HE :: Volume #7

#698: Wang Chong take action! 【Third】

Chapter 698 第698章 Qin Qicheng of this flash completely changed person, before whole person vigor and entirely different, becomes is tyrannical and dangerous, has been full of the desire of aggression and attack. 这一刹那的秦七城完全变了一个人似的,整个人精气神和之前截然不同,变得暴虐、危险,充满了侵略和攻击的欲望。 Divine Monkey Art, this is in Wushang Village spreads several hundred years of marvelous ability, the Giant Ape creation in mountain according to cultivation method that becomes, can greatly enhance the strength and Dexterity of person, Speed. 神猿功,这是乌伤村中流传数百年的神功,是根据山中的巨猿创造而成的功法,可以大幅提高人的力量、敏捷,还有速度 In Wushang Village, this cultivation method compared with confusing the link and hand of High Level darkness smoke many. 乌伤村中,这门功法要比迷烟之环和黑暗之手高级得多。 Roar!” “吼!” Qin Qicheng hand one move, immediately and behind black smoke the god ape fuses together. Bang, the person, has not incurred first, Qin Qicheng one grasps by the corridor more than 2000 jin (0.5 kg) large big rock, light , if no thing, throws fiercely toward Wang Chong. 秦七城把手一招,立即和身后黑烟所化的神猿融为一体。轰隆,人未至,招先至,秦七城一把抓过道旁一块2000多斤的硕大岩石,轻若无物般,猛地朝着王冲投掷过去。 But follows closely behind the gigantic rock, Qin Qicheng throws the food like fierce tiger, followed close on to throw to Wang Chong. 而紧随在硕大的岩石后方,秦七城有如猛虎扑食般,紧跟着向王冲扑了过去。 Bang, the giant stone throws aside, same occurred again. The giant rock also have several the zhang (3.33 m) from Wang Chong, by an invisible strength cradling, as stable as Mount Tai float in airborne. 轰隆,巨石掷下,相同的一幕再次发生。巨大的岩石距离王冲还有数丈,就被一股无形的力量托住,稳如泰山般悬浮在空中。 Divine Monkey Art! Astral Qi emits is so fierce, cultivation is not obviously proficient.” 神猿功啊!罡气散溢的这么厉害,明显还是修炼不到家啊。” Wang Chong closes one's eyes, looks at behind the giant stone following Qin Qicheng, on the face does not have the slight fluctuation. God ape that Qin Qicheng turns into, that type is crazy and tyrannical, fills with the shocking aura, as if no slight influence to him. 王冲微闭着眼睛,看着巨石后面接踵而至的秦七城,脸上没有丝毫的波动。秦七城化成的神猿,那种疯狂、暴虐,充满冲击性的气息,对他似乎没有丝毫的影响 Scoffs!” “嗤!” To/Clashes in the god ape of Qin Qicheng incarnation, ruthlessly the giant long arms pound down instant, Wang Chong eye pupil slightly, wisp of fine glow explodes flashes to pass, in this flash, Wang Chong by the static rotation, suddenly a direction grinding accumulates hole in the Qin Qicheng armpit. 就在秦七城化身的神猿冲过来,巨大的猿臂狠狠砸下的刹那,王冲眼眸微张,一缕精芒爆闪而逝,就在这一刹那,王冲由静转动,突然之间一指点在秦七城腋下“磨积穴”。 In an instant, Qin Qicheng body, the probably punctured rubber ball is common, outside the body black smoke dissipates, is changed the original appearance by the giant god ape rapidly. 刹那间,秦七城身躯一顿,就好像被刺破的皮球一般,体外黑烟消散,迅速由巨大的神猿变化成原来的样子。 Is impossible! Who are you?” “不可能!你到底是什么人?” The Qin Qicheng body staggering, goes toward retreat, his look actually completely falls on Wang Chong, fills to fear and inconceivable. 秦七城身躯踉踉跄跄,往后退去,他的眼神却完全落在王冲身上,充满恐惧和不可思议。 Wushang Village little contacts with the outside, therefore here martial study bystander is unable to know. The majority invades the Wushang Village person, facing Wushang Village martial study, not yes what's the matter, already captured or severe wound. 乌伤村很少和外界联系,所以这里的武学外人根本无从知晓。大部分侵入乌伤村的人,面对乌伤村武学,还不明白是怎么回事,就已经被俘虏或者重伤了。 However Wang Chong gives his feeling, probably knows that his all secrets are the same with the flaw. Wushang Village Divine Monkey Art absolutely does not have the secret in his front. 但是王冲给他的感觉,就好像知道他所有的秘密和破绽一样。乌伤村神猿功在他的面前完全没有秘密可言。 If most starts, Wang Chong gives his feeling is also only unpopular outsider, then now, in the Qin Qicheng eye, the present these outsider became immeasurably deep. 如果说最开始,王冲给他的感觉还只是一个不受欢迎的“外来者”的话,那么现在,在秦七城的眼中,眼前的这些“外来者”已经变得深不可测了。 Each month end of the month, Yu Jingxue, the Yuanchuan hole and are the Dragon Pond hole, the ache are hard to endure, this is cultivation is not proper, walks to have chest pains while breathing, tries the air/Qi to walk the plate sands, bubbling springs and Dragon Tail three holes, about three days, should be able to solve your Astral Qi branch to walk, meridians twitching issue.” “每个月的月末,俞井穴、元川穴、龙池穴,是不是疼痛难忍啊,这是修炼不到位,走岔气啊,试一试气走盘沙、涌泉、龙尾三穴,三天左右,应该可以解决你的罡气岔走,经脉抽搐问题了。” Wang Chong said with a smile slightly. 王冲微微笑道。 „!!!” “!!!” The Qin Qicheng eye opens the eyes in a big way, a face such as sees the ghosts and demons the look. 秦七城眼睛睁得大大的,一脸如见鬼魅的神色。 Is impossible! 不可能! Is impossible! 不可能! This is absolutely impossible! 这绝对不可能! In Qin Qicheng mind hōng lōng lōng like thunderous general, a Wang Chong finger/refers punctures his Divine Monkey Art, is far from these words being big to the impact that he comes. 秦七城脑海中轰隆隆有如雷鸣一般,王冲一指戳破他的神猿功,都远远没有这几句话给他来的冲击大。 Divine Monkey Art has the flaw, moreover along with the talent and aptitude of everyone, everyone cultivation situation is different, the place of flaw is also different. 神猿功是有破绽的,而且随着每个人的天赋、资质,还有每个人修炼的情况不同,破绽的地方也不同。 Moreover some people will not tell other people oneself flaw, this means the flaw of everyone where only then know. 而且绝不会有人把自己的破绽告诉其他人,这就意味着每个人的破绽在哪里只有自己知道。 Yu Jingxue, the Yuanchuan hole and Dragon Pond hole, these three acupoint Qin Qicheng have not said including the side most intimate people, at present this 16 or 17-year-old youngster, how knows here is his flaw. 俞井穴、元川穴、龙池穴,这三处穴道秦七城连身边最亲近的人都没有说过,眼前这个十六七岁的少年,到底是怎么知道这里就是他的破绽的。 Moreover, these three acupoint end of the month times will manifest suddenly, this is only then cultivation the Divine Monkey Art person knows that how this person knows. 而且,这三处穴道月末的时候才会发作,这是只有修炼神猿功的人才会知道的,这个人又是如何知道的。 This flash, Qin Qicheng suddenly has never to have, the scalp sends the feeling of exploding. 这一刹那,秦七城突然有种从未有过的,头皮发炸的感觉。 Dares to begin to the Seventh Brother, everybody on, massacres them together!” “敢对七哥动手,大家一起上,杀掉他们!” Has not waited for the Qin Qicheng opens the mouth, an angry sound conveys from side suddenly. The Wushang Village person most unites, saw that Qin Qicheng suffered a loss in Wang Chong one after another twice, the people are filled with righteous indignation angrily, incomparable. 还没等秦七城开口,突然之间一个愤怒的声音从旁边传来。乌伤村的人最为团结,眼看着秦七城接连两次在王冲手里吃了亏,众人跟着一个个义愤填膺、愤怒无比。 Buzz, does not know that was whose first threw, then second and third and fourth..., In all directions, person's shadows threw in abundance. 嗡,不知道是谁第一个扑了过去,接着第二个、第三个、第四个…,四面八方,一道道人影纷纷扑了过去。 The black smoke is billowing, the steel thunders, and outside totally different Aura from within the body releases of these Wushang People, crashes. 黑烟滚滚,钢铁轰鸣,一道道和外界迥然不同的光环从这些乌伤人的体内释放,坠落下来。 Confuses the link of smoke, the hand of darkness, Divine Monkey Art, rattan wood merit, the link of giant stone..., Aura along with various color Astral Qi, release from these Wushang People within the body. 迷烟之环,黑暗之手,神猿功,藤木功,巨石之环…,一道道光环伴随着各种颜色的罡气,从这些乌伤人的体内释放出来。 Be careful! Protects the young master!” “小心!保护公子!” Gao Feng and Nie Yan, as well as one group of guards draw out the sword, is nervous, protects around Wang Chong. 高峰聂岩,以及一群侍卫纷纷拔出刀剑,神色紧张,守护在王冲周围。 Roar!” “吼!” Roaring sounds transmit from all around, but the first group attacks, is actually several thousand jin (0.5 kg) large big rock. These rocks from the sky are tumbling, howling, by extremely quick Speed, is pounding to fall toward the top of the head of people. 一道道咆哮声从四周传来,不过第一拨攻击过来的,却是一块块数千斤重的硕大岩石。这些岩石在空中翻滚着,呼啸着,以极快的速度,向着众人的头顶砸落下来。 This flash, all has experienced southwest the guard of war, has shown the intense look. 这一霎那,所有经历过西南之战的侍卫,纷纷露出了紧张的神色。 Wushang People strength, even if in their opinion, is the extremely powerful match. These many Wushang People join up to attack together, made all people feel the huge pressure instantaneously. 乌伤人的实力,即便在他们看来,也是极其强悍的对手。这么多的乌伤人联合起来一起进攻,瞬间让所有人感觉到了巨大的压力。 Everyone felt thick aura of death. 每个人都感觉到了一股浓浓的死亡气息 - this heads west on Silk Road, the obscure small place, absolutely is the dangerous spot danger. ——这个西行丝绸之路上,默默无闻的小地方,绝对是龙潭虎穴般危险。 Gao Feng and Nie Yan, you protected to be good, these people gave me to process.” 高峰聂岩,你们保护好自己就行了,这些人交给我来处理吧。” When the atmosphere is tightest, the Wang Chong calm calm sound conveys suddenly. In an instant, all people felt a feeling at ease strength. 就在气氛最紧张的时候,王冲从容镇定的声音突然传来。刹那间,所有人都感觉到了一股心安的力量。 Bang! 轰隆! A formidable air wave erupts from Wang Chong's within the body, sweeps across, the east, south, west, and north, all pound the great big rock distance of falling also to know how things stand the zhang (3.33 m), completely was decided in the airborne each position, motionless. 一股强大的气浪从王冲的体内爆发,席卷而出,东南西北,所有砸落过来的巨大岩石距离还有数丈,就全部被定在空中各个位置,一动不动。 Kills him!” “干掉他!” Rushes in our Wushang Village so to be rampant, unexpectedly also dares to start to the Seventh Brother, thinks really we couldn't tidy up him?” “闯进我们乌伤村还这么嚣张,居然还敢对七哥下手,真的以为我们收拾不了他吗?” Do not impulse, takes him, gives the head of the clan to punish!” “别冲动,拿下他,交给族长发落!” ... In an intermittent angry howl, a famous aura is formidable, aggressive incomparable Wushang People, turned toward Wang Chong to throw in abundance. Although they have not carried any weapon, however all referring, palms and arm, the body all exercises to be similar to the steel is strong. 一阵阵怒啸声中,一名名气息强大,凶悍无比的乌伤人,纷纷向着王冲扑了过来。他们虽然没有携带任何武器,但是所有的指、掌、手臂,还有身体全都锻炼得如同钢铁般强硬。 Young Master! - “公子!——” The Gao Feng anxious sound conveys from behind. 高峰惶急的声音从后面传来。 Do not be anxious.” “别急。” Wang Chong's sound tranquility as always, looks under full Kongpu Wushang People, his corners of the mouth go up slightly, show a bigger smiling face, is indifferent to fame or gain and self-confident: 王冲的声音一如既往的平静,看着满空扑下的乌伤人,他的嘴角微微上翘,露出一丝更大的笑容,恬淡而自信: Great Yin-Yang World Fortune Art!” 大阴阳天地造化功!” Not a high not low sound resounds in the ears of all people, not having the slight hesitation, Wang Chong to display this Central Plains world to be situated instantaneously first legendary Evil Art. Only listens to call out in alarm, in an instant the air wave tumbles, powerful Wushang People under an function of huge suction, are similar to the kite of broken line is in all directions ordinary immediately, from the sky revolves, the plate moves, dances in the air. 一个不高不低的声音在所有人的耳边响起,没有丝毫的犹豫,王冲瞬间施展出这门中土世界排行第一的传奇邪功。啊,只听一声声惊呼,刹那间气浪翻滚,四面八方,一名名实力强大的乌伤人在一股庞大吸力的作用下,顿时如同断线的风筝一般,在空中旋转,盘动,飞舞起来。 Namely nobody Wushang People can fall, nobody can work loose this suction! 即没有一个人乌伤人可以落下,也没有一个人可以挣脱这股吸力! More than 40 Wushang People float in void, is similar to is moved by being a go-between puppet that silk strings control, the sound of calling out in alarm is lingering on faintly, that scene, Wang Chong behind guards stayed put. 40多名乌伤人悬浮在虚空,如同被一根根丝弦控制的牵线木偶般甩动,惊呼之声不绝于耳,那场面,就连王冲身后的侍卫们都待住了。 Compares southwest the war, the Wang Chong's strength appears profounder, is more formidable, was as deep as a well. 相比起西南之战的时候,王冲的实力显得更加精深,更加强大,也更加的高深莫测了。 More than 40 at least are True Martial Realm, Profound Martial Realm Wushang People float in airborne, is waving, Speed is one after another getting quicker and quicker, is getting more and more fierce, definitely is unable to control itself, that scene shocks extremely. 40多名至少是真武境,玄武境乌伤人悬浮在空中,不停的舞动着,一圈又一圈,速度越来越快,也越来越猛,一个个完全无法控制自己,那种场面是极其震撼的。 „The Lord Marquis strength was really stronger and stronger!” 侯爷的实力真是越来越强了!” Behind, with Wang Chong from the national capital set off guard, look airborne, in the heart shocks incomparably. 后方,一名名跟着王冲从京师出发的侍卫,看着空中,心中震撼无比。 These Wushang People rally together to attack, experience crossed them to go easily and freely in the cliff and cliff, walks the scene that such as flew, has experienced them daily with the appearance that several thousand jin (0.5 kg) rock exercised martial arts, the people have prepared fierce battle. 那些乌伤人群起而攻,见识过了他们在悬崖、峭壁间如履平地,行走如飞的场景,也见识过他们日常拿几千斤岩石练功的样子,众人已经做好了一场恶战的准备。 However no one has thought, Wang Chong is only one move, these aggressive and swift and fierce Wushang People soar immediately, was attracted to pull completely, cannot rush including one. 但是谁也没有想到,王冲只是一招,这些凶悍、凌厉的乌伤人顿时一个个腾空而起,完全被吸扯了过去,连一个都没能闯过来。 Has prepared war, finally actually discovered, a Wang Chong person solved. 做好了一场大战的准备,结果却发现,王冲一个人就解决了。 Lord Marquis strength... Really ten thousand li in a day, immeasurably deep!” 侯爷的实力…真是一日千里,深不可测啊!” In the people heart shocks. 众人心中震撼不已。 ... Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! Another side, Wang Chong has not actually paid attention to behind people, he stationaries motionless, looks up to airborne, the smiling face of corners of the mouth was even more thick. Bang bang bang, Wang Chong stretches out two fingers, is joined to refer to like the halberd, moves slightly, in an instant, air wave surges, in cry of being frightened, one after another Wushang People in Great Yin-Yang World Fortune Art attracts tears off, 22 hit in together, flings to fall on the ground. 另一侧,王冲却没有理会身后的众人,他驻立不动,仰望空中,嘴角的笑容越发的浓了。砰砰砰,王冲只是伸出二根手指,骈指如戟,微微拨动,刹那间,气浪翻腾,惊惶的叫声中,一名又一名乌伤人在“大阴阳天地造化功”的吸扯下,22撞击在一起,甩落在地上。 Great Yin-Yang World Fortune Art , not only can be used to swallow opposite party Cultivation Power, moreover similarly can change a formidable martial study style. That huge suction, can definitely any strength be inferior to that own martial artist, the shove around, involves the movement, plays in the stock palms. 大阴阳天地造化功”不只是可以用来吞噬对方的功力,而且同样可以变化成一门强大的武学招式。那种庞大的吸力,完全可以将任何实力不如自己的武者,推来推去,牵扯移动,玩弄于股掌之间。 The Wushang People instinct is fierce, is in the battlefield the best soldier, Wang Chong also has a better arrangement to them, naturally will not attract at this time bites their Inner Force, the severe wound they. 乌伤人天性勇猛,是战场上最佳的战士,王冲对他们还有更好的安排,当然不会在这个时候吸噬他们的内力,重伤他们。 My leg!” “我的腿!” Damn, my Inner Force was completely chaotic! Cannot move!” “该死,我的内力完全乱了!根本动弹不得!” My is also same, the Inner Force entire branch, did the bastard, what sorcery you die?” “我的也是一样,内力全岔,混蛋,你到底死了什么妖法?” Told the head of the clan! A bit faster told the head of the clan, making nine great uncles they come. These person of strengths are too strong, was not we can cope!” “告诉族长!快点告诉族长,让九叔公他们过来。这些人实力太强,不是我们能对付得了的!” ... Dozens Wushang People fall falls on the ground, being frightened everywhere. Their injuries are not serious, but Inner Force completely has actually taken the wrong road, this compared with the Wang Chong severe wound they, but also makes them is uneasy and shocking. 几十名乌伤人摔落在地上,满目的惊惶。他们的伤势并不重,但是内力却完全走岔了,这比王冲重伤他们,还让他们感到不安和震惊。 All these have surpassed them completely regarding the understanding of martial study. 这一切已经完全超出了他们对于武学的理解。 Bastard! Who you are, what arrives at our village to make?” “混蛋!你们是什么人,到底到我们村子想做什么?” Qin nine cities ruthlessly was grasping the fist, ten fingers pinched kā chā chā to make noise. In the entire field, only is also standing now, only then he. The Qin nine city present complexions are ugly, he has not thought, oneself was also half beat behind, has not prevented them, all people completely lay down on the ground. 秦九城狠狠的握着拳头,十根手指捏得咔嚓嚓作响。整个场中,现在唯一还站着的,也就只有他了。秦九城现在的脸色非常难看,他也没想到,自己也就是慢了半拍,没有阻止他们,所有人就全部躺在地上了。 Explodes moves to continue, everybody pays attention to my micro blog quickly! Exploded many to look at everybody! ^-^ 【爆更活动继续中,大家快关注我的微博啊!爆多少就看大家了!^-^】
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