HE :: Volume #7

#699: Stone General, Huang Botian 【Fourth】

Chapter 699 第699章 What makes? Haven't I meant? I look for several friends?” “做什么?我不是说过了吗?我是找几个朋友的?” Wang Chong shows a faint smile to say. 王冲微微一笑道。 Although the present Qin nine cities martial arts was also good, but after all also will not be future that Qin nine cities. In Wushang Heavy Cavalry, oneself subordinate ten most parts, he will be situated end. Must want to grow future that planning strategy(-ies) perhaps nine Sirs, need some date and time. 现在的秦九城虽然武功也不错,但毕竟还不是日后的那个秦九城。乌伤铁骑里,自己的手下十大部将,他排行最末。要想成长成未来那个运筹帷幄的“九大人”,恐怕还需要一些时日。 Now not suitable and he too talks and contacts thoroughly. 现在还是不宜和他太深入的交谈和接触。 We walk!” “我们走!” Wang Chong waves, bridges over these Wushang Village people , to continue toward. 王冲一挥手,跨过那些乌伤村人,继续往前行去。 Must want to recruit suddenly the Wushang Village person, does not circle Wushang Village Village Chief, is little girl Fang Xiaoyan grandfather. 要想招蓦乌伤村人,就绕不乌伤村村长,也就是小女孩方小晏爷爷 Arrived our Wushang Village, but also dares to be so dissolute, thinks here your domain really?” “到了我们乌伤村,还敢这么放肆,真的以为这里还是你的地盘吗?” In a twinkling, bridges over several Wushang Village people in Wang Chong, prepares to enter in the village time, sudden ice cold piercing sound biography hears. In an instant, as if entered the ice-cold cold winter to be the same from the hot summer, all people felt that the whole body shook, then saw gigantic stone dropped from the clouds, pounded ruthlessly to Wang Chong. 说时迟那时快,就在王冲跨过几名乌伤村人,准备进入村子里面的时候,突然一个冰寒刺骨的声音传入耳中。刹那之间,就仿佛从炎炎的夏日进入了冰冷的寒冬一样,所有人都感觉浑身一抖,然后便看到了一块硕大的“石头”从天而降,狠狠地砸向王冲 That is anything!” “那是什么!” A guard lost one's voice to call suddenly. 一名侍卫突然失声叫了起来。 Everyone first when the time comes, thinks shortly that is one gigantic stone, when that stone opens the five fingers, the people suddenly discovered that at all is not the stone, but is a giant stone palm. 每个人第一眼看到时候,都以为那是一块硕大的“石头”,但是当那块石头张开五指,众人才陡然发现,那根本不是什么石头,而是一块巨大的石头手掌。 Bang!” “轰隆!” stone Quanza falls, the earth vibrates, the billowing mist and dust shoots up to the sky, fills the air, but in the front of stone fist, Wang Chong robe flutters, stands in not far away, flashed through by the difference of least this has struck. 石拳砸落,大地震动,滚滚的烟尘冲天而起,四下弥漫,而在石拳的前方,王冲衣袍猎猎,站在不远处,以毫厘之差闪过了这一击。 Is he!” “是他!” Wang Chong is narrowing the eye slightly, looks up the sky, in eye were many a dignified look, before is no comparison between them with ease. 王冲微微眯着眼睛,抬头看着天空,眼中多了一股凝重的神色,和之前的轻松不可同日而语。 This flash, all people look clearly, appears in front of Wang Chong, is not the giant stone, but is one has 30 meters high fully, stone Giant of military commander appearance. When the people raise the head looked, that Giant also only has a foot. 这一刹那,所有人都看得清清楚楚,出现在王冲面前的,并不是什么巨大的石头,而是一个足有30米高,武将模样的石头巨人。众人抬头看时,那巨人还只有一手一脚。 However the next quarter, the both sides cliff hōng lōng lōng bangs, cracks appear on the steep cliff, quick, chops the pitching chisel like the blade, giant rocks under an invisible strength control, break through a wall from the both sides cliffs, flies high to fly together with the innumerable crushed stones together to the left shoulder of stone Giant. 但是下一刻,两侧的悬崖轰隆隆巨响,一道道的裂缝出现在陡峭的悬崖上,很快,就像刀劈斧凿一样,一块块巨大的岩石在一股无形的力量控制下,从两侧的悬崖上破壁而出,连同无数的碎石一起凌空飞向石头巨人的右肩。 hōng lōng lōng, in an intermittent loud sound sound, suddenly, a exactly the same stone right arm emerges out of thin air, the assembly is completed, appears in the field of vision of people. 轰隆隆,一阵阵巨响声中,眨眼间,一条一模一样的石头右臂凭空出现,组装完成,出现在众人的视野当中。 The arm and right foot, left ear, in the short time, this stone Giant has taken shape completely. 手臂、右脚,还有左耳,短短时间内,这名石头巨人已经完全成型。 All people raise head to look, sees clearly, this was Giant of ancient military commander appearance, the body was throwing over the stone mail-armor and helmet, the facial expression was dignified, making one be awed at the sight. But he enough more than 30 meters heights, cause all people in his under foot, is similar to the ants is ordinary, small uncertain. 所有人仰头望着,看得清清楚楚,这是一名古代武将模样的巨人,身上披着石头的甲胄,神情威严,令人望而生畏。而他足足30多米的身高,使得所有人在他的脚下,如同蝼蚁一般,微小渺茫。 Stone General! 石将军 In the Wang Chong mind flashes through together the thought that has recognized instantaneously. 王冲脑海中闪过一道念头,瞬间认了出来。 Stone General is in Wushang Village one of the topest martial study, can control all rocks in surrounding area hundred zhang (333 m), the incarnation became in the ancient times stone Giant of military commander appearance, was Stone General. 石将军”是乌伤村中最顶尖的武学之一,可以控制方圆百丈之内的所有岩石,化身成为古代武将模样的石巨人,也就是“石将军”。 This martial study is formidable, Stone General that incarnation becomes, the strength is enormous, belongs to the Sovereign Martial Realm great power. Moreover, so long as the surroundings have the massive stones, Stone General can continuous has been patched, this also means that the cultivation Stone General person, is in an impregnable position basically. 这门武学强大无比,化身成的石将军,力量极大,属于皇武境的强大力量。而且,只要周围有大量的石头,石将军就可以源源不断的得到修补,这也就意味着修炼石将军的人,基本立于不败之地。 Moreover there is a such thick stone mail-armor and helmet, any weapon also difficultly truly injures to Stone General internal martial artist, this is also the Stone General this martial study formidable place. 而且有这么厚的石头甲胄,任何武器也难真正伤害到石将军内部的武者,这也是石将军这门武学的强大之处。 Around Wushang Village goes around a mountain, everywhere is the high mountain ridges, most does not lack is various types of hard stones. 乌伤村四面环山,到处都是崇山峻岭,最不缺的就是各种坚硬的石头。 Therefore, in this environment, most can play the Stone General strongest might. 因此,在这种环境下,也是最能发挥出石将军最强威力的。 However Wang Chong cares is this, in Wushang Village can display the Stone General person not to be absolutely many incessantly, but can appear in this position, Wang Chong can only think of a person: 不过王冲在意的不止是这个,乌伤村中能够施展石将军的人绝对不多,而能出现在这个位置的,王冲只能想到一个人: Huang Botian! 黄搏天 One of Wushang Village most surrounding Protector! 乌伤村最外围的护法之一! Before the big catastrophe, any intrudes to the village core person, most starts to meet, is Huang Botian. In Wushang Village Protector numerously, what his Stone General practices is most superb, is typical Sovereign Martial Realm Powerhouse, the strength before Qin Qicheng. 在大浩劫之前,任何一个闯入到村子核心的人,最开始遇到的,就是黄搏天。在乌伤村的众多护法中,他的“石将军”练的是最出神入化,是典型的皇武境强者,实力远在秦七城之前。 Is one of the Wushang Village backbone forces. 属于乌伤村的骨干力量之一。 When the foreign land intruder captures Wushang Village, he once drew support from Wushang Village benefits specially, has stopped 5,000-6,000 foreign land intruder, almost a person guarded a position. In Wushang Village, this person is quite hard to deal with. 在异域入侵者攻入乌伤村的时候,他曾经借助乌伤村的特殊地利,阻挡过五六千的异域入侵者,几乎一个人就把守住了一个方位。在乌伤村中,这个人相当难缠。 Was only a pity, afterward Huang Botian, fought vigorously dead in the big catastrophe. In Wushang Village the backbone force that started dead in battle. 只可惜,后来的黄搏天,在大浩劫中力战而死。是乌伤村中最开始阵亡的骨干力量。 Cannot think, unexpectedly met martial arts maniac!” “想不到,居然遇上武痴了!” Wang Chong raised the head, is looking at the front gorgeously, strong, 30 meters high Stone General, the look is narrowing the eyes slightly, does not have slight fear. 王冲抬起头来,望着前方巍然、强壮,30米高的“石将军”,眼神微微眯着,却没有丝毫的畏惧。 Past Fang Xiaoyan when Martial Path also has not become, once for a while and lifted shoulders, will mention this Stone General to practice superbly Protector uncle Huang Botian. Although the strength is astonishing, moreover extreme xenophobe, but heart of hearts Huang Botian is actually the real personality man. 当年的方小晏在自己武道还没成的时候,时不时和自己抬扛,就会说起她这位“石将军”练得出神入化的护法叔叔黄搏天。虽然实力惊人,而且极度仇外,但是内心深处黄搏天却是真性情的汉子。 He is addicted to the military extremely, simultaneously the biggest weakness is to also be addicted to the military. Anybody can anti- live in his three moves, can obtain his favorable impression, can defeat him, Huang Botian to the opposite party rapid change manner. 他极度嗜武,同时最大的弱点也是嗜武。任何人能够抗住他的三招,就能够获得他的好感,能够打败他,黄搏天就会对对方迅速改变态度。 No matter the opposite party comes the origin, before no matter, is precisely is evil, Huang Botian will regard the brothers the opposite party immediately, the approval opposite party, is regarded as a person on one's own side. 不管对方出身来历,也不管以前是正是邪,黄搏天立即就会把对方当成兄弟,认同对方,当做是自己人。 Once U-Tsang Powerhouse, was pursued by Great Tang Expert, astrayed Wushang Village accidentally, finally and Huang Botian fought, Huang Botian does not hit is not acquainted, afterward unexpectedly maintained to him in every possible way, even has fought finally almost with the person on one's own side. 曾经有一个乌斯藏强者,被大唐高手追赶,无意中误入乌伤村,最后和黄搏天大战一场,黄搏天不打不相识,事后居然对他百般维护,甚至最后差点和自己人打了起来。 Finally the villager has to let out him! 最后村里人不得不把他放了出去! - knows obviously the opposite party is U-Tsang People, appears harbors evil intentions in Great Tang, Huang Botian also does, his martial arts maniac degree has fiercely can be imagined much. ——明明知道对方是一个乌斯藏人,出现在大唐不怀好意,黄搏天还这么干,他的武痴程度有多厉害就可想而知。 However, freely Huang Botian these disposition issues, publicity in Wushang Village, but the bystander actually almost unmanned knows. Believes that initially liked not being able to think with Fang Xiaoyan that lift shoulders absolutely, oneself one day can Protector uncle fight with this. 不过,尽管黄搏天的这些性格问题,在乌伤村里是人尽皆知,但是外人却几乎无人知道。相信就算是当初喜欢和自己抬扛的方小晏也绝对想不到,自己有一天会和她这个“护法”叔叔战斗起来。 Was then interesting, three moves have been able to win his favorable impression!” “这下就有趣了,挺过三招就可以赢得他的好感!” Wang Chong is looking greatly Stone General, secretly said in heart. He as if can penetrate layer on layer/heavily stone Zhou, sees Stone General chest, a mysterious middle-aged person is occupying a commanding position to size up itself. 王冲望着巨大的“石将军”,心中暗道。他仿佛能够透过重重石胄,看到“石将军”胸部,一个神秘的中年人正居高临下打量着自己。 Said honestly, this disposition some rarely seen (weirdo) of Wang Chong in regarding the Fang Xiaoyan mouth, is addicted to martial Ruming, finally in the Protector uncle who in the big catastrophe died in battle also quite curious. Wushang Village had many Expert dead in the big catastrophe. 坦白说,王冲对于方小晏口中这位性格有些奇葩,嗜武如命,最后在大浩劫中战死的护法叔叔也是相当的好奇。乌伤村有很多的高手都死在了大浩劫中。 Comes regarding Wang Chong, this quite made one regret actually. 对于王冲来,这其实是相当令人惋惜的。 Speed is actually very quick, but, you think that can result in me quickly?” 速度倒是挺快的,不过,你以为能快得过我吗?” In the Stone General sound the air/Qi is full, transmits from the top of the head like mighty bell greatly, in Wang Chong still in the ponder, the giant stone sharply howls, since Huang Botian attracts a ground giant stone suddenly, bang, fast has pounded toward Wang Chong by as powerful as a thunderbolt suddenly. 石将军的声音中气十足,有如洪钟大吕从头顶上方传来,就在王冲还在思考的时候,巨石锐啸,黄搏天猛然吸起地上一块巨石,轰隆一声,以雷霆万钧之速朝着王冲猛然砸了过来。 The first giant stone also in airborne, bang, under a Huang Botian foot treads, the earth cracks, several thousand jin (0.5 kg) giant stones under the invisible suction function, fly to more than 30 meters Stone General hands, then liked the shell to fly toward Wang Chong. 第一块巨石还在空中,轰隆,黄搏天一脚踏下,大地崩裂,一块块数千斤重的巨石在无形的吸力作用下,飞向30多米的石将军手中,然后有如炮弹般朝着王冲飞了过来。 Second, third, fourth... 第二块,第三块,第四块… Giant rocks like the continuous artillery, have thrown toward Wang Chong. The fresh breeze howls, a giant stone flashes through from the top of the head, even linked Gao Feng and Nie Yan they to cover during the attack of giant stone. 一块块巨大的岩石有如连珠炮般,朝着王冲扔了过去。劲风呼啸,一块巨石从头顶闪过,甚至连高峰聂岩他们笼罩在了巨石的攻击之中。 - not only yellow Botian the attack obviously toward a Wang Chong person, all intruder treats impartially in his eyes. ——黄博天的攻击显然不只是朝着王冲一个人,所有的入侵者在他的眼中都是一视同仁。 Be careful!” “小心!” One group of guards are more and more surprised, dodges toward four sides in abundance. 一群侍卫是越来越吃惊,纷纷向着四面闪避。 This Wushang Village riddle fog numerous, is really more and more astonishing. Then walks such as flies, round trip free the villagers in the high mountain ridges, now casually presents one, can control the gold/metal, wood, water, fire and earth subordinations in five lines in the stone element of earth, to the feeling of person, not in the least under war in southwest, the U-Tsang Great General Huoshu Guicang place heads under of five Tiger General Long Qinba. 这个乌伤村谜雾重重,真是越来越让人吃惊。那么行走如飞,在崇山峻岭间来来去自如的村民也就罢了,现在随随便便出现一个,就能够控制金、木、水、火、土五行中的隶属于土的石元素,给人的感觉,丝毫不下于西南之战,乌斯藏大将火树归藏座下的五虎将之首的“龙钦巴”。 If Wushang Village is any famous strategic place, here is remote and bleak, before then, if not Lord Marquis mentions, leading them to come, they from the start do not even know that also has such a place. 乌伤村如果是什么名闻天下的重镇也就罢了,偏偏这里偏僻、荒凉,在此之前,如果不是侯爷说起,带他们过来,他们甚至都压根不知道还有这么一个地方。 Therefore is now casual, presents Sovereign Martial Realm Powerhouse, takes to the people shock in heart can be imagined. 所以现在随随便便,就出现一个皇武境强者,带给众人心中的震撼就可想而知。 Does not need to be worried, this stone Giant, gives me to process!” “不必担心,这头石巨人,就交给我来处理!” precisely most flurried and restless time, Wang Chong made the sound that one felt at ease spread to the people ear suddenly. , pounded to Gao Feng and the others thousand jin (0.5 kg) giant stones, was away from them also in several feet, suddenly in airborne, drew an arc, unexpectedly turned around, Speed did not reduce, toward front mountain peak Stone General has pounded. 正是最慌乱、不安的时候,王冲令人心安的声音突然传入众人耳中。呼,原本砸向高峰等人的千斤巨石,距离他们还在数丈,突然在空中一荡,唰的划出一道弧线,居然转过来,速度不减,朝着前方山峰般的“石将军”砸了过去。 wēng! 嗡! This, all Wushang Village people are surprised, yellow wrestles the petrified body Stone General also obviously shivered, obviously in this Wushang Village is addicted to martial Ruchi the surrounding Protector, reveals this move of also suitable being startled regarding Wang Chong. 这一下,所有乌伤村民大吃一惊,就连黄搏石化身的“石将军”也明显颤动了一下,显然就算这位乌伤村中嗜武如痴的外围护法,对于王冲亮出这一招也相当的吃惊。 Haha, if I am you, will not use this move!” “哈哈,如果我是你,就绝不会使用这招!” The Wang Chong's big laughter still from the sky reverberates, second, third, the fourth giant stone from the sky howls the maneuver, points at one group along with Wang Chong's, one after another, continuous general, similarly howls toward Stone General by astonishing Speed. 王冲的大笑声还在空中回荡,第二块,第三块,第四块巨石就在空中呼啸回旋,随着王冲的手指一拨,接二连三,连珠一般,同样以惊人的速度朝着石将军呼啸回去。 These rocks that ejects, do not have one to other party to become the true threats unexpectedly. ——黄搏天抛出的这些岩石,居然没有一块能够对他造成真正的威胁。 Damn!” “该死!” Huang Botian flies into a rage, a fist, pounds the fist the giant stone that Wang Chong tows suddenly. He is so long in Wushang Village, has not encountered this situation: 黄搏天勃然大怒,猛然一拳,将王冲牵引回来的巨石砸拳。他在乌伤村这么久,还从来没有遇到过这种情况: I looked down on you really! It seems like this small style, uses to your point uselessly. However, you should not provoke really I with this way. I guard here such for a long time, never have the person to dare before me to be so dissolute! Now, pays the price!” “我真是小瞧你了!看来这种小招式,对你一点用都没用。不过,你真不该用这种方式来挑衅我。我在这里把守这么久,还从来没有人敢在我面前这么放肆!现在,付出代价吧!” That loud and clear sound airborne reverberation, the next quarter, hōng lōng lōng, the earth vibrates, huge such as the Stone General bending down body of mountain peak, the five fingers buckle into the ground, makes an effort to grasp, kā chā chā, in the people surprised vision, that Stone General suddenly from underground grasps a large bowl to be thick or thin, more than 50 meters giant stone spear. 那洪亮的声音空中回荡,下一刻,轰隆隆,大地震动,庞大如山峰的石将军俯下身躯,五指扣入地面,用力一抓,咔嚓嚓,就在众人吃惊的目光中,那石将军猛然从地下抓出一根海碗粗细,50余米长的巨大石矛 【, Explodes moves, today fourth comes!】 【哈哈,爆更活动,今天第四更来了!】
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