HRE :: Volume #10

#905: Canal contest

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Shells drop from the clouds, fall into the explosive sound that in the water exudes to thunder, creates the dreadful monstrous waves while convenient. 一枚枚炮弹从天而降,落入水中发出轰鸣的爆炸声,顺带激起滔天巨浪。 Just invested in the river, has not displayed the wooden raft of function with enough time, by inconsistency of monstrous waves impact. 刚刚投入河中,还没有来得及发挥作用的木筏,被巨浪冲击的七零八落。 Looks that has at present, in Bodman proofreads the following attack, does not hold the hope. 看着眼前发生的这一幕,博德曼上校对接下来的进攻,已经不抱有希望。 Without the means that the Suez Canal was really narrow. Stands opposite of seeing that in the riverside naked eye can clean, any fording tool cannot keep secret. 没有办法,苏伊士运河实在是太窄了。站在河边肉眼就能够清洗的看到对面,任何渡河工具都保不了密。 Must know that the Suez Canal starts from the navigation, was regarded as the prime strategy by law Austria both countries heavy, to safeguard the security of canal, both countries deployed large number of artilleries in the coast. 要知道苏伊士运河从通航开始,就被法两国视为头等战略重地,为了保障运河的安全,两国在沿岸部署了大量的火炮。 Nothing accident/surprise, the artillery deployment of French in Egypt, the artillery deployment that Austria benefits in Sinai Peninsula. One side both countries occupy respectively, to safeguard own right to speak. 没有任何意外,法国人的火炮部署在埃及,地利的火炮部署在西奈半岛。两国各自占据一边,以保障自身的话语权。 Originally these artilleries and forts to guard against the English, have not thought that finally hit on the past ally. 本来这些火炮、要塞是为了防备英国人的,没想到最后打在昔日的盟友身上。 After the war breaks out, to all according to the Suez Canal, law Austria both countries invest competed with large army. 战争爆发后,为了全据苏伊士运河,法两国都投入了重兵进行争夺。 But defense of both sides is very abnormal, without destruction canal, no one has the means to complete landing. 怎奈双方的防御都很变态,在不毁坏运河的前提下,谁也没有办法完成登陆。 Generates electricity to the headquarters, the enemy is prepared early, the wooden raft that we prepare encountered enemy bombing, sneak attacks the plan of Suez port to fail! “给指挥部发电,敌人早有准备,我们准备的木筏遭到了敌军炮击,偷袭苏伊士港的计划破产! Considering the current situation, suggested that the headquarters authorize to blow up the Suez Canal, fills in a channel. ” 鉴于目前的情况,建议总部批准炸毁苏伊士运河,填出一条通道来。” Colonel Bodman helpless saying. 博德曼上校无奈的说道。 This is the first time that not he proposed that blew up the suggestion of canal, but the Suez Canal strategic significance was great, this year the technology of desilting was not good. 这已经不是他第一次提出炸毁运河的建议了,怎奈苏伊士运河战略意义重大,这年头的清淤的技术又不行。 Once the canal were damaged, even if only the local area, still needs to restore a long time. 一旦运河遭到损坏,即便只是局部地区,也需要很长一段时间来进行修复。 The wartime years, the time is the life. Takes one unable to display the strategic significance the canal, is unable to form the strategic advantage to the enemy. 战争年代,时间就是生命。拿下一条无法发挥战略意义的运河,根本就无法对敌人形成战略优势。 From law Austria militaries of the two countries fight, can look, everyone gun fight turns over to the gun fight, is shutting the canal to hit as far as possible. 从法两国军队的战斗,也可以看出来,大家炮战归炮战,还是在尽量闭着运河打。 Naturally, this and behind the canal company shareholder is also related. After all stock of Suez Canal, by the two countries powerful officials carving up. 当然,这和运河公司背后的股东也不无关系。毕竟苏伊士运河的股份,早就被两国权贵给瓜分了。 Did not look that the monk surface looks at the Buddha surface, although is in time of war, may be unable to flee the interpersonal relationship. Perhaps big shot in the headquarters, oneself are one of the canal company shareholders. 不看僧面看佛面,尽管是战争时期,可还是逃离不了人际关系。没准指挥部中的大佬,自己都是运河公司的股东之一。 Only if to as a last resort, otherwise no one is able under to decide the determination of destruction canal. 除非到了万不得已,否则谁也无法下定毁坏运河的决心。 Relatively speaking, the army is also pure. These complex issues, are not Colonel Bodman need to consider that he only needs to consider the issue on military as the first-line commander. 相对而言,军队还算是单纯的。这些复杂的问题,不是博德曼上校需要考虑的,作为一线指挥官他只需要考虑军事上的问题。 ...... …… Receives the telegram of Colonel Bodman, General Faith Rough on the forehead the wrinkle was even more crowded. 接到博德曼上校的电报,费斯拉夫上将额头上皱纹越发密集了起来。 In order to colonizing expands, from opening the colony starts, the proconsuls who the Austria advantage appoints is a military officer, is mainly responsible for the colony safe and external war. 为了方便殖民扩张,从开辟殖民地开始,地利委任的殖民地总督都是武官,主要负责殖民地安全和对外战争。 As Middle East governor, erupts to start from the war, General Faith Rough becomes the Middle East theater commander automatically, is responsible for capturing the Suez Canal. 作为中东总督,从战争爆发开始,费斯拉夫上将就自动成为了中东战区司令官,负责夺取苏伊士运河。 The powerful back, follows the serious pressure similarly. Was different from the past enemy, but this time enemy French. 位高权重的背后,同样也伴随着沉重的压力。和以往的敌人不一样,这次的敌人可是法国人。 Opens the history book to know, in the European war history, the French is big boss, in most time is the European first powerful nation, French Army is universally recognized as the world's first. 翻开历史书就知道,在欧洲战争史中,法国人就是一个大boss,在绝大多数时间都是欧陆第一强国,法国陆军更是被公认为世界第一。 Facing such enemy, how is not overrated again prudently. 面对这样的敌人,再怎么慎重也不为过。 In fact, has such idea , is not only Faith Rough. The war just broke out time, some military officer basically fraughts with uncertainty of anti-France coalition. 事实上,有这样想法的不光是费斯拉夫。战争刚刚爆发的时候,反法同盟的将领基本上都有些畏首畏尾。 However all these were past tense, with the eruption of war, everyone the sense of awe to French armed forces, quick abated. 不过这一切都是过去式了,随着战争的爆发,大家对法军的敬畏之心,很快就消退了下去。 Right, French armed forces elite truly fierce, but such army were too few, what are more is the battle efficiency not much ordinary army. 没错,法军的精锐确实厉害,但这样的部队太少了,更多的还是战斗力不咋地的普通部队。 In addition European theater so, Egyptian area not to mention. Besides that several elite local masters, the remaining colony armies, insufficiently look radically. 欧洲战场尚且如此,埃及地区就更不用说了。除了那几个精锐的本土师外,剩下的殖民地部队,根本就不够看。 Reason that because the canal is blocked, although the Middle East war zone has not obtained many victories, but the fraternal units of East Africa, West Africa and North Africa are actually advancing triumphantly. 因为运河受阻的缘故,中东战区虽然没有取得多少战果,可是东非、西非、北非的兄弟部队们却在高歌猛进。 Without the means that the boundary line that law Austria borders on was really long, although the most areas had the desert impediment, may not have the desert area is also many. 没有办法,法接壤的边界线实在是太长了,尽管大部分地区都有沙漠阻隔,可没有沙漠的地区也不少。 Be continuous does not know many ten thousand li (0.5 km) boundary line, even if the French government wants to deploy defends with large army, still without so many armies fills in toward inside, the heavy responsibility of defense naturally falls to the colony government on. 绵延不知道多少万里的边界线,法国政府就算是想部署重兵进行防御,也没有那么多军队往里面填,防御的重任自然是落到殖民地政府头上。 Without a doubt, side for the fiefdom aristocrat who oneself go to war, side for the indigenous army that the French works oneself to death, battle efficiency and battle efficiency of will both sides not in a level. 毫无疑问,一边是为自己打仗的封地贵族,一边是替法国人卖命的土著军队,双方的战斗力、战斗力意志都不在一个层次上。 The victory is most can forever morale-boosting, was also worried General Faith who Rough the French can cross the river, now is only thinking how to hit. 胜利是永远都是最能鼓舞士气的,原本还担心法国人会不会渡河的费斯拉夫上将,现在只想着怎么打过去。 ...... …… In the headquarters, chief staff officer Von Frank said with a smile: This is 36 th telegram that suggested to blow up the Suez Canal, my commander, present to this/should setting firm resolve time.” 指挥部内,参谋长冯弗朗克笑道:“这已经是第三十六封建议炸毁苏伊士运河的电报,我的司令官阁下,现在到了该下定决心的时候。” General Faith Rough stared his one eyes ill-humoredly, flips the supercilious look saying: „ You think that I do not think, but blows up the influence of Suez Canal is too big. 费斯拉夫上将没好气的瞪了他一眼,翻了翻白眼说道:“你以为我不想,可是炸毁苏伊士运河的影响太大。 We cannot use even, the home is prepared in any case early, had not counted on that in time of war can use normally. 我们自己不能用就算了,反正国内早有准备,没有指望战争时期能够正常使用。 The issue is Suez Canal navigation time, we issued the canal eternal neutrality announced that clearly announced must safeguard the canal to be open in any period freely. 问题是苏伊士运河通航的时候,我们可是发布了运河永恒中立公告,明确宣布在任何时期都要保障运河自由通航的。 Now because of the reason of war, seals up the canal temporarily, the home sustained very tremendous diplomatic pressure. 现在因为战争的缘故,暂时封闭了运河,国内都承担了非常大的外交压力。 If spread us to blow up the canal at this time, perhaps to our advantageous international opinions, will reverse shortly. ” 要是这个时候传出我们炸毁了运河,原本对我们有利的国际舆论,恐怕会顷刻间逆转。” No matter is willing to acknowledge, the war severs the politics. As the senior commander, General Faith Rough must consider the political influence. 不管愿不愿意承认,战争都是为政治服务的。作为高层指挥官,费斯拉夫上将必须要考虑政治上的影响。 Do not look seals up the Suez Canal now, in fact law Austria both countries have not openly announced that some are only the letter of proposal of footbinding cloths canal company. 别看现在封闭了苏伊士运河,实际上法两国都没有公开宣布过,有的只是裹脚布运河公司的一封建议书。 Theoretically, the Suez Canal can be open now freely, law Austria both countries cannot stop. 理论上来说,苏伊士运河现在还是可以自由通航的,法两国均不能阻拦。 Naturally, so long as listens to the fire sound that both banks thunder, has no iron dares at this time after the canal. 当然,只要听听两岸轰鸣的炮火声,就没有哪个头铁的敢在这个时候经过运河。 Does not dare with unable to be the completely different concepts, the present is law Austria sustains the international pressure together, because the war is the French shoulders, everyone's complaint goes to the French mostly. 不敢和不能是完全不同的概念,现在是法一起承担国际压力,因为战争是法国人挑起的,大家的怨念大都冲着法国人去的。 If the Austria army blew up the canal to be different, broke the person source of income was not a French, but was the Austria Libyan government. 要是军炸毁运河就不一样了,断人财路的就不是法国人,而是地利政府。 It seems like that was scolded is only the small issue, is the deep analytic hierarchy. That means the international reputation that the government pains save, is destroyed in a moment directly. 看似被人骂只是小问题,可是深层次分析。那就意味着政府苦心积攒的国际信誉,直接毁于一旦。 Lost the international reputation, definitely will affect post-war Austria to benefit establishes the international order again, the benefit that this involves must greatly. 丧失了国际信誉,势必会影响到了战后地利重建立国际秩序,这牵扯到的利益就大得去了。 Von Frank nods, approved this explanation, the following words were mad half dead Faith Rough directly. 冯弗朗克点了点头,算是认可了这种解释,不过接下来的话直接把费斯拉夫气了一个半死。 This is your issue, who lets you are a commander? The general staff is only responsible for making the combat plan, the political influence and we have not related.” “这是你的问题,谁让你是司令官呢?参谋部只负责制定作战计划,政治上的影响和我们没关系。” Looks the chief staff officer who takes pleasure in others' misfortunes, General Faith Rough only wants to fight with the fists, but this also can only think. 看着幸灾乐祸的参谋长,费斯拉夫上将只想一拳打过去,不过这也只能想想而已。 The custom is the custom, the staff officer system that Austria benefits from establishing to start, forbids them to mix the politics. 规矩就是规矩,地利的参谋制度从建立开始,就禁止他们掺合政治。 If really runs from the political level consideration issue, then the distance gets the hell out is not far. 真要是跑去从政治层面考虑问题,那么距离滚蛋也就不远了。 This is part of balance of power, mainly absorbed the original space and time German arm force general staff in the lesson that in a war seizes power, belongs taboo that cannot bump. 这可是权力制衡的一部分,主要是吸取了原时空德军参谋部在一战中夺权的教训,属于不能碰的禁忌。 In fact, General Faith Rough this commander, was limited to mix the politics, just the special position decided he must consider the issue politically. 事实上,费斯拉夫上将这位司令官,也是被限制掺合政治的,只不过特殊的身份地位决定了他必须要从政治上考虑问题。 The indeterminable issue, naturally must report. Everything may affect the empire in the future the decision of strategy, only then the Vienna government can make the decision. 无法决定的问题,自然要上报了。凡事有可能影响帝国未来战略的决定,都只有维也纳政府可以做决定。 ...... …… At dusk, rows of wooden rafts launch quietly, Colonel Bodman arrives at the frontline, does the final mobilization for the sneak attack action. 傍晚时分,一排排的木筏悄然下水,博德曼上校亲临前线,为偷袭行动做最后的动员工作。 Looks at full of vigor and vitality young fellows, Colonel Bodman neglects to feel oneself were full of the feeling of guilty. 看着一个个朝气蓬勃的小伙子,博德曼上校忽视觉得自己充满了罪恶感。 clear(ly) did not know many hopes, but must take risk with their lives, in some sense is murdering. 明知道没有多少希望,还要拿他们的生命进行冒险,某种意义上来说就是在谋杀。 But the war is such brutal, to win the final victory, any opportunity cannot let off. 可战争就是这么残酷,为了赢得最终的胜利,任何机会都不能放过。 Remorse of Colonel Bodman, how long without continuing, quick was broken by a sound. 博德曼上校的自责,没有持续多久,很快就被一个声音打破了。 Colonel, time of action. The searchlight of enemy had just swept, we only have 15 minutes.” “上校,行动的时间到了。敌人的探照灯刚刚扫过,我们只有十五分钟。” Arrival of electric power time, was naturally also utilized in the military, for example the searchlight in battlefield. 电力时代的降临,自然也被运用到了军事上,比如说战场上的探照灯。 The Suez Canal width is limited, the light can the direct radiation opposite, naturally become guards against the sharp weapon that the enemy sneak attacks at night. 苏伊士运河宽度有限,灯光可以直接照射到对面,自然成为了防备敌人夜间偷袭的利器。 Attack!” “进攻!” ...... ……
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