HDLL :: Volume #13

#1271: City that the music revolves( one-fourth)

In the journey, other city does not raise for the time being, the Leipzig time of way Germany, Mo Fei suddenly has remembered anything, temporarily conceives a plan, requested with Yang Yi that they go down the train, music the ancient city of history is stopping in this load bearing slightly. 旅途中,别的城市暂且不提,途径德国的莱比锡时候,墨菲才忽然想起了什么,临时起意,跟杨轶请求,他们走下火车,在这个承载着音乐的历史的古老城市稍作停留。 Yang Yi has understood, Leipzig this city, in this world, regarding most musicians, has sacred meaning of pilgrimage actually! After all, in this city, walks the virtuosos of many European classicism times. 杨轶还是了解过的,莱比锡这座城市,在这个世界里,对于绝大多数音乐人来说,其实是有着一种朝圣的神圣意味!毕竟,在这座城市里,走出来过许多欧洲古典主义时期的音乐大师。 Among them, can the Yang Yi previous generation Beethoven such great musician, bring innumerable wonderful symphony, operas and other works to this world many side by side! 他们中间,不乏可以比肩杨轶前世贝多芬这样伟大的音乐家,更是给这个世界带来了无数美妙的交响乐、歌剧等作品! Even if now, Music Faculty of Leipzig creates the outstanding professional every year, but its ancient music hall, innumerable top virtuosos once in a here show skill, after the 1980s reconditioning, it is similar to the Vienna golden hall is also ordinary, making each orchestra and each performance master go after like ducks. 就算是现在,莱比锡的音乐学院每年都培养出许多优秀的专业人才,而它古老的音乐厅,无数顶尖音乐大师都曾在此处一展身手,经过上个世纪八十年代的翻修后,它也如同维也纳的金色大厅一般,令每一个乐团、每一个演奏大师趋之若鹜。 Although what Mo Fei is engaged is pop music career, but she also listened to the classical music from Leipzig to grow up in childhood, knows that must anchors after Leipzig, Mo Fei then cannot bear, wants pilgrimage. 墨菲虽然从事的是流行音乐事业,可是她小时候也是听着来自莱比锡的古典音乐长大,知道要在莱比锡停靠后,墨菲便忍不住,想要去“朝圣”一番。 However, this idea also means that they will unable to catch up are only the trains of whistle stop. 不过,这个想法也意味着,他们会赶不上只是短暂停留的火车。 That what to do?” Xixi a little anxious sees the father. “那怎么办呀?”曦曦有点焦虑地看着爸爸。 Has not related!” Yang Yi smiles, has brandished the fist, raises the morale, said that cannot catch up with these not to relate, we can sit down, bought a ticket on the line! Since comes out to play, that must play enjoys oneself to the full!” “没关系!”杨轶笑着,挥舞了一下拳头,鼓舞一下士气,说道,“赶不上这一趟没关系,我们可以坐下一趟,重新买票就行了!既然出来游玩,那就要玩得尽兴!” „! Papa long live!” Mo Fei has gone bad happily, she raises the arm to cheer, not only that Mo Fei also puts out a hand, wants also to have Little Tongtong to applaud with Xixi. “欧耶!粑粑万岁!”墨菲开心坏了,她振臂欢呼起来,不仅如此,墨菲还伸出手去,想要和曦曦还有小曈曈击掌。 Xixi hee hee smiles, has turned the body intentionally, pedals the step on step on to run off. 曦曦嘻嘻地笑着,故意扭过身子,蹬蹬蹬地跑开。 Fortunately, Mo Fei also has Little Tongtong, the kid comes under mother positive mood influence, smiles vivaciously, he is lifting the small hand diligently, in giggle the laughter, has patted with mother, but, the kid patted very much is not accurate, small palm has touched and gone mother's hand merely. 还好,墨菲还有小曈曈,小家伙受到妈妈积极的情绪影响,也是蹦蹦跳跳地笑着,他努力地举着小手,在咯咯的笑声中,和妈妈拍了过去,只是,小家伙拍得不是很准,小手掌仅仅是擦过了妈妈的手。 Mo Fei has not given full expression, but also to runs cheerfully to elder sister's Little Tongtong shouts: Hello, you have not patted!” 墨菲意犹未尽,还冲着欢快地跑向姐姐的小曈曈喊道:“喂,你还没拍到呢!” ...... …… What a little unfortunately is, today the Leipzig music hall does not have the orchestra to perform, Yang Yi and Mo Fei can only be stroll, toured the scenery of this music sacred place. 有点不巧的是,今天莱比锡音乐厅没有管弦乐团进行表演,杨轶墨菲只能是过来逛逛,游览了一下这个音乐圣地的风光。 However, outside open square, Yang Yi and Mo Fei appreciate one uniquely performance, beard draws the dregs and attire tattered street artist, is holding his violin cautiously, is drawing the beautiful melody melodiously. 不过,在外面开放的广场里,杨轶墨菲还是欣赏到了一场别致的“表演”,一个胡子拉渣、衣着破烂的街头艺人,小心翼翼地捧着他的小提琴,悠扬地拉着优美的旋律。 The technology is not really bad! 技术真的不差! Although cannot see with the Yang Yi's disparity, but Mo Fei is pats the mamo, Yang Yi even thought that the opposite party strength can ascend the concerts of some domestic provincial levels! 虽然看不出和杨轶的差距,但墨菲是拍马莫及的,杨轶甚至都觉得对方的实力能登得上国内一些省级的音乐会! But why, this kind of artist will choose the street in Leipzig to roam about, isn't willing to look for a dignified work to keep a family by the technique? 但为什么,这样一个艺术家会选择在莱比锡的街头流浪,也不愿意凭借技艺去寻找一份体面的工作养家糊口呢? Mo Fei raised such question to Yang Yi. 墨菲杨轶提出这样的疑问。 Yang Yi pondered for a long time, gently has smiled bitterly: Who knows? Perhaps, he is another Endt Ricklander......” 杨轶沉思了许久,才轻轻地苦笑:“谁知道呢?或许,他是另一个恩特里克兰德吧……” Who is Endt Ricklander?” Mo Fei asked puzzled. “谁是恩特里克兰德?”墨菲困惑地问道。 Yang Yi has gotten back one's composure, smiled, said: Is I character who in a story prepares to write, but, he throws the wife to abandon the child for the art, therefore the brief resume of events obviously constrains, we do not study him.” 杨轶回过了神,笑了笑,说道:“是我准备写的一个故事里的人物,不过,他是为了艺术而抛妻弃子,故事略显压抑,我们不要学他。” Mo Fei one hear, shook the head immediately, said with amazement: I do not like such person, you cannot study them!” 墨菲一听,马上摇了摇头,惊讶地说道:“我不喜欢这样的人,你可不能学他们!” Yang Yi smiled, has rubbed the Mo Fei's head, said: „Do you look at me are such person?” 杨轶莞尔一笑,揉了揉墨菲的脑袋,说道:“你看我是这样的人吗?” Two kids have not paid attention chat of father and mother actually, they watch the performance of street artist attentively, perhaps Xixi and Little Tongtong could not have understood, has not understood the appreciation, but the feeling of beautiful is consistent, is listening to the wonderful melody, performance that looks at that person of immersing, the Xixi expression is somewhat serious, as if not dare to disturb others, but Little Tongtong also looks very fascinated, a hand is drawing the elder sister, a hand is drawing mother, motionless. 两个小家伙倒是没有留意爸爸妈妈的聊天,他们全神贯注地看着街头艺人的表演,或许曦曦小曈曈还看不懂,还不太懂得欣赏,但美的感受是一致的,听着美妙的旋律,看着那人沉醉的演奏,曦曦的表情有些严肃,似乎不敢打扰到别人,而小曈曈也是看得很入迷,一只手拉着姐姐,一只手拉着妈妈,一动不动的。 ...... …… In Leipzig, Yang Yi and Mo Fei also strolled some style plain musical instrument halls, what here most is worth buying is the violin, on the one hand is the work is very good, the German craft is praiseworthy, on the other hand is also facile Yi Xie, after all goes out the traveling, Yang Yi is impossible to buy piano to shoulder to go home. 在莱比锡,杨轶墨菲还逛了一下一些样式古朴的乐器馆,这里最值得买的是小提琴,一方面是做工很不错,德国工艺令人钦佩,另一方面也是轻便易携,毕竟出门旅游,杨轶也不可能买一台钢琴扛回家。 But Yang Yi brought Mo Fei and children to look, still had not planned that must purchase. 可是杨轶带着墨菲、孩子们看了一圈,依然没有打算要购买。 Why doesn't want?” The Mo Fei surprise asked. “为什么不要?”墨菲诧异地问道。 Yang Yi shows a faint smile, said: Had you to give my to be enough the violin, why can also buy one again?” 杨轶微微一笑,说道:“有你送给我的那把小提琴就已经足够了,干嘛还要再买一把?” Mo Fei has gawked, at heart quite happy, but her a little reluctant to admit a mistake, does intentionally not to care said: But this is better, you look at others needed materials, expensive has the truth, wants the high scale compared with my!” 墨菲愣了一下,心里好生甜蜜,但她又有点嘴硬,故作不在意地说道:“但这个更好啊,你看人家的用料,贵不是没有道理的,比我那把还要高一个档次呢!” Although it is so, Mo Fei somewhat anxiously blinked, looks at Yang Yi eagerly, in the look has written all over the worry. 话虽这么说,墨菲还是有些紧张地眨了眨眼睛,眼巴巴地看着杨轶,眼神里写满了担心。 Yang Yi laughs, said: I do not want, I thought that gives to me to work as the violin performance of birthday present with you, can pull out in this world the most wonderful music!” 杨轶哈哈一笑,说道:“那我也不要,我觉得,用你送给我当生日礼物的小提琴演奏,才能拉出这世界上最美妙的音乐!” Mo Fei was well satisfied immediately, she has flung the head arrogantly tenderly, sweetly snort|hum: That as you like!” 墨菲顿时心满意足了,她傲娇地甩了甩脑袋,甜滋滋地哼了一声:“那随你吧!” ...... …… Returns to the train station, although the sunshine time of Germany wants longer than Sweden, but after they have used the supper comes back, is the night falls, lamplights of ten thousand families! 重返火车站,虽然德国的日照时间比瑞典要长许多,但他们用过晚餐后回来,也已经是夜幕降临、万家灯火了! Yang Yi bought went to the train ticket of Paris, but, their coach numbers were a little late, needs to wait for two hours in the train station. 杨轶买了前往巴黎的火车票,不过,他们的车次有点晚,需要在火车站等候两个小时。 Is so late?” Mo Fei stretched oneself in the waiting hall lazily, two arms build on the side of Yang Yi's on the shoulder, hee hee said with a smile, early knows that we window-shopped in the eating meal place come back again.” “这么晚啊?”墨菲懒洋洋地在候车大厅里伸了个懒腰,才两个胳膊搭在杨轶的一边肩膀上,嘻嘻地笑道,“早知道,我们在吃饭的地方逛个街再回来了。” What although Mo Fei and Yang Yi are dull is the ordinary waiting hall, the surroundings are crowded, but nobody can recognize them. After all, Yang Yi and Mo Fei's fame has not transmitted Germany, moreover in westerner opinion, the person of Asian descent is looks is also similar, even if has listened to some Yang Yi English songs, is unable to recognize them all of a sudden, the hurried glance, will only think that they are the ordinary Asian tourists. 虽然墨菲杨轶呆的是普通的候车大厅,周围人来人往的,但没有人能认得出他们。毕竟,杨轶墨菲的名气还没有传来到德国,而且在西方人看来,黄种人也是长得差不多,即便听过杨轶一些英文歌的,也无法一下子就认出他们,匆忙一瞥,只会觉得他们是普通的亚洲游客。 But this feeling is very good, mingles among the ordinary crowd, does not need to be worried that will be surrounded, does not need to bring the big sunglasses, the dense air-tight mask and hat. 但这种感觉很好,混迹在普通人群中,不用担心会被围堵,也不用带着大大的墨镜、密不透气的口罩和帽子。 Yang Yi and Mo Fei like such ordinary and free feeling! 杨轶墨菲还是很喜欢这样平凡、自由的感觉! Two hours of waiting times, where Xixi and Little Tongtong can sit still, Xixi leads the younger brother to jump quickly from the chair, runs cheerfully around the bench that they are. 两个小时的候车时间,曦曦小曈曈哪里坐得住,曦曦很快就带着弟弟从椅子上蹦下来,欢快地绕着他们所在的这条长椅奔跑起来。 Younger brother, you pursue me! Giggle, you cannot overtake my!” Xixi is running in front, the euphonious laughter reverberates in the station. “弟弟,你来追我!咯咯,你追不上我的!”曦曦在前面跑着,银铃般的笑声在车站里回荡。 But Little Tongtong is also hee hee smiles, but he is busy with chasing the elder sister, the laughter is not obvious, but is turning the small buttocks, ran behind the elder sister, even if could not overtake, he was also very happy. 小曈曈也是嘻嘻地笑着,但他忙于追赶姐姐,笑声不明显,只是扭着小屁股,一颠一颠地跑在了姐姐后面,即便追不上,他也很开心。 But quick, two kids were then stopped by the father. 但很快,两个小家伙便被爸爸叫停了。 Yang Yi very pays great attention to the guidance of children quality, he worried that two kids have disturbed the station peaceful ordered atmosphere, beckons hastily, said: Xixi, Tongtong, comes!” 杨轶还是挺注重孩子们素质的教导的,他担心两个小家伙打扰了车站安静有序的氛围,连忙招了招手,说道:“曦曦,曈曈,过来!” Cannot play, moreover must listen to the father to be reasonable, Xixi and Tongtong were clamped by the father two big arms in the bosom, cannot move. 不能玩了,而且还要听爸爸讲道理,曦曦曈曈被爸爸两只大胳膊夹在怀里,都不能动弹。 But at this time, not far away transmitted just liked the spring din-dong the clean piano sound, attracted the attention of two a little impatient kids. 但这个时候,不远处传来了犹如清泉叮咚般干净的钢琴声,吸引了两个有点不耐烦的小家伙们的注意。
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