HE :: Volume #10

#947: Behemoth war ( 2 ) third!

Chapter 947 第947章 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! A Stone General fist just fell, another fist pounding ruthlessly on the head of rhinocero shape Behemoth, a fist another fist, in the short time, Stone General at least rumbled immediately 56 fists, each fist was rudely, heavy incomparable, this was the martial artist strength, was any pure Behemoth is unable to compare. 石将军一拳刚落,另一拳立即狠狠的砸在犀形巨兽的头颅上,一拳又一拳,短短时间内,石将军至少轰出了56拳,每一拳都势大力沉,沉重无比,这就是武者的力量,是任何单纯的巨兽所无法比拟的。 However counter-attack of Behemoth also extremely intense, that huge golden yellow alone corner/horn flings, immediately collision ruthlessly on the body of Stone General, the bang, a loud sound of landslide cracks in the earth, Huang Botian unites huge Stone General that six people of strength display, but strikes, immediately was hit by the Behemoth overwhelming strength is split up, six person innumerable rocks, hit to fly like the shell. 然而巨兽的反击也极其的激烈,那支巨大的金黄色独角只是一甩,立即狠狠的撞在石将军的身上,轰,一声山崩地裂的巨响,黄搏天联合六人之力施展出来的巨大石将军,只是一击,立即被巨兽压倒性的力量撞得四分五裂,六个人连带无数的岩石,有如炮弹般纷纷撞飞出去。 !” “噗!” Huang Botian person also in airborne, immediately cannot bear the whole body play tremble, a fierce blowout blood. 黄搏天人还在空中,立即忍不住浑身剧颤,猛的喷出一口鲜血。 Was too strong!” “太强了!” Void, Huang Botian soulless is opening the eye, the face whiten, felt a deep despair. He by giant Stone General that five people of strength sets become, in the face of the Behemoth terrifying power, unexpectedly like the scarecrow, radically is not Level. 虚空中,黄搏天无神的睁着眼睛,脸色苍白,感觉到了一阵深深的绝望。他以五人之力集合而成的巨型石将军,在巨兽的恐怖力量面前,居然就像稻草人一样,根本就不是一个级别的。 Sir, I have made contribution. Following can only depend on you!” “大人,我已经尽力了。接下来的就只能靠你们自己了!” In the mind flashes through last thought that Huang Botian fainted immediately. 脑海中闪过最后一道念头,黄搏天顿时昏了过去。 Yellow General!” “黄将军!” In ground one intermittent loses one's voice to call out in alarm, this occurred was too quick, from the strength of Huang Botian set people, displays evolution Stone General, to was hit to fly by Behemoth, one second, Wang Chong responded, do not say was other people. 地面上一阵阵的失声惊呼,这一幕发生的太快了,从黄搏天集合众人之力,施展出进化型的石将军,到被巨兽撞飞出去,前后连一秒都不到,就连王冲都反应不及,更不要说是其他人。 Comes the person, rescues yellow General quickly they!” “来人,快去救援黄将军他们!” Yes!” “是!” The Wang Chong sound has not fallen, the one side, Xue Qianjun already vertical leapt, is leading in several other armed forces elite, was hit the direction that flies to throw toward Huang Botian and the others. However the crisis of people just started now, by Behemoth that the subsidence of the earth technique enrages long hiss, blood red both eyes, to/clashes toward the people by astonishing Speed hōng lōng lōng. 王冲声音未落,一旁,薛千军早已纵跃而出,带着其他几名军中精锐,向着黄搏天等人被撞飞的方向扑去。然而众人的危机现在才刚刚开始,被地陷术激怒的巨兽长嘶着,血红着双眼,以惊人的速度轰隆隆朝着众人冲来。 Five hundreds of zhang (333 m), four hundreds of zhang (333 m), three hundreds of zhang (333 m)...... 五百丈,四百丈,三百丈…… In the short time, Behemoth distance people less than one kilometer, this at any time were much quicker than its Speed flatter. That four huge, the stone pillar common beast leg, unceasing uphold, then in airborne turns, treads by extremely quick Speed. Every one time probably treads in the people pit of the stomach is the same, initiates a cracks in the earth landslide huge vibration and thundering. 短短时间内,巨兽距离众人已经不足一千米了,这比它任何时候的速度阿快得多。那四条巨大的,石柱子一般的兽腿,不断的抬起,然后在空中一翻,又以极快的速度踏下。每一次都好像踏在众人心坎上一样,引发一阵地裂山崩般的巨大震动和轰鸣。 ! ~ “呼!~” The strong winds howl, the grit flies upwards, fills the air before the entire defense line, Behemoth body in grit dust and fog clearly discernible, that huge alone corner/horn as if has cut the vault of heaven, but beast pupil that blood ape, looks disdainfully, is makes all people be afraid. The contact war is ready to be set off, everyone got rid of the breath, that atmosphere was simply suffocating. 狂风呼啸,沙石飞扬,弥漫在整个防线前,巨兽的身躯在沙石尘雾之中清晰可见,那根巨大的独角似乎把苍穹都剌破了,而那血猩、睥睨的兽眸,更是让所有人不寒而栗。接触战一触即发,每个人都摒住了呼吸,那种气氛简直令人窒息。 The people did not have the time ponder danger, issue that or escapes, in all directions, innumerable vision, tens of thousands of completely centralized to that huge Behemoth on. 众人已经没有时间思考危险,或者逃跑的问题了,四面八方,无数的目光,成千上万全部集中到了那头庞大的巨兽身上。 Two hundreds of zhang (333 m)! 二百丈! From is getting more and more near! 距离越来越近! Carriage Crossbow army! Preparation!” 车弩部队!准备!” A calm and firm and resolute sound resounds sky over the entire defense line, Wang Chong stands erect on the steel city wall, two temples send the silk to dance in the air, vision unprecedented dedicated. Clang, cold light flashes, Long Sword in Wang Chong hand raises slantingly, is reflecting the intermittent ray under the sunlight. 一声冷静、坚毅的声音在整个防线上空响起,王冲屹立在钢铁城墙上面,两鬓发丝飞舞,目光前所未有的专注。锵,寒光一闪,王冲手中的长剑斜斜扬起,在阳光下折射着阵阵光芒。 Click-clack! 轧轧! Innumerable crossbow trigger sounds resound after the defense line! 无数的机括声在防线后响起! This is Wang Chong first time directs the Carriage Crossbow army personally, suddenly, the opening place of steel defense line, 3000 huge Carriage Crossbow set up in an array, the paint cold arrow has aimed at the direction outside defense line sharp. Entire Qixi Protectorate Army all Carriage Crossbow this fought to draw completely, participated in war between this human and in the Behemoth. 这是王冲第一次亲自指挥车弩部队,一刹那间,钢铁防线的豁口处,3000架庞大的车弩一字排开,漆冷的箭尖对准了防线外的方向。整个碛西都护军所有的车弩这一战全部拉了出来,参与到了这场人类与巨兽之间的战争中。 But in another direction, the click-clack makes noise, several hundred Anxi Protectorate Army Carriage Crossbow has drawn similarly, crossbow bolts have aimed at huge Behemoth. 而在另一个方向,轧轧作响,几百架安西都护军车弩同样拉了出来,一根根弩箭对准了庞大的巨兽 A Carriage Crossbow biggest problem is the issue of accurate aim, but faces such huge goal, did not have the possibility of letting slip. 车弩一个最大的问题就是准头的问题,但是面对这么庞大的目标,已经根本不存在失手的可能。 As more than 3000 Crossbow Carriage collectives enter the stage, an entire battlefield silence, including time in this moment as if static. 随着3000多架弩车的集体出场,整个战场一片寂静,连时间在这一刻都仿佛静止了下来。 The heart of everyone anxious bang bang is jumping. 每个人的心脏都紧张的砰砰直跳着。 Carriage Crossbow is the entire Great Army strongest method, is final lethal card, no matter the sharp degree, the strength, is the destructive power, is not the ordinary bow and arrow can compare. Must cope with this Behemoth, this was the last resort. If could not solve the match Carriage Crossbow, that entire Great Army was very perhaps difficult to threaten it. 车弩是整个大军最强的手段,也是最后的杀手锏,不管是锋利程度,力量,还是破坏力,都远不是普通的弓箭可以比拟的。要对付这头巨兽,这就是最后的手段了。如果连车弩都解决不了对手,那恐怕整个大军都很难威胁到它了。 A hundred zhang (333 m)! 一百丈! 300 meters being away from, Gao Xianzhi has shown the tense look in this moment. If cannot block this Behemoth, ten ten thousand Great Tang / army will be annihilated, performs to destroy in Talas, behind Anxi and Qixi, even rear Longxi, will fall to the enemy completely. 只有300米的距离了,就连高仙芝在这一刻都露出了紧张的神色。如果挡不住这头巨兽,十万大唐/军队就会全军覆没,尽毁于怛罗斯,连带身后安西碛西,甚至更后方的陇西,都会全部沦陷。 Puts!” “放!” In the countless person tense vision, in the Wang Chong hand symbolic Wootz Steel Long Sword finally layer on layer/heavily has wielded, that flash, the entire world was silent. 就在无数人紧张的目光中,王冲手中标志性的乌兹钢长剑终于重重的挥了下来,那一霎那,整个天地寂静了。 Bang!” “轰!” Thunders, the landslide tsunami, in instant, the thick crossbow bolt that more than 3000 Carriage Crossbow that the Wang Chong arm wields, more than 3000 sharp incomparable, destroy the hardest defenses is similar to Flood Dragon goes to sea, from howl from out of the blue in all directions, crowded concentrated fire on huge Behemoth. 一声轰鸣,山崩海啸,就在王冲手臂挥下的刹那,3000多架车弩,3000多根锋利无匹、无坚不摧的粗大弩箭如同蛟龙出海,一根根破空而出,从四面八方呼啸而出,密集的攒射在庞大的巨兽身上。 The bang, thick long crossbow bolt suddenly/violently to launch enters, leaves behind a thick blood hole on the body of Behemoth, submerged Behemoth within the body instantaneously, vanished does not see. However this merely is only a start, then second and third, fourth......, More than 3000 huge black crossbow bolt velamen balls have not flown, submerged the body of Behemoth completely, has left behind more than 3000 honeycomb giant blood holes on the body of Behemoth. 轰,一根粗长的弩箭暴射而入,在巨兽的身体上留下一个粗大的血洞,瞬间没入到了巨兽的体内,消失不见。然而这仅仅只是一个开始,接着第二根、第三根,第四根……,3000多根巨大的黑色弩箭没有一根被弹飞,全部没入到了巨兽的身体,在巨兽的身体上留下了3000多个蜂窝般的巨大血洞。 „!” “嗷!” Did not have the thing to destroy to the person, not having the thing may destroy, Ruin the Heavens, Destroy the Earth, invincible rhinocero shape Behemoth fierce sends out a pain to be howling, finally first time was injured. Facing Great Tang Empire shocking, establishes a capital city the Central Plains treasure, even if in this myth goes out of Behemoth, was injured finally. 一直给人无物可摧,无物可摧,毁天灭地,不可战胜的犀形巨兽猛的发出一声痛嚎,终于第一次受伤了。面对大唐帝国名震天下,定鼎中土的重器,哪怕是这头神话中走出般的巨兽,也终于受伤了。 How possible!” “怎么可能!” At this moment, the distant place, in the Behemoth Legion Commander-in-Chief Mizer eye also cannot help but reveals a vibration. Establishes from Behemoth Legion now, this is his first time saw that Empire can injure by the common war instrument to these can destroy the city to extinguish war Behemoth of country's. 这一刻,就连远处,巨兽军团统帅麦西尔眼中也不由得露出一丝震动。自巨兽军团建立到现在,这还是他第一次见到一个帝国可以凭借一般的战争器械伤害到这些可以毁城灭国的战争巨兽 Bang!” “轰!” After the second steel defense line, the fierce eruption shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth, rouses cheering. Three thousand Carriage Crossbow, 3000 treasures, gave this Behemoth to deal a head-on blow finally. 第二道钢铁防线后,猛的爆发出一阵惊天动地,振奋至极的欢呼。三千车弩,3000重器,终于给了这头巨兽以迎头痛击。 Puts!” “放!” The slight hesitation, Wang Chong Long Sword has not wielded, makes persistent efforts, has issued the order of fire once more. 没有丝毫的犹豫,王冲长剑一挥,再接再励,再次下达了射击的命令。 Rumbling, 3000 Carriage Crossbow is a round salvo, more than 3000 crossbow bolts howl once more, dense and numerous submerged the body of Behemoth. 轰轰轰,3000架车弩又是一轮齐射,3000多根弩箭再次呼啸而出,密密麻麻的没入了巨兽的身体。 Puts!” “放!” Suddenly, the third round crossbow bolt salvo, more than 3000 crossbow bolts submerge the body of Behemoth once more once more completely. The Great Army inspired mood has achieved in this moment *, cheers landslide tsunami, direct impact clouds. However quick, Wang Chong felt that was not right. 眨眼之间,第三轮弩箭再次齐射,3000多根弩箭再次全部没入巨兽的身体。大军振奋的情绪在这一刻达到了*,欢呼声山崩海啸,直冲云霄。但是很快,王冲就感觉到了一丝不对。 Three rounds salvos, enough more than 10,000 crossbow bolts all submerge Behemoth within the body, although the Behemoth body has swayed two, brunts is blocked obviously, but anticipated the scene that Behemoth drops down has not appeared. Not only so, freely is damaged, Behemoth is still actually going forward in the defense line direction. 三轮齐射,足足10000多根弩箭悉数没入巨兽体内,虽然巨兽的身躯摇晃了两下,冲势明显受阻,但是期待中巨兽倒下的场面并没有出现。非但如此,尽管受创,巨兽却依然在朝着防线的方向前进。 On his body, Wang Chong still feels extremely rich and huge life aura. 在他的身上,王冲依然感觉到极其浓郁和庞大的生命气息。 In any event, this absolutely is not the Behemoth appearance that will soon fall dead! 无论如何,这都绝对都不是一头即将倒毙的巨兽的样子! „It is not good! Tenth Square Formation, tenth five Square Formation, tenth seven Square Formation, 20 th eight Square Formation......, Draws back completely!” “不好!第十方阵,第十五方阵,第十七方阵,第20八方阵……,全部退开!” Wang Chong sad and shrill howling, in the entire Great Army sky reverberation. 王冲凄厉的吼叫声,在整个大军上空回荡。 Sir Protectorate, General Cheng and father...... Prepares take action!” 都护大人,程将军、父亲……准备出手!” Behemoth Vital Power was too formidable, 10,000 Carriage Crossbow enough have swept at least 50,000-60,000 military force(s) in the battlefield, but regarding Behemoth, still insufficient causes the lethality damage. Although it receives the wound, although Speed slows down, but is still going forward. 巨兽生命力太强大了,10000根车弩在战场上已经足够扫荡至少五六万的兵马,但是对于巨兽来说,依然不足对它造成致命性的伤害。它虽然受到创伤,虽然速度减缓,但还在前进。 The bang, a giant sole falls from the sky, falls in the ground, startled everywhere dust. 50 zhang (3.33 m)...... 轰,一只巨大的脚掌从天空而降,落在地面上,惊起漫天灰尘。50丈…… From is getting more and more near! 距离越来越近! 30 zhang (3.33 m)! 30丈! Is away from , is less than 100 meters, looks up to Behemoth in this distance, everyone feels that real base and low and tiny. Compared with Behemoth Vital Power, Vital Power of person was too small and weak. Even if Saint Martial Realm peak Empire Great General is unable to compare with this Behemoth. 相距离只有不到100米,在这个距离仰望巨兽,每个人都感觉到那种真实的卑微和渺小。和巨兽生命力相比,人的生命力真的太弱小了。即便是圣武境巅峰的帝国大将都无法与这种巨兽相比。 The bang, has not waited for the people to respond that ratio five horse big Behemoth soles have swept a steel city wall, only listens to steel to thunder, 45 Caliphate armies attack very much the wall of steel is difficult to throw off to eradicate fully, the strength is shaken to tumble to fly by that moves mountains. 轰,还没等众人反应过来,那比五匹马都大的巨兽脚掌扫过一段钢铁城墙,只听一阵钢铁轰鸣,45面大食军队全力进攻都很难掀翻的钢铁之墙连根拔起,被那股排山倒海般的力量震得翻滚着飞了出去。 „!” “啊!” A pitiful yell, more than ten Great Tang Heavy Cavalry dodge, the wall of tumbled steel pounds, took off with horse. However all these had not finished, suddenly is a giant sole falls from the day, but this time no longer is the hit in the steel city wall, but treads directly in dense and numerous Great Army. 一声惨叫,十多名大唐铁骑闪避不及,被翻滚的钢铁之墙砸中,连人带马一起飞了出去。然而这一切还远没有结束,眨眼间又是一只巨大的脚掌从天而落,只不过这次不再是撞击在钢铁城墙上,而是直接踏在密密麻麻的大军之中。 The bang, only listens to a loud sound, in an instant, the blood crossflow, more than 20 Banhan hire armed forces soldier and Qixi Protectorate Army soldier, does not have throat one including the throat, was trod discuses directly. 轰,只听一巨响,刹那间,血液横流,20多名拔那汗雇佣军战士和碛西都护军的士兵,连吭都没吭一声,直接就被踏成一块块铁饼。 Damn!” “该死!” Sees this, the Wang Chong whole person complexion changed, both eyes rapidly become red incomparable. The Behemoth body was too huge, each step moving distance is extremely far. Even if Wang Chong has prepared ahead of time, but is still not able to prevent this Behemoth. 看到这一幕,王冲整个人脸色都变了,双眼迅速变得通红无比。巨兽的身躯太庞大了,每一步的移动距离都极远。哪怕王冲已经提前准备了,但依然无法阻挡这头巨兽 Yama Raja Heavenly God Great Array!” 阎魔天神大阵!” in a flash, the ray flashes, giant four arm Heavenly God, the facial expression overwhelming power, such as the prestige like the prison, steep rising straight from the ground, just a appearance, the thick armored hands of two bare hill crack mountains immediately the bang fell on the body of Behemoth. But is almost at the same time, Gao Xianzhi and Cheng Qianli, Wang Chong's father Wang Yan, as well as Fergahana, as well as Expert in abundance take action in armed forces. 电光石火间,光芒一闪,一头巨大的四臂天神,神情威猛,如威如狱,陡的拔地而起,刚一出现,两只崩山裂岳的粗大铁拳立即轰落在巨兽的身体上。而几乎是同一时间,高仙芝程千里,还有王冲的父亲王严,以及费尔干纳,以及军中的高手都纷纷出手了。 Six Extremes Governing Spirit Technique!” 六极御神术!” Grand Desolation Heavenly God Great Array!” 太荒天神大阵!” Djinn Heavenly God Great Array!” 巨灵天神大阵!” Clear Dark Conflagration Technique!” 大火乌明术!” ...... …… Three Heavenly God, Expert of four Empire Great General levels, several Quasi-General, all people in this flash in abundance take action. Rumbling, attacks continuous falling one after another on huge Behemoth, facing these many top Expert, even if Behemoth also felt that a huge pressure and threat, before was ever-victorious, sweeping away all obstacles Behemoth, caused heavy losses in this moment finally. 三尊天神,四位帝国大将级的高手,还有几位准将,所有人在这一刹那纷纷出手。轰轰轰,一道又一道攻击接连不断的落在庞大的巨兽身上,面对这么多的顶尖高手,哪怕是巨兽也感觉到一股庞大的压力和威胁,之前还无往不胜,所向披靡的巨兽,在这一刻终于受到了重创。
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