HRE :: Volume #10

#904: Canal contest

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In the battlefield got the winning side, General Moore Kaess did not worry. 战场上占据了上风,摩尔克斯上将却一点儿也不着急。 Besides like the initiation attack of typical form, brings the pressure on French armed forces unceasingly, Ao army has almost no big movement, whatever the French deploys troops. 除了象征式的发起进攻,不断给法军施加压力外,奥军几乎没有任何大动作,任由法国人调兵遣将。 Saw that the fighter aircraft drains day-by-day, Ao army actually accomplishes nothing, Victor Emmanuel III watches, anxiously at heart. 眼瞅着战机一天天流失,奥军却无所作为,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世“看在眼里,急在心里”。 Outstanding student who graduates as Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, although has not led the soldier, basic military accomplishment Victor Emmanuel III does not lack. 作为桑赫斯特皇家军事学院毕业的高材生,尽管没有带过兵,基本军事素养维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世还是不缺的。 But his king, besides outwardly on honored status, in fact does not have any right to speak. 怎奈他这个国王,除了明面上的尊贵身份外,实质上没有任何话语权。 After lobbying General Moore Kaess to initiate repeatedly the general attack was fruitless, Victor Emmanuel III even to the Vienna government lodges the protest, requested to replace the commander. 多次游说摩尔克斯上将发起全面进攻无果后,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世甚至向维也纳政府提出抗议,要求更换指挥官。 Without a doubt, this request naturally cannot obtain to support. The mysterious army seemingly got the winning side in the southern line, if really hits is not uncertain. 毫无疑问,这种要求自然得不到支持。奥军在南线看似占据了上风,真要是打出去就不一定了。 The French are not Sadin kingdom so many are good to bully, can press. The Italian area complex terrain, the bad transportation, is the issue that the mysterious army must face. 法国人不是撒丁王国那么多好欺负,可以一路压过去。意大利地区复杂的地形,糟糕的交通,都是奥军要面临的问题。 So long as the front prompts forward several hundred kilometers, Ao army the fire superiority did not exist, is not the mysterious army arms and ammunition is insufficient, the key is the transportation cannot follow. 只要战线向前推进几百公里,奥军的火力优势就不复存在了,不是奥军武器弹药不足,关键是运输跟不上。 Without the fire superiority, facing occupying French armed forces of advantageous terrain, must pay the grievous cost inevitably. 没有了火力优势,面对占据有利地形的法军,势必要付出惨痛代价。 This point, has proven in the original space and time. After a war breaks out, Austro-Hungarian Empire only depends upon few military to hang dozen of Italy with ease, was with moving ahead of front, quick lost to the terrain and logistics, after performing first victory, tragedy that defeated. 这一点,在原时空就已经证明了。一战爆发后,奥匈帝国只依靠少量的兵力就轻松吊打意大利,可是随着战线的前移,很快就输给了地形和后勤,上演了先胜后败的惨剧。 The conservative attack line of southern line, naturally is Franz tosses about. In his opinion keeps the law to be the Italian Regiment, killing them is more valuable. 南线的保守进攻路线,自然是弗朗茨折腾出来的。在他看来留着法属意大利军团,比干掉他们更有价值。 The innumerable cases proved the army the more better, the army many also means that consumes in a big way. Although the strength of France is superior, but must maintain several million armies similarly is the makes one. 无数的案例都证明了军队并非越多越好,军队多同样也意味着消耗大。法兰西的实力虽然雄厚,可要维持几百万大军同样是相形见拙。 The French increase troops the Italian area, Franz most wants to see. 法国人增兵意大利地区,正是弗朗茨最想看到的。 The Central European battlefield needs the huge forces, the Egyptian battlefield needs the huge forces, the southern line puts in the huge forces again, Africa needs...... 中欧战场需要大量的兵力,埃及战场需要大量的兵力,南线再投入大量的兵力,非洲需要…… Which in the French government makes so many armies? Depending on their 30 million population, is impossible to form so many armies. 法国政府上哪儿去弄这么多军队来?就凭他们那三千万人口,根本就不可能组建这么多军队。 Must solve the understrength problem, the French government arms the colony either indigenous, either recruits the Italian to enlist massively. 要解决兵力不足的问题,法国政府要么武装殖民地土著,要么大量征召意大利人入伍。 Which situation regardless, will cause the battle efficiency of French armed forces to drop, and is the army that expands manpower are more, the battle efficiency falls is fiercer. 无论哪一种情况,都会导致法军的战斗力下降,并且是扩编的部队越多,战斗力就掉的越厉害。 In comparison, the anti-France coalition's advantage in this aspect is much bigger. Although the expansion of armaments will push down the military development similarly, is the soldier quality is high! 相比之下,反法同盟在这方面的优势就大得多。尽管扩军同样会拉低部队战斗力,可是兵员素质高啊! It can be said that each expansion of armaments, the balance of victory leaned toward a point the anti-France coalition. 可以说每一次扩军,胜利的天平就向反法同盟倾斜了一分。 Continental Europe does not have France and Austria, if really the war situation is suddenly clear, will immediately welcome interference of various countries. 欧洲大陆可不只有法奥两个大国,真要是战争局势突然明朗,马上就会迎来各国的干涉。 Various countries do not look at Austria to analyze France helplessly, otherwise in 1815, France was opened scattered about, does not need to wait till the present. 各国不会眼睁睁的看着奥地利拆分法兰西,要不然早在1815年,法兰西就被拆得七零八落,根本就不用等到现在。 Fought a battle to force a quick decision seemingly won attractively, but is unable to attack remnant France truly, stayed behind was the infinite future trouble. 速战速决看似赢得漂亮,可是无法真正打残法兰西,留下的就是无穷后患。 Besides winning nominal victory, Austria cannot attain many benefits. Unifies the German area, may not achieve. 除了赢得名义上的胜利外,奥地利根本就拿不到多少利益。就连统一德意志地区,都不一定能够做到。 Arrived as a last resort, no one does not want head many eldest child. 非到万不得已,没有人愿意自己头上多一个老大。 A everyone who Franz wants is weeping and wailing the god Luo empire that must join, rather than unifies by the military force forcefully, internal contradictions numerous, empire that possibly splits momentarily again. 弗朗茨要的一个大家哭着喊着要加入的神罗帝国,而不是靠武力强行统一,内部矛盾重重,随时都可能再次分裂的帝国。 As for driving away the French, liberates Italy, that shouted to political slogan that the Italian listens, from beginning to end is not the goal of Vienna government. 至于赶走法国人,解放意大利,那只是喊给意大利人听的政治口号,至始至终都不是维也纳政府的目的。 Originally to attract the force of French armed forces, the thoughts of Victor Emmanuel III, naturally wasted. 本来就是为了吸引法军的兵力,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世的心思,自然是白费了。 ...... …… Suez Canal 苏伊士运河 Opens the map to know, who controlled this golden waterway, who attained the initiative of this war. 打开地图就知道,谁掌控了这条黄金水道,谁就拿到了这次战争的主动权。 Erupts to start from the war, Austria is Sudan, Libya, Sinai Peninsula and other areas to dispatch troops to besiege law from mysterious respectively to be Egypt. 从战争爆发开始,奥地利就分别从奥属苏丹、利比亚、西奈半岛等地区出兵围攻法属埃及。 The fire sound of thundering is still continuing, in those days in thousand sail competition class/flow Suez Canal, at this moment quiet. 轰鸣的炮火声还在继续,往日里千帆竞流的苏伊士运河,此刻已经沉寂了下来。 Did not have the ships to pass through, the harbor naturally also followed bleakly. In addition the reason of war, many people escape the avoidance chaos caused by war, Suez port most French armed forces soldiers at this moment. 没有了船舶通行,港口自然也跟着萧条了下来。加上战争的缘故,大量的民众外逃躲避战乱,此刻的苏伊士港最多的法军士兵。 With other person of differences, nimble John, has not followed to travel, instead expanded own small tavern. 和其他人不一样,头脑灵活的约翰,并没有跟着跑路,反而扩大了自己的小酒馆。 The soldiers are also the person, similarly needs to relax, particularly the wartime years, need one to vent the channel, the liquor cannot be short. 士兵也是人,同样需要放松,尤其是战争年代,更需要一个发泄渠道,酒是万万不能少的。 The business of small tavern not only does not have, because the war is bleak, instead becomes even more prosperous, making John be glad to gather not Shangju. 小酒馆的生意不仅没有因为战争萧条下来,反而变得越发兴隆,让约翰乐得合不上嘴。 The sincerity hopes that this war can continue, best was hits in ancient times, looked like Hundred Years'War such...... 真心希望这场战争能够持续下去,最好是打个天荒地老,就像是百年战争那样…… Only minor defect in something otherwise perfect is the French armed forces soldiers does not have liquor, several glasses of liquor got into the stomach lose, often had fighting. 唯一美中不足的就是很多法军士兵没有酒品,几杯酒下肚就迷失了自我,时常发生打架斗殴。 The accidental injury is inevitable, the person could avoid, the tableware and the household furniture tavern met with a disaster. 误伤是不可避免的,人或许可以躲开,酒馆的餐具、桌椅板凳就遭了殃。 In a moment ago, John also handled a brawl. Said is processing, in fact he does also informs the military officer to come to get the person. 就在刚才,约翰还处理了一斗殴事件。说是处理,实质上他所做的也只是通知军官来来领人。 Very unfortunately, this time litigant is a poor devil, searched for from top to bottom, did not have including one franc. 非常不幸,这次的当事人又是穷鬼,浑身上下都搜遍了,还是连一法郎都没有。 Without money does not have money, except for taking as bad luck, is forced to agree to postpone beyond the compensation, John in fact also helpless. 没钱就是没钱,除了自认倒霉,被迫同意延期赔偿外,约翰实际上也无能为力。 But here the frontline, said that which day these unlucky eggs did not permit to get the box lunch. The deceased people do not need to repay a debt. 这里可是前线,说不准哪天这些倒霉蛋就领了盒饭。死人是不需要还债的。 If merely only then these losses, John can also not care. You pay for whatever you get, because war the price of reason Suez port has ascended the sky. 如果仅仅只有这些损失,约翰也可以不在乎。羊毛出在羊身上,因为战争的缘故苏伊士港的物价早就上天了。 Truly the one who made John heavyhearted was the situation in battlefield. Does not need to go out the inquiry news, light/only listens to alcoholics' dialogue, he can analyze 35. 真正令约翰忧心忡忡的还是战场上的局势。都不需要出门打探消息,光听酒客们的对话,他就能够分析出三五分。 Such and such army casualties are serious, somebody is survivor of disaster, such and such unlucky eggs...... 某某部队伤亡惨重,某某人劫后余生,某某倒霉蛋…… No matter needs to keep secret, several glasses of liquor got into the stomach to give to shake. 不管需不需要保密,几杯酒下肚都给抖了出来。 Word has no interest, the listener intends. 言者无心,听者有意。 The Suez Canal contest is still continuing, final victory and defeat John is unable to analyze, but the French armed forces casualties seriously are actually the indisputable fact. 苏伊士运河争夺战还在继续,最终的胜负约翰无法判断,但是法军伤亡惨重却是不争的事实。 The Suez port is also the frontline, once Ao army treats as the breach here, the business of tavern could not conduct. 苏伊士港也是前线,一旦奥军把这里当做突破口,酒馆的生意就进行不下去了。 Although John is avaricious, actually pities the life. In the battlefield the arms do not have the eye, one does not pay attention to see God. 约翰虽然爱财,却更加惜命。战场上枪炮无眼,一不留神就要见上帝。 The Paris government has issued the people's mobilization order, by the crisis time, Egyptian governor had the right to recruit domestic all French to enlist. 巴黎政府已经下达了全民动员令,到了危机时刻,埃及总督有权征召境内所有法国人入伍。 A week ago, Egyptian governor issued recruited the command. According to the stipulation, John should enter the military compound report. 早在一周前,埃及总督就下达了征召令。按照规定,约翰早就该进入军营报道了。 However everything has the exception, the privilege is everywhere. Under the franc help, John on the grounds of weak, succeeded evaded the military service. 不过凡事都有例外,特权是无处不在的。在法郎的帮助之下,约翰以体弱多病为由,成功的躲过了兵役。 What a pity hides 1 st, may not evade 15. By many years of life experiences, John is certain: Once the situation in battlefield deteriorates, will colonize the conscription effort of government also to further increase. 可惜躲得初一,不一定能够躲过十五。凭借多年的人生经验,约翰可以肯定:一旦战场上的局势恶化,殖民政府的征兵力度还会进一步加大。 Perhaps when the time comes even the health examination these step saved, so long as did not lack the arm short leg, wanted on the frontline. 或许到时候连身体检查这一步都省了,只要不是缺胳膊短腿,都要上前线。 This is also the rich man leaves the reason of Suez port. Person who everyone has the status, how can on the battlefield work oneself to death? 这也是有钱人离开苏伊士港的原因。大家都是有身份的人,怎么能够上战场卖命呢? Although everyone is confident to France, but that is places the great expectations on the native place, rather than to the Egyptian colonizing government. 尽管大家对法兰西有信心,可那是对本土寄予厚望,而不是对埃及殖民政府。 Does not wait for John to set firm resolve, the flames of war spread the Suez port. The Suez Canal was too narrow, only several hundred meters distance, is unable to be separated from the firing distance of cannon. 不等约翰下定决心,战火就蔓延到了苏伊士港。苏伊士运河还是太窄了,区区几百米的距离,根本就无法脱离大炮的射程。 As bang the sound resounds unceasingly, the shell of dropping from the clouds, starts four in this boom town to plunder, to imitate, if had meteor shower. 随着轰隆的声音不断响起,从天而降的炮弹,开始在这座新兴城市中肆掠,仿若下了一场流星雨。 Nothing hesitant, John joined in the fleeing from calamity army. Starting from tonight, this city turned into a naval port officially. 没有任何犹豫,约翰加入了逃难大军中。从今夜开始,这座城市正式变成了一座军港。 ...... …… Fike, your idiot. I make you prepare the ship, perhaps such several tattered gadget, placed in the water oneself to sink, was useful?” “菲克,你个蠢货。我让你准备船,就这么几条破烂玩意儿,放在水中没准就自己沉了,有什么用?” A middle-aged military officer to is roaring, really could visit him air/Qi. Prepared is good to sneak attack the Suez port, finally to the place discovered that absolutely does not have the ship. 一名中年军官对着手下咆哮道,看得出来他是真的被气到了。原本准备的好偷袭苏伊士港,结果到了地方发现根本就没有船。 Fike's young military officer quickly explained: „ Colonel, this cannot blame me. The Suez Canal was too narrow, the artillery of enemy can cover comprehensively. 菲克的青年军官急忙解释道:“上校,这可不能怪我。苏伊士运河太窄了,敌人的火炮可以全面覆盖。 Only several hundred meters distance, the casual cannoneer can hit. The steamship cannot keep, we can only do some wooden rafts to assemble using. 区区几百米的距离,随便一名炮手都能够击中。大船根本就藏不住,我们只能搞些木筏凑合着用。 However you can feel relieved, the steamship of opposite French, was destroyed by us, does not need to be worried that they initiate the sneak attack. ” 不过你可以放心,对面法国人的大船,也被我们摧毁了,不需要担心他们发起偷袭。” After listening to this explanation, middle-aged military officer complexion even more ugly. Enough ships, have not forded by one pile of wooden rafts merely, the difficulty of can be imagined. 听了这个解释后,中年军官脸色越发的难看了起来。没有足够的船舶,仅仅靠一堆木筏渡河,其中的难度可想而知。 Different from other area, Sinai Peninsula is not good. The Vienna government implements the land fallow early, migrated the population, contained the expansion of desertification, it is estimated that the potable water local area of army is not even able to provide. 不同于别的地区,西奈半岛可不是什么善地。要不是维也纳政府早早实施土地休耕,迁移了人口,遏制了沙漠化的扩大,估计连部队的饮水当地都无法提供。 Besides the garrisons of several footholds, Sinai Peninsula is the unpopulated area. The people do not have, to want in the area to find the way to solve the ships problem, is impossible. 除了几个据点的驻军外,西奈半岛就是无人区。人都没有,想要在当地想办法解决船舶问题,根本就不可能。 As for letting the pro-localization faction ship comes actually easily, the issue does not wait for the ships to enter the canal, must destroy under the fire of enemy. 至于让本土派船过来倒是容易,问题是不等船舶进入运河,就要毁在敌人的炮火之下了。 200-300 meters distance, must hit a ship, simply should not be too simple. From this perspective, even if there is a ship, fording will not be smooth. 200-300米的距离,要命中一艘船,简直不要太简单。从这方面来看,就算是有了船,渡河也不会顺利。
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