HE :: Volume #7

#692: Talas information!

Chapter 692 第692章 Yuan Shurong, do not talk nonsense! Caliphate did Emperor possibly say this words? The marketplace rumor, can you also regard real? If spreads, you do know that will stir up the big disaster?” 元书荣,你不要胡说!大食皇帝怎么可能说出这种话?市井流言,你也能当成真的吗?要是流传出去,你知不知道会惹起多大的祸患?” Old Eagle suddenly fierce say/way. 老鹰突然厉声道。 The Yuan Shurong look obstructs, knows to make an indiscreet remark, immediately the silent did not say. 元书荣神色一窒,知道失言,立即闭口不说。 Sufficed! Old Eagle, what he said is real!” “够了!老鹰,他说的是真的!” Wang Chong put out a hand to block Old Eagle. 王冲伸手拦住了老鹰 various reckless Yifan, all Great Tang peripheral states, all monarchies, no matter their innermost feelings have how rudely to Great Tang, has hatred how, impossible to dare to keep off the surface of full towards whole body of ministers, said this words. 诸胡异番,所有大唐周边的国度,所有的君主,不管他们的内心对大唐有多么的不逊,有多么的憎恨,都不可能敢挡着满朝群臣的面,说出这种话。 Because this is the source of disaster. 因为这将是灾祸之源。 Moreover, this words will truly initiate intense wars between two states, by no means is not the minor matter. However Wang Chong actually knows, perhaps Caliphate Emperor also really said this to turn the words. 而且,这种话确实会引发两个国度之间的激烈战事,并非不是小事。不过王冲却知道,大食皇帝恐怕还真的说出过这翻话。 Different with the Great Tang peripheral country, Caliphate is away from Central Plains to be extremely remote, the middle is away from ten thousand miles remote, as well as many states. Moreover the Caliphate aggressiveness is greatly strengthened, to the beginning of birth, unceasing toward expands, slaughters in all directions and goes on a punitive expedition against. 大唐周边的国家不同,大食距离中土极其遥远,中间隔着万里之遥,以及诸多的国度。而且大食侵略性极强,至诞生之始,就不断的向着四面八方扩展、杀戮、征伐。 Caliphate can have such huge land area in this generation, is not they so is from the beginning huge, but expands unceasingly, result of annexation. From this point, Caliphate Emperor will say this coveting Central Plains words to come, Wang Chong is not strange. 大食在这一代能够拥有这么庞大的国土面积,绝不是它们一开始就有这么庞大,而是不断扩张,吞并的结果。从这一点来说,大食皇帝会说出这种觊觎中土的话来,王冲一点都不奇怪。 In fact, Caliphate People was stretching out the lackey to Great Tang. 事实上,大食人已经在向大唐伸出爪牙了。 Hears the Wang Chong's words, Yuan Shurong raised the head, throws the grateful glance. Why does not know, this young Young Marquis gives his feeling, is completely different from his powerful official Marquis Wang. 听到王冲的话,元书荣抬起头,投过去感激的一瞥。不知道为什么,这个年轻的“少年侯”给他的感觉,和他的权贵王侯完全不同。 „A Yuan master, continued.” “元夫子,继续说。” Wang Chong lifted the hand , to continue saying: 王冲抬了抬手,继续道: Royal Court really needs now the person who Caliphate understands, but goes to the Caliphate person to be few truly, naturally cannot ask any thing. Therefore from this aspect, we need the master to give us some critical opinions, because of this to us, is important to Royal Court.” 朝廷现在很需要一些对于大食了解的人,但是真正去过大食的人却寥寥无几,自然也问不出什么东西。所以从这方面,我们非常需要夫子给我们一些中肯的意见,因为这对我们,对朝廷都非常重要。” Speaking of finally, a Wang Chong look dignity. Wang Chong is this world regarding some Caliphate understanding, but Wang Chong has not gone to Caliphate as before. No matter this, is before, Wang Chong regarding, in the understanding of Great Tang also completely stays on the paper surface, as well as others Syria , China. 说到最后,王冲神色一片凝重。王冲算是这个世界对于大食有些了解的了,但是王冲依旧没有去过大食。不管是这一世,还是以前,王冲对于在大唐的了解也全部停留在纸面上,以及别人的口口相叙中。 This type of firsthand material also never has. 这种第一手的资料还从来没有。 This...... Namely however Lord Marquis made the villain say, villain with great courage. Villain young time, travels Caliphate, once felt that Caliphate sooner or later is the enemy of my Great Tang. By their dispositions, will sooner or later covet Central Plains. Moreover, the Caliphate People physical strength is big, since childhood what drinks is the mare's milk and sheep's milk, what eats is the date, on the climate is burning hot, perhaps the sole view body and spirit , is more formidable than our Central Plains Han Chinese, is the inborn soldier. In addition their customs, advocate bravely, but is not the fight, therefore...... The villains felt that the Caliphate People soldier is perhaps more formidable than our Great Tang soldier!” “这……即然侯爷让小人说,那小人就斗胆了。小人年轻的时候,游历大食,就曾经感觉大食迟早是我大唐之敌。以他们的性格,迟早会觊觎到中土的。而且,大食人体力高大,从小喝的是马奶、羊奶,吃的是椰枣,再上气侯炎热,单论体魄,恐怕比我们中土汉族还要强大很多,是天生的战士。再加上他们的习惯,更加崇尚勇武,而不是战斗,所以……小人感觉大食人的战士恐怕比我们大唐士兵还要强大!” Sees Wang Chong to ask earnestly, Yuan Shurong over and over, said hesitant finally. 王冲问得认真,元书荣犹豫再三,终于还是说了出来。 The sound falls, in room quiet. 声音一落,房间里静悄悄的。 Old Eagle does not believe, the Great Tang person is brave, otherwise is impossible to blow the peripheral barbarian, impossible achievement present prosperous times, but Yuan Shurong has travelled for pleasure after all Caliphate, his words have no alternative but to believe. 老鹰是不太相信,大唐的人勇武天下闻名,要不然也不可能镇住周边的蛮夷,更加不可能成就现在的盛世,但是元书荣毕竟是游历过大食的,他的话也不能不信。 As for Wang Chong, is in the heart a heaviness. 至于王冲,则是心中一片沉重。 Wang Chong always knows that Caliphate People is not good to cope, but the Yuan Shurong words make him somewhat surprised. Yuan Shurong should went to the western region, has seen Anxi Protectorate Army, but he said this words, that can only explain a point, these Caliphate soldiers surely were formidable incomparable, and has given his enormous shock, can so. 王冲从来都知道大食人不好对付,但元书荣的话还是让他有些吃惊。元书荣应该是去过西域的,也见过安西都护军,但他还是说出这种话,那只能说明一点,那些大食的战士必定是强大无比,而且给了他极大的震撼,才会如此。 Lord Marquis, by the Caliphate People mental disposition, sooner or later can be the enemy of my Great Tang. Does not may belittle!” 侯爷,以大食人的秉性,迟早会是我大唐之敌。万万不可小觑啊!” Yuan Shurong lowers the head, gravely says. 元书荣低着头,沉声道 These words, have you said to other people?” “这番话,你对其他人说过吗?” Wang Chong look dignified say/way. 王冲神色凝重道。 These words, the villain travelled for pleasure return to say in the past, gives back to Royal Court to get up account book, was only a pity, was banned by Honglu Temple, but also has treated for seven years in the firmness, has had seven years of jail food.” “这番话,小人当年游历归来就曾经说过,还给朝廷上过折子,只可惜,被鸿胪寺所禁,还在牢里待了七年,吃了七年的牢饭。” Speaking of finally, Yuan Shurong deeply sighed. 说到最后,元书荣深深一叹。 wēng! 嗡! Wang Chong and Old Eagle are the look shake. 王冲老鹰都是神色一震。 These bastards, but also there is a law of the land!” “这些混蛋,还有没有王法!” Old Eagle is pinching the fist, angry. Yuan Shurong also has this bitter experience, this is two people both has not expected. 老鹰捏着拳头,愤怒不已。元书荣还有这种遭遇,这是两个人都没有料到的。 These fellows, truly did extremely.” “这些家伙,确实做得太过了。” Wang Chong is also the eyelid combination, these words , if not Yuan Shurong says personally, kills Wang Chong not to know that he has this bitter experience. Royal Court establishes Honglu Temple, entertained the envoys, shows Central Plains Great Tang is the nation of amiable etiquette. 王冲也是眼皮连跳,这番话如果不是元书荣亲口说出,打死王冲也不知道他有这种遭遇。朝廷成立鸿胪寺,本来是招待各国使节,展现中土大唐是仁义礼仪之邦。 However now, entire Honglu Temple has put behind gradually oneself responsibility originally, turned has flattered the envoys, suppressed the place of person on one's own side. 但是现在,整个鸿胪寺已经渐渐忘却了自己原本的职责,变成了讨好各国使节,压制自己人的地方。 Lord Marquis, must make anything. Honglu Temple that group of people were really more and more excessive, continuously for a long time hence, Honglu Temple turns serves the place of person.” 侯爷,真的得做点什么了。鸿胪寺的那帮人真的是越来越过分了,长此以往,鸿胪寺岂不是变成侍奉番人的地方。” Old Eagle turns head to look at Wang Chong to say. 老鹰扭头看着王冲道。 Wang Chong silent did not speak, the Honglu Temple matter was complex, was not a language fluent completely. Because Honglu Temple is directly is responsible to Sage Emperor, but Sage Emperor simply does not have the thoughts to go to control minor matter. 王冲默然不语,鸿胪寺的事情非常复杂,不是一语就能道尽的。因为鸿胪寺是直接向圣皇负责的,但是圣皇根本没有心思去管这种小事。 Moreover, behind Honglu Temple actual control is not Sage Emperor, but is King Qi. So long as there is King Qi, wants to topple Honglu Temple, is not that simple matter. 而且,鸿胪寺背后的实际掌控者也不是圣皇,而是齐王。只要有齐王在,想要扳倒鸿胪寺,就绝不是那么简单的事。 However truly cannot such indulge them. 但是也确实不能这么放纵他们。 In Honglu Temple, has to be called Zheng Chenzhou probably right? Finds the way to replace him.” 鸿胪寺里,好像有个叫做郑沉舟的对吧?想办法换掉他吧。” Wang Chong indifferently said. 王冲淡淡道 Lord Marquis was says previous that Prince U-Tsang that......” 侯爷是说上次那个乌斯藏王子那个吗……” Old Eagle is probing the say/way. 老鹰试探着道。 Un.” “嗯。” Wang Chong sneers nod, among the looks is having domineering: 王冲冷笑着点了点头,神色间自有一股霸气: Honglu Temple there should also teach to them, punishes one as a warning to others, first flatters U-Tsang People Zheng Chenzhou to start from that.” 鸿胪寺那里也该给他们一点教训了,杀鸡儆猴,就先从那个讨好乌斯藏人的郑沉舟开始吧。” Trades to do is before, Wang Chong does not have what means with Honglu Temple these officials, but now, by Wang Clan at the height of power power and influence and status, in addition the status of King Song Imperial Family ancestor and relative, has been enough situation of influence to Royal Court. Must want to replace one to suppress person on one's own side, to flatter U-Tsang People Zheng Chenzhou, but also is really easy as pie. 换做是以前,王冲鸿胪寺那些官员是真没有什么办法,但是现在,以王家如日中天的权势和地位,再加上宋王皇室宗亲的身份,已经足以影响朝廷里的局势。要想换掉一个打压自己人、讨好乌斯藏人的郑沉舟,还真是易如反掌。 This is also to Honglu Temple Warning. 这也算是对鸿胪寺的一个警告 Superficial within, Wang Chong has determined a destiny of Honglu Temple official, even if Yuan Shurong cannot bear in the heart the slightly shakes, regarding at present the power and influence and status of youngster, had the new understanding. 轻描淡写间,王冲就已经决定了一个鸿胪寺官员的命运,即便是元书荣也忍不住心中微震,对于眼前少年的权势和地位,有了新的认识。 „A Yuan master, frank, I prepare to construct a learning center, teaches western region various countries, Caliphate, Charax Spasinu, Sindhi and U-Tsang specially, as well as various countries' language, increases our Great Tang regarding the understanding of surrounding each foreign land country's. This learning center I prepare to provide so much funds to support for a long time, but the learning center also lacks a mister. Does not know whether the master do want?” “元夫子,实不相瞒,我准备建一座学馆,专门教授西域诸国、大食条支身毒乌斯藏,以及各国的语言,增加我们大唐对于周围各个异邦番国的了解。这座学馆我准备提供大量的资金长期支持,不过学馆还缺一位先生。不知道夫子是否愿意?” Wang Chong is looking at Yuan Shurong before body, opens the mouth to say with a smile, a language revealed own real motive. Western region various countries, the language is various, if wants west the exercise strategy frontier, to have to understand each western region country, including Caliphate and talented person of Charax Spasinu language. 王冲望着身前的元书荣,开口笑道,一语道出了自己的真实目的。西域诸国,语言各不相同,要想经略西陲,就必须有懂得各个西域国家,包括大食条支语言的人才。 But oneself present trains is the best means. 而自己现在培养就是最好的办法。 „Do Lord Marquis this words take seriously?” 侯爷此话当真?” The Wang Chong sound falls, Yuan Shurong raised the head fiercely, the whole face is pleasantly surprised. 王冲声音一落,元书荣猛地抬起头来,满脸惊喜。 Master's meaning?” “夫子的意思呢?” Wang Chong says with a smile. 王冲微笑着道。 Wishes for earnestly, wishes for earnestly......” “求之不得,求之不得……” Yuan Shurong is excited. The goal of his lifetime must construct a school, teaches western region various countries, as well as the language of person, increases Great Tang regarding the understanding of each foreign land, in order to avoid presents the miscarriage of justice, leaves a legacy of trouble infinitely. 元书荣激动不已。他毕生的目标就是要建一座学堂,教授西域诸国,以及番人的语言,增加大唐对于各个异邦的了解,以免出现误判,遗祸无穷。 Was only a pity, in national capital dozens years, simply does not have any person to be willing to subsidize him, all people do not despise taunt, Yuan Shurong elegant is not successful, this decides to leave the national capital, recedes the western region. 只可惜,在京师几十年,根本没有任何一个人愿意资助他,所有人不是鄙夷就是嘲讽,元书荣郁郁不得志,这才决定离开京师,远走西域。 protect the country (Weiguo) and Weiwu found his time, he has tidied up including the burden. 卫国卫武找到他的时候,他已经连包袱都收拾好了。 However Yuan Shurong has not thought, most is not successful in him, most frustrated time, unexpectedly will have such big favorable turn. 然而元书荣没有想到,就在他最不得志,最失意的时候,居然会出现这么大的转机。 Ha Ha Ha, Master, later this aspect gave you. Old Eagle, this matter you arrange. As soon as possible completes that school, moreover told Elder Hu and Elderly Ye they, chose natural talent intelligent scion(s) from each family, delivered to the school, studied the languages of various country's.” 哈哈哈,夫子,以后这方面就交给你了。老鹰,这件事情你去安排一下。尽快的把那座学堂建成,另外告诉胡老叶老他们,从各个家族挑选天资聪颖的子弟,送到学堂,学习诸国的语言。” Wang Chong laughs to say loudly. 王冲放声大笑道。 Obtains a Yuan Shurong Yuan master, the plan of Wang Chong exercise strategy western region is really even more powerful, along with joining of Yuan master key man, oneself planned on last loophole to make up. 得到元书荣元夫子,王冲经略西域的计划就真的是如虎添翼,随着元夫子这个关键人物的加入,自己计划上的最后一个漏洞就补上了。 Yes, Lord Marquis.” “是,侯爷。” Old Eagle was saying, led Yuan Shurong to leave quickly. 老鹰说着,很快领着元书荣离开了。 Shortly after Old Eagle and Yuan Shurong leave, Wang Chong today's last guest appeared. 就在老鹰元书荣离开后不久,王冲今天的最后一个客人出现了。 Villain Yang Hongchang, pays a visit Lord Marquis.” “小人杨洪昌,拜见侯爷。” Along with a loud and clear sound, a businessman appearance, body slightly fat, ten fingers brought ten agate rings, on the waist to hang a middle-aged man of red coral jade pendant, the holding up the head striding walks, was bowing to salute to Wang Chong. 随着一阵洪亮的声音,一个商贾模样,身体微胖,十根手指带着十个玛瑙戒指,腰上垂着一条红珊瑚玉佩的中年男子,昂首踏步走了进来,对着王冲躬身行礼。 Does not need to be polite, gets up.” “不必客气,起来吧。” Wang Chong lifted the hand to say slightly. Different with Yuan Shurong, sees this middle-aged businessman, Wang Chong directly soars the subject: 王冲微微抬了抬手道。和元书荣不一样,见到这名中年商贾,王冲直奔主题: Heard that the mister manages extremely friendly, moreover on western region Hu's traders with Silk Road also has the relation, but also once penetrated Caliphate, has sold the ceramics and tea leaves?” “听说先生极善经营,而且和丝绸之路上的西域胡商也有联系,还曾经深入大食,售卖过陶瓷和茶叶?” Lord Marquis lifted loved, in patriarchal clan has truly made some small-scale business, with some Hu's traders some intercourses. However Hu's traders is very antiforeign, is too not willing outside the businessman with person on one's own side to do business, therefore our business have done is not big, is some small business transactions.” 侯爷抬爱了,宗族里确实做了一些小生意,也和一些胡商有些往来。不过胡商很排外,不太愿意和自己人以外的商贾做买卖,所以我们的生意一直做的不大,也就是一些小买卖而已。” As for Caliphate and Charax Spasinu......, In the family did not know long ago profoundly, has folded many books in Caliphate and Charax Spasinu, money has not gained, reluctantly mixes the roll-call sound.” “至于大食条支……,早年家族里不知道天高地厚,在大食条支折了不少本,钱是没赚到,也就勉强混点名声而已。” Yang Hongchang said. 杨洪昌道。 Un.” “嗯。” Wang Chong nodded, the western region and Charax Spasinu and Caliphate merchant is extremely antiforeign, a Yang clan that at present this Yang Hongchang, as well as he was born, is Great Tang a few can the family of job on Silk Road. 王冲点了点头,西域和条支大食的商人极其排外,眼前这位杨洪昌,以及他出生的杨氏一族,算是大唐少数几个可以在丝绸之路上营生的家族。 On Silk Road has Talas City, does not know that Mr. Yang does know?” 丝绸之路上有一座怛罗斯城,不知道杨先生知不知道?” Talas?” 怛罗斯?” Yang Hongchang raised the head finally, looks at present this Young Marquis, in the facial expression some surprise: 杨洪昌终于抬起头来,看着眼前这位少年侯,神情中有些诧异: Anxi Protectorate General goes out of town toward the western more than 700 miles, is Talas. That is in the clear military nine surnames the Stone Country territory, City Lord is called Seyed, the villain long ago when the western region did business, had seen one side him fortunately.” 安西都护府出城往西700多里,就是怛罗斯。那是昭武九姓里石国的领地,城主叫做塞义德,小人早年在西域经商的时候,曾经有幸见过他一面。” The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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