IATV :: Volume #9

#892: Chapter 892 monster Péng reveals itself

The entire land starts to sway. 整个大地都开始摇晃起来。 Suddenly, shoots up to the sky monster qi, the north Skyline had been annihilated thoroughly monster qi. 一时间,妖气冲天而起,北边的天际线已经彻底被妖气湮灭。 Evil wind has blown, in an instant flying sand and rocks, gloomy. 一股妖风吹过,霎那间飞沙走石,天昏地暗。 Depending on this beast roar, can judge that merely it has powerful how. 仅仅凭这兽吼声,就能判断出本身有多么的强大。 Entire vault of heaven as if by one dark colored monster qi covering. 整个苍穹都仿佛被一股暗黑色的妖气给遮盖。 Xu Zimo looks up to the vault of heaven, he can feel, at this moment, as if there is innumerable only eyes to appear. 徐子墨抬头看向苍穹,他能感觉到,这一刻,仿佛有无数只眼睛出现。 At the same time is staring in Heavenly Way Academy. 在同一时间盯着天道学院内。 The next quarter, sees only a white barrier to be centered on Heavenly Way Academy, starts toward to spread in all directions. 下一刻,只见一道白色的屏障以天道学院为中心,开始朝四面八方蔓延出去。 Entire Heavenly Way Academy covering. 将整个天道学院给笼罩了起来。 Was the dense fog is then misty, covered all, blocked the vision that these peeped. 紧接着便是迷雾蒙蒙,遮盖了一切,也挡住了那些窥视的目光。 Really lively,” Xu Zimo said with a smile lightly. “真热闹呀,”徐子墨轻笑道。 What situation has?” Bai Li vision dignified asking. “有什么情况吗?”白漓目光凝重的问道。 secure, has not been one's turn here temporarily,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “安啦,暂时还轮不到我们这里,”徐子墨笑道。 Fought to affect comprehensively, will affect here.” “等战斗全面波及开,才会影响我们这里。” The extraordinary image|reaction in Heavenly Way Academy repeatedly is still happening. 天道学院内的异像还在不断发生着。 Has the chinese dwarf banana, the lotus flower is overlapping, ascends above the vault of heaven, the flower spreads over a wide area. 有地涌金莲,莲花层层叠叠,升腾于苍穹之上,花开遍地。 Also there is gold/metal lion empty shadow roaring mountains and rivers, foot treads the broken gunsmoke to be void, as if must break through fabricatedly. 也有金狮的虚影咆哮山河,一脚踏破硝烟虚空,仿佛要冲破虚妄而出。 The dragon volume that the evil wind condenses, swept across half Heavenly Way Academy. 妖风凝聚的龙卷,席卷了半个天道学院 The building that any no one guards, mostly was destroyed. 凡是没有人镇守的建筑物,大多都被摧毁。 The crack in ground more than ten spreads that from most starts to the thousands strip. 地面上的裂缝从最开始的十几条蔓延至成千上百条。 Moreover the crack are getting more and more, even becomes the gap. 而且裂缝越来越多,甚至成为了鸿沟。 Suddenly, the turbulent wind and cloud gets up, Heaven and Earth changes colors, the livelihood draws back the powder. 一时间,动荡风云起,天地失色,日月退散。 The flowing light came from the horizon end extreme speed together, numerous stroking on Academy outside white barrier. 一道流光自天际的尽头极速而来,重重的击打在学院外面的白色屏障上面。 Only listens to bang, the barrier sends out blasting open, the ripples of flood aliquation level. 只听“轰”的一声,屏障发出一阵炸裂,泛起层层的涟漪。 The purple robe form disperses the dense fog together, appears outside of barrier. 一道紫袍身影驱散迷雾,出现在屏障的外面。 This purple robe form gives people a great feeling. 这紫袍身影给人一种伟岸的感觉。 He stands in the vault of heaven, as if suppressed this vault of heaven, the whole body had the thunder to well up secretly. 他站在苍穹上,仿佛就镇压了这片苍穹,周身有雷霆在暗涌着。 „” Crack the sound blasts open in oneself. “噼里啪啦”的炸响声于自身炸裂。 The purple robe in the strong winds, dances in the air suddenly suddenly. 紫袍在狂风中,骤骤飞舞。 In the male vision some faint belt/bring pressure look to Heavenly Way Academy. 男子目光中隐隐带些威压看向天道学院内。 Shouting that the sound shocks: Famous sword where?” 声音震撼的喊道:“名剑何在?” This sound has the unsurpassed power and influence, reverberates in entire Heavenly Way Academy. 这声音带着无上威势,回荡在整个天道学院内。 Who is famous sword?” Xu Zimo looks to Bai Li, asked. “名剑是谁?”徐子墨看向白漓,问道。 This you do not know,” Bai Li helpless saying. “这你都不知道,”白漓无奈的说道。 Our Heavenly Way Academy history you have not checked.” “咱们天道学院的历史你就没查过嘛。” Xu Zimo shakes the head with a smile. 徐子墨笑着摇摇头。 Our Heavenly Way Academy is by ten founder establishments, the famous sword is in ten founders, the disciple of flowing light sword Saint. “咱们天道学院是由十祖师创立,名剑便是十祖师中,流光剑圣的弟子。 Also was our Heavenly Way Academy now one of the aptitude oldest old ancestors, ” Bai Li answered. 也是咱们天道学院如今资质最老的老祖之一了,”白漓解释道。 Xu Zimo slight bow, the vision looks to the purple robe person in vault of heaven. 徐子墨微微点点头,目光看向苍穹上的紫袍人。 Said: His clothes as if somewhat look familiar.” 说道:“他的衣服似乎有些眼熟。” That is the Heavenly Emperor Gate clothing, naturally looks familiar,” Bai Li cold -ly snorted and said. “那是天帝门的服饰,自然眼熟,”白漓冷哼道。 This man should be the Heavenly Emperor Gate third Great Emperor, War General Ancestor Lei Yao of Emperor thunder.” “这男子应该就是天帝门第三位大帝,雷帝的战将雷耀老祖了。” Heavenly Emperor Gate?” Heard the Bai Li words, Xu Zimo just now thought. 天帝门?”听到白漓的话,徐子墨方才想了起来。 Own before as if also and between Heavenly Emperor Gate some gratitude and grudges. 自己之前似乎还跟天帝门之间有些恩怨。 Initially he cut Xiang Kunlun that killed, was Heavenly Emperor Gate present age Saint Child. 当初他斩杀的项昆仑,便是天帝门的当代圣子 Initially they were the fair duels, in addition were True Martial Sacred Sect Saint Child. 只是当初他们两人是公平决斗,再加上自己乃是真武圣宗圣子 The opposite party are not easy to ask itself to trouble, this matter then lets it go, never expected that meets now again. 对方也不好找自己麻烦,这件事便不了了之,没想到如今再次遇上了。 It is said this time attacks Heavenly Way Academy to have seven Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate to take the lead, it seems like Heavenly Emperor Gate was its one,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “据说这次攻打天道学院有七个帝统仙门带头,看来天帝门便是其一了,”徐子墨笑道。 ............ ………… In vault of heaven at this moment, as the Ancestor Lei Yao sound falls. 此刻的苍穹上,随着雷耀老祖的声音落下。 In Heavenly Way Academy also has the form tread the sky front surface together on. 天道学院内同样有一道身影踏空迎面而上。 This form Heavenly Way Academy vice-president, Li Changhe. 这身影正是天道学院的副院长,李长河。 His white robe, divine poise and sage-like features, power and influence enormous and powerful looking straight ahead opposite party. 他一身白袍,仙风道骨,威势浩荡的直视着对方。 Does not know that what matter Sir thunder shining does come my Heavenly Way Academy?” Li Changhe asked. “不知道雷耀大人来我天道学院何事?”李长河问道。 Vice-President Li, we do not talk circuitously, spoke frankly, I wanted the colored glaze lamp of colored glaze palace. “李副院长,咱们就不要绕圈子了,直说,我要琉璃殿的琉璃灯。 So long as gives me, our Heavenly Emperor Gate withdraws from this time battle immediately, ” Ancestor Lei Yao light saying. 只要给我,我们天帝门立刻退出这次的争斗,”雷耀老祖淡淡的说道。 thunder shining, initially northern emperor young period, but also has led a pious life in my Heavenly Way Academy. “雷耀,当初北帝年少时期,还在我天道学院修行过。 By my graciousness of founder education, your can Heavenly Emperor Gate attack here now? ” Li Changhe cold sound said. 受我祖师教育之恩,如今你天帝门要攻打这里?”李长河冷声说道。 The northern emperor Heavenly Emperor Gate second Great Emperor. 北帝正是天帝门的第二任大帝。 Heard Li Changhe's words, the Ancestor Lei Yao chuckle. 听到李长河的话,雷耀老祖轻笑了一声。 Returns said: „ The northern emperor ancestor truly receives your Heavenly Way Academy benevolence. 回道:“北帝先祖确实受过你天道学院的恩情。 But in ancestor carrying/sustaining Heavens's Will that age, he also once aided your Heavenly Way Academy, made your Heavenly Way Academy worry-free millenniums. 但在先祖承载天命的那个年代,他也曾护佑你天道学院,令你天道学院无忧千年。 This benevolence also calculated the repayment. ” 这份恩情也算偿还了吧。” Ancestor Lei Yao speaking of this, the whole body is with overpowering momentum, changes to Ray River encirclement all around. 雷耀老祖说到这,周身气势磅礴,化作一条雷河环绕四周。 Now this way of the world, Great Emperor, the winners become kings while the losers become bandits. “如今这世道,大帝未出,成王败寇。 Your Heavenly Way Academy cannot depend on that benevolence, wants to pinch my Heavenly Emperor Gate always. 天道学院总不能靠着那点恩情,就想要挟我天帝门永世吧。 I am not greedy, so long as a colored glaze lamp. ” 我也不贪心,只要一盏琉璃灯。” In view of this, that was speechless,” Li Changhe's light saying. “既如此,那就无话可说了,”李长河淡淡的说道。 You, if the war, that then fights.” “你若要战,那便战吧。” It seems like Vice-President Li is really besotted, “看来李副院长还真是执迷不悟, The famous sword does not beam with joy, perhaps he cannot withdraw the body, ” Ancestor Lei Yao said indifferently. 名剑不露脸,恐怕他脱不开身吧,”雷耀老祖淡然说道。 „ When other day dark green monster huge mythical birds get out of trouble, then when is my seven big Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate attacks Heavenly Way Academy. “等天苍妖鹏脱困之时,便是我七大帝统仙门进攻天道学院之时。 When the time comes I thought how you resist. ” 到时候我看你们如何抵挡。” After Ancestor Lei Yao said that the form then disappears in the dense fog. 雷耀老祖说完之后,身影便消失在迷雾中。 Only leaves behind Li Changhe, standing the complexion in void is angry. 只留下李长河一人,站在虚空中面色愤怒。 ............ ………… This Heavenly Emperor Gate really forgets honor at the sight of profits,” Bai Li some saying of being unbearably angry. “这天帝门真是见利忘义,”白漓有些气不过的说道。 Now Heavenly Way Academy encountered difficulty, no matter there is a friendship, even does not help, is still insufficient to hit a person when he is down.” “如今天道学院遇难,不管有没有交情,就算不帮忙,也不至于落井下石吧。” Who made Heavenly Way Academy this fat too big,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “谁让天道学院这块肥肉太大了呢,”徐子墨笑道。 His vision looks to the northern that say/way shooting up to the sky monster qi. 他的目光看向北方那道冲天而起的妖气。 He has also never seen the so rich monster qi. 他还从未见过如此浓郁的妖气。 Even to has surpassed richly existence that enters the immortal. 甚至浓郁到已经超过了入仙的存在。 But the Xu Zimo innermost feelings know, in this world does not exist to exceed into existence of immortal. 徐子墨内心知道,这个世界上不存在超越入仙的存在。 God Emperor is an exception, how long he could not treat, finally must go to Heaven Outside Heaven. 神帝是个例外,他待不了多久,最终还是要去往天外天的。 Because the Heavenly Way rule does not permit, this existence will only undermine the development of Yuan Yang Continent. 因为天道的规则不允许,这种存在只会破坏元央大陆的发展。 Their existences will enable Heavens's Will not to have the significance. 他们的存在会使得天命没有意义。 Time in little is passing, gathers are getting more and more at the Heavenly Way Academy surrounding eye. 时间在一点点的流逝着,聚集在天道学院周围的眼睛越来越多。 Everyone is staring at this fat that have several time to accumulate. 人人都盯着这块有着数个时代积累的肥肉。 Finally, when next day daybreak. 终于,当第二天黎明之时。 The north vault of heaven crashed thoroughly, annihilated all monster qi, violent storm curls up. 北边的天穹彻底的崩塌了,妖气湮灭了一切,一阵狂风暴雨卷起。 In the flying sand and rocks, Xu Zimo saw a huge form soars, hovers above the vault of heaven. 在飞沙走石之间,徐子墨看到了一只巨大的身影腾空而起,翱翔在苍穹之上。 The beast roar continuously, compares domineering resounding. 兽吼声此起彼伏,一声更比一声强势的响起。 I came out, finally came out,” the old sound is bellowing together. “我出来了,终于出来了,”一道苍老的声音大吼着。 As if must vent the resentment in the heart endless saving. 仿佛要发泄心中无尽积攒下来的怨气。 Ten founders, you cannot surround me. “十祖师,你们困不住我。 No one is good. ” 谁也不行。”
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