The Sardiniakingdom remains in the theory, «AustriaSaa the Agreement»international influencenatureis limited.撒丁王国都还存在于理论中,《奥撒协定》的国际影响力自然有限。Publishedonebesides the newspapers of anti-France coalitionseveralmember nations, the international mediadisplayunusualis desolate.
It is not right, at this timehas not neededto pull the international opinion.
不对,这个时候已经没必要扯国际舆论了。European countryso many, were countedMontenegroandGreece that made up the numberbydrawing, the anti-France coalitionaccounted forhalf.
欧洲国家就这么多,算上被拉过来凑数的黑山和希腊,反法同盟就占据了一半。In the remainingseveralneutral states, favors the anti-France coalition, France that the contrastfights single-handedly, the anti-France coalitionin the political propagandahas won by default.
The public opiniondid not care that «AustriaSaaAgreement», the primary causeorpoliticalshowmeaningis extremely obvious, thisis the intellectualis exactly most repugnant.
舆论不关心《奥撒协定》,主要原因还是政治作秀意味太过明显,这恰恰是知识分子最讨厌的。Thesepeopleareto subscribe the newspapermain force, the newspaper officewill not do againstwith the customer, sinceis the news that the customerdoes not like, thatfiltered.
这些人是订阅报纸的主力,报社不会和顾客对着干,既然是顾客不喜欢的新闻,那过滤掉好了。Even ifhas mentioned, thatisone still has brought. NowCentral EuropeandSouthern Europefall into the flames of war, someeveryone'sreportages.
The mediadid not care,was not equal to the politiciansdid not care. The people of differentstatus, looked that the angle of issueis also entirely different.
媒体不关心,不等于政客们也不关心。不同身份的人,看问题的角度也是截然不同的。«AustriaSaaAgreement»seeminglydoes not have the nutrition , indicating to the outside worldactuallyAustriabenefitspolitical stand- will not annex the Italianarea.
《奥撒协定》看似没有营养,实则向外界表明了奥地利政治立场-不会吞并意大利地区。Perhaps the average personwill feel, the Europeanwaris still continuing, at this timediscussed that theseissuesweretooearly. If by some chance the anti-France coalitionlost the war, thatmade fun.
或许普通人会觉得,欧陆战争还在继续,这个时候谈这些问题还是太早了。万一反法同盟输了战争,那就闹笑话了。However the politiciansdid not think so, the Viennagovernmentexplicitlysaiddoes not seek the expansionin the Italianarea, tomanycountries, is a goodnews.
不过政客们可不这么看,维也纳政府明确表示不在意大利地区谋求扩张,对很多国家来说,都是一个好消息。Especiallyfavors the neutral country of anti-France coalition, canhanging the heartreturnsin the belly, felt relieved that holds backto the Frenchboldly.
巴黎Circlingis preparedearly, Napoleon IVwas shockedby the badinternational situation. The English who placed the great expectations, has not played the properrole.
绕是早有准备,拿破仑四世还是被恶劣的国际形势惊呆了。原本寄予厚望的英国人,并没有发挥出应有的作用。Afterstanding firmSwitzerlandandSpain, the British governmentstartedstanding by and watch, awaits calmlylawAustriaboth countriesto slaughter.
在稳住瑞士和西班牙后,英国政府就做起了壁上观,静待法奥两国厮杀。EvenLondonspurts the media of France, compared withspurtingmany of anti-France alliance, the British governmenthas not helpedunblock the public opinion.
甚至伦敦喷法兰西的媒体,都比喷反法联盟的多,英国政府根本就没有帮忙疏导舆论。Discarded«Austria in handTo scatterAgreement», Napoleon IVroared: „VittoriAustriahowEmmanuele IIIarrived inVienna, is Englishthiswantsto do?”
丢掉了手中的《奥撒协议》,拿破仑四世咆哮道:“维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世怎么到了维也纳,英国人这是想要干什么?”Is beyond controlhe is not angry, in the Frencharmymayhavenearlyfourpoints an Italiansoldier, VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIfallstoAustriabenefitsin the handis an indefinite tensebomb.
由不得他不生气,法兰西军队中可有近四分一的意大利士兵,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世落到奥地利手中就是一颗不定时炸弹。Mustknow that beforehandUK , France are also agree, the British governmentpledgedto detain the Italianindependent bodyhigh level and ensure did not makethemcome outto add to the chaos.
要知道事先英法也是约定好的,英国政府承诺扣留意大利独立组织高层,保证不让他们出来添乱。Napoleon IValsoknows that the Englishis far-fetched, pledgesto be equal torubbish. Howeverhethinks the British government, even ifreneges on a promise, still after mustwait for the Europeanwarto decide the victory and defeat .
拿破仑四世也知道英国人不靠谱,承诺等于废话。不过他认为英国政府就算是反悔,也要等欧陆战争分出胜负之后。IfFrancewins, orgot the winning side, forEuropeanbalance, emittingVittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIadds to the chaostothem is also the normal operation.
The issueis the presentEuropeanwarjuststarted, althoughFrench armed forcespressBelgium and Germanyto punchinCentral Europe, buton the overallwar, Austriabenefits the reinforcementsalsoon the road, Francehas not gotten the winning side.
问题是现在欧陆战争才刚刚开始,尽管法军在中欧压着比德两国揍,可就整体战局而言,奥地利援军还在路上,法兰西并没有占据上风。In some sense, France was also in the disadvantage. The frontlineis unable to make the breakthrough, waits forAustriato benefit the reinforcementsto arrive, has the strength superioritywas the anti-France coalition.
某种意义上来说,法兰西还处于了劣势。前线迟迟无法取得突破,等奥地利援兵抵达,占据兵力优势的就是反法同盟了。A little people of common military knowledgeknow, advantage of Franceinarmybattle efficiency. If unable to break throughearlier, the warturned into the battle of attrition, is the reprint of Prussiawar.
有点儿军事常识的人都知道,法兰西的优势就在陆军战斗力上。如果前期无法突破,战争变成了消耗战,又是普俄战争的翻版。Underbackground that in the population, industryandeconomyare at a disadvantagecomprehensively, earlieris unable to gain the victory, behinddid not have the opportunity.
在人口、工业、经济全面处于下风的背景下,前期无法取得胜利,后面就更没机会了。Naturally, hassimilarNapoleon'shangingto compelagain, there is an opportunityto overturn.
当然,再出一个类似拿破仑的挂逼,还是有机会翻盘的。At this time, the EnglishemittedVittoriAustriaEmmanuele III, increased the strength of anti-France coalition, is wanting the life of Francecompletely.
这个时候,英国人放出维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世,增加反法同盟的力量,完全是在要法兰西的命。If by some chance the Italiansoldiers in French armed forceswere misled, is slack in workin the battlefield, how does thiswaralsohit?
„ Your majesty, the British governmentsaid that thisis the accident/surprise. VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIis the secretleaves, theydiscoveralreadylate.
“陛下,英国政府解释说这是意外。维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世是秘密离开的,他们发现的时候已经晚了。Ministry of Foreign Affairshas confirmed that the EnglishtrulylimitedVittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIleaves country, the responsibleofficialdereliction, makinghimgiveto slide. ”
外交部已经确认过了,英国人确实限制了维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世出境,不过负责的官员渎职,让他给溜了。”Saidthissayingtime, foreign ministerKarelKadlecis an awkwardness of face. Mustknow that convinced the Englishto limit the Italianindependent bodyto leave country, one of achievementsbutMinistry of Foreign Affairsflaunted.
说这话的时候,外交大臣卡雷尔・卡德莱茨是一脸的尴尬。要知道说服英国人限制意大利独立组织出境,可是外交部标榜的政绩之一。But the Britishteammatesare not powerful, the critical momentfell the chain. The Italianindependent bodytrulystayed behind, butVittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIthisbigfishactuallyevades arrest.
怎奈英国队友不给力,关键时刻掉了链子。意大利独立组织确实被留下了,可维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世这条大鱼却漏了网。Napoleon IVsneers, ridiculed: „Accident/Surprise?”
拿破仑四世冷笑一声,讥讽道:“意外?”„Does not have the accident/surpriseearly, latedoes not have the accident/surprise, to the critical moment, had the accident/surprise. What the Englishhitto pay attention, but alsoserved a needto say?”
The key of maintenanceallyrelationslies in the trust, betweenUK , Francemostlackstrusts. Withoutcoming across the issuewas good, meets the issueallianceto present the fissureimmediately.
维护盟友关系的关键在于信任,偏偏英法之间最缺的就是信任。没有遇到问题还好,遇到了问题联盟马上就会出现裂痕。Listened to the Emperorwords, KarelKadleccomplexionwas even more ugly. Seeks helpfrom the colleaguewith the look, welcomesallstrove forfortunately.
听了皇帝的话,卡雷尔・卡德莱茨脸色越发的难看了。用眼神向同僚求助,迎来的皆是自求多福。Be forced, KarelKadlec can only brace oneselfto explain: „ Your majesty, the Englishis truly far-fetched, wehave not held the hopetothem.
The presentunfavorable situation, our militaryhas not made the breakthroughin the battlefieldin the final analysis. So long asbeat the anti-France coalition, allwill reverse. ”
现在的不利局面,归根结底还是我军在战场上没有取得突破。只要击败了反法同盟,一切都会逆转回来。”Deadfellow daoist not deadthis poor Daoist, foroneselfare not hapless, KarelKadlecchosedecisivelyflung the pot.
死道友不死贫道,为了自己不倒霉,卡雷尔・卡德莱茨果断的选择了甩锅。Suffered the unexpected misfortune, secretary of warLuseVirginiagloweredimmediately, ridicules: „ Your excellencypleasefeels relieved,FrenchArmydoes not thinkcertainfellowsdo doanything is not good, will only shirk the responsibilityto drift along.
遭遇了无妄之灾,陆军大臣路斯基尼亚当即怒目而视,讥讽道:“阁下请放心,法兰西陆军可不会想某些家伙干啥啥不行,只会推卸责任混日子。Wehave made the perfectplan, if notVittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIbravedsuddenly, nowhas started.
我们已经制定了完善的计划,如果不是维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世突然冒了出来,现在已经开始发动了。Howeverthis is also only the smallissue, happen totakesthisopportunity, cleans upin the army the fellows in intentiontwointent. ”
不过这也只是小问题,正好利用这个机会,清理掉军队中心怀二意的家伙。”On the mouthsaidwith ease, inLuseVirginiahearthas in fact startedto curse at people.
嘴上说得轻松,实际上路斯基尼亚心里面早就开始骂人了。Because of the reason of politics, after annexing the Italianarea, todemonstrate the mind/bosom of France, inarmyalsoinevitablereceiveItalysoldier.
因为政治的缘故,吞并意大利地区后,为了展示法兰西的胸怀,军队中也不可避免的接收意大利士兵。Juststartedfortunately, the Italiansoldierproportionwas very low, cannot turnwhatrough seas.
After the Europeanwarbreaks out, was different, after seeing the stance of anti-France coalitionexpansion of armaments, Francealso can only brace oneselfto follow.
欧陆战争爆发后就不一样了,看到反法同盟扩军的架势后,法兰西也只能硬着头皮跟上。Without means that afterthe 19 th century the birthenthusiasm of FrenchPeoplewould have no, has had37 millionpeopleto the present.
没有办法,进入19世纪后法国民众的生育积极性就没有,一直到现在都只有三千七百万人。Contrasts the anti-France coalition, thisnumber1/3.
对比反法同盟来说,这个数字连三分之一都不到。Austriaannounced the expansion of armaments5 million, Belgium and Germanyadded the expansion of armaments1.5 million, in addition the army before various countries, the total military strengthsoonbroke through8 million.奥地利宣布扩军五百万,比德两国加起来扩军一百五十万,加上各国之前的部队,总兵力都快要突破八百万了。
The antbites to death the alikeclassicalcase, has appearedin the previousanti-France war. In order toavoidmaking same mistakes over again, the French governmenthas touse the manpower of Italianarea, in order to avoid the militarydisparityis too big.
Since Napoleon IVauthorizes5 millionbuildup programs, lots ofItaliansoldiersappearedinFrench armed forcescombatsequence, at this timeno oneis ableto neglect the feeling of Italian.
自从拿破仑四世批准五百万扩军计划后,大量的意大利士兵就出现在了法军作战序列中,这个时候谁也无法忽视意大利人的感受。VittoriAustriahow the rallying point of Emmanuele III, in fact is also a fan, has not displayed, in a big wayactuallyno oneknows.
维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世的号召力怎么样,事实上也是一个迷,从来都没有施展过,谁也不知道究竟有多大。Justbecause of the pride of soldier, does not allowLuseVirginiato flinchnow.
……Southern line, togreetVittoriAustriaarrival of Emmanuele III, GeneralMooreKaesslaunched the winteroffensivespecially.
南线,为了迎接维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世的到来,摩尔克斯上将特意发起了冬季攻势。From the terrain, the Austriaadvantageoccupied the area of Polesinemostessence, otherItalianareamulti-mountain rangesandhills.
从地形上来看,奥地利占据了波河平原最精华的地区,意大利其它地区多山脉、丘陵。In the peaceagedevelopmenteconomy, naturallybenefits, wasto the wartime years, the situationinverted.
指挥部内GeneralMooreKaessis waving the music director stick, tosand table: „ Thisis the topographic diagram of Italianarea, youlookedhad spread, in the brainshouldhave several.
摩尔克斯上将正挥舞着指挥棒,对着沙盘:“这是意大利地区的地形图,你们都看过很多遍了,脑子里应该都有数了。Launches the attackfrom the Lombardyarea, weonly havethreeroads, has the respectivefit and unfit quality.
从伦巴第地区发起进攻,我们只有三条路,都有各自的优劣。First, usesDora Riparia RiverAustria and PowestboundTurin;
第一、利用多拉里帕里亚河奥、波河西进都灵;Second, launches the attackalong the Tanaro RivertocentralMonferrato;
第二、沿着塔纳罗河向中部的蒙费拉托发起进攻;Third, initiatestosouthalong the Secchia River and PobasincapturesBolognaandSan Marino.
第三、沿着塞基亚河、波河流域向南发起夺取博洛尼亚、圣马力诺。Without a doubt, captures the interests of Turinto be biggest, onceoccupieshereSardiniakingdom to standagain, cancreate the deathblowtoFrance'sruleinItalianarea.
毫无疑问,夺取都灵的利益最大,一旦占领这里撒丁王国就能够重立,对法兰西在意大利地区的统治会造成致命的打击。However the maximum gain, the risk is also biggest. The Frenchdeployed the hugeforcesin the Turinarea, we are very in a short time difficultto make the breakthrough.
The centraladvancecapturesMonferrato, the strategic coreandwesttakesTurinto be similar.
中部突进夺取蒙费拉托,战略核心和西取都灵差不多。SeizingMonferratonextstepisto liberateJennat, divides into two Italianarea, attacksFrench'srulein the Italianarea.
占领了蒙费拉托下一步就是解放热纳亚,将意大利地区一分为二,打击法国人在意大利地区的统治。Howeverwiththisstrategy, wenot only need beat the positive/directenemy, will also exposetwowingsin the attackrange of French armed forces, the militaryrisk that needsto takeis biggest.
The finalsouthern linecaptures, the biggestadvantagecanget the help of navy, Adriatic Seaisourdomain, does not needto be worried about the logistic problem.
The riskis lowest, the income is also lowest, besidesfighting a successful battle, keeps up the appearance, basicallydoes not havetoobigmilitary value.
To exploit the victory, mustsurmount the northernApennine Mountains. Prompts forwardalong the peninsula, seeks for the breach.
想要扩大战果,就必须要翻越北亚平宁山脉。或者是沿着半岛向前推进,寻找突破口。Thismustestablishin the situation that the Frenchmakes mistakes, otherwisewealsomake up time the domain, making the outside worldthink that wegot the winning side. ”
这要建立在法国人犯错的情况下,要不然我们也就抢点儿地盘,让外界觉得我们占据了上风。”Do not look that GeneralMooreKaesscapturesweak that the southern line said that in facteveryonewas clear,heis the positioninitiates the southern lineto capture/raid.
别看摩尔克斯上将将南线攻略说的很鸡肋,事实上大家都清楚,他是主张发起南线攻略的。Withoutotherreason, onecharacter- steady.
The southern linecapturesabsolutelydoes not have the value. The average peoplewill not care aboutanything the strategy, is looking like the domain that whoseizesto be many, whohad the advantage.
况且,南线攻略也不是完全没有价值。普通人不会在乎什么战略不战略,在很多看来谁占领的地盘多,谁就占据了优势。Austriabenefitsthistimeis flaunting the banner that liberatesItalydispatches troops, the seizedlandcangive the independent bodydirectly, does not needto maintain the placeto be stable.奥地利这次可是打着解放意大利的旗号出兵的,占领的土地可以直接交给独立组织,根本就不需要维护地方稳定。So long asfightsseveralsuccessful battles, the nationalriser in Italianareawill respond, erupts the nationalrevoltis only the issue of time.
只要多打几次胜仗,意大利地区的民族起义者就会响应,爆发全民性的起义只是时间的问题。Italianareaonechaotic, French armed forcesmustdisperse the militaryto goto suppress, is unable to go all-outwith the anti-France coalitiondecisive battle.
意大利地区一乱,法军就必须要分散兵力前往镇压,根本就无法尽全力和反法同盟决战。With the lapse of time, the advantage of anti-France coalitionwill be getting bigger and bigger, finallycrashes the Frenchby the strength.
The steadythoughtis the AustriaLijun teammainstream, does not haveotherreason, is the prestige of French armed forces is too mainly abundant, everyonehas not graspedfights a battle to force a quick decision.
The MooreKaess'smeaningVittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIInaturallyunderstands, butbuttocksdecisionhead, no matteranythingstrategy, whathispresentneedis the duplicate/restorescountry.
„ Commander, pleaseItake the libertyto break. From the currentinternational situation, weneed a victory, canbreak the French armed forcesinvinciblevictory.
“司令官阁下,请恕我冒昧打断一下。从目前的国际局势来看,我们需要一场胜利,一场能够打破法军无敌的胜利。Only thenwon the victoryin the battlefield, wecanneutralSwitzerlandandSpanishdrawing, expand the team of anti-France coalition.
只有在战场上赢得了胜利,我们才能够将中立的瑞士、西班牙拉进来,壮大反法同盟的队伍。Naturally, beats the Frenchby the strength of your countryalone, does not have the issue. But such a, your countrymustpay the deeply grievedpriceinevitably.
The Prussiawarhas proven, once the warcontinuesisveryfearful. Andis the time of delayingis longer, the war damage that needsto bearis bigger.普俄战争已经证明了,战争一旦持续下去是非常可怕的。并且是拖的时间越长,需要承担的战争损失越大。If as expected, after thisanti-France warfinished, your countryisnewEuropeanhegemon.
如果不出意外的话,这次反法战争结束后,贵国就是新的欧陆霸主。hegemonneedsto come the upholsterywith the war, crashes the Frenchby the national strengthmerely, perhapsmanypeoplecannot be convinced, for example the EnglishandRussiaperson, thiswill givewill increase the uncertaintyin the future.霸主需要用战争来铺垫,仅仅靠国力压垮法国人,恐怕很多人都会不服气,比如说英国人、俄国人,这会给未来添加不确定性。
The bestchoiceis stepping on the Frenchhigh-rank, benefits the armyto push up the shrineAustria, whichimpracticalfantasieseliminatesin the careeristsheart.
...... ”
……”Flattered, withoutflattering of bottom line.
吹捧,没有底线的吹捧。Listened toVittoriAustriawords of Emmanuele III, GeneralMooreKaesssomewhatblush.
The sentimentbeats the French, andkills the chickento be equally easy. Austriabenefitted was so when powerful, don't Iknow?
感情击败法国人,就和杀鸡一样容易。奥地利什么时候这么强大了,我怎么不知道?Without means that thissaying, ifsaidfrom the average personmouth, GeneralMooreKaess can also smile, butstems frommouth of the kingnow, was beyond controlhe is not proud.
The praise makes one lose, GeneralMooreKaessis the high-rankingluckily, listened to the flattery, the consciousnesshas not followedto flutter.
夸赞使人迷失,幸好摩尔克斯上将身居高位,也听惯了奉承话,意识并没有跟着飘。VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIsaidagainof pleasant to hear, nothing butisagitates the Austriaadvantageto dispatch troops toTurin , helping histurning roundcountry.
维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世说得再好听,无非是鼓动奥地利出兵都灵,帮助他复国。Nowadays the prestige of various European countriesis not much, evenprestigegoodAustriabenefits, VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIdoes not dareto believe.
这年头欧洲各国的信誉都不咋地,即便是声誉不错的奥地利,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世也不敢信。OtherviewAustriaboth countrieshave made war, perhapsturning the headboth countriesbecame reconciled. Similaroperation, happened in the Europeanhistorywere too many.
别看法奥两国已经开战,没准转头两国就和好了。类似的操作,在欧陆历史上发生了太多。To put it bluntly, both countriesarebecauseCentral Europeconflictsto declare war, after the warbreaks out, onsymbolicfoughtseveralwars, has not madeto be really hot.
说白了,两国是因为中欧冲突而宣战的,战争爆发后也就象征性的打了几仗,并没有打出真火来。If by some chancehad the accident/surprise, lawAustriaboth countriesextinguished the firesuddenly, hisduplicate/restorescountrymovementwas finished.
After calming down, GeneralMooreKaesssaidslowly: „Your majesty, pleaserelax. Ourmilitaryare very sufficient, can definitely launchthreeattackssimultaneously.”
冷静下来后,摩尔克斯上将缓缓说道:“陛下,请放心。我们的兵力很充足,完全可以同时发起三线进攻。”„Threeattacktogether”, suchbrainremnantstrategy. VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIsuspected that oneselfear, misunderstood.
“三线齐攻”,这么脑残的战略。维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世非常怀疑自己的耳朵,是不是听错了。„Commander, youpreparetwogroups of deceptive attacksis right?”
“司令官阁下,你是准备两路佯攻对么?”Threelaunchsimultaneouslyis not good, the issueis the logisticsdispatchercannot follow, only ifAustriaLijun teamstays in same place, has not obtained the victory.
三线同时展开不是不行,问题是后勤调度跟不上,除非奥地利军队都停留在原地,没有取得战果。Otherwisewithprompting forward of front, the logistics happened chaoticis inevitable. Howto coordinateagainis not good, after allpathsuchseveral, after exceeding the supporting capacity, whatthis/shouldis chaotic is chaotic.
要不然随着战线的向前推进,后勤发生混乱是必然的。再怎么协调也不行,毕竟道路就那么几条,超越了承载力后,该乱的还是要乱。GeneralMooreKaessshowed a faint smile, looked in the Italianindependent bodyonegroup of people, had not explained.
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