HE :: Volume #23

#2259: Comes to the northwest!

I can let ** faints, Khitan and Goguryeo and Xi Tribe people enters Serene Province, avoids the cold, I can also forgive your life, does not kill you, even also provides food to you, but a little.” “我可以让**厥、契丹以及高句丽、奚部落的子民进入幽州,躲避风寒,我也可以饶你们一命,不杀你们,甚至还提供食物给你们,但是有一点。” From now, the entire land world will no longer have ** faints, Khitan and Goguryeo and Xi Tribe.” “从此以后,整个陆地世界将不再有**厥、契丹以及高句丽、奚部落。” Entire land world, later only then Empire, is called Great Tang!” “整个陆地世界,以后只有一个帝国,叫做大唐!” Speaking of last, the Wang Chong look is cold, the body stops slightly, eruption naturally an overbearing incomparable imposing manner. 说到最后一句,王冲神色冷然,身躯微微一停,自然而然的爆发出一股霸道无匹的气势。 But in the hall, the people look is startled, immediately understood the Wang Chong's meaning. 而大厅里,众人神色一怔,立即明白了王冲的意思。 Without a doubt, Wang Chong wants to subdue various countries on behalf of Great Tang thoroughly, a series entire land world, ** faints Khaganate and Korean Empire, Xi and Khitan must submit to Great Tang completely. 毫无疑问,王冲代表大唐想要彻底收服诸国,一统整个陆地世界,并且,**厥汗国、高丽帝国,奚与契丹全部都要臣服大唐 Also means, they are not the kings in various country's, but is the Great Tang people. 同时也意味着,他们再也不是诸国的君王,而是大唐的子民。 In a twinkling, several people of looks are complex. 霎时间,几人神色复杂。 winner is the king, loser is the villain, this time, they lose truly thoroughly. 成王败寇,这一次,他们是真正输得彻彻底底。 However freely in heart bitter and astringent, but the people hesitant are not long. 不过尽管心中苦涩,但众人却并没有犹豫太久。 Side is submits to gives loyalty to Great Tang, another side in this big cold wave, the body dead country extinguishes, to various countries, has not chosen. 一边是臣服效忠大唐,另一边则是在这场大寒潮中,身死国灭,对于诸国来说,已经没有选择了。 King of Foreign Territory, we are willing to submit to!” 异域王,我们愿意臣服!” In hall, several people simultaneously deep low head. 大厅中,几人同时深深低下头颅。 But Wang Chong sees this, but gives a calm smile. 王冲看到这一幕,只是淡然一笑。 These completely as he expected, from the rebirth to the present, the war are only the surfaces, at this moment, is the goal of Wang Chong true pursue. 这些全部都在他的预料之中,从重生到现在,战争只是表面,这一刻,才是王冲真正追求的目的。 Hence, eastern Western Turkic Khaganate, Xi and Khitan, Goguryeo Empire, all arrived under Great Tang, but the Serene Province rebel army had also been subdued. Great Tang realized those who lived in ages truly, the innumerable kings want to realize dream that but has not realized. 至此为止,东西突厥汗国,奚与契丹,高句丽帝国,全部都到了大唐麾下,而幽州的叛军也已经被收服。大唐真正实现了历朝历代,无数君王想实现而没有实现的梦想。 True Great Lineage Empire of mainland has gradually taken shape! 一个大陆的真正大统帝国已经逐渐成型! hōng lōng lōng, as Wang Chong's nods, a moment later, stormy hoofbeat heavy like thunder, rapid from transmits in all directions, but moment, military force(s) and common people of various country also surviving, all flooded into Serene Province from each direction. 轰隆隆,随着王冲的点头,片刻之后,一阵密集的马蹄声沉重如雷,迅速的从四面八方传来,只不过须臾,所有诸国还残存的兵马以及百姓,全部从各个方向涌入到了幽州境内。 Puts down the weapon!” “放下武器!” In Serene Province some innumerable Great Tang fully-armed soldiers move forward to meet somebody early. 幽州境内早有无数大唐全副武装的士兵迎了上去。 But with clangour of metal, the innumerable weapons put the ground, but various country soldiers also lifted up high both hands to kneel down completely on the ground. 而随着一阵金属的铿锵声,无数的兵器放到了地面,而诸国士兵也全部高举双手跪倒在了地上。 In Serene Province, Wang Chong will not allow they have the weapon. 幽州境内,王冲是绝不会容许他们带有武器的。 Now is only left over U-Tsang Empire!” “现在只剩下一个乌斯藏帝国了!” In Serene Province Andong Protectorate General, Wang Chong stands and waits for a long time in the room, by opening the window, is looking at outside bustling, busy one, in the heart secretly thought. 幽州安东都护府内,王冲伫立在房间中,透过打开的窗子,望着外面熙熙攘攘,忙忙碌碌的一幕,心中暗暗道 ...... …… Meanwhile, northwest City of Steel. 与此同时,西北钢铁之城 ! 呼! The cold wind howls, in the world, the flying snow is misty, white piece. 寒风呼啸,天地间,飞雪漠漠,白茫茫一片。 From the beforehand war already the past, after several days of repairs, City of Steel of sores all over the eye restored such as beginning, the firm steel city wall, and various fortification also again add the restore and reinforcement. 距离之前的大战已经过去一段时间,经过几天的修葺,原本满目疮痍的钢铁之城又修复如初,坚固的钢铁城墙,以及各种防御工事也重加修复、加固。 xī yù yù!” 希聿聿!” Looks from afar, around City of Steel, Heavy Cavalry often flying shuttle, inspection four directions. 远远望去,钢铁之城周围,一名名铁骑不时飞梭而过,巡视四方。 Although Dalun Qinling leads U-Tsang military force(s) to withdraw, but in City of Steel still maintains tightly guarded, in the top, the innumerable soldiers are fully-armed, are paying attention to all around sound. 尽管大论钦陵率领着乌斯藏兵马已经撤去,但钢铁之城内依然保持戒备森严,城头上,无数士兵全副武装,关注着四周的动静。 And compared with, today's City of Steel some were not quite in the past same.. 只是和往常相比,今天的钢铁之城却有些不太一样。。 East City of Steel, close to the east gate place, Young Master Qing Yang and Li Junxian, shouted the Balkh province, gathered completely, in them behind, Great Tang and ** many military officers who fainted gathered completely, the platoon round number platoon, seems to be waiting for anything silently. 钢铁之城东面,临近东城门的地方,青阳公子、李君羡,还有呼巴尔赫,全部聚集在一起,在他们身后,大唐以及**厥的众多将领全部聚集,排成数排,似乎在默默等待着什么。 wēng! 嗡! Is only the moment, does not have the slight indication, before three people, in the ground the air disturbance, the snow flies upwards, turns into a round vortex rapidly. 仅仅只是片刻,没有丝毫的征兆,三人身前地面上气流扰动,积雪飞扬,迅速化成一个圆旋涡。 Quick, the ground exudes ripples one after another, and toward spreads in all directions. 很快,地面泛起一圈又一圈的涟漪,并且向着四面八方扩散开来。 the next moment, the ray flashes, together rapid emergence of familiar form from place in the vision of people, 下一刻,光芒一闪,一道熟悉的身影从地里迅速的出现在在众人的目光中, Lord King!” 王爷!” Sees that form that presents, several people are the vision one bright, simultaneously goes forward to bow to salute, joyful is not incomparable. 看到出现的那道身影,几人都是目光一亮,齐齐上前躬身行礼,一个个喜悦不无比。 That suddenly the form that presents from the place bottom, is others, precisely Wang Chong's first clone, land Divine Embryo. 那突然从地底出现的身影,是别人,正是王冲的第一分身,大地神胎 Wang Chong's land Divine Embryo can shuttle back and forth in the place bottom, will not receive the colds and snow and ice influence in this weather, moreover escaping place Speed wonderful quick incomparable, this is also Wang Chong adjusts City of Steel him in advance, solves the reason of here crisis. 王冲的大地神胎能在地底穿梭,在这种天气也不会受到风寒和冰雪的影响,而且遁地的速度奇快无比,这也是王冲将他先行调到钢铁之城,解决这边危机的原因。 Sets out, does not need to be overly courteous.” “起身吧,不必多礼。” Wang Chong beckons with the hand, extracts the sole from the place bottom quickly, walked toward the people: 王冲只是摆了摆手,很快从地底抽出脚掌,朝着众人走了过来: „Did Dalun Qinling have the news?” 大论钦陵有消息了吗?” A northeast Serene Province war ended, Wang Chong's clone to start to rush to here. 东北幽州一战结束,王冲的分身就已经开始赶往这里。 Although all the way, does not know matter that in City of Steel has specifically, but Wang Chong swept situation in a city, knows that own strategy was effective. 一路上,虽然并不知道钢铁之城中具体发生的事情,但王冲只是扫了一眼城中的情形,就知道自己的策略奏效了。 No, since receives the Lord King letter/believes, Dalun Qinling led U-Tsang Empire military force(s) to evacuate, disappeared without a trace?” “没有,自从收到王爷的信,大论钦陵就带领着乌斯藏帝国兵马全部撤离了,不知去向?” Young Master Qing Yang respectful say/way. 青阳公子恭恭敬敬道。 Un.” “嗯。” Wang Chong nods, is not accidental/surprised. 王冲点了点头,一点也不意外。 „Does Lord King, then need to dispatch troops to attack U-Tsang?” 王爷,接下来需要出兵进攻乌斯藏吗?” the Balkh province to go forward a step opens the mouth, asked. 呼巴尔赫上前一步开口,问道。 Wang Chong arrives in City of Steel, happiest was shouts the Balkh province. 王冲抵达钢铁之城,最高兴的莫过于呼巴尔赫了。 A northwest war, with the U-Tsang showdown, loss biggest not in Western Turkic Khaganate, City of Steel military force(s) in main force almost Western Turkic. 西北一战,和乌斯藏对决,损失最大的莫于过西突厥汗国,钢铁之城中的主力几乎都西突厥兵马 Western Turkic fills in the life pile, kept off U-Tsang People attack time and time again. 西突厥用性命堆填,才挡下了乌斯藏人一次又一次的进攻。 However, now Wang Chong arrives, all also finished. 不过,现在王冲抵达,一切也随之结束。 The war of northwest true was steady. 西北之战真正的稳了。 As Serene Continent wins, whole wide world six directions has not submitted to Great Tang U-Tsang Empire that only also only then Dalun Qinling leads. 而且随着幽洲大胜,八荒六合唯一还没有臣服大唐的也就只有大论钦陵带领的乌斯藏帝国了。 Western Turkic stops up own national destiny on Great Tang, stops up in this unprecedented Empire big war, and finally, all showed, shouted the Balkh province initial choice to be correct. 西突厥将自己的国运堵在大唐身上,堵在这场史无前例的帝国大战争中,到了最后,一切都证明,呼巴尔赫当初的选择是正确的。 But as peripheral Empire , the Great Tang only ally, shouted the Balkh province to believe in the future the Great Tang rule world, Western Turkic will also profit. 而做为周边帝国中,大唐唯一的盟友,呼巴尔赫相信未来当大唐统治世界,西突厥也会从中受益。 As for vanishing loudly is discussing respect Zan, shouted the Balkh province to be worried actually not very much, in Wang Chong, them could not be inescapable. 至于消失在大论钦赞,呼巴尔赫倒不是很担心,在王冲在,他们跑不了。 Does not use, Dalun Qinling oneself come, moreover U-Tsang Empire has defeated.” “不用了,大论钦陵就自己来的,而且乌斯藏帝国早就已经败了。” Wang Chong indifferently said, clouds are thin, wind is soft of face. 王冲淡淡道,一脸的云淡风轻 „?” “啊?” Hears the Wang Chong's words, people stunned. 听到王冲的话,众人一片错愕。 Wang Chong appears in City of Steel, is not copes with Dalun Qinling? Why said that U-Tsang Empire has defeated? 王冲出现在钢铁之城,不是来对付大论钦陵的吗?为什么说乌斯藏帝国已经败了? Young Master Qing Yang, I told that matter that you handle did do well?” 青阳公子,我吩咐你做的那件事情弄好了吗?” Wang Chong does not have excessively to explain, but turned the head to look to frontline Young Master Qing Yang said. 王冲也没有过多解释,而是转头望向了最前方的青阳公子道。 Returns to Lord King, has prepared appropriately.” “回王爷,已经准备妥当。” Young Master Qing Yang bows a ritual, recovers to say quickly. 青阳公子躬身一礼,很快回过神来道。 Un, raises that war flag, following gives me to handle.” “嗯,把那面战旗升起来,后面的就交给我来处置。” Wang Chong spoke these words, the sleeves stroke, the quick starting to walk footsteps, walk toward the City of Steel main hall. 王冲说完这句话,衣袖一拂,很快迈开脚步,朝着钢铁之城的主厅走去。 Northeast also has the matter not to have processing to be complete, Wang Chong does not prepare flowered too long the time at this matter. 东北还有事情没有处理完全,王冲并不准备在这件事情上花太长的时间。 „!” “唰!” The strong winds howl, merely is only only the moment, in the City of Steel main hall, a giant flag raises slowly, flaps against the wind, flap flap makes the dance in the misty wind and snow, is extremely striking. 狂风呼啸,仅仅只是只是片刻,就在钢铁之城的主厅上,一张巨大的旗帜缓缓升起,迎风飘展,在漠漠的风雪中猎猎作舞,极其醒目。 But in the center of that flag, gigantic king character, was just vigorously strong, the blade truncates the pitching chisel, a domineering incomparable feeling, even if separated still to feel that looking disdainfully imposing manner. 而就在那张旗帜的中央,一个硕大的“王”字,苍劲刚遒,刀削斧凿,给人一种霸气无比的感觉,即便隔了很远也能感觉到那股睥睨的气势。 Perhaps whole wide world six directions, besides the Great Tang dragon flag, has no flag to be able again compared with this war flag that represents King of Foreign Territory, had the influence strength. 八荒六合,除了大唐龙旗之外,恐怕再没有任何旗帜能比这面代表异域王的战旗,更加有影响力了。 In City of Steel, quiet, the plum blossom tree that dragons tie was in full bloom in the cold wind, was full of the vitality, is sending out intermittent. 钢铁之城中,静悄悄,一棵棵虬结的梅花树在寒风中怒放,充满了朝气,散发着阵阵芬芒。 But in the plum blossom trees, the innumerable vision lifts is looking at the sky, is looking at that giant King of Foreign Territory war flag, in the heart the respective guess, flashes through the innumerable thoughts. 而就在梅花树间,无数的目光抬望着天空,望着那面巨大的异域王战旗,心中各自揣测,闪过无数的念头。 No one knows that Wang Chong this is making anything, but , Wang Chong does that to have its reason as we all know. 没有人知道王冲这是在做什么,不过,所有人都知道,王冲这么做必有其原因。 Sound!” “籁!” But shortly after that represents the Wang Chong's gigantic war flag to raise, place that under the snow of distant place, the people have not noticed, a pair of bright as snow vision stubbornly stares at sky over City of Steel to flutter the flag that immediately , lifts the ground, the form of that say/way ambush runs out from the snow like the apes and monkeys, then speeds along toward the northwest by astonishing Speed, without a trace that vanishes rapidly. 而那杆代表着王冲的硕大战旗升起后不久,远处的积雪下方,众人没有注意到的地方,一双雪亮的目光死死的盯着钢铁之城上空飘扬的大旗,随即噗的一声,掀开地面,那道潜伏的身影有如猿猴般从积雪下冲出,然后以惊人的速度朝着西北飞驰,迅速消失的无影无踪。 hōng lōng lōng, merely is only the moment, a shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth loud sound, transmits from northwest suddenly. 轰隆隆,仅仅只是片刻,一阵惊天动地的巨响,突然从西北方向传来。 Enemy raids!” “敌袭!” In the high city wall, a standing sentry Great Tang soldier, sees the change of distant place, sends out shake the heavens fiercely shouted severely. 高高的城墙上,一名放哨的大唐士兵,看到远处的变化,猛地发出一声惊天的厉叫。 Bang!” “轰隆!” But with this sound, in an instant, entire City of Steel also moves, the tense atmosphere is incomparable. 而随着这道声音,霎那间,整座钢铁之城都随之而动,气氛紧张无比。 The innumerable soldiers mount the top, the crossbow bolt open, complete the defensive preparation. 无数士兵纷纷登上墙头,弩箭张开,做好防御准备。 In the vision of people, warhorse long hiss, the northwest position, that meets a day of continually place in the billowing blood fog, Great Army just like tidal comes. 就在众人的目光中,战马长嘶,西北方位,那接天连地的滚滚血雾中,一支大军犹如潮水般汹涌而来。 Is U-Tsang People!” “是乌斯藏人!” Sees this, everyone was more anxious. 看到这一幕,所有人更加紧张了。 Has experienced time and time again the frigid city garrison war, now, everyone deeply understands the fierceness of these U-Tsang People. 经历过一次又一次惨烈的城防战,现在,所有人都深深了解了这些乌斯藏人的凶猛。 Lord King, U-Tsang People really appeared!” 王爷,乌斯藏人真的出现了!” In the high city wall, sees the scene in distant place, Young Master Qing Yang, shouts the Balkh province, Li Junxian, turned head to look in abundance to Wang Chong before body, had a not being able to say strange feeling. 高高的城墙上,看到远处的情景,青阳公子、呼巴尔赫,还有李君羡,纷纷扭头望向了身前的王冲,有种说不出的怪异感。 The war ended, U-Tsang People then thorough west abolishes loses, the people made very big effort to find them, has not succeeded. 大战结束,乌斯藏人便彻底西撤消失,众人花了很大的力气想要找到他们,都没有成功。 The Qixi camp is empty, no one. 碛西的营地空荡荡的,没有一个人。 Hugely big, U-Tsang People vanished from the northwest probably thoroughly was the same, the people even suspected whether they have removed conceals Plateau. 天大地大,乌斯藏人就好像彻底从西北消失了一样,众人甚至怀疑他们是否已经撤到了乌藏高原 However from the present situation, all guesses was wrong. 但是从眼前的情形来看,所有的猜测都错了。 Dalun Qinling is leading all military force(s), has not walked away, but on conceals in nearby region. 大论钦陵带领着所有的兵马,并没有走远,而是就藏在附近的区域。 From this point, the Dalun Qinling ability truly is far the ultra people. 从这一点来说,大论钦陵的能力确实远超众人。 However most made, all before Wang Chong that one was astonished said that after that a flag that represented the Wang Chong King of Foreign Territory status raised, U-Tsang People that these vanished as if received anything to attract to be the same immediately, swept across from each direction like the ghost generally. 不过最令人讶异的还是,所有的一切都像王冲之前说的那样,当那面代表王冲异域王身份的旗帜升起后,那些消失的乌斯藏人立即仿佛受到什么吸引一样,如同幽魂一般从各个方向席卷而来。
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