HE :: Volume #24

#2317: Taichu! 【Before dawn (3 - 5 am)】

Bang! 轰隆! Tai Su both hands tie seal, billowing Astral Qi all floods into the Tai Su compass in sky, under the huge strength support, originally the giant Tai Su compass, again expanding several, by fast of as powerful as a thunderbolt, goes toward opposite and god country soldier steamroll too. 太素双手结印,滚滚的罡气全部涌入天空中的太素罗盘中,在庞大的力量支撑下,原本就巨大的太素罗盘,再次膨大数圈,以雷霆万钧之速,向着对面的太洛以及神国战士碾压而去。 Too and Tai Su and the others were at the evenly matched condition, when Tai Su burns thoroughly all lives, this balanced was broken immediately. 太洛和太素等人原本处于势均力敌的状态,但是当太素彻底燃烧所有寿命,这种平衡立即被打破。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Sees this, all people are startled, facing the attack of that terrifying, everyone dangerous feelings, if makes that Tai Su compass fall, perhaps all of them must be ground into dust, dead end. 看到这一幕,所有人大吃一惊,面对那恐怖的攻击,每个人都有一种危如累卵的感觉,如果让那个太素罗盘落下,他们所有人恐怕都要被碾成齑粉,死路一条。 People obey orders! Spelled!” “众人听令!拼了!” Too two heir call out, the sound has not fallen, leads the bright country soldier, erupts a Twelve minute of strength, innumerable Astral Qi mighty currents, enormous and powerful, goes toward the opposite like the innumerable big dragons turbulently. 太洛的两名子嗣暴喝,声音未落,带着所有神国战士,也爆发出十二分的力量,无数的罡气洪流,浩浩荡荡,如同无数巨龙向着对面汹涌而去。 This flash, everyone has a being faced with imminent disaster feeling. 这一刹那,所有人都有一种大难临头的感觉。 However in a twinkling, the god country soldiers just take action, the next moment , without the slight indication, hōng lōng lōng, the earth movement day to swing, is as good as too azure black Heavenly Paradise Realm Astral Qi, blocks the sky, moves mountains, suddenly appears in the entire space. 然而说时迟那时快,众神国战士才刚刚出手,下一刻,没有丝毫征兆,轰隆隆,地动天摇,一股丝毫不亚于太洛的青黑色洞天境罡气,遮天蔽日,排山倒海,突然出现在整个空间中。 Has not waited for the people to respond that fearful strength changes into a giant azure black palm immediately, a palm pats ruthlessly, in Tai Su and remote antiquity, too jiong three people of above Astral Qi that collaborates the gathering. 还没等众人反应过来,那股可怕的力量立即化为一只巨大的青黑色手掌,一掌狠狠拍在太素、太上、太炅三人联手汇聚的罡气之上。 Bang! 轰隆! Strikes merely, that azure black strength collapsed instantaneously Tai Su and remote antiquity, too jiong three people of Astral Qi jointly. 仅仅只是一击,那股青黑色的力量瞬间就崩溃了太素、太上、太炅三人联手的罡气 „!” “啊!” With a sad and shrill pitiful yell, three people were shaken to fly instantaneously simultaneously, no matter too again how strong, is eventually limited, was impossible to resist Tai Su and remote antiquity, jiong three people of collaborations, but came one again too, all immediately entirely different. 伴随着一阵凄厉的惨叫,三人瞬间被同时震飞出去,一个太洛不管再怎么强,也终究有限,不可能抵挡得了太素、太上、太炅三人的联手,但是再来一个“太洛”,一切顿时就截然不同。 This is impossible!” “这不可能!” Before being struck flies instantly, the Tai Su whole body trembles, opens the eye fiercely, inconceivable looks at the front. 就在被击飞前的刹那,太素浑身一颤,猛地睁大眼睛,不可思议的看着前方。 Moves mountains in that azure black Astral Qi instantly, he who appears clearly sees in that vast Astral Qi, looms together the familiar form. 就在那股青黑色罡气排山倒海出现的刹那,他分明看到那浩大的罡气中,隐隐出现一道熟悉的身影。 Bang! 轰隆! The earth movement day swings, three people of simultaneously were shaken flies the ground, their attacks were disintegrated completely, these fights time, actually obviously occupies the Tai Su side of advantage to be defeated at the population, this is who has not expected. 地动天摇,三人齐齐被震飞到地上,他们的攻击全部被瓦解,这一次交手,竟然以人数明显占据优势的太素一方落败,这是谁也没有料到的。 How possibly?” “怎么可能?” But almost during the fight finished, Wang Chong and Li Xuantu simultaneously turns head to look to too direction. 而几乎是在战斗结束的同时,王冲、李玄图齐齐扭头望向太洛的方向。 astuteness is extremely too deep, moreover several thousand years, made many preparations, he can suppress Tai Su by one's effort slightly they, Wang Chong and Li Xuantu will not have any accident/surprise, but will not have now this lopsided situation. 太洛城府极深,而且数千年的时间,做了众多准备,他能够凭借一己之力略微压制住太素他们,王冲和李玄图都不会有任何意外,但绝不会出现现在这种一面倒的情况。 Also however lets continue this that in two people of hearts vibrates, not wrong, side instantly, too that the fight that Tai Su sees ended, the spirit presented a azure black form. 然而让两人心中震动的还远不止这个,太素看到的并没有错,就在战斗结束的刹那,太洛身旁,幽灵般出现了一道青黑色的身影。 That person wears the azure black long gown, the style is quite ancient, is passing a Far Ancient Period flavor faintly, like walks from the remote time. His hair hangs loose, stands and waits for a long time in that motionlessly, making one unable to see clearly the expression on his face. 那人穿着青黑色长袍,样式极为古老,隐隐透着一股上古时期的味道,有如从遥远时代中走出来。他的头发披散,伫立在那一动不动,让人看不清他脸上的表情。 However for all this, in that person, actually sends out one to swallow the sea dreadfully, is not weak in Tailuo the huge strength. 不过尽管如此,在那人身上,却散发着一股滔天吞海,丝毫不弱于太洛的庞大力量。 Let alone Tai Su and the others, Wang Chong and Li Xuantu is also shocks. Knows that too affirms some hidden methods, but no one has thought, his hidden method unexpectedly is another peerless Powerhouse. 别说太素等人,就连王冲和李玄图也是震撼不已。知道太洛肯定有些隐藏手段,但是谁也没有想到,他的隐藏手段竟然是另一名绝世强者 Takes a broad view at the world, can achieve Heavenly Paradise Realm Powerhouse to be few, but the strength is best, is not weak in Tailuo, is few, that spirit Powerhouse that no matter Wang Chong or Li Xuantu, presents regarding too side, is unimpressive. 放眼天下,能够达到洞天境强者寥寥无几,而实力拔尖,丝毫不弱于太洛的,更是屈指可数,不过不管是王冲还是李玄图,对于太洛身旁出现的那名幽灵般强者,都毫无印象。 Taichu!” “太初!” At this time, screams resounded. 就在这个时候,一阵惊呼声响起。 Is impossible, hadn't Taichu been cut to kill by Li Taiyi? How he will appear here!” “不可能的,太初不是已经被李太乙斩杀了吗?他怎么会出现在这里!” Taichu, your big courage! You dare to deceive the day, don't tell me to say unexpectedly so many years, have you been playing dead?” “太初,你好大的胆子!你竟然敢欺骗天,难道说这么多年,你一直在假死?” The distant place, the remote antiquity and too the jiong corners of the mouth overflowing blood, in the internal organs cause heavy losses, just that fought, two people are injured significantly, but two people actually do not care muddily. Looks that say/way azure black form that too side presents, two people startled and anger, seemed attacked and shocked enormously. 远处,太上和太炅嘴角溢血,内腑重创,刚刚那番交手,两人受伤匪浅,不过两人却浑不在意。看着太洛身旁出现的那道青黑色身影,两人又惊又怒,仿佛受到极大的冲击和震撼。 wēng! 嗡! A stone arouses thousand overlapping waves, hears two people calling out in alarm, the Wang Chong eyelid jumps, in heart also steep starts ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) mighty waves. 一石激起千层浪,听到两人的惊呼,王冲眼皮一跳,心中也陡的掀起万丈波澜。 Taichu? 太初? Li Taiyi! 李太乙! These two names, Wang Chong all familiar incomparable. 这两个名字,王冲全都熟悉无比。 More than ten years ago, has not had that matter, before attacking Divine Mar­tial Realm , after the Sage Emperor strength is actually rebirth, is higher, because of the day disturbance, attacks the Divine Mar­tial Realm failure, receives backslash, the Sage Emperor strength decline step by step. 十多年前,还没有发生那件事情,在冲击神武境之前,圣皇的实力其实是比自己重生之后更高的,因为天的干扰,冲击神武境失败,受到反噬,圣皇的实力才一步步的衰退。 However even if in the decline, Sage Emperor passes to an own emperor sword, can still easily massacre Taishi. 不过即便是在衰退的时候,圣皇传给自己的天子一剑,也可以轻易杀掉太始。 But peak Period Sage Emperor, wants on without doubt strongly many. 而巅峰时期圣皇,无疑还要强上很多。 That in Tai Character generation Taichu, died in the Sage Emperor hand at that time. 太字辈中的那位“太初”,就是在那个时候死在圣皇手中。 This matter is a public opinion, Wang Chong does not have extremely to pay attention. However looks at the remote antiquity, too the response of jiong, was too person died Taichu? Is this possible? 这件事情已经是个公论,王冲也没有太过留意。但是看太上、太炅的反应,太洛身边的人就是已经死掉的太初?这怎么可能? don't tell me said- 难道说- That flash, in the Wang Chong mind thought of many many, by histrionics of Heavenly God organization, in this not necessarily no plot. 那一刹那,王冲脑海中想到了许多许多,以天神组织的作派,这里面未必没有什么阴谋。 However flickers merely, Wang Chong responded quickly: 不过仅仅只是一瞬,王冲很快反应过来: This is impossible!” “这绝不可能!” Wang Chong did not understand Taichu, but actually understood Sage Emperor. 王冲并不了解太初,但却了解圣皇 Majestic upright! 堂皇正大! This is the Sage Emperor style, although there is flexible, but actually never will lose honestly. 这就是圣皇的行事风格,虽有变通,但却永远不失正派。 When past Sage Emperor precisely was high-spirited, with his character impossible with the Heavenly God organization together colluding, made what layout. 当年的圣皇正是意气风发之时,以他的性格绝不可能和天神组织一起“勾结”,做什么布局。 If struck to kill the person of Taichu in the past is Sage Emperor, in that this will not have any variable. 如果当年击杀太初的人是圣皇,那这里面绝不会有任何的变数。 This point, Wang Chong believes firmly forever without doubt. 这一点,王冲永远确信无疑。 wēng! 嗡! Thinks of here, the Wang Chong intention moves, offered a sacrifice to Reality World rapidly. Sees only in the Wang Chong eye the ray to fluctuate, the whole world also had the enormous change, when Wang Chong looked again to too Taichu, in an instant, in the Wang Chong heart shook. 想到这里,王冲心念一动,迅速祭起了“真实世界”。只见王冲眼中光芒变幻,整个世界也随之起了极大的变化,而当王冲再次望向太洛身旁的太初,刹那间,王冲心中一震。 At this moment, he saw some unusual things finally, understood anything faintly. 这一刻,他终于看到了一些不同寻常的东西,也隐隐明白了什么。 But sees the clue also incessantly Wang Chong! 而看出端倪的还远不止王冲 When another side, the remote antiquity and too jiong two people startled anger happened simultaneously, Tai Su throughout the look is calm, cannot see the least bit mighty waves. 另一侧,当太上和太炅两人惊怒交加的时候,太素始终神色冷静,看不出半点波澜。 Too, we misread you! Cannot think that you really have such method!” “太洛,我们都看错你了!想不到你竟然有如此手段!” At this time, Tai Su opened the mouth suddenly: 就在这个时候,太素突然开口了: In the past Taichu was ordered to go to the capital, was detected by Li Taiyi, a sword cut to kill, this matter shook under shake the heavens. However after that the corpse of Taichu actually vanished baseless, disappears without a trace, I once Fengtian's order investigated this matter. Because the Great Tang national capital is dangerous, in addition has Li Taiyi to assume personal command, afterward, only thinks that was taken away by Li Taiyi.” “当年太初奉命进京,被李太乙察觉,一剑斩杀,此事震惊天下。但是此后,太初的尸体却凭空消失,不知去向,我曾经奉天的命令调查此事。因为大唐京师过于危险,加上有李太乙坐镇,事后,也只以为是被李太乙拿去。” Cannot think, was taken away by you unexpectedly quietly, refining up to make clone!” “想不到,竟然是被你悄悄拿去,炼做了分身!” Such remarks, four all startled, too both -and-a-half celestial dwelling heir is a face shock, obviously this matter they also by ignorant/veiled in drum. 此言一出,四座皆惊,就连太洛的两名半步洞天子嗣都是一脸震撼,显然这件事情就连他们也被蒙在了鼓里。 Only has Wang Chong, the look is usual. 只有王冲,神色如常。 Too that say/way azure black form is only a body, did not have own soul, this point, Wang Chong also observes obviously through Reality World. 太洛身旁那道青黑色的身影只是一具躯壳,并不具备自己的灵魂,这一点,王冲显然也通过“真实世界”观察到了。 Millenniums ago, your surface is low-key, far away from all of common custom as well as Heavenly God organization, but in fact, has actually observed the development in secret. Because your low key, the day has not paid attention to you, Li Taiyi has not paid attention to you, but you are actually planning all in secret, this method is really wise!” “从千年前起,你表面低调,远离世俗以及天神组织的一切,但实际上,却一直暗中观察事情的发展。因为你的低调,天不曾注意过你,李太乙也不曾留意过你,而你却在暗中筹谋着一切,这种手段真是高明啊!” Tai Su coldly said that in the sound full is the ridicule. 太素冷冷道,声音中满是讥讽。 Low-key too, the Turkic Shaman god of decline......, these years, everyone played with by too in the stock palm. 低调的太洛,衰落的突厥萨满神教……,这些年,所有人都被太洛玩弄于股掌之中。 But not only lets also this that Tai Su cares, in Twelve Tai Character generation of Powerhouse, the Taichu strength was extremely strong, was first three absolutely, his Fleshly Body after the innumerable eras, underwent innumerable quenching to practice, as well as moistening of Heavenly Paradise Realm Astral Qi, absolutely was one of the most intrepid Fleshly Body, in fact, can Li Taiyi ” an emperor sword „, Fleshly Body has not actually been split up, as before remained intact, had explained his powerful. 但让太素在意的还不只是这个,十二太字强者中,太初实力极强,绝对属于前三之列,他的肉身历经无数个纪元,经受住无数的淬练,以及洞天境罡气的滋润,绝对是最强悍的肉身之一,事实上,能中了李太乙的”天子一剑“,肉身却并没有四分五裂,依旧保持完整,就已经说明了他的强悍。 From this point, the Fleshly Body of Taichu, clone incessantly a tiny bit compared with it Tai Su present silver pupil youngster, both cannot completely the Intrisic Principle counting. 从这一点来说,太初的这具肉身,比之太素现在的银眸少年分身强了不止一点半点,两者完全不可以道理计数。 Too obtained powerful Fleshly Body of Taichu, and refine, strength could be imagined. 太洛得到太初的强悍肉身,并且炼化,实力之强可想而知。 However so many years, he has not actually revealed that even his two sons do not know, the depth of scheme astuteness can be imagined. 然而这么多年,他却始终没有丝毫流露,甚至就连他的两个儿子都不知晓,心计城府之深可想而知。 At this moment, Tai Su somewhat is suddenly clear, too has been why secure, even facing their several, has been still unflustered, is not flurried. 这一刻,太素突然有些明白,为什么太洛一直有恃无恐,即便面对他们几个,也一直从容不迫,毫不慌乱了。 Tai Su, I had not said I am low-key, has not said that my strength is very weak, all, was only you said that your feeling!” 太素,我从没有说过我低调,也没有说过,我的实力很弱,所有的一切,都只是你们说的,你们自己的感受而已!” On this time, in the midair, too started talking suddenly, the sound like the thunder, reverberated in the entire world. 就这个时候,半空之中,太洛突然开口说话了,声音有如雷霆,在整个天地间回响。 He is shouldering both hands, is saying, while proceeds to walk. 他背负着双手,一边说着,一边往前走去。 This moment vision too looks disdainfully, the whole body shows a big wave day domineering, such as Sun and Moon made one unable to watch intently, huge oppression strength, unceasing released from him. 这一刻的太洛目光睥睨,浑身透出一股涛天的霸气,如日月般令人无法逼视,庞大的压迫力,不断的从他身上释放出来。 wēng! 嗡! His intention moves, made a hand signal at will, on Fleshly Body of side Taichu, covered up the aura, practicing trickery restriction remove, with too similar aura, big wave day swallows the sea, spreads from his body. 他的心念一动,随意的打了一个手势,旁边太初的肉身上,原本遮掩气息,瞒天过海的禁制撤掉,一股和太洛相似的气息,涛天吞海,从他的身上扩散而出。 The surrounding area in several thousand zhang (3.33 m), the void distortion, becomes fuzzy. 方圆数千丈内,虚空扭曲,变得模糊不已。 This moment too no longer has any false, even also no longer raises anything and Wang Chong matter jointly, because of already not necessity jointly. 这一刻的太洛不再有任何的虚伪,甚至也不再提什么和王冲联手的事情,因为已经没有再联手的必要。 Ten side Yuguang has revolved with dark Great Array, he confinement the entire space, no one has been able easily to pass in and out. “十方宇光同暗大阵”已经运转,他已经禁闭了整个空间,没有人可以轻易进出。 Moreover Tai Su world same longevity technique will also endure the end quickly, after small one hour, that Fleshly Body will unravel, the remaining remote antiquities and too jiong is not his opponent. 而且太素的“天地同寿术”也很快就会熬到尽头,小半个时辰后,那具肉身就会灰飞烟灭,剩下的太上和太炅就更加不是他的对手。 You biggest mistake, thinks several drops of days blood essence, collaborated by three people, can cope with me!” “你们最大的错误,就是以为得了几滴天的精血,凭借三人联手,就能对付得了我!” Too occupies a commanding position, in the eye does not have the slight mighty waves, the words that but said that made the remote antiquity, too the jiong two people unrestrained went toward retreat, is looking in the air, in the heart had faintly feared intent. 太洛居高临下,目中没有丝毫波澜,但说出来的话,却令太上、太炅二人情不自禁的往后退去,望着空中,心中隐隐有了惧意。 From too voice, they felt to kill intent. 从太洛的声音中,他们感受到了杀意。
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