HE :: Volume #18

#1702: Dreading of U-Tsang!

Chapter 1702 第1702章 But obtains news that Big Dipper Great General Geshu Han dies dead, most excited was near at hand U-Tsang. Regarding U-Tsang, this Big Dipper Great General as well as he in Big Dipper City that Longxi establishes, stabs like one, deeply gripped on the U-Tsang nape of the neck. 而得到北斗大将哥舒翰薨殁的消息,最兴奋的莫过于近在咫尺的乌斯藏了。对于乌斯藏来说,这位北斗大将以及他在陇西建立的北斗城,就像一根剌一样,深深扎在了乌斯藏的脖颈上。 Central Plains is rich and populous, is the warehouse of fish meter/rice, regarding U-Tsang, there is the U-Tsang reserve granary. 中原富庶,是鱼米之仓,对于乌斯藏来说,那里是乌斯藏的后备粮仓。 From generation to generation, in hundred and thousand, U-Tsang has been used to under herd horse east, goes to Great Tang to grab, the full load returns. But under the government of Geshu Han, Longxi must be richer more and populous than it past any time, but U-Tsang actually can only look at this helplessly only fat sheep, actually anything did not do. 一代又一代,成百上千年,乌斯藏都习惯了牧马东下,去大唐劫掠一番,满载而回。而在哥舒翰的治理下,陇西比之以往任何时侯都要更加富庶,但是乌斯藏却只能眼睁睁的看着这只“肥羊”,却什么也做不了。 The grabbing custom of now in hundred and thousand of along continuing, nothing left. All these, completely because of these Big Dipper Great General reasons. 如今成百上千年沿续下来的劫掠习惯,荡然无存。这一切,全部都是因为那些北斗大将的缘故。 This is not because U-Tsang changes an attitude, or was the conscience has discovered that but after paying the prices of several hundred thousand Heavy Cavalry lives, the lesson of learned. 这并不是因为乌斯藏回心转意,或者是良心发现了,而是在付出了几十万铁骑性命的代价之后,学会的教训。 Imperial Minister, good news! Great news!” 帝相,好消息!大好消息!” Geshu Han died, unexpectedly died really!” 哥舒翰死了,居然真的死了!” ...... …… The vast U-Tsang Plateau center, Heavy Cavalry rode to be above mundane thoughts, drove into Royal Capital. Letter paper that on the horseback, in a U-Tsang military commander hand is brandishing roll-up, the excited face is red, broke in the Royal Capital main hall. 一望无际的乌斯藏高原中央,一名铁骑一骑绝尘,驶入了王都之中。马背上,一名乌斯藏武将手中挥舞着一封卷起的信笺,兴奋的脸孔通红,一路冲入了王都大殿之中。 U-Tsang and Great Tang go on an expedition in successive years, especially after several large-scale wars, was almost compelled the hopeless situation of end of hills and rivers, now the Geshu Han body of Big Dipper City dies, this absolutely is the unexpected joy, no one has thought, unexpectedly in this time will receive such big ritual. 乌斯藏大唐连年征战,特别是几场大型战争之后,几乎被逼到了山穷水尽的绝境,如今北斗城哥舒翰身死,这绝对是喜从天降,谁也没有想到,居然会在这个时候收到这样的“大礼”。 Great Minister......” 大相……” That U-Tsang military commander just walked out, enters the hall in Royal Capital main hall, is only one, immediately was startled. 那名乌斯藏武将刚刚跨过门槛,进入王都大殿的大厅,只是一眼,顿时怔住了。 In the main hall, the azure smoke curls, a famous military commander displays there, looked like other people also similarly obtained the news, moreover early entered here compared with him. 大殿里,青烟袅袅,一名名武将罗列在那里,看起来其他人也同样得到了消息,而且比他更早进入这里。 What is strange, all people stand in a there peace, no one has spoken. 只不过诡异的是,所有人都站在那里一片安静,谁也没有说话。 This is......” “这是……” This U-Tsang military commander has tarried immediately, his lip opened, however had not said that several characters, was stopped by a nearby U-Tsang military commander. Following his vision, his eyes saw above the main hall, entire Empire richest wisdom, most prominent Imperial Minister Dalun Qinling sitting quietly place above. His hand is arriving at the forehead, the brow is tight, sits there is motionless. 这名乌斯藏武将顿时呆住了,他的嘴唇张了张,然而还没说几个字,就被旁边的一名乌斯藏武将制止了。顺着他的目光,他一眼就看到了大殿上方,整个帝国最富有智慧,同时也最显赫的帝相大论钦陵安坐上方。他的一只手抵着眉心,眉头紧蹙,坐在那里一动不动。 In entire main hall, a piece solemn and respectful dignified, imagines the joyful atmosphere to be entirely different from him. 整座大殿中,一片肃穆凝重,和他想像中的喜悦气氛截然不同。 This what's the matter?” “这到底是怎么回事?” This U-Tsang military commander was startled, completely not yes what's the matter. 这名乌斯藏武将不由怔住了,完全不明白是怎么回事。 Passes on me to order!” “传我命令!” At this time, a dignified sound suddenly resounded from the people ear. Above the main hall, has sat quietly there motionless Dalun Qinling starts talking finally: 就在这个时候,一个威严的声音突然从众人耳边响起。大殿上方,一直安坐在那里一动不动的大论钦陵终于开口说话了: Instantly gets up, east all armies withdraw 300 li (0.5 km) immediately, simultaneously raises white Fan to hold a memorial service . Moreover, sending the royal palace envoy to go to Big Dipper City to offer condolences!” “即刻起,东部所有军队立即后撤300里,同时升起白幡祭奠,另外,派王宫使者前往北斗城吊唁!” Imperial Minister?!” 帝相?!” Hears the Dalun Qinling words, in the main hall, that U-Tsang military commander who in an uproar, rushes to finally, in the palace all military officers are stunned, are very obvious, the order of Dalun Qinling is they have not thought. 听到大论钦陵的话,大殿中,一片哗然,最后赶到的那名乌斯藏武将,连带殿中所有的将领都是一脸错愕,很显然,大论钦陵的这道命令是他们谁也没有想到的。 Imperial Minister! Geshu Han is our big enmity!” 帝相哥舒翰可是我们的大仇!” How many people this fellow has killed our, our can don't tell me also go to offer condolences to him?!” “这个家伙杀了我们多少人,我们难道还要去给他吊唁?!” Imperial Minister, we should seize the chance to dispatch troops now, under east, takes Big Dipper City, the present is we best opportunity!” 帝相,我们现在应该趁机出兵,一路东下,拿下北斗城,现在是我们最好的机会!” ...... …… In the main hall, U-Tsang military commanders are excited. Has thought Imperial Minister is certainly making any important decision, but no one has thought, unexpectedly must withdraw 300 li (0.5 km) to hold a memorial service for own personal enemy. 大殿中,一名名乌斯藏武将激动不已。想过帝相一定是在做什么重要的决定,但是谁也没有想到,居然要后撤300里去祭奠自己的仇人。 My intent has decided that does not need to struggle again!” “我意已决,不必再争!” In the main hall, Dalun Qinling stretches out a palm, is only a few words, had ended all arguments. 大殿上,大论钦陵伸出一只手掌,只是一句话,就结束了所有的争论。 In the main hall, all U-Tsang military commanders retreated quickly, no matter the opposition of people intense, in the heart also has is hard to accept, so long as is the decision of Dalun Qinling, then does not have anybody to dare to defy. These many years, this is all person silent guard customs. 大殿内,所有的乌斯藏武将很快退去了,不管众人的反对有多激烈,心中又有多难以接受,但只要是大论钦陵的决定,便没有任何人敢于违抗。这么多年,这已经是所有人默守的规矩。 Imperial Minister, such good opportunity, don't we make use to take Big Dipper City really?” 帝相,这么好的机会,我们真的不趁势拿下北斗城吗?” A vigorous sound resounds in main hall, after all people retreat, in Dalun Qinling behind side hall, tall and strong was similar to the mountain range form walked from the rear area together, precisely thought Long system Great General Nangri Songtian elegantly. 一个雄浑的声音在大殿内响起,就在所有人退去之后,大论钦陵身后的偏殿中,一道魁梧如同山峦般的身影从后方走了出来,正是雅觉隆系的大将军囊日颂天 Several go on an expedition, the U-Tsang Empire Great General buckle is serious, Nangri Songtian now is one of several Great General U-Tsang is a rear survival. This Big Dipper Great General Geshu Han sudden body falls, Nangri Songtian rushes to Royal Capital at the same night, came and Dalun Qinling discusses the countermeasure together. 几场征战,乌斯藏帝国大将折损严重,囊日颂天现在是乌斯藏硕果仅存的几位大将之一。这一次北斗大将哥舒翰突然身陨,囊日颂天连夜赶往王都,本来是来和大论钦陵一起商讨对策的。 The decision of Dalun Qinling, he obviously has not expected to obtain. 只是大论钦陵的决定,就连他显然都没有预料得到。 „The Geshu Han body dies, perhaps all people think that is the hand under our U-Tsang.” 哥舒翰身死,恐怕所有人都会认为是我们乌斯藏下的手。” Dalun Qinling shook the head, the vision is profound, in this great change, he looks farther ahead many people are much profounder. 大论钦陵摇了摇头,目光深邃无比,在这场巨变中,他看得远比许多人都要深远得多。 If Great Tang demonstrates now, I will issue the order that dispatches troops to without hesitation, was only a pity that Great Tang the strength remains now, but of Great Tang in the capital also lives to the present well, although with the Great Tang finally war, but now is not the best opportunity!” “如果大唐现在示威,我会毫不犹豫下达出兵的命令,只可惜大唐现在实力尚存,而大唐京中的那位到现在还活得好好的,虽然和大唐终有一战,但现在绝不是最好的时机!” Although Dalun Qinling had not related in detail, but Nangri Songtian actually knows in his mouth „of Great Tang in the capital, is that Emperor's Disciple, King of Foreign Territory Wang Chong. 虽然大论钦陵没有细说,但囊日颂天却知道他口中“大唐京中的那位”,便是那位天子门生,异域王王冲 U-Tsang two Great General successively buckles in his hands, but high of his Art of War, has achieved to resort to arms such as the situation of god, this point is the world recognition, even Caliphate People is not his match. 乌斯藏的两员大将先后折损在他的手中,而他的兵法之高,已经达到用兵如神的地步,这一点已经是天下公认,甚至连大食人都不是他的对手。 Has that person, we truly are unable to act rashly, even if under seizing Big Dipper City, meets the gain does not equal the loss, brings in the retaliation of Great Tang.” “有那个人在,我们确实无法轻举妄动,即便夺下北斗城,也会得不偿失,引来大唐的报复。” Nangri Songtian silent long time, finally astringent sound said. Although is not willing to acknowledge, but U-Tsang truly cannot withstand another disastrous defeat now. 囊日颂天沉默良久,终于涩声道。虽然不愿意承认,但是乌斯藏现在确实承受不起另一场惨败。 That finally take action in Great Tang Imperial Palace, this is a Great Tang civil strife, in any event, we should not be involved at this time, only then sits and watches it changes, even adds fuel to the flames, can make a profit, Great Tang is more chaotic, we can have the opportunity of rising truly!” 大唐皇宫中的那位终于出手了,这是一场大唐的内乱,无论如何,我们都不应该在这个时候牵涉其中,只有坐观其变,甚至推波助澜,才能从中获利,大唐越乱,我们才能真正获得崛起的机会!” Dalun Qinling gravely says. 大论钦陵沉声道 Nangri Songtian has been startled being startled, as if understood anything, being lost in thought. 囊日颂天怔了怔,仿佛明白了什么,也陷入了沉思之中。 ...... …… Clang!” “铛!” Ding reverberation, three day ceaselessness, among world liveliest and liveliest Great Tang national capital, one night has as if covered a silent mourning band, atmosphere solemn and respectful. 钟声回荡,三日不绝,天下间最繁华、最热闹的大唐京师,一夕之间仿佛蒙上了一层静默的黑纱,气氛一片肃穆。 The sky of Great Tang national capital, dark cloud gathering, in the world a murkiness, is sending out a sad and depressing flavor. 大唐京师的上空,乌云汇聚,天地间一片昏沉,散发着一股哀伤、压抑的味道。 Execution of Big Dipper Great General Geshu Han dies, is ordinary like a giant stone, the numerous pressures sky over entire Empire, pressed in the hearts of all people, until today, makes people be hard to accept as before. 北斗大将哥舒翰的毙薨,就像一块巨石一般,重重的压在整个帝国上空,压在了所有人的心头,直到今日,依旧让人难以接受。 severe!” “扑棱棱!” At this moment, in entire King of Foreign Territory's Mansion brilliantly illuminated, carrier pigeons pass in and out, however the atmosphere is actually serious. 此时此刻,整座异域王府内灯火通明,一只只信鸽进进出出,然而气氛却是一片沉重。 Entire three days, the Imperial Palace clock of mountains and rivers made a sound one after another on the 3rd for three days, Royal Court toward, yellow Bang pasted completely various Capital City places, using three days, Wang Chong to believe finally a matter, Geshu Han walked. 整整三天,皇宫内的山河之钟接连响了三天,朝廷罢朝了三日,一张张黄榜贴满了京城各处,用了三天的时间,王冲终于相信了一件事,哥舒翰真的走了。 This time is topest , one of the most outstanding Great General died really! 这个时代最顶尖,也最出类拔萃的大将之一真的死了! Rustle!” “沙沙!” Suddenly, a sound of footsteps from behind transmitted, has interrupted the Wang Chong's train of thought. 突然,一阵脚步声从身后传来,打断了王冲的思绪。 Lord King!” 王爷!” A familiar sound from behind conveys, in the Zhang Que hand is grasping one stack of thick intelligence reports, walked respectfully. 一阵熟悉的声音从身后传来,张雀手中握着一沓厚厚的谍报,恭恭敬敬走了进来。 These days, entire Empire is bearing an intermittent violent storm impact, no matter setting sun temporary palace event, Big Dipper City startled changes, each matter is stimulating all people. Especially falling from the sky of Geshu Han, is makes this Empire withstand the unprecedented shake. 这段时间,整个帝国承受着一阵阵狂风暴雨般的冲击,不管是落日行宫事件,还是北斗城的惊变,每一件事都刺激着所有人。特别是哥舒翰的陨落,更是让这个帝国承受着前所未有的震荡。 Zhang Que is leading hand/subordinate all scouting and scouts, almost day and night is investigating the entire item matter, hopes that can discover the truth of matter. 张雀带领着手下所有的斥候、探子,几乎是夜以继日的调查着整件事情,希望能够从中找出事情的真相。 Looked up?” “查到了吗?” Before the window, Wang Chong's sound microstrip hoarse, has not returned to say. 窗台前,王冲的声音微带嘶哑,头也没回道。 Lord King, looked up! Geshu Great General has an accident six days ago, probably is the evening 11 p.m. to 1 a.m, beforehand not any indication, when Big Dipper Army discovery time, was late. Incessantly so......” 王爷,查到了!哥舒大将军是在六天前出事的,大概是晚上子时,事先并没有任何征兆,等到北斗军发现的时候,已经迟了。不止如此……” Zhang Que spoke of here, has hesitated, looked at Wang Chong one secretly, then said: 张雀说到此处,迟疑了一下,偷偷看了王冲一眼,接着道: Also besides Geshu Great General, Big Dipper Army dies 18 that dies to follow Geshu Great General to go on an expedition for ten years, the army horse lifetime Top Level military officer, 32 high-level military officers, as well as many intermediate-level military officers!” “除了哥舒大将军,北斗军薨殁的还有18位跟随哥舒大将军征战十余年,戎马一生的顶级将领,32位高层将领,以及不少中层将领!” Speaking of finally, the Zhang Que sound shivered, in heart heavy incomparable. 说到最后,张雀声音颤抖,心中沉重无比。 Big Dipper Army year to year assumes personal command in Longxi, reason that can resist the attack of U-Tsang continually, the undefeated myth that the achievement defeats a numerically superior enemy, most essential is Geshu Han as well as these top layer military officers. 北斗军常年坐镇于陇西,之所以能够连番抵挡乌斯藏的进攻,成就以少胜多的不败神话,最关键的就是哥舒翰以及那些顶层将领。 Now Geshu Han dies dead, including these top layer military officer also buckles completely, entire Great Army almost survives in name only, this regarding Empire, absolutely is a serious attack. 如今哥舒翰薨殁,连那些顶层将领也折损殆尽,整个大军几乎是名存实亡,这对于帝国来说,绝对是个沉重的打击。 If a Geshu Han person has an accident, does not have in the situation of war again, unexpectedly continually entire Great Army high-level military officer also with Death, entire item matter fishy numerous. 如果哥舒翰一个人出事也就罢了,再没有战事的情况下,居然连整个大军的高层将领也跟着死亡,整件事情蹊跷重重。 How that side Royal Court to say?” 朝廷那边怎么说?” Long time, in the room spreads the Wang Chong's sound. 良久,房间里传出王冲的声音。 His double pupil shuts tightly, stands before the window motionless, although on face a tranquility, but anybody sees Wang Chong this time facial expression, knows, in his mind is fermenting one group of fierce storms. 他双眸紧闭,站在窗前一动不动,虽然脸上一片平静,但是任何人看到王冲此时的神情,都会知道,在他的心中酝酿着一团剧烈的风暴。 „Before Royal Court , the official announcement that announced that depressed the matter, has not mentioned Geshu Great General cause of death, but deferred to the internal view, at present Royal Court also at investigation entire item matter. The cause of death very fishy of Geshu Great General and these Big Dipper military officers, if not strength extremely high Powerhouse, cannot achieve, according to the meaning of Royal Court, the current all sorts of signs should be side the direction each Empire of side, only then they have the motive and ability achieve this.” 朝廷之前公布的榜文,将事情压下,并没有提到哥舒大将军的死因,但是按照对内的说法,目前朝廷还在调查整件事情。哥舒大将军和那些北斗将领的死因非常蹊跷,如果不是实力极高的强者,是根本做不到的,按照朝廷的意思,目前的种种迹象应该是指向边方的各个帝国,只有他们才有动机和能力做到这点。” Zhang Que lowered the head gravely says. 张雀低下头沉声道 In the room quick Recovery was also silent, long time, before the window, Wang Chong opens eyes finally, opens the mouth once more: 房间里很快又恢复了寂静,良久,窗台前,王冲终于睁开眼,再次开口: Zhang Que, told them, pulled my horse. I must go to Big Dipper City!” 张雀,告诉他们,把我的马牵来。我要去一趟北斗城!” Lord King!” 王爷!” Zhang Que one hear, steep raising the head. 张雀一听,陡的抬起头来。 Big Dipper City matter Royal Court is still investigating, Zhang Que has not thought, Lord King actually thinks went to Big Dipper City at this time. After all the situation is now special, not to mention all people are paying attention to this matter, solely is in the national capital, Lord King just toppled Kong martial, sits the Ministry of War Minister position, entire Royal Court also needs Wang Chong to manage to resist First Imperial Prince. 北斗城的事情朝廷还在调查,张雀也没想到,王爷竟然会想到在这个时候前往北斗城。毕竟现在情形特殊,且不说所有人都在关注这件事情,单单是京师之中,王爷才刚刚扳倒孔武,坐上兵部尚书的位置,整个朝廷还需要王冲去主持对抗大皇子 Especially, because of the matter of setting sun temporary palace, Lord King received scolding of Royal Court, First Imperial Prince uses as an excuse by this, wants to launch an attack to Lord King. If Lord King left the national capital to go to Big Dipper City at this time, might be acted bashful by First Imperial Prince very much again, criticized by this. 特别是,因为落日行宫的事情,王爷已经受到朝廷的责难,大皇子更是以此作为借口,想要对王爷发难。如果王爷在这个时候离开京师前往北斗城,很有可能被大皇子再次拿捏,以此攻讦。 ps: Recently was fermenting to erupt, the brothers asked respectfully the anticipation! ps:最近正在酝酿爆发,兄弟们敬请期待!
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