HE :: Volume #7

#625: Decisive battle! The strength rises dramatically!

Who is that? Mengshe Polity Great General has made a breach, why hasn't attacked?” “那是谁?蒙舍诏大将军都已经打开缺口了,为什么还迟迟没有攻进去?” At the foot of the hill, another battlefield, saw Meng-U Allied Army soldier who on mountain top hundred and thousand of fountains explode the sky, a Profound Martial Realm Seventh Layer U-Tsang brave warrior vision one cold, in the eye passed over gently and swiftly wipes the astonishing murderous intention. 山脚下,另一处战场,看到山顶上成百上千喷泉般炸上天空的蒙乌联军战士,一名玄武境七重乌斯藏悍将目光一寒,眼中掠过一抹惊人的杀机。 A handle shining incomparable items sickle that clang, left, the aura powerful U-Tsang military commander without delay, such as flies to go toward mountain top. Among moment - 锵,抽出身上的一柄寒光四射的绝品弯刀,气息强悍的乌斯藏武将二话不说,朝着山顶如飞而去。须臾之间—— Bang!” “轰!” The double sword intersection, a boundless strength erupts, Profound Martial Realm Seventh Layer military commander whole body Astral Qi is vast, is similar to thunderous general, the boundless bracing cold even around a soldier him shakes to fly away. 双剑相交,一股磅礴的力量爆发出来,玄武境七重的武将全身罡气浩浩,如同雷鸣一般,磅礴的气劲甚至将他周围的一圈士兵都震飞开来。 But in his under foot, Aura is enormous and powerful, the place of huge Halo of Thorns coverage, an invisible strength turns into the brown air/Qi mist gathering to come, these mist by the under foot of this U-Tsang brave warrior, gather in his within the body crazily, suddenly enhanced a big truncation his strength. 而在他的脚下,光环浩荡,巨大的荆棘光环覆盖之地,一股无形的力量化成土黄色的气雾气汇聚而来,这些雾气透过这名乌斯藏悍将的脚下,疯狂汇集到他的体内,瞬息间将他的力量提高了一大截。 - the link of earth! ——大地之环! U-Tsang People does not have the Central Plains person to be so fierce regarding the understanding of Principle, although this Profound Martial Realm Seventh Layer military commander Power of Principle is not high, but has been enough to strengthen the strength from the earth largely, enhanced itself. 乌斯藏人对于规则的理解远没有中土人那么厉害,这名玄武境七重的武将虽然规则之力不高,但是已经足以从大地中大幅汲取力量,提高自己了。 However this opens Bei Lieshi general, the thunder chops, bumps into is actually a mountain range strength. 然而这开碑裂石,雷霆一般的一劈,碰上的却是一座山峦般的力量。 Bang, the strength explodes, almost bombs flat mountain top, the Wang Chong blood red monster different long hair dances in the air, his whole body is red, just like the iron is ordinary, is relying on two Long Sword merely, has blocked this U-Tsang brave warrior strikes fully. 轰隆,劲气爆炸,将山头都几乎炸平,王冲血红色的妖异长发飞舞,他的浑身通红,犹如烙铁一般,仅仅凭借着两只长剑,就挡住了这名乌斯藏悍将的全力一击。 How possible?” “怎么可能?” The U-Tsang brave warrior pupil shrinks, looks at the opposite that pair of blood red tyrannical and crazy double pupil, in the heart ice-cold. This blade he spells to try, but the opposite party both hands lift horizontally, the both feet probably grew up on the earth to be the same, is entirely still. 乌斯藏悍将瞳孔一缩,看着对面那双血红色的暴虐、疯狂的双眸,心中一阵冰冷。这一刀他拼尽了全力,但是对方双手横举,双脚就好像长大了大地上一样,纹丝不动。 The strength steel that this strikes must split, but the Wang Chong's body is ordinary like the mountain range, not only moves has not moved, instead has a tremendous strength instead to shake. 他这一击的力量就算钢铁都要裂开了,但是王冲的身躯就像山峦一般,不但动都没有动一下,反而有股巨大的力量反震回来。 His is Fleshly Body possibly so how intrepid?” “他的肉身怎么可能这么强悍?” The U-Tsang brave warrior circle is opening the eye, inconceivable of face. 乌斯藏悍将圆睁着眼睛,一脸的不可思议。 The Wang Chong's strength has not surpassed Profound Martial Seventh Layer absolutely, under same Realm, does not dodge does not evade, meets his fully blade hardly, unexpectedly moves is motionless, will create the heavy losses to his in internal organs absolutely. 王冲的实力绝对没有超过玄武七重,在相同的境界下,不闪不避,硬接他全力一刀,居然动都不动一下,绝对会对他的内腑造成重创。 This point including him unable to achieve. 这一点连他都做不到。 No, any Profound Martial Seventh Layer martial artist cannot achieve, only if Fleshly Body already intrepidly to inhuman situation. 不,任何玄武七重武者都做不到,除非肉身已经强悍到了非人的地步。 However made the U-Tsang brave warrior panic-stricken has not started - 然而令乌斯藏悍将惊骇的还远没有开始—— kā chā chā, a rotation sound of intermittent crossbow trigger gear spreads from void, behind Wang Chong's, the ray fluctuates, unexpectedly appears faintly greatly, such as the prestige such as the six arm diamond in prison come, has the incantation sound of intermittent Buddhist to spread faintly. 咔嚓嚓,一阵阵机括般齿轮的转动声从虚空中传出,就在王冲的背后,光芒变幻,居然隐隐浮现出一头巨大的,如威如狱的六臂金刚来,更隐隐有阵阵佛家的咒音传出。 Six arm ksitigarbha diamond! This is not our Great Snow Mountain Temple secret skill...” “六臂地藏金刚!这不是我们大雪山神庙绝学吗…” The U-Tsang brave warrior is surprised. 乌斯藏悍将大吃一惊。 This fellow Fleshly Body is powerful, can block a oneself sword stiffly. However he also meets U-Tsang Plateau Great Snow Mountain Temple lineage/vein unexpectedly secret skill!! 这个家伙肉身强悍,可以硬生生挡住自己一剑也就算了。但是他居然还会乌斯藏高原大雪山神庙一脉的绝学!! Bang!” “轰隆!” Holds in in addition of six arm ksitigarbha diamond, Wang Chong both hands strike furiously, bang, but strikes, this Profound Martial Seventh Layer U-Tsang brave warrior with the blade, pastes is tumbling, drags the mist and dust, was flown by numerous dividing. 在六臂地藏金刚的加持下,王冲双手奋力一击,轰隆,只是一击,这名玄武七重乌斯藏悍将就连人带刀,贴地翻滚着,拖起一路烟尘,就被重重的劈飞出去。 This is impossible!” “这不可能!” On the U-Tsang brave warrior face flashes through a panic-stricken look, but also shocks in the fact that oneself were struck to fly, the next quarter, the blood light passed over gently and swiftly from him together, scoffs, he only thought that the neck hurts, six Yang Kuishou has flown up at angle immediately. 乌斯藏悍将脸上闪过一丝惊骇的神色,还震撼于自己被击飞的事实,下一刻,一道血光从他上方掠过,嗤,他只觉得脖子一疼,一颗六阳魁首立即斜飞了出去。 Good quick Speed!!” “好快的速度!!” U-Tsang brave warrior at present one black, then anything does not know. 乌斯藏悍将眼前一黑,便什么也不知道了。 Ten, hundred, thousand..., Dense and numerous, falling down that hundred and thousand of Meng-U Allied Army soldiers keep around Wang Chong's. The person corpse, horse corpse, the broken sword accumulates in together, turns into a piece by piece battle scene. 十名,百名,千名…,密密麻麻,成百上千的蒙乌联军战士不停的扑倒在王冲的周围。人尸,马尸,还有残破的刀剑累积在一起,化成一片片尸山血海。 The corpse that around Wang Chong drops down are getting more and more, he like a machine of being not aware of fatigue, at mountain top crazy slaughtering. killing qi that his sends out is getting stronger and stronger, including void twists. 王冲周围倒下的尸体越来越多,他就像一架不知疲倦的机器一样,在山顶疯狂的杀戮。他身上散发出来的杀气越来越浓烈,连虚空都扭曲起来。 But these Death Meng-U Allied Army soldiers, Astral Qi in within the body keep was extracted by Little Yin-Yang Sword, turns into continuously blood fog to integrate Wang Chong within the body, unceasing pushing is high his strength. 而那些死亡蒙乌联军战士,体内的罡气又不停的被小阴阳剑抽取出来,化成一缕缕血雾融入王冲体内,不断的推高着他的实力。 Little Yin-Yang Technique is known as first under heaven Evil Art, can Upgrade martial artist strength the ability of without limits in the incisiveness that this moment manifests. 小阴阳术号称天下第一邪功,可以无止境提升武者实力的能力在这一刻体现的淋漓尽致。 Gradually, Wang Chong had not discovered, formidable, the oppressive imposing manner erupts from him, 慢慢的,就连王冲自己都没有发现,一股强大的,压迫性气势从他身上爆发出来, Most starts, all Meng-U Allied Army soldier being not aware of fatigue swarms, but now, so long as approaches Wang Chong certain range, all Meng-U Allied Army soldiers start to feel intense restless and trembles, good image plane advance party is not a person, but is Devil God. 最开始的时候,所有的蒙乌联军战士都是不知疲倦的蜂拥过来,但是现在,只要靠近王冲一定范围,所有的蒙乌联军战士都开始感到强烈的不安和战栗,就好像面前站着的不是一个人,而是一尊魔神 What's the matter, how does he become such formidable?” “怎么回事,他怎么变得这么强大?” Fight is so long, why his Inner Force not only has not weakened, instead becomes stronger and stronger?” “战斗这么久,为什么他的内力不但没有减弱,反而变得越来越强?” This fellow at all is not a person, nobody can survive be so long!” “这个家伙根本不是人,没有人可以坚持这么久!” Everybody was careful, do not leave him to be too near!” “大家小心,不要离他太近!” Like this, I will approach why his whole body to shiver, could not grip including the blade!” “为什么会这样,我一靠近他就全身颤抖,连刀都握不住了!” ... Wang Chong that if most starts in people eyes, can rely on the quantity, kills him with the wheel tactic, then now, when Wang Chong promotes to Profound Martial Seventh Layer and Eight Layer, all completely are different. 如果说最开始的王冲在众人眼中,是可以凭借数量,用车轮战术将他杀死的话,那么现在,当王冲晋升到玄武七重八重,一切就完全不同。 Everyone felt an extremely dangerous feeling from Wang Chong, probably a sharp blade, momentarily can jab into own heart. 每个人都从王冲身上感受到了一种极度危险的感觉,就好像一把利刃,随时可以刺进自己的心脏。 That fellow... Is Great Tang Commander-in-Chief?” “那个家伙…就是大唐统帅吗?” In place that the Wang Chong field of vision cannot see, the form stands erect together, is narrowing the eye slightly, sends out cold glow. The Wang Chong's appearance has changed, but Tumi Sangzha judges his status from his thin personal appearance one. 王冲视野看不到的地方,一道身影矗立,微微眯着眼睛,散发出一道道的寒芒。王冲的样子已经大变,但是土弥桑扎还是从他消瘦的身形一眼判断出他的身份。 Has fought for a half month, on that high mountain range, forever stands erect the youngster under Qigandi, already the deep brand mark entered in Mongolian black each military officer heart. 战斗了半个多月,那个高高山峦上,永远屹立在旗杆底下的少年,早已深深烙印进蒙乌每一个将领心中。 But is especially different on the side of U-Tsang, now all people know that the youngster of Great Minister to that Great Tang hates to the marrow of the bones, even conveys a message, even if bleeds off all Annan Protectorate Army, cannot let off that to be called the Wang Chong's youngster absolutely. 而在乌斯藏一边尤为不同,现在所有人都知道大相对那个大唐的少年恨之入骨,甚至传下话来,就算放走所有的安南都护军,也绝对不能放过那个叫做王冲的少年。 Snort, massacres him, I should be the first brave warrior on Plateau!” “哼,杀掉他,我就该是高原上的第一勇士!” The Tumi Sangzha personal appearance leaps, flying nearby personal appearance huge steel Giant, stands on the left shoulder of Giant. The next quarter, hōng lōng lōng everything may become vulnerable, black steel Giant lifts a gigantic sole, having the Tumi Sangzha stride to step toward the mountain on. 土弥桑扎身形一跃,一把飞上旁边身形庞大的钢铁巨人,站在巨人的左肩上。下一刻,轰隆隆地动山摇,黑色的钢铁巨人抬起一只硕大的脚掌,带着土弥桑扎大步朝着山上跨去。 In him behind, another steel Giant is bringing densely and numerously, countless iron men closely follow. 在他身后,另一头钢铁巨人带着密密麻麻,无数的铁人紧紧相随。 Makes way!” “让开!” A U-Tsang language is similar to the thunder is ordinary, in mountain top sky echo. All U-Tsang People hear these words, like surging tides retreats in abundance, only then Mengshe Polity People does not know that he was saying anything. 一个乌斯藏语如同雷霆一般,在山顶上空回响。所有的乌斯藏人听到这句话,如潮水般纷纷退去,只有蒙舍诏人不知道他在说什么。 However does not have, when they responded, sky one dark, two mountain peak gigantic armored hands one on the left and other on the right, were bringing the intermittent astral wind, turned toward in mountain top that group of blood light to pound to fall like lightning. 然而没等到他们反应过来,天空一暗,两只山峰般硕大的铁拳一左一右,带着阵阵罡风,闪电般向着山顶中那团血光砸落下来。 Bang!” “轰!” The earth sinks, just like meets the dark wave the deck to shiver general fiercely, in vision that in all people shocked, two steel Giant armored hands happen to pounded to fall on Wang Chong without bias and without favor. 大地一沉,犹如遇到暗浪的甲板一般剧烈的颤抖了一下,就在所有人震骇的目光中,两头钢铁巨人的铁拳不偏不倚正好砸落在王冲头上。 Hiss, sucks in the sound of cold air/Qi, sees only on mountain top, sky over Wang Chong looks up, two iron red arms one on the left and other on the right steady has blocked the fist of steel Giant. 嘶,一阵倒抽冷气的声音,只见山顶上,王冲抬起头看着上空,两支烙铁般通红的手臂一左一右稳稳的挡住了钢铁巨人的拳头。 The two armored hands of that bare hill crack mountain completely have not become any injury to other party. 那崩山裂岳的两记铁拳完全没对他造成任何的伤害。 In this flash everyone eyes has shown deep dreading! 这一刹那每个人眼中都透出了深深的忌惮! Snort! Meets my blade!” “哼!接我一刀!” An ice-cold sound conveys from sky, when Wang Chong resists two steel Giant furiously, the Tumi Sangzha personal appearance leaps, leaps from the shoulder of steel Giant under. 一个冰冷的声音从上空传来,就在王冲奋力抵挡两头钢铁巨人的时候,土弥桑扎身形一跃,从钢铁巨人的肩膀上飞跃而下。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The blade light tearing expansive sky, the Tumi Sangzha person blade unites together, in airborne pull-off several feet Blade Qi, cuts toward Wang Chong together anxiously under. 一道刀光撕裂长空,土弥桑扎人刀合一,在空中拖出一道十几丈长的刀气,向着王冲急斩而下。 The bang, in a flash, the blood red light covers to erupt together from Wang Chong's within the body, the light covers, Wang Chong double sword one horizontal, blocked Tumi Sangzha to kill struck. 轰,电光石火间,一道血红色的光罩从王冲的体内爆发出来,光罩中,王冲双剑一横,挡住了土弥桑扎着必杀的一击。 However Tumi Sangzha this hits to contain the boundless strength, rumbled into the earth a Wang Chong blade. His under foot rock disrupts, finally only then half body fell on the ground. 然而土弥桑扎这一击中蕴含着磅礴力量,将王冲一刀轰入了大地之中。他的脚下岩石纷纷碎裂,最后只有半个身子落在地面了。 Damn! This has not died!” “该死!这样都没死!” The Tumi Sangzha pupil shrinks, surprised looks underground. He uses two steel Giant to divert Wang Chong, for finally strikes to be able Wang Chong to strike to kill. Has not thought that Wang Chong this has not died. 土弥桑扎瞳孔一缩,吃惊的看着地下。他用两头钢铁巨人牵制王冲,为的就是最后一击能够将王冲一击必杀。只是没想到王冲这样都没死。 Buzz, a Tumi Sangzha sickle moved to and fro, before it's too late smithing will launch a wave of strong winds attack brashly, the blood light flashes, Wang Chong lost the form before the body unexpectedly instantaneously. 嗡,土弥桑扎弯刀一摆,正要趁热打铁发动一波狂风骤雨般的攻击,血光一闪,王冲居然瞬间从身前失去了身影。 This is big Tumi Sangzha the expectation, however has not waited for him to respond, in the ear then transmits one 这一幕大出土弥桑扎的预料,然而还没等他反应过来,耳中便传来一阵 Vague, but the swift and fierce incomparable sound from out of the blue, the rapidness of Speed, Tumi Sangzha felt that the secret heart is startled. 若有若无,但却凌厉无匹的破空声,速度之快,就连土弥桑扎都感到暗暗心惊。 „It is not good!” “不好!” In Tumi Sangzha heart one startled, the diving posture that wants not to think, leaps to nearby steel Giant. The bang, is almost simultaneously, the blood light flashes, the swift and fierce sword glow passed over gently and swiftly the place that together Tumi Sangzha stood. 土弥桑扎心中一惊,想也不想的飞身而起,跃向一旁的钢铁巨人。轰,几乎是同时,血光一闪,一道凌厉的剑芒掠过土弥桑扎原本站立的地方。 The sword glow fails, that two steel Giant armored hand was actually cut two, high flew, fracture place smooth like mirror. 剑芒落空,那两头钢铁巨人的铁拳却被一斩两段,高高的飞了出去,断口处光滑如镜。 Sees this, Tumi Sangzha secret heart startled, body flood intermittent goosebumps, if were just slow, was cut two sections was not steel Giant, but was. 看到这一幕,就连土弥桑扎都暗暗心惊,身上泛起一阵阵的鸡皮疙瘩,刚刚要是再慢一点,被斩成两截的就不是钢铁巨人,而是自己了。 However all these had not finished, the blood-color arc light flashes, turns toward the Tumi Sangzha illness to cut once more, but. 然而这一切还远没有结束,血色的弧光一闪,再次向着土弥桑扎疾斩而至。 The bang, in a flash, Tumi Sangzha just lifted the hand to block this sword, the next quarter is together the blood light rewinds, but, but before this time is not the body, but behind. 轰,电光石火间,土弥桑扎刚刚抬手挡住这一剑,下一刻又是一道血光倒卷而至,只不过这一次不是身前而是身后。 How can..., His Speed possibly so is how quick!” “怎么会…,他的速度怎么可能这么快!” The Tumi Sangzha strength is higher than Jiao Siluo, say nothing of these ordinary military officers, sole view Martial Path Realm, Wang Chong is not his match. 土弥桑扎的实力比角斯罗还要高,更不用说那些普通的将领,单论武道境界,就连王冲都不是他的对手。 Speed and Dexterity that however Wang Chong displays, Tumi Sangzha this Level Expert cannot achieve. 但是王冲表现出来的速度敏捷,就连土弥桑扎这种级别高手都做不到。 Quick! 快! Quickly was too too quick! 太快太快了! On the entire mountain top, almost completely is Wang Chong's phantom, these blood from all sides, have only surrounded all steel Giant, Tumi Sangzha cannot follow Wang Chong's Speed at once, which cannot distinguish clearly really which is false, only thought that full empty/sky are Wang Chong's afterimage. 整个山头上,几乎全部都是王冲的虚影,那些血光前前后后,包围了所有的钢铁巨人,一时之间就连土弥桑扎都跟不上王冲的速度,分不清哪是真的哪是假的,只觉得满空都是王冲的残影 【The good news, Huangfu's micro blog clears! If wants to know that I the condition in life, welcome to pay attention! ^-^ 【好消息,皇甫的微博开通啊!如果想知道我在生活中的状态,欢迎关注啊!^-^】 Beyond public person number exclusive «Big * God Su Zhengchen» ( 1 ) high and low has uploaded, welcome everybody to pay attention. The additional slightly letter public number, searches Huangfu strange then. The click head picture, can examine in the historic record.:)】 【公众人号独家番外《大*神苏正臣》(一)上下已经上传,欢迎大家关注。加微信公众号,搜索皇甫奇即可。点击头像,在历史记录里可以查看。:)】
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