In the allied armiesheadquarters, looks at the frontlineto send the troop dispositionchart, AlbrechtovichArchdukedeeply frowned.
联军指挥部中,看着前线送来兵力部署图,阿尔布雷希特大公眉头紧锁。„Was GeneralDesmet, yourtroop dispositionin the coastal areatooweak?”
“德斯梅特将军,你们在沿海地区的兵力部署是不是太薄弱了一些?”Without the means that the anti-France coalitionhad the advantageinvariousaspects, is at a disadvantageon the navyonly.
没有办法,反法同盟在各方面都占据了优势,唯独在海军上处于了下风。Mediterranean Seais good, the lawAustrianaval poweris close, both countriesworried that was the elderly fishermanby the English, does not dareadventureto conduct the seadecisive battle.
The North Seaareawas different, BelgianNavy, isGermanFederationNavy, in front ofFrenchNavyisfragile.
北海地区就不一样了,无论是比利时海军,还是德意志联邦海军,在法国海军面前都是弱不经风。VittoriAustria after Emmanuele IIIleavesLondon, the two countriesnavieshave not sent out the warshipto aid.
就连维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世离开伦敦后,两国海军都没有派出军舰接应。Withoutotherreason , because does not dare. FrenchNavyhas stopped up the gate, the warshipleaves portto havenotto return.
The anti-France coalitionlost the command of the sea of North Seaarea, the coast defensealsobecomes the practical problem that Belgium and Germanyhave toface.
The coastline of Belgiumis not long, only66kilometers, butthisis notseveralgarrisongroupscandefend.
比利时的海岸线不长,仅有66公里,但这也不是几个警备团就能够防御住的。According toAlbrechtovichArchdukeknows, thatseveralgarrisongroups that Belgiumdeploys, expand manpowerafter the wartemporarily.
The armystructureis: Aristocratmilitary officeronecrowd of young that the retiredofficersrecruitfewtemporarily.
部队构架是:少量的退役官兵临时征召的贵族军官一群青壮。What is worth mentioning is the retiredofficers, the agegenerallysurpassed50 years old, youngerwent to the principal force.
The military officer and soldier also are the principal forcescreenfrom now oneliminationgoods. Without the means that even if the Belgian governmentis preparedearly, cannot changetheirmanpowerdeficientfact.
军官和士兵同样也是主力部队筛选过后的淘汰货。没有办法,即便是比利时政府早有准备,也改变不了他们人力匮乏的事实。Makes warnow, the Belgian governmenthad mobilizedabout300,000armies. The qualityfirstdoes not raise, the mobilizationproportion and speedare the belligerent country.
„ Marshal, wedeployedlarge number ofshoreartilleryin the coastal area, the Frenchwantedto land to pay the deeply grievedprice. With the warshipandAnPaoto the bang, nocommandersowill be silly.
The offensive of Frenchis too fierce, ourmain forcesput into the frontlinecombat, alreadynotenoughtroop dispositioncoastal area. ”
况且,法国人的攻势太猛,我们的主力都投入到了前线作战中,已经没有足够的兵力部署到沿海地区。”GeneralDesmetveryhelpless, is nothehad not realized that coastal areadanger, the issueisin the handunderstrength, mustfirstlook after a more importantbattlefield.
德斯梅特上将非常的无奈,不是他没有意识到沿海地区危险,问题是手中兵力不足,必须要先照顾更重要的战场。Now can only bet the Frenchnot to hateto take the warshiptorumblingAnPao, so long asin any caseinsistsagain for a week, Austriabenefitted the reinforcementsto arrive.
现在只能赌法国人舍不得拿军舰对轰岸炮,反正只要再坚持一个星期,奥地利援兵就抵达了。AlbrechtovichArchdukeshakes the head: „ Perhapsgeneral, thisjudgmentdoes not have the issue20years ago, butnowis not good.
The French can definitely make the baitwith the warship, makingyourshorefirepoint of forceexpose, thenbombswith the airshiparmy.
The frontfighthas proven, the airshiparmy of your countryis not the opponent of French, the spacebelongs to the Frenchtemporarily.
前面的战斗已经证明了,贵国的飞艇部队根本就不是法国人的对手,天上暂时属于法国人。Do not suspect that the determination of French government, warshipyouhave not imaginedare so valuable, Francedrags the target practice the warshipto be not infrequentevery year. ”
The battle efficiency of airshiphad been proven, the might that particularlywhen the sky spot, the airshipcanplayis bigger.
飞艇的战斗力已经被证明过了,尤其是在定点轰炸的时候,飞艇能够发挥出的威力更大。Because of the emergence of anti-aircraft ordnance, airshipbombingmostlyis the altitude bombing, the hit probabilityis now not much, the issueis the coastal area of Belgiumthatbigplace.
因为防空武器的出现,现在飞艇轰炸大都是高空轰炸,命中率都不咋地,问题是比利时沿海就那么大地方。Tocoastlinetwokilometersbombing , more than 100square kilometers, are equivalent to a city. The naval gunairship, covers such a scrapplace, is not the issue.
对着海岸线两公里轰炸,也就一百多平方公里,相当于一座城市。舰炮飞艇,覆盖这么一小块地方,已经不是问题。So long as the Frenchis willingto paycertainprice, landsBelgiumto defend the weakcoastal area, is not the issue.
The warshipis valuable, isrelatively speaking. The most advancedwarshipnaturallyisveryvaluable, prepared the retiredwarshipto be differentoutdated.
军舰值钱,也是相对而言的。最先进的军舰自然是非常值钱,老掉牙准备退役军舰就不一样了。Especiallyparticipates in the country of arms racetoUK , FranceAustriathesefrequently, warship that whichfamily/homeonepilehas not been waiting for the abandonment?
尤其是对英法奥这几个经常参与军备竞赛的国家来说,谁家没有一堆等着报废的军舰啊?In the international marketcannot sell, the training shipcould not wantso many, except forpulling out the target practice, can only tear downto sell the scrap iron.
国际市场上卖不出去,训练舰又要不了那么多,除了拉出去打靶,就只能拆掉卖废铁。Comes outto work as the cannon fodderwithsomewarships, does not needto love dearlycompletely.
It looks like inAlbrechtovichArchduke, the Frenchhas not implemented the landingplan, is the commander is too either stupid, has not looked;Was the commanderis either indecisive, does not hateto sacrifice......
在阿尔布雷希特大公看来,法国人没有实施登陆计划,要么是指挥官太蠢,没有看出来;要么就是指挥官优柔寡断,舍不得牺牲……Howeverthesetemporary, so long as the frontlinecannotmake the breakthrough, the Frenchwill step ontosooner or laterthisstep.
不过这些都是暂时的,只要前线没有能够实现突破,法国人早晚都会走上这一步。Even the landing operationsfailure, the French can still divert the anti-France coalitionhugeforces, is the main forcedecisive battlecreationfavorable conditions.
就算是登陆作战失败,法国人也可以牵制反法同盟大量的兵力,为主力决战创造有利条件。If nothing else, after Germanfederationcoastthatgroup of feudal lords, tosafeguard the security of native place, did not have the abilityto dispatch troopsto enter the war.
别的不说,德意志联邦沿海那一帮诸侯后,为了保障老家的安全,就没有能力派兵参战了。Nod of GeneralDesmetthinks otherwise: „ Marshalfelt relieved that wewill pay attention.
德斯梅特上将不以为然的点了点头:“元帅放心吧,我们会注意的。Once the Frenchinitiates the amphibious landing campaign, wewill dispatch troopsto reinforceimmediately. Belgiumis not big, intimecompletelywith enough time.
一旦法国人发起登陆战役,我们会立即出兵增援。比利时又不大,时间上完全来得及。Now is mainly understrength, was suppressedby the Frenchcomprehensively. After your country'sreinforcementsarrive, the situationwill change. ”
现在主要是兵力不足,才被法国人全面压制的。等贵国的援兵抵达后,情况就会发生变化。”A halfmonth of fight, has the help. At leastBelgianMilitary'sfearto the Frencheliminatedmuch.
半个多月的战斗下来,也不是没有帮助。起码比利时军方对法国人的恐惧消除了不少。Relations that because the native placebattles, both sideshitgive-and-takein the battlefield. Being at a disadvantagethatis onlyunderstrength, battle efficiencydisparity of both sides, has not imaginedbeforehandis so disparate.
因为本土作战的关系,双方在战场上打得有来有往。处于下风那只是兵力不足,双方的战斗力差距,并没有事先想象中那么悬殊。Looks atout of the window, AlbrechtovichArchdukehas not continuedto meddle. Austriabenefitted the reinforcementssoonto come, butdid not cometo work oneself to deathfor the Belgian.
The attitude of Viennagovernmentis clear, firstagitatesBelgium and Germany and Frenchslaughters, whenprojected onsimilarly, then conducted the main forcedecisive battle.
维也纳政府的态度非常明确,先鼓动比德两国和法国人厮杀,等打到差不多了,再进行主力决战。Whydo not ask, was the Emperorformulationstrategy, the executionis in any case right.
别问为什么,反正是皇帝制定的战略,执行就对了。Under this situation, Austriabenefits the actionspeed of reinforcementsnaturallyquickly.
在这种背景下,奥地利援兵的行动速度自然快不起来。Naturally, Franzhas the moral integrity, has not donetooexcessively.
当然,弗朗茨还是有节操的,没有做得太过分。Austriabenefits the armyto go forwardat a daily rate of sansishi km, the special detailsmustlook at the state of roads and weather.奥地利部队还是以每天三四十公里的速度前进,具体情况还是要看路况和天气。Don't even go there, nowadayseveryone'smarching speedis not much, every daycango forward30-40kilometers, thisis the elitestandard.
It is not quickly, the issue is unsustainable. Perhapsin the lightcar(riage)Jane/simpleline/traversesituation, somedaycan the rapid march, step onto70-80kilometers.
不是快不起来,问题是难以持续下去。或许在轻车简行的情况下,某一天可以急行军,一口气走上70-80公里。Howeversuchspeed, is impossibleto continue. The soldiers are also the person, is more tiredinmuch the situation, do not count on the battle efficiency.
但是这样的速度,不可能持续下去。士兵也是人,在累得精疲力尽的情况下,就不要指望战斗力了。In fact, because the marching speedis too fast, causes the case that the armycollapses, in the militaryhistory is also common.
……Viennapalace, FranzforVittoriAustria the arrival of Emmanuele IIIholds the welcoming banquet.
维也纳宫,弗朗茨正在为维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世的到来举行欢迎宴会。In the past the lawAustriarelations could also pass, Austriabenefitted, althoughacknowledged that VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIwasKingSardinia, butthatalsosaidin secret.
以往法奥关系还过得去,奥地利虽然承认维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世是撒丁国王,但那也只是私底下说说。Ontothisissue, the Viennagovernmentis outwardly same as various European countries, was silent, probablyanythingdoes not know.
明面上对这个问题,维也纳政府和欧洲各国一样,都是闭口不言,好像什么也不知道。Nowwas different, lawAustriaboth countrieshit, naturallydoes not needto care about the feeling of French.
for VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIdrums up support, tolet the ItalianPeoplebelieves that the Austriamoney pouchliberatestheir, Franzhas topersonallyattend the welcoming banquet, toindicate that the Austriagovernment supportSardiniakingdomregains the independentpolitical stand.
为了替维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世造势,也为了让意大利民众相信奥地利是去解放他们的,弗朗茨不得不亲自参加欢迎宴会,以表明奥地利政府支持撒丁王国重新获得独立的政治立场。Except thatonebeyondpolite talk that does not have the nutrition, at the banquethad not discussed that anysubstantivecontent, Franzalsorevealedonehastilyto leave.
除了一番没有营养的套话外,宴会上没有谈任何实质性的内容,弗朗茨也只是露了一面就匆匆离开了。Emperorleft, the banquet must continue. ReceivesVittoriAustria the heavy responsibility of Emmanuele IIIfellonWessenberg, thiswasas the responsibility of foreign minister.皇帝离开了,宴会还要继续。接待维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世的重任就落到了韦森贝格身上,这是作为外交大臣的职责。VittoriAustriaasking that Emmanuele IIIextremelycares about: „Minister, whichstepin the war in Italianareayour country conducted, whenIcan the frontlinelead the Italianindependence movement.”
维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世非常关心的问:“大臣阁下,贵国在意大利地区的战局进行到了哪一步,我什么时候能够前线领导意大利独立运动。”Without the means that VittoriAustria the stimulation that Emmanuele IIIreceivedrecentlyis somewhat big, particularlywas put under house arrestinBritain, was more excitinghe.
没有办法,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世最近受到的刺激有些大,尤其是在不列颠遭到软禁,更是刺激到了他。Does not have anytime, hasurgently needsnow the duplicate/restorescountry. If is not too quick, withoutto the opportunity that he who Franzleavesopens the mouth, nowasksis......
„ Your majesty, firstdo not worry. Firstarrives inVienna, youshouldgoto appreciatewellherebeautiful scene.
“陛下,先不要着急。初次抵达维也纳,你应该去好好欣赏一下这里的美景。Believesme, Viennawill not makeyoudisappointed. Hereis the entire worldmost beautifulcity. ”
相信我,维也纳是不会令你失望的。这里是全世界最美丽的城市。”Then, Wessenbergcarriedoneglass of red wines, drank a smallmouthslightly. Looks atfaceanxiousVittoriAustriaEmmanuele III, the corners of the mouthshowed a smile.
说完,韦森贝格端起了一杯红酒,微微的喝了一小口。看着一脸焦急的维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世,嘴角露出了一丝笑容。In the worlddoes not have the freelunch, wanting the Austriaadvantageto help the duplicate/restorescountry, VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIInaturallymustpay the price.
世界上没有免费的午餐,想要奥地利帮忙复国,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世自然要付出代价。Otherwisehas the qualificationsto restorepersonso many of Sardiniakingdom, why can the Viennagovernmentsupporthim?
要不然有资格复辟撒丁王国的人那么多,维也纳政府凭什么要支持他?Depending onVittoriAustria is Emmanuele IIInowmost legitimate?
就凭维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世现在最正统?Veryregrettable, nowisthe late 19 th century, legitimate must for the benefitconcessions.
The Bonapartedynastyis an example, various European countriesnot, for an orthodoxname, dispatches troopsto interfere withNapoleon IIIto restore.波拿巴王朝就是一个例子,欧洲各国没有为了一个正统之名,就出兵干涉拿破仑三世复辟。Naturally, in the benefitdisparity not bigsituation, the Viennagovernmentis gladto support the legitimatemonarchy, after all the Habsburgdynastyis flauntingnowlegitimate, tounify the Germanareatries hard.
„ Your excellency, the reputation of Viennahas spread over the world, I am also charmedfor a long time, has wantedto touronewell.
“阁下,维也纳的美名早就传遍了世界,我也是神往已久,早就想好好游览一番了。Howevernow the Sardiniapeoplestillsuffer hardshipsunderenslaving of French, astheirkings, I do not have the abilityto rescuethem, is ashamed, reallydoes not have the faceto doother. ”
但是现在撒丁民众还在法国人的奴役之下受苦,作为他们国王,我没有能力将他们解救出来,已经非常的惭愧了,实在是没有脸面去干别的了。”Lowers the postureto flatter, toVittoriAustriaEmmanuele III, does not have anypressure.
Different fromotherkings, VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIgrows upin the environment of living under subjugationsince childhood, the arrogancecannot raise.
不同于其他君王,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世从小就在寄人篱下的环境中长大,傲气根本就养不出来。AlthoughtoVittoriAustria the idea of Emmanuele IIIdoes not catch cold, butWessenberglooked athisoneeyeshigh.
尽管对维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世的想法不怎么感冒,但是韦森贝格还是高看了他一眼。As a king, not only can lower the posture, keenjudgment. At the discoverymattermay not, decisivereduced the Sardiniakingdom the Italianarea, suggestedoneselfdid not have the ambition.
„ Your majesty, relax. Godwill punish the Frenchintruder, the Sardiniakingdomwill gain the independencefinally.
“陛下,放心。上帝会惩罚法国入侵者的,撒丁王国终将获得独立。Austriabenefitsto be differentfromFrance, we are a peace-lovingcountry, has no ambitionto the territory of Italianarea, will not expandin the Italianarea.奥地利不同于法兰西,我们是一个爱好和平国家,对意大利地区的领土没有任何野心,不会在意大利地区进行扩张。Supporting the Sardiniakingdomindependenceisourconsistentpolitical opinions, butmustdrive away the French, wealsoneedto pay very seriousprice.
支持撒丁王国独立是我们一贯的政治主张,不过要赶走法国人,我们也需要付出非常惨重的代价。Youalsoheard, wehave formed the anti-France coalitionwithBelgiumandGermanfederationand othercountries.
想必你也听说了,我们和比利时、德意志联邦等国已经组建了反法同盟。In order tosafeguardeveryone'sinterests, wehave touse the equivalent exchangeprinciple. Afterdriving awayFrench, allbelligerent countriesaccording tocontributionassignmentspoils of war.
为了保障大家的利益,我们不得不采用等价交换原则。在赶走法国人之后,所有参战国均根据贡献分配战利品。By your countrycurrentsituation, is very difficultto make the contribution to thiswar, properly speakingdoes not have the qualificationssharespoils of war.
以贵国目前的情况,恐怕很难为这场战争做出贡献,按理来说是没有资格分享战利品的。Howeverlooks atAustriato scatterunder the traditional friendship in two countries, wewill support the Sardiniakingdomto be independent, butmustsharepart of military expensesexpensesaspriceyour country.
不过看着奥撒两国的传统友谊之下,我们还是会支持撒丁王国独立,不过作为代价贵国必须要分摊一部分军费开销。Specificdigit, weaccording to the post-waractualexpensesdetermination. Naturally, ifyoucanmakecertaincontributionin the battlefield, then can also reducesomeamortizationscorrespondingly. ”
具体数字,我们根据战后实际开销确定。当然,如果你们能够在战场上做出一定的贡献,那么也可以相应减少一部分摊销。”Hears„Austriato scatterfriendship”, VittoriAustriasomeEmmanuele IIIcomplexionslightlynon-natures.
听到“奥撒友谊”,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世脸色微微有些不自然。Without means that thissaying, ifpassed on, isanotherjoke of this century.
The Sardiniakingdomfallstopresentthissituation, Austriabenefits is also claims creditreallygreat, evencansay that plays the decisive effect.撒丁王国落到现在这种地步,奥地利也是居功甚伟的,甚至可以说起到了决定性作用。
If notAustriabenefitsthemhitsis paralyzed, the Frenchdoes not have is so easyto seizeSardinia, perhapsnowisanotheraspect.
如果不是奥地利将他们打得半身不遂,法国人也没有那么容易占领撒丁,或许现在又是另一番局面。What a pityhistorynot, if, whatis sadderisAustriascatters the waror the Sardiniakingdomshoulderson own initiative, thisletsVittoriAustria the father of Emmanuele IIIis shouldering the infamyuntil now.
The realityissuchbrutal, peopleonlyremember the upper dog, the loseris a criminal, even ifdecidesgreatly is still again same.
现实就是这么残酷,人们只记得成功者,失败者就是罪人,即便是立意再伟大也一样。Washingwhite/in vainisnot possible, Austriascatters the failure of war, directlycaused the Sardiniakingdomto be incapable ofresistingFrenchinvasion.
洗白是不可能的,奥撒战争的失败,直接导致了撒丁王国无力抵抗法兰西入侵。VittoriAustriaEmmanueletwoShichengidiotandmegalomaniasynonym, althoughhewas pushed up the battlefieldby the Sardiniapeople.
维托里奥・埃马努埃莱二世成了蠢货、自大狂的代名词,尽管他是被撒丁民众推上战场的。Poured the bottomto experience the wind and frost, short after did not adapt, VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIimmediatelyrestored, pondered over the Wessenbergwordscarefully.
倒底还是经历了风霜,短暂的不适应过后,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世马上恢复了过来,仔细琢磨韦森贝格的话。Madehisscruplewas not the condition that becauseAustriabenefittedwas too harsh, insteadwasextremelyfavorable, favorabletoVittoriAustriasituation that Emmanuele IIIdoes not dareto believe.
令他迟疑的不是因为奥地利的条件太苛刻,反而是太过优厚,优厚到维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世不敢置信的地步。Sharespart of military expensesmerely, canreceive in exchange for the Sardiniaduplicate/restorescountry, cheap does such matter, whereonlook?
After hesitantmomenttime, VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIexploratoryasking of: „French armed forcesare manyin the military that the southern linedoes put in?”
犹豫了片刻功夫后,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世试探性的问:“法军在南线投入的兵力很多么?”Besidesfighting the potentialis anxious, urgently needs the ally, VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIcould not have thought that made the Austriaadvantagepledge such relaxedcondition the reason.
除了战势紧张,迫切需要盟友外,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世已经想不到让奥地利开出这么宽松条件的理由了。Wessenbergshakes the head: „ Fortunately! The Frenchplaced the Central Europeanbattlefield the strategic center of gravity, primarilytakes the defensivein the Italianarea.韦森贝格摇了摇头:“还好吧!法国人将战略重心放在了中欧战场,在意大利地区主要是采取守势。Your majesty, youshouldknow that the terrain of Italianarea, not the suitablelarge unitsto fight a decisive battle.
陛下,你应该知道意大利地区的地形,并不适合大兵团进行决战。Fights a decisive battlein the Italianarea, is the reprint of British and RussianWar in Afghanistan, so long aseveryoneis willing to hit.
在意大利地区决战,就是英俄阿富汗战争的翻版,只要大家愿意就可以一直打下去。Iftonot liberate the Italianarea, helpvarious countriesgets rid ofenslaving of French, wenotandtheywill pesterin the southern line. ”
如果不是为了解放意大利地区,帮助各国摆脱法国人的奴役,我们也不会在南线和他们纠缠。”KnowsVittoriAustriadoubts in Emmanuele IIIheart, butWessenbergdoes not have the meaning of explanation.
It is not the AustriaLibyan governmentmustgive favored treatment to the Sardiniakingdom, is really does not know that nowwantsanything.
领土?AustriaLygondid not lack, the area of ItalianmostessenceinAustriabenefitsin the hand, remainingis the waste land.奥地利根本就不缺,意大利最精华的地区就在奥地利手中,剩下都是烂地。Continuesto expand, besidesincreasingtroublesome, does not have anyvalue.
It seems likestrategic locationveryimportantSicilyincluding the present, benefittedtoAustriaafter the wardid not haveanyvalue.
包括现在看起来战略位置非常重要的西西里岛,战后对奥地利也没有了任何价值。Without the means that the presentSardiniakingdomonlyexistsintheoretically. VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIanythingdoes not havebesides an orthodoxgiven name.
没办法,现在的撒丁王国只存在于理论上。维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世除了一个正统名号外啥也没有。Even to extract oil, still after mustwait for the Sardiniakingdomindependence, said. Does not haveoneto cast asidecaret-shaped, letsVittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIsignsonepile of unequal treaties, howin the future will othersbe able to blow the gathering place?
The Austriaadvantageneeds a stableSardiniakingdom, addsto stop upto the Frenchunceasingly;Rather thanrocketrises from all directions, needsfrequently the rescueSardiniakingdom.奥地利需要一个稳定的撒丁王国,不断给法国人添堵;而不是一个狼烟四起,需要时刻救助的撒丁王国。
The piepounded, no matterthere is a belt/bringto be poisonous, hungryanxiousVittoriAustriaEmmanuele III, musteat.
On October 21 , 1890, VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIsigned«AustriaTo scatterAgreement»withWessenberg.
The content of treaty, naturallywastalksAustriato scatter the friendship. Originalwhichare not happy, is a Frenchtoannex the Sardiniakingdom, intentionallyconspiracy of manufacture.
The timepassed by any casewas so long, even if the older generationis also living, currentlystillhas a more hatefulFrenchto draw the hatred, is Austriascatteredhatesthat the matter.
反正时间都过去了这么久,老一辈就算是还活着,现在也有更可恶的法国人拉仇恨,奥撒仇恨那都是不是事儿。Withsigning of treaty, symbolizes that since1847, Austriascatters the two countriesseveral-yeargratitude and grudgesto settle, the relations between the two countriesentered a newaltitude.
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