HE :: Volume #10

#948: Behemoth war ( 3 ) Happy New Year

Chapter 948 第948章 „!” “嗷呜!” Rhinocero shape Behemoth sends out a sad and shrill miserable howling, billowing blood spring explodes to shoot from its places, is similar to the waterfall falls in torrents generally, Cavalry of Behemoth under foot dodges, by scarlet bloody water pouring lid, pouring with the horse whole body blood red. 犀形巨兽发出一声凄厉至极的惨嚎,滚滚的血泉从它身上各处爆射而出,如同瀑布一般倾泻下来,一名巨兽脚下的骑兵闪避不及,被猩红的血水浇盖,浇的连人带马满身血红。 But four arm Yama Raja Heavenly God and other person of differences of Wang Chong incarnation, his four arms its, the bang hits like lightning continuously on Behemoth, the place that these crossbow bolts hit a target, under the function of huge Astral Qi, these Behemoth within the body thick crossbow bolt approaches once more * goes. 王冲化身的四臂阎魔天神和其他人不同,他的四臂其出,闪电般接连不断轰打在巨兽身上,那些弩箭射中的地方,在庞大罡气的作用下,那些巨兽体内的粗大弩箭一根根再次向*去。 The Wang Chong's goal, wants with the aid of these crossbow bolts, injects in the internal organs of Behemoth directly. 王冲的目的,就是想要借助这些弩箭,直接射入巨兽的内脏之中。 Attacks his head! Moreover enters his internal organs these crossbow bolt bang fully!” “攻击他的头部!另外全力将那些弩箭轰入他的内脏!” Wang Chong's drinks to resound in the battlefield severely, in the shake the heavens explosive sound, all Great Tang Top Level military officers gather, is ordinary like the squally shower, is attacking this Behemoth. 王冲的厉喝声在战场上响起,惊天的爆炸声中,所有的大唐顶级将领都聚集在一起,有如狂风骤雨一般,攻击着这头巨兽 But in the ground, many Heavy Cavalry even platoons become Formation, kills toward the rhinocero shape Behemoth four stone pillar soles, some people even vertical leap from the warhorse, sharp Wootz Steel Long Sword inserts the four limbs of Behemoth, climbs toward its body along the four limbs of Behemoth along goes. 而地面上,许许多多的铁骑甚至排成阵列,向着犀形巨兽四只石柱般的脚掌杀去,一些人甚至从战马身上纵跃而出,锋利的乌兹钢长剑插入巨兽的四肢,沿着巨兽的四肢向着它的身体攀沿而去。 Gao Xianzhi, Wang Chong, Wang Yan also had Cheng Qianli take action, four Saint Martial Realm peak Level Empire Great General take action, this Behemoth perhaps very opposeless living, Caliphate Empire wanted to solve them with Behemoth somewhat to be perhaps difficult!” 高仙芝,王冲,王严还有程千里出手了,四名圣武境巅峰级别帝国大将出手,这头巨兽恐怕很难抵抗的住,大食帝国想要用一头巨兽解决他们恐怕还有些难!” The distant place, Mu Chi Great Cavalry Leader Hobasani looks that the distant place opens the mouth to say suddenly. By the strengths of 100,000 armies, besieges Great Desolation Behemoth, that scene shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth, is all people are hard to imagine, especially three huge Heavenly God, Anxi Protectorate Army Great Protectorate Gao Xianzhi, four most Top Level Powerhouse take action, even if formidable Behemoth, is unable to cover their rays. But the Behemoth miserable howling sound also fully showed the issue. 远处,穆赤大铁骑首领火拔桑野看着远处突然开口道。以100000军队的力量,围攻一头洪荒巨兽,那种场面惊天动地,是所有人都难以想象的,特别是三尊庞大的天神,还有安西都护军大都护高仙芝,四名最顶级强者出手,哪怕是再强大的巨兽,也无法掩盖他们的光芒。而巨兽的惨嚎声也足以说明问题。 „It is not simple! Their four strengths are not truly weak, but that Behemoth is not easy to eliminate!” “没那么简单!他们四个确实实力不弱,但是那头巨兽也没有那么容易消灭!” At this time, a sound transmitted from the ear, Sky Wolf Great General Du Wusili narrowed the eye, the hawk is regarding to be very suspicious, suddenly opened the mouth to say. 就在这个时候,一个声音从耳边传来,天狼大将都乌思力微眯着眼睛,鹰视狼顾,突然开口道。 „?” “啊?” Hobasani has turned head, somewhat is slightly surprised. 火拔桑野扭过头来,微微有些惊讶。 Hasn't felt? Although that Behemoth caused heavy losses, many that the aura weakens, however its life aura until now, but also is exuberant. Its that matter epithelium was too tenacious, Gao Xianzhi their attacks, at least over 34, were resisted by this epithelium.” “没感觉到吗?那头巨兽虽然受到重创,气息削弱的许多,但是它的生命气息到现在为止,还非常旺盛。它身上的那层皮膜太坚韧了,高仙芝他们的攻击,至少有34层以上,都被这层皮膜抵挡了。” Du Wusili defeated/carrying both hands, are opening the mouth to say slowly. 都乌思力负着双手,缓缓开口道。 Du Wusili said right, domestic animal after all is the domestic animal, without means and human compared with, their already not martial arts, will not display the style, but this Behemoth has a merit, is Vital Power is tenacious. Gao Xianzhi and Wang Chong they want to massacre this Behemoth, only fears does not spend on time, does not pay a price is impossible to realize.” 都乌思力说的没错,畜生毕竟是畜生,没有办法和人类相比,它们既不会武功,也不会施展招式,但是这种巨兽有一种优点,就是生命力顽强。高仙芝王冲他们想要杀掉这头巨兽,只怕不花上一点时间,不付出一点代价是不可能实现的。” A sound of scholarly conveys from ear, Daqin Ruozan clothes sleeve is floating, the makings are elegant the dust, opened the mouth at this time. 一个儒雅的声音从耳边传来,大钦若赞衣袂飘飘,气质飘逸出尘,也在这个时候开口了。 Hobasani has been startled being startled, has swept two people one eyes subconsciously, turns the head, is looking at the battlefield of distant place, looking pensive. 火拔桑野怔了怔,下意识的扫了两人一眼,转过头来,望着远处的战场,若有所思。 All and judgment of Daqin Ruozan as well as Du Wusili is similar, the distant place, Behemoth shouts again and again, however under the stimulation of ache, entire is also wild, all potential burst out completely, the Behemoth golden yellow alone corner/horn selects, Wang Chong's father Wang Yan first cannot resist, was selected by the alone corner/horn, raises to fly, then a Behemoth whole body moved to and fro, the huge body ruthlessly hits on Cheng Qianli incarnation Grand Desolation Heavenly God, Cheng Qianli cannot stand, treads the tread tread, goes toward retreat one after another, the whole person almost falls down. 一切都和大钦若赞以及都乌思力的判断差不多,远处,巨兽嘶吼连连,但是在疼痛的刺激下,整个也狂暴起来,所有的潜力全部迸发,巨兽的金黄色独角一挑,王冲的父亲王严首先抵抗不住,被独角挑中,掀飞出去,接着巨兽浑身一摆,庞大的身躯狠狠撞在程千里化身的太荒天神身上,程千里站立不住,蹬蹬蹬,接连往后退去,整个人差点摔倒在地。 Damn!” “该死!” Facing the Behemoth point, Gao Xianzhi has to evade his Ying temporarily, this Behemoth strength was too formidable, although the people every strikes can give it to cause heavy losses, but kills it also to have many distances from the bang. Moreover Behemoth that golden yellow alone corner/horn, to four people of feeling also dangers extremely: 面对巨兽的锋芒,就连高仙芝都不得不暂避其缨,这头巨兽实力太强大了,众人虽然每一击都能给予它重创,但是距离轰杀它还有不少的距离。而且巨兽那根金黄色的独角,给四人的感觉也极其的危险: Wang Chong, be careful, it passed toward you!” 王冲,小心,它朝你过去了!” Saw that the Behemoth alone corner/horn hits toward Wang Chong, Gao Xianzhi yelled the reminder hastily. 见到巨兽的独角朝着王冲撞去,高仙芝连忙大叫提醒。 Bastard!” “混蛋!” Wang Chong ruthlessly is grasping the fist, he had also discovered at this time, although the incarnation has become Yama Raja Heavenly God, but in the hand simply does not have weapon while convenient, that Astral Qi Diamond Pestle, copes with Behemoth this Vital Power tenacious living thing, simply not big use, but Wang Chong that handle Wootz Steel Sword, even including its external skin unable to puncture thoroughly. 王冲狠狠的握着拳头,他这个时候也发现了,虽然化身成了阎魔天神,但是手上根本没有趁手的兵器,那条罡气所化的金刚杵,对付巨兽这种生命力顽强的生物,根本没有多大用处,而王冲那柄乌兹钢剑,甚至连它的表皮都无法刺透。 Sees with own eyes Behemoth to clash, the Wang Chong steel tooth bites tightly, but is actually not able retreat, to be dense and numerous Great Army, if makes Behemoth gallop in the defense line recklessly, only takes several seconds, the entire Great Army inevitable casualty is serious. 眼见巨兽冲来,王冲钢牙紧咬,但却根本无法后退,身后就是密密麻麻的大军,如果让巨兽在防线内肆意驰骋,只需要几秒,整个大军必然死伤惨重。 Opens to me!” “给我开!” The Yama Raja Heavenly God four arms of Wang Chong incarnation its, two steel giant arms, grab its golden yellow huge alone corner/horn ruthlessly, another two sturdy arms stubbornly holds down its head, his body leans forward, two legs deep resists the solid ground, the whole body strength bursts out. 王冲化身的阎魔天神四臂其出,两只钢铁般的巨大手臂,狠狠抓着它的金黄色巨大独角,另外两条粗壮的手臂则死死的按住它的头,他的身体前倾,两条腿深深的抵住坚实的地面,全身力量迸发。 The bang, the earth vibrates, the Wang Chong's both feet left two in the ground plow greatly, deep trace, after sliding dozens zhang (3.33 m) is far, Wang Chong has resisted the impact of rhinocero shape Behemoth finally, but, Behemoth Vital Power is still tenacious, is such dozens zhang (3.33 m) distance, under the impact of Behemoth, an entire Great Army confusion, on the entire defense line does not know that many Mercenary(-ies) and Great Tang soldier was trod the meat patty by the Behemoth strength, in the surroundings hundred zhang (333 m) disorderly, everywhere is person of corpse horse corpse. 轰,大地震动,王冲的双脚在地面犁出了两道巨大的,深深的痕迹,在滑出几十丈远之后,王冲终于抵住了犀形巨兽的冲击,但是,巨兽生命力依然非常顽强,就是这么几十丈的距离,在巨兽的冲击下,整个大军一片混乱,整个防线上不知道多少雇佣兵大唐战士被巨兽的力量踏成肉饼,周围百丈之内一片凌乱,到处都是人尸马尸。 Such one group of simple impacts, at least 4000 people died in the under foot of Behemoth. 就这么一拨简简单单的冲击,就至少有4000人死在了巨兽的脚下。 „It is not good, must result in kills it as soon as possible!” “不行,必须得尽快干掉它!” The Wang Chong tooth fastens to nip, in the heart worries secretly. This Behemoth has not arrived at dropping down time, if not find the way to kill it, will then have massive soldier Death, moreover quantity absolutely in the present ten times, even above dozens times, as Great Army Commander-in-Chief, Wang Chong simply does not have the escape route now. 王冲牙关紧咬,心中暗暗着急。这头巨兽还远没有到倒下的时候,如果不想办法杀死它,接下来还会有大量的士兵死亡,而且数量绝对在现在的十倍,甚至几十倍之上,作为大军统帅,王冲现在根本没有退路。 Cheng Qianli, Wang Yan , helping him quickly!” 程千里,王严,快去帮他!” The Gao Xianzhi sound resounds in the people ear, the sound has not fallen, he pushes to the front, first flushed. However has not waited for them to overrun, the mutation breaks out 高仙芝的声音在众人耳边响起,声音未落,他一马当先,第一个冲了出去。然而还没等他们冲过去,异变突起 Roar!” “吼!” Roaring of shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth, was prevented the way by Wang Chong, this Behemoth also fiercely ominous greatly sends, a huge strength erupts fiercely from its within the body, its head moved to and fro, shook unexpectedly escaped the Wang Chong's palm, flushed away in another direction. 一声惊天动地的怒吼,被王冲阻挡住去路,这头巨兽也猛地凶性大发,一股庞大的力量猛地从它体内爆发出来,它的头颅一摆,居然震脱了王冲的手掌,向着另外一个方向冲去。 „It is not good!” “不好!” The flash, all people in abundance changed the complexion, fighting of so-called stranded beast, Caliphate People the Fierce Beast, seems injured is heavier, the brute force is more formidable, more borders on Death, more stimulates the potential in body. By its present condition, if not manned controllable, then in the entire defense line is a Asura blood field. 一刹那,所有人纷纷变了脸色,所谓困兽之斗,大食人的这头凶兽,似乎受伤越重,蛮力就越强大,越是濒临死亡,就越是激发出身体中的潜力。以它现在的状态,如果没有人控制,接下来整个防线内将是一片修罗血场。 The bang, in a flash, Wang Chong thinks without enough time, a body winding, rode on the body of rhinocero shape Behemoth suddenly, Behemoth Legion Leader Mizer of distant place this suddenly, looked, as well as Sky Wolf Great General Du Wusili and the others, were the eyelid crazily jumps. 轰,电光石火间,王冲来不及多想,身体一个缠绕,突然骑到了犀形巨兽的身体上,这一幕突如其来,看的远处的巨兽军团首领麦西尔,以及天狼大将都乌思力等人,都是眼皮狂跳。 This fellow is really a lunatic!” “这个家伙真是疯子!” This is Sky Wolf Great General Du Wusili and the others in the heart the only thought that the discerning people looks, that Behemoth was insane, completely is at the out-of-control demented condition, Behemoth of this condition, Mizer this Behemoth Legion Commander does not have the means to control. 这是天狼大将都乌思力等人心中唯一的念头,明眼人都看得出来,那头巨兽已经疯了,完全处于失去控制的癫狂状态,这种状态的巨兽,就连麦西尔这种巨兽军团统领都没有办法控制。 Must result in prevents it!” “必须得阻止它!” Wang Chong incarnation Yama Raja Heavenly God, whole body ties tight at this time, he could not feel the outside completely the sound, all attention completely centralized on this Behemoth. 王冲化身阎魔天神,此时全身紧绷,他已经完全感觉不到外界的动静,所有的注意力全部集中在这头巨兽身上。 The bang, a Wang Chong fiercely fist bombardment on the head of rhinocero shape Behemoth, is the second fist, the third fist, the fourth fist, the attacks of four fists crowded like rain, however is this cannot prevent this rhinocero shape Behemoth. Wang Chong can feel to the fire of its life in rapid dimness, weakens, but does not have Death, what is more important, not having four people to prevent, its huge body was still going forward, charge. 轰,王冲猛地一拳轰击在犀形巨兽的头颅上,接着是第二拳,第三拳,第四拳,四只拳头的攻击密集如雨,然而就算是这样也没能阻止住这头犀形巨兽王冲能感觉的到它的生命之火正在迅速的黯淡,削弱,但还是没有死亡,更重要的是,没有了四人阻止,它巨大的身躯还在前进,冲锋。 „!” “啊!” An intermittent startled frightened big cry transmits from the ground, has the massive Qixi reinforcements to pour under the sole of Behemoth every time, one after another, the bloody water flows in the ground recklessly, to the person even including the pitiful yell without enough time, was trod very much the muddy flesh. 一阵阵惊慌恐惧的大叫声从地面传来,每时每刻都有大量的碛西援军倒在巨兽的脚掌下,一片又一片,一堆又一堆,血水在地面肆意流淌,很对人甚至连惨叫都来不及,就被踏成了肉泥。 The Wang Chong heart is bleeding, he can feel, at least 5,000-6,000 soldiers, died in the under foot of Behemoth at this moment. If not prevent this rhinocero shape Behemoth, this figure dramatically will also increase. 王冲心都在流血,他可以感觉的到,这一刻至少有五六千的战士,死在了巨兽的脚下。而如果不阻止这头犀形巨兽,这个数字还会大幅增加。 Prevents him!” “阻止他!” The critical moment, Gao Xianzhi, Cheng Qianli and Wang Yan, Xi Yuanqing and the others flushed finally. Djinn Heavenly God, Grand Desolation Heavenly God, in addition the Gao Xianzhi strength, finally slightly has constrained going crazy Behemoth. Rumbling, another heavy blows unceasing falling, crash-bang, in the heavy rope chain sound sound, Grand Desolation Heavenly God of Cheng Qianli incarnation, in the hand huge Astral Qi chains windings, are similar to spirit snakes, surrounded the Behemoth whole body all round, has entangled one after another. Constraining firmly. 关键时刻,高仙芝程千里王严,席元庆等人终于冲了上来。一头巨灵天神,一头太荒天神,再加上高仙芝的力量,终于微微拖住了发狂的巨兽。轰轰轰,一记又一记重拳不断的落下,哗啦啦,沉重的索链响动声中,程千里化身的太荒天神,手中一条条巨大的罡气锁链缠绕而出,如同一条条灵蛇般,将巨兽全身团团困住,缠了一圈又一圈。牢牢的拖住。 Powerhouse of several big Empire Great General levels collaborates, finally has constrained this Behemoth. pū pū, Long Sword in Gao Xianzhi hand sends out swift and fierce Sword Qi, the unceasing bang enters Behemoth within the body, the appearance that giant blood-stained mouth keep, the brook blood spring spews out. 几大帝国大将级的强者联手,终于拖住了这头巨兽。噗噗噗,高仙芝手中的长剑发出一道道凌厉的剑气,不断的轰入巨兽体内,一道道巨大的血口子不停的出现,溪流般的血泉喷涌而出。 Wang Chong, Cheng Qianli, Wang Yan and Xi Yuanqing......, All Expert, coordinate ground personal appearance is flexible, advancing freely and quickly Wushang Heavy Cavalry, Diamond Pestle, armored hand, Astral Qi and Wootz Steel Sword, together with the Carriage Crossbow unceasing fire, the rhinocero shape Behemoth life aura are dropping rapidly, even if by the wound, this Behemoth had not died like this. 王冲程千里王严席元庆……,所有高手,配合地面身形灵活,纵横驰骋的乌伤铁骑,金刚杵、铁拳、罡气乌兹钢剑,连同车弩不断的射击,犀形巨兽的生命气息在急速下降,但是即便受到这样的创伤,这头巨兽还是没死。 It is still making an effort to struggle, as to go forward, so terrifying Vital Power surmounts the imagination completely. 它依然在使劲挣扎着,似乎想要前进,如此恐怖的生命力完全超越想像。 Perhaps......, We should take this opportunity, take action kill them!” “或许……,我们应该借这个机会,出手干掉他们!” On the hill of distant place, Du Wusili looks at battlefield between distant place human and Behemoth, in the eye is glittering suddenly the intermittent cold glow. This turned the words suddenly, Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi is startled. Slightly one pondered over, in the heart moves for intent immediately greatly. 远处的丘陵上,都乌思力看着远处这场人类与巨兽之间的战场,眼中突然闪烁着阵阵寒芒。这翻话突如其来,就连火树归藏都松莽布支都怔住了。只是微一思忖,心中立即大为意动。 The impact of Behemoth flushed the Tang People battlefield completely chaotically, by the Great Tang person present condition, if U-Tsang People and Western Turkic person collaborated to launch the attack at this time again, can let their chaos absolutely, even routed them thoroughly. 巨兽的冲击已经把唐人的战阵完全冲乱,以大唐人现在的状态,如果乌斯藏人西突厥人再在这个时候再联手发动攻击,绝对能够让他们大乱,甚至彻底击溃他们。 This thought passing over gently and swiftly mind, most started the people to hesitate, but, was ready to make trouble slowly. 这个念头掠过脑海,最开始众人还犹豫,但慢慢的,就蠢蠢欲动了。 However, no matter Huoshu Guicang and Dusong Mangbuzhi, Du Wusili has not acted presumptuously, but looked to another person 不过,不管是火树归藏都松莽布支,还是都乌思力都没有擅自行动,而是看向了另外一个人
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