HE :: Volume #22

#2109: Space and time bronze mirror!

Wang Chong's frozen world powerful incomparable, the talent remarkable ability might has involved world Principle, went beyond the mediocre Astral Qi category. 王冲的“冰封世界”强大无比,天赋神通的威力已经涉及到天地规则,超越了凡俗的罡气范畴。 On the same day in the bank of Caspian Sea, Wang Chong can live in Tai Gan frozen, today same can live in Taishi frozen. 当日在里海之畔,王冲可以冻住太乾,今日一样可以冻住太始。 Wang Chong deeply knows, is different from Tai Gan, Taishi is in peak condition, has not been injured, oneself frozen world the ability only feared that must sell at a discount greatly, at least shortens more than 50% time. 只是王冲深深知道,和太乾不同,太始正处于巅峰状态,并没有受伤,自己“冰封世界”的能力只怕要大打折扣,至少缩短一半以上的时间。 Good opportunity!” “好机会!” The Wang Chong intention moves, must use within the body Sage Emperor to leave powerful offensive of own that say/way close to Divine Mar­tial Realm . 王冲心念一动,就要动用体内圣皇留给自己的那道接近神武境的强大攻击。 Must cope with Taishi, this perhaps is the only opportunity. 要对付太始,这恐怕是唯一的机会。 kā chā!” 咔嚓!” However at this time, in Wang Chong frozen world most central, a slight resounding biography hears suddenly, at the same time, ice-cold, as if the sound that spreads from the hell deep place resounds in the Wang Chong ear suddenly: 然而就在这个时候,就在王冲“冰封世界”的最中央,一声轻微的脆响忽然传入耳中,同一时间,一个冰冷的,仿佛是从地狱深处传出的声音陡然在王冲耳边响起: Boy, you do not think that this can cope with me!” “小子,你不会以为这样就能对付得了我吧!” Dares to plan me with this inferior method unexpectedly, you are really the heinous crime!” “竟然敢用这种低劣的手段算计我,你真是罪该万死!” That sound clenches jaws, in the sound is passing extreme hatred. 那声音咬牙切齿,声音中透着一股极度的憎恶。 Hears this sound, in the Wang Chong heart shakes, looks up steep, sees only „the frozen world the center, before the body of Taishi, to three chi (0.33 m) place, an ancient bronze mirror, the surface proliferated the mysterious pattern, float in airborne. 听到这个声音,王冲心中一震,陡地抬头望去,只见“冰封世界”的中央,就在太始的身前,相距三尺的地方,一枚古老的铜镜,表面遍布神秘的花纹,悬浮在空中。 But in the bronze mirror, Wang Chong felt an intense Principle fluctuation and fluctuation of energy. 而在铜镜中,王冲感觉到了一股强烈的规则波动和能量波动。 The most important thing is, that does not know that the plain bronze mirror of any origin erupts a powerful defense light cover suddenly, as if the diamond is common, the Taishi cover was one of them, simultaneously Wang Chong frozen world the might resisted completely. 最重要的是,那面不知道什么来历的古朴铜镜突然爆发出一股强大的防御光罩,仿佛金刚一般,将太始罩在其中,同时将王冲“冰封世界”的威力完全抵挡下来。 The surface of defense light cover „the frozen world had been frozen a thick cold ice by Wang Chong's, but Taishi placed, had not been limited actually slightly. 防御光罩的表面早已被王冲的“冰封世界”冻结出一层厚厚的寒冰,但太始身处其中,却并没有受到丝毫的限制。 „!” “唰!” Saw this, a Wang Chong heart sinks instantaneously under water. 看到这一幕,王冲一颗心瞬间沉到了水底。 This change is he has not thought. 这种变化是他万万没有想到的。 „The frozen world cannot decide the opposite party, lethal card that once Wang Chong within the body Sage Emperor leaves behind was evaded by Taishi, then Wang Chong did not have any card in a hand again. “冰封世界”定不住对方,一旦王冲体内圣皇留下的杀手锏被太始避过,接下来王冲就再也没有了任何底牌。 Since you want to court death, I help you!” “既然你想找死,那我就成全你!” That checks, Taishi occupied a commanding position, even the white mask on face as if twisted because of the excessive anger. 那一刹,太始居高临下,连脸上的白色面具都似乎因为过度的愤怒而扭曲起来。 Bang!” “轰!” The bronze mirror red light before Taishi body flashed, was then more tyrannical than before, the water of overbearing Astral Qi as if flowing swiftly floodgate jumped to shoot generally, fast rumbled toward the Wang Chong top of the head by as powerful as a thunderbolt. 太始身前的铜镜红光一闪,接着便有一股比之前更加强横,霸道的罡气仿佛泻闸之水一般从中迸射而出,以雷霆万钧之速朝着王冲头顶轰了下来。 „It is not good!” “不好!” In the Wang Chong heart a cold, instantaneous transformation position, first Divine Embryo before, the body is covering armor of that matter hard azure black Heavenly God, but the Wang Chong intention moves, simultaneously summoned that Heavenly God War Armor, the set in first Divine Embryo outside, then four Wang Chong simultaneously summoned 33 days in within the body, fused together, pours into the first Divine Embryo within the body. 王冲心中一凛,瞬间变换位置,第一神胎在前,身上覆盖着那层坚硬的青黑色天神之甲,而王冲心念一动,同时召唤出了那具天神战甲,套在了第一神胎的外面,接着四个“王冲”同时召唤出了体内的三十三天,融为一体,灌注到了第一神胎体内。 First Divine Embryo at all is not the flesh and blood, the special body structure, two god armor, four can transform in addition again in addition absorbs 33 days of exterior attack, all these things, constituted in the Wang Chong hand together, at present most powerful defensive measure. 第一神胎根本不是血肉之躯,特殊的身体构造,加上两层神甲,再加上四座可以转化吸收外部攻击的三十三天,所有这些东西,共同构成了王冲手中,目前最强大的防御手段。 sole view defends Level, these at least were the Heavenly Paradise Realm Initial Rank level. 单论防御级别,这些至少达到了洞天境初阶的层次。 But after completing these, the attack of Taishi terrifying also followed to arrive. 而就在做完这些之后,太始恐怖的攻击也跟着降临了。 „!” “啊!” Called out pitifully along with several one after another, in shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth explosive sound, the Wang Chong's main bodies and three big Far Ancient Divine Embryo, are fallen the ground by the strength earthquake that in that bronze mirror burst out simultaneously ruthlessly, pounded potholes in the Taiji Hall hard white jade stony soil surface, the spider web fissure extended in the ground rapidly. 伴随着接连数声惨叫,一阵惊天动地的爆炸声中,王冲的本体和三大上古神胎,同时被那铜镜中迸发的力量狠狠地震落到地上,在太极殿坚硬的白玉石地面上砸出一个个坑洞,蛛网般的裂痕在地面急速延伸。 But receives influence Wang Chong, not far away, Li Xuantu also received affect incessantly, but the Wang Chong unexpected attack, plays the role eventually. 而受到影响的远不止王冲,不远处,李玄图同样受到了波及,只不过王冲出其不意的攻击,终究还是起到了作用。 Bang!” “轰!” in a flash, the link of jet black space and time emerges out of thin air together in Li Xuantu behind, does not allow to send 电光石火间,一道漆黑的时空之环凭空出现在李玄图身后,在间不容发之际,挡下了天府神君的“南斗神枪”! South Star god spear/gun the strength of lance point implication is extremely terrifying, the lance point , the space as if solid ground is common, was shaken the innumerable cracks, but cannot break through Li Xuantu the link of space and time eventually. 南斗神枪”的枪尖蕴含的力量极其恐怖,枪尖所至,空间仿佛坚实的地面一般,被震开了无数的裂缝,但是终究还是突破不了李玄图的时空之环。 Courts death!” “找死!” Sees only Li Xuantu palm to push, a huge strength flies in an instant Heavenly Mansion Divine Monarch entire shaking, flings layer on layer/heavily on the Taiji Hall wall. 只见李玄图手掌一推,一股庞大的力量转眼就将天府神君整个的震飞出去,重重地甩在太极殿的墙壁上。 But at the same time, in the sky, the attack of Taishi followed on somebody's heels. 而与此同时,天空中,太始的攻击接踵而至。 , the strong winds howled, Li Xuantu survive the moment, in terrifying the strength by the bronze mirror was only shaken similarly falls, pounded ruthlessly in the ground, but was different from Wang Chong, Li Xuantu situation was much better, being less distressed. 呼,狂风呼啸,李玄图只坚持了片刻,同样被铜镜中恐怖的力量震落,狠狠地砸在地面上,只不过和王冲不同,李玄图的处境要好得多,远没有那么狼狈。 Compelled my space and time bronze mirror unexpectedly......” “竟然逼出了我的时空铜镜……” In the sky, the Taishi angry sound conveyed from the above. 天空中,太始愤怒的声音从上方传来。 Space and time bronze mirror is the day grants to his treasure, can Strenghten Taishi the strength of space and time, can strengthen his strength sharply, because of all sorts of reasons, can only use three times. “时空铜镜”是天赏赐给他的宝物,能够强化太始的时空之力,也能够大幅增强他的力量,但是因为种种原因,只能使用三次。 The day has said that space and time bronze mirror unless it is absolutely essential, cannot easily display absolutely. 天早已说过,“时空铜镜”不到万不得已,绝对不能轻易施展。 Three opportunities, are equivalent to lives the three times, once displays, the bronze mirror will completely crush. 三次机会,相当于三次性命,一旦施展完毕,铜镜就会彻底粉碎。 Taishi previous time displayed, was at the international grand feast, because was worried that Li Taiyi had any method, or chased down directly, unavoidablily displayed the ability of bronze mirror. 太始上次施展,还是在万国盛宴,因为担心李太乙有什么手段,或者直接追杀出来,不得已施展了铜镜的能力。 However this time, the Wang Chong's frozen world, compelled the passive defensive ability of bronze mirror unexpectedly forcefully. 但是这一次,王冲的冰封世界,竟然硬生生逼出了铜镜的被动防御能力。 But this is the second time that space and time bronze mirror displayed. 而这已经是“时空铜镜”第二次施展了。 So, I killed you unexpectedly simply! When the time comes, captures your souls, reads your memories, can find the whereabouts of key as before!” “竟然如此,我就索性杀了你们!到时候,抓取你们的灵魂,读取你们的记忆,依旧可以找到钥匙的下落!” The sound of Taishi rumble like the thunder, reverberated in the entire world. 太始的声音隆隆如雷,在整个天地间回响。 Bang!” “砰!” Taishi pointed at a ball, space and time bronze mirror central, a black golden copper bead air-splitting, the copper bead against the wind was suddenly long, changed into the fist size rapidly, and ancient and tiny law thundered, the copper bead departed, fell on Li Xuantu top of the head rapidly, but flickered, decided him on the spot. 太始手指一弹,“时空铜镜”中央,一枚乌金色的金属铜珠突然破空而出,铜珠迎风而长,迅速化为拳头大小,并且其中一座座古老、细小的法阵轰鸣,铜珠飞出,迅速落在了李玄图头顶,只是一瞬,就将他定在原地。 Principle divine creative force!” 规则造物!” Looks at sky over the top of the head as if a round small solar space and time bronze mirror, Li Xuantu were steep the earth-shaking transformation the complexion. 看着头顶上空仿佛一轮小太阳般的“时空铜镜”,就连李玄图都陡地变了脸色。 In the world, some very special treasures, contains very powerful Power of Principle, calls it „the Principle divine creative force. 天地之间,有一些非常特殊的宝物,其中蕴含着非常强大的规则之力,称之为“规则造物”。 This type „the Principle divine creative force each has the extremely powerful role, and very unique ability. 这种“规则造物”每一个都拥有极其强大的作用,以及非常独特的能力。 Regarding Fine and Detailed Realm above Powerhouse, this Principle divine creative force, is the best quality goods treasure of only happening by happy circumstance. 对于入微境以上的强者来说,这种规则造物,是可遇而不可求的极品宝物。 But that copper bead that Taishi sprang and general Principle divine creative force compared with, but must powerful, because this was one contains the strength of space and time, most Top Level space and time divine creative force. 而太始弹出的那枚金属铜珠和一般的“规则造物”相比,还要更加的强大,因为这是一枚蕴含着时空之力的,最顶级的“时空造物”。 Taishi offered a sacrifice to the copper ball instantly, Li Xuantu only felt the space and time that all around encircled suddenly became hard like the iron, is unable the action like before to be free, Li Xuantu is not even able to open a space and time channel again freely. 太始祭出金属铜球的刹那,李玄图只觉得四周围的时空突然变得坚硬如铁,根本无法像之前那样行动自如,李玄图甚至无法再自如地打开一条时空通道。 The strength of special space incessantly so, that copper ball contains, meanwhile is disturbing the celestial dwelling core of his within the body, and Heavenly Paradise Realm Astral Qi of his within the body. 不止如此,那枚金属铜球所蕴含的特殊的空间之力,同时还在干扰他体内的洞天核心,以及他体内的洞天境罡气 But the strength of invisible fetter the copper ball bursts out, and an ancient law strength, decided him directly in a very small region, could not move. 而金属铜球迸发出来的无形的束缚之力,以及古老法阵的力量,直接就将他定在了很小的一块区域之内,动弹不得。 In a flash, Li Xuan center of figure bottom sinks, immediately felt an intense danger. 一瞬间,李玄图心底一沉,立即感觉到了一股强烈的危险。 Independent combat, even facing Taishi, Li Xuantu did not show weakness, was more impossible to admit defeat. 单打独斗,即便是面对太始,李玄图也毫不示弱,更不可能认输。 However by having magic weapon and so on thing, even if Li Xuantu were once expensive is Crown Prince Empire, has almost the world, is unable to place on a par with the Black-Clothed Man organization. 但是论起法宝之类的东西,哪怕李玄图曾经贵为帝国太子,几近坐拥天下,也无法和黑衣人组织相提并论。 At this moment 就在这时 hōng lōng lōng!” 轰隆隆!” In the world the wind and thunder writings, Taishi were aerosol, in hand space and time bronze mirror threw, in an instant, originally only then the bronze mirror of palm of the hand size rapidly expanded, suddenly inflated hundred times, changed into at the same time the mountain peak giant bronze mirror, locked Wang Chong and Li Xuantu under. 天地间风雷大作,太始悬浮虚空,手中的“时空铜镜”只是一抛,刹那间,原本只有巴掌大小的铜镜迅速扩张,眨眼间膨胀百倍,化为一面山峰般巨大的铜镜,将王冲和李玄图锁定在下方。 kā chā chā, the lightning, flame, the cold ice and storm, appear on the bronze mirror simultaneously, and with bronze mirror sudden revolving, falls to under. 咔嚓嚓,闪电、火焰、寒冰、风暴,同时出现在铜镜上,并且随着铜镜急剧的旋转,落向下方。 That flash, in the surrounding area number hundred zhang (333 m), the entire space and time was blocked directly, invisible giant chains comprised of space and time Principle, is ordinary like Flood Dragon, comes and goes out in the space and time deep place shuttle, surrounds here, changes into place of shackles. 那一刹那,方圆数百丈内,整个时空直接被封锁,一条条无形的由时空规则组成的巨大锁链,如同蛟龙一般,在时空深处穿梭出入,将这里包围起来,化为一片牢笼之地。 Except for Taishi, no one can display the strength of space and time radically here! 除了太始,根本没有人可以在这里施展时空之力! Incessantly so, the strength of bronze mirror locked Wang Chong and Li Xuantu directly, like thousand heavy mountain strengths, with falling of bronze mirror, assumes the geometrical multiple to increase unceasingly, extrudes to go toward two people. 不止如此,铜镜的力量直接锁定了王冲和李玄图,如同千重山岳般的力量,随着铜镜的落下,呈几何倍数不断增加,向着两人挤压而去。 !” “呼!” The strong winds howl, that huge strength is simply suffocating. 狂风呼啸,那庞大的力量简直令人窒息。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” Wang Chong stands on the ground, under the pressure of that terrifying, both feet straight insertion in hard white jade floor, but his body surface, blood vessel Ben open/stretch, is ordinary like the earthworm, the distortion wriggles. 王冲站立在地上,在那恐怖的压力作用下,双脚直接插入到了坚硬的白玉地板中,而他的身体表面,血管贲张,有如蚯蚓一般,扭曲蠕动。 However the time of a blink, the Wang Chong's arm, thigh, the nape of the neck and back, the skin bursts immediately, the blood jumps to shoot. 然而连一眨眼的时间都不到,王冲的手臂、大腿、脖颈、后背,立即皮肤破裂,鲜血迸射而出。 At the Wang Chong present body intensity, cannot resist space and time bronze mirror unexpectedly that fearful pressure. 王冲如今的身体强度,竟然也抵挡不住“时空铜镜”那可怕的压力。 Thunderclap!” “霹雳!” Space and time bronze mirror the edge of effective scope, the silver snake one after another chops to fall unceasingly, huge Taiji Hall starts to shiver together with the foundation violently, as if could not bear this terrifying pressure, the superficial white jade flagstone explodes the innumerable cracks in an intermittent kā chā resounding sound, the white jade stone chip like the raindrop sputtering. “时空铜镜”作用范围的边缘,一道又一道的银蛇不断劈落下来,庞大的太极殿连同底座都开始猛烈地颤抖,似乎也承受不住这股恐怖的压力,表面的白玉石板在一阵阵咔嚓脆响声中爆开了无数的裂缝,白玉石屑有如雨点般溅射开来。 This flash, Wang Chong complexion great change. 这一刹那,王冲脸色巨变。 Knows that Taishi this Level Powerhouse somewhat meeting had some lethal card, but Wang Chong has not thought that the bronze mirror that he offered a sacrifice to was so unexpectedly powerful. 知道太始这种级别强者多少会有一些杀手锏,但王冲怎么也没有想到,他祭出来的铜镜竟然如此强大。 At this moment, Wang Chong clone including three big Far Ancient Divine Embryo, decided the body technique to be ordinary like completely, moves cannot. 这一刻,王冲包括三大上古神胎分身在内,全部都如同中了定身术一般,动弹不能。 Wang Chong attempts to agitate within the body complete Astral Qi to resist the pressure that this copious cannot work as, however Astral Qi in within the body was also suppressed completely stubbornly, the solidification is ordinary like the iron juice. 王冲尝试鼓动体内全部的罡气抵抗这股沛不能当的压力,然而体内的罡气也全部被镇压地死死的,凝固地如同铁汁一般。 Bang!” “轰!” Also is one thunders, in the sky the giant bronze mirror inflated again, and goes toward fall down unceasingly , is also standing besides the Wang Chong's main body, strength lowest second Divine Embryo and third Divine Embryo were pressed by a greatest strength directly kneel down on the ground, even the land trembled violently two. 又是一阵轰鸣,天空中巨大的铜镜再次膨胀了一圈,并且不断地往下坠去,啪的一声,除了王冲的本体还站着,实力最低的第二神胎和第三神胎直接被一股莫大的力量压得跪倒在地上,连大地都猛烈地震颤了两下。
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