HE :: Volume #18

#1752: King Qi's plot! ( 2 )

Chapter 1752 【The seventh chapter 第1752章【第七章】 Shut up! Share that the peon who where comes, in front of this king also some you spoke!” “住口!哪里来的无名小卒,本王面前也有你说话的份!” Saw that Famous General lead(er) interrupted, King Qi the complexion sank immediately, the surface such as the cold frost said. 见到那名将领插嘴,齐王顿时脸色一沉,面如寒霜道。 Good, what status you are, there is the qualifications and our Lord King speech?” “不错,你是什么身份,也有资格和我们王爷说话吗?” Side King Qi, puts on the staff of azure long unlined close-fitting gown, immediately echoes saying: 齐王身边,一名穿着青色长衫的幕僚,立即跟着附和道: Moreover, hehe, did your which eye see here to have Imprisonment Temple military force(s)?” “另外,嘿嘿,你哪只眼睛看到这里有刑狱寺兵马了?” Wang Chong, you looked carefully, here completely was Imperial Guard, this king did Heshi bring Imprisonment Temple military force(s) to rush to Imperial Palace?” 王冲,你看仔细了,这里全部都是禁军,本王何时带过刑狱寺兵马强闯皇宫了?” King Qi is also dark at this time smiles, inserts the tastes. 齐王此时也阴阴一笑,插口道。 In national capital early has the rumor, some people prepare for war in secret, the intention is illegal, this king is worried about the Sage Emperor safety, leading military force(s) early to ambush here, prepares to rebel that takes at one fell swoop, where expects......, Wang Chong, that rebels unexpectedly is you!” “京师之中早有传言,有人暗中招兵买马,意图不轨,本王担心圣皇安危,带领兵马早早埋伏在此,准备将那逆贼一举拿下,哪里料到……,王冲,那逆贼居然是你!” Speaking of last, the King Qi finger extends, has aimed at opposite Wang Chong suddenly. 说到最后一句,齐王手指一伸,陡然指向了对面的王冲 wēng! 嗡! Hears the King Qi's words, side Wang Chong, people instantaneous simultaneously changed the complexion, Imperial Palace entrance dim, only then bunches of sparse palace fires drag in the top, at this time draws support from the ray of flare, the people are seeing clearly, impressively completely about King Qi, that Heavy Cavalry puts on is the Imperial Guard armor. 听到齐王的话,王冲身旁,众人瞬间齐齐变了脸色,皇宫门口一片昏暗,只有一簇簇稀疏的宫火在墙头上摇曳,此时借助着火把的光芒,众人看得清清楚楚,齐王左右,那一名名铁骑赫然全部穿的都是禁军的铠甲。 -- at this moment, like such that King Qi said that in him about, only then Imperial Guard military force(s), simply did not have no Imprisonment Temple Heavy Cavalry. ——此时此刻,就像齐王说的那样,在他左右只有禁军兵马,根本没有什么刑狱寺铁骑 This......” “这……” The flash, the complexion of people in abundance becomes pale incomparable, without a doubt, this is a snare, moreover trap that sets in view of Lord King. 一刹那,众人的脸色纷纷变得苍白无比,毫无疑问,这是一个圈套,而且是针对王爷设下的圈套。 King Qi leads Imprisonment Temple military force(s) to attract their attention intentionally, but after entering Imperial Palace, exchanges the Imperial Guard armor completely,-- by the relations between King Qi and First Imperial Prince, must get so far as these armor, completely is easy as pie. 齐王故意带领刑狱寺兵马吸引他们的注意,但是进入皇宫之后,全部换上禁军的铠甲,——以齐王大皇子之间的关系,要弄到这些铠甲,完全是易如反掌。 When he intentionally Wang Chong and the others stepped into the palace suddenly to kill, now the people have been possible to run away roadless. 他故意等到王冲等人踏入宫中才突然杀出,现在众人已经无路可逃。 Snort, Wang Chong, you die today!” “哼,王冲,今天你死定了!” King Qi sneers intermittently, looks at the Wang Chong's vision like looking at a deceased person. 齐王阵阵冷笑,看着王冲的目光就像看着一个死人。 winner is the king, loser is the villain, Law of the Jungle, tonight, he is the genuine victor! 成王败寇,弱肉强食,今晚,他才是真正的胜利者! Wang Chong has looked down on him, this motion, he prepares in full compared with imagination, steps into since that moment in Imperial Palace from Wang Chong, he as well as entire Wang Clan is doomed to bring ruin and shame upon oneself, dies without the burial ground! 王冲一直太小瞧他了,这次行动,他准备的远比想象中的充分,从王冲踏入皇宫中的那一刻起,他以及整个王家就注定要身败名裂,死无葬身之地! Comes the person!” “来人!” The King Qi arm at one fell swoop, must order to take Wang Chong again. However at this time, young, the familiar sound resounds in the ear: 齐王手臂一举,就要再次下令拿下王冲。然而就在这个时候,一个年轻的,熟悉的声音在耳边响起: King Qi, the verbal statements are no guarantee, you said that this king plots a rebellion, when do you see several people to dare to plot a rebellion?” 齐王,空口无凭,你说本王谋反,你什么时候见过十几个人就敢谋反的?” At this time, Wang Chong finally started talking: 就在这个时候,王冲终于开口说话了: Moreover, is this imperial city gate also you first intrudes? Since you can intrude in the palace, apprehends the stratagem counter disciple of rebellion, this king naturally can also should Fifth Imperial Prince to invite, assists this matter together, these military force(s) also naturally are only assists this matter.” “而且,这宫门也是你最先闯入吧?既然你可以闯入宫中,捉拿叛乱的谋逆之徒,本王自然也可以应五皇子邀约,一起协助此事,这些兵马也自然只是来辅助此事的。” The Wang Chong's sound is very calm. This is a through complete set, only depends on King Qi not to have this skill, without a doubt, holds the plate in behind is broken army War God Hou Junji. 王冲的声音很冷静。这是一个彻头彻尾的全套,仅凭齐王还没有这种本事,毫无疑问,在后面操盘的又是破军战神侯君集。 But Hou Junji thinks that this can take him, was naive a point! 只不过侯君集以为这样就可以把他拿下,还是天真了一点! Spatial words tooth, you can say that I seek to go against, this king naturally can also say that you want to revolt, King Qi, I, no matter Hou Junji said anything to you, but, you only depend on this to cope with me, perhaps has also missed a point. After all, you in the government and people inside and outside reputations are not good!” “空口白牙,你可以说我谋逆,本王自然也可以说你想要造反,齐王,我不管侯君集跟你说了什么,不过,你仅凭这样就想对付我的话,恐怕还差了一点。毕竟,你在朝野内外的名声可不是太好!” The last few words, in the Wang Chong sound full are the ridicule, King Qi and Hou Junji this play, the attractiveness that truly plays, equipped unexpectedly including the Imperial Guard armor, moreover such quickly has exchanged, but Wang Chong eventually was not King Qi, only depended on this how him. 最后一句话,王冲声音中满是讥讽,齐王和侯君集这出戏,确实玩的漂亮,居然连禁军的铠甲都装备好了,而且这么快就换上了,不过王冲终究不是齐王,仅凭这样还根本奈何不了他。 hē hē!” 呵呵!” King Qi chuckle, progressed to proceed two steps, I already guess your you will say appearance. 齐王轻笑一声,策马往前走了两步,一副“我早已猜你你会这么说”的样子。 Wang Chong, you think really only leads several troops to be useful, this king already knows that you will do such!” 王冲,你真以为只带十几匹人马就有用吗,本王早就知道你会这么做!” In the darkness, King Qi looks at Wang Chong, in the eye is showing a treacherous smiling face. 黑暗中,齐王望着王冲,眼中露出一丝诡谲的笑容。 The next quarter, bang bang jumps in the people heart, big feeling not wonderful time, King Qi body, the sound raised several degrees suddenly: 下一刻,就在众人心中砰砰直跳,大感不妙的时候,齐王身躯一挺,声音陡然拔高了几度: Wang Chong, His Majesty waits you not to be thin, you have ulterior motives unexpectedly, scheme rebellion, even the night rushes to Imperial Palace, dares to kill including Imperial Guard, so act, even if First Imperial Prince can forgive you, this king could not forgive you certainly!” 王冲,圣上待你不薄,你居然心怀叵测,图谋造反,甚至夜闯皇宫,连禁军都敢杀害,如此行径,就算大皇子能饶你,本王也绝饶不了你!” King Qi points at Wang Chong, fervent, indignant of face. 齐王手指王冲,慷慨激昂,一脸的激愤。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” This suddenly, no one knows had anything, around King Qi this changed the contrast too to be also big. However is at the people also when confusing-- 这一幕突如其来,谁也不知道发生了什么,齐王这番前后变化反差也太大了。然而就在众人还在一片迷惑的时候—— kā chā!” 咔嚓!” In the vision that the people shock, the southeast position, several hundred Imperial Guard are encircling a semicircle, to Wang Chong surrounding. But the next quarter, blood light flashes, a sharp blade by the slit of armor, pricks from their backs, the chest shows, the blood spews out, the ice-cold armor will dye blood red. 就在众人震撼的目光中,东南方位,数百名禁军正围成一个半圆,向王冲包围而来。但下一刻,血光一闪,一柄柄利刃透过铠甲的缝隙,从他们的后背刺入,前胸透出,鲜血跟着喷涌而出,将冰冷的铁衣都染成了血红。 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” What exactly had?” “到底发生了什么?” These several hundred Imperial Guard opened eye, the throat skidded, but half a word sound could not send, was assisted King Qi to cope with Wang Chong's, they have not thought that most fatal attack unexpectedly from behind, moreover to so handle against way. 这数百名禁军睁大了眼睛,喉头滑动,但就连半句声音都发不出来,本来是辅助齐王对付王冲的,他们怎么也没有想到,最致命的攻击居然是来自于身后,而且是以如此措不及防的方式。 Bang bang bang, the long blade pulls out, suddenly, these Imperial Guard soldier bodies are stiff, immediately likes the wooden stake to be ordinary, straight pouring on the ground, puts in the pool of blood. 砰砰砰,长刀一抽,眨眼之间,这些禁军士兵身躯僵硬,立即有如木桩一般,直挺挺的倒在地上,扑在血泊里。 The moment of until finally dying, they do not understand why King Qi must kill them. 直到最后死的一刻,他们都不明白为什么齐王要杀他们。 Whish!” “哗!” Sees this, let alone other people, Wang Chong has shown a look of vibration, how he has not thought, King Qi so is unexpectedly vicious, unexpectedly also starts to the person on one's own side. 看到这一幕,别说其他人,就连王冲都露出了一丝震动的神色,他怎么都没有想到,齐王居然如此狠毒,居然对自己人也下手。 Wang Chong, do you also dare to say the verbal statements are no guarantee now? His Majesty is not thin to your Wang Clan, really cannot think of the Wang Clan wild ambition, unexpectedly makes this matter, if not for this king Jishi rushes, has not known that will turn into any appearance, this Imperial Guard does not know that also wants casualty many people!” 王冲,现在你还敢说空口无凭吗?圣上对你们王家不薄,真是想不到王家狼子野心,居然做出这种事情,若不是本王及时赶到,还不知道会变成什么样子,这禁军也不知道还要死伤多少人!” King Qi shook the head, in the mouth has the sound, looks at Wang Chong, a face you let I am disappointed the appearance really. 齐王摇了摇头,口中啧啧有声,看着王冲,一脸“你真让我失望”的样子。 Before entire Imperial Palace, quiet, in a flash, several hundred Imperial Guard passed away, the troops but who in all directions, King Qi brings is a face are faint, throughout is aloof, obviously at present this they early have the expectation. 整个皇宫前静悄悄的,转瞬间,数百名禁军一命呜呼,但是四面八方,齐王带来的人马却是一脸淡漠,始终无动于衷,显然眼前这一幕他们早有预料。 Was right, forgot to tell you, these may be true Imperial Guard, even if traced afterward, you can also find their names in the Imperial Guard name register. Wang Chong, this you die is not injust!” “对了,忘了告诉你,这些可都是真正的禁军,即便事后追查,你也能在禁军的花名册上找到他们的名字。王冲,这回你死的可不冤!” King Qi was saying, while has scratched both hands, as if wants the blood that wipes that not to have. 齐王一边说着,一边擦了擦双手,仿佛想要拭去那并不存在的鲜血。 You are also gawking doing, has not taken to me him quickly!” “你们还愣着干什么,还不快把他给我拿下!” hōng lōng lōng! 轰隆隆 As King Qi issues an order, in all directions, Heavy Cavalry no longer hesitate, sprints to go toward Wang Chong, the imposing manner is scary. 随着齐王一声令下,四面八方,一名名铁骑不再迟疑,一个个向着王冲纷纷冲刺而去,气势骇人无比。 Wang Chong, do not try to revolt, the First Imperial Prince troops when you catch up with Imperial Palace, rushed to Wang Clan and Four Quarters Embassy, if you do not think them dead, is without a fight to me!” 王冲,不要试图反抗,大皇子的人马在你赶来皇宫的时候,已经赶往王家四方馆,如果你不想他们死,就给我束手就擒!” King Qi's calls out the sound to be ordinary like the thunder, reverberates above entire Imperial Palace. 齐王的暴喝声有如雷霆一般,在整个皇宫上方回荡。 Although has controlled to stay in a brothel overnight the surface, but regarding Wang Chong, some King Qi very deep dreading, initially the border region event, Wang Chong unexpectedly can fight to a draw with Confucianism Sect leader Li Junxian, even North Sea three old are not his match, this gave King Qi to make very deep impression, if Wang Chong must run away wholeheartedly, but also not necessarily could detain. 虽然已经控制住局面,但是对于王冲,齐王还是有很深的忌惮,当初边陲事件,王冲居然能和儒门领袖李君羡打个平手,甚至连北海三老都不是他的对手,这给齐王留下了很深的印象,如果王冲一心要逃,还真不一定留得住。 Right?” “是吗?” In a twinkling, when the King Qi's troops will soon throw, a clear and bright sound shakes the penetrating clouds, reverberates in the people ear. 说时迟那时快,就在齐王的人马即将扑过去的时候,一个清朗的声音震彻云霄,在众人耳边回响。 In the vision of people, the Wang Chong body is straight, is looking at opposite King Qi, suddenly shows a strange smiling face. 就在众人的目光中,王冲身躯笔挺,望着对面的齐王,突然露出一丝诡异的笑容。 The next quarter, in the people inconceivable vision, the Wang Chong's figure suddenly is similar to one group of bubbles instantaneously twists vanishes, but put on his armor, lost the support, then bang crashes, crashes in the dust. 下一刻,就在众人不可思议的目光中,王冲的身形突然如同一团泡沫般瞬间扭曲消失,而原本穿在他身上的盔甲,失去了支撑,则轰隆一声坠落下来,坠落在尘埃之中。 „It is not good!” “不好!” In the King Qi heart jumps, complexion transient, in the heart has an extremely not wonderful feeling instantaneously. 齐王心中一跳,脸色瞬变,心中瞬间产生一种极其不妙的感觉。 He has been staring at Wang Chong, but has not thought, unexpectedly will have such change. 他一直盯着王冲,只是怎么也没有想到,居然会发生这样的变化。 His feeling was quick, but was slow. 他的感觉已经很快了,但还是慢了点。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Has not waited for the people to respond, the earth vibrates, the steel thunders, in the people behind, two leaves of several tens of thousands jin (0.5 kg), just the locked giant imperial city gate, was shoved open from outside by a great strength of vast terrifying suddenly suddenly, the bang, the imperial city gate opens greatly, boundless great strength monstrous waves seem to be common, shakes imperial city gate nearby Heavy Cavalry in abundance flies. 还没等众人反应过来,大地震动,钢铁轰鸣,就在众人身后,两扇数万斤重,刚刚被锁上的巨大宫门,突然被一股汪洋般恐怖的巨力从外面猛然推开,轰,宫门大开,一股磅礴的巨力仿佛巨浪一般,将宫门附近的铁骑纷纷震飞。 But in palace entrance of wide open, together the young form wears golden heavy armor, lends the mountain range sea common terrifying aura from top to bottom, slowly walked from the imperial city gate, but in him behind, tens of thousands of Heavy Cavalry armor shiny, killing qi is steaming, follows close on is being similar to tidal wells up. 而就在敞开的宫门口,一道年轻的身影身披黄金重甲,浑身上下散发出山峦大海一般的恐怖气息,缓缓的从宫门外走了进来,而在他身后,成千上万的铁骑盔甲铮亮,杀气腾腾,紧跟着如同潮水般涌来。 Wang Chong?! 王冲?! Sees that say/way yellow golden armour zhou, young form that walks slowly, people whole body severe shake, inconceivable of whole face. 看到那道黄金甲胄,缓缓走来的年轻身影,众人浑身剧震,满脸的不可思议。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” At present this has surmounted the cognition of people completely, no one has thought, just still in people present Wang Chong, a blink instantaneously vanished without the trace, presents again time, unexpectedly beside imperial city gate. 眼前这一幕已经完全超越了众人的认知,谁也没有想到,刚刚还在众人眼前的王冲,一眨眼瞬间消失无踪,再出现的时候,居然是在宫门之外。 „Is this impossible?!” “这不可能?!” This great change suddenly, making King Qi such as be hit hard, is unexpected. By his cultivation base, is away from Wang Chong to be so near, unexpectedly has not seen beforehand Wang Chong completely is the illusory image! 这瞬息间的巨变,令齐王如遭重击,始料不及。以他的修为,距离王冲那么近,居然完全没有看出之前的王冲是幻影! King Qi, you lead the Cavalry night to rush to Imperial Palace secretly, but also slaughters Imperial Guard, deserves what crime!” 齐王,你私自带领骑兵夜闯皇宫,还杀戮禁军,该当何罪!” Wang Chong vision like electricity, look bone-chilling cold, every step treads if there is extremely heavy heaviness, a boundless imposing manner erupts from him. 王冲目光如电,神色凛冽,每一步踏出都如有万钧之重,一股磅礴的气势从他身上爆发出来。 xī yù yù, under the Wang Chong's imposing manner, the innumerable warhorses startled hiss gets up in abundance, goes toward retreat. 希聿聿,在王冲的气势下,无数的战马纷纷惊嘶起来,往后退去。 Snort!” “哼!” But walked in a hurry several steps, Wang Chong cold snort/hum, the palm turns, is absorbing to the distant place distantly, under the armor that a thumb size, as if agate general blood red bead from distant place Wang Chong that depreciation, submerges in the Wang Chong palm from out of the blue instantaneously. 只不过匆匆走了几步,王冲冷哼一声,手掌一翻,对着远处遥遥一摄,一枚拇指大小,仿佛玛瑙一般的血红色珠子从远处王冲那副跌落的铠甲下破空而出,瞬间没入王冲掌中。 Gathering air/Qi bead! 聚气珠! As vice rises one foot, virtue rises ten, Hou Junji and King Qi looked down on him, two people collaborated to make the bureau, made the bait by King Qi, making him enter the palace, was only a pity that Wang Chong early was prepared, this gathering air/Qi bead, was Wang Chong is used to cope with two people magic weapons. “魔高一尺,道高一丈”,侯君集和齐王还是太小瞧他了,两人联手做局,以齐王做饵,引他入宫,只可惜王冲早有准备,这枚聚气珠,就是王冲用来对付两人的法宝。 No matter King Qi, Hou Junji, is North Sea three old, is cultivation base extremely high peerless Powerhouse, wants to hide the truth from them has been far from an easy matter, but the gathering air/Qi bead is different, this is Wang Chong the formidable treasure that came from northwest Luo Xianzhen greatly, inside has poured into the Wang Chong massive energies, the sole view aura intensity, under Wang Chong, does not coordinate on the technique of Wang Chong's clone again, cannot distinguish from the aura only. 不管是齐王,侯君集,还是北海三老,都是修为极高的绝世强者,想要瞒过他们绝非易事,但是聚气珠不同,这是王冲从西北大罗仙阵中得来的强大宝物,里面灌注了王冲大量的能量,单论气息强度,丝毫不在王冲之下,再配合上王冲的分身之术,单从气息上根本分辨不出来。
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