HE :: Volume #7

#620: Decisive battle! Final decisive battle!

Chapter 620 第620章 Why does not know, I suddenly thought that you are right.” “不知道为什么,我突然觉得你是对的。” The Huoshu Guicang eyelid jumped jumping, is looking at the mountain top direction, suddenly said. 火树归藏眼皮跳了跳,望着山顶的方向,突然道。 If this fights cannot massacre him, this person will become our U-Tsang trusted friend big trouble.” “如果这一战不能杀掉他,这个人将会成为我们乌斯藏的心腹大患。” Daqin Ruozan had said that even if lets off entire Annan Protectorate Army also to massacre Wang Chong, most starts Huoshu Guicang is thinks otherwise, but at this moment, he was entirely different regarding the Wang Chong's view, had the tremendous changes. 大钦若赞曾经说过,就算放过整个安南都护军也一定要杀掉王冲,最开始的时候火树归藏是不以为然的,但是这一刻,他对于王冲的看法已经截然不同,发生了翻天覆地的变化。 His Art of War attainments and intelligence and ability also in next, but he in just that checked the callousness and heartlessness that reveals, Huoshu Guicang is moved. 他的兵法造诣和聪明才智还在其次,但是他在刚刚那一刹流露出来的冷酷和无情,就连火树归藏都为之动容。 If such person grows, wields the great seal, in the future definitely will become the U-Tsang Empire internal danger, will not be inferior to Wang Zhongsi and existence of Su Zhengchen this Level. 这样的人如果成长起来,执掌大印,未来必然会成为乌斯藏帝国的心腹之患,不次于王忠嗣苏正臣这种级别的存在。 If such person grows, wields the great seal, in the future definitely will become the U-Tsang Empire internal danger, will not be inferior to Wang Zhongsi and existence of Su Zhengchen this Level. 这样的人如果成长起来,执掌大印,未来必然会成为乌斯藏帝国的心腹之患,不次于王忠嗣苏正臣这种级别的存在。 Such being the case, that do not make him live departure.” “既然如此,那就不要让他活着离开。” Daqin Ruozan opens the mouth saying that in the eye jumps projects the intermittent cold glow. 大钦若赞开口道,眼中迸射出阵阵寒芒。 Young Master Wang, said uselessly, in our battlefield is clear.” 王公子,多说无益,我们战场上见分晓。” Daqin Ruozan spoke these words, waved the feather fan, entire harnesses the carriage to turn around rapidly, in the billowing mist and dust, vanishes in boundlessly like the sea, in diametrically opposed Great Army. 大钦若赞说完这句话,挥了挥手中的羽扇,整驾马车迅速掉过头来,在滚滚的烟尘中,消失在茫茫如海,壁垒分明的大军中。 Another side, Ge Luofeng and Duan Ge Quan stand, two people deep looked at mountain top one, follows close on Daqin Ruozan to go. 另一侧,阁罗凤段葛全站在一起,两人深深的看了山顶一眼,也紧跟着大钦若赞而去。 Prepared to make war.” “准备开战了。” On mountain top, Wang Chong is ignoring disappearance of Daqin Ruozan and Ge Luofeng, has wielded the sleeve, vanishes in mountain top. 山顶上,王冲漠视着大钦若赞阁罗凤的消失,也挥了挥袖子,消失在山顶 Thump thump!!” “咚咚!!” The shocking battle drum sound penetrating battlefield, the atmosphere suddenly becomes tight, the Great Tang person, U-Tsang People, Mengshe Polity People, in all person eyes burst out to fight intent intensely. 震天的战鼓声响彻战场,气氛陡然变得紧张起来,大唐人、乌斯藏人蒙舍诏人,所有人眼中都迸发出强烈的战意。 This station is doomed to be intense and brutal, is doomed to have many people to fall on the servant the mountain, cannot stand again. 这一站注定激烈而残酷,也注定有许多的人将仆倒在山上,再也站不起来。 This is to survive fight. 这是一场为了生存的战斗。 No one has the escape route, everyone will fight for oneself! 谁都没有退路,每个人都将为自己而战! ... Finally started.” “终于开始了。” In place that the eye cannot see, in the boundless Mengshe Polity Great Army center, an eye hides in the shadow, is gazing at mountain top secretly. 在眼睛看不到的地方,在茫茫的蒙舍诏大军中央,一双眼睛隐藏在阴影之中,暗暗地注视着山顶 Ge all, then looked your.” “葛全,接下来就看你的了。” Ge Luofeng looks at that say/way tall and strong form, in the look is having many anticipations. 阁罗凤望着身旁那道魁梧的身影,眼神中寄托着许多期待。 Others can lose, but our Mengshe Polity is not good. U-Tsang People failed, then can only depend on us.” “别人可以输,但是我们蒙舍诏不行。乌斯藏人已经失败了,接下来就只能靠我们自己了。” Big plague has confused the Daqin Ruozan mind thoroughly, but is in front of Daqin Ruozan, Ge Luofeng has not said. Mengshe Polity did not have the escape route, lost that many military strength, has paid that big price, if also defeated to turn over, entire Mengshe Polity Empire will henceforth be unable to recover. 一场大瘟疫彻底搅乱了大钦若赞的心神,只是当着大钦若赞的面,阁罗凤没有说而已。蒙舍诏已经没有退路,损失了那么多兵力,付出了那么大的代价,如果还失败而归,整个蒙舍诏帝国从此将一蹶不振。 That is the price that no one is able to withstand! 那是谁都无法承受的代价! Fights this step, no matter Ge Luofeng or Duan Ge Quan, no one has the escape route. 战斗到这一步,不管是阁罗凤还是段葛全,谁都没有退路。 This fought truly is I have taken a rash step, I have not thought that Wang Clan's that child so will be fierce. However your majesty could rest assured that I held that child's flaw, all have arranged appropriately, in any event that child is impossible to live is leaving here. The Annan Protectorate Army history should also end to this.” “这一战确实是我失策了,我也没有想到王家的那个孩子会这么厉害。不过陛下放心,我已经抓住那个孩子的破绽,一切已经安排妥当,无论如何那个孩子都不可能活着离开这里。安南都护军的历史也该到此终结了。” The Duan Ge Quan sound is low, if separates slightly is far a point completely unable to hear. 段葛全的声音低低的,如果隔得稍微远一点都完全听不到。 Ge all, then I gave you Mengshe Polity national destiny and future. I, believe you!” “葛全,接下来我就将蒙舍诏的国运和未来交给你了。朕,相信你!” Ge Luofeng has patted the shoulder of Duan Ge Quan, left. 阁罗凤拍了拍段葛全的肩膀,离开了。 ... „!” “呜!” Rows of yak bugle horn sound resound through world, along with the bugle of this attack, the earth thunders, tens of thousands of Mengshe Polity and U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry rolling like tide, in the direction of mountain range turbulent round trip. 一排排牦牛号角声响彻天地,随着这阵进攻的号角,大地轰鸣,成千上万的蒙舍诏乌斯藏铁骑滚滚如潮,向着山峦的方向汹涌来去。 With the first difference, this all people understand what oneself face is anything, understands waited for what oneself is any destiny, does not have any escape route again, all people use fully. 和第一次不同,这一次所有人都明白自己面对的是什么,也明白等待自己的是什么命运,再没有任何的退路,所有人都倾尽全力。 Kills! - “杀!——” Does not know that is whose first emanation, then tens of thousands of Meng-U Allied Army together roared, the war cry moved mountains, was ordinary like the landslide cracks in the earth. 不知道是谁第一个发出,接着成千上万的蒙乌联军一起咆哮起来,喊杀声排山倒海,有如山崩地裂一般。 Preparation!” “准备!” On the mountain range, the most surrounding of Great Tang battleline, big shields raise up, reflect the gloomy cold light. On mountain top, six ten thousand Annan Protectorate Army get up according to some rule movement, a aura of withering shoots up to the sky. 山峦上,大唐阵线的最外围,一面面大盾竖起,折射出暗淡的冷光。山顶上,六万安南都护军按照某种规律运动起来,一股肃杀的气息冲天而起。 Although under bottom of the mountain has 300,000 Meng-U Allied Army, quantity far ultra Great Tang, however six ten thousand Annan Protectorate Army give the feeling of person like the ice-coldest fearful machine. 虽然山底下有300000的蒙乌联军,数量远超大唐,然而六万安南都护军给人的感觉就像最冰冷可怕的机器。 This machine has strangled to death 200,000 Meng-U Allied Army, but in the future it will strangle to death many Meng-U Allied Army. 这架机器已经绞杀了200000的蒙乌联军,而未来它将绞杀更多的蒙乌联军 - this is Wang Chong's Star Battle Great Array! ——这就是王冲的森罗星斗大阵 Bang!” “轰!” In all directions, innumerable Mengshe Polity and U-Tsang soldier comes in swarms, without any probe, does not have the advance forces or the vanguard. Meng-U Allied Army is the army presses from the beginning. 四面八方,无数的蒙舍诏乌斯藏战士蜂拥而来,没有任何的试探,也没有先遣部队或者前锋。蒙乌联军在一开始就是全军压上。 Kills, their city walls had been torn down half, attacks mountain top, they thoroughly were defeated.” “杀,他们的城墙已经被拆掉一半了,攻上山顶,他们就彻底的失败了。” Do not fear, our are more than them, moreover their Carriage Crossbow and arrows have consumed similarly.” “不要怕,我们人数比他们更多,而且他们的车弩和弓箭都已经消耗得差不多了。” White elephant Legion, on quick! Breaks through their defense lines, we won!” “白象军团,快上!冲破他们的防线,我们就赢了!” Centralized impact, tears down their steel city walls, is U-Tsang Heavy Cavalry paves the way.” “集中冲击,拆掉他们的钢铁城墙,为乌斯藏铁骑铺路。” Your majesty has the command, retreat dies, exterminates the entire clan!” “陛下有令,后退者死,夷灭全族!” ... Soldier both eyes of all Meng-U Allied Army are red, blue vein Ben gets up, is brandishing the sword and spear sword halberd, spells to try toward the mountain on to flush away. 所有蒙乌联军的士兵双眼通红,青筋贲起,挥舞着刀枪剑戟,拼尽全力往山上冲去。 【The good news, Huangfu's micro blog clears! If wants to know that I the condition in life, welcome to pay attention! ^-^ 【好消息,皇甫的微博开通啊!如果想知道我在生活中的状态,欢迎关注啊!^-^】 Bang! 轰! The Wang Chong under foot treads, void shake, an invisible ripple rapid toward spreads to go from mountain top in all directions. Has promoted Third Step Bane of the Soldiers Aura, was similar to the innumerable chains attaches on all Mongolian black soldiers. 王冲脚下一踏,虚空震荡,一道无形的波纹从山顶迅速向着四面八方扩散而去。已经晋升到了第三阶万卒之敌光环,如同无数的锁链附加到了所有的蒙乌战士身上。 An instance, all Meng-U Allied Army soldiers, the strength weakened three Level, Wang Chong's Bane of the Soldiers Aura have achieved now have been able the situation of large about entire war. 只是一个瞬间,所有蒙乌联军的战士,实力就削弱了三个级别,王冲的万卒之敌光环现在已经达到了可以大幅左右整个战争的地步。 Bang, under right foot numerous treading, falls on the ground everything may become vulnerable. 砰,一只右脚重重的踏下,落在地上地动山摇。 Facing Bane of the Soldiers Aura of Wang Chong terrifying, Huoshu Guicang could not bear go forward to release Saint Martial Realm Aura in within the body finally, brilliant golden yellow, was similar to the hurricane sweeps across generally, covered entire Great Army. 面对王冲恐怖的万卒之敌光环,火树归藏终于忍不住上前释放出了体内的圣武境光环,一圈绚烂的金黄色,如同飓风一般席卷而出,笼罩住了整个大军 From the sky bird's eye view, sees only tens of thousands of Meng-U Allied Army outside the body steel Aura, flashed on and off to shiver, by extremely dim instantaneously Recovery, but has not achieved original Realm eventually. 从天空俯瞰而下,只见成千上万的蒙乌联军体外一圈圈钢铁般的光环,明灭颤抖了一下,由极度的黯淡瞬间又恢复了一些,但终究还是没有达到原来的境界 Saint Martial Realm Powerhouse, what is most formidable is terrifying Cultivation Power and feat of arms. However can compel Huoshu Guicang this U-Tsang Great General take action, weakens Wang Chong's Bane of the Soldiers Aura with own Cultivation Power, the threat of this Aura can be imagined. 圣武境强者,最强大的还是一身恐怖的功力和武技。不过能逼得火树归藏这种乌斯藏大将出手,用自身的功力来削弱王冲的万卒之敌光环,这种光环的威胁可想而知。 Launch!” “发射!” Behind distant Great Army, transmitting orders officer wielding of ruthlessly started the signal flag, the roar, suddenly, Zhendan Legion Giant roared to move giant rocks, has put at present in huge Siege Weapon. 远远的大军后方,一名传令官狠狠的挥下了手中的令旗,吼,瞬息间,一名名震旦军团巨人咆哮着搬起一块块巨大的岩石,放入了眼前巨大的攻城器械中。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! The crossbow trigger loosens, have several thousand jin (0.5 kg) great big rock fully, howls is flying to the sky, pounds to opposite mountain top. But rear area, by giant war instrument, rows of giant rocks are dense and numerous, limitless, overspread the ground. 机括松开,一块块足有数千斤的巨大岩石,呼啸着飞向天空,砸向对面的山顶。而后方,巨大的战争器械旁边,一排排巨大的岩石密密麻麻,无边无际,铺满了地面。 In several day of truce, these by U-Tsang and Caliphate training, Zhendan Giant from remote Sindhi have not been idling, under the supervision of Mengshe Polity People, these Zhendan Giant acted to dig the role of mason. 在停战的几天里面,这些由乌斯藏大食培养,来自遥远身毒震旦巨人也没有闲着,在蒙舍诏人的监督下,这些震旦巨人扮演起了挖石匠的角色。 Their huge strengths have become the coolie of best opening cutting stone material. 他们庞大的力量成了最好的开凿石料的苦力。 Several days, these Zhendan Giant accumulated the massive giant stones by the war instrument. 几天的时间,这些震旦巨人已经在战争器械旁边积累了大量的巨石。 The bang, a giant stone falls on mountain top, layer on layer/heavily pounds to turn a several feet high steel city wall in the place, the person supine horse's neigh, together, two and three..., Giant rock, crowded like rain, pounds to fall unceasingly. 轰,一块巨石落在山顶,将一堵数丈高的钢铁城墙重重砸翻在地,人仰马嘶,一块、两块、三块…,巨大的岩石,一块块密集如雨,不断地砸落下来。 Be careful!” “小心!” On mountain top, the pitiful yell again and again, a famous scholar soldier dodges the stone rain that the space drops unceasingly. However, the time of twinkling, forms fly the sky unceasingly, keeps breaking giant stones. 山顶上,惨叫连连,一名名士兵不断地闪避天上落下的石雨。但是,不过瞬息的时间,一条条身影不断地飞上天空,将一块块巨石不停地震碎。 Old Eagle, called Sun Liu Yue grandson General, Luo Ji, Lin Wushou General they came, the Zhendan Giant stone rain gave them to cope.” 老鹰,叫孙六岳将军,罗极,还有蔺毋寿将军他们过来,震旦巨人的石雨交给他们来对付。” Wang Chong was saying, extracted three handle Wootz Steel Long Sword to hand over. 王冲说着,抽出三柄乌兹钢长剑递了过去。 The giant stone from airborne falls, the strength is enormous, if to meet the tough head-on with toughness purely, the consumption is enormous. However the Wootz Steel weapon is different, this type of weapon can be divided into several giant stone easily, can saving Inner Force of maximum degree, simultaneously deal with the threat of giant stone. 巨石从空中落下,力量极大,如果单纯地以硬碰硬,消耗极大。不过乌兹钢武器不同,这种武器可以轻易地将巨石分成数块,可以最大程度的节省内力,同时应对巨石的威胁。 Transmitted orders Crossbow Carriage Unit, prepares to attack!” “传令弩车部队,准备攻击!” Wang Chong in the eyes flashes a cold light , to continue to issue that the order said. 王冲眼中寒光一闪,继续发布命令道。 Yes!” “是!” A transmitting orders officer received an order to go rapidly. 一名传令官迅速领命而去。 The previous time war, Annan Protectorate Army pays more than 20,000 troops and water source destroyed prices, Meng-U Allied Army is putting together the huge consumption, has torn down on the mountain about half steel city walls. 上一次的大战,安南都护军付出的远不止20000人马和水源被破坏的代价,蒙乌联军拼着巨大的消耗,拆掉了山上近半数的钢铁城墙。 In this case, presented a large area of intermediate area, instead became the space of Carriage Crossbow development. 在这种情况下,出现了大面积的缓冲地带,反而成为了车弩发展的空间。 Bends crossbow Square Formation, listens to my verbal command!” “弓弩方阵,听我号令!” Wang Chong item of dew cold light, is staring under the mountain stubbornly, top of the head giant stone such as rain, but the Wang Chong's look is tranquil throughout, calm, resembles all irrelevant is the same with oneself. 王冲目露寒光,死死地盯着山下,头顶巨石如雨而下,但王冲的神色却始终平静,镇定,就好像所有的一切和自己无关一样。 100 steps, 50 steps, 30 steps, ten... 100步,50步,30步,十步… The black steel mighty current that at the foot of the hill, Meng-U Allied Army composes is getting more and more near, Speed is also getting quicker and quicker. Finally - 山脚下,蒙乌联军组成的黑色钢铁洪流越来越近,速度也越来越快。终于—— Bang!” “轰!” Tens of thousands, Meng-U Allied Army and Annan Protectorate Army final defense line, numerous hits in together, that flash, the entire mountain range is shivering. 成千上万的,蒙乌联军安南都护军最后的防线,重重的撞击在一起,那一刹那,整个山峦都在颤抖。 Archer, first Square Formation, left front 250 steps!” “弓箭手,第一方阵,左前方250步!” Archer, second Square Formation, right front 560 steps!” “弓箭手,第二方阵,右前方560步!” Archer, third Square Formation, dead ahead shoot!” “弓箭手,第三方阵,正前方抛射!” ... In the short time, Wang Chong has issued a series of orders one after another. Archer Square Formation arrow has consumed most probably, remaining arrow were not many. 短短时间内,王冲接连发布了一连串命令。弓箭手方阵的箭支已经消耗了大半,剩下的箭支已经不多了。 Wang Chong must the discrete own each order, finding the way to use each wave of arrow rain, plays in a big way the role of archer camp. 王冲必须谨慎自己的每一个命令,想办法利用好每一波箭雨,将弓箭手阵营的作用发挥到最大。 „Southeast Uncle Chen, Xu Shiping, you goes to the direction to support, in any event blocks Long Qinba!” “陈叔,徐世平,你们去东南方向支援,无论如何挡住龙钦巴!” Zhang Long, Zhao Hu, the Zhang Shouzhi senior gives you, in any event cannot make him be injured!” 张龙,赵虎,张寿之前辈交给你们,无论如何不能让他受到伤害!” Transmitting orders officer, transmitted orders Yang General, on the mountain did not have the soldier available, shield soldier(s) is insufficient, making him want survive to live in any event! No matter pays the big price, absolutely cannot let Meng-U Allied Army from there breakthrough!” “传令官,传令杨将军,山上已经无兵可用,盾兵不够,让他无论如何一定要坚持住!不管付出多大的代价,都绝对不能让蒙乌联军从那里突破!” Transmitted orders General Zhang, section General, making them gather the soldier together. The executioners prepare, listen to my verbal command conduct!” “传令张将军,段将军,让他们一起合兵。刀斧手准备,听我号令行事!” Star Battle Great Array, the preparation starts!” “森罗星斗大阵,准备发动!” ... Along with the Wang Chong last order, entire mountain top six ten thousand Annan Protectorate Army, are similar to a machine of revolving is finally same, thundering, the innumerable Meng-U Allied Army soldiers will be curling in all directions, 11 swallow. 随着王冲最后一个命令,整个山顶最后六万安南都护军,如同一架旋转的机器一样,轰鸣着,将四面八方无数的蒙乌联军士兵卷了进去,11吞噬。 【The good news, Huangfu's micro blog clears! If wants to know that I the condition in life, welcome to pay attention! ^-^ 【好消息,皇甫的微博开通啊!如果想知道我在生活中的状态,欢迎关注啊!^-^】 Beyond public person number exclusive «Big * God Su Zhengchen» ( 1 ) high and low has uploaded, welcome everybody to pay attention. The additional slightly letter public number, searches Huangfu strange then. The click head picture, can examine in the historic record.:)】 【公众人号独家番外《大*神苏正臣》(一)上下已经上传,欢迎大家关注。加微信公众号,搜索皇甫奇即可。点击头像,在历史记录里可以查看。:)】
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