HE :: Volume #9

#818: Fumeng Lingzhao result! ( 1 )

Chapter 818 第818章 First 【第一更】 Dusong Mangbuzhi and Fumeng Lingzhao on U-Tsang Plateau do not know that has fought many times, both sides are inextricably involved, is a worthy opponent rarely. However the war of Triangle Jag, Dusong Mangbuzhi dropped out Great Army to escape unexpectedly, this regarding regards as Dusong Mangbuzhi and U-Tsang People the Qixi numerous of archenemy, simply was earthquake shock. 都松莽布支夫蒙灵察乌斯藏高原上不知道斗了多少次,双方难解难分,罕有匹敌。但是三角缺口之战,都松莽布支居然抛下大军逃跑了,这对于将都松莽布支乌斯藏人视为大敌的碛西众将来说,简直是种地震般的震撼。 Everyone clear remembering, initially Wang Chong went out from miniature City of Steel, that black white two old man aura have terrifying how. If that two terrifying old man here, the people really has not dared to begin. 每个人都清楚的记得,当初王冲从微型的钢铁之城走出,那一黑一白两个老者身上的气息有多么的恐怖。如果那两个恐怖的老者还在这里,众人还真是不敢动手。 „!” “咝!” Fumeng Lingzhao deep inspiration , the vision shot a look at a Wang Chong behind city wall subconsciously, in the eye has flashed through deep dreading, sobered finally. 夫蒙灵察深深的吸了一口气,目光下意识的瞥了一眼王冲身后的城墙,眼中闪过一丝深深的忌惮,也终于清醒过来。 Good! 不错! Now truly does not move this boy time, namely however all have verified, then the gentleman revenges for ten years not to be late, first keeps him to live some time, later always has revenging time. 现在确实不是动这小子的时候,即然一切已经查明了,那么君子报仇十年不晚,先留他活一段时间,以后总有报仇的时侯。 Wang Chong, I do not kill you today, but you also leave happily is too early. This matter I remember, when I return from the national capital, one day, I will let you and your Wang Clan pay the price for this reason.” 王冲,今天我也不杀你,不过你也别高兴的太早。这件事情我记下来,等我从京师归来,总有一天,我会让你和你们王家为此付出代价的。” The last few words, Fumeng Lingzhao looked at Wang Chong ruthlessly, as if must his deep records the mind, then fierce one group of wharves, the direction tone toward national capital go: 最后一句话,夫蒙灵察狠狠的看了一眼王冲,似乎要把他深深的记进脑海,然后猛的一拨马头,朝着京师的方向调头而去: We walk!” “我们走!” At the last minute, Fumeng Lingzhao waves, if people fly to go. 最后一刻,夫蒙灵察一挥手,众人如飞而去。 „!” “嘘!” Sees back that Fumeng Lingzhao departs, such as the mountain pressure vanishes along with body that all people long vented anger. 看到夫蒙灵察离去的背影,随着身上那股如山的压力消失,所有人都长出了一口气。 Was too dangerous!” “太险了!” Sir, you later cannot such take risk again. Fumeng Lingzhao was too formidable, this was equal to that hands over in own life risk his hand.” “大人,你以后不能再这么冒险了。夫蒙灵察太强大了,这等于将自己的性命冒险交到他的手中。” Good, Sir, if Fumeng Lingzhao knows that your Teacher and Wushang Village Chief not here, our time was really dangerous.” “不错,大人,如果夫蒙灵察知道您师傅乌伤村长不在这里,那我们这次就真的危险了。” ...... …… A people face has a lingering fear to say. That moment when Fumeng Lingzhao draws a sword, everyone smelled the strong Death flavor/smell. The flavor/smell that type faces directly Empire Great General, personally does not experience is hard to imagine. 众人一脸心有余悸道。当夫蒙灵察拔刀的那一刻,每个人都闻到了浓烈的死亡味道。那种直面一名帝国大将的味道,不亲身经历是难以想像的。 Haha, relax. No matter Fumeng Lingzhao does have to see through, he will not begin.” “哈哈,放心吧。不管夫蒙灵察有没有识破,他都是不会动手的。” Is clearly opposite with the facial expression of people, Wang Chong appears quite calm, the intense flavor/smell does not have. 和众人的神情截然相反,王冲显得相当的从容,一点紧张的味道都没有。 Lord Marquis, this matter I also think that you were too rash. Fumeng Lingzhao is too strong, we should be more discrete.” 侯爷,这件事情我也认为你太莽撞了。夫蒙灵察太强,我们应该更加谨慎一些。” Li Siye also opens the mouth to say suddenly. 李嗣业突然也开口道。 „, Siye, relax.” “呵,嗣业,放心吧。” Wang Chong smiled, has patted under his shoulder: 王冲笑了笑,拍了下他的肩膀: Fumeng Lingzhao however appears here, naturally already guessed correctly that is I. If he wants to begin, you think that he will endure now, but also said these many with us?” 夫蒙灵察即然出现在这里,自然是早就猜到是我。如果他真的想动手,你以为他会忍到现在,还和我们说这么多吗?” The Wang Chong sound falls, the people were startled all of a sudden, could not speak. Good, by the Fumeng Lingzhao disposition, if had determined is Wang Chong, should not endure now. 王冲声音一落,众人一下子怔住了,一个个都说不出话来。不错,以夫蒙灵察的性格,如果确定了是王冲,不应该忍到现在。 Fumeng Lingzhao enters Capital now, so long as protests clearly, still also hopeful, but can also return to Qixi Protectorate General. But if he has now killed me, what kind of that no matter that the Xueyang Palace event carries on, he is the dead end. Aristocratic Family Great Clan is not so simple, let alone, I who he imagines am Emperor's Disciple. Fumeng Lingzhao is experienced and careful, is impossible to think that does not understand this. Therefore, he has not prepared to begin today from the start. This is the reason that I and he meet.” 夫蒙灵察现在入京,只要申辨清楚,依然还有希望,还能回到碛西都护府来。但是如果他现在杀了我,那么不管雪阳宫事件进行的怎么样,他都是死路一条。世家大族不是他想像的那么简单的,何况,我还是天子门生夫蒙灵察老谋深算,不可能想不明白这点。所以,他今天压根就没准备动手。这才是我和他见面的原因。” Wang Chong sprinkles however said, a language exposes to confuse the bottom: 王冲洒然道,一语揭破迷底: But, Fumeng Lingzhao thinks was too simple. He thinks that he also has the opportunity, can stage a comeback, but he actually does not know......, I will not give him this opportunity!” “不过,夫蒙灵察还是想的太简单了。他以为他还有机会,可以东山再起,但他却不知道……,我根本不会给他这个机会!” Last, Wang Chong shook the head, looks at the direction that Fumeng Lingzhao is leaving, in the eye flashes through a sharp ray. As vice rises one foot, the virtue rises ten, Fumeng Lingzhao thinks that he also has the passing merit to take advantage, but Wang Chong will not make him achieve wishes. 最后一句,王冲摇了摇头,望着夫蒙灵察离开的方向,眼中闪过一丝锐利的光芒。魔高一尺,道高一丈,夫蒙灵察以为他还有过往的功绩可以依仗,但王冲却根本不会让他如愿。 xī yù yù!” 希聿聿!” Wang Chong one group of wharves, left quickly. 王冲一拨马头,很快离开了。 ...... …… Sage Emperor is furious, no small matter. Let alone, Fumeng Lingzhao hires oneself four imperial princes throws describes has spread over the government and people. 89 days later, Fumeng Lingzhao then travels day and night, finally rushed to Capital City by unprecedented Speed. 圣皇震怒,非同小可。更何况,夫蒙灵察投靠四皇子的“投名状”都已经传遍朝野。89天之后,夫蒙灵察便日夜兼程,终于以前所未有的速度赶到了京城 Finally came back!” “终于又回来了!” Looks at that palatial big, straight peak enters the cloud at present the palace wall, Fumeng Lingzhao five senses Chen Za, in the heart has endless emotion. As the border pass, not having the sovereign life to recruit, cannot arbitrarily enter the national capital. Fumeng Lingzhao innumerable had thought that oneself enter the national capital, when sits the big Prime Minister position, the Commander world appearance. 看着眼前那座巍峨高大,直耸入云的皇城,夫蒙灵察五味陈杂,心中感慨不已。做为边关,没有皇命征召,不可以随意进入京师。夫蒙灵察曾经无数次的想过,自己进入京师,坐上大宰相的位置,统领天下时的样子。 However Fumeng Lingzhao never has thought that oneself meet finally unexpectedly appears by this kind of condition here. 但是夫蒙灵察从未想过,自己最后居然会是以这样一种状态出现在这里的。 Wang Chong, you are waiting! Waits for this time me to protest in front of Sage Emperor, I will certainly let you and your Wang Clan, lives to might as well die, for this reason pays the price!” 王冲,你等着!等这次我在圣皇面前申辨,我一定会让你和你们王家,生不如死,为此付出代价!” In the Fumeng Lingzhao heart said bitterly. 夫蒙灵察心中恨恨道。 Is Great Protectorate? Sage Emperor has the command, assigns us to escort you to enter the palace to have an audience with!” “是大都护吗?圣皇有令,命我们护送你入朝觐见!” Also when Fumeng Lingzhao intention hundred revolutions, a callous sound biography hears, about the city gate two wood non- expression Royal Forest Army guards appear in the eye. 也就在夫蒙灵察心念百转的时候,一个冷酷的声音传入耳中,城门左右两名木无表情御林军侍卫出现在眼中。 Does not use, I can see!” “不用了,我会自己去见!” The Fumeng Lingzhao sleeves stroke, shake the governing forest guard who two approached, passes through from two people, walks toward the palace wall. 夫蒙灵察衣袖一拂,震开了两名靠近过来的御林侍卫,从两人中间穿越而过,向着皇城走去。 humble official Fumeng Lingzhao, meets your majesty!” 微臣夫蒙灵察,叩见陛下!” A moment later, in the Imperial Palace deep place, in Taiji Hall, is being the civil and military hundred officers, fish dragon Baifu, a Fumeng Lingzhao military garb, pushes gold mountain but actually jade column, numerous kneeling bent down above Imperial Court. 片刻之后,就在皇宫深处,太极殿中,当着文武百官,鱼龙百服,夫蒙灵察一身戎装,推金山倒玉柱般,重重的跪伏在了朝堂之上。 ...... …… Haha, Lord Marquis was too interesting.” “哈哈,侯爷太有趣了。” Several days later, when Wang Chong still the examination western region various country maps in the room, Xu Keyi suddenly excited reddening all over the face, takes a letter to admonish, walked out to walk in big strides, he walked, while smiled, the mouth could not close up. 几天之后,当王冲还在房中察看西域诸国地图的时候,许科仪突然兴奋的满脸通红,拿着一封信箴,大踏步跨过门槛走了进来,他一边走,一边笑,嘴都合不拢了。 Was King Song receives a letter?” “是宋王来信了?” The Wang Chong chuckle, the vision puts aside from the map, looks at Xu Keyi to say. 王冲轻笑,目光从地图上移开,看着许科仪道。 The Wang Chong's vision and center of gravity put that side the western region and Caliphate more and more, trivial matter Wang Chong has dropped. For example, the Fumeng Lingzhao that side enters Capital, Wang Chong the following matter, including King Song that side matter, has given completely Xu Keyi, almost hands over by him plenary powers handles. 王冲的目光和重心越来越放到西域和大食那边,很多琐碎的事情王冲都放手了下去。比如说,夫蒙灵察那边入京,王冲将后续的事情,包括宋王那边的事情,全部都交给了许科仪,几乎是交由他全权打理。 This is also Wang Chong to his one experience. On Xu Keyi displays leadership competence beyond one strength more and more. This is also Wang Chong to the reason that he settles on. 这也算是王冲对他的一种历练。许科仪身上越来越表现出一种力量之外的领袖才能。这也是王冲对他看中的原因。 Un, Lord Marquis is wise, truly is King Song.” “嗯,侯爷英明,确实是宋王。” Xu Keyi is excited, numerous nods, * news said Song immediately. Originally Fumeng Lingzhao just entered the national capital, was summoned into Imperial Court, works as is filling toward the surface of civil and military minister, Fumeng Lingzhao sheds bitter tears on Imperial Court, acknowledged oneself all mistakes to Sage Emperor. 许科仪一脸兴奋,重重的点了点头,立即把宋*中的消息说了出来。原来夫蒙灵察刚一进入京师,就被召入朝堂,当着满朝文武大臣的面,夫蒙灵察朝堂上痛哭流涕,向圣皇坦承了自己所有的错误。 Fumeng Lingzhao constantly emphasized oneself are dedicated regarding Great Tang, although colludes with four imperial princes, but also wants to be nearer to Sage Emperor, does not have the heart of plotting a rebellion certainly. Moreover, worked as is filling toward the civil and military surface, Fumeng Lingzhao still mentioned many aging past events in front of Sage Emperor, mentioned the first meeting of past and Sage Emperor, as well as many years of rulers and ministers friendship with Sage Emperor. 夫蒙灵察不断的强调自己对于大唐耿耿,虽然和四皇子勾结,但也只是想要离圣皇更近一些,绝无谋反之心。另外,当着满朝文武的面,夫蒙灵察还在圣皇面前谈起了许多的陈年旧事,谈起了当年和圣皇的第一次见面,以及和圣皇之间多年的君臣情谊。 Speaking of the sentiment deep place, under Fumeng Lingzhao pain sob, heard that the heart was sad. 说到情深处,夫蒙灵察痛哭泣下,闻者心悲。 But on Imperial Court, Fumeng Lingzhao also constantly repeatedly stressed that own Hu People status, emphasized oneself and were been deeply different by the Han people of Confucian School guidance. The Hu People instinct likes going straight there and coming straight back, but actually not evil heart. 而在朝堂上,夫蒙灵察也不断一再强调自己的胡人身份,强调自己和深受儒家教导的汉人不同。胡人天性喜欢直来直去,但却并无坏心。 As for the matter that throwing described, Fumeng Lingzhao only said oneself were blinded by greed, because sat the border region painstakingly, can not enter the palace one time in the place of dozens years Qixi sandstorm, will receive the enticement of four imperial princes. 至于投名状的事,夫蒙灵察只说自己利令智昏,因为苦坐边陲,在碛西风沙之地几十年不得入朝一次,才会受到四皇子的诱惑。 All these, there are numerous similar cases. It can be said that Fumeng Lingzhao works as is filling toward civil and military, has performed a bitterness play well. The normal court deliberations, turned into his one-man show. 凡此种种,不知凡几。可以说,夫蒙灵察当着满朝文武,好好的上演了一幕苦情戏。把个正常的廷议,变成了他一个人的独角戏。 Has saying that Wang Chong hears all these , is really five bodies that admires bows with knees regarding Fumeng Lingzhao. As Qixi Great Protectorate, is Great Tang qualifications oldest Hu People Great General, Fumeng Lingzhao worthily is old reprobate, experienced and careful. The strategy and method that he adopts are truly clever, even if in the Wang Chong hear, is impeccable. 不得不说,就连王冲听到这一切,对于夫蒙灵察也实在是佩服的五体投体。做为碛西大都护,同时也是大唐资格最老的胡人大将军,夫蒙灵察不愧是老奸巨滑,老谋深算。他所采取的策略和手段确实非常高妙,即便是在王冲听来,也是无可挑剔。 Ginger is old spicy, really worthily is the old fox!” “姜是老的辣,果然不愧是老狐狸啊!” Wang Chong says with emotion. 王冲感慨道。 In Great Tang, Hu People is a very special community, Fumeng Lingzhao starts by the sentiment throughout, constantly emphasized oneself as Hu People, actually to Great Tang loyal and devoted this point, this is really very wise method. 大唐,胡人始终是个非常特殊的群体,夫蒙灵察以情入手,不断强调自己身为胡人,却对大唐忠心耿耿这一点,这实在是非常高明的手段。 How your majesty there said, such let off him?” “陛下那里怎么说,就这么放过他了吗?” Wang Chong indifferently said. 王冲淡淡道 That does not have but actually, your majesty has not indicated the manner to the present.” “那倒没有,陛下到现在都没有表明态度。” Xu Keyi said hastily. 许科仪连忙道。 „.” “哦。” Wang Chong smiles, in the eye ray flashed, is not accidental/surprised regarding this result: 王冲一笑,眼中光芒闪了一下,对于这个结果毫不意外: Fumeng Lingzhao is truly intelligent, but Monarch heart is unpredictable, four imperial princes are your majesty own flesh and blood, the Imperial Family noble descent, but four imperial princes are detained Sky Prison now, Fumeng Lingzhao should not think that depends on him in a few words, will the emperor easily let off him?” 夫蒙灵察确实很聪明,不过君心难测,四皇子可是陛下的亲生骨肉,皇室贵胄,但是现在就连四皇子都被关押进了天牢,夫蒙灵察该不会以为就凭他三言两语,皇上就会轻易的放过他吧?” Above Imperial Court does not have the minor matter, let alone struggle of the most dangerous imperial prince, any method that no matter Fumeng Lingzhao causes, this matter was not easy to end. Side the imperial prince colludes, is Empire Great General, this is always taboo. If such does not violate the taboo, Sage Emperor such will not be furious. 朝堂之上无小事,更何况还是最危险的皇子之争,不管夫蒙灵察使的什么手段,这件事情都不是那么容易结束的。皇子勾结边将,还是帝国大将,这从来都是大忌。如果不是这么犯忌讳,圣皇也不会这么震怒了。 That side Royal Court now how? Regarding Fumeng Lingzhao some punishment what sounds?” 朝廷那边现在怎么样了?对于夫蒙灵察的处罚都有些什么声音?” Wang Chong sits on the spacious Grand Preceptor chair, opens the mouth to ask. 王冲坐在宽大的太师椅上,开口问道。 Lord Marquis is wise, with exactly the same that you expect, Fumeng Lingzhao has truly used the bitterness idea. Now in Royal Court also presented a sound, thinks that the Fumeng Lingzhao status is special, performs high service through hard work, moreover Qixi also needs his such Empire Great General to guard. Therefore some people suggested, eliminates the Fumeng Lingzhao government position, cancels his Great Protectorate and Empire Great General title, but continues to leave in office the examination, as before Commander Qixi, making him redeem oneself through good works. Moreover holds this manner person to be also not infrequent.” 侯爷英明,和您预想的一模一样,夫蒙灵察确实使用了苦情计。现在朝廷里也出现了一股声音,认为夫蒙灵察地位特殊,劳苦功高,而且碛西也必须要他那样的帝国大将才可以镇守。所以有人建议,剥夺夫蒙灵察的官职,取消他大都护帝国大将的称号,但继续留职察看,依旧统领碛西,让他戴罪立功。而且持这种态度的人还不在少数。” The Cheng Sanyuan bow the body was saying. 程三元躬着身子道。 Haha.” “哈哈。” The Wang Chong vision flashes, suddenly has smiled: 王冲目光一闪,突然笑了起来: Fumeng Lingzhao has spent that big time, works as is filling toward the civil and military surface, has performed a bitterness play, for is this. However this matter is impossible to be so simple, did Xu Keyi, what that side King Song add?” 夫蒙灵察费了那么大功夫,当着满朝文武的面,演出了一幕苦情戏,为的就是这个吧。不过这件事情绝不可能这么简单,许科仪,宋王那边还说了什么?” Lord Marquis is wise, this matter truly does not have is so simple, Fumeng Lingzhao and four imperial princes collude, want to make big Prime Minister, that letter had spread over on Imperial Court at that time, who tolerates he. Now in Imperial Court has a bigger sound to Fumeng Lingzhao punish, even some people proposed that massacres Fumeng Lingzhao directly, by fundamental principle. Zhangchou Jianqiong, Zhang Shougui and Wang Zhongsi, even could not accommodate him including King Qi and Prime Minister that side.” 侯爷英明,这件事情确实没那么简单,夫蒙灵察和四皇子勾结,想要做大宰相,那封信当时在朝堂上传遍了,谁能容的了他。现在朝堂里有更大的声音是要将夫蒙灵察严惩,甚至有人提出直接杀掉夫蒙灵察,以正纲纪。章仇兼琼张守珪王忠嗣、甚至连齐王宰相那边都容不了他。” Xu Keyi said. 许科仪道。
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