HE :: Volume #23

#2258: Various countries surrender!

Hugely big, these people are extremely ripe regarding the northeast topography, even if Wang Chong wants to arrest them at once, without is still so easy, but has not actually thought, these people by Monarch Wangfeng of various country's the dantian, were put on the shoulder blade unexpectedly, tied up with the steel wire the gift of treating as the surrender delivered. 天大地大,这几人对于东北的地势极熟,就算是王冲一时之间想要抓捕他们,也没有那么容易,但却没有想到,这几人竟然被诸国的君王封了丹田,穿了琵琶骨,又用钢索捆绑了当做投诚的礼物送了过来。 These three people deliver, the attitude of various country king was also obvious. 这三人一送过来,诸国君王的态度也就不言自明了。 Lets loose me! Bastards!” “放开我!混蛋!” Yeon Gaesomun, your despicable villain! This even if dies will not let off your!” 渊盖苏文,你这个卑鄙的小人!本将就算是死也不会放过你的!” Several people by ignorant/veiled the eye, everyone surrounding four strong armed soldiers were being sent under custody, comes toward here, struggles, while keeps drinking to scold. 几人被蒙着眼睛,每人周围四个强壮的甲士押送着,朝着这里而来,一边挣扎,一边不停地喝骂着。 Several General, long time no see!” “几位将军,好久不见了!” At this time, in the high city wall, Wang Chong occupied a commanding position, suddenly opened the mouth. 就在这个时候,高高的城墙上,王冲居高临下,突然开口了。 wēng! 嗡! In an instant, angry three person-like were selected acupoint to be the same, body one stiff, stopped struggling instantaneously. 刹那间,原本愤怒的三人像是被人点了穴道一样,身躯一僵,瞬间停止了挣扎。 „!” “唰!” After three people, several strong armed soldiers go forward immediately, will deceive the arrange/cloth turbans of three people of eyes to pull. 三人身后,几名强壮的甲士立即上前,将蒙住三人眼睛的布巾扯了下来。 Is you!” “是你!” Looks at opposite Wang Chong, three people of complexions one white, facial expression immediately ugly incomparable. 看着对面的王冲,三人脸色一白,神情顿时难看无比。 All are obvious, why Wusu Meese Khan, Yeon Gaesomun they will do that and why wakes up periphery the later feeling is quite warm, all answers at present. 一切已经不言自明,为什么乌苏米斯可汗,渊盖苏文他们会这么做,以及为什么醒来之后感觉周围比较暖和,所有的答案都在眼前。 Snort! One group of despicable villains, want to beg the bonus taking advantage of our lives to Great Tang.” “哼!一群卑鄙的小人,原来是想借我们三人的性命向大唐乞饶。” Tian Chengsi sneers, in the eye reveals one to completely understand all looks immediately. 田承嗣冷笑一声,眼中顿时露出一丝看透一切的神色。 If you want to induce somebody to capitulate us, is not necessary!” “如果你是想劝降我们,大可不必!” Life and death has the life, the riches and honor depend on the appointment of heaven, since falls to your hand, we are also speechless, must kill to hack, entirely according to your convenience!” “生死有命,富贵在天,既然落到你手里,我们也无话可说,要杀要剐,悉听尊便!” Tian Qianzhen turns one side, opens the mouth to say. 田乾真把头扭到一边,也开口道。 This checks, three people understood oneself destiny. 这一刹,三人都明白了自己的命运。 Dissolute!” “放肆!” In front of Lord King also dares to make impertinent remarks!” 王爷面前也敢出言不逊!” Wang Chong has not opened the mouth, several full are the respectable Great Tang armed soldier cannot bear angrily rebuke immediately to Wang Chong. 王冲还没开口,几名对王冲满是尊敬的大唐甲士立即忍不住怒斥起来。 Tian Chengsi three people of cold snort/hum, the body was stiff, the attitude has been completely exposed. 田承嗣三人冷哼了一声,身躯挺直,态度已经表露无遗。 winner is the king, loser is the villain, just like this, wanting them to give up in front of Wang Chong, that is impossible. 成王败寇,如此而已,想要他们在王冲面前俯首称臣,那是绝不可能的。 You considered thoroughly.” “你们多虑了。” Wang Chong stands in the high city wall, beckoned with the hand, prevented several armed soldiers: 王冲站在高高的城墙上,摆摆手,阻止了几名甲士: Several are various country kings delivers, I had not said that must kill you.” “几位是诸国君王送过来,我可从来没有说过要杀你们。” Cui Ganyou and Tian Chengsi, Tian Qianzhen strength, although is strong, but regarding Wang Chong, the strength is strong, Wang Chong is also very difficult to continue to use them. 崔乾佑田承嗣,田乾真实力虽强,但对于王冲来说,实力再强,王冲也很难继续利用他们。 Hears the Wang Chong's words, several people instantaneous silent flash. 听到王冲的话,几人瞬间沉默了一刹那。 No matter Tian Qianzhen or Cui Ganyou, had understood the Wang Chong's thoughts at this moment. 不管是田乾真还是崔乾佑,这一刻都已经明白了王冲的心思。 „Can King of Foreign Territory, before answer me at the point of death an issue?” 异域王,在临死之前可以回答我一个问题吗?” Cui Ganyou goes forward one step to open the mouth to say suddenly. 崔乾佑突然上前一步开口道。 Said.” “说吧。” Wang Chong said. 王冲道。 „Was our your majesty really killed by you?” “我们主公真的被你所杀吗?” Cui Ganyou opens the mouth to say suddenly, Wang Chong nods saying: 崔乾佑突然开口道,王冲点点头道: His head I have delivered to the national capital.” “他的头颅我已经送到京师去了。” Cui Ganyou heaved a deep sigh, finally closed the eye no longer to speak. 崔乾佑长叹一声,终于闭上眼睛不再说话。 Tian Chengsi and Tian Qianzhen, are also peaceful at this moment. 就连田承嗣田乾真,这一刻也安静下来。 Wang Chong looks at the present several people, in the eye fluctuated slightly. 王冲看着眼前的几人,眼中不由微微波动了一下。 No matter Tian Qianzhen or Cui Ganyou, it can put all sea is the outstanding fierce and ambitious, only pitifully, threw mistakenly An Lushan finally, not only cannot benefit Great Tang, instead started a catastrophe. 不管是田乾真还是崔乾佑,其才能放之四海都是出类拔萃的枭雄,只可惜,最后投错了安禄山,不但没有能够造福大唐,反而掀起了一场浩劫。 previous life entire Divine Province, almost destroys in their hands. 上辈子整个神州,几乎就是毁在的他们手中。 Goes.” “去吧。” Wang Chong opens the mouth to say suddenly, the sound is weak, his palm extends, shook gently, the next moment, thunders void, in the vision of people, link of the huge golden space and time drops from the clouds suddenly. 王冲突然开口道,声音微弱,他的手掌一伸,轻轻抖了一下,下一刻,虚空轰鸣,就在众人的目光中,一道巨大的金色时空之环突然从天而降。 The link of that say/way dark golden space and time is heavy like the mountain, with falling of link of dark golden space and time, a huge strength, is heavy like the mountain, falls fiercely, kā chā, only listens to a continuous resounding, three people snort/hum no snort/hum, then changes into the fragment powder in the link of Wang Chong's space and time continually. 那道暗金色的时空之环重如山岳,随着暗金色时空之环的落下,一股庞大的力量,重如山岳,猛地落下,咔嚓,只听一阵连绵脆响,三人连哼都没哼一声,便在王冲的时空之环中化为齑粉。 The secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator who three starts the Divine Province catastrophe, at this moment true meeting a cruel death, the flesh and blood is the mud. 三名一手掀起神州浩劫的幕后黑手,这一刻真正的粉身碎骨,骨肉为泥。 Nearby, Zhang Que called several armed soldiers, quick, the people began together, cleaned cleanly here, three people of staying behind wreckage were also cleaned completely. 一旁,张雀唤来了几名甲士,很快,众人一起动手,把这里打扫得干干净净,三人留下的残骸也全部被打扫一空。 Leaves from city wall, Wang Chong entered in the Andong Protectorate General in courtyard quickly. 从城墙处离开,王冲很快进入到了安东都护府的内庭之中。 In there, Wang Chong saw Usumish Khan, Yeon Gaesomun and other country kings. 在那里,王冲见到了乌苏米施可汗渊盖苏文等诸国君王。 Has seen King of Foreign Territory!” “见过异域王!” In the hall, Yeon Gaesomun and Khitan king and Queen Xi the ashamed look, bows to kneel down wear a look. 就在大厅之中,渊盖苏文契丹王、奚女王面带惭色,纷纷躬身跪下。 But what most is unexpected, besides Queen Xi, Usumish Khan, Yeon Gaesomun and the others, the complete body tied hands, tied up the finger-thick string, the back also inserted several planks, seeming like ordinary like the criminal. 而最令人意想不到的是,除奚女王之外,乌苏米施可汗渊盖苏文等人,全部身上五花大绑,绑了手指粗细的绳子,背后还插了几块木板,看起来如同犯人一般。 Sees this, even if in the Wang Chong heart has long known their plans, in heart still strange feelings. 看到这一幕,即便王冲心中早已知道他们的打算,心中也有一种怪怪的感觉。 Carry a rod and ask for punishment! 负荆请罪! Their this clearly studies a literary reference in Central Plains Divine Province history, wants, to obtain a slim chance of survival from own hand in this way. 他们这分明是学中土神州历史上的一个典故,想通过这种方式,从自己手中求得一线生机。 Several your majesty, why is this?” “几位陛下,这是何故?” Wang Chong swept several people of one, has not come up to help up them, arrived above the main hall on the contrary, from the An Lushan commonly used that table, carries one tea, drank one gently. 王冲扫了几人一眼,并没有上去扶起他们,反倒是走到了大殿上方,从安禄山常用的那张桌案上,端起一只茶盏,轻轻喝了一口。 Hears the Wang Chong's words, on several faces blushes. 听到王冲的话,几人脸上都是羞红。 How Wang Chong can not understand their meanings, before trading, they have flown into a rage surely, the so-called gentleman may not kill the shame, but now, the people can only lower the head. 王冲岂会不明白他们的意思,换了以前,他们必定早已勃然大怒,所谓士可杀不可辱,但是如今,众人只能低头。 The cold wave arrives, the entire outdoors, the cold weather, besides Serene Province, simply does not have the place of taking shelter. 寒潮降临,整个户外,天寒地冻,除了幽州之外,根本没有容身之地。 Several people did not consider for oneself even, must to the innumerable various Country People consider behind. 几人就算不为自己考虑,也必须为身后无数的诸国子民考虑。 Lord King, this matter our mistake in first, must kill to hack, entirely according to your convenience, but hopes that Lord King can not go into one's past, gives a fainting people way out.” 王爷,这件事情我们错误在先,要杀要剐,悉听尊便,只是希望王爷能够既往不咎,放厥子民一条生路。” The Usumish Khan whole face is ashamed, first breaks the silent opens the mouth to say. 乌苏米施可汗满脸惭愧,首先打破沉默开口道。 winner is the king, loser is the villain, this time we and An Lushan jointly intrude on Great Tang, truly is the crime may not, but hopes Lord King can forgive our Goguryeo people, Goguryeo is willing to serve Great Tang forever, is primarily Great Tang.” 成王败寇,这次我们和安禄山联合进犯大唐,确实是罪不可恕,但还是希望王爷能够饶我们高句丽的子民们,高句丽愿意永远侍奉大唐,以大唐为主。” Yeon Gaesomun also lowers the head, respectful sound said. 渊盖苏文也低着头,恭声道。 We are willing to turn to Great Tang, asking Lord King to give shelter!” “我们愿意投靠大唐,请王爷收留!” In comparison, the Khitan king was more direct must much, said, unexpectedly lowered the head not to say a word. 相比之下,契丹王就直接得多了,说罢,居然低头一言不发。 This war is defeated, various countries fell into the unprecedented hopeless situation, short several days, various countries have lost lots of troops, completely severely cold, froze to death livingly, if were not compelled the hopeless situation, others will not want the eat dirt, surrenders to Great Tang on own initiative. 这场大战失败,诸国都陷入了前所未有的绝境,短短数天,诸国已经损失大量人马,全部都是受不住严寒,被活生生冻死了,如果不是被逼到了绝境,别人也不会愿意忍受屈辱,主动向大唐投诚。 Snort, if every(one) and An Lushan succeed, will not let off Great Tang!” “哼,如果诸位安禄山成功,可不会放过大唐吧!” Wang Chong sneered, a few words says the people complexion pallidly immediately incomparable. 王冲冷笑一声,一句话说得众人脸色顿时煞白无比。 King, Lord King, our not this intent.” “王,王爷,我们并无此意。” The Khitan king stutter opens the mouth saying that speaking of behind, oneself could not be justified. 契丹王结结巴巴开口道,说到后面,自己也说不下去了。 Great Tang was too powerful, but the existing space is limited, no matter helps rule, is for respective Empire, if various countries win, perhaps extremely will not be benevolent to Great Tang. 大唐太强大了,而生存空间却非常有限,不管是便于统治,还是为了各自的帝国,如果诸国胜利,恐怕对大唐都不会太过仁慈。 This is the struggle of life and death. 这是生死之争。 No matter Great Tang various countries are well aware, here the argue obstinately is nothing significance. 不管是大唐还是诸国都心知肚明,在这里强辩是没有任何意义的。 In a people heart does not arrive safely the extreme, Wang Chong does not let off their words, he does not need to attack on own initiative, only needs to wait for in Serene Province silently, and finally, various country all common people and military force(s) will freeze to death in the snow and ice completely, no one can survive. 人人心中都不安到了极点,王冲不放过他们的话,他都不需要主动进攻,只需要在幽州默默等待,到了最后,诸国所有的百姓和兵马全部都会在冰雪之中冻死,根本无人可以生存下来。 King of Foreign Territory, so long as can let off the common people who we faint, no matter you must make anything, even wants my life, does not have the complaint below certainly.” 异域王,只要能够放过我们厥的百姓,不管你要做什么,即便是要我的性命,在下也绝无怨言。” At this time, Usumish Khan opened the mouth suddenly. 就在这个时候,乌苏米施可汗突然开口了。 After all is famous Authority, military force(s) that although during the Usumish Khan life the biggest desire can lead to faint, monopolizes, becomes on the entire land most powerful Empire. 毕竟是闻名天下的巨擘,虽然乌苏米施可汗一生之中最大的愿望就是能够带领厥的兵马,一统天下,成为整个陆地上最强大的帝国 However to finally, as fainting highest Emperor, the Usumish Khan conscience had not vanished eventually. 不过到了最后,作为厥的最高皇帝,乌苏米施可汗终究良心未泯。 In the face of the safety of humane selfish and entire fainting common people, Usumish Khan shouldered itself eventually as the Empire Emperor responsibility. 在人性的自私和整个厥百姓的安危面前,乌苏米施可汗终究还是肩负起了自己身为帝国皇帝的职责。 Uniting An Lushan attacks Great Tang is my decision , there is nothing to do with Korea's people, if King of Foreign Territory wants to give vent to indignation, gives vent to indignation with my head/number of people!” “联合安禄山进攻大唐是我的决定,与高丽的子民无关,异域王如果想要泄愤,就拿我的人头泄愤吧!” At this time, Goguryeo Emperor Yeon Gaesomun also opened the mouth. 就在这个时候,高句丽皇帝渊盖苏文也开口了。 No matter individual Martial Strength or Empire Great Army, had completely lost the qualification that and Great Tang contended with, wanted to live, must give up the self-respect, must give up. 不管是个人的武力还是帝国大军,都已经完全失去了和大唐抗衡的本钱,想要活下来,就要放弃自尊,必须有所割舍。 I had said doesn't agree?” “我说过不同意了吗?” The Wang Chong's sound resounds in the people ear suddenly. 王冲的声音突然在众人耳边响起。 „!” “啊!” Hears the Wang Chong's words, several people of whole bodies shake, are pleasantly surprised, fierce raising the head. 听到王冲的话,几人浑身一震,又惊又喜,猛的抬起头来。 But opposite, Wang Chong is shouldering both hands, is actually calm. 而对面,王冲背负着双手,倒是一脸平静。 Various country and An Lushan union, is in cahoots, attacks Great Tang together, is truly unpardonably wicked, but they and Cui Ganyou, Tian Chengsi are also different. 诸国和安禄山结合,狼狈为奸,一同进攻大唐,确实十恶不赦,不过他们和崔乾佑田承嗣又不同。 Tian Chengsi and others are the Han people, actually helps a tyrant do evil, starts the dreadful catastrophe single-handedly, without oneself prevents, Central Plains Divine Province does not know that has many people to because of them die. 田承嗣等人身为汉人,却助纣为虐,一手掀起滔天浩劫,如果没有自己阻止,中土神州不知道有多少人要因为他们而死。 However Yeon Gaesomun, Usumish Khan and the others are different. 但是渊盖苏文乌苏米施可汗等人却不同。 Both armies battle, various is his lord, various countries and Great Tang are not always the friends, unites An Lushan to attack Great Tang, originally is the matter that they can handle. 两军交战,各为其主,诸国和大唐从来都不是朋友,联合安禄山进攻大唐,本来就是他们会做的事情。 Naturally, what is main regarding Wang Chong, is the future forthcoming end catastrophe. 当然,对于王冲来说最主要的是,还是未来即将到来的末日浩劫。 Although An Lushan also caused the huge impact and damage to Divine Province, but they are not the entire land the world's largest enemies. 安禄山虽然也对神州造成了巨大的冲击和伤害,但他们并不是整个陆地世界最大的敌人。 Regarding Wang Chong, the entire land world, the true final enemy, is these will soon arrive, tens of thousands, boundless endless foreign land intruder. 对于王冲来说,整个陆地世界,真正的最终敌人,是那些即将到来,成千上万,茫茫无尽的异域入侵者。 Although An Lushan the body dies, but his soul actually successfully carried off by the day. 安禄山虽然身死,但他的灵魂却被天成功带走。 Moreover, so long as Heavenly God organizes for day also, then dangerous one day of foreign land intruder had not ended. 而且,只要天神组织一天还在,那么异域入侵者的危险就一天没有结束。 These are Wang Chong have to guard. 这些都是王冲不得不防的。 The future war, is not a war of person, is not a war of country's, is very difficult to resist the boundless endless foreign land intruder to attack depending on Great Tang. 未来的战争,不是一个人的战争,也不是一国的战争,仅凭大唐很难抵御住茫茫无尽的异域入侵者攻击。 Only then unites the strengths of various country's, may keep off this wave of catastrophe, this is Wang Chong is also willing to forgive their reasons. 只有联合诸国的力量,才有可能挡下这一波浩劫,这也是王冲愿意饶过他们的原因。 The strengths of various country's are useful temporarily. 诸国的力量暂时还是有可利用之处。
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