HE :: Volume #9

#817: schemes exhausted, daggers drawn, Fumeng Lingzhao violent anger

Chapter 817 Second!】 第817章【第二更!】 Related, no matter I discovered that Speed of Hu Luyige collection warhorse somewhat was slow, I was finding the way to help him comb with the prairie on the relations among each Tribe, simultaneously changed collected the method of warhorse in the past. Later he again with we trade, the time of transaction can greatly be ahead of time.” “联系上了,不管我发现忽鲁也格筹集战马的速度还是有些慢,我正在想办法帮他梳理和草原上各个部落之间的关系,同时改变以往筹集战马的方法。以后他再和我们交易的时候,交易的时间就能大大提前了。” Xu Qiqin said with a smile. 许绮琴笑吟吟道。 In Wang Chong and room people hears word sighed however acclaim, after Xu Qiqin arrived in City of Steel, truly changed. The construction of City of Steel is respectively, because some places had sold to some Aristocratic Family, each Aristocratic Family respectively constructs various, therefore appears somewhat disorderly. 王冲和房间内众人闻言都不由喟然赞叹,许绮琴抵达钢铁之城后,确实改变了很多。钢铁之城的建设本来是各自为阵的,而且由于一些地方已经卖给了一些世家,各个世家都是各建各的,因此显得有些杂乱。 However after Xu Qiqin came, to all resources, has carried on the overall plan change, the centralized management, caused the construction of entire City of Steel ordered and fast, each Aristocratic Family shop has constructed Speed to speed up much. Arrived at Wushang is about one month, Xu Qiqin won the people from the heart to respect and admire. 但是许绮琴来了之后,对所有的资源,进行了统筹改变,集中管理,使得整个钢铁之城的建设有序和快速了很多,就连各个世家的店铺建造速度都加快了不少。到达乌伤不过一个多月,许绮琴已经赢得了众人发自内心的尊敬和佩服。 Even Turkic Horse Merchant like Hu Luyige, Xu Qiqin has the means to help him comb all relations, speeds up much collection Speed of warhorse. 甚至像忽鲁也格这样的突厥马商,许绮琴都有办法帮他把所有的关系都梳理一遍,把战马的筹集速度加快不少。 Un, these days was laborious you, no matter what, I hope that obtained these warhorses by quickest Speed.” “嗯,这段时间就辛苦你了,不管怎么样,我希望以最快的速度获得那些战马。” Wang Chong said. 王冲道。 The time flying shuttle, is several days passes in a flash, when examination western region map of Wang Chong in City of Steel, the horse's hoof is suddenly intermittent, a bellow transmits from the distant place. Wang Chong has not responded what's the matter, the ray flashes, scouts immediately rushing of hurriedly: 时间飞梭,一晃就是数天过去,当王冲正在钢铁之城中查看西域地图的时候,突然之间马蹄阵阵,一阵轰鸣声从远处传来。王冲还没有反应过来是怎么回事,光芒一闪,一名斥候立即急匆匆的闯了进来: Lord Marquis! It is not good, Fumeng Lingzhao came!” 侯爷!不好了,夫蒙灵察来了!” wēng! 嗡! Scouts the sound to fall, the atmosphere in room immediately suddenly changes. 斥候声音一落,房间内的气氛顿时陡然一变。 Relations between Fumeng Lingzhao and Wushang, have been known to everybody in City of Steel, are known to everybody, scouting and artisans lowest level of know own Lord Marquis and Qixi Great Protectorate is mutually hostile, is unable to co-exist, knows for several months ago in attacks to enter a city Dayan Mangbojie and U-Tsang White Valiant Soldier is Fumeng Lingzhao puts. 夫蒙灵察乌伤之间的关系,在钢铁之城中已经是无人不知,无人不晓,就连最底层的斥候和工匠们都知道自家侯爷碛西大都护互相敌对,势不两立,也知道数个月前攻进城内的达延芒波杰乌斯藏白雄兵就是夫蒙灵察放进来的。 Including the initial provincial governor event, Fumeng Lingzhao once tried to set at oneself Lord Marquis in the deathtrap, these already passed on City of Steel noisily. So-called Bad Premonition, friendliness does not come, Fumeng Lingzhao appeared at this time in City of Steel, obviously harbored evil intentions. 包括当初的节度使事件,夫蒙灵察曾经试图置自家侯爷于死地,这些在钢铁之城里早就传得沸沸扬扬。所谓来者不善,善者不来,夫蒙灵察在这个时候出现在钢铁之城,显然不怀好意。 ...... …… hōng lōng lōng!” 轰隆隆!” The horse's hoof is intermittent, the mist and dust is billowing, stands on the City of Steel high city wall, occupies a commanding position, the bird's eye view four directions, Wang Chong saw finally runs quickly Fumeng Lingzhao that comes. In the City of Steel northwest direction, a Fumeng Lingzhao military garb, only led several guards to dash. 马蹄阵阵,烟尘滚滚,站在钢铁之城高高的城墙上面,居高临下,俯瞰四方,王冲终于看到了奔驰而来的夫蒙灵察。就在钢铁之城的西北方向,夫蒙灵察一身戎装,只带了十几名护卫飞奔而来。 Although did not have tens of thousands of Qixi Protectorate Army and own health/guard, but on Fumeng Lingzhao still has one to look disdainfully vigorously, the overbearing bone-chilling cold aura, how noisy no matter the in-court matter makes, no matter how also inside and outside the government and people to regard this Qixi Great Protectorate, merely is Empire Great General this reputation, sufficiently makes anybody awe three points, looks to live timidly. 虽然没有了成千上万的碛西都护军和亲卫,但是夫蒙灵察身上依然有着一股雄浑睥睨、霸道凛冽的气息,不管朝中的事情闹得如何的沸沸扬扬,也不管朝野内外如何看待这位碛西大都护,仅仅是帝国大将这个名头,就足以让任何人敬畏三分,望而生怯。 Lord Marquis, Fumeng Lingzhao fears the purpose in coming to be bad!” 侯爷,夫蒙灵察恐怕来意不善啊!” Li Siye stands in Wang Chong behind, frowns, in the foreheads reveals one to worry. Fumeng Lingzhao colludes with the imperial prince, the matter exposes, immediately must go to the capital to see right in front of one Sage Emperor, he sharply was not going to the national capital at this time, instead arrived at Wushang City of Steel, the fools knows that he harbored evil intentions. 李嗣业站在王冲身后,皱着眉头,眉宇间流露出一丝担忧。夫蒙灵察勾结皇子,事情败露,马上就要进京去面见圣皇,在这个时候他不急着前往京师,反而来到了乌伤钢铁之城,傻子都知道他不怀好意。 Wang Chong!” 王冲!” Also at this time, a shake the heavens shouting angrily thunder was billowing, transmitted from the distant place, northwest, Fumeng Lingzhao curbed a horse suddenly, a pair of fearful eye pupil was shining, stubbornly was staring at the City of Steel direction: 也就在这个时候,一声惊天的怒喝雷霆滚滚,从远处传来,西北方向,夫蒙灵察突然勒马,一双慑人的眼眸寒光四射,死死的盯着钢铁之城的方向: I know that you there, give me to get down!” “我知道你在那里,给我下来!” The huge sound reverberates in City of Steel each corner, the sound falls, in City of Steel, in all directions, a deathly stillness, all artisans, the soldier raised the head, show the look that listens attentively, their vision also look to Wang Chong on top. 巨大的声音在钢铁之城的每一个角落回响,声音一落,钢铁之城内,四面八方,一片死寂,所有的工匠,士兵纷纷抬起头来,露出倾听的神色,他们的目光也纷纷望向城头上的王冲 Lord Marquis, do not go! Now does not see Fumeng Lingzhao time.” 侯爷,千万不要去!现在绝不是见夫蒙灵察的时候。” Good, Lord Marquis cannot!” “不错,侯爷千万不可!” Fumeng Lingzhao this is the unhealthy person broken falls, he must go to the national capital now, the Sir definitely does not need to pay attention to him.” 夫蒙灵察这是破罐子破摔,他现在就要去京师了,大人完全不必理会他。” ...... …… Side Wang Chong, Xu Keyi, Zhang Que, Cheng Sanyuan, Su Shixuan and the others urged. At Fumeng Lingzhao this matter, this Wang Chong side all people, reached an agreement including Li Siye and Xu Qiqin. 王冲身旁,许科仪张雀程三元苏世玄等人纷纷劝道。在夫蒙灵察这件事情上,这一次王冲身边所有的人,包括李嗣业许绮琴在内都达成了一致。 Wang Chong, you evade. At this time, did not see him to compare to see him to be good.” 王冲,你还是避一避吧。这种时候,不见他比见他好。” Nearby, Xu Qiqin looks at Wang Chong, in the beautiful pupil reveals the look that worries about. 一旁,许绮琴看着王冲,美眸中流露出一丝担忧的神色。 Wang Chong has not spoken, this is vision is staring at Fumeng Lingzhao on distant place horseback, in his eye the ray flashes, no one knows that he is thinking anything. 王冲没有说话,这是目光盯着远处马背上的夫蒙灵察,他的眼中光芒闪动,谁也不知道他在想什么。 „!” “呵!” When all people are anxious, Wang Chong beckoned with the hand suddenly, has smiled: 就在所有人焦虑无比的时候,王冲突然摆了摆手,笑了起来: Does not need to be worried, will not have the matter. In any event, Fumeng Lingzhao absolutely does not dare to begin.” “不必担心,不会有事的。无论如何,夫蒙灵察都绝对不敢动手。” The people who a few words said are in abundance stunned, but Wang Chong had not explained, the sleeves stroke lightly, immediately walks toward the city wall under. 一句话说的众人纷纷错愕,不过王冲也没有解释,衣袖轻拂,立即朝着城墙下走去。 Lord Marquis, waits!” 侯爷,等一等!” The people are greatly anxious, followed hastily hurriedly. 众人大急,连忙急匆匆的跟了下去。 Also is the time of moment, hōng lōng lōng, the city gate opens wide, only listens to a xī yù yù horse cry, Wang Chong to ride White-hoofed Shadow vertical to leap. In him behind, Li Siye and the others closely follow. 也就是片刻的时间,轰隆隆,城门洞开,只听一阵希聿聿的马鸣,王冲骑着白蹄乌率先纵跃而出。在他身后,李嗣业等人紧紧相随。 Outside the city the strong winds howl, everywhere blown sand, dusky hazy piece, on tower over a city gate in the vision gazes of countless person, between Wang Chong and Fumeng Lingzhao approach unceasingly. 城外狂风呼啸,满地飞沙,灰蒙蒙迷蒙一片,就在城楼上无数人的目光注视中,王冲夫蒙灵察之间不断走近。 Haha, Sir Protectorate, does not see for a long time!” “哈哈,都护大人,好久不见!” Wang Chong has bowed with hands clasped the hand, progressed to catch up. His facial expression is tranquil, on the face even also had the smiling face, the whole person to relax, if not know, the bystander also thinks between he and Fumeng Lingzhao was not a mortal enemy, but was the forgetting year good friend who intersected the sworn friend. Another side, sees appearance that Wang Chong is all smiles, the Fumeng Lingzhao pupil shrinks, in the eye flashes through the intermittent cold light. 王冲揖了揖手,策马赶了上去。他的神情平静,脸上甚至还带了笑容,整个人放松至极,如果不是知道,外人还以为他和夫蒙灵察之间不是死敌,而是相交莫逆的忘年好友。另一侧,看到王冲笑容满面的样子,夫蒙灵察瞳孔一缩,眼中闪过阵阵冷光。 Snort!” “哼!” The Fumeng Lingzhao anger snort/hum, waves, leading the people to progress to rush. Was away from the Wang Chong not far place, Fumeng Lingzhao stopped: 夫蒙灵察怒哼一声,一挥手,带领众人策马冲了上去。就在距离王冲不远的地方,夫蒙灵察停了下来: Wang Chong, your courage is really big, cannot think that you currently have the courage to see me.” 王冲,你胆子真大,想不到你现在还有胆子来见我。” Sir chatted, your I with am the Great Tang official, Wang Chong really cannot think why doesn't dare to see the Sir?” “大人说笑了,你我同为大唐的臣子,王冲实在想不到为什么不敢来见大人?” Wang Chong said with a smile in a soft voice, his manner was amiable, with the aggressiveness of Fumeng Lingzhao, the murderous intention revealed completely forms the striking contrast, did not have the tense flavor/smell. 王冲轻声笑道,他的神态随和,和夫蒙灵察的咄咄逼人,杀机毕露形成鲜明对比,一点都没有紧张的味道。 Good deed that Wang Chong, you do! You think we really haven't known to the present?” 王冲,你做的好事!你真以为我们到现在还不知道吗?” Believed our Sir blade to kill you!” “信不信我们大人一刀杀了你!” Fumeng Lingzhao has not opened the mouth, his, two trusted friend faces are indignant, could not bear open the mouth to drink to scold. 夫蒙灵察还没开口,他的身后,两名心腹一脸愤愤,已经忍不住开口喝骂起来。 Sufficed!” “够了!” Fumeng Lingzhao stretches out two fingers, has prevented behind subordinate, a pair of fearful vision actually fell on Wang Chong: 夫蒙灵察伸出两根手指,阻止了身后的部下,一双慑人的目光却落在了王冲身上: Wang Chong, Wang Clan is also military and political leaders Aristocratic Family, your grandfather is the Great Tang virtue, this place only asked that your matter, do a few words, sob the volt advantage that side are you fudged?” 王冲,王家也是将相世家,你祖父更是大唐贤相,本座只问你一件事情,一句话,泣伏利那边是不是你动了手脚?” wēng! 嗡! The Fumeng Lingzhao sound falls, Wang Chong behind the people in abundance changed the complexion. No one has thought, the Fumeng Lingzhao sensation is so keen, such quickly can be clear the cause and effect of matter, and associates to Wang Chong on. This kind of time was absolutely unwarrantable, especially Wang Chong's Teacher Evil Emperor old man and head of the clan Wushang went to Wushang Village, if Fumeng Lingzhao launched an attack at this time, the consequence was dreadful. 夫蒙灵察声音一落,王冲身后众人纷纷变了脸色。谁也没有想到,夫蒙灵察的感知这么敏锐,这么快就能将事情的前因后果想清楚,并且联想到王冲身上来。这种时候是绝对不能承认的,特别是王冲的师傅邪帝老人乌伤族长去了乌伤村,如果夫蒙灵察这个时候发难,后果不堪设想。 hē hē!” 呵呵!” Unexpected, Wang Chong smiles, acknowledgment unusual is simple: 出乎预料,王冲一笑,承认的非常干脆: Good, sobs crouches/submits Li truly is I makes King Song seize, your feeling not wrong, when you send out that five trusted friends, and begs in the carriage hit that on the road meets, is I arranges. Your response is quick, but was a pity that finally I won to plan!” “不错,泣伏利确实是我让宋王捉住的,你的感觉没有错,你派出那五名心腹时,在路上遇到的马车撞击和乞儿,都是我安排的。你的反应很快,不过可惜最后还是我胜出了一筹!” Bang! 轰隆! Wang Chong such remarks, no matter Li Siye and Cheng Sanyuan, are Fumeng Lingzhao as well as the Qixi people, completely changed the complexion. No one has thought that the Wang Chong's courage is so big, matter that should deny, he was in front of Fumeng Lingzhao directly frankly to acknowledge unexpectedly. 王冲此言一出,不管是李嗣业程三元,还是夫蒙灵察以及碛西众人,全部都变了脸色。谁也没有想到王冲的胆子这么大,本来应该否认的事情,他居然当着夫蒙灵察的面直接坦率的承认了。 Clang! 锵! A clear and melodious blade cry cuts the sky, almost opens the mouth to acknowledge in Wang Chong instant, Fumeng Lingzhao has drawn out the long blade on waist fiercely. 一声清越的刀鸣划破天空,几乎是在王冲开口承认的刹那,夫蒙灵察猛的拔出了腰上的长刀。 Scoundrel! You think really I don't dare to begin to kill you? This place able to move unhindered Qixi ten years, murder innumerably, never have the person to dare to oppose with me like this, do you know that by me and you now distance, I want a thought that can execute you under horse!” “混账!你真的以为我不敢动手杀你吗?本座纵横碛西十余载,杀伐无数,还从来没有人敢这样和我作对,你知不知道以我和你现在之间的距离,我只要一个念头,就可以将你毙于马下!” Fumeng Lingzhao complexion gloomy, angry whole body shivers. Although in heart early some guesses, when Wang Chong said personally, all confirmed time, in the Fumeng Lingzhao heart felt the indescribable anger. He now only then a thought that kills this Wang Clan's youngest son thorough cutting. 夫蒙灵察脸色阴沉,愤怒的全身颤抖。虽然心中早有猜测,但是当王冲亲口说出,一切得到证实的时候,夫蒙灵察心中还是感到难以言喻的愤怒。他现在只有一个念头,就是把这个王家的幼子彻底的斩杀。 Sir, rubbish with him, has killed him!” “大人,别跟他废话,杀了他!” Fumeng Lingzhao, one crowd of Qixi Hu People departments are also facial expressions will be after death angry, reveal in speech and appearance. Clang clang clang, follows close on Fumeng Lingzhao behind, Qixi Hu People departments also will have drawn out sword, the innumerable swords shine void, the cold light on sword is cursory, is walking randomly like Dragon Snake void, but kills intent the sensation to this, Wang Chong behind, clang clang clang, the people have also drawn out the sword, especially Li Siye, draws out behind that person of high Wootz Steel Long Sword, to person a mountain range pressure. 夫蒙灵察身后,一群碛西胡人部将也是一个个神情愤怒,溢于言表。锵锵锵,紧跟在夫蒙灵察身后,一名名碛西胡人部将也纷纷拔出了身上的刀剑,无数的刀剑照耀虚空,刀剑上的寒光浮光掠影,有如龙蛇般在虚空游走,而感知到这股杀意,王冲身后,锵锵锵,众人也纷纷拔出了刀剑,特别是李嗣业,拔出身后那把一人多高的乌兹钢长剑,更是给人一种山峦般的压力。 Who dares to move Lord Marquis!” “谁敢动侯爷!” Wushang Heavy Cavalry here, so long as issues an order, anyone of you do not want to leave!” 乌伤铁骑在此,只要一声令下,你们谁也别想离开!” All person whole bodies tighten, both sides at daggers drawn, fights relative, tense atmosphere to the extreme. Saw that both sides must begin immediately, immediately is one bleeds the frigid fight of floating scull, at this time, a clouds are thin, wind is soft sound suddenly resounded in the ears of all people. 所有人都全身绷紧,双方剑拔弩张,争锋相对,气氛紧张到了极点。眼看着双方马上就要动手,立即就是一场流血漂橹的惨烈战斗,就在这个时候,一个云淡风轻的声音突然在所有人的耳中响起。 Receives the sword.” “把刀剑都收回去。” Wang Chong first drank to stop behind people, then looked to opposite Fumeng Lingzhao and Qixi all generals. Different with a people face tense appearance, the Wang Chong's facial expression throughout is confident, unflustered, relaxes subconsciously: 王冲首先喝止了身后众人,然后这才看向了对面的夫蒙灵察碛西诸将。和众人一脸紧张的样子不同,王冲的神情始终是成竹在胸,从容不迫,让人下意识的放松下来: Sir Protectorate, so-called pays a man back in his own coin, give-and-take, Triangle Jag you murder with a borrowed knife, kills me with the hand of Dusong Mangbuzhi, has robbed my merit. I have caught merely your subordinate, what should not be matter at the worst? Moreover, is not I boasted, you think really killed me? Why Dusong Mangbuzhi escapes, should you not be do not know?” 都护大人,所谓礼尚往来,有来有往,三角缺口你借刀杀人,用都松莽布支的手来杀我,又抢夺了我的功劳。我仅仅只是抓了你的一个部下,应该不算什么大不了的事吧?而且,不是我自夸,你真的以为杀得了我吗?都松莽布支是为什么逃跑的,你应该不是不知道吧?” The Wang Chong's sound falls, Fumeng Lingzhao complexion steep changes, his behind Qixi numerous also together changed the complexion. 王冲的声音一落,夫蒙灵察脸色陡的一变,就连他身后的碛西众将也是一起变了脸色。
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