HE :: Volume #7

#621: Decisive battle! Restlessness of Xianyu Zhongtong!

Star Battle Great Array, after a hundreds of thousands of population Level frigid war, quenchings terrifying even more, when has been used to this Great Array operational method, Star Battle Great Array might is also gradually getting bigger and bigger. “森罗星斗大阵”,经过一场数十万人数级别的惨烈大战,淬炼得越发的恐怖,当习惯了这座大阵的运行方式,渐渐地森罗星斗大阵的威力也越来越大。 60,000 Annan Protectorate Army soldiers condense a body, displayed most terrifying killing Effect. Each quarter Meng-U Allied Army Death population went to an astonishing situation. 60000的安南都护军战士凝聚一体,发挥出了最恐怖的杀伤效果。每一刻蒙乌联军死亡的人数都达到了一个惊人的地步。 Kills!” “杀!” War cry shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth, the war in has gone from the beginning to the extremely intense situation, the U-Tsang People corpse, the Mengshe Polity People corpse, the corpse of Great Tang person, the corpse of warhorse proliferates the mountain massif. 喊杀声惊天动地,战争在一开始就达到了极为激烈的地步,乌斯藏人的尸体,蒙舍诏人的尸体,大唐人的尸体,还有战马的尸体遍布山体。 The bloody water is similar to the waterfall is common, from the mountain top washout, forms an shocking scene. 血水如同瀑布一般,从山顶冲刷而下,形成一幕触目惊心的场景。 This is the showdown of a will and will! 这是一场意志与意志的对决! At the foot of the hill, the Great Army rear area, rows of shining long blade simultaneously revealed, refers to the sky slantingly, makes movement that momentarily chops. From making war now, this is Mengshe Polity and U-Tsang jointly establishes to execute the supervision team for the first time. 山脚下,大军的后方,一排排明晃晃的长刀齐齐亮出,斜指天空,做出随时劈下的动作。自开战到现在,这是蒙舍诏乌斯藏首次联合成立行刑监督队。 Anybody, if flinches in the fight, or escapes, stands cuts without the imperial edict. 任何人,如果在战斗中临阵退缩,或者逃跑,立斩无敕。 The war of southwest from most starts a simple surprise attack, evolves the present time consuming war, has made warring parties all people feel to be utterly exhausted. Even if aggressive and combative U-Tsang People, in undergoing the grain ran out of rice and firewood, after edible Mengshe Polity paddy rice and other series of matters, ended this war eagerly, returns to U-Tsang Plateau. 西南之战从最开始一场简单的突袭,演变成现在旷日持久的战争,已经使交战双方所有人感到疲惫不堪。即便是凶悍、好斗的乌斯藏人,在经受了粮食断炊,食用蒙舍诏稻米等一系列事情之后,也急于结束这场战争,返回乌斯藏高原 But Mengshe Polity People is clearer, has broken off with Great Tang, does not have the escape route. If cannot win this war, waited for that their is the penalty of Great Tang, entire Er'hai will change into the scorched earth. 蒙舍诏人更加明白,已经和大唐决裂,就没有后路。如果不能赢得这场战争,等待他们的将是大唐的惩罚,整个洱海将化为焦土。 The parental wife and children of all people, become the sacrificial victims under oppression of the people. 所有人的父母妻儿,都将成为铁蹄下的牺牲品。 Only then has won, has the leeway of revolutions vast domain and negotiations. 只有赢了,才有转寰和谈判的余地。 Let alone, among Mengshe Polity, U-Tsang and Great Tang early have the long hatred, this war died these many people, the three parties had already killed to get angry! 更何况,蒙舍诏乌斯藏大唐之间早有宿怨,这一场战争死了这么多人,三方早就已经杀红了眼! Clang clang clang!” “铿铿铿!” Under the dark clouds, the sword, the big shield and axe halberd and sound of bow crossbow resounds on the mountain, piece by piece cold light twinkle mountain top. Each some people keep dropping down, each has war horse's neigh to call is dropping. 阴云下,刀剑、大盾、斧戟、弓弩的声音在山上响成一片,一片片寒光闪烁山顶。每一刻都有人不停倒下,每一刻都有战马嘶鸣着堕地。 In the intense battlefield, the whole body wraps the thick plate armour Er'hai great shape to drop down in keeping of crazy capturing next leader, let alone was other people. 在激烈的战场上,就连浑身包裹着厚厚板甲洱海巨象都在疯狂的攻下下一头头的不停倒下,更别说是其他人了。 Congratulations to the Host, strikes to kill 6780 Mongolian black Enemies!” 恭喜宿主,击杀6780名蒙乌敌军!” Warning! Great Tang died in battle 1327!” 警告大唐战死1327名!” Congratulations to the Host, kills to strike 12,400 Mongolian black Enemies!” 恭喜宿主,杀击12400名蒙乌敌军!” Warning! Great Tang died in battle 2100 hundred famous scholar soldiers! The population reduces rapidly!” 警告大唐战死2100百名士兵!人数急速减少!” Congratulations to the Host, strikes to kill 25,600 Mongolian black Enemies!” 恭喜宿主,击杀25600蒙乌敌军!” Warning! Great Tang died in battle 3500 hundred famous scholar to lose, a population about reduction!” 警告大唐战死3500百名士失,人数近一步减少!” ...... …… On mountain top, the strong winds are vast, the rolling up and pushing along flag sends out the sound sound the sound, but in the Wang Chong mind Stone of Destiny congratulates to interweave a piece with the Warning sound, already was the waterfall washes generally under. 山顶上,狂风浩浩,卷动旗帜发出籁籁的声音,而王冲脑海中“命运之石”恭喜和警告的声音交织成一片,早就是瀑布一般冲涮而下。 However at this time, Wang Chong did not have the flaw to pay attention completely. 但是这个时候,王冲已经完全无瑕去理会了。 The fight has carried on the extremely intense and intense situation, Wang Chong whole person collapse tight arrived at the extreme, destiny that first even/including flees continuous sends out from his mouth, a transmitting orders officer passed and out, dashed to keep on the mountain, order unceasing transmissions. 战斗已经进行到了极其紧张和激烈的地步,王冲整个人崩紧到了极点,一连窜的命运接连不断的从他口中发出,一名传令官更是进进出出,在山上飞奔不停,将一条条命令不断的传递下去。 Makes Li read/thought General and tide General support the front, the sound wave attack blocks these Er'hai great elephants, in any event, cannot make these great elephants rush to mountain top absolutely!” “让李念将军、张潮将军支援前线,声波攻击拦下那些洱海巨象,无论如何,绝对不能让那些巨象冲到山顶!” Sends Chen Bo to bring the blade axe camp to cope with the U-Tsang camp, told him, first cut horse leg, then cut immediately!” “派陈勃带刀斧阵营去对付乌斯藏阵营,告诉他,先斩马腿,再斩马上!” „The Cavalry hear of my verbal commands, prepare to send out at any time!” 骑兵听我号令,随时准备出动!” Transmitted orders, retreat dies!” “传令下去,后退者死!” ...... …… Last order, the Wang Chong's eye was red. He is not that type is callous and cruel, regards the soldier life such as worthless Great General, but Central Plains Great Tang in the future about hundred years of national destiny, Central Plains tens of millions common people, southwest common people common people......, Completely is at this war. 最后一条命令,王冲的眼睛都红了。他绝不是那种冷酷、残忍,视士兵生命如草芥的大将,但是中土大唐未来近百年的国运,中土数千万的苍生,还有西南的黎民百姓……,全部都系于这一战。 Wang Chong has not chosen. 王冲已经毫无选择。 Sometimes must learn to choose! 有的时候必须学会抉择! survive lives!” 坚持住!” On the mountain massif all Great Tang military officers were red both eyes, has exhausted strength crazy shouting of entire life, the last war, the lives of all people are in this, everyone felt intense aura of death. 山体上所有大唐的将领都通红了双眼,一个个用尽了生平的力气疯狂的大喊,最后一战,所有的人的性命都系于此,每个人都感觉到了强烈的死亡气息 That aura strong making person creepy feeling, the whole body trembles. 那种气息浓烈的令人头皮发麻,浑身颤栗。 However killing no matter how, fight, Meng-U Allied Army under mountain boundless endless, the tide is common, probably forever kills is different. 然而不管如何的砍杀,战斗,山下的蒙乌联军茫茫无尽,潮水一般,就好像永远都杀不尽一样。 Clash/To!” “冲!” Tang People is the spent force, rushes to mountain top, they are the dead ends!” 唐人已经是强弩之末,冲上山顶,他们就是死路一条!” Your majesty has the command, first rushes to mountain top, enjoys the lord of ten thousand households!” “陛下有令,第一个冲上山顶,赏万户侯!” Great Minister has the command, breaks through the defense of Tang People, first rushes to mountain top, seals ‚the Satu big brave warrior, is sealed by Tibet King!” 大相有令,冲破唐人的防御,第一个冲上山顶,封‘萨图鲁大勇士’,由藏王亲封!” ...... …… In the boundless black steel mighty current, Mengshe Polity and U-Tsang Empire military officer stands on the mountain, roaring and shouting, supervise combat, a U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry just warhorse steps together the facetted pebble, does not stand steadily, retreat several steps, had been divided directly by a blade. 茫茫的黑色钢铁洪流中,一名名蒙舍诏乌斯藏帝国将领站在山上,不停的咆哮、嘶吼,督战,一名乌斯藏铁骑只不过战马踏上一块棱石,站立不稳,后退了几步,直接被一刀劈断。 Like this crazy aura fills the entire mountain range. 这样的疯狂气息弥漫整座山峦。 Everyone felt that a handle handle sword arrives on the body, urging, is forcing crazily their upwells toward the mountain. 每个人都感觉一柄柄刀剑抵在身上,催促着,逼迫着他们疯狂的往山上涌去。 【The good news, Huangfu's micro blog clears! If wants to know that I the condition in life, welcome to pay attention! ^-^ 【好消息,皇甫的微博开通啊!如果想知道我在生活中的状态,欢迎关注啊!^-^】 „!” “呜!” Also is bugle horn sound of yak resounds under the mountain, this bugle horn sound is bringing the clang of metal, was entirely different from past bugle horn sound. Bang, the earth sinks, simultaneously a storm powerful aura shoots up to the sky. 又是一阵牦牛的号角声在山下响起,这阵号角声带着金属的铿锵,和以往的号角声截然不同。轰隆,大地一沉,同时一股风暴般强悍的气息冲天而起。 At the foot of the hill direction, fearlessly stands erect compared with person also high heterogeneous Highland Barley Horse, on horseback together tall and strong form tall and straight like spear/gun, the back cloak waves with the wind, flap flap makes noise, lends the insolent and overbearing aura. 就在山脚下的方向,一匹比人还高的异种青稞马昂然矗立,马背上一道魁梧的身影挺拔如枪,背后的披风随风舞动,猎猎作响,散发出张狂、霸道的气息。 Although anything has not done, but that form was similar to the white date of sky is common, attracted the attention of all people instantaneously. 虽然什么都没做,但是那道身影如同天空的皓日一般,瞬间吸引了所有人的注意。 Huoshu Guicang sent out!” 火树归藏出动了!” In place that all person vision have not noted, two forms hide in the Great Army shadow, similarly looking silently has approached Huoshu Guicang. 在所有人目光没有注意到的地方,两道身影藏在大军阴影之中,同样默默的望向了火树归藏 Un.” “嗯。” Another side, Duan Ge Quan nodded. 另一侧,段葛全点了点头。 This should be the plan of Daqin Ruozan. His complete strategy, was broken by that child completely. Already not any other strategies.” “这应该是大钦若赞的计划。他的全部策略,已经完全是被那个孩子破掉。已经没有任何其他的计策了。” Ge all, Huoshu Guicang extremely Tyrant Overlord and making widely known. His take action, surely attention of attraction entire Great Tang. This precisely we best opportunity!” “葛全,火树归藏太过霸烈、张扬。他一出手,必定吸引整个大唐的注意。这正是我们最好的机会!” Another sound said. 另一个声音道。 „It is not good! Now also not when the time comes!” “不行!现在还不到时候!” Duan Ge Quan shook the head, overruled without hesitation, in the darkness, his vision is dark. 段葛全摇了摇头,毫不犹豫的否决了,在黑暗中,他的目光幽暗无比。 Waits again! Has the moment again, is we rout Tang People thoroughly the time. Your majesty, relax! Your grand plan lofty aspiration will certainly realize. humble official fully will also help you to succeed!” “再等一等!再有片刻,就是我们彻底击溃唐人的时候。陛下,放心吧!您的宏图大志一定会实现。微臣也会全力助您成功!” The Duan Ge Quan sound disclosed an intense will! 段葛全的声音透露出一股强烈的意志! The rulers and ministers dear friend, the rulers and ministers permit! 君臣相知,君臣相许! Today's Mengshe Polity Empire, is he and Ge Luofeng is founded step by step. This incessantly is Ge Luofeng, has supported his dream. The bank of past Er'hai, he had promised, certainly will help him, making the bank of this Er'hai experience suffering the oppression Nanbin small country, grew into the tyrants overlord of mainland ground! 今天的蒙舍诏帝国,是他和阁罗凤一步步创建起来。这不止是阁罗凤的,更承托了他的梦想。当年的洱海之畔,他就曾经许诺过,一定会帮助他,让这个洱海之畔受尽欺压的南滨小国,成长为大陆地上的豪强霸主! In any event, he will not make this Empire halt to drop down here, will not permit his dream here avalanche! 无论如何,他都绝不会让这个帝国在这里止步倒下,更加不会允许他的梦想在这里崩塌! Hemiprism is fragrant! The most hemiprism fragrant time, I will make your majesty see scene that Annan Protectorate Army thoroughly ends here!” “半柱香!最多半柱香的时间,我就会让陛下看到安南都护军在这里彻底终结的场面!” Duan Ge Quan is looking at the distant place, in the eye the ray is bright. 段葛全望着远处,眼中光芒熠熠。 This is Great General, regarding heavy of king! 这是一个大将,对于君王的重诺! The sound falls, all belong to tranquilly. 声音一落,一切归于平静。 ...... …… Bang!” “轰隆!” Everything may become vulnerable, Huoshu Guicang has joined war finally. 地动山摇,火树归藏终于加入了战争。 wan!” “卐!” The golden ray is similar to Sun splits open on the mountain together generally, along with this golden ray, one huge big date Buddha god, dignity and Tyrant Overlord, stood erect in the mountain range, during was void spreads the endless Buddha Zen to sing the sound. 一道金色的光芒如同太阳一般在山上绽开,随着这金子般的光芒,一尊巨大的大日佛陀神对、威严、霸烈,矗立在山峦之中,虚空之中传出无尽的佛号禅唱声。 an!!!! Onamot! hou!” “唵!嘛!呢!叭!咪!吽!” The endless ray big incomparable, merely distant looks, makes the person mind that big date Buddha of Huoshu Guicang incarnation serves as contrast shock, produces heart of the deep awe. 无尽的光芒将火树归藏化身的大日佛陀衬托的高大无比,仅仅是远远的看着,就让人心神震撼,产生一种深深的敬畏之心。 Roar!” “吼!” However the mountain range vibrates, Huoshu Guicang cannot advance successfully, huge golden armour Heavenly God is then whooshing, is similar to the god of Archaic deep sleep is ordinary, the single palm raises up, stands suddenly from the mountain range, with Huoshu Guicang fierce fights together. 然而山峦震动,火树归藏根本没能突进成功,一尊更加庞大的金甲天神便嘶吼着,如同远古沉睡的神祗一般,单掌竖起,猛然从山峦上站起来,和火树归藏剧烈的的战斗在一起。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Astral Qi is vast, two start giant strong winds in battle complementary waves on the mountain range, was rewound to raise the sky including the crushed stone. 罡气浩浩,两在交战余波在山峦上掀起一阵巨大的狂风,连碎石都被倒卷着掀上天空。 The fight of this Level has gone beyond the range that the average person imagines, all people are withdrawing in all directions. 这种级别的战斗已经超出普通人想像的范围,四面八方所有人都在退避。 „Didn't Duan Ge Quan have take action?” 段葛全还没有出手吗?” When Wang Yan offers a sacrifice to Djinn Heavenly God Great Array and Huoshu Guicang battles in together, another side, a Xianyu Zhongtong military garb, calmly like ice, throughout calm is staring under the mountain. 王严祭起“巨灵天神大阵”和火树归藏激战在一起的时候,另一侧,鲜于仲通一身戎装,冷静如冰,始终冷静的盯着山下。 The place that Wang Yan and Huoshu Guicang fight is away from him not too to be far, but Xianyu Zhongtong is motionless, throughout does not have the meaning of meddle. Regarding Xianyu Zhongtong, this war he only has a match from the beginning, that is Mengshe Polity Er'hai Great General Duan Ge Quan! 王严火树归藏交手的地方距离他并不算太远,但鲜于仲通一动不动,始终没有插手的意思。对于鲜于仲通来说,这场战争从一开始他就只有一个对手,那就是蒙舍诏的“洱海大将段葛全”! Xianyu Zhongtong and this Er'hai Great General the gratitude and grudges are not starting today, when Zhangchou Jianqiong also assumes the southwest, Xianyu Zhongtong had the gratitude and grudges with him. 鲜于仲通和这位“洱海大将”的恩怨绝不是从今天开始,早在章仇兼琼还坐镇西南的时候,鲜于仲通就曾经和他有过恩怨。 However any gratitude and grudges can never compare that disastrous defeat of Er'hai plain. 但是任何的恩怨都永远比不上洱海平原的那次惨败。 This is doomed is Xianyu Zhongtong pain for a lifetime. 这注定将是鲜于仲通一辈子的痛。 Returns to General, did not have! So far, only has Huoshu Guicang in take action!” “回将军,还没有!到目前为止,都只有火树归藏出手!” A sound conveys from side. Can follow side Xianyu Zhongtong, that is Annan Protectorate Army elite. Regarding the hatred of Duan Ge Quan, they are not less than Xianyu Zhongtong. 一个声音从旁边传来。能跟在鲜于仲通身边的,那都是安南都护军的精锐。对于段葛全的憎恨,他们一点都不比鲜于仲通少。 Duan Ge Quan has hidden in Ge Luofeng, he did not have take action.” 段葛全一直藏身在阁罗凤的身后,他一直没有出手。” The Xianyu Zhongtong side, a dense and numerous Annan Protectorate Army military commander iron armor, the complete stars surrounding the moon gathers in his surroundings. One breath, a change, they can start Diamond Heavenly God Great Array, the strength of set army gives Duan Ge Quan powerful ambush. 鲜于仲通的身边,密密麻麻的安南都护军的武将一身铁甲,全部众星拱月般聚拢在他的周围。只有一个呼吸,一个异动,他们就能发动“金钢天神大阵”,集合全军的力量给予“段葛全”强力狙击。 However before then, all people do not participate in any fight. 不过在此之前,所有人绝不参与任何的战斗。 Does not have Intrisic Principle!” “没有道理的!” Flutters, under the representative Annan Protectorate Army black war flag, Xianyu Zhongtong black armor, looks on the distant place carriage, stood in Ge Luofeng behind that say/way formidable form, the brow wrinkled slowly: 一杆飘扬的,代表安南都护军的黑色战旗下,鲜于仲通一身黑甲,看着远处马车上,站在阁罗凤身后的那道强大的身影,眉头慢慢的皱了起来: This is last day decisive battle, destiny complete(ly) Jie of southwest three countries' in this. Duan Ge Quan already quiet several days, does not have Intrisic Principle, to final decisive battle he also hidden, but!” “这是最后一日大决战,西南三国的命运毕结于此。段葛全已经沉寂好几天,没有道理,到了最后的大决战他还隐而不出!” Mongolian black three Great General Level character, Ge Luofeng and Huoshu Guicang and Duan Ge Quan, except for Ge Luofeng, because is the Mengshe Polity king, under the battlefield, does not brave hardships and dangers easily, other so far, only then Huoshu Guicang has gotten rid. 蒙乌双方三员“大将级别的人物,“阁罗凤”、“火树归藏”、“段葛全”,除了阁罗凤因为是蒙舍诏的君王,轻易不下战场,不涉险地,其他到目前为止,就只有火树归藏出过手。 From battle to the present, Duan Ge Quan continuously hidden in secretly, one time does not have take action, before, but now also this, is not any normal phenomenon. 从开战到现在,段葛全一直隐于幕后,一次都没有出手过,以前也就罢了,但现在还这样,绝不是什么正常现象。 Xianyu Zhongtong suddenly has to plant not the wonderful feeling. 鲜于仲通突然有种不妙的感觉。 【The good news, Huangfu's micro blog clears! If wants to know that I the condition in life, welcome to pay attention! ^-^ 【好消息,皇甫的微博开通啊!如果想知道我在生活中的状态,欢迎关注啊!^-^】 Beyond public person number exclusive «Big * God Su Zhengchen» ( 1 ) high and low has uploaded, welcome everybody to pay attention. The additional slightly letter public number, searches Huangfu strange then. The click head picture, can examine in the historic record.:)】 【公众人号独家番外《大*神苏正臣》(一)上下已经上传,欢迎大家关注。加微信公众号,搜索皇甫奇即可。点击头像,在历史记录里可以查看。:)】 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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