HE :: Volume #17

#1654: News that Lingnan said!

Chapter 1654 第1654章 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦!” A moment later, a carrier pigeon has flown into the Wang Chong's mansion merely. 仅仅只是片刻之后,一只信鸽飞入了王冲的府邸。 Lord King, is the First Imperial Prince letter.” 王爷,是大皇子的信。” Zhang Que takes up the carrier pigeon, takes down the puttee, but shot a look at a outside symbol, immediately entry palace in a hurry, has handed over in the Wang Chong hand. But in the main hall, obtained the news, the people already gathered. 张雀拿起信鸽,取下绑腿,只是瞥了一眼外面的标志,立即匆匆的进入殿内,交到了王冲手中。而大殿里,得到消息,众人早已聚拢过来。 Matter that Lingnan said that the relations were major. If Royal Court survive Wang Chong must leave, will then create enormous influence to the pattern of entire national capital. Therefore after Wang Chong submits a written statement, the entire King of Foreign Territory's Mansion people are waiting for the reply in Royal Court aspect. 岭南道的事,关系重大。如果朝廷坚持王冲必须离开,那么将对整个京师的格局都造成极大的影响。所以王冲上书之后,整个异域王府的人都在等着朝廷方面的回复。 You have a look.” “你们看看吧。” Wang Chong has hit the letter paper, but looked at one, brow steep has selected, but anything had not said, immediately has given nearby Xu Keyi and the others the letter paper. 王冲打了信笺,只是看了一眼,眉头陡的挑了一下,但什么也没说,立即将信笺递给了一旁的许科仪等人。 Letter paper quick has pasted in people hand, looks at the content in letter, the people look at each other in blank dismay, a few words could not say. 一封信笺很快在众人手中流转了一遍,看完信中的内容,众人面面相觑,一句话都说不出来。 Thinks, by the First Imperial Prince disposition, will not agree with the Wang Chong's request surely. The meeting wants completely various means to urge Wang Chong starting off. 原本以为,以大皇子的性格,必定不会同意王冲的请求。或者会想尽各种办法,催促王冲上路。 However unexpected, the First Imperial Prince aspect not only had not urged, instead has allowed the Wang Chong request, but also in letter sincere in words, cared that Wang Chong's physical condition, looks like does not worry completely very much. 但是出乎预料,大皇子方面不但没有催促,反而准许了王冲请求,而且还在信中言辞恳切,关心起了王冲的身体状况,看起来完全不是很着急。 Naturally in end of letter paper, First Imperial Prince also while convenient mentioned, the matter of Lingnan relates hundreds of thousands of natives of Vietnam, as well as stability of Royal Court, what total is hopes that Wang Chong can handle affairs as soon as possible, do not tow too for a long time. 当然在信笺的末尾,大皇子也顺带提到,岭南的事情关系数十万的越人,以及朝廷的稳定,总的还是希望王冲能够尽快行事,不要拖得太久。 Moreover, in the letter mentioned, Wang Chong is the Royal Court a person of great ability and tremendous potential, now when Great Tang precisely chooses a person, hopes that King of Foreign Territory can be the Royal Court state shares sorrow. 另外,信中提到,王冲朝廷的栋梁之才,如今大唐正是用人之际,还是希望异域王能够为朝廷社稷分忧。 This......, Lord King, the expression of First Imperial Prince is too gentle. Is completely different from his beforehand act. This matter, only feared that cheats!” “这……,王爷,大皇子的措辞太柔和。和他以前的行径完全不同。此事,只怕是有诈!” Su Shixuan is last looked that in the hand is taking that letter paper, the ponder long time, Su Shixuan opens the mouth to say finally, in the sound shows an anxiety faintly. 苏世玄是最后一个看的,手中拿着那封信笺,沉思良久,苏世玄终于开口道,声音中隐隐透出一丝忧虑。 First Imperial Prince is what person people are clear, the disciplinary investigators event and border region event, the people had already asked for advice. If First Imperial Prince is that diligence loves the people , the gentle person, in two events that the violent anger like the thunder, repeatedly will not interrogate Wang Chong. 大皇子是什么样的人众人再清楚不过了,纠察队事件和边陲事件,众人早已领教过。如果大皇子真的是那种勤政爱民,性情柔和的人,两起事件中就不会那么暴怒如雷,屡次质问王冲了。 Say nothing, to cope with Fifth Imperial Prince, this also directly killed in the palace a status prominent imperial concubine imperial concubine, the method has can be inferred sinisterly. 更不用说,为了对付五皇子,这位还直接害死了宫中身份显赫的一位嫔妃,手段之毒辣可见一斑。 Now at this time, the warm word song, departed from the norm, was really unusual. 如今这个时候,温言细语,一反常态,实在太不寻常。 Lord King, I only am worried about a matter. Now this situation, that side First Imperial Prince only feared that may shoulder hundred on own initiative the disputes. When the time comes must have an accident, only feared that side First Imperial Prince on the grounds of this matter, blames to the body of Lord King. Regardless of Lord King cannot go, only feared that will receive the person with the handle, during falls to be passive.” 王爷,我只担心一件事情。现在这种情况,大皇子那边只怕可能会主动挑起百越之间的纷争。到时候真要出了事,只怕大皇子那边会以此事为由,怪到王爷的身上。不论王爷去不去,只怕都会受人以柄,落入被动之中。” At this time, a sound resounded, Xu Keyi hesitated long time, raised the head to open the mouth to say suddenly, a few words heard in the palace the people in abundance to change the complexion. 就在这个时候,一个声音响起,许科仪沉吟良久,突然抬头开口道,一句话听得殿内众人纷纷变了脸色。 Follows Wang Chong in the course of time, has experienced various turbulent undercurrents in Royal Court, has experienced First Imperial Prince various conduct attitudes, Xu Keyi also no longer was under past Wu Amun, many events also gradually can guess correctly some clue. 跟随王冲日久,见识过朝廷里的各种汹涌暗流,也见识过大皇子的各种行事作风,许科仪也不再是昔日的吴下阿蒙,有很多事件也渐渐能猜出一些端倪了。 Is the Wang Chong brow in main hall selects on the contrary slightly, is somewhat surprised. Xu Keyi this turns the words, almost happens to hold the same view with his inference. 反倒是大殿上的王冲眉头微微一挑,有些意外。许科仪的这翻话,和他的推断几乎是不谋而合。 „It is not possible, but will be First Imperial Prince such will certainly do!” “不是可能,而是大皇子一定会这么做!” Wang Chong indifferently said, a few words give the final word the guess of Xu Keyi. But in the main hall intermittently calls out in alarm. 王冲淡淡道,一句话将许科仪的猜测一锤定音。而大殿中则是阵阵惊呼。 Lord King, now what to do? This way, no matter we go not to go, will fall into the First Imperial Prince within shooting range?” 王爷,现在怎么办?这样下去,我们不管去还是不去,都会落入大皇子的彀中?” Zhang Que raised the head, in the item worried completely. 张雀抬起头,目中满是担忧。 Along with the past of time, some information, detailed slowly. 随着时间的过去,一些信息,慢慢的详实。 Side First Imperial Prince that adviser, nickname Ghost King, except for this given name, the people knows nothing about him as before, but had joining of this person, the First Imperial Prince style changed many obviously. 大皇子身边的那位谋士,外号“鬼王”,除了这个名号,众人对他依旧是一无所知,而有了此人的加入,大皇子的行事风格明显改变许多。 Like this strategy, mean evil and cruel, no matter enters draws back, during made Wang Chong fall into is extremely passive, this was beforehand First Imperial Prince cannot think. 像这种计策,阴狠歹毒,不管是进是退,都令王冲陷入极度的被动之中,这是以前的大皇子想不出来的。 But what now is most essential, how should deal. 但现在最关键的是,到底该如何应对。 Nobody dares to imagine, if Wang Chong leaves national capital to go to Lingnan, treats last one year or so there, finally entire Empire under the control of First Imperial Prince, will turn into any appearance. 没有人敢想象如果王冲离开京师前往岭南,在那里待上一年半载,最后整个帝国大皇子的控制下,会变成什么样子。 Moreover these days Zhang Que also in detail adjusts the material of checked Lingnan, there issue is long-standing, is extremely complex. That many are skilled in the government, the achievements are outstanding, the experienced government official adjusts the issue that Lingnan cannot solve, can it be that the Wang Chong short time can easily be solved. 而且这段时间张雀也详细调查过岭南的资料,那里的问题由来已久,太过复杂。那么多精于治理,政绩杰出,经验丰富的官吏调到岭南都没能解决的问题,又岂是王冲短短时间能够轻易解决的。 Say nothing, Wang Chong is a military commander, is not the genuine article government official. 更不用说,王冲还是一个武将,不是真正的文吏。 That side First Imperial Prince, had a true difficult difficult problem to the people. 大皇子那边,给众人出了一个真正棘手的难题。 In the main hall a silence, people looked to Wang Chong, was waiting for the Wang Chong's reply. 大殿里一片寂静,众人纷纷望向了王冲,等待着王冲的回答。 Wang Chong deeply frowned, eyes closed ponder, motionless, no one knows that he is thinking anything. 王冲眉头紧锁,闭目沉思,一动不动,谁也不知道他在想些什么。 At this time nobody dares to disturb, all people silently were waiting. 这种时候没有人敢去打扰,所有人都在默默等待着。 This matter my innate discretion!” “此事我自有分寸!” Has not known how long, Wang Chong has opened the mouth to say finally. 不知道过了多久,王冲终于开口道。 World is unreliable, you took my Token tonight set off, at the same night rushes to Lingnan.” “世玄,你拿了我的令牌今晚出发,连夜赶往岭南。” Wang Chong was saying, while took off to represent oneself status King Token to hand over from the waist. 王冲一边说着,一边从腰上摘下代表自己身份的亲王令牌递了过去。 This, the people are big expectation, Su Shixuan was startled. 这一幕,众人大出预料,就连苏世玄都不由怔住了。 But this...... Lord King, matter of Lingnan I...... Perhaps my ability has insufficient!” “可是这……王爷,岭南的事情我……我的能力恐怕有所不足!” Su Shixuan has not expected, Wang Chong must arrange itself to solve the matter of Lingnan unexpectedly. That many qualifications extremely deep Minister Royal Court could not solve, where Su Shixuan had confidence to solve. 就连苏世玄都没有料到,王冲居然要安排自己去解决岭南的事情。那么多资历极深的朝廷大臣都解决不了,苏世玄又哪里有把握可以解决。 „The matter of Lingnan I have position.” “岭南的事情我自有主张。” Wang Chong indifferently said. 王冲淡淡道 You arrived there, was OK according to my instruction conduct.” “你到了那里,按照我的吩咐行事就可以了。” Yes!” “是!” In the Su Shixuan original conscience also somewhat lacks self-confidence, but hears Wang Chong these words, immediately is calm, the facial expression also slowly becomes firm. No matter no matter, any matter, even if before matter of Lingnan him, never has contacted, so long as that side Wang Chong makes the arrangement, had the plan, Su Shixuan has not dreaded. 苏世玄原本心中还有些没底,但是听到王冲这番话,立即镇定下来,神情也慢慢变得坚定。不管什么时候,不管什么事情,哪怕岭南的事情他以前从未接触过,但只要王冲那边作出安排,有了计划,苏世玄都毫不畏惧。 „The matter of Lingnan is long-standing, superficially , because various is more promiscuous, but in fact is issue that because the paddies division causes unevenly. But this also all are the superficial phenomena, only not goings to the roots of the problem, naturally is unable to solve. No matter Royal Court sent many ability outstanding officials in the past, is unable to solve.” “岭南的事情由来已久,表面上看,是因为诸越混杂,但实际上是因为田地划分不均引发的问题。但这也一切都是表面现象,只治标不治本,当然无法解决。所以不管朝廷派多少能力杰出的文臣过去,都无法解决。” Welcomed the vision of people, Wang Chong is opening the mouth to say slowly. 迎着众人的目光,王冲缓缓开口道。 Must solve hundred more problems, is actually very simple......” “要解决百越的问题,其实很简单……” Wang Chong stretches out a finger suddenly, has dipped black ink in the inkslab, then has written two characters on snow white fine paper. 王冲突然伸出一根手指,在砚台里蘸了蘸墨,然后在雪白的宣纸上写了两个字。 Grain!” “粮食!” The people looked at the past, read the two characters on fine paper, some brow tight wrinkles, some, the facial expression was looking pensive various. 众人纷纷看过去,念出了宣纸上的两个字,有的眉头紧皱,有的若有所思,神情各不相同。 Paddies are used to plant, conflict that because in the final analysis the grain causes insufficient. Does not solve this point, how regardless to divide the paddies, various more is impossible to satisfy. Why this is also, no matter sends many ministers, no matter the ability is outstanding, is unable to solve hundred more problems.” “田地是用来种植的,归根到底还是因为粮食不足引发的冲突。不解决这一点,无论怎么分田地,诸越都不可能满意。这也是为什么,不管派多少大臣,不管能力多么优秀,都无法解决百越的问题。” Your this goes to Lingnan, takes action first and explains later, all from power. Moreover I will arrange that side Zhang Mun­ian, ships the massive grain to the places of hundred more, you when the time comes are responsible for consulting with, the person who arranges various Yue study to plant hybrid rice. The problem solve of grain, the Lingnan nature is peaceful.” “你此去岭南,先斩后奏,一切从权。另外我会安排张慕年那边,运送大量的粮食到百越之地,你到时候负责接洽,安排诸越的人学习种植杂交水稻。粮食的问题解决,岭南自然太平。” That flash Wang Chong crosses the hands behind the back to stand, the vision is profound. 那一刹那王冲负手而立,目光深邃无比。 In the main hall, the people are looking at the Wang Chong's form, for a very long time could not speak. A Lingnan leaves behind dozens years of matter, the people think will be very difficult to solve, but the Wang Chong words analyze, immediately simplifies, the issue of Lingnan in a simple straightforward way, demonstrates before the people. 大殿里,众人望着王冲的身影,久久的说不出话来。一个岭南遗留几十年的事情,众人原本以为会很难解决,但是王冲一番话剖析下来,立即化繁为简,将岭南的问题以一种简单直白的方式,展示在众人面前。 That flash, in the people heart admires heartfeltly. 那一刹那,众人心中由衷佩服。 On Wang Chong, always one strength, can see through the representation, goes directly to the marrow. No matter encounters the difficult issue, he always has the means solution. Moreover currently speaking, issue of Lingnan, although is First Imperial Prince creates obstacles for Wang Chong specially, but now looks like, besides Wang Chong, nobody has the ability solution. 王冲身上,总是有一种力量,能够看穿表象,直达骨髓。不管碰到多难的问题,他总是有办法解决。而且从目前来看,岭南的问题虽然是大皇子特意刁难王冲,但是现在看来,除了王冲之外,也没有人有能力解决。 Su Shixuan had not said, took Wang Chong's Token, the starry night travelled at double speed, at the same night rushed to Lingnan. But along with the Wang Chong's order, Zhang Mun­ian that side handing over the foot also moved, massive hybrid rice along with it transporting to Lingnan. 苏世玄没有多说,拿了王冲的令牌,星夜兼程,连夜赶往岭南。而随着王冲的命令,张慕年在交趾那边也随之动了起来,大量的杂交水稻随之运往岭南。 Lingnan hundred more issues, before actually Wang Chong, pays attention to have been, but at that time, hybrid rice just started, the scale is not big, all are not mature. However accumulation slowly, to the present, the opportunity was mature, precisely solves the best opportunity in Lingnan. 岭南百越的问题,其实王冲以前也留意到过,不过那个时候,杂交水稻才刚刚开始,规模也不大,一切都还不成熟。但是一路慢慢的积累,到了现在,时机已经成熟,正是解决岭南的最好时机。 The time passes by slowly, under certain influences the exaggerations of specially, the matter that the matter as well as Wang Chong of Lingnan become the Lingnan special envoys, makes on the noise dust, in the entire national capital, publicity. But no matter Wang Chong there, is First Imperial Prince there, does not worry. 时间缓缓过去,在某些势力的特意渲染下,岭南的事情以及王冲出任岭南特使的事,闹得喧嚣尘上,在整个京师中,人尽皆知。但不管是王冲那里,还是大皇子那里,却是一点都不着急。 Wang Chong not anxiously going, First Imperial Prince not anxiously urging. 王冲不急着去,大皇子也不急着催。 Said as well as hundred more matters regarding Lingnan, the undercurrent was in secret turbulent. Every day in crown prince, does not know that many carrier pigeons travel day and night, fly to Lingnan. 只是围绕着岭南道以及百越的事情,私底下已经暗流汹涌。每日东宫中,不知道有多少信鸽日夜兼程,飞往岭南。 What kind, opens that side patrolling not to have the news? Told him, so long as he can provoke among natives of Vietnam to fight, this palace can promise him, in the future promotes him for the histories in form of biographies, even promoted for the Lingnan provincial governor.” “怎么样,张巡那边还没有消息吗?告诉他,只要他能够挑动越人之间内斗,本宫可以答应他,未来将他提拔为正史,甚至擢升为岭南刺史。” In the crown prince, in the First Imperial Prince sitting quietly throne, is looking at wishing child N'dow of your highness. 东宫中,大皇子安坐宝座中,望着殿下的祝童恩道。 Report!” “报!” In a twinkling, at this time, Jinwu Guard grasped the long halberd, in the armor piece vibration sound of clang clang, the quick steps rushed: 说时迟那时快,就在这个时候,一名金吾卫手持长戟,在锵锵的甲片振动声中,疾步奔了进来: Your highness, Lingnan Sir open/stretch Xunzhang receives a letter!” “殿下,岭南张巡张大人来信!” What? With!” “什么?拿上来!” Hears these words, in the First Imperial Prince eye one bright, immediately beckons to say. 听到这句话,大皇子眼中一亮,立即招手道。 Ha Ha Ha, really said Cao Cao Cao Cao. open/stretch Xun! This palace has not really misread you! So long as topples Wang Chong, this palace will not treat unjustly you!” 哈哈哈,真是说曹操曹操到。张巡!本宫果然没有看错你!只要扳倒王冲,本宫绝不会亏待你!” First Imperial Prince laughs, in the item anticipates incomparably. 大皇子哈哈大笑,目中期待无比。 Matter that Lingnan said that he had the enormous expectation, the present is everything is ready, only owed the east wind. So long as open/stretch Xun a letter, he can arrange, making the feudal officials on Royal Court coordinate, takes Wang Chong at one fell swoop. 岭南道的事情,他抱有极大的期望,现在是万事俱备,只欠东风。只要张巡的一封信,他就能安排,让朝廷上的众臣配合,一举拿下王冲 Also can attack Wang Chong badly enormously in the prestige of folk, even forces to be sent to frontier service Lingnan Wang Chong taking advantage of this, does not solve hundred more problems, can not turn over to Capital. 最不济也能极大打击王冲在民间的声望,甚至借此将王冲强制发配岭南,不解决百越的问题,不得归京。 Even if then, is Wang Chong has the huge ability, cannot turn his palm. 如此一来,就算是王冲有天大的能耐,也翻不出他的手掌心。 Whish!” “哗!” Not slightly hesitant, the First Imperial Prince impatient opening letter paper, is seeking for in the letter paper in a hurry, these information that he wants. 没有丝毫犹豫,大皇子迫不及待的打开信笺,匆匆寻找着信笺中,他想要的那些信息。 However is just the moment, the excitement and anticipation in First Imperial Prince eye immediately rapidly cools, face gloomy gets down slowly, becomes ugly incomparable. 然而只不过是片刻,大皇子眼中的激动和期待立即迅速冷却,一张脸孔慢慢阴沉下来,变得难看无比。
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