HDLL :: Volume #13

#1270: Fishing Xixi ( 4 / 4 )

Do not despise a strength of country, do not despise many countries to gather in the together strength! Even if that organization of Yang Yi previous generation, does not dare to meet easily during this type the congress that has the multinational presidents to gather bill that starts. 不要小看一个国家的力量,更不要小看很多国家集合在一起的力量!即便是杨轶前世的那个组织,也不敢轻易接在这种有多国总统聚集的大会期间下手的单子。 At least the Yang Yi previous generation has not done this matter, his previous generation copes with Middle East small country politicians time, must plan carefully was very long, took advantage the opposite party relaxes the vigilant time starts. 至少杨轶前世就没有干过这种事,他前世对付一个中东小国政要的时候,还是要小心规划了很久,才趁对方放松警惕的时候下手。 Fool not awfully, dares, in others take strict precautions against under the condition of clinging to tenaciously, rushes others' impregnable bastion. Even if really has such person ready dead, they facing the security of such rank, the success ratio of perhaps raiding are very low. 不要命的傻子,才敢在别人严防死守的状况下,去闯别人的铜墙铁壁。即便确实有这样的死士,他们面对这样级别的安保,恐袭的成功率都很低。 Let alone does not dare to start, at this time, the Yang Yi previous generation must hide by far, after all his body has the case history, cannot withstand others' investigation...... In these movies rushes to the scene of dangerous spot to fictionalize bravely after all. 别说不敢下手,在这种时候,杨轶前世还要躲得远远的,毕竟他的身上有案底,经不起别人的调查……那些电影里勇闯龙潭虎穴的场景毕竟都是虚构出来的。 ...... …… Naturally, in this world, the Yang Yi's status is an average person, he can walk very much calm in the street that the police are found, is leading the wife child, is appreciating the scenic spot and historic resort of Stockholm leisurely and carefree. 当然,在这个世界里,杨轶的身份就是一个普通人,他可以很淡定地走在警察遍布的街头,带着老婆孩子,悠闲地欣赏着斯德哥尔摩的名胜古迹。 Yang Yi has not met the unnecessary twists and turns in the Swedish final time, next afternoon, Maria will then deliver them passes through the train of continental Europe this world was in sole possession. 杨轶一家在瑞典最后的时光没有遇到多余的波折,第二天下午,玛瑞亚便将他们送上了这个世界独有的直贯欧洲大陆的火车。 The vehicle speed of train is not quick, happen to suits them to south, travels cursorily most Europe. 火车的车速不快,正好适合他们一路向南,走马观花地游历大半个欧洲。 A day a night of driving distance, midway interesting climate that not only train outside scenery, elevates temperature unceasingly, as well as in car(riage) the restlessness of two children. 一天一夜的车程,中途有趣的不只是火车外面的风景,还有不断升温的气候,以及车内两个小朋友的闹腾。 During the stay in Sweden, Mo Fei was frozen is unable to play happily, but went to south along with the train, gradually, the temperature rise, the weather became warm, from several degrees below zero, rose again the temperature in zero. 在瑞典的时候,墨菲被冻得都无法玩得开心,但随着火车向南行驶,渐渐的,温度上升,天气变得暖和,从零下十几度,回升到了零上的温度。 The climate that especially the way Germany time, that thorough is comfortable, is similar to the Jiangcheng winter, Mo Fei can get rid of the sincere cotton-padded jacket, can exchange the additional fabric that she admires to hit matching of underpants sur- jeans, if bumps into the berthing time is quite long and to be able get out the station, she also only needs to put on a long windproof coat, does not need to dread the cold. 尤其是途径德国时候,那彻底舒服起来的气候,就跟江城的冬天差不多,墨菲可以摆脱厚重的棉衣,可以换上她心仪的加绒打底裤外加牛仔裤的搭配,如果是碰到停靠时间比较长、可以下车走走的车站,她也只需要披上一件长长的风衣,就不用畏惧风寒。 Finally, puts on too appears a little extremely fat Mo Fei, restored her fashion lively appearance, happy she, but also impatiently some small scenic spots by station, making Yang Yi give her to make several pictures to know, during the stay in Sweden, Mo Fei did not want the extremely fat image to enter the mirror! 终于,穿得太多显得有点臃肿的墨菲,也恢复了她时尚活泼的模样,开心的她,还迫不及待地在车站旁边的一些小景点,让杨轶给她多拍几张照片要知道,在瑞典时候,墨菲都不太愿意自己臃肿的形象入镜的! ...... …… Regarding does not know that changes in temperature Xixi and Little Tongtong, the clothes that two kids do not provide clothing are many or few, in the father wraps relatively in a sleeping berth compartment of quite spacious four bed, two kids besides the sack time, keep playing to make. 对于不知冷暖的曦曦小曈曈来说,两个小家伙才不管穿的衣服是多还是少,在爸爸包下来的相对比较宽敞的一间四床的卧铺车厢里,两个小家伙除了睡觉时间以外,一刻也不停地玩闹着。 Do not think what they play is any special game, some simple movements, can make them smile the morning. 别以为他们玩的是什么特别的游戏,简简单单的一些动作,都能让他们笑上半天。 For example, Xixi depends the superiority of oneself longleg, climbs up the upper berth had slept last night, Yang Yi and Mo Fei are various belt kids rest in the lower berth, therefore, the upper berth to the kids, is a new experience. 比如,曦曦仗着自己长腿的优势,爬上了上铺昨晚睡觉的时候,杨轶墨菲是各带一个小家伙睡在下铺的,所以,上铺对小家伙们来说,还是一个新鲜的体验。 After seeing the elder sister climbs up the upper berth, Little Tongtong is also ready to make trouble grabs the small ladder, stands on the lower berth bed, attempts upward to crawl. 看到姐姐爬上上铺后,小曈曈也蠢蠢欲动地抓着小梯子,站在下铺的床上面,尝试着往上爬。 Cannot crawl, danger!” Mo Fei has held on this ambitiouily kid. “不能爬上去,危险!”墨菲拉住了这个“野心勃勃”的小家伙。 Finally, under Xixi on hee hee searches from above, made faces with Little Tongtong. This may make Little Tongtong be flustered, Ohhh was calling, means that the change of scene wanted to seek for all round. 结果,曦曦就嘻嘻地从上面探下头来,跟小曈曈扮了个鬼脸。这可让小曈曈着急坏了,“唔唔”地叫着,团团转地想要寻找上去的办法。 Younger brother!” Xixi cracks into a chuckle, stretches out the small arm, sways toward Little Tongtong. “弟弟!”曦曦嘻嘻一笑,伸出小胳膊,朝小曈曈摇晃一下。 Must know, although is the train of Europe, but the bunk bed height difference greatly will not be many, Little Tongtong stands in the lower berth, lifts the hand , can reach the upper berth, sees the elder sister to put out a hand, he must catch this straw to grasp to be the same probably, puts out a hand to grasp hastily. 要知道,虽然是欧洲的火车,但上下铺的高度差也不会大太多,小曈曈站在下铺,抬起手来,也能够得着上铺,看到姐姐伸手下来,他好像要抓到这根“救命稻草”一样,连忙伸手抓去。 However, Xixi responded quickly, her horse began shrinks, has hidden. 然而,曦曦反应很快,她马上手一缩,就躲了过去。 Hey!” little girl happily blinked with the younger brother. “嘿嘿!”小姑娘得意地跟弟弟眨了眨眼睛。 Little Tongtong honk drew out the small mouth, but he has not been discouraged, but also is grabbing the small ladder, upward looks eagerly. 小曈曈嘟起了小嘴巴,但他没有气馁,还在抓着小梯子,眼巴巴地往上看。 Because he does not have upward to crawl, Mo Fei has not blocked him, she and Yang Yi interesting looks at sister and brother's performance. 因为他没有往上爬,墨菲并没有拦他,她和杨轶饶有兴趣地看着姐弟俩的表现。 Did not have a while, Xixi the probe head looked, attempted to extend the small hand. 没一会儿,曦曦又探头看了看,尝试着伸出了小手。 Really, Little Tongtong with was been same by fishing, extremely worried has grasped. 果然,小曈曈跟被钓鱼一样,火急火燎地抓了出来。 But this time he came up empty-handed, the Xixi response is quick, immediately has taken back the hand, then has laughed happily. 但这次他又扑了个空,曦曦反应还是很快的,马上收回了手,然后开心地大笑了起来。 Well......” Little Tongtong a little does not depend on the place to stamp the feet, the anxious expression, has written all over the small cheek of kid. “咦……”小曈曈有点不依地跺了跺脚,焦急的表情,都写满了小家伙的小脸蛋。 Younger brother, you come one time again!” Xixi sees that also extends the hand. “弟弟,你再来一次!”曦曦见状,又把手伸出来。 This time, the Xixi reaction rate is a little as if slow, Little Tongtong grabbed elder sister's hand. 这次,曦曦的反应速度似乎有点慢,小曈曈抓住了姐姐的手。 Hee hee, hee hee, held!” The kids had a sense of achievement finally, gains ground radiantly, the small mouth is smiling to the elder sister. “嘻嘻,嘻嘻,抓住了!”小家伙终于有了一点成就感,眉开眼笑地抬着头,冲姐姐咧着小嘴巴笑起来。 Yang Yi is looking at the same time, but also has selected the brow. 杨轶在一边看着,还不由地挑了挑眉头。 ...... 难道…… Really, Xixi above, after shrinking reaches behind the back, pokes head, said: Younger brother, you come again one time, this time I will not be caught by you again!” 果然,曦曦又在上面,缩回手后,探出头来,说道:“弟弟,你再来一次,这次我不会再被你抓到了!” Must catch!” Little Tongtong is actually supporting the small chest, jumped confidently jumping. “要抓到!”小曈曈却挺着小胸膛,信心满满地蹦了蹦。 But Xixi the speed of getting rid and drawing back the hand is quick, this time, Little Tongtong flew back without any results! 曦曦出手和缩手的速度都很快,这次,小曈曈无功而返了! Also can continue?” Xixi finds out the small head once more, a little disorderly hair hangs, but mask little girl happy smiling face. “还要不要继续?”曦曦再次探出小脑袋,有点凌乱的头发垂下来,但遮挡不住小姑娘的开心笑颜。 Wants!” Little Tongtong put into this game thoroughly, although he could not hold the elder sister frequently, but occasionally can catch one time, can make him happy turned the somersault in the lower berth. “要!”小曈曈彻底投入到了这个游戏中,尽管他经常抓不住姐姐,但偶尔能抓到一次,都可以让他高兴得在下铺翻起了跟斗。 Quack......” kid and elder sister's dissolute laughter, reverberates in the theater box, even has brought to the attention of train police, later they reduce a volume, but still plays very happily. “嘎嘎……”小家伙和姐姐放肆的笑声,在包厢里回荡,甚至都引起了火车乘警的注意,之后他们才降低一点音量,但依然玩得很开心。 How I thought that Xixi does make Tongtong catch probably intentionally?” Mo Fei cannot bear with Yang Yi asks. “我怎么觉得,曦曦好像是故意让曈曈抓到的?”墨菲忍不住跟杨轶问道。 Yang Yi already suppressed has been smiling, he pokes head to whisper in the Mo Fei's ear: Should be, but also remembers the table tennis? Xixi studies very well the table tennis, but everybody is too not willing to fight with her, therefore I teach her to turn on the water to my good friend suitably. Now Xixi is also this, it is estimated that she thinks that Little Tongtong accompanies her to play, therefore also gives Little Tongtong to turn on the water!” 杨轶早就憋着笑了,他探头在墨菲的耳边嘀咕:“应该就是,还记得乒乓球吗?曦曦把乒乓球学得很好,但大家都不太愿意跟她对打了,所以我教她适当地给自己的好朋友放水。现在曦曦也是这样,估计她想小曈曈陪她玩,所以也给小曈曈放水呢!” But for all this, Little Tongtong is very happy, for serveral days, he kept laughing, before traveling, but must like smiling open! 但尽管如此,小曈曈还是很高兴,这些天,他都是笑个不停,比起旅游之前,还要开朗爱笑! Perhaps, this is also because elder sister can accompany the reason that he plays together? 或许,这也是因为姐姐能够陪他一起玩的缘故吧? Must know, time at home, the elder sister daytime must always go to school, when has not accompanied him to play, can with the elder sister together, trapped|sleepy play in this small room rarely, Little Tongtong where will care about the elder sister to tease him? 要知道,在家里的时候,姐姐白天总是要上学,都没有什么时间陪他玩,难得能够跟姐姐一起,“困”在了这个小房间里玩耍,小曈曈哪里会在意姐姐是不是在逗他? Plays with the elder sister together, itself already enough happy! 跟姐姐一起玩,本身就已经足够开心了啊!
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