HE :: Volume #9

#812: Xueyang Palace event! ( 1 )

Chapter 812 第812章 Ninth!】 【第九更!】 Wang Chong has been startled being startled, good, the destiny of everyone is decides. Although Xu Qiqin is different from him, does not know matter that in the future can have, but all made her say exactly. Regardless of there are, that imperial prince result is actually same, in comparison, regardless of make anything, actually does not have influence to him. 王冲怔了怔,不错,每一个人的命运都是自己决定的。许绮琴虽然和他不一样,并不知道未来会发生的事情,但一切恰恰让她说中了。无论有没有自己,那位皇子的结局其实都是一样,相比之下,不论自己做什么,其实对他都没有影响 Like such that Xu Qiqin said that the destiny was determined by oneself. 就像许绮琴说的那样,命运是由自己决定的。 Haha, was good, did not say this matter. Chats the western region, this matter only then you can solve. Moreover, that Turkic Horse Merchant Hu Luyige I also hope that gives you to process, we had just completed the first batch, the transactions of following also several batch of warhorses. Moreover, Sindhi Hyderabad also processes for me. City of Steel almost of money flower were similar, now can only have other aspects to try to find the solution from the warhorse.” “哈哈,好了,不说这件事情了。还是聊聊西域吧,这件事情只有你才能解决的了。另外,那个突厥马商忽鲁也格我也希望交给你来处理,我们刚刚完成了第一批,后续还有几批战马的交易。另外,身毒海德拉巴也替我处理一下。钢铁之城的银子都花的7788差不多了,现在只能是从战马还有其他方面想办法。” Wang Chong said. 王冲道。 hē hē, is actually not troublesome, if you are short of money, sold to the country to be good that City of Steel on Triangle Jag, reconstructs City of Steel in the neighboring position, sold to Royal Court that city. Present City of Steel construction technology, only then you grasped. If can build the base on Plateau, prevents U-Tsang People outside, no matter how much money, I believe that Sir every(one) as well as Ministry of Revenue on and board of personnel Royal Court certainly are also glad to disburse money to buy.” 呵呵,其实远没有那么麻烦,如果你缺钱的话,把三角缺口上的那座钢铁之城卖给国家就好了,或者,在相邻的位置再建一座钢铁之城,把那座城池卖给朝廷。现在的钢铁之城建造技术,只有你才掌握了。而且如果能在高原上建立基地,将乌斯藏人阻挡在外,那么不管多少钱,我相信朝廷上的诸位大人以及户部和吏部也是一定乐于出钱买下来的。” Xu Qiqin said with a smile bright, in the facial expression had lifting a heavy weight as if light, accomplished a task with ease, the persuasive strength, as if in this world nothing can perplex her to be the same. 许绮琴粲然一笑道,神情中自有一种举重若轻,游刃有余,令人信服的力量,似乎这个世界上没有什么事情能够难住她一样。 Buys the city?” “买城池?” In Wang Chong eye bright, steep turning head. Although knows that the Xu Qiqin later generation is famous Queen logistics, but Wang Chong has not thought, her brain hole is so big, unexpectedly can think of this means. In Great Tang, as a result of the backwardness of method of construction, a construction of city often time-consumingly takes the trouble, after the expenditure huge price, often also spatially has its table. 王冲眼中一亮,陡的回过头来。虽然知道许绮琴后世是名闻天下的后勤女王,但是王冲也没有想到,她的脑洞这么大,居然能想到这种办法。在大唐,由于建筑方法的落后,一座城池的建设往往费时费力,在花费巨大的代价之后,往往还空有其表。 In comparison, Wang Chong's City of Steel seems like the consumption is huge, but compared with similar area city, because has saved the massive man-hours, instead is more economical. What is most important, the City of Steel war defense function, is any city is unable to compare. This is Sir every(one) in Royal Court in the ideal most needs exactly. 相比之下,王冲的钢铁之城看似耗费巨大,但是和同样面积的城池相比,由于节省了大量的工时,反而节省许多。最重要的是,钢铁之城的战争防御功能,是任何城池都无法比拟的。这恰恰是朝廷里的诸位大人理想中最需要的。 Not only actually so, since you can negotiate with Sindhi People, becomes they in the Central Plains sole agent business, why can't that use the same thing on your City of Steel? If you worried that they study to walk your City of Steel technology , can definitely after completion, the city wall of entire city with the iron juice irrigation, weld a body, burnt down the blueprint again is OK. The western region person does not have the Han people so clever and deft, even if obtains the blueprint not to use. Moreover does not have that huge steel production support, similarly knew the secret also useless.” “其实不只是如此,既然你可以和身毒人谈判,成为他们在中土的独家代理商,那为什么不可以把同样的东西用在你的钢铁之城上?而如果你担心他们学走你的钢铁之城技术的话,也完全可以在建成之后,把整座城池的城墙用铁汁浇灌,焊成一体,再把图纸烧掉就可以了。西域人远没有汉人那么心灵手巧,就算得到图纸也不一定会用。而且没有那么庞大的钢铁产量支撑,同样知道了秘密也没有用。” The Xu Qiqin skirt front light moved to and fro, has stood from the seat, has arrived at Wang Chong slowly behind. In her beautiful pupil light wave circulation, disclosed that the infinite intelligence and intelligence, have a profoundness of seeing the whole matter clearly: 许绮琴裙裾轻摆,从座位上站了起来,缓缓的走到了王冲身后。她的美眸中光波流转,透露出无穷的聪敏和智慧,更有一种洞察一切的深邃: „...... However, the western region is different, here place is barren, many places are the rocks. Your City of Steel has very big use here. Moreover western region various countries are rich, various types of gems, pearls and agate are countless, no matter your initial price many, I believe that they will buy. Incessantly so, needs City of Steel, not only western region various countries, include Sindhi similarly. The cargo transaction must use gold by no means that you construct City of Steel for them, received exchange Hyderabad Wootz Steel, completely. Moreover I believe that they are also glad to accept, after all, I heard that Sindhi frequently comes under the attacks of other countries'. Like this your transactions can also long-term.” “……但是,西域不一样,这里地方贫瘠,很多地方都是岩石。你的钢铁之城在这里有很大的用场。另外西域诸国非常富有,各种宝石、珍珠、玛瑙不计其数,不管你开价多少,我相信他们都是会买的。不止如此,需要钢铁之城的不只是西域诸国,同样还包括身毒。货物交易并非一定得用黄金,你替他们建一座钢铁之城,来换取海德拉巴乌兹钢,也完全可以。而且我相信他们也非常乐于接受,毕竟,我听说身毒可是经常受到其他诸国的攻击。这样你们的交易也能更加的长远。” Haha, good! Really worthily is our Great Tang talented woman, future logistics Empress, all will give you to operate.” “哈哈,好!果然不愧是我们大唐的才女,未来的后勤女皇,一切就交给你来操作吧。” Wang Chong looks at Xu Qiqin, in the eye is getting more and more bright, to could not bear laugh finally finally. 王冲看着许绮琴,眼中越来越亮,到了最后终于忍不住哈哈大笑起来。 ...... …… That all that the crawl, in the national capital had, besides Wang Chong and King Song, other basic nobody knew. Several days later, curtain of night, the Imperial Palace west gate, does the person's shadow sway together, the step limps, is having several points of feeling of being drunk, from Imperial Palace. The lanky form by behind the illumination of lantern, was pulled the old long shadow in the ground. 时间慢慢过去,京师中发生的那一切,除了王冲宋王之外,其他根本无人知晓。几天之后,夜幕时分,皇宫的西门,一道人影摇摇晃晃,步履蹒跚,带着几分醉意,从皇宫中走了出来。瘦长的身影被身后灯笼的照射下,在地面拉扯出老长的影子。 Come, comes one cup again! On full! Again on full...... ” ”来,再来一杯!满上!再满上……” , Only listens to that person to mutter by far, was saying clear that only then can listen to words. If carefully looks, will see that person wears the official headgear, two cheeks have one's face flushed with drink red, got drunk obviously. 远远地,只听那人喃喃自语,说着只有自己才能听的清得话。如果仔细看去,就会看到那人戴着官帽,两颊酡红,明显是喝醉了。 15 th of 10 th lunar month festival, come, everybody respects your highness. ” ”下元节,来,大家敬殿下。” The weather is gradually cold, on the street pedestrian are gradually few, in the past the bustling street, only 2-3 people were walking. However for all this, by the street, each and every family has the billowing white steam to emit, in the steam, shows the intermittent white vegetable-stuffed steamed bun meat stuffing the fragrance. In October/ten months 15, 15 th of 10 th lunar month the festival, is the folk sacrificial offering worthy people of former times ancestor, as well as days of three officer Great Emperor. 天气渐冷,街上行人渐少,往常熙熙攘攘的街道,只余三两个人在行走。不过尽管如此,街道两旁,家家户户却有滚滚的白色蒸汽冒出,蒸汽中,透出阵阵白菜包肉馅的香味。十月15,下元节,乃是民间祭祀先贤祖先,以及三官大帝的日子。 Arrived this day, folk all rural fairs early will have ended, all common people will return to the home, eats the white vegetable-stuffed steamed bun meat the stuffed dumpling, as well as sacrificial offering worthy people of former times. 到了这一天,民间所有的集市都会早早的结束,所有的百姓都会返回家中,吃白菜包肉的饺子,以及祭祀先贤。 Well, isn't this Sir left Pushe Yang? ” ”咦,这不是左仆射杨大人吗?” Sudden rumble the carriage sound transmits from the ear. On the street, that person was on the rise to size up one drunkenly, saw only a purple curtain brocade mark the carriage, does not know when stopped in the side. In the carriage car(riage) curtain tucks up, is leading the middle-aged person of headwrap hat, pokes head from inside. 突然一阵咕噜噜的马车声从耳边传来。街道上,那人醉醺醺的抬头打量了一眼,只见一辆紫幔锦纹的马车,不知道什么时候停在了身边。马车里车帘撩开,一个带着幞帽的中年人,从里面探出头来。 Although civilian clothes, but that person graces has an average person no officer prestige. 虽然一身便服,但是那人举手投足之间却有一股普通人没有的官威。 Sir summer? You how here? ” ”夏大人?你怎么在这里?” Yang Chao makes a belch, the bleary eyes are dim, has recognized. 杨潮打了个嗝,醉眼朦胧,一眼认了出来。 Sir Yang, such cold day, your person here? Walks, everybody was in attendance, misses your one, comes up quickly! ” ”杨大人,这么冷的天,你怎么一个人在这里?走走走,大家都到齐了,就差你一个,快上来吧!” Xia Ye shu called in carriage. 夏晔书在马车里叫到。 Yang Chao is drunken, just about to rejects, the sudden hand has extended from the carriage, has drawn in the carriage him. Walks, who Yang Chaozhi heard in ear to call one, then the wheel moving, proceeded. 杨潮醉醺醺,刚要拒绝,突然一只手从马车里伸了出来,一把将他拉上了马车。走,杨潮只听到耳中谁叫了一声,接着车轮转动,就往前开去了。 In Yang Chaoxin some feeling of being drunk, where have not cared about the carriage to pass through completely, where also arrived at finally, only remembers, waits for the carriage to stop the time that two person's shadows one on the left and other on the right, have pinched from the carriage him, stripped in the restaurant. 杨潮心中有些醉意,完全没有在意马车经过了哪里,又最后到了哪里,只记得,等马车停下来的时候,两道人影一左一右,将他从马车里挟了出来,一路带到了酒楼里面。 With outside street on cold different, in restaurant steaming hot, like warming is spring ordinary. In the restaurant, is suspending long, only then two chi (0.33 m) about four cuns (2.5 cm) table, the table builds with the good sandal wood, has brushed varnish, maintained the sandal wood original good texture, sends out wooden fragrance that gladdens the heart intermittently. 和外面街道上的寒冷不同,酒楼里热气腾腾,有如暖春一般。酒楼里,摆着一条条长长的,只有两尺四寸左右的桌子,桌子是用上好的檀木打造,刷了一层清漆,保持了檀木原来的上好纹理,散发出阵阵沁人心脾的木质香味。 The both sides of table, white mist winds around, person's shadows, or wear the headwrap head, either wears the civilian clothes, optional sitting at table. On the table has chocked up steaming hot food and wine, Yang Chao comes , the people obviously have drunk a while. He has not examined carefully, under Xia Ye shu leadership, looked for a position to sit casually. 桌子的两旁,白色的雾气缭绕,一道道人影,或者戴着幞头,或者穿着便服,在桌旁随意的坐着。桌子上摆满了热气腾腾的酒食,杨潮进来的时候,众人显然已经喝了一会儿。他也没细看,在夏晔书的带领下,随便找了一个位置坐了下来。 Nearby, early some people hand over the wine glass, chopsticks and tray for him, some people took up the flagon to pour out full one cup for him. 一旁,早有人替他递上酒杯、筷子和盘子,又有人拿起酒壶替他斟了满满一杯。 Sir Yang, does not do right by, that side Sir Cao, Sir open/stretch also came, I respect two glasses of liquor. ” ”杨大人,对不住,那边曹大人,张大人也来了,我去敬两杯酒。” In the ear broadcasts the Xia Ye shu familiar voice, resembles approximately far, vague, Yang Chaoshen however smiles, waved, carries the wine glass on table to toss down, does not care at all. 耳中传来夏晔书熟悉的声音,似近似远,若有若无,杨潮哂然一笑,挥了挥手,端起桌上的酒杯一饮而尽,毫不在意。 Goes, goes! ” ”去吧,去吧!” Yang Chaoxing to just thick, in addition in restaurant nice and warm, the atmosphere is just harmonious, is listening to the ear the sounds of these lively banquet scenes, unconscious receive influence, has taken up the wine glass on table simply, a person drinks with flies, is content with one's lot. 杨潮兴致正浓,加上酒楼里暖烘烘的,气氛正浓,听着耳中那些觥筹交错的声音,不自觉的受到了影响,索性拿起了桌上的酒杯,一个人自斟自饮,自得其乐。 I told you that four imperial princes were also too dissolute, in Imperial Palace explicitly bans to ride a horse, he rode the major road to come up horse unexpectedly...... ” ”我跟你们说,那个四皇子也太放肆了,皇宫中明令禁止骑马,他居然把马骑到官道上来了……” How long has not known, when Yang Chao drinks just luxurious, a drunken sound conveys from another corner of restaurant suddenly, the sound is resounding, but also is passing the intermittent resentment. 不知道过了多久,就在杨潮喝得正酣的时候,一个醉醺醺的声音突然从酒楼的另一个角落里传来,声音高亢无比,还透着阵阵的怨气。 Four imperial princes? 四皇子? Yang Chao makes a belch, noted this sound all of a sudden, was quite familiar, some of his indistinct impressions, probably were Si Jingju some lesser official. That person was shooting still the breeze, is foul-mouthed. 杨潮打了个嗝,一下子就注意到了这个声音,好熟悉,他隐约有些印象,好像是司经局的某个小官。那人却依然在高谈阔论,骂骂咧咧。 Imperial prince is great, imperial prince is looking down upon the person! That horse's hoof looked that did not look, almost treads on me! ” ”皇子就了不起啊,皇子就瞧不起人啊!那马蹄看都不看,差点就踏在我身上!” That person was foul-mouthed, while was hitting the liquor belch, looked like Yang Chaozui was fiercer. Some side as if people were urging him, but that person was still unforgiving, continued, does not know quite the same as oneself were saying anything: 那人一边骂骂咧咧,一边打着酒嗝,看起来比杨潮醉的还要厉害。旁边似乎有人在劝他,但那人依然不依不饶,继续说着,浑然不知道自己在说什么了: Although said that each imperial princes may inherit Great Lineage, but depends on his such, how many lifetime are impossible to mount the throne, ride a horse in Imperial Palace, he thinks that oneself is Turkic People? Bah! ” ”虽然说每个皇子都有可能继承大统,但是就凭他那样子,几辈子都不可能登上皇位,在皇宫里骑马,他以为自己是突厥人吗?呸!” wēng! 嗡! The restaurant that was noisy was all of a sudden more peaceful, the people look to that drunken government official. 原本闹哄哄的酒楼一下子安静了许多,众人纷纷看向那名醉醺醺的官吏。 Which government official is this? Also was too dissolute. ” ”这到底是哪个官吏?也太放肆了。” Yang Chaoting that person of cursing, why is not knowing in the heart intermittent annoyed. 杨潮听着那人的咒骂,不知道为什么心中阵阵的恼火。 In his mind looks everywhere to remember, has remembered anything indistinctly, Zhou Cheng, Si Jingju the book enters in an account book, a mung bean sesame seed big lesser official, had achieved the Ministry of Revenue gentry official before probably, but afterward elegant was not successful on the government, censured Si Jingju the book to enter in an account book from the Ministry of Revenue gentry official finally, is the lesser official who a record passed and out Si Jingju the government official. 他脑海中遍寻记忆,隐隐约约想起了什么,周埕,司经局的书记簿,一个绿豆芝麻大的小官,以前好像做到过户部的员外郎,但是后来在官场上一直郁郁不得志,从户部员外郎最后一路贬到了司经局书记簿,做了一个记录进出司经局官吏的小官。 However, that Zhou Cheng seems drunk is very fierce, all elegance were not successful to borrow this situation to roar. Moreover spoke is getting more and more excessive. 然而,那个周埕似乎醉的很厉害,所有的郁郁不得志都借这个场合吼了出来。而且说话越来越过分。 In palace early has the rumor, on four imperial princes has the Turkic People blood relationship, in my opinion he is the Hu People descendant. Rides a horse in the palace, but also vertical Shangguandao, depends on this morality and conduct, inside and outside in-court, which fool will support him? Tomorrow I will tell the emperor, making him forever not sit this throne! ” ”宫中早有传言,四皇子身上有突厥人的血统,依我看他就是胡人的后代。在宫中骑马,还纵上官道,就凭这种德行,朝中内外,还有哪个傻子会拥护他?明天我就告诉皇上,让他永远都坐不上这个皇位!” Zhou Cheng was foul-mouthed. 周埕骂骂咧咧道。 Dissolute! ” ”放肆!” Yang Chaoyue listens more air/Qi, finally could not bear pound the table, scolded: 杨潮越听越气,终于忍不住拍案而起,骂了起来: ” A small Si Jing bureau book enters in an account book, here boasts shamelessly, four imperial prince can it be that you can slander? Four imperial prince wise God Martial, why could not make Emperor, you did not support him, had the person to support him, moreover supported his person also large bundle. ” ”一个小小的司经局书记簿,在这里大言不惭,四皇子又岂是你能诋毁的吗?四皇子英明神武,凭什么做不了皇帝,你不拥护他,自有人拥护他,而且拥护他的人还大把大把。” Yang Chaoyue said is more anxious, on the face the feeling of being drunk is dim, flushed more and more red, his voice, carries the liquor in hand to toss down saying: 杨潮越说越急,脸上醉意朦胧,越来越酡红,他声音一顿,端起手中的酒一饮而尽道: Bah! Who supports him? On your Yang Chao? Could say? Could say? Told you, four imperial princes did not match to be the imperial prince, did not have the qualifications to inherit Great Lineage to make Emperor! ” ”呸!有谁拥护他?就你杨潮吗?说得出来吗?说得出来吗?告诉你,四皇子就不配做皇子,更加没资格继承大统皇帝!” Zhou Cheng scolded in that side, the sound was louder than Yang Chao. 周埕在那边骂道,声音比杨潮还大。 Also has finally one, in click upload......, 3 S , 2 S......】 【还有最后一更,点击上传中……,3S,2S……】
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