IATV :: Volume #9

#893: Chapter 893 suppresses, ten founders

With soaring sound reverberation in entire Heavenly Way Academy. 随着高昂的声音回荡在整个天道学院内。 A giant shadow that flutters to fly circles in the sky. 一只振翅而飞的巨大影子盘旋于上空。 It is soaring vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, wants to want the direct impact clouds, releases completely the suppression of these several time. 它在纵横飞翔,欲要直冲云霄,将这数个时代的镇压全部释放出来。 The explosive sound is mixing with the raging fire of combustion, appearance continuously in Academy in all directions. 爆炸声夹杂着燃烧的烈火,此起彼伏的出现在学院的四处。 People all panic-stricken looks at the shadow in flying sand and rocks. 众人皆是惊骇的看着飞沙走石中的这道影子。 That rich monster qi, is their life has seen strongest existence. 那浓郁的妖气,是他们此生见过最强的存在。 Several tens of thousands li (0.5 km) place, the group monster worships on bended knees, ten thousand beasts draw back the powder, all crawls above the land trembles. 数万里之地,群妖跪拜,万兽退散,全部匍匐在大地之上瑟瑟发抖。 Actually is this...... what strange creature?” Bai Li dumbfounded saying. “这……究竟是什么怪物?”白漓目瞪口呆的说道。 Although she had imagined the great strength of this strange creature before. 尽管之前她已经想象了这怪物的强大。 But when seriously facing, the complexion blanch, only felt as before an own strength frail resembles paper. 但当真正面对之时,依旧面色发白,只感觉自己力量单薄的像一张纸。 Otherwise you think that is anything exists, making Heavenly Way Academy be at a loss,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “要不然你以为是什么存在,让天道学院都束手无策,”徐子墨笑道。 When all dense fog start to disperse, when the sky is bright, the people saw clearly this strange creature appearance. 当一切迷雾开始散开,天空明朗起来之际,众人才看清了这怪物的长相。 Its build has near kilometer long, flies the vault of heaven merely, blocked the sky, blocked all light along the way. 它的体型有近千米之长,仅仅只是飞上苍穹,就遮天蔽日,挡住了沿途的一切光明。 Under Xu Zimo sizes up carefully, discovered the specialness of dark green monster Péng of this day. 徐子墨细细打量之下,才发现了这天苍妖鹏的特殊。 Around its top of the head feather is the royal purple, the double pupil has is the white feather. 它头顶四周的羽毛都是蓝紫色的,双眸出一圈圈则是白色的羽毛。 But the place of forehead is actually the scarlet red. 而眉心之处却是深红色的。 Said that it is the monster Péng, but its build is huge, as if a snake, several kilometers long, circles above the land. 说它是妖鹏,但它的体型巨大,就仿佛一条蛇般,数千米之长,盘旋于大地之上。 The back is having a pair of sun-blocking wing. 背后长着一双遮天蔽日的翅膀。 This wing is scattered and organized, there are four bulge parts. 这翅膀错落有致,有四块凸起的部分。 These four parts are growing four small eagle heads respectively. 这四个部分则分别长着四颗小的鹰头。 The top of the head is two golden corners/horns, the corner/horn assumes the rhombus, as if armor. 头顶是两根金色的角,角呈菱形,就仿佛盔甲般。 Lower jaw in all directions , the distinction is growing six fangs. 下颚的四处,也分别长着六颗獠牙。 Especially when its mouth, opens, the sharp whining noise and monster qi completely leaves. 尤其是它的嘴巴,张开之时,尖鸣声与妖气尽出。 As soon as it inspires, the Heaven and Earth temperature quenching, had the snow in big flakes unexpectedly. 它一吸气,天地温度骤冷,竟然下起了鹅毛大雪。 As soon as it exhales, the temperature suddenly becomes high, as if summer arrives. 它一呼气,温度又骤然变高,仿佛炎炎夏日降临般。 attracts, wind and cloud thunder and lightning, change. 一呼一吸之间,风云雷电,万般变化。 All over the body is the scarlet red, as if whole body by red fog covering. 通体则为深红色,就仿佛周身被红雾给覆盖着。 When the boundless beast prestige disperses, is shocking everyone's heart. 磅礴的兽威散开之际,震撼着所有人的心扉。 Blocks it,” only listens to Heavenly Way Academy, hears one to call out. “拦住它,”只听天道学院内,传来一声暴喝。 Ten form tread the sky , the dark green monster Péng will encircle on this day all round at the central point. 十道身影踏空而起,将这天苍妖鹏给团团围在了中心点。 These ten forms are the power and influence are all enormous and powerful, whole body spiritual energy surges. 这十道身影皆是威势浩荡,周身灵气涌动。 The casual form can the rainbow pass through day, the suppression present age. 随便一个身影都能长虹贯日,镇压当世。 Has the old woman of hand-held dragon's head walking stick, the walking stick 1 in the vault of heaven points, is the endless ripples exudes the fluctuation gently. 有手持龙头拐杖的老妪,拐杖轻轻在苍穹上一点,便是无尽涟漪泛起波动。 The entire vault of heaven collapses in the under foot. 整个苍穹都在脚下坍塌。 The blind person who also the useful cloth strip is blindfolded grasps a long sword, across the dense fog sandstorm, the swordsmanship shines upon various heaven. 也有用布条蒙住眼睛的瞎子手持一柄长剑,穿过迷雾风沙,剑道映照诸天。 As if shuttles back and forth to come from ancient, sparkle in world. 仿佛自亘古中穿梭而来,闪耀于世。 The divine poise and sage-like features old man, foot treads a red hair lion, the whole body is given by the blue cold ice frozen. 还有仙风道骨的老者,脚踏一只红毛狮子,周身被蓝色的寒冰给冰封着。 Freezes the vault of heaven step by step, the freezing time and space, stepped onto the vault of heaven. 一步步冻结苍穹,冻结时间与空间,走上了苍穹。 ............ ………… These ten people of styles are different, but becomes one school. 这十人风格迥异,但都自成一派。 The power and influence of everyone whole body such as the mighty current fell rolling, formed the easily accomplished suppression. 每一个人周身的威势都如洪流滚滚落下,形成了摧枯拉朽的镇压。 Your these ten old codgers, do not want to surround this king again,” monster Péng is roaring. “你们这十个老不死的,别想再困住本王,”妖鹏在怒吼着。 His optional leaf of wing, is the gloomy, direct tornado sweeps across. 他随意一扇翅膀,便是天昏地暗,直接龙卷风席卷而来。 Surrounds him,” saw only one of them to shout one. “困住他,”只见其中一人大喊了一声。 These ten people put forth oneself martial tool completely. 这十人全部使出了自己的武器 Has the dragon's head walking stick, has the long sword, has the fire rake ............ 有龙头拐杖,有长剑,有火棍…………。 Ten people throw the vault of heaven the weapon. 十人将兵器抛上苍穹。 Ten weapons float are revolving, condenses together the mark suppression under. 十件兵器漂浮旋转着,凝聚出一道印记镇压而下。 As if the mark of hexagonal star, the day dark green monster Péng covering is one of them. 仿佛六角星的印记,将天苍妖鹏给笼罩在其中。 But these ten people, all are boldly thrust forward to stand, the back is straight, both hands tie seal, slightly closes/obstructs Shuangmou, in the mouth mumbled. 而这十人,全部是挺身而立,腰杆笔直,双手结印,微闭双眸,口中念念有词。 Reads language that others cannot be understanding. 念着别人听不懂的语言。 But the power and influence of whole body is getting stronger and stronger, the strength of that suppression was also more powerful. 但周身的威势却越来越强,那镇压之力也强盛了许多。 The mark sends out ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray, wanting to the day dark green monster Péng infiltrating the bottom. 印记散发出万丈光芒,欲要将天苍妖鹏给打入地底。 Do not presumptuously think,” day dark green monster Péng flutters is revolting. “你们别妄想了,”天苍妖鹏振翅在反抗着。 The boundless strength is whipping the mark of suppression unceasingly. 磅礴的力量不断拍打着镇压的印记。 Even if today ten founders are alive, will not be suppressing me, let alone your juniors.” “今日就算十祖师在世,也将不在镇压我,何况你们这些小辈。” Monster Péng, I thought that among us can chat,” double pupil deceives the blind person of cloth strip to stand, light saying. “妖鹏,我觉得我们之间可以谈谈,”双眸吗蒙着布条的瞎子站出来,淡淡的说道。 What discussed? Having anything talks about,” day dark green monster Péng anger shouted. “谈什么?有什么好谈的,”天苍妖鹏怒喝道。 Our Heavenly Way Academy has no intention with you for the enemy, when 10 th the founder suppresses you. “我们天道学院无意与你为敌,当初十祖师之所以镇压你。 That is because you kill the evil is too heavy to my human race, has no recourse, ” only listens to the blind person to say. 那是因为你对我人族杀孽太重,迫不得已,”只听瞎子说道。 Now suppresses these several time you, is by the difficulty, tastes completely lonely. “如今将你镇压这数个时代,也算是饱受困难,尝尽孤独。 Today if you comply, is not injuring my human race innocently. 今日你若是答应,不在无辜伤害我人族 We then put you to leave, how? ” 我们便放你离开,如何?” You feel you, has discusses the qualifications of condition with me?” Day dark green monster Péng cold -ly snorted and said. “你觉得你们,有跟我谈条件的资格吗?”天苍妖鹏冷哼道。 You are very indeed strong, but if really wants fight in which both sides perish, today I and others meet a cruel death even. “你的确很强,但若是真要鱼死网破,今日我等就算粉身碎骨。 Oil completely lamp dry in this, must suppress your several tens of thousands years again, ” blind person faint shouting. 油尽灯枯于此,也要再次镇压你数万年,”瞎子淡漠的喊道。 Ten thousand monster prisoner's cages.” “万妖囚笼。” The above ten weapons are still revolving. 上空的十件兵器还在不停的旋转着。 They as if is a body. 它们仿佛本来就是一体般。 Gradually changes to a domain, day dark green monster Péng being stranded in inside. 逐渐化作一个领域,将天苍妖鹏给困在里面。 However the day dark green monster Péng is not simple, its each hit and resistance, will make the prisoner's cage be hard to support. 不过天苍妖鹏也不简单,它的每一次撞击和反抗,都会令囚笼难以支撑。 Even saw the torn to pieces situation. 甚至眼看着到了支离破碎的地步。 We bring it to return to the place of seal, this Heavenly Way Academy gave you,” blind person told to Vice-President Li Changhe. “我们带它回封印之地,这天道学院就交给你们了,”瞎子对李长河副院长吩咐道。 Li Changhe nods hastily. 李长河连忙点点头。 Therefore sees only the mark that in these ten people of hands ties again changes, carries the domain to go toward the Heavenly Way Academy deep place. 于是只见这十人手中结的印记再次一变,携带着领域朝天道学院的深处而去。 Day dark green monster Péng unwilling angry roaring sound also in unceasing resounding. 天苍妖鹏不甘的怒吼声还在不断的响起。 The sound breaks the vault of heaven, reverberates in the empty void crack. 声音震碎苍穹,回荡在空荡荡的虚空裂缝中。 ............ ………… You said, the founders can suppress dark green monster Péng of that day?” Bai Li asking that worries about under. “你说,祖师们能镇压住那天苍妖鹏吗?”白漓在底下担忧的问道。 „It is not good,” Xu Zimo shakes the head directly. “不行,”徐子墨直接摇摇头。 Why?” Bai Li asked. “为什么?”白漓问道。 I looked that dark green monster Péng of that day had been overpowered temporarily.” “我看那天苍妖鹏已经被暂时制服了啊。” Founder, if can suppress the day of dark green monster Péng, has suppressed. “祖师要是能镇压天苍妖鹏的话,早就镇压了。 How also to make it break through the seal, now escapes again? ” Xu Zimo asked. 又怎么会让它冲破封印,如今再逃出来?”徐子墨反问道。 That what to do?” Saying that Bai Li worries. “那怎么办?”白漓着急的说道。 Although has no way to suppress thoroughly, but suppresses to achieve for a while.” Xu Zimo said. “虽说没法彻底镇压,但镇压住一时还是可以做到的。”徐子墨说道。 Such as the matter of today's dark green monster Péng, although is imminent, but has not been in the situation of extremely urgent matter. “如今天苍妖鹏的事虽然迫在眉睫,但还没有到火烧眉毛的地步。 Must pay attention truly, is the person who these come a minute/share of cake. ” 真正要注意的,将是这些前来分蛋糕的人啊。” You say these Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate?” Bai Li looks to vault of heaven, then responded instantaneously. “你是说那些帝统仙门?”白漓看向苍穹处,瞬间便反应了过来。 They are born taking advantage of the day dark green monster Péng, ten big founders were constrained completely. “他们借着天苍妖鹏出世,十大祖师全部被拖住。 Now the time of Heavenly Way Academy a group of people without a leader comes, can say the time grasps is very perfect, ” the Xu Zimo nod said. 如今天道学院群龙无首的时机前来,可以说时机把握的很完美,”徐子墨点头说道。
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