IATV :: Volume #9

#896: Chapter 896 Ten Thousand Treasures Pavilion it struggle( three)

„,” Xu Zimo coughed in a soft voice two. “咳咳,”徐子墨轻声咳嗽了两声。 Immediately said: oneself am Saint Child of True Martial Sacred Sect present age, this time then comes on behalf of True Martial Sacred Sect.” 随即说道:“本人乃是真武圣宗当代的圣子,此次便是代表真武圣宗前来。” Although True Martial Sacred Sect truly remained silent at this matter. 虽然真武圣宗确实在这件事上保持了沉默。 Thought back on the past years, True Martial Great Emperor takes human race, was the first Great Emperor in ten thousand clan. 遥想当年,真武大帝作为人族,也是万族中的第一个大帝。 Opens Emperors Era, its merit and achievement absolutely were the greatest Great Emperor one. 开启诸帝时代,其功德和成就绝对算是最伟大的大帝之一了。 But in the age that human race declines, True Martial Great Emperor also once entered Heavenly Way Academy, studies the unsurpassed god law, this will have very big help to his future achievement. 但在那个人族式微的年代,真武大帝也曾入天道学院,学习无上神法,这对他今后的成就有很大的帮助。 Xu Zimo as True Martial Sacred Sect Saint Child, cannot sit by and do nothing in any event. 徐子墨作为真武圣宗圣子,无论如何都不能坐视不理。 Instead since came Heavenly Way Academy, helping sect redeem the prestige is also indifferent. 反而既然来了天道学院,帮自家宗门挽回一下声望也无所谓。 He looks above Kuang Qianting, the innermost feelings shakes the head secretly. 他看着上空的狂千庭,内心暗自摇摇头。 Which this is the seventh madman, is seventh spurts the god simply.” “这哪是七世狂人啊,简直是七世喷神。” Entire Yuan Yang Continent, most Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate were spurted. 整个元央大陆,大多数的帝统仙门都被喷了个遍。 These people are in the wrong, is not good to come out to refute him. 偏偏这些人理亏,也不好出来反驳他。 ............ ………… Heard the Xu Zimo words, Kuang Qianting gawked, immediately responded. 听到徐子墨的话,狂千庭愣了一下,随即反应过来。 Returns said: Sorry, is I do not have the investigation to be clear, is not True Martial Sacred Sect.” 回道:“抱歉,是我没调查清楚,不算真武圣宗。” Saw that Kuang Qianting must say anything again, nearby several Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate somewhat could not sit still. 眼看着狂千庭还要再说什么,旁边的几个帝统仙门有些坐不住了。 Wanderer Nine Yang shouted coldly: In this world the winners become kings while the losers become bandits, do the waste that many words do.” 九阳散人冷喝道:“这世上成王败寇,废那么多话干什么。” His whole body nine fierce Yang are positive just like Hao. 他周身九颗烈阳宛如昊阳。 The blazing meaning fired the trim to be void. 炽热之意灼烧了整片虚空。 Even leaves near person to start the self-ignition to get up. 一些离得近的人甚至开始自燃起来。 Except for the cultivation base powerful person, others start to be far away from him. 除了修为强大之人,其他人都开始远离他。 Nine Yang Guanri,” only listens to Wanderer Nine Yang one to drink lightly. “九阳贯日,”只听九阳散人一声轻喝。 Nine Sun killed toward Kuang Qianting completely. 九颗太阳全部朝狂千庭杀了过去。 Everyone accords to his need,” Ancestor Ao Long shouted one similarly. “大家各取所需,”傲龙老祖同样喊了一声。 Seeing only him turns the shape into a Thunder Dragon, flies toward the Heavenly Way Academy deep place. 只见他化形为一条雷龙,朝天道学院深处飞去。 „” Crack the sound from resounds along the way. “噼里啪啦”的炸响声从沿途响起。 Before he arrives at a splendid main hall, one end body circles to twine the main hall shortly. 他来到一座富丽堂皇的大殿前,一眼看不到尽头的身躯盘旋着缠绕住大殿。 Will put in order a main hall to eradicate directly. 直接将整座大殿连根拔起。 In an instant, the entire body thunder, the dragon roar sound is rock the earth. 霎那间,整条身躯都电闪雷鸣,龙吟声震天动地。 The main hall ground is cracked the innumerable cracks, the bottom gets sucked, all around innumerable building collapse. 大殿脚下的地面龟裂成无数条裂缝,地底深陷,四周的无数建筑物倒塌。 Where the evildoer rushes to my day pavilion,” drinks severely in the main hall resounds. “何方贼子闯我都天阁,”一声厉喝在大殿中响起。 Saw only the innumerable large snakes to drill from the main hall, went toward Thunder Dragon's body flying snake. 紧接着,只见无数条长蛇从大殿中钻了出来,朝雷龙的身躯飞蛇而去。 These large snakes are not the true snakes, is not the ordinary snake. 这些长蛇并非真正的蛇,也并非普通的蛇。 But some people condense with a very unusual strength. 而是有人用一股很奇特的力量凝聚而出的。 When this large snake surges the hit when Thunder Dragon's body, immediately an intermittent continuous explosion resounds. 当这长蛇激荡撞击在雷龙的身躯时,顿时一阵阵连绵不绝的爆炸响起。 This Thunder Dragon was attacked by the strength, entire body stiff. 这雷龙遭到力量的攻击,整个身躯都僵硬了一下。 The tail of winding main hall also loosened. 原本缠绕大殿的尾巴也松开。 The huge dragon's head has the astonishing power and influence on look toward the main hall. 庞大的龙头带着惊人的威势朝大殿之内看去。 Saw only one to wear the cheongsam, on the shoulder crawls the men of several large snakes to walk slowly. 只见一名身穿长衫,肩膀上爬着数条长蛇的男子缓缓走了出来。 Is Fujian Venerate,” in Heavenly Way Academy, some people shout. “是闽尊者,”天道学院内,有人喊道。 Saw the appearance of Fujian Venerate, the Ancestor Ao Long chuckle. 看到闽尊者的出现,傲龙老祖轻笑了一声。 In hearsay Heavenly Way Academy, the chief is most powerful, wrapped in a shroud of obscurity, usually interconnects the person unable to see. “传闻这天道学院内,院长最为强大,神秘莫测,平日内连人都看不见。 Next is vice-president Li Changhe, is in charge of entire Academy, a strength has entered the immortal, superb. 其次便是副院长李长河,主管着整个学院,一身实力已然入仙,出神入化。 Again downward, is two Venerate, one is the anger, two are Fujian. 再往下,便是二尊者,一为怒,二为闽。 You are this Heavenly Way Academy division commander's heads, is the reputation is striking, interesting. ” 你们二人是这天道学院众师长之首,也是声名斐然,有意思。” Interesting matter are many,” Fujian Venerate tranquil saying. “有意思的事还多着呢,”闽尊者平静的说道。 „Can you block me?” Ancestor Ao Long asked. “你要阻我?”傲龙老祖问道。 No,” Fujian Venerate shakes the head, in the vision wipes none to flash through. “不,”闽尊者摇头,目光中一抹精光闪过。 Cuts you!” “斩你!” Young people, the tone is so crazy, when the old man followed in the past the ancient dragon Great Emperor suppresses first, you had not been born,” Ancestor Ao Long light saying. “年轻人,口气这么狂,老夫当年追随古龙大帝镇压一世之时,你还未出生呢,”傲龙老祖淡淡的说道。 Do not toot one's own horn toward oneself, great achievements of ancient dragon Great Emperor I do not dare to appraise. “别往自己脸上贴金了,古龙大帝的丰功伟业我不敢评价。 But you are a false dragon, ” Fujian Venerate cold -ly snorted and said. 但你不过是一条伪龙罢了,”闽尊者冷哼道。 Today pulls out your dragon bone|keel, was gives you ancient dragon dynasty to remind, leaving was too ungrateful.” “今日抽你龙骨,也算是给你古龙皇朝提个醒,别太忘恩负义了。” Fujian Venerate whole body, the innumerable small snakes are twining. 尊者周身,无数小蛇在缠绕着。 Unusual energy winding whole bodies, killed with giant Thunder Dragon of Ancestor Ao Long in one. 一股股奇特的能量缠绕周身,与傲龙老祖化形的巨大雷龙杀在了一起。 The blade crazy couple, was afterward Nanyang monk as well as Kuang Qianting, blocked a Emperor Gathering Immortal Gate powerhouse. 无论是刀狂夫妇,还是后来的南阳和尚以及狂千庭,都拦住了一名帝统仙门的强者。 The surplus people all slaughter in the same place. 剩余的众人皆是厮杀在一起。 Suddenly victory and defeat difficult difference. 一时间胜负难分。 Entire Heavenly Way Academy was covered in flames of war. 整个天道学院都被笼罩在一层战火中。 ............ ………… „Don't we help?” Bai Li looks to the pavilion, indifferent Xu Zimo, asked as before. “我们不去帮忙吗?”白漓看向凉亭内,依旧淡然的徐子墨,问道。 Came,” Xu Zimo has not replied her, but is the vision looks to the distant place, stands up slowly. “来了,”徐子墨没有回答她,而是目光看向远处,缓缓站起身。 Who came?” Asking of Bai Li doubts. “谁来了?”白漓疑惑的问道。 Brother Xu,” in this time, the Mo Tianming form is appearing again, came from the distance. 徐兄,”正在这时,莫天明的身影再次出现,从远处走了过来。 Saying with a smile: We met.” 笑道:“我们又见面了。” I do not want to meet actually,” Xu Zimo returns said. “我倒是不想见面,”徐子墨回道。 Ten Thousand Treasures Pavilion, I only take a thing,” Mo Tianming said with a smile. 万宝阁,我只取一物,”莫天明笑道。 Gives me, I can help you guard this Ten Thousand Treasures Pavilion together, how?” “给我,我可以帮你一起镇守这万宝阁,如何?” You......,” Bai Li look to Mo Tianming, saying of surprise. “你……,”白漓看向莫天明,诧异的说道。 Living is the Academy scholar, how you can like this.” “生为学院的学子,你怎么能这样。” Long-premeditated?” Xu Zimo asked. “蓄谋已久?”徐子墨问道。 „Is not, I and Brother Xu the time, although knowing is quite short, but intersects well.” “是也不是,我与徐兄虽然认识的时间颇短,但相交不错。” Mo Tianming said: „ I do not want to injure you, has not had the evil intention to Heavenly Way Academy. 莫天明说道:“我不想伤你,也没有对天道学院有恶意。 That thing I need, have no recourse, has not chosen. ” 只是那件东西我必须要,迫不得已,也没有选择。” What thing?” Xu Zimo asked. “什么东西?”徐子墨问道。 This Brother Xu does not need to know,” Mo Tianming returns said. “这个徐兄就不必知道了,”莫天明回道。 I , if not give,” Xu Zimo asked. “我要是不给呢,”徐子墨问道。 Mo Tianming has not spoken, but is the whole body power and influence is enormous and powerful, azure spiritual energy are reverberating. 莫天明没有说话,而是周身威势浩荡,一股股青色的灵气在回荡着。 In an instant, Mo Tianming one step steps forward. 霎那间,莫天明一步跨出。 Before Xu Zimo, has seen the speed of opposite party, before and Ji Ruobing to the wartime, Mo Tianming general strength Xu Zimo understands. 徐子墨以前也见过对方的速度,之前和姬若冰对战时,莫天明的大概实力徐子墨就明白。 But at this moment, when azure spiritual energy surrounds, the Mo Tianming speed promoted one time to continue. 但此刻,但青色灵气环绕之时,莫天明的速度提升了一倍不止。 His direct steps form is glittering in the pavilion. 他直接踏步身影闪烁着凉亭中。 The stone table of big palm in toward pavilion pats. 大掌朝凉亭内的石桌拍去。 You first pass my pass/test,” Xu Zimo smiles, extends the fist to pound toward the opposite party head. “你还是先过我这关吧,”徐子墨笑了笑,伸拳朝对方脑袋砸去。 If Mo Tianming does not fend, that this fist will certainly break his head directly. 假如莫天明不闪避,那这一拳必将直接砸碎他的脑袋。 Why Brother Xu this is,” Mo Tianming smiles. 徐兄这又是何必呢,”莫天明笑了笑。 The racket stopped to the hand of stone table, the form lightened outside the pavilion. 拍向石桌的手停顿了一下,身影闪出凉亭外。 I from entering this Heavenly Way Academy, various young generation of Heaven's Chosen also saw a lot. “我自进入这天道学院起,年轻一辈各种天骄也见得多了。 But only Brother Xu could not completely understand, today can only ask for advice one, ” Mo Tianming said with a smile. 但唯独徐兄看不透,今日只能领教一番了,”莫天明笑道。 Is having this intent,” Xu Zimo also smiles. “正有此意,”徐子墨同样笑了笑。 The body becomes remnant shades in void quickly, killed toward Mo Tianming. 身体在虚空中快成一道道残影,朝莫天明杀了过去。 Azure spiritual energy and black spiritual energy from the sky are resisting. 青色灵气与黑色灵气在空中对抗着。 Even if nearby Bai Li , can only see that merely the remnant shadow passed over gently and swiftly, cannot see two people forms unexpectedly. 哪怕是一旁的白漓,也仅仅只能看到残影掠过,竟然看不到两人的身影。
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