IATV :: Volume #9

#894: Chapter 894 all sort of arrives, seventh madman

If processing is not good, perhaps Academy has not destroyed in the hand of day dark green monster Péng. “要是一个处理不好,恐怕学院没有毁在天苍妖鹏的手里。 Instead destroyed in the hands of these people, ” Xu Zimo said. 反而毁在了这些人的手上,”徐子墨说道。 Our Heavenly Way Academy had also helped many people, I do not believe that this crisis time, no one rescues,” Bai Li vision heavy saying. “咱们天道学院曾经也帮助过很多人,我不相信这危机时刻,没有人来救援,”白漓目光沉重的说道。 Now in this world, everyone before is sweeping respectively snow. “如今这世上,人人都在各扫门前雪。 Heavenly Way Academy has difficult, they have not taken advantage, is help Academy in disguised form? ” Xu Zimo said with a smile. 天道学院有难,他们没有趁火打劫,又何尝不是一种变相的帮助学院?”徐子墨笑道。 You counted on that they come to rescue, I thought that the possibility is not big. “你指望他们前来救援,我觉得可能性不大。 Can have to also has the possibility like blade crazy Loose Cultivator, Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate should unable. ” 能有一些像刀狂这样的散修到还有可能,帝统仙门应该不会。” Why can't?” Bai Li as before some unwilling asking. “为什么不会?”白漓依旧有些不甘心的问道。 Each decision of Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate, will be affecting the sect future trend. 帝统仙门的每一个决定,都将影响着宗门未来的走向。 Only if stakes everything on a single throw of the dice, otherwise they will not choose and so many Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate for the enemy. ” Xu Zimo said. 除非是孤注一掷,否则他们不会选择与这么多帝统仙门为敌的。”徐子墨说道。 Naturally, this is only my judgment, perhaps also has the person of righteousness thin Yuntian, will really come.” “当然,这只是我的判断,说不定也有义薄云天之人,会真的前来。” Two people are chatting, at this moment, the wind and cloud on sky has changed color. 两人在聊着天,此刻,天空上的风云已经变色。 Rumble the sound resounds from the vault of heaven. “轰隆隆”的声音从苍穹上响起。 The outside world obviously can hear some people to attack the Academy purple barrier. 外界明显可以听到有人在攻击学院的紫色屏障。 Although this purple barrier is powerful, but under the continuous attack, how long cannot support eventually. 这紫色屏障虽然强大,但终究还是在源源不断的攻击下,没能撑住多久。 Also the shatter sound gets up, a boundless and powerful power and influence suppresses from the top of the head. 随之破碎声响起,一股磅礴又强盛的威势从头顶镇压下来。 The innumerable say/way forms, bringing the billowing dreadful monstrous waves to stand in the sky. 无数道身影,带着滚滚滔天巨浪站在上空。 This each form, is eye-catching and dazzling just like the radiant hot sun, blazing incomparable. 这每一个身影,都宛如璀璨的烈日般夺目、耀眼,炽热无比。 This Heavenly Way Academy matter makes very greatly, the affected range is also very broad. 这次天道学院的事情闹得很大,波及的范围也都很广。 Did not say exaggeratingly, the vision of entire mainland gathers here. 毫不夸张的说,整个大陆的眼光都聚集在这里。 No matter participates in the influence of war, is these also existence in waiting and seeing, is gazing at this stretch of boundless land. 不管是参与大战的势力,还是那些还在观望的存在,都注视着这片苍茫大地。 I and others came, Heavenly Way Academy no one greets,” only listens to big laughter to resound from the above crowd. “我等前来,天道学院难道就没人来迎接一下嘛,”只听一道大笑声从上空的人群中响起。 Is Merciful Ship Cult Seventh True Person,” Bai Li is introducing with Xu Zimo in the one side. “是慈航教的普渡真人,”白漓在一旁跟徐子墨介绍着。 Initially first War General of Master Cihang.” “当初慈航法师的第一战将。” Master Cihang is also a Great Emperor, but she is unhappy with the reign-title poses as, was called the master by the world. 慈航法师也是一名大帝,但她不喜以帝号自居,便被世人称为法师。 Also is really lively, sky over” Xu Zimo looks, that each and everyone is arrogant, boundless like sea form. “还真是热闹啊,”徐子墨看着上空,那一个个盛气凌人,磅礴如海般的身影。 Saying with a smile: Merciful Ship Cult and ancient dragon Huangchao, Pure Yang immortal sect, Heavenly Nether Cult, Heavenly Emperor Gate and shining hot city as well as waning moon empire.” 笑道:“慈航教、古龙皇朝、纯阳仙宗、天冥教天帝门、耀火城以及残月帝国。” In these seven influences, the first five influences are Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate in Central Continent. 这七个势力中,前五个势力都是中央大陆内的帝统仙门 Then the surface shining hot city and waning moon empire were interesting. 而后面的耀火城与残月帝国就有意思了。 Although the shining hot city is only a city, but in the city has actually had the true Great Emperor. 耀火城虽然只是一座城池,但城池内却出过真正的大帝。 Yan Di. 炎帝。 The Yan Di whole world ten thousand fires, the young period then leave behind the eternity charming story. 炎帝掌控世界万火,年少时期便留下千古佳话。 Situated in the crazy clan with ten thousand beast clans, the small city that the wind and rain faded and fallen stands and waits for a long time. 位于狂族与万兽族中间,风雨飘零中伫立的小城池。 Because between two clans war-stricken reason, shining hot city naturally not avoid difficult. 因为两族之间战火连天的缘故,耀火城自然不免于难。 The legend Yan Di young period, then a person guards a city, the hit crazy clan does not dare to intrude on with ten thousand beast clan two clans again. 传说炎帝年少时期,便一人镇守一城,打的狂族与万兽族两族不敢再进犯。 In the land of that flames of war combustion, the shining hot city perhaps is the most peaceful place. 在那片战火燃烧的大地上,耀火城或许是最安宁的地方。 The shining hot city and waning moon empire all are located in Western Continent. 耀火城与残月帝国皆是位于西大陆之中。 Also has all had the influence of Great Emperor, said that Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate is not overrated. 也皆是出过大帝的势力,说一句帝统仙门倒也不为过。 ............... …………… This seven big Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate comes to attack Heavenly Way Academy, has not used the full power, the entire influence completely leaves. 这次七大帝统仙门前来攻打天道学院,并没有倾尽全力,整个势力尽出。 But sent out some representatives. 而是派出了一些代表。 Like Heavenly Emperor Gate Ancestor Lei Yao, Merciful Ship Cult Seventh True Person, other influences also sent some powerhouses to come. 就像天帝门雷耀老祖,慈航教的普渡真人般,其他一些势力也是派了一些强者前来。 Wanderer Nine Yang and Ancestor Ao Long, burn day of War General, Old Ming and Sage Half Moon .........,” Bai Li each and everyone is reading the given names of these people. 九阳散人傲龙老祖、焚天战将冥老半月圣人………,”白漓一个个念着这些人的名号。 Sneers saying: „ The surrounding these first-class influences, in the red leaves valley and Tianhe the sect, falls Yun-school ......... 冷笑道:“还有周围这些一流势力,红叶谷、天河上宗、落云派………。 They really thought our Academy is good to bully. ” 他们是真的觉得我们学院好欺乎。” „The person who you know are very actually many,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “你认识的人倒是挺多嘛,”徐子墨笑道。 Actually this time influence that attacks Academy, we have received the message. “其实这次攻打学院的势力,我们早就收到消息了。 I had also checked the material before specially, naturally knows, ” Bai Li returns said. 我之前还特意查过资料,自然知道一些,”白漓回道。 We now what to do?” “我们现在怎么办?” „,” Xu Zimo by stone stool, tranquil saying. “等,”徐子墨靠在石凳上,平静的说道。 „? Is without a fight?” Bai Li returns said. “等?束手就擒吗?”白漓回道。 Our duties guard Ten Thousand Treasures Pavilion, waits for these to rob the Ten Thousand Treasures Pavilion person to come,” Xu Zimo said. “我们的任务只是镇守万宝阁,等那些想抢夺万宝阁的人前来,”徐子墨说道。 Bai Li slight bow, she takes down the leather whip of waist slowly. 白漓微微点点头,她将自己腰间的皮鞭缓缓取了下来。 Has the fiery-red flame to burn from the leather whip. 有火红色的火焰从皮鞭上燃烧着。 ............ ………… Heavenly Way Academy at this moment, seemed like heard the question of Seventh True Person. 此刻的天道学院,似乎是听到了普渡真人的问话。 This time Li Changhe has not acted, but gets angry Venerate tread the sky but. 这次李长河没有出面,而是怒尊者踏空而至。 eye halo around present many exist. 目光环绕着眼前的诸多存在。 Although this inside person, walks one casually, is in ten thousand does not have a powerhouse. 尽管这里面的人,随便走出来一个,都是万中无一的强者。 Each is to enter existence of immortal. 每一个都是入仙的存在。 But gets angry the Venerate not slight anxiety and flustered. 但怒尊者没有丝毫的紧张和慌张。 But is light saying: „ Now my Heavenly Way Academy encounters the accident, does not accept any outcomer. 而是淡淡的说道:“如今我天道学院遭到变故,不接受任何外来者。 As long as some people rush to Academy, kills. ” 但凡有人强闯学院,杀。” Skinny wind camel, your old ancestors tie down by the day dark green monster Péng now, what is also capable of dealing with us?” “瘦死风骆驼罢了,你们的老祖如今被天苍妖鹏缠住,又有什么能力来应付我们?” Wanderer Nine Yang in saying with a smile that the one side disdains. 九阳散人在一旁不屑的笑道。 The strength of his whole body Pure Yang surges, as if changes to nine solar dazzling in world. 他周身纯阳之力涌动,仿佛化作九个太阳耀眼于世。 All around void was cremated completely. 四周的虚空全部被焚化。 In his side, burns the day of War General same whole body roaring flame flaming combustion. 在他的旁边,焚天战将同样周身烈焰熊熊燃烧而起。 But the roaring flame of his whole body not nine Yang, but is burning various types of color flame. 只不过他周身的烈焰并非九阳,而是燃烧着各种颜色的火焰。 The fire and crape myrtle day fire, Saint flame, nether world jack-o'-lantern and red lotus fire of karma Pure Yang ......... 纯阳之火、紫薇天火、圣焱、幽冥鬼火、红莲业火………。 It is said this burns day of War General to obtain the flame that Yan Di kept initially, is seeking for this world various types of powerful flame. 据说这焚天战将获得了当初炎帝留下来的火焰,寻找着这世间各种强大的火焰。 Their as if two rounds of white days, in the sky suppression under. 他们两人就仿佛两轮皓日,当空镇压而下。 Flame and dazzling ray that and contain, even as well as has covered Sun of top of the head. 其中所蕴含的火焰和耀眼的光芒,甚至以及盖过了头顶的太阳。 Naturally, this is not they are more powerful than Sun. 当然,这并非是两人比太阳还要强大。 But is own power and influence must be heavier, in addition the extremely remote reason of solar distance. 而是自身的威势要更重,再加上太阳距离的太过遥远的原因。 Who said no one, when” right people confront, only listens to one to drink to transmit greatly. “谁说没有人的,”正当众人对峙之时,只听一声大喝传来。 The people turn the head to look hastily, sees only a tall and strong guy to barefoot from the horizon to walk. 众人连忙转头看去,只见一名魁梧的大汉赤脚从天际边走来。 This guy height several feet, figure just like giant. 这大汉身高数丈,身形宛如巨人。 Muscle not to mention, he was red the upper part, carries a meteor hammer. 身上的肌肉就更不用说了,他赤着上半身,身后背着一柄流星锤。 The lower part wore brown shorts. 下半身则穿了一件褐色的短裤。 So barefoots to tread big void, walks slowly. 就这般赤脚踏碎一大片的虚空,缓缓走来。 Seventh madman,” some people sees the guy to walk, in a low voice twittering. “七世狂人,”有人看到大汉走来,低声呢喃了一声。 Academy has difficult, Kuang Qianting joins.” 学院有难,狂千庭前来助阵。” Only listens to guy one to drink lightly, the people eardrum echo that the sound vibration vault of heaven, shakes continues. 只听大汉一声轻喝,声音震动苍穹,震的众人耳膜回音不止。 Seventh madman, Kuang Qianting,” all around person hears this given name, all discusses spiritedly. “七世狂人,狂千庭,”四周的人听到这个名号,皆是议论纷纷。 How did he come?” “他怎么来了?” Heard before him, has led a pious life in Heavenly Way Academy, it is estimated that is helps.” “听说他以前也在天道学院修行过,估计是来帮忙的。”
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