你们不过是盯着桌上食物,躲在角落里窥视的老鼠罢了。” Kuang Qianting started once to receive the Heavenly Way Academy kindness Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate given name each and everyone to read these. 狂千庭开始将那些曾经受过天道学院恩惠的帝统仙门名号一个个念出。 Long River Immortal Sect, Heavenly Nether Cult, Dan Family (alchemist), Buddhist State and Nine Provinces nine cities and Taiyuan Celestial Sect, universe gate and True Martial Sacred Sect ......... 长河仙宗天冥教丹家佛国、九州九城、太元天宗,太虚门、真武圣宗………。” Breaks,” the Kuang Qianting words have not said, suddenly by an under voice breaking. “打断一下,”狂千庭的话还未说完,突然被底下的一道声音给打断。 The people seek the sound to lower the head to look, sees only Xu Zimo to go out from the pavilion. 众人寻声低头望去,只见徐子墨从凉亭中走出。
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