HE :: Volume #22

#2108: South Star god spear/gun!

Before Taiji Hall, the strong winds flap flap, in the midair, the form flies to fall together under. 太极殿前,狂风猎猎,半空之中,一道身影飞坠而下。 Li Xuantu situation is quite bad, although cultivation base startles is, but facing having several thousand years of life span, had time by far own Taishi, Li Xuantu was also hard to be a worthy opponent at once . Moreover, battle of fierce space and time Principle, caused Li Xuantu „the celestial dwelling core received enormous influence. 李玄图的处境已经极为糟糕,尽管修为骇为,但是面对拥有数千年寿命,存在时间远胜自己的太始,就连李玄图一时之间也难以匹敌,不只如此,剧烈的时空规则的交战,也使得李玄图的“洞天核心”受到了极大的影响 South Star god spear/gun!” 南斗神枪!” In Li Xuantu behind, only listens to one to call out, powerful aura locked him instantaneously, at the same time, the space and time shakes, dark long spear, the superficial star glow twinkle, on the stock appears law that faintly South Star six stars constructed, by fast of as powerful as a thunderbolt, goes toward Li Xuantu suddenly/violently to launch. 就在李玄图身后,只听一声暴喝,一股强大的气息瞬间锁定了他,同一时间,时空震荡,一柄暗色的长枪,表面星芒闪烁,枪柄上隐隐浮现了一座南斗六星构筑的法阵,以雷霆万钧之速,向着李玄图暴射而去。 The strength on dark long spear is huge, swift and fierce incomparable, in the spear's/gun's body contains the pure destructive strength! 暗色长枪上的力量庞大无比,也凌厉无比,枪身之中更是蕴含着纯粹的毁灭性力量! But long spear shoots instantly, the invisible strengths cover around Li Xuantu, anchorage firmly he. 长枪掷出的刹那,更是有一股无形的力量笼罩李玄图四周,牢牢的定住了他。 Destroys to me!” “给我毁灭吧!” Heavenly Mansion Divine Monarch vision bone-chilling cold, is swifter and fiercer than it blade edge. 天府神君目光凛冽,比之刀锋还凌厉。 South Star god spear/gun this is the South Star six Divine Monarch divine tools altogether, when facing extremely fierce opponent, divine tool that will invite! 南斗神枪”这是南斗神君共的神器,也是面对极其厉害的对手时,才会请动的神器! This divine tool consumption is enormous, moreover related to Power of Principle, displayed every time one time, needs too character generation of super Powerhouse, practices with the celestial dwelling core sacrifice turns, moreover needs to consume suitable Astral Qi and blood essence, therefore ordinary time, is remains always teaches. 这件神器消耗极大,而且涉及到了规则之力,每施展一次,都需要一位太字辈的超级强者,用洞天核心祭练一翻,而且还需要消耗相当的罡气精血,所以平常的时候,都是留在“总教”之中。 Heavenly Mansion Divine Monarch does not dare easily to use! 就连天府神君都不敢轻易使用! Because consumes really astonishingly! 因为消耗实在惊人! Solely carries, consumption Fine and Detailed Realm Astral Qi that must keep! 单单携带,就要不停的消耗入微境罡气 However, in defeats after the Wang Chong hand continuously, Heavenly Mansion Divine Monarch has had to please move this to gather the strength of six Divine Monarch, the casting becomes South Star god spear/gun! 不过,在连续败在王冲手中之后,天府神君已经不得不请动这柄集合了六神君之力,铸造而成的“南斗神枪”了! Built up after Taishi's preliminary sacrifice, this South Star god spear/gun already Recovery initial huge might! 经过太始的初步祭炼,这柄南斗神枪早已恢复了最初的庞大威力! In order to send out this spear/gun, Heavenly Mansion Divine Monarch waiting for a long time. 为了发出这一枪,天府神君等待许久。 These explodes suddenly, sudden launches an attack, Li Xuantu is unable to resist! 这一下突然暴发,猝起发难,李玄图根本无法抵挡! First killed you, when the time comes, the boy is also same the dead end!” “先杀了你,到时候,那小子也一样死路一条!” In the Heavenly Mansion Divine Monarch heart said ruthlessly. 天府神君心中狠狠道。 South Star god spear/gun originally is he invites copes with Wang Chong's, but had not mattered at this time, Li Xuantu dies, Wang Chong this Great Tang Empire world-famous Soldier Saint, front Taishi, is only the ants. 南斗神枪”本来是他请来对付王冲的,不过这个时候已经无所谓了,李玄图一死,王冲这位大唐帝国名满天下的“兵圣”,在太始面前,也只是蝼蚁而已。 long spear sends out, electric light thunder fire! 长枪发出,电光雷火! Felt that behind attack, and front Taishi the attack that depressed like the Mt. Wanzhong mountain range, at this moment, Li Xuantu also changed the complexion slightly. 感觉到身后的攻击,以及前方太始如同万重山峦压下的攻击,这一刻,就连李玄图也微微变了脸色。 Is a talent! What a pity, must do right with this place!” “是个人才!可惜,非要和本座做对!” Taishi ice-cold sound, vague, a keeping aloof stance, transmitted from the ear. 太始冰冷的声音,若有若无,一副高高在上的姿态,从耳边传来。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Magnanimous Astral Qi, boundless boundless, like the flame, from the sky is turbulent, but below at the same time, Aura shakes, huge platinum Aura, the surface has some complicated inscription faintly, emerges out of thin air side Li Xuantu, wraps in which him. 海量的罡气,磅礴无边,如同火焰般,从天空汹涌而下的同时,光环震荡,一道巨大的白金光环,表面隐隐有一些繁复的铭文,凭空出现在李玄图身旁,将他包裹其中。 This is not the link of pure space and time! 这并不是单纯的时空之环! But is „the link of imprisonment! 而是“禁锢之环”! This is specifically is used to cope with same rank Heavenly Paradise Realm Powerhouse style secret skill that Taishi originally created. 这是太始独创的专门用来对付同等级洞天境强者的招式绝学 At the beginning of Taishi created, was not used to cope with Li Xuantu, but at this time, being used to cope with Li Xuantu is actually just right. 太始创造之初,并不是用来对付李玄图的,不过这个时候,用来对付李玄图却是恰到好处。 Day the important matter is impossible to change! “天”的大计是不可能改变的! Anya Luoshan is designation the lord of world, will be future highest human Emperor, Taishi promised Li Xuantu to support his high-rank, became new Great Tang Emperor, originally was deceives his, now kills him, happen to eliminated this disaster. 安轧荦山才是选定的世界之主,也是未来最高的人类皇帝,太始答应李玄图支持他上位,成为新的大唐皇帝,本来就是骗他的而已,现在干掉他,正好除此祸患。 „A mortal, presumptuously thinks with the god is an enemy, really overreaches oneself, courts destruction!” “一个凡人,也妄想与神为敌,真是不自量力,自取灭亡!” Taishi internal Qi was ice-cold, in his eyes, at this time Li Xuantu is deceased person one. 太始身上的气机冰冷无比,在他的眼中,此时李玄图已经是死人一个了。 The celestial dwelling core was imprisoned, Li Xuantu is fierce is also only ordinary human Powerhouse, does not have the threat. 洞天核心被禁锢,李玄图再厉害也只是一个普通的人类强者而已,根本毫无威胁。 Saw that Li Xuantu must die under Taishi and Heavenly Mansion Divine Monarch converging attack, however at this time, the mutation broke out 眼看着李玄图就要死在太始和天府神君的夹击之下,然而就在这个时候,异变突起 Un?” “嗯?” The slight indication, a strange feeling has not transmitted from the heart suddenly, the Taishi eyelid jumped, subconscious in the direction toward induction looked. 没有丝毫的征兆,一股奇异的感觉突然从心中传来,太始眼皮一跳,下意识的朝着感应中的方向望去。 Seemed like induces to the movement of Taishi, the next quarter, a familiar sound full was the taunt, as if the thunder was common, suddenly blasted out in the ear of Taishi: 似乎是感应到太始的动作,下一刻,一个熟悉的声音满是嘲讽,仿佛雷霆一般,突然在太始的耳边炸开: Snort, Taishi, I also look at you high, colluded with Li Linfu did not say, coped with Li Xuantu to need with own subordinate to collaborate continually!” “哼,太始,我还真是高看你了,和李林甫勾结不说,连对付李玄图都需要和自己的手下联手!” The sound has not fallen, the shadow flashes, together form, no, should say that is four forms is ordinary like the ghosts and demons, suddenly trod from Taishi body week the link of space and time, appeared in his side suddenly. 声音未落,暗影一闪,一道身影,不,应该说是四道身影有如鬼魅一般,突然从太始身周的时空之环中踏出,陡然出现在了他的身旁。 Is impossible!” “不可能!” Taishi then looked at one, in an instant whole body severe shake, steep changed the complexion. 太始只是回头看了一眼,刹那间浑身剧震,陡的变了脸色。 Wang Chong! 王冲 At this moment, suddenly appears involves this fight, is not others, exactly before precisely, continuously Wang Chong that observes in the distant place! 此时此刻,突然出现介入这场战斗的,不是别人,恰恰正是之前一直在远处观战的王冲 Treads from the link of space and time, impressively precisely four exactly the same Wang Chong! 从时空之环中踏出的,赫然正是四个一模一样的“王冲”! In everyone, the Wang Chong precisely Taishi in this manner presenting most has not expected exactly! 在所有人中,以这种方式出现的王冲恰恰正是太始最没有料到的! No matter Wang Chong escapes, grazes, or uses any powerful Magical Artifact to approach rapidly, not to Taishi by so powerful impact, truly what however made Taishi vibrate, Wang Chong used his space and time channel to appear unexpectedly. 不管王冲是遁地,还是飞掠过来,又或者使用什么强力法器急速靠近,都不会给太始以如此强大的冲击,然而真正令太始震动的是,王冲竟然是利用他的时空通道出现的。 Taishi has not opened the space and time channel to Wang Chong body bank, in his surroundings is completely the danger, but swift and fierce world Principle, even if the body had Jingang's body, still easily slivered two, this was an invisible barrier. 太始并没有打开通往王冲身畔的时空通道,在他的周围全部都是危险而凌厉的天地规则,就算身具金刚之身,也会被轻易的切成两段,这是一种无形的屏障。 However Wang Chong successfully evaded unexpectedly, moreover inconceivable entered in his link of space and time. 但是王冲竟然成功避过,而且不可思议的进入到了他的时空之环中。 This is not Fine and Detailed Realm martial artist can achieve. 这绝不是一个入微境武者可以做到的。 Trade rashly rushes, only then dead end! 贸贸然的闯进去,只有死路一条! Also comprehended, or at least some people who comprehended space and time Power of Principle, can achieve this point! 只有同样领悟了,或者至少部分领悟了时空规则之力的人,才可以做到这一点! However Wang Chong, how possibly! 但是王冲,怎么可能! These thoughts graze from the mind, Taishi reacted quickly, his left hand extends, while coping with Li Xuantu, immediately simultaneously to Wang Chong take action, was seeing only invisible ripples to exude in void, in the short time, the links at least more than ten every large or small white golden space and times grow out of nothing, the rapid formation, strangles to death to go toward Wang Chong. 这些念头从脑海中飞掠而过,太始很快就做出了反应,他的左手一伸,在对付李玄图的同时,立即同时对着王冲出手了,只见一道道无形的涟漪在虚空中泛开,短短时间内,至少十余道大大小小的白金色时空之环从无到有,迅速成型,向着王冲绞杀而去。 cultivation base achieved Taishi this Level, every so often has had no need for the extremely complex style, the link of simple together space and time, no matter cut, strangled to death, the might was huge, the link of small space and time, its might was as good as an ordinary Fine and Detailed Realm Powerhouse full power to strike merely together, not to mention was the link of large-scale space and time! 修为达到太始这种级别,很多时候已经用不着太过复杂的招式,简简单单一道时空之环,不管是切割,还是绞杀,都威力庞大,仅仅一道小型时空之环,其威力就不亚于一名普通入微境强者的全力一击,更不用说是大型的时空之环! The might of space and time annihilation, is hugest! 时空湮灭的威力,本来就是最庞大的! However the response of Taishi was quick, Wang Chong's responded is quicker, but also without and other Taishi take action anchorage, the next quarter, is treading the link of space and time instantly, the Wang Chong's main body, first Divine Embryo and second Divine Embryo take action, displayed to defeat the Tai Gan style in the bank of Caspian Sea simultaneously: 然而太始的反应快,王冲的反应更快,还没等太始出手定住自己,下一刻,就在踏出时空之环的刹那,王冲的本体、第一神胎、第二神胎同时出手,施展出了在里海之畔击败太乾的招式: World with dust, myriad things with grey!” “天地同尘,万物同灰!” Bang!” “轰!” in a flash, in January/one month appeared in left and right void on the 1st simultaneously, but followed , during is one day moonrise is now void, but was one on the left and other on the right different before mutually separated Sun and Moon, Sun and Moon that finally presented each other was next, radiance suddenly flashes! 电光石火间,一日一月同时出现在左右两侧的虚空之中,而紧随其后,又是一日一月出现在虚空之中,只不过和之前一左一右互相分开的日月不同,最后出现的日月彼此邻接,光芒大作 Three bunches of Sun and Moon illusory images melt, but is one, immediately explodes violently. 三束日月幻影融而为一,随即猛烈地爆炸开来。 Bang!” “轰!” Only listens to a shaking the Heaven and moving the Earth loud sound, strength of the terrifying destruction spreads in void, sweeps across the entire region instantaneously. 只听一声惊天动地的巨响,一股恐怖的毁灭之力在虚空中扩散开来,瞬间席卷整个区域。 After trip to Caspian Sea, Wang Chong regarding this move Great Yin-Yang World Fortune Art most Killing Move, already even more skilled, even more handy, gathers three people of strength, the might Taishi of erupting is unable to neglect. 经过里海之行,王冲对于这招“大阴阳天地造化功”的最绝招,已经越发地熟练,也越发地得心应手,集合三人之力,爆发出来的威力就连太始都无法忽视。 In an instant, after loud sound sound, Taishi links of the space and time have not even taken shape, by Wang Chong's world with the dust, the myriad things was thoroughly destroyed with ash. 刹那间,巨响声过后,太始的一道道时空之环甚至还没有成型,就被王冲的“天地同尘,万物同灰”彻底摧毁。 „!!!” “!!!” Sees this, the Taishi facial color changed, in his calculation, should only need to branch out part of strengths, can suppress Wang Chong. 看到这一幕,太始面色微变,在他的计算中,应该只需要分出一部分的力量,就可以镇压住王冲 cultivation base achieved Taishi this Level, small Fine and Detailed Realm martial artist, but also was insufficient to be paid attention to by him. 修为达到太始这种级别,一个小小的入微境武者,还不至于被他放在眼里。 However Wang Chong this move of might has exceeded Fine and Detailed Level, almost achieved Heavenly Paradise Realm Initial Rank Realm, such terrifying attack, obviously was not a Taishi hand, part of strengths can cope. 然而王冲这一招的威力已经超越了入微级别,几乎达到了洞天境初阶境界,这样恐怖的攻击,显然不是太始一只手,一部分力量就能对付得了的。 Boy, you courts death!” “小子,你找死!” Taishi look one cold, in the foreheads passed over gently and swiftly a angry look. 太始神色一冷,眉宇间掠过一丝怒色。 He is coping with Li Xuantu full power, Wang Chong helps Li Xuantu in this time meddle, how could making him not get angry? 他正在全力对付李玄图,王冲在此时插手帮助李玄图,让他岂能不怒? hōng lōng lōng!” 轰隆隆!” The Taishi intention moved, more powerful Astral Qi fluctuated to burst out from his within the body immediately, even part of strengths that was used to cope with Li Xuantu were reassigned by him, was used to cope with Wang Chong. 太始心念一动,一股更加强大的罡气波动立即从他的体内迸发而出,甚至连一部分用来对付李玄图的力量都被他抽调出来,用来对付王冲 But Taishi in great anger underestimated the Wang Chong's ability. 只不过盛怒之中的太始还是低估了王冲的能力。 A Taishi in peak condition at all was not he can resist, this point Wang Chong was clear, therefore from the beginning, he has not thought relying on world with the dust, the myriad things can easily defeat Taishi with ash. 一个巅峰状态的太始根本不是他可以抵抗的,这一点王冲再清楚不过,所以从一开始,他就没有想过凭借“天地同尘,万物同灰”就可以轻易击败太始。 The joint strike of Wang Chong main body and first, second Divine Embryo to pave the way for third Divine Embryo merely. 王冲本体和第一、第二神胎的联合攻击仅仅是为了替第三神胎铺路而已。 Frozen world!” “冰封世界!” in a flash, together form suddenly after the Wang Chong main body leaps, at the same time, an ice cold deep blue color ray jumps to shoot from his within the body, sweeps across eight sides, in the world the temperature falls crazily, Wang Chong's third Divine Embryo draws support from the opportunity that Wang Chong is creating specially finally, erupted own talent remarkable ability. 电光石火间,一道身影突然从王冲本体之后飞跃而出,同一时间,一股冰寒至极的湛蓝色光芒从他的体内迸射而出,席卷八方,天地之间气温狂降,王冲的第三神胎终于借助着王冲特意创造出的机会,爆发出了自己的天赋神通 Sees only the blue light to flash, is centered on third Divine Embryo, all around encircles changes into one instantaneously such as the frost snow frozen world. 只见蓝光一闪,以第三神胎为中心,四周围瞬间化为一个如霜似雪的冰封世界。 But before different, entire Taiji Hall around, although the temperature drops abruptly as before, however cold wave might these time actually centralized in periphery more than ten zhang (3.33 m) scopes. 只不过和之前不同,整个太极殿周围虽然依旧气温骤降,但是寒潮的威力这一次却集中在了周围十余丈的范围之内。 Suddenly, world frozen, in the range of frozen world, all frames motionless, even the time seemed frozen stops. 瞬息间,天地冰封,在冰封世界的范围之内,所有的一切定格不动,连时间都仿佛被冻结停止了。 The Taishi bang to Li Xuantu turbulent Heavenly Paradise Realm Astral Qi, all around encircled the link of space and time appeared, even his body, was frozen decides void. 太始轰向李玄图汹涌的洞天境罡气,四周围浮现的时空之环,甚至连他的身躯,都被冻结定在了虚空。
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