HE :: Volume #17

#1653: Lingnan event!

Chapter 1653 第1653章 When matter!” “什么时候的事情!” Under Wang Chong restrains by force vibration in heart, looks that Jinwu Guard of your highness opens the mouth to say. 王冲强压下心中的震动,看着殿下的金吾卫开口道。 Resolution is today formally announced that but the transfer order has actually sent out Anxi Protectorate General three days ago, does not have the accident/surprise, Gao Xianzhi Great General on going to the road in national capital, other we are not clear temporarily.” “决议是今天正式公布的,但调令却在三天前就已经发往了安西都护府,没有意外,高仙芝大将军已经在前往京师的路上,其他的我们暂时还不清楚。” Jinwu Guard of your highness said. 殿下的金吾卫道。 Entire national capital being doomed is unassuageable, Great Tang has six Great Protectorate Mansion, related to the reassignment of Empire Great General Level is always not the minor matter. Besides the Zhangchou Jianqiong exceptional case, several Protectorate General Great General several years had not transferred. 整个京师注定难以平静,大唐有六大都护府,涉及到帝国大将军级别的调动从来都不是小事。除了章仇兼琼特例之外,几个都护府大将军已经十几年没有调动过了。 Even if the Struggle of Military and Scholar most intense time, Confucianism Sect also has to think adjusts several Protectorate General Great General, eventually has not succeeded. 就算是兵儒之争最激烈的时候,儒门也不是没有想过把几个都护府大将军调下来,都终究没有成功。 However this time is different, Anxi Great Protectorate Gao Xianzhi became first leaves Great Protectorate Great General of oneself station, once held this precedent, means that several other Great Protectorate Mansion Great General can abrogate similarly. 但是这一次不一样,安西大都护高仙芝成为了首个离开自己驻地的大都护大将军,而一旦开了这个先例,也就意味着其他几大都护府大将军同样可以裁撤下来。 Once involves the military movement of this level, then all completely will be different. 一旦涉及到这种层面的军事调动,那么一切就将完全不同。 The reassignment of Gao Xianzhi attracted the attention of entire national capital rapidly, but then, in the short time the massive information disclose. 高仙芝的调动迅速吸引了整个京师的注意,而接下来,短短时间内大量的信息跟着披露出来。 The entire movement order is issued by First Imperial Prince personally, fills toward civil and military passes, and has capped Sage Emperor Jade Ruler Seal. 整个调动命令是由大皇子亲自签发,满朝文武通过,并且加盖了圣皇玉玺的。 Although the Empire Great General several years have not moved, everybody custom thinks that their positions easily will never transfer, is very easy to be rejected. However as Prince Regent, begins again has Sage Emperor Jade Ruler Seal, First Imperial Prince can definitely transfer Gao Xianzhi. 虽然的帝国大将军们十几年都没有动过,大家都习惯认为他们的位置永远都不会轻易调动,也很容易遭致反对。但是作为摄政王,再加上手中有圣皇玉玺,大皇子完全可以调动高仙芝 Moreover First Imperial Prince transfers the reason of Gao Xianzhi is not common abrogation. 而且大皇子调动高仙芝的理由也不是寻常的裁撤。 First Imperial Prince does not have the war by the border region, makes an exception to promote for the reason, adjusts the return to the Capital Master Gao Xianzhi. Moreover previous time Talas's War, Gao Xianzhi establishes the illustrious military exploits, already sealed first grade duke, First Imperial Prince seizing the chance assigns Ministry of Works to build the duke mansion for Gao Xianzhi, prepares to make Gao Xianzhi live the national capital. 大皇子以边陲无战事,破格提拔为由,将高仙芝回京师。而且上次的怛罗斯之战,高仙芝立下赫赫战功,早已加封一品国公,大皇子趁机命工部高仙芝修筑国公府,准备让高仙芝长居京师。 Moreover, Gao Xianzhi took the post of Anxi Great Protectorate in the past time, once was sealed by Sage Emperor for left imperial guards Great General, now returns to the national capital, holds the post of left imperial guards Great General, is happen to justifiable, is worthy of the reputation. 另外,高仙芝当年出任安西大都护的时候,曾经被圣皇加封为左羽林大将军,如今回到京师,重新担任左羽林大将军,正好名正言顺,名副其实。 In the main hall, Wang Chong sits on throne, after body slightly supine, is hearing news, in the heart is unassuageable for a very long time. 大殿里,王冲坐在宝座上,身体微微后仰,听着一个个消息,心中久久难以平静。 Who investigated thoroughly to substitute for the Gao Xianzhi Anxi Great Protectorate person is?” “查清楚取代高仙芝安西大都护的人是谁了吗?” Wang Chong opens eyes, suddenly opens the mouth to say. 王冲睁开眼,突然开口道。 Is Wu'an General, the new appointment has issued, it is estimated that Wu'an General must arrive in Anxi Protectorate General quickly!” “是武安将军,新的任命已经颁发,估计武安将军很快就要抵达安西都护府了!” Your highness, the people of Wang Chong subordinates gather, Cheng Sanyuan goes forward gravely says. 殿下,王冲麾下的众人聚集在一起,程三元上前一步沉声道 Wu'an General!” “武安将军!” Hears this name, Wang Chong frowned slightly, in Great Tang all Titled General, Wu'an General Huo Hao belongs to place one of the topest Titled General without a doubt. 听到这个名字,王冲微微皱起了眉头,在大唐所有的封号将军中,武安将军霍颢毫无疑问属于排名最顶尖的封号将军之一。 Although his strength cannot compare Gao Xianzhi, but has also achieved Quasi-General peak Level, absolutely is below Great General one of the topest existences. 虽然他的实力比不上高仙芝,但是也达到了准将巅峰的级别,绝对是大将以下最顶尖的存在之一。 But according to news that Wang Chong knows, Huo Hao talent different reported that brave, excels at resorting to arms extremely. In long ago, but also once was the An Sishun powerful competitor, two people competed for the Beiting Great Protectorate position together. 而按照王冲所知道的消息,霍颢天赋异禀,骁勇善战,极擅用兵。在早年的时候,还曾是安思顺的有力竞争者,两人一同争夺北庭大都护的位置。 Was only a pity that finally Huo Hao or the chess miss one move, has lost to An Sishun. However for all this, he also has very big prestige in the armed forces. 只可惜最后霍颢还是棋差一招,输给了安思顺。不过尽管如此,他在军中也有很大的威望。 However makes Wang Chong care, but also more than this, because Wang Chong understands compared with anyone, one of the Wu'an General Huo Hao or First Imperial Prince Li Ying subordinates, he had taken an oath to give loyalty to First Imperial Prince long ago. 然而让王冲在意的,还远不止这个,因为王冲比谁都明白,这位武安将军霍颢还是大皇子李瑛的部下之一,在很久之前,他就已经宣誓效忠大皇子了。 Changes Gao Xianzhi, for on own subordinate Huo Hao, this goes, First Imperial Prince in this way, Empire northeast, this sharpest Protectorate Army grasped in oneself hand. 换下高仙芝,替上自己的部下霍颢,这一来一去,大皇子就通过这种方式,将帝国西北部,这个最精锐的都护军掌握在了自己手中。 Empire six big Protectorate Army each relate significantly, some countless people are paying attention, trades to do is before, even if First Imperial Prince has this idea , the heart has the scruples, does not dare such to do. However now, looked like in the First Imperial Prince heart does not have this awe and has scruples. 帝国的六大都护军每一个都关系重大,有无数人关注着,换作是以前,大皇子即便有这种想法,也心有顾忌,绝不敢这么做。但是现在,看起来大皇子心中没有这种敬畏和顾忌了。 Finally started?” “终于开始了吗?” In the main hall, in the Wang Chong hand takes the information that these are transmitting, in the heart mutters. 大殿上,王冲手中拿着那些传来的情报,心中喃喃自语。 The blowing up for rain, first is the Dafu Temple event, is the northwest military change, this flash, although anything has not occurred, but Wang Chong actually smells the flavor/smell that storm approached. 山雨欲来风满楼,先是大佛寺事件,接着是西北的军事变化,这一刹那,尽管什么都还没有发生,但王冲却从中闻到了一股风暴来临的味道。 In the Wang Chong heart has a feeling, all these also merely start, all had not finished. 王冲心中有一种感觉,这一切还仅仅只是开始,一切还远没有结束。 But as if responded to Wang Chong's to guess, when all people shocked in the reassignment of Great Protectorate Gao Xianzhi, merely was two days later, a look arrogant brocade clothes court eunuch, bringing an imperial decree, the footsteps to create an incident, has stepped into Wang Chong's King of Foreign Territory's Mansion. 而似乎是回应着王冲的猜测,当所有人震撼于大都护高仙芝的调动,仅仅是两天之后,一名神色孤傲的锦衣太监,带着一封圣旨,脚步生风,踏入了王冲的异域王府 King of Foreign Territory Wang Chong meets the aim: 异域王王冲接旨: Mandate of Heaven undertakes to transport, the First Imperial Prince regent government summons saying that Lingnan said hundred more because of the paddies issue, again have the rebellion, stabbed history Wanghu dead, discussed after the Royal Court whole body of ministers hundred officers, decided to send condemn King of Foreign Territory to be hundred more special envoys, went to process this matter. Native of Vietnam combative, pure civil official(s) is unable to process this matter, King of Foreign Territory family background military and political leaders Aristocratic Family, called the famous world by martial arts, concurred Ministry of Works various villages to supervise seven civilian posts, had the responsibility of measuring, true civil and military had both, was this matter only candidate. Therefore seals King of Foreign Territory is five product Baiyue opening up wasteland causes, looks at King of Foreign Territory instantly to leave, shares sorrow for Royal Court, solves this matter fully, by danger of solution Baiyue the! ” 奉天承运,大皇子摄政召曰,岭南道百越因为田地问题,再次发生暴动,剌史王鹄身亡,经过朝廷群臣百官商议,决定派谴异域王为百越特使,前往处理此事。越人性情好斗,单纯的文官无法处理此事,异域王出身将相世家,以武功称名天下,又身兼工部诸屯监七品文职,负有丈量之责,真正文武兼备,乃是此事不二人选。故加封异域王为五品百越屯田使,望异域王即刻动身,替朝廷分忧,全力解决此事,以解百越之危!” King of Foreign Territory, receives orders from the emperor!” 异域王,领旨吧!” That brocade clothes court eunuch snow eyebrow enters the temple, was saying, while flung started whisking, shoots a look at present Wang Chong to say. 那锦衣太监雪眉入鬓,一边说着,一边甩了一下手中的拂尘,瞥了一眼眼前的王冲道。 Wang Chong receives orders from the emperor!” 王冲领旨!” Wang Chong goes forward, received the imperial decree from that court eunuch hand quickly. 王冲上前,很快从那太监手中接过了圣旨。 Lord King, the meaning of Royal Court, hoping Lord King can in three day leave. Also asked Lord King extremely do not delay!” 王爷,朝廷的意思,希望王爷能够三日之内动身。还请王爷不要太过耽搁!” The court eunuch who delivers the aim said, quick walked. 送旨的太监说罢,很快就走了。 However the entire King of Foreign Territory's Mansion atmosphere actually tightly collapses along with it one piece, suddenly, Xu Keyi, Su Shixuan, Zhang Que and Cheng Sanyuan, the vision of all people in abundance centralized to Wang Chong, or is on that imperial decree, looks are dignified. 但是整个异域王府的气氛却是随之一片紧崩,一刹那间,许科仪苏世玄张雀程三元,所有人的目光纷纷集中到了王冲,或者说是那封圣旨上面,一个个神色凝重无比。 The Gao Xianzhi matter just started, no one has thought, Royal Court such quickly started to Lord King. 高仙芝的事情才刚刚开始,谁也没有想到,朝廷这么快就对王爷下手了。 Lord King, cannot go, cannot go absolutely! First Imperial Prince this has ulterior motives!” 王爷,不能去,绝对不能去!大皇子这是醉翁之意不在酒!” Good, this is to lure the enemy out of his stronghod, Lord King thorough assigning out national capital. If no Lord King, the entire national capital can resist First Imperial Prince on nobody again!” “不错,这是想要调虎离山,把王爷彻底的调出京师。如果没有王爷,整个京师就再没有人能对抗得了大皇子了!” „The places of hundred more are always chaotic, the stabbing history that Royal Court sends was not one two. If went to Lingnan, perhaps does not have 12 years, Lord King does not come back. First Imperial Prince this is wants Lord King thorough being stranded in Lingnan.” “百越之地历来混乱,朝廷派去的剌史也不是一个两个了。如果真的去了岭南,恐怕没个12载,王爷根本就回不来。大皇子这是想要把王爷彻底的困在岭南。” First Imperial Prince could not cope with Lord King, therefore has found out this method. Lord King cannot make him achieve wishes in any event!” 大皇子对付不了王爷,所以才想出了这种方法。王爷无论如何都不能让他如愿啊!” Wang Chong issues the order, but few everything explained. Therefore regarding Wang Chong's many actions, its back intention Xu Keyi they is also not too clear. However this time, transfers the station Empire Great General arbitrarily, transfers the national capital Wang Chong, Xu Keyi they felt a thick plot flavor/smell. 王冲下达命令,但却很少事事解释。所以对于王冲的很多举动,其背后的意图就连许科仪他们也并不是太清楚。但是这一次,将一位帝国大将擅自调离驻地,又将王冲调离京师,就连许科仪他们都感觉到了一股浓浓的阴谋味道。 Made the people frightened was also not this, but in this was behind the action, flavor/smell that on Imperial Palace deep place that disclosed. A pressure of moving mountains is coming from there duplicate pressure, without the accident/surprise, that in Imperial Palace perhaps wants 令众人恐惧的还不是这个,而是在这一系举动背后,皇宫深处那位身上透露出来的味道。一股排山倒海的压力正从那里覆压而来,没有意外,皇宫中的那位恐怕就要 Nobody dares saying that the word of two violating a taboo. Thinks merely, has made the people feel was afraid. 没有人敢把那两个犯忌的词说出来。仅仅只是想一想,就已经让众人感到不寒而栗了。 The reactionary forces in the ascendant, everyone some feelings, the following some time, perhaps are this Empire will not be calmest, possibly is the most difficult time. If left national capital including Wang Chong, nobody dares to imagine, is any appearance. 黑云压城城欲摧,每个人都有种感觉,接下来的一段时间,恐怕将是这个帝国最不平静,也可能是最艰难的时候。如果连王冲都离开了京师,没有人敢想像,接下来将是什么样子。 In main hall quiet, Wang Chong stands in the main hall entrance, in the hand takes that volume of imperial decrees, in the eye the ray is flashing, at that moment, no one knows that Wang Chong is thinking anything. 大殿里静悄悄,王冲站在大殿门口,手中拿着那卷圣旨,眼中光芒闪动,那一刻,谁也不知道王冲在想些什么。 Knew, this matter, I have the position!” “知道了,这件事情,我自有主张!” Has not known how long, Wang Chong has opened the mouth to say suddenly, facial expression slowly becomes must be firm. 不知道过了多久,王冲突然开口道,神情慢慢的变得坚定。 But merely is only one day later, the carrier pigeon dances in the air, is fluttering the wing, had in the Wang Chong's reply the deep palace. 而仅仅只是一天后,信鸽飞舞,拍动着翅膀,将王冲的回复带到了深宫之中。 Your highness, just received the reply of King of Foreign Territory, said that is the recent body slight illness. Moreover the matter relations that Lingnan said were major, he needs to consider completely, made some preparations to start off.” “殿下,刚刚收到异域王的回复,说是最近身体微恙。而且岭南道的事情关系重大,他需要思虑周全,做些准备才能上路。” A moment later, a crown prince guard has met the carrier pigeon, hurriedly, strided in the palace quickly. 片刻之后,一名东宫侍卫接了信鸽,急匆匆,快步跨入了宫殿之中。 In the main hall, First Imperial Prince Li Ying stands in the place above, but a not far away royal robes dragon table rear area, a Ghost King black robe, the side lies down in that deck chair. 大殿里,大皇子李瑛站在上方,而不远处一张衮龙桌的后方,鬼王一身黑袍,侧躺在那张躺椅之中。 Receives the message, two people looked at one mutually, seems not accidental. 收到消息,两人互相看了一眼,似乎一点也不意外。 This Wang Chong, just as expected. To lure the enemy out of his stronghod, assigns out national capital him, is not simply easy.” “这个王冲,果然不出所料。想要调虎离山,把他调出京师,根本没有那么容易。” First Imperial Prince smile however, throws the writing brush in hand, throws on present snowflake fine paper conveniently. 大皇子哂然一声,将手中的毛笔一投,随手扔在了眼前的雪花宣纸上。 hē hē, since is not as expected, your highness why was worried. Wasn't his present reply, was already expected in us? Moreover he goes with not to go not to matter, when the places of hundred more have an accident, has the turmoil again, your highness does not obey by the anti- aim directly, despises Royal Court is the reason, takes him and that's the end.” 呵呵,既然不出预料,殿下又何必担心。他现在的回答,不是早已在我们预料之中吗?而且他去与不去都无所谓,等到百越之地出事,再次发生动乱,殿下直接以抗旨不遵,藐视朝廷为由,将他拿下就是了。” Ghost King looking up, puts aside from the books in hand the vision, indifferently said. 鬼王仰着头,将目光从手中的书卷上移开,淡淡道 Stratagem has plot and open intrigue, this is frank and upright open intrigue, Wang Chong cannot think, is beyond control he. “谋”有“阴谋”、“阳谋”,这个就是光明正大的“阳谋”,王冲想不去,也由不得他。 Several months ago, border region event First Imperial Prince has to grant a reward Wang Chong, but is actually not willing to him the substantive post, therefore seals seven minor officials who his Ministry of Works various villages have supervised, who can expect, the union the events of hundred more, actually became had coped recently with the Wang Chong best method. 几个月前,边陲事件大皇子不得不封赏王冲,但却又不愿意给他实职,所以就封了他一个工部诸屯监的七品小官吏,谁能料到,结合最近百越的事件,却成了对付王冲最好的方法。 Wang Chong has been careful, majestic upright, does not leave the person handle. Moreover he is wise, is rich in the strain, First Imperial Prince several strategies is destroyed by him. To cope with such character, is too difficult to be too difficult. 王冲太小心谨慎了,堂皇正大,根本不留给人把柄。而且他足智多谋,富于应变,大皇子好几次计策都被他破坏。想要对付这样的人物,实在太难太难。 If unable to defeat him, then the best means his thorough transferring to a new job, transfer the national capital, transfers this Empire power center. Resembled that month that Wang Chong vanished to be the same, did not have this Great Tang King of Foreign Territory, no matter First Imperial Prince wants to work, wanted to be easier. 如果无法打败他,那么最好的办法就是将他彻底的调开,调离京师,调离这个帝国的权力中心。就好像王冲消失的那一个多月一样,没有了这位大唐异域王,不管大皇子想做什么事,都要容易很多。 But, if merely is this or insufficient.” “不过,如果仅仅是这样还是不够。” In the main hall, the First Imperial Prince vision rotation, this time does not need Ghost King to give advice, in his heart then had many strategies: 大殿上,大皇子目光转动,这一次不用鬼王支招,他心中便有了许多计策: Since must cope with him, that simply adds a fire. Wish child En, I remember that Lingnan vice- did cause how many months ago opened patrols not to offer services to us? Sends, making him provoke among the dispute various Yue on own initiative, makes the matter the bigger the better. When the time comes, I thought how he handles!” “既然要对付他,那就索性加把火。祝童恩,我记得岭南副使张巡几个月前不是投效了我们吗?派人过去,让他主动挑起诸越之间的争执,把事情闹得越大越好。到时候,我看他如何处置!” Yes!” “是!” Wish in child Enxin to be startled, lowered the head quickly, goes accordingly. 祝童恩心中一怔,很快低下头,应声而去。
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