HE :: Volume #25

#2421: The ten thousand years ago layouts!

Why does not know, in Heaven's Heart always not right feelings, but the day excessively has not paid attention much, Wang Chong has died, all human Powerhouse have unravelled, is relying on huge quantity of foreign land intruder Great Army, no one is his opponent. 不知为什么,天心中总有一种不对劲的感觉,不过天并没有过多理会,王冲已死,所有的人类强者都已经灰飞烟灭,凭借着数量庞大的异域入侵者大军,已经没有人是他的对手。 Attains final three Stone of Destiny, We can taste the long-cherished wish!” “拿到最后三颗命运之石,朕就可以一尝夙愿了!” The day vision again becomes earnest. 天的目光再次变得热切起来。 The day cannot completely grasp these Stone of Destiny, therefore regarding secret, the day has not studied diligently completely thoroughly, but as the whole world most powerful existence, the day can actually feel that powerful and inconceivable strength and Principle of implication. 天一直没能完全掌握那些命运之石,所以对于其中的秘密,天也还没有完全钻研透彻,不过作为整个世界最强大的存在,天却可以感觉到其中蕴含的那股强大、不可思议的力量和规则 So long as is the last three Stone of Destiny, he can successfully gain this huge and inconceivable strength! 只要获得最后三块命运之石,他就能成功获取这股庞大、不可思议的力量! wēng! 嗡! In the day food two fingers extend, arrived rapidly in the Wang Chong forehead, simultaneously a huge strength flooded into the Wang Chong's mind deep place. 天的食中二指一伸,迅速抵在了王冲眉心,同时一股庞大的力量涌入王冲的脑海深处。 Makes all these, the day has had a familiar task and handled it with ease, only needs a thought that the day can easily eliminates three Stone of Destiny from Wang Chong within the body. 做这一切,天早已驾轻就熟,只需要一个念头,天就可以轻易的从王冲体内剥夺出三块命运之石 Bang!” “轰!” However in a twinkling, permeates the Wang Chong mind in the day strength, and has wrapped that three Stone of Destiny time, unexpected matter happened. 然而说时迟那时快,就在天的力量渗入王冲脑海,并且已经包裹住那三颗命运之石的时候,令人意想不到的事情发生了。 Only listens to one to thunder, Stone of Destiny sudden ray greatly rises in Wang Chong mind, a huge strength bursts out like the landslide tsunami generally, unexpectedly shaking forcefully day strength. 只听一声轰鸣,王冲脑海中的命运之石突然光芒大盛,一股庞大的力量有如山崩海啸一般从中迸发而出,竟然硬生生的震开了天的力量。 Incessantly so, that huge strength even changes into together diameter about one zhang (3.33 m) golden color guard/shield directly, shaking forcefully from Wang Chong draws back the day. 不止如此,那庞大的力量甚至直接化为一道直径一丈左右的金色护罩,将天从王冲身边硬生生的震退。 But more astonishing also in behind, in the ground, the Wang Chong's body after continually the intense war of field, the last sword that ascends the sky again, the entire body is torn to pieces, the meridians are torn to pieces, even the skull breaks, fundamental death cannot die again. 而更惊人的还在后面,地面上,王冲的躯体经过连场的激烈大战,再加上天的最后一剑,整个身体早已支离破碎,经脉寸断,甚至连颅骨都破碎开来,根本死的不能再死了。 However at this moment, the day clearly saw Wang Chong within the body golden rays like flowing the magma is common, flows everywhere, the damaged body has closed Wang Chong. 但是这一刻,天分明看到王冲体内一股股金色的光芒有如流淌的岩浆一般,四处流淌,将王冲早已破碎不堪的躯体弥合起来。 In that golden ray contains a huge inconceivable vitality, these huge vitalities restore the Wang Chong's body by inconceivable Speed rapidly, heals his shatter meridians, the five abdomens of restoration within the body six dirty, making all skeletons heal, and became even more strong...... 那金色的光芒中蕴含着一股庞大的不可思议的生机,这些庞大的生机以不可思议的速度迅速修复王冲的躯体,愈合他破碎的经脉,再造体内的五腹六脏,令所有的骨骼重新愈合,并且变得越发强健…… At the same time, a vigorous vitality rapid erupts from Wang Chong within the body. 同一时间,一股蓬勃的生机迅速从王冲体内爆发而出。 Is impossible! This is impossible!” “不可能!这绝不可能!” Saw this, the day opened the eye fiercely, his whole body trembled, eyeful inconceivable. 看到这一幕,天猛地睁大了眼睛,他的浑身颤栗,满眼的不可思议。 No one compared with he clearer take action strength, the day is not the simple heavily damaged Wang Chong's body, caused heavy losses to his soul, that strength from different world has the inconceivable destructive effect regarding martial artist, normal condition Wang Chong is impossible also to have any vitality. 没有人比他更明白自己出手的力量,天并非简单的重创王冲的躯体,同时也重创了他的灵魂,那股来自异世界的力量对于武者拥有不可思议的破坏作用,正常情况王冲绝不可能还有任何的生机。 Person who he day kills, is impossible to resurrect. 他(天)杀死的人,绝不可能复活。 However- 但是- Bang!” “轰!” In the day foreheads passed over gently and swiftly fiercely wipes the strong murderous intention and anger, without the slight hesitation, in a flash, the day dantian shakes, fiercely was a fist bang ruthlessly approached ground Wang Chong. 天的眉宇间猛地掠过一抹浓烈的杀机和怒意,没有丝毫的犹豫,电光石火间,天的丹田一震,猛地就是一拳狠狠的轰向了地上的王冲 This fist take action, Black Qi is billowing, Astral Qi has not fallen, that huge destructive strength has even caused to crack void, appears the jet black terrors space cracks. 这一拳出手,黑气滚滚,罡气还没有落下,那庞大的毁灭性力量甚至已经使得虚空崩裂,现出一条条漆黑恐怖的空间裂缝。 Bang!” “轰!” Only listens to a loud sound, the land to thunder, is split up, disintegrates, however Wang Chong that golden light cover actually likes together the illusory image, vanished in rapidly same place. 只听一声巨响,大地轰鸣,四分五裂,分崩离析,然而王冲连带那道金色的光罩却有如一道幻影般,迅速消失在了原地。 You cannot escape!” “你跑不了!” The Heavenly Eye light/only ices coldly, immediately locks the Wang Chong's position again. 天目光冰寒,立刻就再次锁定了王冲的位置。 He has been able to confirm now, before the numerous unusual forms, that not right feeling including the heart, were come from Wang Chong's completely. 他现在已经可以确认,之前重重异状,包括心中那种不对劲的感觉,全部都是源自王冲的身上。 But no matter that strength is anything, he to the Wang Chong tiny bit opportunity, does not have any strength cannot prevent him to obtain that final three Stone of Destiny. 但不管那股力量是什么,他都绝不会给王冲一丝一毫的机会,没有任何力量可以阻止他获得那最后三块命运之石 Bang!” “轰!” the next moment, Heaven's Will read moves, erupted from his within the body compared with a former huge strength, shouted, that checked, day strong winds howled, in day behind, then appeared phantom of god of that giant foreign land instantaneously, incessantly so, was almost simultaneously, the day back light shadow interlocked, were indomitable spirit, huge incomparable God phantom appeared again, was only this time, no longer was three God incarnations, but achieved six. 下一刻,天意念一动,一股比之前更加庞大的力量从他体内爆发而出,呼,那一刹,天身旁狂风呼啸,在天的身后,瞬间便显现出了那尊巨大的异域之神的虚影,不止如此,几乎是同时,天的背后光影交错,一道道顶天立地,庞大无比的天帝虚影再次出现,只是这一次,不再是三道天帝化身,而是足足达到了六道。 Day this moment aura achieved one to tremble with frightened Level directly, even before comparing it time was powerful. 天这一刻的气息直接达到了一个颤栗和恐惧的级别,甚至比之之前的时候还要强大。 No matter on Wang Chong had anything, this fist he must let Wang Chong thorough unravelling, will not stay behind to him the skeleton. 不管王冲身上发生了什么,这一拳他都要让王冲彻底的灰飞烟灭,甚至连尸骸都不会给他留下。 wēng! 嗡! However the talent just moved, the strength in within the body that decayed, dark, chaotic Death has not even erupted with enough time, in an instant, as if the time frames, the day decides instantaneously there, motionless. 然而天才刚刚一动,体内那腐朽,黑暗,混乱的死亡之力甚至还没来得及爆发出去,刹那间,仿佛时间定格,天瞬间定在那里,一动不动。 His whole body shivers, that dignity is incomparable, looking disdainfully all living things, just like the god Buddha common face on, revealed a deep fear for the first time. 他的浑身颤抖,那张威严无比,睥睨众生,宛如神佛一般的脸庞上,第一次流露出了一丝深深的恐惧。 No, is impossible, this is impossible!” “不,不可能,这绝不可能!” The day eyeball tremor , the focus carried over own forehead slowly, in this flash, seven Stone of Destiny in oneself mind, these spent his several tens of thousands years of time, Stone of Destiny that must come with great difficulty is shivering suddenly, receives the hauling of some strength probably, was separated from his control unexpectedly completely. 天的眼珠颤动,慢慢的,焦点移向了自己的眉心,就在这一霎那,自己脑海中的七颗命运之石,那些花费了他数万年时光,好不容易才得来的命运之石突然颤动着,就好像受到某种力量的牵引,竟然完全脱离了他的掌控。 These several tens of thousands years, day sacrifice stay up till dawn refining up these Stone of Destiny, has built up them is related with oneself life, fuses together, when therefore seven Stone of Destiny were attracted, the strength in within the body also received influence day after day. 这数万年,天日夜不停的祭炼这些命运之石,早已把它们炼得和自己性命相关,融为一体,因此当七颗命运之石受到吸引,就连天体内的力量也受到了影响 Under seven Stone of Destiny influence, this moment day cannot move unexpectedly completely, launches the attack to Wang Chong not to mention. 在七颗命运之石影响下,这一刻的天竟然完全动弹不得,更别提对王冲发起攻击。 However all were also far from conclusion- 然而一切还远没有结束- Buzz, void, in being away from oneself counts the place outside hundred zhang (333 m), the day clearly sees originally already Death Wang Chong, the eyelid shivered, opens eyes fiercely, but in his forehead, gigantic Stone of Destiny grows out of nothing, suddenly appears, and similarly is shivering. 嗡,虚空中,就在距离自己数百丈外的地方,天分明看到原本已经“死亡”的王冲,眼皮颤动了一下,猛地睁开眼来,而在他的眉心,一颗硕大的命运之石从无到有,突然浮现,并且同样的颤动着。 Sees this steep, the day understood anything. 看到这一幕,天陡的明白了什么。 No, no one can win Stone of Destiny from Our here, no one is good!” “不,没有人可以从朕这里夺走命运之石,谁也不行!” The day clenches jaws, in heart steep eruption a dreadful anger, his very appearance/allow Cai gets out of trouble, and arrived at the present step by step, in any event, he will not allow that ants in eye, a puppet, a prey captures the thing from his hand, ruins his painstaking care! 天咬牙切齿,心中陡的爆发出一股滔天的怒火,他好不容才脱困,并且一步步走到了现在,无论如何,他绝不会容许眼中的一只蝼蚁,一个傀儡,一个猎物从他手中夺取东西,毁掉他的心血! Bang!” “轰!” This flash, the day also erupted the potential of whole body, terrifying Spiritual Strength and Astral Qi, erupted fiercely, was centered on the day, the surrounding area in ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), all human allied armies besides Wang Chong, including many foreign land intruder, unravelled instantaneously completely. 这一霎那,天也爆发出了全身的潜力,一股恐怖的精神力罡气,猛地爆发而出,以天为中心,方圆万丈内,所有的人类联军除了王冲之外,包括众多的异域入侵者在内,瞬间全部灰飞烟灭。 Wang Chong can rob his thing through Stone of Destiny of forehead, he can also in turn, use seven Stone of Destiny similarly, robs on Wang Chong that. 王冲可以通过眉心的命运之石抢夺他身上的东西,他也同样可以反过来,利用七颗命运之石,抢夺王冲身上的那块。 That seven Stone of Destiny alone any hugeness that is far from Wang Chong forehead that coming, but seven put together, will not actually compare Wang Chong's to be small. 那七颗命运之石单独任何一颗都远没有王冲眉心那颗来的巨大,但是七颗加在一起,却绝不会比王冲的小。 What is more important, even if Wang Chong resurrects, is not his opponent. 更重要的是,哪怕王冲复活,也绝不是他的对手。 In the entire world, he is unrivaled! 寰宇之内,他无人可敌! Day, you lost!” “天,你输了!” When the day spells goes all-out, Wang Chong lip slightly, suddenly opens the mouth to say the first few words. 就在天拼尽全力的时候,王冲嘴唇微张,突然开口说出了第一句话。 When he opens the mouth, the aura of his within the body instantaneously by the remarkable Speed change. 而在他开口的时候,他体内的气息瞬间以惊人的速度变化。 The original Wang Chong body is torn to pieces, basically with deceased person not different, even the healing, still has lost the strength, were too more than it average person. 原本的王冲身体支离破碎,基本和死人无异,即便愈合,也已经失去力量,比之普通人强不了太多。 However at this moment, with the aid of the strength of golden seed, the aura of Wang Chong whole person had the tremendous changes instantaneously, in the short time, his strength assumes the geometrical multiple to rise suddenly, True Martial Realm, Profound Martial Realm, Sovereign Martial Realm, Saint Martial Realm......, but the moment time then achieved Fine and Detailed Realm, promote entered Heavenly Paradise Realm, and also in the by remarkable Speed growth. 但是这一刻,借助金色种子的力量,王冲整个人的气息瞬间发生了翻天覆地的变化,在短短时间内,他的力量呈几何倍数暴涨,真武境,玄武境,皇武境,圣武境……,不过须臾时间便达到了入微境,晋入到了洞天境,并且还在以惊人的速度增长。 At this moment, the Wang Chong's body as if turned into giant black hole, he has not displayed any cultivation method, but in the world, the strength of the whole world by astonishing Speed is even flooding into his within the body crazily. 这一刻,王冲的身体就仿佛变成了一个巨大的黑洞,他并没有施展任何的功法,但是天地间,甚至整个世界的力量都在以惊人的速度疯狂的涌入他的体内。 The golden seed is the world seed, when the seed seed, the strength of the whole world can use for him. 金色种子即世界种子,当种子萌芽,整个世界的力量都可以为他所用。 Snort, no matter on you had anything, you never possibly are Our opponent!” “哼,不管你身上发生了什么,你都永远不可能是朕的对手!” Hears the Wang Chong's words, the day look is ice-cold , without the slight hesitation, the day to agitate whole body Astral Qi, swamped into part of high-grade universe energies of seven Stone of Destiny unexpectedly directly. 听到王冲的话,天的神色冰冷无比,没有丝毫的犹豫,天鼓动全身罡气,竟然直接将一部分的高等级宇宙能量涌入到了七颗命运之石中。 So many years , he although has not grasped these Stone of Destiny, but without the progress, he has not at least grasped some Stone of Destiny strengths, this is also he can break the seal, even breaks the world wall barrier between entire world and foreign land, occupies the reason of god of foreign land intruder. 这么多年,他虽然没有掌握这些命运之石,但也绝非毫无进展,至少他已经掌握了部分命运之石的力量,这也是他能够打破封印,甚至打破整个人类世界和异域之间的世界壁障,占据异域入侵者之神的原因。 wēng! 嗡! Is only the time of flash, the seven Stone of Destiny rays of light of day forehead put greatly, blooms instantaneously and Stone of Destiny same aura fluctuation of Wang Chong forehead, incessantly so, in seven Stone of Destiny, even gushes out silver-white rays, such as the water flows, pours into to day within the body, spreads toward the foot by the head. 仅仅只是一刹那的时间,天眉心的七颗命运之石毫光大放,瞬间绽放出和王冲眉心的命运之石相同的气息波动,不止如此,七颗命运之石中,甚至涌出一股股银白色的光芒,如水般流淌而下,灌注到天的体内,由头往脚蔓延。 That checks, the day under foot gushes out strength of the world sources suddenly, enters his within the body. 那一刹,天的脚下突然涌出一股股世界本源之力,进入他的体内。 Good! The day ultimate goal is to use ten Stone of Destiny swallows the whole world the strength of source, thorough change oneself uses. 不错!天最终的目的就是为了利用十颗命运之石吞噬整个世界的本源之力,彻底的化为己用。 However flickers merely, has not waited for the day to display seven Stone of Destiny strengths completely, suddenly, in seven Stone of Destiny, had an extremely strong repelling force and resistance suddenly. 然而仅仅只是一瞬,还没等天完全发挥出七颗命运之石的力量,突然之间,七颗命运之石中,陡然生出了一股极其强大的排斥力和阻力。 Incessantly so, in seven Stone of Destiny, had/left several different aura suddenly, probably suddenly were many a strobe general, immediately hindered the relation between day and Stone of Destiny largely. 不止如此,就在七颗命运之石内部,突然之间多出了几股不同的气息,就好像突然之间多了一道闸门一般,顿时大幅阻碍了天和命运之石间的联系。 This is impossible!” “这不可能!” In the day eye appeared a deep vibration finally. 天的眼中终于现出了一丝深深的震动。 These Stone of Destiny he succeeds in obtaining has the extremely long time, in the past time, he once the innumerable fumbles used these Stone of Destiny, but has not actually had at present this situation. 这些命运之石他到手已经有极漫长的时间,在过去的时间里,他曾经无数次的摸索使用这些命运之石,但却从来没有发生过眼前这种情况。 Moreover, that seven people earliest had died over ten thousand years of time, he distinct has killed them completely, moreover erased them all strengths and aura in Stone of Destiny, how possibly- 而且,那七个人最早的已经死了上万年的时光,他分明已经将他们全部杀死,而且抹除掉了他们在命运之石中所有的力量和气息,怎么可能- wēng! 嗡! The day thinks of here steep, the whole body shakes, understood anything instantaneously. 天想到此处,全身陡的一震,瞬间明白了什么。
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