HE :: Volume #18

#1753: King Qi collapses completely!

Chapter 1753 【The eighth chapter 第1753章【第八章】 Other did not say, by King Qi this time urgent state of mind, did not have that skill, can distinguish fine distinction. 别的不说,以齐王此时的急迫心境,还没有那个本事,可以分辨其中的细微差别。 But a small gathering air/Qi bead, Wang Chong King Qi thorough plays with applaud. 只不过一枚小小的聚气珠,王冲就把齐王彻底的玩弄鼓掌之间。 Wang Chong, you are really deceitful like the fox, but how you have the big method, depends on your words, you think that some people believe you really? This king Xian takes you, when the time comes declared that again to the outside you scheme the rebellion, these Imperial Guard are also you kills, I looked that who will speak for you!” 王冲,你真是狡诈如狐,不过就算你有再大的手段又如何,就凭你一席话,你以为真的会有人相信你吗?本王先拿下你,到时候再对外宣称你图谋造反,这些禁军也是你杀的,我看有谁会替你说话!” King Qi clenches jaws, in heart anger flaming, without a doubt, he had been played one by Wang Chong. However if Wang Chong thinks that this can how him, that really indulges in fantasy. 齐王咬牙切齿,心中怒火熊熊,毫无疑问,他被王冲耍了一通。不过如果王冲以为这样就能奈何得了他,那真是异想天开。 All people obey orders, takes him to me!” “所有人听令,给我拿下他!” Of King Qi clang extracts Long Sword, points at Wang Chong, gets angry the sound said, today in any event he must massacre Wang Chong. 齐王锵的一声抽出长剑,遥指王冲,怒声道,今天不论如何他都一定要杀掉王冲 King Qi, you dare! Depending on your strength, really can stop up the world person leisurely?” 齐王,你敢!就凭你一人之力,真的可以堵得住天下人悠悠众口吗?” At this time, an old sound was awe-inspiring, suddenly transmitted from the imperial city gate, the sound has not fallen, the imperial city gate place, Heavy Cavalry separated, under several Jinwu Guard guards, a grey robe old man left hand book book, right hand writing brush, slowly walked toward Imperial Palace. 就在这个时候,一个苍老的声音正气凛然,突然从宫门外传来,声音未落,宫门处,铁骑分开,就在十几名金吾卫的护卫下,一名灰袍老者左手书簿,右手毛笔,正缓缓的朝着皇宫内走来。 His look ice-cold, that pair of eyes pupil stubbornly is staring at King Qi on opposite marvelous horse, sharp is similar to the sword is ordinary, if the vision can kill people, perhaps King Qi died returned innumerably. 他的神色冰冷,那一双眼眸死死的盯着对面神驹上的齐王,锋利的如同刀剑一般,如果目光可以杀人,齐王恐怕已经死了无数回了。 Yan Wenzhang! 颜文彰 Sees that say/way old form, the King Qi pupil shrinks, probably was been same by the acupuncture, how he has not thought, in intense battlefield that this blade soldier meets, he will see person who unexpectedly this most does not want to see. 看到那道苍老的身影,齐王瞳孔一缩,就好像被针刺了一样,他怎么都没有想到,在这种刀兵相见的激烈战场,他居然会看到这个最不想看到的人。 In civil and military hundred officers, if the person is King Qi most is not willing to see, that was Yan Wenzhang at this moment. Although lacks the strength to truss up a chicken, but Yan Wenzhang has the status that the entire Great Tang civil and military hundred officers dread, Taishi officer! 在文武百官中,如果说有一个人是齐王最不愿意见到的,那就是此时此刻的颜文彰了。虽然手无缚鸡之力,但颜文彰却有着整个大唐文武百官都忌惮的身份,太史官! After thing that his pen writes down, every single word or phrase, is settled, the real reliable historical evidence, King Qi is unable to change. 经过他的笔写下来的东西,一字一句,都是板上钉钉,真实可靠的史实,就连齐王都无法更改。 Before King Qi, added the Wang Chong verbal statements are no guarantee, words nobody who said believes radically, but if has Yan Wenzhang to testify, even if the King Qi tongue split the lotus flower, only had the dead end. 齐王之前还说王冲空口无凭,说出来的话根本没人相信,但如果有着颜文彰作证,哪怕齐王舌绽莲花,也只有死路一条。 -- perhaps some government and people high and low people suspect him and Wang Chong's words, but some people will not suspect words of official historian. ——朝野上下或许有人怀疑他和王冲的话,但绝不会有人怀疑一个史官的话。 „, Hasn't King Qi, thought?!” “呵,齐王,没想到吧?!” Wang Chong sprinkles however smiles, this game, King Qi lost eventually: 王冲洒然一笑,这一局,齐王终究还是输了: Was right, forgot to tell you, before should I was not come outside the palace hesitant, but was face/color is old, moved about with difficulty, can not Fatigue of travel, therefore waited for him especially!” “对了,忘了告诉你,之前我在宫外并不是犹豫该不该进来,而是颜老年事已高,行动不便,受不得舟车劳顿,所以特地等他罢了!” Bastard!” “混蛋!” Hears the Wang Chong last few words, the King Qi pinching tightly fist ruthlessly, eye blood red: 听到王冲最后一句话,齐王狠狠的捏紧拳头,眼睛一片血红: I must tear to shreds you!” “我一定要将你碎尸万段!” Has to get the Wang Chong's handle not to be unimportant, at this moment he only wants Wang Chong dead! 有没有抓住王冲的把柄已经不重要了,这一刻他只想要王冲死! Kills to me! On, massacres him to me completely!” “给我杀!全部上,给我杀掉他!” This flash, the King Qi fierce anger exclaimed, the whole person complexion was fierce. 这一刹那,齐王厉声怒吼道,整个人脸色狰狞无比。 North Sea three old, you give on me!” “北海三老,你们给我上!” Along with the King Qi's order, kills, in a war cry of soaring to the heavens, all Great Army turn toward palace entrance Wang Chong and the others to rush ahead instantaneously. 随着齐王的命令,杀,一阵冲天的喊杀声中,所有的大军瞬间向着宫门口的王冲等人冲杀而来。 Snort, just right that comes!” “哼,来的正好!” Wang Chong sneers, the King Qi rebellion is the evidence is now conclusive, these Imperial Guard corpses of ground are the best evidence. 王冲冷笑,齐王造反现在是证据确凿,地上的那些禁军尸体就是最好的证据。 At this moment, he has had no need to keep the hand to King Qi again. 此时此刻,他已经用不着对齐王再留手了。 Bang!” “轰!” The ray flashes, Wang Chong rises straight from the ground instantaneously. 光芒一闪,王冲瞬间拔地而起。 Great Yin-Yang Technique!” 大阴阳术!” Void two thunder bangs, in the vision of people, the one Gold and one Red two giant spheres appear in the midair one after another, float about in Wang Chong above shoulders. 虚空中接连两声雷霆巨响,就在众人的目光中,一金一红两道巨大的圆球出现在半空之中,悬浮于王冲左右双肩之上。 wēng! 嗡! Wang Chong is only the arm extends, five fingers grasp, in an instant in the world the blown sand walks the stone, is centered on Wang Chong, in the surrounding area number hundred zhang (333 m) a huge cyclone takes shape suddenly, only listens to one to call out in alarm the sound intermittently, four periphery all military force(s) were curled up by a huge suction completely, shakes to fly away in abundance. 王冲只是手臂一伸,五指一抓,刹那间天地间飞沙走石,以王冲为中心,方圆数百丈内一股庞大的气旋骤然成型,只听一阵阵惊叫声,四周围所有的兵马全部被一股庞大的吸力卷起,纷纷震飞开去。 But at the same time, the Wang Chong body like lightning, dashes to King Qi of distant place. 而与此同时,王冲身如闪电,直扑远处的齐王 Dissolute!” “放肆!” Takes him!” “拿下他!” In a series of angry howls, North Sea three old robe wave, three people collaborate to shoot up to the sky from the horseback, throws toward Wang Chong. 一连串的怒啸声中,北海三老衣袍舞动,三人联手从马背上冲天而起,率先朝着王冲扑去。 Wang Chong, you everywhere oppose with this king, in any event, this Royal Capital wants you dead!” 王冲,你处处和本王作对,无论如何,本王都要你死!” At the same time, King Qi clenches jaws, in the item spout the hatred incomparable ray, his body in a flash, follows close on old in North Sea three behind, kills together toward Wang Chong. 同一时间,齐王咬牙切齿,目中喷涌出憎恨无比的光芒,他的身躯一晃,紧跟在北海三老身后,朝着王冲一起杀去。 Protects Your Highness King Qi!” “保护齐王殿下!” But is almost simultaneously, the outstandingly able person different gentlemen of innumerable buy soar, throws toward Wang Chong. 而几乎是同时,无数收买的奇人异士跟着腾空而起,朝着王冲扑去。 At this moment, notes without many people, the distant place, the form wears the golden yellow royal robes robe together, is waiting and seeing here all in the Imperial Palace deep place silently. 此时此刻,没有多少人注意到,远处,一道身影身着金黄色衮袍,正在皇宫深处默默观望着这里的一切。 Imperial Uncle failed......” 皇叔失败了……” On a tall wall, First Imperial Prince Li Ying shook the head, in the eye is difficult to cover disappointedly. Regarding King Qi's this motion, he is hopeful, but has not thought, to finally, him failed. 就在一处高墙上,大皇子李瑛摇了摇头,眼中难掩失望。对于齐王的这次行动,他本来是满怀期待,只是没有想到,到了最后,他还是失败了。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” Spoken time, a rock eagle is vibrating the both wings, suddenly falls from the sky. 正在说话的时候,一只岩鹰震动着双翅,突然从天空落下。 Your highness, just received outside the city the news, opens drafts Beiting Protectorate Army that Great General leads to cross Mt. Jinniu, is catching up full power toward Imperial Palace, it is expected that half double-hour can arrive!” “殿下,刚刚收到城外消息,张征大将军带领的北庭都护军已经越过金牛山,正在全力朝着皇宫赶来,预计半个时辰就能抵达!” Suddenly, an excited incomparable sound conveys from the darkness, Kinsuke stone is looking at letter paper unable to contain one's joy in hand. 突然之间,一个兴奋无比的声音从黑暗中传来,金佑石看着手中的信笺喜不自禁 Snort, finally drew near!” “哼,终于快到了吗!” First Imperial Prince sneers, turns the head quickly: 大皇子冷笑一声,很快转过头来: Told Ghost King, the opportunity arrived, motion!” “告诉鬼王,时机已到,行动吧!” First Imperial Prince was saying, while downward walks along the stair. 大皇子一边说着,一边沿着台阶往下走去。 „!” “啊!” Kinsuke stone hears the words was startled all of a sudden: 金佑石闻言一下子怔住了: But your highness, that King Qi there......” “可是殿下,那齐王那里……” That side Imperial Uncle goes by him, this palace could not wait!” 皇叔那边由他去吧,本宫已经等不了了!” In the darkness, broadcasts the First Imperial Prince sound, the sound is callous, gradually goes to be gradually far. 黑暗中,传来大皇子的声音,声音冷酷无比,渐去渐远。 The distant place, the war cry before imperial city gate continuously, is only regarding First Imperial Prince, this is not he cares completely. 远处,宫门前的喊杀声接连不断,只是对于大皇子来说,这已经完全不是他所在意的了。 ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” The ray is vast, the blown sand walked the stone, the fight before Imperial Palace, the conclusion compared with quick many that the people imagined. 光芒浩浩,飞沙走石,皇宫前的战斗,结束的远比众人想象的快的多。 Great Universe Technique!” 大乾坤术!” A Wang Chong palm racket, in an instant, gloomy, a fearful strength covers the void, entire world inverts instantaneously, the bang, a golden light explodes, in the pitiful yell sound, North Sea three old and Expert of numerous King Qi subordinates such as was struck by lightning, was shaken to fly in abundance by this terrifying strength. 王冲手掌一拍,刹那间,天昏地暗,一股可怕的力量笼罩虚空,整个天地瞬间颠倒,轰,金光一炸,啊,惨叫声中,北海三老和一众齐王麾下的高手如遭雷击,纷纷被这股恐怖的力量震飞出去。 In the face of the Wang Chong Fine and Detailed Realm strength, these people were too weak, coped with North Sea three old, Wang Chong has not even put forth the complete strength. 王冲入微境的实力面前,这些人还是太弱了,对付北海三老,王冲甚至都没有使出全部的实力。 King Qi, you lost!” 齐王,你输了!” The ray flashes, in the midair, after Wang Chong shakes at one fell swoop flies North Sea three to be old, but the finger extends, immediately appears in front of King Qi instantaneously, five pincers fingers seized the King Qi's nape of the neck, raised him in airborne. 光芒一闪,半空中,王冲一举震飞北海三老之后,只是手指一伸,立即瞬间出现在齐王面前,五根铁钳般的手指一把掐住了齐王的脖颈,将他提在了空中。 Bastard, I will not admit defeat, Wang Chong, you had the skill to kill this king!” “混蛋,我是绝不会认输的,王冲,你有本事就杀了本王!” The King Qi strategic point was made, the whole person cannot move, but, he as before is the look is for all this fierce, both eyes light ruthlessly is staring at Wang Chong, as if wished one could his swallow alive generally. 齐王要害被制,整个人根本动弹不得,不过尽管如此,他依旧是神色狰狞,一双目光狠狠的盯着王冲,似乎恨不得将他生吞了一般。 Although is defeated, but wants him to admit defeat to Wang Chong, is impossible! 虽然落败,但是想要他向王冲认输,是绝不可能的! Right? Arrived this step, you also has thought that I don't dare to kill you?” “是吗?都到了这一步,你还以为我不敢杀你吗?” Wang Chong sneers, depends on the King Qi present actions, regardless of do kill him, he runs away difficultly dies! 王冲冷笑,就凭齐王现在的所作所为,无论自己杀不杀他,他都难逃一死! wēng! 嗡! The Wang Chong five fingers receive, will begin, the next quarter mutation breaks out-- 王冲五指一收,正要动手,下一刻异变突起—— hōng lōng lōng!” 轰隆隆!” The slight indication, the earth movement day has not swung suddenly, entire Imperial Palace suddenly shivers, at the same time, the Imperial Palace deep place shouted "kill" heavenshaking, an intermittent flame shot up to the sky. 没有丝毫的征兆,突然之间地动天摇,整个皇宫都猛然颤动起来,同一时间,皇宫深处喊杀震天,一阵阵火光冲天而起。 Cry!” “唳!” But is almost simultaneously, a resounding wailing transmits from the nighttime sky deep place of distant place, the sound has not fallen, a Touyan eagle crashes from the upper air deep place like the kite with broken string. 而几乎是同时,一声高亢的尖啸从远处的夜空深处传来,声音未落,一头岩鹰有如断线风筝般从高空深处一路坠落下来。 little sand!” “小沙!” In the crowd, Zhang Que saw that in this eye flashes through a sad look, however also without enough time thinks, Zhang Que has turned around, the body in a flash, grazes to go in the Wang Chong's direction immediately. 人群中,张雀看到这一幕眼中闪过一丝悲切的神色,然而还来不及多想,张雀转过身来,身躯一晃,立即朝着王冲的方向飞掠而去。 Lord King, just received the message, the First Imperial Prince that side begins!” 王爷,刚刚收到消息,大皇子那边动手了!” Zhang Que smothers the grief to say. 张雀强忍着伤痛道。 Ha Ha Ha, Wang Chong, should not be too favorite, this fights you not to win, when the First Imperial Prince merit becomes, when is your Wang Clan vanishes in a puff of smoke, this king is waiting for you!” 哈哈哈,王冲,你不要太得意,这场战斗你还没有赢,等到大皇子功成之时,就是你们王家灰飞烟灭之时,本王等着你!” Is listening to the Zhang Que words, is feeling behind the Imperial Palace deep place heavenshaking war cry, the King Qi long hair dances in the air, the whole person laughs loudly. His vision is staring at Wang Chong, in the eye full is the ridicule. 听着张雀的话,又感受着身后皇宫深处震天的喊杀声,齐王长发飞舞,整个人放声大笑起来。他的目光盯着王冲,眼中满是讥讽。 How even if he has won himself, tonight's major drama, just started now, Wang Chong is just rejoices without reason one. 就算他赢了自己又如何,今晚的这场大戏,现在才刚刚开始,王冲只不过是空欢喜一场而已。 That has not related with you!” “那也和你没有关系了!” Wang Chong look one cold, right hand five fingers receive suddenly, pinched to faint King Qi. 王冲神色一冷,右手五指猛然一收,就把齐王掐晕了过去。 King Qi has defeated, puts down weapon, disobeying orders dies!” 齐王已败,放下武器,违令者死!” Wang Chong has turned around, in stupor King Qi the hand holds up to say high. 王冲转过身来,将手中昏迷的齐王高高举起道。 That flash, his vision bone-chilling cold, the whole body sends out a scary imposing manner, in this huge aura front, everyone has a ants tiny feeling. 那一刹那,他的目光凛冽,浑身散发出一股骇人的气势,在这股庞大的气息面前,每个人都不禁产生一种蝼蚁般渺小的感觉。 This is the Fine and Detailed Realm terrifying aura! 这就是入微境的恐怖气息! Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” Around four, two Great Army originally also at palace entrance fierce combat, but the next quarter, a troops face whiten of innumerable King Qi department, puts down the weapon, a sword crashes on the ground, makes the sonorous sound. 四周围,两股大军本来还在宫门口激战,但是下一刻,无数齐王一系的人马脸色苍白,纷纷放下武器,一柄柄刀剑坠落在地上,发出铿锵的声音。 Will that captured, the people naturally again has not fought. ——齐王都被俘虏了,众人自然也没有再战斗的意志。 Cheng Sanyuan, King Qi gave you, I trigged his acupoint, you led him to the Wang Residence dungeon, kept close watch.” 程三元,齐王交给你了,我已经制住了他的穴道,你把他带到王府地牢中去,严加看管。” Wang Chong said. 王冲道。 King Qi after all is the Imperial Family ancestor and relative, the matter that he violates should hand over by Ancestral Mansion and Sage Emperor adjudicates. Moreover by his actions, kills him too to be rather cheap now he. 齐王毕竟是皇室宗亲,他所犯下的事应该交由宗人府圣皇裁决。而且以他的所作所为,现在杀了他未免太便宜他了。 Yes, Lord King!” “是,王爷!” Cheng Sanyuan bows to say. 程三元躬身道。 Gave Cheng Sanyuan King Qi, Wang Chong turns the head immediately, looks to the Imperial Palace deep place, there flame flaming, the war cry was shocking. 齐王交给程三元,王冲立即转过头来,望向了皇宫深处,那里火光熊熊,喊杀声震天。 Dodges that his complexion becomes dignified incomparable. 一闪那,他的脸色变得凝重无比。
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