HE :: Volume #25

#2422: Attacks God Martial!

Subsequent hands! 后手! In the past that seven people the body had died completely, but they left behind some methods unexpectedly completely. 当年那七个人全部都已经身死,但他们竟然全部留下了一些手段。 He was planned by them jointly! 他被他们联手算计了! Day, you understood finally!” “天,你终于明白了吗!” In the day mind, the form appears together suddenly. 就在天的脑海中,一道身影陡然浮现。 His facial features are fuzzy, imperial robe that but wears from the body, clearly before is, Sui's Emperor: 他的面容模糊,但从身上穿着的龙袍来看,分明是前隋的皇帝: I am not your opponent, is incapable of preventing you to capture Stone of Destiny, but several hundred years later has the person to cope with you.” “我不是你的对手,也无力阻止你夺取命运之石,但数百年后自有人来对付你。” „The generation of ants, dares to be dissolute in Our front!” “蝼蚁之辈,也敢在朕的面前放肆!” The face of weather is red, in all Stone of Destiny owners, this is weakest, must come easily, day take action, then cutting easily had not even killed him personally, captured his Stone of Destiny. 天气的面孔通红,在所有的命运之石拥有者中,这一个是其中最弱的,也是得来最容易的,天甚至都没有亲自出手,便轻易的斩杀了他,夺得了他身上的命运之石 Right? The strength strong and weak is only relative, these methods that the day, you made in the past, really think that We can't see through?” “是吗?力量强弱只是相对而已,天,你当年弄的那些手段,真的以为朕看不穿吗?” At this moment, another emperor form that filled the majesty from another Stone of Destiny: 就在这时,另一道充满了王者之气的帝王身影从另一颗命运之石中走了出来: Since you plan Us, since that moment of killing Huo Qubing, We am planning am coping with you.” “从你算计朕,杀死霍去病的那一刻起,朕就在谋划着对付你。” That person of King aura such as mountain Ruhai, is not unexpectedly more inferior than it Qin Shi Huang, if Wang Chong here, can identify inevitably, that person opens up territory impressively pioneer/monarch earth for Central Plains Divine Province, left behind Great Emperor Han Wu of non- world merit. 那人身上的王者气息如山如海,居然比之秦始皇也毫不逊色,若是王冲在此,必然能一眼辨认出来,那人赫然是为中土神州开疆辟土,留下了不世功绩的汉武大帝 Depends on you?” “就凭你们?” The day anger said with a smile, in the eye full was the murderous intention: 天怒笑道,眼中满是杀机: One group of deceased people, but left behind the little remnant soul, really thinks that I cannot do to you, We cancel your last consciousness the remnant soul now, lets your thorough unravelling!” “一群死人,只不过留下了一点点残魂而已,真以为我奈何不了你们吗,朕现在就抹去你们最后一点意识残魂,让你们彻底的灰飞烟灭!” The day sound falls, mobilizes the complete strength, cancels seven people in the mark that in Stone of Destiny leaves behind. 天声音一落,就发动全部的力量,抹去七人在命运之石中留下的印记。 Haha, the day, you were too arrogant were also proud, you overestimated yourself, underestimated us!” “哈哈,天,你果然太高傲也太自负了,你高估了自己,也低估了我们所有人!” Before the long time, we knows in advance today's one, and has left behind other arrangement, only kept the remnant soul in Stone of Destiny naturally to be not enough to prevent you depending on our several people, but coordinated us in these methods that the land world left behind, all were naturally different!” “早在漫长的时间以前,我们就预知到了今天的一幕,并且早就已经留下了其他的布置,仅凭我们几个人留在命运之石中的残魂当然不足以阻止得了你,但是配合我们在陆地世界留下的那些手段,一切自然就不一样了!” Another form goes out from Stone of Destiny, his aura seems like it Great Emperor Han Wu is more powerful than: 另一道身影从命运之石中走出,他的气息看起来比之汉武大帝还要强大: wēng! 嗡! Hears in these methods that the land world leaves behind, in the day heart steep one cold, eyelid steep combination several. 听到在陆地世界留下的那些手段,天的心中陡的一冷,眼皮陡的连跳了数下。 How possibly? 怎么可能? Possibly how also to leave behind other methods? 怎么可能还留下了其他的手段? Why does he actually never know? 为什么他竟然从来不知道? No, We will not lose to your!” “不,朕绝不会输给你们的!” In the day eye the anger spout, does not have the slight hesitation, huge, made the world enter seven Stone of Destiny for the Spiritual Strength instantaneous bang of it look changes sufficiently, wanted to erase seven people of staying behind remnant knowledge, but already without enough time. 天的眼中怒火喷涌,没有丝毫的犹豫,一股庞大的,足以令天地为之色变的精神力瞬间轰入七颗命运之石内部,想要抹除七人留下的残识,但是已经来不及了。 hōng lōng lōng!” 轰隆隆!” Almost is simultaneously, Nine Provinces vibrates, at this moment, the vision passing over gently and swiftly numerous spaces, arrived to remote Nine Provinces across. 几乎是同时,九州震动,此时此刻,目光掠过重重空间,一路降临到遥远的九州各地。 Berry Province and Yanzhou, Yong Zhou, Qingzhou, Jizhou, Xuzhou, Yuzhou, Yangzhou, beam Zhou, according to ancient Nine Provinces division region, the Central Plains Nine Provinces nine place land is shocked, in the place bottom deep place, the innumerable every large or small crushed stones given invisible strength, floats the midair in abundance. 荆州、兖州,雍州,青州,冀州,徐州,豫州,扬州,梁州,按照古九州的划分区域,中土九州的九处地方大地震动,就在地底深处,无数大大小小的碎石在一股无形力量的牵引下,纷纷浮上半空。 But in the center of these crushed stones, number hundred thousand jin (0.5 kg) heavy great big rock float, but carefully looks, on each giant rock, has mysterious rune. 而就在这些碎石的中央,更有一块块数十万斤之重的巨大岩石悬浮起来,而仔细看去,每一块巨大的岩石上,都有一个神秘的符文 Nine giant rocks, nine different mysterious rune, each has nothing in common. 九块巨大的岩石,九个不同的神秘符文,每一个都各不相同。 But while these giant rocks appear, all around encircles layer by layer, is centered on these rocks, appears huge law instantaneously, these law smallest also achieved 6,000-7,000 zhang (3.33 m) greatness. 而就在这些巨大的岩石浮现的同时,四周围一层又一层,以那些岩石为核心,瞬间现出一座座巨大的法阵,这些法阵最小的也达到了6,000-7,000丈之巨。 But in these nine giant rocks, huge aura appear rapidly, in which aura in seven Stone of Destiny with the day are exactly the same, but another two impressively precisely Sage Emperor and Xuanyuan stay behind. 而这九颗巨大的岩石中,一股股庞大的气息迅速浮现,其中的七股和天身上命运之石中的气息一模一样,而另外两道赫然正是圣皇和轩辕留下的。 Is impossible, this is impossible!” “不可能,这绝不可能!” On the day face full is unbelievable, others , the Xuanyuan and Li Taiyi are completely different. 天的脸上满是难以置信,其他人也就罢了,轩辕和李太乙两人完全不一样。 The Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan was willing to be tempted to enter the heavenly palace by him, the immortal, the position of God, had the enormous attraction regarding the Xuanyuan, that was also he divulges to give him in the Xuanyuan youth intentionally, the past Xuanyuan before entering the heavenly palace should know nothing is right, he does not know method that he left behind? 黄帝轩辕是心甘情愿被他引诱进入天宫的,长生,天帝之位,对于轩辕有极大的吸引力,那也是他在轩辕青年时代故意泄露给他的,当年的轩辕在进入天宫之前应该毫不知情才对,他怎么丝毫不知道他留下的手段? As for Li Taiyi, to a certain extent was also dying in bed of old age, he died in Imperial Palace, the final strength was used to construct the national capital willow tree Great Array, all heritages have passed to Wang Chong, when did he get down the method in the Nine Provinces arrange/cloth? 至于李太乙,某种程度上也算是“寿终正寝”,他死于皇宫之中,最后的力量用来建造京师的相柳大阵,所有的遗产都已经传给了王冲,他什么时候在九州布下了手段? don't tell me said in long before, they knew certain things, and did the arrange/cloth get down the method? 难道说在很早以前,他们就知道了某些事情,并且布下了手段? Hegemonic actions must commit suicide, the day, you were too proud, this is doomed you unable to succeed!” “多行不义必自毙,天,你太骄傲了,这注定你无法成功!” At this time, before day body , the light shadow appears together, precisely Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan. 就在这个时候,天的身前一道光影浮现,正是黄帝轩辕。 This is he leaves in Wang Chong's that Stone of Destiny to project. 这是他留给王冲的那颗命运之石中投影出来的。 Day, your my reason one side, to finally, your me did not have the open and aboveboard war miserly, but you lost eventually!” “天,你我缘悭一面,到了最终,你我也没有堂堂正正的战上一场,不过你终究还是输了!” Follows, another ray appears void, Sage Emperor Li Taiyi same imperial robe, from inside striding walks. 紧随其后,另一道光芒浮现虚空,圣皇李太乙同样一身龙袍,从里面踏步走了出来。 The method in the past leaving behind has become effective, seven Stone of Destiny that rock, the day forehead appeared, are bursting out more and more powerful ray. 当年留下的手段已经生效,那一块块岩石,天眉心浮现的七块命运之石,正迸发出越来越强大的光芒。 Seven in that nine Great Array, seven Stone of Destiny with day echo mutually, is strengthening these Stone of Destiny strengths. 那九座大阵中的七座,和天身上的七块命运之石互相呼应,增强着那些命运之石的力量。 That is the strongest strength that the people left behind, and after the innumerable year of accumulations, became compared with the past powerful. 那是众人生前留下的最强的力量,并且经过无数年的积累,变得比以往更加的强大。 Placed any time in the past, the people resulted in the day very much quenchless, but the day captured these Stone of Destiny forcefully, and integrated in them the mind, this became the people to immobilize he best time and way on the contrary. 放在以往任何时候,众人都很难压制得了天,但是天强行夺取这些命运之石,并且将它们融入脑海之中,这反倒成了众人钳制他最好的时机和方式。 Is impossible, this is impossible, the method of when leaving behind, We must know!” “不可能,这绝不可能,到底是什么时候留下的手段,朕不可能不知道!” The day is looking at front Li Taiyi, finally asked. 天望着前方的李太乙,终于问了出来。 „More than ten years ago, in the national capital, before you uses the dirty trick to kill secretly me .” “十多年前,就在京师,你使用卑鄙手段暗害我之前。” Sage Emperor has not concealed, said the answer directly. 圣皇没有隐瞒,直接道出了答案。 Bang!” “轰!” Hears these words, day whole body severe shake, opened the eye, half a word words could not say. 听到这句话,天浑身剧震,睁大了眼睛,半句话都说不出来。 More than ten years ago? 十多年前? Before attacking Divine Mar­tial Realm ! 就在冲击神武境之前! The day has not thought, the answer unexpectedly is this, Li Taiyi unexpectedly such has left behind this all sorts of methods. 天怎么也没有想到,答案竟然是这样,李太乙竟然如此之早就已经留下了这种种手段。 Li Taiyi, We looked down on you! We really looked down on all of you! However you have not won! Even if you hide the truth from Us to make so many methods, is still useless, We all strength complete 11 smashing that you leave behind!” “李太乙,朕小瞧你了!朕真的小瞧你们所有人了!不过你们还没有赢!就算你们瞒着朕做出这么多手段,也没有用,朕就将你们留下的所有力量全部一一粉碎!” The day whole body murderous intention blazing greatly, he is the day, is the unsurpassed God, is the entire century's eternal control, even the god demon, must obey his verbal command, no one can beat him. 天的浑身杀机大炽,他是天,是无上的天帝,是整个人类世界的万古主宰,就算神魔,也要听从他的号令,没有任何人可以击败得了他。 Really is the wishful thinking!” “真是痴心妄想!” At this time, a sound transmitted, the distant place, Wang Chong was aerosol, suddenly started talking: 就在这个时候,一个声音传来,远处,王冲悬浮虚空,突然开口说话了: Some things are not your are not your, even if you seize by force are still not meaningful.” “有些东西不是你的就不是你的,就算你强取豪夺也没有任何意义。” The aura of Wang Chong whole body rises sharply, at this moment, he not only achieved half God Martial, even was also far in excess of the beforehand condition, the vigor was extremely full, achieved peak Realm. 王冲浑身的气息大涨,此时此刻,他不但达到了半步神武,甚至还远远超越了之前的状态,精气神都极其饱满,达到了一个巅峰境界 But under the internal Qi induction, Stone of Destiny of Wang Chong forehead is erupts like the bright moon ray. 气机感应下,王冲眉心的命运之石更是爆发出有如皓月般的光芒。 Bang! 轰! Wang Chong is only five fingers one, grasps in the direction of day forehead distantly, the next moment, the day forehead tremor, seven different Stone of Destiny as if receive some powerful attraction general, must go air-splitting, flies to the Wang Chong's forehead. 王冲只是五指一张,朝着天眉心的方向遥遥一抓,下一刻,天的眉心颤动,七颗不同的命运之石仿佛受到某种强大的吸引一般,就要破空而去,飞向王冲的眉心。 No matter Stone of Destiny of Wang Chong forehead aura or energy, luster big or small, is far in excess of the day. 王冲眉心的命运之石不管是气息还是能量,色泽还是大小,都远远超越天。 If Stone of Destiny has a master, then without a doubt, that person only possibly is Wang Chong. 如果说命运之石有一个主人,那么毫无疑问,那个人只可能是王冲 But feeling the change of forehead, day finally Huo changed the complexion. 而感觉到眉心的变化,天终于霍的变了脸色。 kā chā chā, in the day sensation, Stone of Destiny is getting more and more loose, the day erupted the aura of whole body, prevented unable to stop this trend vigorously. 咔嚓嚓,就在天的感知中,一颗颗命运之石越来越松动,天爆发出了全身的气息,极力阻止也无法阻挡这股趋势。 Not only so, when the day resists, that huge suction assumes the exponential order to grow, and is getting stronger and stronger. 非但如此,在天抵抗的时候,那股庞大的吸力呈指数级增长,而且越来越强。 Wang Chong, is now!” 王冲,就是现在!” Dark, the sound of Xuanyuan suddenly resounds. 冥冥中,轩辕的声音突然响起。 Bang!” “轰!” His sound has not fallen, day forehead Stone of Destiny, flew instantaneously air-splitting directly to Wang Chong. 他的声音未落,天的眉心一颗命运之石瞬间破空而出,直接飞向了王冲 No!” “不!” The day loudly calls out, the right hand stretches out, but also tries to intercept that Stone of Destiny, but all have not been able to change. 天大叫一声,右手伸出,还试图截取那颗命运之石,但是一切都已经无法改变。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! Follows, seven Stone of Destiny completely air-splitting, at the same time a huge strength from bursts out, shakes to fly the day. 紧随其后,七颗命运之石全部破空而出,同一时间一股庞大的力量从其中迸发而出,将天震飞出去。 Stone of Destiny is controlling other nine Stone of Destiny together, when these Stone of Destiny depart, the days and their relations shut off, this flash, the day received huge backslash immediately. 一块命运之石控制着其他九块命运之石,当这些命运之石飞出,天和他们的联系切断,这一刹那,天立即就受到了巨大的反噬 But another side, seven Stone of Destiny throw the forest like the breast bird, fuses in Stone of Destiny of Wang Chong forehead together, in an instant, brand-new, never has had radiant incomparable Stone of Destiny was born. 而另一侧,七颗命运之石如同乳鸟投林,和王冲眉心的命运之石融合在一起,刹那间,一颗全新的,从未有过的璀璨无比的命运之石诞生了。 Under the dim sky, the ray that complete Stone of Destiny erupts, even Sun and Moon is overshadowed. 在昏暗的天空下,那颗完整的命运之石爆发出的光芒,甚至连日月都为之黯然失色。 That flash, Wang Chong feels one powerful, unprecedented strength. 那一刹那,王冲感受到一股强大的,前所未有的力量。 Wang Chong, we can only help you come here, other depended on you.” 王冲,我们就只能帮你到这里了,余下的就靠你自己了。” We can also constrain a day of moment, then you must succeed in any event!” “我们还可以拖住天片刻,接下来你无论如何都要成功!” Stone of Destiny is only the simple fusion, the thorough Recovery complete appearance , without needed you achieve Divine Mar­tial Realm to achieve!” 命运之石只是简单的融合,并没有彻底恢复完整的样子,必须要你达到神武境才可以做到!” „The life and death of the whole world were in your!” “整个世界的生死存亡就系于你一人身上了!” in a flash, the strong winds are vast, the Xuanyuan, Sage Emperor, Great Emperor Han Wu, Qin Shi Huang......, the Stone of Destiny owners appear unceasingly, their forms are unceasingly fuzzy, Wang Chong is well aware, their strengths are dissipating unceasingly, how long cannot want, they radical disappearance in the world. 电光石火间,狂风浩浩,轩辕,圣皇,汉武大帝,秦始皇……,一个个命运之石的拥有者不断浮现,他们的身影不断模糊,王冲心知肚明,他们的力量正在不断消散,要不了多久,他们就会彻底的消失在天地之间。 every(one), many thanks!” 诸位,多谢了!” Excessively many languages, the next moment, the Wang Chong vision is not firm and resolute, fierce shooting up to the sky, charges into endless void like a round of shell. 没有过多的语言,下一刻,王冲目光坚毅,猛的冲天而起,有如一发炮弹般冲向无尽的虚空。 But while he shoots up to the sky, Nine Provinces land unceasing trembling, in nine float void rocks, one after another huge aura unceasing soaring to the heavens. 而在他冲天而起的同时,九州大地不断的震颤,九块悬浮虚空的岩石中,一股又一股庞大的气息不断的冲霄而起。
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