HRE :: Volume #10

#906: Channel that fills in

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The fight is still continuing, sunlight already thin loose fell, shines upon the blood red river surface, the atmosphere seems strange, imitates, if hell river of the netherworld. 战斗还在继续,太阳光已经稀稀散散的落了下来,映照血红的河面,气氛显得诡异,仿若地狱冥河。 The wooden raft of fording, has lost 7788 in the beforehand fight, the position of enemy is still as stable as Mount Tai. 渡河的木筏,已经在之前的战斗中损失得七七八八了,敌人的阵地依然稳如泰山。 Even if there is a small stock army to complete the river crossing mission, is still defeated under the tenacious blockade of French armed forces, is forced to return. 即便是有小股部队完成了渡河任务,也在法军的顽强阻击下败下阵来,被迫返回。 This is not the military deserter. According to the cultural tradition of Europe, the ammunition polished the soldier can surrender, Austria Lijun team cannot be exceptional. 这不是当逃兵。按照欧洲的文化传统,弹药打光了的士兵是可以投降的,地利军队也没有能够例外。 The soldiers who participate in the sneak attack have conducted the swimming training, a Suez Canal could not have blocked everyone's footsteps. 参加偷袭的士兵都是进行过游泳训练,一条苏伊士运河还挡不住大家的脚步。 By the wooden raft that shell wrecking scatters, happen to acts as the tool that escapes, naturally does not need to surrender. 况且,还有被炮弹击毁散落的木筏,正好充当逃生的工具,自然不需要投降了。 However the homeward journey is not problem-free, often has the French armed forces soldiers to fire at the river surface. French armed forces have not equipped the machine gun nowadays luckily massively, the opportunity of otherwise withdrawing does not have. 不过归途也不是一帆风顺,不时有法军士兵对着河面进行射击。幸好这年头法军没有大规模装备机枪,要不然后撤的机会都没有。 Put down the telescope in hand, Colonel Bodman put down the final luck, the complexion became the ruthless offense to get up, seems waging the ferocious struggle at heart. 放下了手中的望远镜,博德曼上校放下了最后的侥幸,脸色变得狠戾起来,仿佛在进行激烈的心里斗争。 Order artillery, the adjustment muzzle aims at opposite stream bank, exchanges the solid ball to attack full power!” “命令炮兵,调整炮口瞄准对面的河堤,换上实心弹全力进攻!” For the canal security, from commencing of action currently, law Austria both countries with the high explosive shell, is using solid ball that occasionally also to the opposite fort. 为了运河安全,从战斗开始到现在,法两国都在用开花弹,偶尔使用实心弹那也是冲着对面要塞去的。 Nearby chief staff officer reminded: Colonel, beat opposite stream bank to stop up the canal, when the time comes......” 一旁的参谋长提醒道:“上校,击垮了对面的河堤会堵塞运河的,到时候……” Colonel Bodman beckons with the hand to hit to block the way: Made a mistake, we are attacking the fort of enemy, the stream bank is the French sees no hope by the sulfonal, before escaping, blows up intentionally.” 博德曼上校摆了摆手打断道:“错了,我们只是在攻击敌人的要塞,河堤受损那是法国人见大势已去,逃跑前故意炸毁的。” This reason very forced, but Colonel Bodman could not attend to so many, had to compare no good in any case. Under the headquarters could not decide the determination, decided for the headquarters by him. 这个理由非常的牵强,不过博德曼上校也顾不上那么多了,反正有比没有的好。总部下定不了决心,就由他替总部下决心好了。 The political issue, is not his colonel consideration, purely from the military, Colonel Bodman this order is absolutely correct. 政治上的问题,不是他这个上校该考虑的,单纯从军事上来看,博德曼上校这个命令是完全正确的。 As for the follow-up issue, must test the foreign diplomatic capability of Austria Libyan government, and facial skin of government was thick. 至于后续问题,就要考验地利政府的外交能力,以及政府的脸皮有多厚了。 After struggling a while time, the chief staff officer chose the compromise. The similar order, is issued the belt/bring by the different people, the come political influence is entirely different. 挣扎了一会儿功夫后,参谋长还是选择了妥协。同样的命令,由不同的人下达带,来的政治影响是截然不同的。 Outside, monarch will assign not.” “将在外,君命有所不受。” It is not an empty talk, benefits in Austria is also suitable. Emperor has not issued order that forbids to destroy the canal, what demand protection Suez Canal is the Austria Libyan government. 不是一句空话,在地利同样也适用。况且,皇帝还没有下达过禁止破坏运河的命令,要求保护苏伊士运河的是地利政府。 The theater is the wartime special organization, military administration power of in time of war frontline is one grasps, as General Faith of Rough commander, naturally must consider the issue comprehensively, the request to the government has no alternative but to consider. 战区司令部属于战时特殊机构,战争时期前线的军政大权那是一把抓,作为司令官的费斯拉夫上将,自然要全面考虑问题,对政府的要求不能不考虑。 Colonel Bodman middle level such army was but different, they give loyalty to Emperor, does not need to be responsible for the government. 可是博德曼上校这样的军队中层就不一样了,他们只是效忠于皇帝,根本就不需要对政府负责。 Even government again how uncomfortable, is unable to cross Emperor directly to meddle the army. 就算是政府再怎么不爽,也无法越过皇帝直接插手军队。 So long as the weaponry won, the government has the opinion also only to suppress, in Austria benefits no one to be able with no reason at all in the hero in view of the battlefield. 只要仗打赢了,政府有意见也只能憋着,在地利没有人能够无缘无故的针对战场上功臣。 Risk in the true sense, in the battlefield had the defeat. 真正意义上的风险,还是战场上吃了败仗。 However opposite enemy gave Colonel Bodman the confidence, over half of garrison troops are indigenous, if this cannot win, he did not have the face to mix in the army. 不过对面的敌人给了博德曼上校信心,超过一半的守军都是土著,这要是都打不赢,那他也没脸在军队中混下去了。 ...... …… As new round bombing starts, under the shell fierce attack, opposite stream bank starts to collapse gradually. 随着新一轮的轰炸开始,在炮弹猛烈的攻击下,对面的河堤渐渐开始崩溃。 Waits for the headquarters to receive the message time what is done cannot be undone, except for bracing oneself, in fact also has no alternative. 等指挥部收到消息的时候木已成舟,除了硬着头皮走下去,实际上也别无选择。 To such result, General Faith Rough wants to cry but have no tears, before one hour, he just generated electricity to ask for instructions Emperor to fill in a channel, finally immediately happened. 对这样的结局,费斯拉夫上将是欲哭无泪,就在一个小时前,他刚刚发电请示皇帝要不要填出一条通道来,结果马上就发生了。 Withdrew already without enough time, the frontline urgent telegram was the earliest possible time delivers, now Faith Rough braces oneself sends a telegram to explain again. 撤回已经来不及了,前线急电都是第一时间送达,现在费斯拉夫硬着头皮再发一封电报进行解释。 Actually as for Colonel Bodman of instigator is the hero or the criminal, this issue must look at the development of war, Faith Rough does not have the thoughts to hold responsible now. 至于始作俑者的博德曼上校究竟是功臣还是罪人,这个问题还是要看战局的发展,费斯拉夫现在也没有心思追究责任。 Nothing hesitant, General Faith Rough made decided: „ Order frontline all troops, the fraught with uncertainty, do not let loose doing of hands and feet to me again. 没有任何犹豫,费斯拉夫上将做出了决定:“命令前线各部队,不要再畏首畏尾了,都给我放开手脚的干。 Now I only have a request, in the shortest time crosses the river, beats opposite French, all according to the Suez Canal. ” 现在我只有一个要求,在最短的时间内渡河,击败对面的法国人,全据苏伊士运河。” The soldiers want the back to be hard, must take the score speech. So long as in the battlefield won, these issues can only be the passing dust. 军人想要腰杆子硬,还是要拿战绩说话。只要战场上打赢了,这些问题就只能算是过往尘埃。 ...... …… The Vienna palace, looks in the hand the entirely different two telegrams, Franz is not knowing that should praise General Faith Rough to be obedient, should criticize his one-track mind. 维也纳宫,看着手中截然不同的两封电报,弗朗茨都不知道该表扬费斯拉夫上将听话,还是该批评他死脑筋。 After thinks, Franz thought the frontline high-level military officer is obedient a little good, after all uses to feel relieved! 想了想过后,弗朗茨还是觉得前线的高层将领还是听话一点儿的好,毕竟用起来放心啊! As for Colonel Bodman of independently deciding, that was not the issue. As a pure soldier, only considers the issue from the military, this is Franz wants. 至于自作主张的博德曼上校,那就更不是问题了。作为一名纯粹的军人,只从军事上考虑问题,这正是弗朗茨想要的。 He rather for these pure fellow damage control, the military officer who also does not want the frontline turns into the politician who is overcautious and indecisive, the latter means the disaster. 他宁愿替这些单纯的家伙善后,也不愿意前线的将领变成瞻前顾后的政客,后者才意味着灾难。 Did not wait for the Franz returned telegram, the cabinet people to walk, looked that the complexion knows, everyone was not happy. 不等弗朗茨回电,内阁众人就找上门了,看脸色就知道,大家的心情非常不好。 Thinks also right, the international politics advantage that builds painstakingly, now is disrupted thoroughly, whose puts body unable happily. 想想也对,苦心营造的国际政治优势,现在被彻底打乱了,搁谁身上都会不痛快。 Your majesty, matter happening in Middle East war zone......” “陛下,发生在中东战区的事情……” Did not wait for Wessenberg saying that Franz hit to block the way: „ Ok, the matter of Suez Canal I have known. 不等韦森贝格说完,弗朗茨就打断道:“好了,苏伊士运河的事情我已经知道了。 Arrived present this step, said again these are useless, even if must hold responsible, that was still the post-war matter. 到了现在这一步,再说这些都是没用的,就算是要追究责任,那也是战后的事情。 The urgent matter, everyone tries to find the solution later! The French are not fearful, have Paris that group of masters to hold back, even if in French Ministry of Foreign Affairs some people find the problem, wants to seize the chance to do the matter, can still by these fellow misdemeanors. 当务之急,大家还是想办法稍后吧!法国人不可怕,有巴黎那帮老爷拖后腿,法国外交部中就算是有人发现问题,想要趁机搞事情,也会被这些家伙坏事。 What troubled is an English, do not forget them still to agitate various European countries a short time ago, wants to unite various countries' launching an attack to jointly manage the Suez Canal together. 麻烦的是英国人,不要忘了前不久他们还在鼓动欧洲各国,想要联合各国一起发难共管苏伊士运河。 The benefit moves the will of the people, Suez Canal this fat, everyone has drooled with envy. 利益动人心,苏伊士运河这块肥肉,大家早就垂涎三尺了。 But before the Suez Canal continuously is dominating by us and French jointly, various countries have to repress the ambition. 只不过之前苏伊士运河一直都被我们和法国人联手把持着,各国不得不按耐住野心。 In present this matter, the English requested the condominium the reason more sufficient, then has not known that has many countries to be persuaded by the English. ” 发生了现在这档子事,英国人要求国际共管的理由更充分了,接下来还不知道有多少国家会被英国人说动。” Shifts the topic, basic skills that the Franz many years of Emperor profession has practiced. He is Emperor, the subordinate must in any case show due respect for the feelings, dies to nip an issue not to put. 转移话题,已经弗朗茨多年皇帝生涯练出来的基本功了。反正他是皇帝,手下人也不可能不给面子,死咬着一个问题不放。 The present is in time of war, the internal contradictions cannot erupt, therefore shoulders contradictory good exterior. 现在是战争时期,内部矛盾是万万不能爆发的,所以还是挑起外部矛盾的好。 The war conducts now, Franz was also looks, the butterfly effect cannot change this again powerful is a ratio rotten world. 战争进行到现在,弗朗茨也算是看出来了,蝴蝶效应再强大也改变不了这是一个比烂的世界。 The view people's performance knows, created so many opportunities to them, now has not killed Belgium to kill the center of German area. 看法国人的表现就知道,给他们制造了那么多机会,现在都没有干掉比利时杀到德意志地区的腹地。 Such being the case, is unfair to the English also to might as well again, in any case they also with Russia person PK., personally under., was even impossible to abandon India not to attend to helping French 既然如此,再冤枉一下英国人也无妨,反正他们还在和俄国人pk.,就算是亲自下了场,也不可能弃印度不顾来帮法国人。 This not necessarily is also unjust, with John Bull's attitude, having this matter is almost inevitable. 况且,这也未必是冤枉,以约翰牛的作风,发生这种事情几乎是必然的。 Belt leaning topic, wanted to seek the Middle East war zone unlucky foreign minister angrily, has to calm down the ponder countermeasure. 带偏了话题,原本怒气冲冲想要寻中东战区晦气的外交大臣,不得不冷静下来思考对策。 After moment time, foreign minister Wessenberg said slowly: „ Your majesty, the British government has eyed covetously to the Suez Canal, they will not let up this launching an attack opportunity mostly. 片刻功夫后,外交大臣韦森贝格缓缓说道:“陛下,英国政府对苏伊士运河一直都虎视眈眈,他们多半不会放过这个发难的机会。 From the current international situation, Belgium, Germany, Montenegro and Greek four countries are our allies, will not definitely respond English's summons. 从目前的国际局势来看,比利时、德国、黑山、希腊四国是我们的盟友,肯定不会响应英国人的号召。 Switzerland and Holland limited to the geographical position, in anti-France war result un- before Ming, should not stand in line. 瑞士、荷兰受限于地理位置,在反法战争胜负未明前,应该不会站队。 The French want to monopolize the Suez Canal, before the European disaster, the French government mostly is also the opposition condominium canal. 法国人想要独占苏伊士运河,在欧陆战争失败之前,法国政府多半也是反对国际共管运河的。 In a short time, the English are most also raises some public opinion momenta, gives a trouble to us, and is not enough to form the absolute advantage. ” 短时间内,英国人最多也就掀起一些舆论声势,给我们添点儿麻烦,并不足以形成绝对的优势。” The international situation is that chaotic, does not have the absolute enemy friend in the face of the benefit, some are only the common interests. 国际局势还是那么乱,在利益面前没有绝对的敌友,有的只是共同的利益。 suddenly Austria or the ally, are in the issue of Suez Canal, Wessenberg cannot determine that the Tsar government can support Austria to benefit, after all the Vienna government is not possible and they shares with the canal interests. 还是盟友,可是在苏伊士运河的问题上,韦森贝格都不敢确定沙皇政府会不会支持地利,毕竟维也纳政府是不可能拿运河利益和他们分享的。 On the contrary is the battling French, benefits the standpoint to be consistent in this issue and Austria, will definitely oppose the condominium Suez Canal. 反倒是正在交战的法国人,在这个问题上和地利立场一致,肯定会反对国际共管苏伊士运河。 Prime Minister Carl: „ So long as can drag to beat the French to us in the battlefield, all these are not the issues. 卡尔首相:“只要能拖到我们在战场上击败法国人,这一切都不是问题。 When the time comes, we can the interests of grasping people buy Spain and Switzerland, in addition Italian state and our present allies after independence, continental Europe was we says considers as finished. 到时候,我们就可以拿法国人的利益收买西班牙、瑞士,加上独立后的意大利邦国和我们现在的盟友,欧洲大陆就是我们说得算了。 However before then, Ministry of Foreign Affairs cannot relax vigilantly, particularly the War in Afghanistan relaxed recently, must double carefully. ” 不过在此之前,外交部还是不能放松警惕,尤其是阿富汗战争最近缓和了下来,更是要加倍小心。” Without the means that does not have the eternal friend in the international politics, eternal benefit. Has not had the betrayal, that is only because urges the chip of betrayal to be insufficient. 没有办法,在国际政治中没有永恒的朋友,只有永恒的利益。没有发生背叛,那只是因为促使背叛的筹码不够。 Now law Austria strove for the European hegemony, the Austria Libyan government has to enhance vigilance, because bet the chip on table to be many enough. 现在法争夺欧陆霸权,地利政府就不得不提高警惕了,因为赌桌上的筹码已经足够多了。 Does not raise regardless France that battles against directly, has the qualifications to strive for the hegemony UK and Russia, similarly may jump to pick the peach at crucial moments. 抛开直接开战的法兰西不提,有资格争夺霸权的英俄两国,同样有可能在关键时刻跳出来摘桃子。 Has a look the military action that Austria benefits to know, the African battlefield and Suez Canal contest, the native place has not reassigned the army in the past, is responsible for implementing is the colony army, or is the army that Africa mobilizes. 看看地利的军事行动就知道,非洲战场、苏伊士运河争夺战,本土都没有抽调军队过去,负责实施的都是殖民地部队,或者说是非洲本土动员出来的部队。 3 million armies that mobilizes one after another, put in the battlefield truly, only then several hundred thousand armies of southern line, remaining armies besides reinforcing outside 1 million armies in Central Europe, at home nest. 陆陆续续动员起来的三百万军队,真正投入战场的只有南线的几十万部队,剩下的部队除了增援中欧的百万大军外,都还在家里窝着。 Properly speaking, so long as sends these armies, has been able to satisfy the current operational requirement. But subsequent mobilization, still in continuing. 按理来说,只要把这些部队都派出去,已经能够满足目前的作战需要了。可是后续动员工作,仍然在继续进行中。 These no doubt have to be worried that the reason of French bursting and frontline unfavorable situation, similarly also many factor that the Russia person does not trust. 这其中固然有担心法国人爆棚、前线失利的缘故,同样也不乏对俄国人不信任的因素。 ...... …… The decision of government, no influence on the fight of frontline. What is done cannot be undone, since did must do certainly. 政府的决策,没有影响到前线的战斗。开弓没有回头箭,既然做了就要做绝。 Only by bombarding to level the Suez Canal too payment for published piece time, to pick up the speed, the frontline army has to go against the fire threat of enemy to fill in the river epeirogenic. 光靠炮轰填平苏伊士运河太稿费时间了,为了加快速度,前线的部队不得不顶着敌人的炮火威胁填河造陆。 Looks that was hit by the enemy artillery, crawls on the halfway braves the black smoke the automobile, Colonel Bodman to deeply frown. 看着被敌人火炮击中,爬在半路上冒黑烟的汽车,博德曼上校眉头紧锁。 Must know that the automobile cherishes the thing, besides domestic principal force massive preparations, overseas army only then the rear services headquarters have few equipment. 要知道汽车可是稀罕物件,除了国内的主力部队大量准备外,海外的军队都只有后勤部有少量装备。 The garrison of Middle East is lucky, because itself produces the petroleum, Austria benefits here also has the refinery, the oil supply is convenient, has a grand occasion of each group motor company. 中东地区的驻军算是幸运的了,因为本身就出产石油,地利在这边也有炼油厂,油料补给方便,才有每个团一个汽车连的盛况。 However this is only restricted in pre-war, starts from the big expansion of armaments, such good deed ended. 不过这仅限于战前,从大扩军开始,这样的好事就结束了。 The military truck that makes newly, must first satisfy the native army, assigns to the Middle East war zone is few. 新生产出来的军用汽车,要优先满足了本土部队,分配到中东战区的已经寥寥无几。 No exception, Colonel Bodman this infantry division is also expands manpower, inflated a division from the pre-war group. 没有任何例外,博德曼上校这个步兵师也是扩编出来的,从战前一个团膨胀到了一个师。 Other weapon opened the storehouse to have, the automobile number was the original automobile regiment, was mainly used to transport the logistical materials. 别的武器打开库房都有了,汽车数量还是原来的汽车连队,主要用来运送后勤物资。 Looks at these treasure, fell on the battlefield, heart of Colonel Bodman unceasing in drop blood. 看着这些宝贝,就这么倒在了战场上,博德曼上校的心不断的在滴血。 Hesitant for a long time, Colonel Bodman as if made a difficult decision, saying ruthlessly: Order motor company suspends the work, waited to say in the evening again!” 犹豫了许久过后,博德曼上校仿佛做出了一个艰难的决定,狠狠的说道:“命令汽车连暂停作业,等晚上再说!” Without the means that the goal of automobile was too big a little, the average runs 35, the automobile faces death bravely. 没有办法,汽车的目标太大了一点儿,平均下来跑上三五趟,就有一辆汽车英勇就义。 So long as can win the victory, loses many automobiles is also worth. The issue is according to present this speed, does not wait for the Suez Canal to be levelled, the motor company was first finished. 只要能够赢得胜利,损失再多的汽车也是值得的。问题是按照现在这个速度,不等苏伊士运河被填平,汽车连就先完蛋了。 Waits for the following reinforcements no doubt, the issue was the time passes. Simultaneously initiates the army that fills in the river action, but not only Colonel Bodman this division, the Austria army are many points of attacks. 等后续援兵固然可以,问题是时间过去了。同时发起填河行动的部队,可不只博德曼上校这一个师,军可是多点进攻的。 French armed forces defeat in any case will also blast the canal, fills in several roads to come out, has nothing at the worst. 反正法军战败也会炸掉运河,多填几条路出来,也没什么大不了的。 Colonel, now stops, by the draught animal power transportation, is very only difficult first to complete the task.” The chief staff officer reminded “上校,现在停下来,光靠畜力运输,恐怕很难第一个完成任务。”参谋长提醒道 As taking the lead to blow up the Suez Canal, initiates army that fills in the river action, if cannot fill in a path to cross the river for the army promptly, Colonel Bodman really wanted the future not to have brightly. 作为率先炸毁苏伊士运河,发起填河行动的部队,要是不能及时填出一条道路供大军渡河,博德曼上校就真的要前途无“亮”了。 Does not have the means that the goal of automobile is too big, is very difficult to evade the fire attack of enemy. The enemies built the perfect fort fortification, in a short time we do not have the means to destroy their firebases. “没有办法,汽车的目标太大,很难躲过敌人的炮火攻击。敌人修筑了完善的要塞工事,短时间内我们没有办法摧毁他们的火力点。 If insists, our losses will be big. Different with the criminal labors of these exiles, but motor company technical unit, if hit not to have the seed, may not have the means to supplement. ” 要是坚持下去,我们的损失会非常大。和这些流放的罪犯劳工不一样,汽车连可是技术兵种,要是把种子打没了,可没有办法补充。” Benefits from the Franz big afforested strategy, every year has lots of criminals to exile Middle East, the war erupts these fellow very natural transformation for the labor. 得益于弗朗茨的大绿化战略,每年都有大量的罪犯流放到中东地区,战争一爆发这些家伙很自然的转化为劳工。 The labor is Austria Libao's expensive/noble wealth, once added on criminal two characters, drops sharply on the instantaneous worth, turned into society from precious wealth malignant tumor. 劳工是地利宝贵的财富,不过一旦加上了“罪犯”两个字,就瞬间身价大跌,从宝贵“财富”变成了社会“毒瘤”。 ...... …… Cairo French armed forces headquarters, since fills in the news of river from the Austria army, mood of Governor Jacob bad. 开罗法军指挥部,自从从军填河的消息,雅各布总督的心情就糟糕了起来。 He planned to capture Sinai Peninsula, all according to the Suez Canal, establishes the illustrious military exploits for France. 原本他计划着夺取西奈半岛,全据苏伊士运河,为法兰西建立赫赫战功的。 What a pity the plan has not changed quickly, he just took action, Austria Lijun team in African continent killed, suddenly Egypt fell into four sides all the embarrassed position of enemy. 可惜计划没有变化快,他刚刚采取行动,非洲大陆的地利军队就杀了过来,一时间埃及陷入了四面皆敌的窘迫境地。 Facing the cruel enemy, the army on boundary cannot resist, Governor Jacob has to cuts back the defense line, pulls out to the reinforcements everywhere supports the front. 面对如狼似虎的敌人,边界上的部队招架不住,雅各布总督不得不一面收缩防线,一面四处抽到援兵支援前线。 Pulls out to canal troops, becomes inevitable. After all the Egyptian area a few years ago erupted a cataclysm, the population loss is serious, even if Governor Jacob wants to engage in wanton military activities, does not have enough young. 抽到运河一线的兵力,也成为了必然。毕竟埃及地区前些年才爆发了一次大动乱,人口损失严重,雅各布总督就算是想要穷兵黩武,也没有足够的青壮。 Governor Jacob also placed hopes in the Austria army to dread the international pressure, does not dare easily to destroy is known as „the eternal neutral Suez Canal. 原本雅各布总督还寄希望于军忌惮国际压力,不敢轻易破坏号称“永恒中立的苏伊士运河”。 So long as supports for several months, waited for the native place to decide the victory and defeat, the Egyptian area won extremely. 只要撑上几个月,等本土分出了胜负,埃及地区就不胜而胜了。 It is a pity that international pressure this fierce appearance deterrent force is too low, this delayed a few days, is punctured the awe-inspiring prowess. 遗憾的是“国际压力”这张虎皮威慑力太低,这才拖延了没几天,就被戳破了虎威。 The bad returns the thoughts to be vexed, to canal defense line that oneself operate, Governor Jacob somewhat confidence, even if unable to beat the enemy, is not the short time can be broken through. 糟心归糟心,对自己经营的运河防线,雅各布总督还是有几分信心的,就算是无法击败敌人,也不是短时间能够被突破的。 „An order canal army depends on the fortification to defend, deals a head-on blow to the enemy, makes the power and prestige of French Army to come......” “命令运河一线的部队依托工事就地防守,给敌人迎头痛击,打出法兰西陆军的威风来……”
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