HE :: Volume #24

#2318: The chart is poor! The dagger sees! 【Sixth】

Obviously, in exposing Taichu clone, revealed true strength time, too has decided on the attention, will not make them leave here. 很显然,在暴露出太初分身,显露真正实力的时候起,太洛就已经打定注意,不会让他们离开这里。 If facing others , but too in secret regarding Heavenly God organization knows from A to Z, their souls are not necessarily able to leave smoothly, comes back to life. 如果是面对其他人也就罢了,但太洛对于天神组织中的秘密了如指掌,他们的灵魂未必能够顺利离开,重新复生。 Too was too fearful! 太洛太可怕了! They and too knew that has the innumerable eras, but at this moment, two people actually found, they have not understood too unexpectedly truly. 他们和太洛认识已经有无数个纪元,但这一刻,二人却发现,他们居然从不曾真正了解过太洛。 He can bear patiently! 他太能隐忍! No one is fully correct the true idea in his heart! 谁也猜不透他心中的真实想法! He can realize Taichu clone, does not guarantee certainly, prepares to refine them in the same fashion. 他能把太初练成分身,保不准,也准备以同样的方式将他们炼化。 Heavenly Paradise Realm Powerhouse refining up, must be too easy! 洞天境强者重新炼化,要太容易了! Moreover recalled carefully, in the past Taichu was cut to kill by Li Taiyi, actually many suspicious places, have not guaranteed certainly, to obtain Fleshly Body of Taichu, too also handled the matter that many others did not know. 而且仔细回想,当年太初被李太乙所斩杀,其实还有不少可疑的地方,保不准,为了得到太初的肉身,太洛还做了许多其他人不知道的事情。 This person, was too dangerous! 这个人,太危险了! Too, all are you bring upon oneself, since you walk on own initiative, that stays behind simply, do not leave!” “太洛,一切都是你们自找的,既然你们主动找上门,那就索性留下,不要离开了!” Too is looking at several people, Hong Shengdao. 太洛望着几人,洪声道。 In him behind, the bang, a azure black ancient robe Taichu also erupted whole body Astral Qi, a big wave day qi energy shoots up to the sky, at the same time, a powerful consciousness concentrates like the essence, is divided into three suddenly, solidly locked Tai Su and remote antiquity and too jiong. 就在他身后,轰,一身青黑古袍的太初也随之爆发了浑身的罡气,一股涛天的气劲冲天而起,同一时间,一股强大的意识凝如实质,瞬息间一分为三,牢牢锁定了太素、太上和太炅。 Swift and fierce killing qi like the tide, fills the air rolling entire void. 凌厉的杀气滚滚如潮,弥漫整个虚空。 With the lives of your several people, treats as to a day reply!” “就拿你们几个人的性命,当做对天的一个回复吧!” Too ice-cold voice reverberates in the entire world. 太洛冰冷的声音在整个天地间回响。 hōng lōng lōng, is only the flash, too disappeared in the midair. 轰隆隆,只是一瞬间,太洛就消失在了半空之中。 At the same time, the strong winds call letter, the earth movement day swings, the entire world misty piece, just like end the world is ordinary, at this moment, too and Taichu take action, two huge projections stood erect simultaneously void, but made the world for it look changes Heavenly Paradise Realm Astral Qi sufficiently, limitless, by fast of as powerful as a thunderbolt, swept across toward Tai Su and the others immediately. 同一时间,狂风呼号,地动天摇,整个天地蒙蒙一片,恍如末世一般,这一刻,太洛和太初同时出手,两道巨大的投影屹立虚空,而足以令天地为之色变的洞天境罡气,无边无际,以雷霆万钧之速,顿时向着太素等人席卷而来。 The chart is poor! 图穷! Dagger present! 匕现! Several thousand years, he already own lair watertight of operation, building up quietly melted Taichu to take own card in a hand, got down ten side Yuguang in the entire space arrange/cloth with dark Great Array. 数千年的时间,他早已把自己的“巢穴”经营的水泄不通,更是悄悄的炼化了“太初”做为自己的底牌,又在整个空间布下了“十方宇光同暗大阵”。 Now all cards in a hand have exposed completely, he is impossible to allow Tai Su and the others to live. 如今所有的底牌已经全部暴露,他是绝不可能允许太素等人活着回去的。 In any event, the Tai Su three people must die. 无论如何,太素三人都必需要死。 All people who know the inside story, must die! 所有知道内情的人,都得死! He does not allow the news to leak out, does not permit god knows here all, thus has prepared. 他绝不允许消息泄露出去,更不允许天知道这里的一切,从而有所准备。 Bang!” “轰隆!” In an instant, only listens to a thunder to make a sound for the first time, two entirely different strengths, golden light is enormous and powerful, a share of azure like black ink, changes into two mountain peak giant palms black, occupies a commanding position, pounds ruthlessly toward Tai Su et al . 刹那之间,只听一阵雷霆乍响,两股截然不同的力量,一股金光浩荡,一股青黑如墨,化为两尊山峰般的巨大手掌,居高临下,向着太素等人狠狠砸过去。 In the face of this huge strength, with is Heavenly Paradise Realm Powerhouse Tai Su and the others appears the dim achromatic color immediately, three people look at the sky, on the face are showing the intense look completely. 在这股庞大的力量面前,同为洞天境强者太素等人立即显得黯淡无色,三人望着天空,脸上全部露出紧张的神色。 wēng! 嗡! in a flash, barrier one after another, contains the intense space and time fluctuation, spreads to go from three people. 电光石火间,一道又一道的屏障,蕴含着强烈的时空波动,不停的从三人身上扩散而去。 That golden Shenzhou, the bow spot also bursts out intense golden light, the golden light changes into ties, covers three people. 就连那艘金色的神舟,船首的部位也迸发出一股强烈的金光,金光化为结界,笼罩住三人。 Front this time, Taichu, obviously was too gloomy, was ordinary in the bright moon like the fluorescence. 只是,在此时太洛、太初面前,明显黯淡无光,有如萤光之于皓月一般。 But Wang Chong looks on the distant place, sees this, is in the heart one cold. 王冲在远处旁观,看到这一幕,也是心中一凛。 In too take action instantly, he clearly felt too vision shot a look at one in own direction, although the time is quite short, even makes one think quickly is the illusion, but Wang Chong felt a danger and killed intent. 就在太洛出手的刹那,他分明感觉到太洛的目光朝着自己的方向瞥了一眼,虽然时间极为短暂,甚至快的让人以为是幻觉,但王冲还是从中感觉到了一股危险和杀意。 Tai Su is not first! 太素绝不是第一个! Twelve Tai Character generation of not common people! 十二太字辈没有一个泛泛之辈! Especially, can attempt to pervert under the day nose, makes Fleshly Body of Taichu, refining up clone, even several thousand years have followed oneself two sons to be concealed the truth, too not softheartedness, the role of good-hearted person. 特别是,能够在天的眼皮底下做手脚,弄走了太初的肉身,炼成分身,甚至连数千年一直跟随着自己的二个儿子都被瞒过了,太洛绝不是什么心慈手软,老好人的角色。 Although he on the mouth said that must with the alliance, but in fact, so long as need, he absolutely without hesitation to own take action. 他虽然嘴上说着要和自己联盟,但实际上,只要需要,他绝对会毫不犹豫的对自己出手 Can begin?” “要动手吗?” At this time, Li Xuan opened the mouth to say suddenly, his body tied tight, within the body was Astral Qi thunders, the link of space and time has jumped to shoot from his under foot together, as if prepared take action at any time. 就在这个时候,身旁的李玄图突然开口道,他的身躯紧绷,体内更是罡气轰鸣,一道时空之环已经从他的脚下迸射而出,似乎随时都做好了出手的准备。 Obviously, just like Wang Chong, he also felt killing intent that too on hid. 很显然,和王冲一样,他也感觉到了太洛身上隐藏的杀意。 Wang Chong has not spoken, in a pair of midnight eye pupil, flashes through the innumerable thoughts suddenly. 王冲没有说话,一双子夜般的眼眸中,瞬息间闪过无数的念头。 No matter too, is Tai Su, is completely not the good kind. If too killed Tai Su, next will cope with itself, but if Tai Su successfully kills too, similarly will cope with itself. 不管是太洛,还是太素,全部都不是什么善类。太洛若是杀了太素,下一个就会对付自己,而太素如果成功干掉太洛,同样会对付自己。 Wang Chong and Li Xuantu situation, now is quite subtle, is quite dangerous! 王冲和李玄图的处境,现在极为微妙,也极为危险! Waits again!” “再等一等!” In the Wang Chong eye the ray flashed, suddenly opens the mouth to say. 王冲眼中光芒闪了一下,突然开口道。 His double fist grips tightly, like drawing full bow, prepared take action, if too to their take action, Wang Chong will not sit waiting for death, before the last minute, Wang Chong has not wanted to make the decision quickly. 他的双拳紧握,如同拉满的弓一样,也做好了出手的准备,太洛如果对他们出手,王冲绝不会坐以待毙,不过在最后一刻之前,王冲还不想这么快做出决定。 Because in his heart throughout some feelings, the trip of this Turkic too, but also is far at the last minute. 因为他心中始终有种感觉,这一趟突厥太洛之行,还远没有到最后一刻。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The earth shook and heavens spun shook, too and top Powerhouse of Taichu two Heavenly God organizations collaborated, that imposing manner blotted out the sky, moves mountains, but struck, Tai Su and remote antiquity, too jiong three people of attack instantaneous smashing. 天摇地动,太洛和太初两位天神组织的顶尖强者联手,那股气势铺天盖地,排山倒海,只是一击,太素、太上、太炅三人的攻击瞬间粉碎。 Vast knot also instantaneously collapse destroys who that golden Shenzhou that incessantly so, Tai Su and the others ride, bursts out. But powerful backslash strength, causes this precious golden Shenzhou, is split up, explodes crushes. 不止如此,就连太素等人过来乘坐的那艘金色神舟,迸发出来的浩大结界也瞬间崩毁。而强大的反噬力量,也使得这艘珍贵的金色神舟,四分五裂,炸得粉碎。 Where there is a will, there is a way! 道高一尺,魔高一丈! Saw that Tai Su and remote antiquity, too the jiong three people want the thorough buckle in too hand, even Wang Chong of distant place has prepared take action, at this time, unexpected matter happened. 眼看着太素、太上、太炅三人就要彻底折损在太洛手中,甚至就连远处的王冲都已经做好了出手的准备,就在这个时候,令人意想不到的事情发生了。 Too, We really looked down on you!” “太洛,朕真的小瞧你了!” A great sound, dignified incomparable, is ordinary like nine days of kings, suddenly resounds in the entire space. 一个宏大的声音,威严无比,如同九天的帝王一般,突然在整个空间中响起。 áo! 嗷! The huge pressure even makes that several mountain peak huge three Azure Wolf that too creates also be called one suddenly, in the eye shows the frightened look, steep crouches/submits Pa in the place, the whole body trembled, saw probably what very terrible thing was common. 巨大的威压甚至使得太洛创造的那几头山峰般巨大的三眼青狼也突然嗷叫一声,眼中露出恐惧的神色,陡的伏趴在地,浑身颤栗不已,就好像看到了什么非常可怕的东西一般。 wēng! 嗡! Without slightly indication, before Tai Su and remote antiquity, too jiong and the others will soon be inundated azure black Astral Qi embezzles instantly, a ray such as the day such as the moon/month, burst out suddenly, suddenly as if the time was static, the terrifying attack that too, Taichu two people blotted out the sky, framed immediately, in also has several in void that the ruler was apart from Tai Su. 没有丝毫征兆,就在太素、太上、太炅等人即将被漫天青黑罡气吞没前的刹那,一点光芒如日如月,猛然迸发而出,瞬息间仿佛时光静止一般,太洛、太初两人铺天盖地的恐怖攻击,立即定格在了距离太素还有数尺之距的虚空之中。 Dodges, everywhere Astral Qi vanishes without the trace immediately, reduces and solves invisible, has not always existed probably is the same. 只是一闪,漫天的罡气立即消失无踪,化解无形,就好像从来都不曾存在过一样。 Wang Chong and Li Xuantu catches the eye to look, sees only in the midair, a Tai Su finger/refers stretches out, was that finger/refers, the anchorage too, Taichu their attack, has might that the fairy is measuring not. 王冲和李玄图抬眼望去,只见半空之中,太素一指伸出,就是那一指,定住了太洛、太初两人的攻击,拥有着神鬼莫测的威力。 But Tai Su at this moment, reveals the aura also and in people's mind entirely different, reveals a space underground, conceited flavor all over the body. 而此时此刻的太素,流露气息也和众人印象中的截然不同,通体流露出一股天上地下,唯我独尊的味道。 That pair of silver-white eye pupil is also looks disdainfully and rules by force, moreover is profound, like colluding with myriad space and times is ordinary. 那双银白色的眼眸也是睥睨、霸道,而且深邃,如同勾通着万千时空一般。 Tai Su as before is that Tai Su, but felt actually as if changed a person completely, but the strength that the whole body revealed that original powerful several times continued compared with it. 太素依旧是那个太素,但是给人的感觉却仿佛完全换了一个人,而浑身流露出的实力,更是比之原来强大了数倍不止。 wēng! 嗡! Sees this sudden change, Wang Chong and Li Xuantu eyelid jumps crazily, in the heart has an intense dangerous feeling immediately, related in detail without enough time, in a flash, two people simultaneously goes toward retreat. 看到这突然的变化,王冲和李玄图眼皮狂跳,心中顿时产生一种强烈的危险感,来不及细说,电光石火间,两人齐齐后退去。 „It is not good!” “不好!” This flash, two people felt a familiar flavor from the body of Tai Su. 这一刹那,两人都从太素的身上感觉到了一股熟悉的味道。 Day! 天! This is impossible!!!” “这不可能!!!” But is almost at the same time, the distant place, occupies absolute winning side too also steep exudes one to call out in alarm, if the whole person evades the viper, goes toward retreat like lightning. 而几乎是同一时间,远处,原本已经占据绝对上风的太洛也陡的发出一声惊呼,整个人如避蛇蝎,闪电般往后退去。 Bang!” “轰!” But all god country soldiers, are the whole face shock including too two heir, goes toward retreat in abundance. 而所有的神国战士,包括太洛的两名子嗣也是满脸震骇,纷纷往后退去。 Day this name, they long ago, listened to too to raise. That is god the biggest enemy, is among the universes biggest demon, absolutely is existence that the people most dread. “天”这个名字,他们在很久之前,就曾经听太洛提起过。那是“神”最大的敌人,也是宇宙间最大的“魔”,绝对是众人最畏惧的存在。 Too has not spoken, is looking at the sky Tai Su, shock in his heart, must go far beyond anybody at this time! 太洛没有说话,望着天空的中“太素”,他心中的震撼,此时还要远远超过任何人! Day! 天! He has not thought that in this case, will feel that familiar aura again. 他从没有想过,会在这种情况下,再次感受到那股熟悉的气息。 He is following day innumerable long eras, regarding day the aura, understood, this point will not have the mistake. 他跟随着“天”无数个漫长的纪元,对于“天”的气息,非常了解,这一点绝不会有错。 Aura that Tai Su lends and day exactly the same. 太素身上散发出来的气息和“天”一模一样。 This latter precisely too for several thousand years, most dread exactly, most dreaded, also most want to avoid. 这后者恰恰正是太洛数千年来,最畏惧,最忌惮,同时也最想要回避的。 But, is this possible? 可是,这怎么可能? In order to cope with day, he has been leading to here space entrance to establish huge state of mind restriction. 为了对付“天”,他早已在通往这里的空间入口设置了一座庞大的神魂禁制 That is the inheritance before the innumerable eras, ancient, already powerful restriction of disappearance civilization, origin of that restriction even also birth before day, several thousand years ago, his tremendous strength, found that Array, and successfully arranges. 那是传承自无数个纪元之前,一个古老的,已经消失文明的强大禁制,那个禁制的起源甚至还在“天”诞生之前,数千年前,他九牛二虎之力,才找到那门阵法,并且成功布置。 The normal condition, any incomplete losing concentration and clone, including day clone, are unable to cross that Great Array Principle strength completely, enters here. 正常情况,任何不完整的分神、分身,包括天的分身在内,全部都无法越过那座大阵规则的力量,进入这里。 precisely because of this point, therefore is not flurried, even if Tai Su and other people collaborate, he also is always maintaining calm. 正是因为这一点,所以太洛才毫不慌乱,哪怕太素等三人联手,他也始终保持着镇定。 Because makes one dread that truly, only has a day. 因为真正让人忌惮的,只有一个天而已。 Too, you really disappointed Us too!” “太洛,你真是让朕太失望了!” Tai Su raised the head, but in the throat sends out is actually day that great sound: 太素抬起头,但喉中发出的却是“天”那宏大的声音: „Hasn't this year, saw Us, knelt down?” “这多么年了,见到朕,还不跪下吗?” Is impossible! This is impossible!” “不可能!这绝不可能!” Too loses one's voice, absolutely does not have the beforehand calmness. 太洛失声,已经完全没有了之前的镇定。 At the same time, Wang Chong is also the whole body ties tight, all these have understood clearly without doubt. The tour of this Turkic, Tai Su and the others had confidence copes with too, is not because day gave them what powerful Magical Artifact, is not because the person are many. 同一时间,王冲也是全身紧绷,这一切已经了然无疑。这一趟突厥之行,太素等人之所以有把握对付太洛,并不是因为“天”给了他们什么强大的法器,也不是因为人多。 Their genuine cards in a hand are day! 他们真正的底牌就是“天”! Moreover from the present situation, Tai Su makes vessel with own body, uses some secret skill, perfect evading too in Great Array that the entrance sets up. 而且从眼前的情形来看,太素用自己的身体做“容器”,使用某种秘法,完美的避过太洛在入口设立的大阵 So-called world same longevity technique consumption life, accelerates Death, now looks like, to let day difficulty-relief merely. 所谓的“天地同寿术”消耗生命,加速死亡,现在看来,也仅仅只是为了让天脱困而出。 ps: Six chapters erupt! ps:六章爆发完毕! Huangfu congratulates brothers Happy New Year here, is well with everything! 皇甫在这里祝贺兄弟们新年快乐,万事大吉! Finally, Stone of Destiny extraordinary event: Huangfu was seized by the years beast, possibly wanting year later( 8 th) returns, Recovery renews( also has possibility ahead of time)! 最后,命运之石特殊事件:皇甫被年兽抓走,可能要年后(初八)返回,恢复更新(也有可能提前)! Hopes the brothers continue to pay attention to «Person Sovereign Discipline», 8 th, we do not leave till we meet! 希望兄弟们继续关注《人皇纪》,初八,我们不见不散!
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