HE :: Volume #7

#624: Decisive battle! Second Berserk Blood Disease!

Chapter 624 第624章 wēng! 嗡! That flash, Wang Chong whole body ice-cold, if heart dying embers. 那一刹那,王冲浑身冰冷,心若死灰。 The second gap! 第二个缺口! The gap that Duan Ge Quan rumbles has not blocked, Star Battle Great Array presented the second gap, Wang Chong looked all around, but more places, could not hold importantly! On the mountain massif continuously, is Annan Protectorate Army is on the verge of death before everywhere the pitiful yell. 段葛全轰出来的缺口还没有堵上,森罗星斗大阵又出现了第二道缺口,王冲环顾四周,而更多的地方,也要紧持不住了!山体上此起彼伏,到处都是安南都护军濒死前的惨叫。 This really is the day must perish my Great Tang......” “这难道真的是天要亡我大唐吗……” This flash, the Wang Chong whole body trembles, the heart in the drop blood, the boundless endless pain like tidal comes, made one almost suffocate intensely. 这一刹那,王冲浑身颤栗,心都在滴血,无边无尽的痛楚有如潮水般汹涌而来,强烈的令人几乎窒息。 Why? Why can like this?” “为什么?为什么会这样?” Why ascending the sky let my rebirth, actually can also make me experience all these?” “为什么上天让我重生了,却还要让我经历这一切?” On don't tell me for a lifetime also insufficient, this whole life must let Central Plains, making Great Tang experience a time on destiny for a lifetime again?” 难道上一辈子还不够,这辈子还要让中土,让大唐再经历一次上一辈子的命运吗?” ...... …… In the Wang Chong eye bleeds, in the heart a sound sends out intermittent unwilling and angry shouting. Previous generation appear once more at present, the dragon flag that the Central Plains earth that the flames of war burn down, breaks delapidated randomly, disintegration Great Tang, tens of thousands of the field littered with corpses in the fear, changes into the common people common people of bleached bone, but also in the tiema binghe, flies to tread to come, is disseminating Death and desperate foreign land intruder...... 王冲眼中流血,心中一个声音发出阵阵不甘而愤怒的嘶吼。恍惚中,前世的一幕幕再次浮现在眼前,战火焚烧的中土大地,颓乱断折的龙旗,土崩瓦解的大唐,成千上万在恐惧中尸横遍野,化为枯骨的苍生百姓,还在铁马冰河,飞踏而来,散播着死亡和绝望的异域入侵者…… All, starts from the southwest avalanche. If southwest the tragedy is unable to prevent continually, discussed that what prevents the Great Tang destiny? 所有的一切,都是从西南的崩塌开始的。如果连西南惨剧都无法阻止,又谈何去阻止大唐的命运? At this moment, Wang Chong pain is unable to breathe. 这一刻,王冲痛苦的无法呼吸。 previous life moment at the point of death, that pain, unwilling, is incapable and lamentation floats various hearts once more. 上辈子临死的一刻,那种痛苦、不甘、无力和悔恨再次浮诸心头。 Not, even if dies, I will not let all these to repeat in me at present once more!” “不会的,就算是死,我也绝不会让这一切在我眼前再次重演!” Wang Chong ruthlessly is grasping Little Yin-Yang Sword of Wootz Steel Sword and left hand of right hand, on his back of the hand blue vein Ben gets up, gives out angry roaring of shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth in armed forces suddenly. 王冲狠狠的握着右手的乌兹钢剑和左手的小阴阳剑,他的手背上青筋贲起,猛然在军阵中发出一声惊天动地的怒吼。 Thunderclap!” “霹雳!” As if responded to the Wang Chong's call, on mountain top, the strong winds are vast, a huge azure thunder from the dark clouds flying shuttle, xī yù yù, has fought the horse's neigh cry suddenly, this sudden thunder shocked all Meng-U Allied Army. 仿佛是回应了王冲的呼声,山顶上,狂风浩浩,陡然之间一道巨大的青色雷霆从阴云飞梭而过,希聿聿,战马嘶鸣,这突然出现的雷霆把所有的蒙乌联军都惊呆了。 At the foot of the hill, Daqin Ruozan has shown the surprised look. 山脚下,就连大钦若赞都露出了吃惊的神色。 In any event, I will not admit defeat absolutely!” “无论如何,我都绝对不会认输的!” In any event, I will not admit defeat absolutely!” “无论如何,我都绝对不会认输的!” In any event, I will not admit defeat absolutely!” “无论如何,我都绝对不会认输的!” ...... …… This world anything Savior, has not had what destiny, my destiny I take responsibility!” “这世间从来没有什么救世主,没有什么命运,我的命运我自己做主!” In the Wang Chong heart a sound is getting more and more loud, dark, the strength as if flame that a never feeling has been to generally burns in within the body, moreover is getting more and more prosperous, angry, boundless angry, unwilling, intense unwillingness, next quarter! 王冲心中一个声音越来越大,冥冥中,一股从未感受到过的力量仿佛火焰一般在体内燃烧,而且越来越旺,愤怒,无边的愤怒,不甘,强烈的不甘,下一刻! Clang! 锵! A clear and melodious sword recited resounds through void, Wang Chong has raised Long Sword in hand, shot up to the sky suddenly. 一声清越的剑吟响彻虚空,王冲扬起了手中的长剑,猛然冲天而起。 War! War! War!” “战!战!战!” Kills! Kill! Kills!” “杀!杀!杀!” Death! Death! Death!” “死!死!死!” Thousands of person retreat, my not retreat, even if all people give up, I will not give up!!” “就算千万人后退,我也绝不会后退,就算所有人放弃,我也绝不会放弃!!” Southwest will not defeat, Great Tang will not defeat,...... I will not defeat!” “西南不会败的,大唐不会败的,……我也绝不会败!” ...... …… The last few words, changed into bellowing of shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth! 最后一句话,化为了一声惊天动地的大吼! Scoffs, Long Sword from the sky has swung, a row of Meng-U Allied Army soldier drops down rapidly. Billowing Blood Qi gushed out from in within the body of these soldiers, gathers in Wang Chong's within the body. 嗤,长剑在空中荡过,一排的蒙乌联军士兵迅速倒下。滚滚的血气从这些士兵的体内涌出,汇集到了王冲的体内。 Blood Qi that these swarm like some type of bait, impetuss very deep thing that some Wang Chong within the body has hidden. 这些蜂拥进来的血气就像某种诱饵一样,剌激到了某种王冲体内潜藏的很深的东西。 kā chā chā, one copies the bean crowded skeleton resounding to spread from within the body intermittently, the Wang Chong's body raises one section in the impossible situation suddenly, but in his within the body, boundless, the inconceivable great power also suddenly erupts. 咔嚓嚓,一阵阵抄豆子般密集的骨骼脆响从体内传出,王冲的身体在不可能的情况下猛然拔高一截,而在他的体内,一股磅礴的,不可思议的强大力量也猛然爆发出来。 Bang, the dantian vibrates, in breath, brand-new Grand Halo of Thorns is born from the Wang Chong under foot. But almost in simultaneously, Wang Chong also finally broke for a long time, bottleneck to Profound Martial Realm, true visit to Profound Martial Realm. 轰隆,丹田震动,就在一个呼吸间,一股全新的大荆棘光环王冲脚下诞生出来。而几乎是在同时,王冲也终于打破了长久以来,通往玄武境的瓶颈,真正的踏足到了玄武境 wēng! 嗡! The strong winds wave, a blood red strength has spread from the Wang Chong's roots of the hair to sending the tree top, suddenly, the Wang Chong full head pitch-black long hair turned into the monster different blood-color long hair immediately. 狂风舞动,一股血红的力量从王冲的发根一直蔓延到发梢,眨眼之间,王冲满头的乌黑长发顿时变成了妖异的血色长发。 Incessantly is full head the long hair, the Wang Chong's eye also turned into the blood-color double pupil, filled has slaughtered, the summit crazy and tyrannical flavor/smell. 不止是满头的长发,就连王冲的眼睛也变成了血色的双眸,充满了杀戮、巅狂和暴虐的味道。 However at this time, Wang Chong could not see completely, his at present blood red. 但是这个时候,王冲已经完全看不到了,他的眼前一片血红。 In any event, I will not defeat!” “无论如何,我也绝不会败!” A more and more intense unwillingness and anger in Wang Chong mind crazy developing, bang, Wang Chong's Speed increase sharply suddenly, the electricity shoots. hōng lōng lōng, one light blood-color knife edges flash through in void, Large expanse of Meng-U Allied Army but actually. 一股越来越强烈的不甘和愤怒在王冲脑海疯狂的滋长,轰隆,王冲的速度骤然激增,电射而出。轰隆隆,一片淡淡的血色刀刃在虚空中闪过,成片成片的蒙乌联军倒了下去。 Will not defeat, will not defeat, will not defeat absolutely!” “不会败,不会败,绝对不会败!” The Wang Chong's form passed over gently and swiftly from void once more, in sad and shrill pitiful yell sound, was Large expanse of Meng-U Allied Army but actually. Billowing Blood Qi under involving of invisible strength, crazy emerging to Wang Chong's within the body. 王冲的身影从虚空中再次掠过,凄厉的惨叫声中,又是成片的蒙乌联军倒了下去。滚滚的血气在一股无形力量的牵扯下,疯狂的涌入到了王冲的体内。 Wang Chong's within the body, Little Yin-Yang Technique is thundering, when breaks through Profound Martial Realm, since got rid of continuously the Realm shackles, under impetusing of billowing Blood Qi, the Wang Chong's strength starts to grow crazily by unprecedented Speed. 王冲的体内,“小阴阳术”轰鸣着,当突破到玄武境,摆脱了一直以来的境界桎梏,在滚滚血气的剌激下,王冲的实力开始以前所未有的速度疯狂增长起来。 Bang! 轰! The dantian shakes, but in the wink of an eye, Wang Chong has achieved Profound Martial Realm First Layer Realm. But in him behind, dozens Mongolian black Cavalry, falls down with. 丹田一震,只不过瞬息之间,王冲就达到了玄武境一重境界。而在他身后,数十名蒙乌骑兵,连人带马戴倒在地上。 Holds Wang Chong, enjoys the lord of ten thousand households!” “抓住王冲,赏万户侯!” The inexhaustible Meng-U Allied Army soldier throws excitedly, like forever also kills not cleanly. 无穷无尽的蒙乌联军战士兴奋的扑来,就像永远也杀不干净一样。 Scoffs, the cold light flashes through together, in the pitiful yell sound, rows of heads fly the sky. 嗤,一道寒光闪过,啊的惨叫声中,一排排的头颅飞上天空。 Profound Martial Second Layer! 玄武二重 The Wang Chong's strength is still rising dramatically...... 王冲的实力还在飙升…… Has killed him, he only has a person, do not fear!!” “杀了他,他只有一个人,不要怕!!” Shouted " kill " in intermittent, shocking roaring sound, a huge form climbed up the mountain top, that was big Zhendan Giant. The roar, the person has not stood firm, thick, the tree trunk iron rod withstands great pressure immediately, has swept toward Wang Chong. 喊杀阵阵,震天的咆哮声中,一头巨大的身影爬上了山头,那是一头高大的震旦巨人。吼,人还没有立稳,一根粗大的,树干般的铁棍立即泰山压顶般,朝着王冲扫了过去。 He is my!” “他是我的!” Zhendan Giant roared, sent out language that only then can understand. 震旦巨人咆哮,发出只有自己才能听得懂的语言。 The clang, a thick iron rod suddenly crack is two, fracture smooth like mirror. Stature huge Zhendan Giant is looking in hand the iron rod of half, dull, but has not waited for him to respond. , Long Sword deep stabbing into his heart, has severed his vitality. 铿,粗大的铁棍突然一裂为二,断口光滑如镜。身躯庞大的震旦巨人看着手中半截的铁棍,呆呆的,但是还没等他反应过来。噗,一根长剑深深的剌入他的心脏,也剌断了他的生机。 Profound Martial Third Layer! 玄武三重 The huge Zhendan Giant circle is opening eye, hōng lōng lōng incredible numerous pouring before the Wang Chong body, whole body abundant Blood Qi rolls into Wang Chong's within the body. 庞大的震旦巨人圆睁着眼睛,轰隆隆不可置信的重重的倒在王冲身前,浑身雄厚的血气滚入王冲的体内。 Kills! Kill! Kill! Kills off the present all people! The strength, I need huge strength, inexhaustible strength!” “杀!杀!杀!杀光眼前的所有人!力量,我需要庞大的力量,无穷无尽的力量!” The Wang Chong's present blood-color is getting more and more red. 王冲的眼前的血色越来越红。 Bang! 轰! Soaring Dragon Spear! 腾龙枪 The Wang Chong electricity shoots once more, but this time, the azure flood dragon illusion in sky turns into the dark red blood flood dragon, the bang, Wang Chong shoots from the airborne electricity, numerous falling in mountain top. 王冲再次电射而起,只不过这一次,天空中的青蛟幻象变成殷红的血蛟,轰,王冲从空中电射而下,重重的落在山顶 In pitiful yell sound, hundred and thousand of Meng-U Allied Army soldiers drop down, the blood fog jumps to shoot from their within the body, is similar to tidal floods into Wang Chong within the body. The Wang Chong's strength promotes once more 啊,惨叫声中,成百上千的蒙乌联军战士倒下,血雾从他们体内迸射而出,如同潮水般涌入王冲体内。王冲的实力再次晋升 Profound Martial Fourth Layer! 玄武四重 Damn! What is that?” “该死!那是什么?” When Wang Chong displays at the same time that Soaring Dragon Spear layer on layer/heavily falls, in boundless Great Army that burns the fierce blood light to be extremely conspicuous, similarly attracted in the battlefield a aura tyrannical Profound Martial Realm Mengshe Polity military commander! 王冲施展腾龙枪重重坠下的同时,茫茫大军中那灼烈的血光极其显眼,同样吸引了战场中一名气息强横玄武境蒙舍诏武将! Although cannot see clearly the person's shadow in blood light, but the question, that blood light has not obstructed Great Army. 虽然看不清血光中的人影,但是毫不疑问,那道血光已经阻扰到了大军 The clang, Long Sword extracts, that Profound Martial Realm Mengshe Polity military commander in the eyes flashes a cold light, rides a Er'hai marvelous horse suddenly, just like rushes to the thunder to be as fast as lightning speeds away to go toward mountain top. 铿,长剑抽出,那名玄武境蒙舍诏武将眼中寒光一闪,猛然间骑上一匹洱海神驹,犹如奔雷掣电般朝着山顶疾驰而去。 50 zhang (3.33 m), 30 zhang (3.33 m), 20 zhang (3.33 m), when the distance is only ten zhang (3.33 m) 50丈,30丈,20丈,当距离只有十丈的时候 Bang!” “轰隆!” cold light flashes, that Profound Martial Realm Mengshe Polity military commander soars from the horseback, from airborne crosses the innumerable Meng-U Allied Army soldiers, just like the bolt of white silk curls up together the wild hurricane together, occupied a commanding position to bend down to cut toward Wang Chong. 寒光一闪,那名玄武境蒙舍诏武将从马背上腾空而起,从空中越过无数的蒙乌联军战士,犹如一道匹练般卷起一道狂暴的飓风,居高临下朝着王冲俯斩了过去。 Bang! 轰! Mengshe Polity Profound Martial Realm military commander puts one's foot down, Long Sword and Wang Chong in hand numerous hits together. Only listens to bang one, mist and dust is billowing, Astral Qi is vast, sees only an obvious black red look of surprise bracing cold to be centered on them, violent explosion. 蒙舍诏玄武境武将头下脚上,手中的长剑王冲重重的撞击在一起。只听轰隆一声,烟尘滚滚,罡气浩浩,只见一圈明显的黑红异色的气劲以两人为中心,猛烈的爆炸开来。 Wang Chong crazy slaughtering, finally after this military commander appears kept off. 王冲疯狂的杀戮,终于在这名武将出现之后被挡了下来。 Snort, the boy, you died!” “哼,小子,你死定了!” The Mengshe Polity military commander yelled fierce, eye sweeping ruthlessly to blood light deep place. 蒙舍诏的武将厉声大叫,一双眼睛狠狠的扫向血光的深处。 However the next quarter, , handle Long Sword has inserted his heart rapidly. 但是下一刻,噗,一柄长剑迅速的插入了他的心脏。 The Mengshe Polity military commander is opening the eye, incredible looks to insert that handle sword of heart. Then was flung by Wang Chong Long Sword, bang flings the ground, motionless. 蒙舍诏武将睁大着眼睛,不可置信的看着插进心脏的那柄剑。然后被王冲长剑一甩,砰的一声甩到地上,一动不动。 Profound Martial Realm Fifth Layer! 玄武境五重 Absorbed Inner Force of this Mengshe Polity military commander, the Wang Chong's strength has exploded once more rises a section. 吸收了这名蒙舍诏武将的内力,王冲的实力再次爆涨一截。 Kills! Kill! Kill! The strength, I need endless strength!” “杀!杀!杀!力量,我需要无尽的力量!” kā chā chā, the Wang Chong joint explodes rises, originally big body unexpectedly monster different exploded once more rose a section, became even more big. In his surroundings, the strong mist accumulation is not loose. 咔嚓嚓,王冲骨节爆涨,原本高大的身躯居然妖异的再次爆涨了一截,变得越发的高大。在他的周围,浓烈的雾气聚集不散。 The Little Yin-Yang Technique might in this intense war, appeared the maximum might. More many that Wang Chong slaughters, the strength that he absorbs are more, the strength is also more terrorist, strength, Speed and Dexterity, comprehensive Upgrade, before completely, is no comparison between them. 小阴阳术的威力在这种激烈的战争中,显现出了最大的威力。王冲杀戮的越多,他吸收的力量就越多,实力也就越恐怖,力量、速度敏捷,全面提升,完全和之前不可同日而语。 In this world, Little Yin-Yang Technique first time manifests its terrifying in the regular battlefield. 在这个世界,小阴阳术第一次在正规的战场中体现出它的恐怖来。 Congratulations to the Host, strikes to kill a Mengshe Polity military commander in the frontal battlefield! Completes Bane of the Generals Aura to open the second condition!......” 恭喜宿主,在正面战场击杀一名蒙舍诏武将!完成‘万将之敌光环’开启第二条件!……” A sound resounds in the Wang Chong mind, but submerges in the Stone of Destiny dense and numerous Warning sounds, quick disappears. But Wang Chong simply has not heard. 一个声音在王冲脑海中响起,但是淹没在命运之石密密麻麻的警告声中,很快就不见了。而王冲也根本没有听到。 Bang! 轰! Wang Chong pastes plunders, bang, the formidable bracing cold eruption, in an intermittent pitiful yell sound, the innumerable Meng-U Allied Army soldiers completely were thrown together with the warhorse airborne. 王冲贴地一掠,轰隆,强大的气劲爆发,啊,一阵阵的惨叫声中,无数的蒙乌联军战士连同战马都全部被抛上了空中。 Massacres him!” “杀掉他!” In Great Army, two Meng-U Allied Army military officers come in waves, one on the left and other on the right, strikes to kill hand in hand. 大军中,两名蒙乌联军的将领联袂而至,一左一右,联袂击杀。 However the next quarter, whiz whiz, two gigantic head simultaneously fly. They completely cannot even follow his Speed, cannot catch his form. 但是下一刻,嗖嗖,两颗硕大的头颅齐齐飞起。两人甚至完全跟不上他的速度,捕捉不到他的身影。 Profound Martial Sixth Layer! 玄武六重 Obtains Inner Force of these Mongolian black military officers, Wang Chong's strength once more Upgrade first-level. 得到这几名蒙乌将领的内力,王冲的实力再次提升一级。 Chaotic, slaughters bloody,......, These entirely became the Wang Chong Upgrade nourishment. But what is more fearful, more formidable the strengths in the Wang Chong's heart is also urging to rise his strength. 混乱、杀戮、血腥……,这些统统成为了王冲提升养料。而更可怕的是,在王冲的心中还有一股更加强大的力量在催升着他的实力。 Kills! War war!” “杀杀杀!战战战!” Intense kills to intend to the Wang Chong heart to rise, this kills intent to be so strong, the blue vein of Wang Chong within the body in this kills under the stimulation of movement of intent, twists from the skin next 11 bulge. 一股强烈的杀意在王冲心中疯涨,这股杀意如此浓烈,以至于王冲体内的青筋都在这股杀意的催动下,从皮肤下11凸起、扭曲起来。 Kills intent to congeal like essence intensely, moreover tidal is getting more and more intense, almost must tear the chest. But Wang Chong's kills intent to be stronger, his body even more red, the blood fog in outside the body is also getting stronger and stronger, more and more stabs the item in the battlefield. 强烈的杀意凝如实质,而且潮水般越来越强烈,几乎要撕裂胸膛。而王冲的杀意越浓烈,他身体就越发的通红,体外的血雾也越来越浓烈,在战场中也越来越剌目。 【The good news, Huangfu's micro blog clears! 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