HRE :: Volume #10

#903: The god of war

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In the army does not have the joke, since General Moore Kaess proposed three simultaneous/uniform attack plans, naturally must carry out. 军中无戏言,摩尔克斯上将既然提出了三线齐攻计划,自然就要落实下去。 With order of headquarters, half Italy fell into the flames of war simultaneously, mysterious army many stationed in the Lombardy area attack to initiate the storm. 随着指挥部的一声令下,半个意大利同时陷入了战火之中,驻扎在伦巴第地区的奥军多线出击发起强攻。 Fire sound of thundering, even inside and outside dozens the Milan city is clearly discernible, even can also feel the earth movement indistinctly. 轰鸣的炮火声,即便是数十里外的米兰城都清晰可见,甚至还隐隐约约能够感受到地动。 Is looking at the Turin direction, Victor Emmanuel III meaningful sighing of: Carlo did Sina, make clear the real motive of Austrian?” 望着都灵方向,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世意味深长的叹了一口气:“科洛斯纳,搞清楚奥地利人的真实目的了么?” Victor Emmanuel III is not the flowers in greenhouse, he has a clear understanding of oneself value. 维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世可不是温室里的花朵,他对自己的价值有一个清晰的认识。 King Sadin is very important to the Vienna government, but this important is only restricted in the political propaganda, but also is insufficient to make General Moore Kaess this southern line commander exhibit such big weaponry. 撒丁国王对维也纳政府很重要,但这个重要仅限于政治宣传上,还不至于令摩尔克斯上将这位南线司令官摆出这么大阵仗来。 Carlo Sina middle-aged man shakes the head: „ Also no, we in the intelligence network of Lombardy area, by Austrian cutting off. 科洛斯纳的中年男子摇了摇头:“还没有,我们在伦巴第地区的情报网,早就被奥地利人给斩断了。 Even if escapes by luck, still made a clear distinction between the demarcation line with us early, the concealed wiring had not related. 就算是侥幸逃过一劫的,也早早和我们划清了界线,暗线已经联系不上了。 I attempted to visit several once to favor our aristocrats, was caught up directly. 我尝试着去拜访了几位曾经倾向于我们的贵族,直接被人赶了出来。 Yesterday evening, I also received several threatening letters, warned that we do not practice dirty tricks, otherwise they are impolite. ” 昨天晚上,我还收到了几封恐吓信,警告我们不要搞小动作,否则他们就不客气了。” Can look, the Carlo Sina present mood is depressed. The Sadin kingdom duplicate/restores national capital can only depend upon Austria continually, under this situation, where does he have the courage to practice dirty tricks? 看得出来,科洛斯纳现在的心情非常郁闷。撒丁王国连复国都只能依靠奥地利,在这种背景下,他哪里有胆子搞小动作? After experiencing the brutal society beat mercilessly, the Italian independent body may not have Carbonari that two, already kicks out the Italian area on Lombardy and Wigny Sya. 经历了残酷的社会毒打之后,意大利独立组织可没有烧炭党那么中二,早就就伦巴第和威尼西亚踢了出去意大利地区。 Even if shouted that the slogan is not good, the politics is not correct, the donor father will not give money. 即便是喊喊口号都不行,政治不正确,金主爸爸可不会给钱。 Now not to mention, the Vienna government proposes that restored in 1815 pattern after the Congress of Vienna, they can only happy acceptance. 现在就更不用说了,维也纳政府提出恢复1815年维也纳会议后的格局,他们都只能高高兴兴的接受。 Does the matter in Lombardy, that was absolutely tired of living performance. To their group of Sadin duplicate/restores country principle members, Austria is their only choices. 在伦巴第搞事情,那是绝对活腻了的表现。对他们这帮撒丁复国主义份子来说,奥地利是他们的唯一选择。 However to the Austrian government, one of their choices, the following spare tire also has a big pile. 但是对奥地利政府来说,他们只是选择之一,后面的备胎还有一大堆。 Since the ancient times, the German area is rich in the king. Really is not good, the Austrian government can also elect a new king for Sadin people. 自古以来,德意志地区就盛产国王。实在是不行,奥地利政府还可以替撒丁人民选一名新的国王。 Ok, does not make clear on! Informs our people little to go out as far as possible, so as to avoid causes the unhappiness of local bully.” “算了,搞不清楚就等吧!通知我们的人尽量少出门,免得引起地头蛇的不快。” Then, Victor Emmanuel III sighs. In this matter, he also very helpless. 说完,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世叹了一口气。发生这种事情,他也非常的无奈。 mysterious scatters the historical origin of war, Victor Emmanuel III knows. Had this to puncture together, their any behavior in Lombardy by enlargement. 奥撒战争的历史渊源,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世还是知道的。有了这一道刺在,他们在伦巴第的任何行为都会被放大化。 Perhaps Franz in Vienna can smile, however the close Lombardy royal family, will make them unable to eat to capture absolutely. 或许远在维也纳的弗朗茨可以一笑而过,但是近在咫尺的伦巴第王室,绝对会让他们吃不了兜着走。 Without the means that House of Wittelsbach was the foreign family, depended on the support of Vienna government to hold on to the throne, was not deep in the local foundation. 没有办法,维特尔斯巴赫王朝是外来户,靠着维也纳政府的支持在坐稳了王位,在当地的根基并不深。 Especially consecutively two generations of kings contract the neurosis, in addition the first king also withstand/top the infamy to succeed to the throne, the royal family can be imagined in the prestige of folk. 尤其是连续两代国王都患有精神病,再加上首任国王也是顶着骂名过来继位的,王室在民间的声望可想而知。 Under this situation, House of Wittelsbach somewhat vigilantly was unavoidably excessive, spring the grass moved sensitively especially to any wind. 在这种背景下,维特尔斯巴赫王朝难免就有些警惕过了头,对任何风春草动都格外的敏感。 Victor Emmanuel III wants to develop the secondary roles here, is impossible. Even some normal activities, will be limited. 维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世想要在这里发展班底,根本就不可能。甚至一些正常的活动,都会受到限制。 But does not have the means that now here is the frontline. As a king who has the ambition, Victor Emmanuel III must arrive at the frontline. 可是没有办法,现在这里是前线。作为一名有志向的国王,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世必须要亲临前线。 Otherwise how can Sadin People feel his great? 要不然撒丁民众怎么能够感受到他的伟大? If by some chance Austrian army which day attacked and captured Turin, his king does not have first to arrive, what to do acted swiftly to get there first? 万一奥地利军队哪一天攻克了都灵,他这个国王没有第一时间抵达,被人捷足先登了怎么办? This year has the qualifications to succeed to Sadin throne, is not one two, Austria also has the big aristocrat to eye covetously to this royal crown. 这年头有资格继承撒丁王位的,可不是一个两个,奥地利内部同样有大贵族对这顶王冠虎视眈眈。 Although Victor Emmanuel III is considered as legitimate of Sadin kingdom, but his king has not ascended the throne officially, jurisprudentially speaking he is only a successor. 维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世虽然被认为是撒丁王国的正统,但他这个国王还没有正式登基,从法理上来说他只是继承人。 If there is to have the fellow of right of inheritance is not concerned about face, first step ascended the throne, created the established facts, the Vienna government will support anyone is an unknown. 要是有具备继承权的家伙不要脸,抢先一步登基,造成了既定事实,维也纳政府会支持谁都是一个未知数。 Even without these rotten matters, but this year most popular is bandit crosses such as combs, soldier like fire grate. 就算是没有这些烂事,可这年头最流行的就是“匪过如梳,兵过如篦”。 Victor Emmanuel III does not run up to the frontline to look ahead of time, when matter happened, the Sadin kingdom became piece of white place. 维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世不提前跑到前线看着,等事情发生了,撒丁王国就成了一片白地。 When the time comes the mess that the Austrian army racket, leaves behind must be responsible for tidying up by him. 到时候奥地利军队拍拍屁股走人,留下的烂摊子都要由他负责收拾。 Cannot test mysterious to scatter the traditional friendship, anticipated that the Austrian army sees in the two countries traditional friendship share, doesn't commit the slightest offense to the Sadin kingdom? 总不能考验奥撒传统友谊,期待奥地利军队看到两国传统友谊的份儿上,对撒丁王国秋毫无犯吧? No matter is useful, Victor Emmanuel III must stand to prevent at crucial moments, why otherwise Sadin People admit his king. 不管有没有用,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世都必须在关键时刻站出来阻止,要不然撒丁民众凭什么接纳他这个国王。 Victor Emmanuel II may not have to leave behind what blessings left by predecessors to him, remains, only then idiot and megalomania evil reputation. 要知道,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱二世可没有给他留下什么遗泽,留下来的只有蠢货、自大狂的恶名。 No matter internationally, is in numerous Sadin People mind, Victor Emmanuel II is the chief criminal who Sadin perishes. 不管是在国际上,还是在众多撒丁民众心目中,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱二世就是撒丁灭亡的罪魁祸首。 mysterious scatters the war to be considered the Sadin administration biggest decision faulty stroke in handwriting, not only the pit died oneself, but also implicated the other nations of Italian area. 奥撒战争被认为撒丁政府最大的决策败笔,不仅坑死了自己,还连累了意大利地区的其他邦国。 ...... …… Victor Emmanuel III and his party action, has not hidden the truth from the informer of General Moore Kaess. 维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世一行人的举动,没有瞒过摩尔克斯上将的耳目。 The present is the wartime years, the frontline is the military is biggest. As the commander-in-chief of Austrian Southern line Army corps, the intelligence service naturally must provide the message to General Moore Kaess. 现在是战争年代,前线就是军方最大。作为奥地利南线兵团的总指挥官,情报部门自然要向摩尔克斯上将提供消息。 Put down the document in hand, General Moore Kaess looked at out of the window: „ So long as the Sadin person specially excessive action, along with them has not gone. 放下了手中的文件,摩尔克斯上将望了望窗外:“只要撒丁人没有特别过分的举动,就随他们去吧。 In the following fight, we also need them to coordinate, got into a deadlock the relations, in everyone's face is unattractive. ” 在接下来的战斗中,我们还需要他们配合,把关系搞僵了,大家的面子上都不好看。” Since old times the true feelings could not detain, only had the repertoire to be permanent. 自古真情留不住,唯有套路恒久远。 Sadin person currently also has the use value, General Moore Kaess did not mind that saves face to Victor Emmanuel III. 撒丁人现在还有利用价值,摩尔克斯上将不介意给维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世留足面子。 Now is not in 1847, the Italian nationalism does not have the market in the Lombardy area. 现在已经不是1847年,意大利民族主义在伦巴第地区早就没了市场。 In the younger generation heart, Italy is only a region geographic name, belongs to French domain. As for the Lombardy kingdom, naturally is the member in German area. 在年轻一代心中,意大利只是一个区域地名,属于法国人地盘儿。至于伦巴第王国,自然是德意志地区的一份子。 Does not believe to check the historic information, a native of Lombardy stems from Germany. According to the cultural tradition division region, Lombardy definitely is the German area, several hundred years ago was an member in Holy Roman Empire. 不信可以去查历史资料,伦巴第人起源于德意志。按照文化传统划分地域,伦巴第肯定属于德意志地区,几百年前就是神圣罗马帝国的一份子了。 All these annex the Italian area to start from France, the result has been doomed. 这一切从法兰西吞并意大利地区开始,结局就已经注定了。 The human biggest merit will reconsider, the biggest shortcoming will also reconsider, wants to result were many unavoidably by the giving deceit that the eye sees. 人类最大的优点就是会反思,最大的缺点也是会反思,想得多了难免就被眼睛看到的给欺骗了。 After the Italian area falls to the enemy, the man of insight in Italian area started the reconsideration, under person with high aspirations's guidance, they soon found reason that various Italian nations declined- system ossification and ideological culture are too conservative. 意大利地区沦陷后,意大利地区的有识之士开始了反思,在有心人的引导下,他们很快找到了意大利各邦国没落的原因-体制僵化、思想文化太保守。 Under this situation, one erupted in the Italian area in view of the traditional culture traditional suspicion and critique movement. 在这种背景下,一场针对传统文化传统的怀疑、批判运动在意大利地区爆发了。 After the ideological shake ended, the Italian circle of thinkers also had the fission, mainly formed Ao Pai, brave Pai, law to send three big systems, the position imitated the three countries to found a powerful Kingdom of Italy respectively. 思想震荡结束后,意大利思想界也发生了分裂,主要形成了奥派、英派、法派三大体系,分别主张效仿三国建立一个强大的意大利王国。 Everyone is concerned about country and people, is patient not much. Does not know how should learn/study, studies to consider as finished simply together. 大家都是忧国忧民,就是耐心不咋地。不知道该怎么学习,干脆就一起学算了。 Change in this ideological cognition, is huge to Lombardy and Wigny Sya's Italian impact. 这种思想认知上的变化,对伦巴第、维尼西亚的意大利人冲击是巨大的。 Also favored establishing the intellectual in Kingdom of Italy, despairs about the Italian traditional culture thoroughly, how to abandon the advanced thought that draws back the learn/study backward? 原本还倾向于建立意大利王国的知识分子,对意大利传统文化彻底绝了望,怎么抛弃先进的思想,退回去学习落后的吧? After 1873 Italian area eruption ideological revolution, the Italian in Lombardy area is not conflicting Ao change/transform quickly, the step that the nationality fuses all of a sudden. 自1873年意大利地区爆发思想革命后,伦巴第地区的意大利人就不在抵触奥化,民族融合的步伐一下子快了起来。 Until now, Lombardy and Austria in cultural custom already not many differences, now two place biggest differences on the remaining food habits. 时至今日,在文化风俗上伦巴第和奥地利已经没有多少区别,现在两地最大差异就剩下饮食习惯了。 ...... …… The fire sound is still continuing, the strength of the world 's first industrialized country, had exposed at this time with nothing left. The shell as if like does not ask for money general, same welled up like the tide to French armed forces Position. 炮火声还在继续,世界第一工业国的实力,这个时候已经展露无遗。炮弹仿佛就像不要钱一般,如同潮水一样涌了向法军阵地。 A shell falls to the ground the explosion, the shrapnel scatters along with the dust, along with pitiful yells, French armed forces increased three wounded person. 一枚炮弹落地爆炸,弹片伴随着尘土四溅而起,伴随着一声声惨叫,法军又增加了三名伤员。 Colonel Novick who escapes by luck, very experienced patted the dust in mouth, immediately cursed: Damn! Where don't our artilleries, why launch the counter-attack?” 侥幸逃过一劫的诺维克上校,非常有经验的拍了拍嘴中的尘土,当即咒骂道:“该死!我们的炮兵在哪里,为什么不发起反击?” This is the first time that not happened, in just three days, the headquarters of Colonel Novick had been patronized by the shell did not know many times. 这已经不是第一次发生了,在短短的三天时间里,诺维克上校的指挥部已经被炮弹光顾了不知多少次。 The headquarters, had only died in battle 3 people, to be wounded from all sides 7 people, includes 3 military officers. 仅指挥部,前前后后就已经阵亡三人、负伤七人,其中还包括三名军官。 Must know here, but the group headquarters, built the simple against artillery fortification, weakened the lethality strength of shell significantly. 要知道这里可是团指挥部,修筑了简单的防炮工事,大幅度削弱了炮弹的杀伤力力。 Nearby assistant's helpless reply: Colonel, our artilleries also counterattack in open fire, but by enemy suppressing.” 一旁的副手无奈的回答道:“上校,我们的炮兵也在开炮还击,只不过被敌人给压制住了。” Said frankly, the artillery quality gap of France and Austria is not big, French armed forces encountered the fire, is completely because Ao army prepares to be fuller. 坦率的说,法奥两国的炮兵质量差距并不大,法军遭到了火力压制,完全是因为奥军准备更充分。 French armed forces built up more than 1300 artilleries in the southern line, opposite mysterious army artillery number is almost three times of this number, a large part is a quick-fire artillery, firepower of both sides was pulled open all of a sudden. 法军在南线集结了一千三百余门火炮,对面的奥军火炮数量差不多是这个数字的三倍,其中还有很大一部分是速射炮,双方的火力一下子被拉开了。 The gun fight from the beginning, the French compelled ignorant. Firepower of both sides in a scale, each battlefield did not receive the suppression completely. 炮战一开始,法国人就懵逼了。双方的火力完全不在一个档次上,各个战场都受到了压制。 The artillery number is insufficient, is not a short time can solve. Although the industry of France is not weak, who is all right to do big pile of artilleries to put at home? 火炮数量不足,不是一时半会儿就能够解决的。尽管法兰西的工业不弱,可是谁没事搞一大堆火炮放在家里呢? Must know this war, is it can be said that sudden, the war burst time is earlier the plan by far than French government. 要知道这场战争,也可以说是突如其来,战争爆发时间远远早于法国政府的计划。 Can in several months time, deploy more than 1300 artilleries in the southern line, has proven the great strength of France sufficiently. 能够短短几个月时间里,就在南线部署一千三百余门火炮,已经足以证明法兰西的强大。 After all Central Europe is a main battlefield, the French has to place Central Europe the most attention, the artillery must first satisfy the Central European battlefield. 毕竟中欧才是主战场,法国人不得不将大半的注意力放在中欧,火炮也要优先满足中欧战场。 Colonel Novick swayed a head: „ Does this also calculate to counterattack? If not distinguish carefully, cannot hear our crackles of gunfire. 诺维克上校摇晃了一下脑袋:“就这也算还击?如果不仔细分辨,根本就听不到我们的炮声。 Generates electricity to the general headquarters, request firepower support. 给总指挥部发电,请求火力支援。 Immediately! 立即! Gets down again, does not wait for the enemy to attack, our armies first collapsed. ” 再这么下去,不等敌人进攻,我们的部队就先崩溃了。” Only comes under attack the weaponry that does not hit back, on whom puts unable to bear. For the last few days bombing, the frontline French armed forces soldier does not have the arrogance in the past. 光挨打不还手的仗,搁谁身上都受不了。连日来的轰炸,前线的法军士兵早就没有了往日里的傲气。 In fact, Colonel Novick this group , the soldier originates from France mostly, the fighting will is perfect. 事实上,诺维克上校这个团还算好的,士兵大都来源于法兰西本土,战斗意志还算过硬。 Is injured in a bombing, the personnel losses over 10%, the army has not collapsed, can be called completely elite. 在挨炸中,减员已经超过百分之十,部队都没有崩溃,完全称得上精锐。 If puts in Italian soldiers many newly-organized armies, it is estimated that at this time had mutinied. 要是搁在意大利士兵人数较多的新编部队中,估计这个时候早就哗变了。 ...... …… Roaring of Colonel Novick cannot change embarrassed of French armed forces, is also worried for this issue as French armed forces Yarde Rehan. 诺维克上校的咆哮还是没能改变法军的窘迫,作为法军的亚德里恩同样在为这个问题苦恼。 Without the means that who makes France prepare insufficient full? 没有办法,谁让法兰西准备的不够充分呢? From battle to the present, the French armed forces number almost inflated ten times, can guarantee that every spear/gun, was the Paris masters enough diligently. 从开战到现在,法军数量差不多膨胀了十倍,能够保证人手一支枪,就是巴黎官老爷们够努力了。 Discarded the requesting reinforcements telegram of Colonel Novick conveniently, Marshal Yarde Rehan was staring at the map, started seriously to ponder how should counter-attack. 随手丢掉了诺维克上校的求援电报,亚德里恩元帅盯着地图,开始认真思考该如何反击。
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