HRE :: Volume #9

#900: West line crisis

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The beautiful sunlight, is shining upon the deep blue sea, has a unique flavor. 明媚的阳光,映照着碧蓝的大海,别有一番风味。 In the day of glorious weather, the extra income that will soon succeed in obtaining, the mood of Colonel Richard is especially comfortable. 在风和日丽的日子里,还有一笔即将到手的外快,理查德上校的心情格外舒爽。 By many years of experience, he discovered long time ago the front ship has the issue, attempts to pursue, really reveals one's true colors. 凭借多年的经验,他早早就就发现了前面的船有问题,尝试着追击一下,果然原形毕露。 The ordinary merchant ship saw the royal navy to be far away in the international waters similarly, but how to be far away again, was insufficient to run undersold the commodity toward the sea. 普通商船在公海见了皇家海军同样会远离,不过再怎么远离,也不至于为了跑路就往大海中抛售商品。 Although the royal navy has the history of puppeteer pirate, but that was past tense, in recent years has restrained. 皇家海军虽然有串客海盗的历史,可那都是过去式了,最近几年已经收敛了很多。 Even if must rob, that will still camouflage. Is hanging the sea colors time, most also on a blackmail protection money. 就算是要抢劫,那也会进行伪装。挂着海军旗的时候,最多也就敲诈一笔保护费。 Has the relational background, climbs the relations also to give preferential benefit to discount. So long as money arrived, even smuggles still might as well. 有关系背景的,攀攀关系还可以优惠打折。只要钱到位了,就算是走私也无妨。 Folda performance, is telling them without doubt the no 300 taels of silver buried, like this is gruffly rarely seen, Colonel Richard naturally cannot let off. 福尔达号的表现,无疑是在告诉他们此地无银三百两,这样的憨憨已经不多见了,理查德上校自然不会放过。 The military officer who is responsible for the flag indicator said excitedly: Colonel, we meet Vittori Austria Emmanuele III, on the front warship, he has indicated the status.” 负责旗语的军官兴奋说道:“上校,我们遇到维托里・埃马努埃莱三世,就在前面的军舰上,他已经表明了身份。” Vittori Austria that in order to seize to travel Emmanuele III, the London government makes a determined effort, the royal navy almost turns out in full strength. 为了抓捕跑路的维托里・埃马努埃莱三世,伦敦政府可是发了狠的,皇家海军几乎是倾巢而出。 Also cannot say seizing, after all a king, John Bull must pay attention to the international influence, therefore the duty of royal navy please go back. 也不能说抓捕,毕竟一名国王,约翰牛也是要注意国际影响的,所以皇家海军的任务是把人请回去。 Hears this good news, Colonel Richard the complexion one happy. Must know to stimulate everyone's enthusiasm, the home started out the generous recompense. 听到这个好消息,理查德上校面色一喜。要知道为了刺激大家的积极性,国内可是开出了重赏的。 So long as can Vittori Austria Emmanuele III please go back, not only there is a good bonus, but can also raise upward first-level. 只要能够把维托里・埃马努埃莱三世请回去,不仅有丰厚的奖金,还能往上提一级。 Richard is a colonel, must walk out general again upward. Seemingly only has separation, in fact this is the far apart as heaven and earth. 理查德已经是上校,再往上就要跨过将军门槛了。看似只有一线之隔,实际上这就是天渊之别。 Colonel military officer in royal navy a big pile, can bridge over ten of general threshold not to save one truly. Without the means that the present is the peace age, without the meritorious military service addition promotion nature is difficult. 皇家海军中的上校军官一大堆,真正能够跨过将军门槛的十不存一。没有办法,现在是和平年代,没有战功加成晋升自然难。 That also waits for anything, lets them immediately the aback, invited Vittori Austria Emmanuele III came.” “那还等什么,让他们立即停船,请维托里・埃马努埃莱三世过来。” Please character Colonel Richard bite unusual is heavy. King who goes down in the world again, that is also a king, must give enough respect. “请”字理查德上校咬的非常重。再落魄的国王,那也是国王,必须要给予足够的尊重。 Without the means that the relations between European royal courts are chaotic, going out everywhere is the relatives, the human relations of any royal family cannot be underestimated. 没有办法,欧洲王室之间的关系非常乱,出门到处都是亲戚,任何一家王室的人脉关系都不容小觑。 The complexion of young military officer all of a sudden ugly/difficult to look at, had a headache reply: „ We have sent out the invitation, but Vittori Austria Emmanuele III does not comply. 青年军官的脸色一下子难看了起来,头疼的回答道:“我们已经发出了邀请,可维托里・埃马努埃莱三世不答应。 And warned that we with, do not have any accident/surprise otherwise in midway, wants us to be responsible. ” 并且警告我们不要跟上去,要不然中途发生了任何意外,都要我们负责。” Responded, the young military officer chooses to evade the important questions for the easy decisively, has not said Vittori Austria directly words that Emmanuele III threatens. 到底还是反应了过来,青年军官果断的选择避重就轻,没有直接说出维托里・埃马努埃莱三世威胁的话。 Colonel Richard was directly scared, he has not thought, Vittori Austria Emmanuele III does not coordinate. 理查德上校直接傻眼了,他万万没有想到,维托里・埃马努埃莱三世这么不配合。 The open fire threat is not possible, if the luck is not good to deliver Vittori Austria Emmanuele III saw God, no one carries this charge. 开炮威胁是不可能的,万一运气不好送维托里・埃马努埃莱三世见了上帝,没有人背的起这个罪名。 Stared young military officer one eyes, Colonel Richard reproved: He rejects, you will not urge!” 瞪了青年军官一眼,理查德上校训斥道:“他拒绝,你们不会劝啊!” Right urged, how to go down in the world again, to overwhelming majority average people, Vittori Austria Emmanuele III was a great person. 没错就是劝,再怎么落魄,对绝大部分普通人来说,维托里・埃马努埃莱三世都是大人物。 Seeing a young military officer face is confused, Richard continues to add: „ Idiot, Vittori Austria Emmanuele III we cannot move, haven't you been able to think others on means combining threats with inducements ship? 见青年军官一脸迷茫,理查德继续补充道:“蠢货,维托里・埃马努埃莱三世我们动不了,你还不能想办法威逼利诱船上的其他人么? Transmitted orders to accelerate to go forward, brought the pressure on them...... ” 传令下去加速前进,给他们施加压力……” ...... …… Facts showed, the flag indicator is imperfect, at least when the expression threat meaning, the deterrent effect is weak. 事实证明,旗语还是不够完善,起码在表达威胁意思的时候,震慑力不够强。 Determined after the English does not dare to open fire, on Folda people quickly restored, naturally the mood is somewhat excited. 确定了英国人不敢开炮后,福尔达号上的众人迅速恢复了过来,当然情绪还是有些激动。 Vittori Austria Emmanuele III precious words open, everyone is completely an aristocrat, the premise was King Sardinia can the turning round country be successful. 维托里・埃马努埃莱三世金口一开,大家全部都是贵族了,前提是撒丁国王能够复国成功。 In knows, the riches and honor that sea seeks a livelihood must ask in the danger. Captain Petra also appropriate exaggerated a success ratio, told everyone, because French armed forces were in an inferior position in the battlefield. 海上讨生活的都知道,富贵要在险中求。佩特拉船长还适当的夸大了一下成功率,告诉大家因为法军在战场上处于劣势。 In order to save the failure of French, the despicable and shameless British government detains Vittori Austria Emmanuele III. 为了挽救法国人的失败,卑鄙无耻的英国政府才扣押维托里・埃马努埃莱三世的。 Without the problem, is the despicable and shameless British government. Do not look at everyone is the English, but between the English and English have the difference. 没有毛病,就是卑鄙无耻的英国政府。别看大家都是英国人,可是英国人和英国人之间也是有差别的。 Although is the ships of temporary arrangements, Austria benefits the embassy also to investigate. Folda can be selected, naturally is because the crew is an Irish person. 虽然是临时安排的船舶,地利使馆也不可能不进行调查。福尔达号能够入选,自然是因为船员都是爱尔兰人。 If the crew is to the British ownership strongest English people, now was another aspect. 要是船员都是对不列颠归属最强的英格兰人,现在又是另一种局面了。 Distance of both sides pulled closer unceasingly, on Folda atmosphere also started tight, Vittori Austria Emmanuele III has to go into action to comfort the will of the people personally. 双方的距离不断被拉近,福尔达号上的气氛也开始紧张了起来,维托里・埃马努埃莱三世都不得不亲自出马安抚人心。 Suddenly, presented several small sunspots in the horizon, the crew of observation platform returned to the report: Front discovered the fleet, is driving in our directions.” 突然,在天边出现了几个小黑点,观察台的船员回报道:“前方发现了船队,正向我们这个方向驶来。” Vittori Austria Emmanuele III relaxes, immediately said: That is comes to aid our ships, immediately by the past.” 维托里・埃马努埃莱三世松了一口气,立即说道:“那是前来接应我们的船舶,马上靠过去。” Then, but also did intentionally entered in the cabin calmly. 说完,还故作镇静的进入了船舱中。 The middle-aged man of accompanying cannot bear remind: Your majesty, this time is we chooses to the open-circuited line, even Austria altruistic does not know the concrete route, without the arranged ships aids!” 随行的中年男子忍不住提醒道:“陛下,这次离开路线是我们自己挑选的,即便是地利人也不知道具体路线,没有安排船舶接应啊!” Goes into exile so many years, the Italian independent body was also beaten mercilessly by the society, now does not trust anyone. 流亡这么多年,意大利独立组织也是饱受社会毒打,现在对谁都不信任了。 Even now and Austria money pouch ally, Vittori Austria Emmanuele III has not accepted Austria to benefit the escape route of embassy arrangement, but was the temporary change route mounted Folda. 即便是现在和地利是盟友,维托里・埃马努埃莱三世都没有接受地利使馆安排的逃亡路线,而是临时变更路线登上了福尔达号。 Vittori Austria Emmanuele III said slowly: „ Has the person to aid, now is unimportant, so long as some people knew me on Folda on the line. 维托里・埃马努埃莱三世缓缓说道:“有没有人接应,现在已经不重要了,只要有人知道我在福尔达号上就行了。 Present range Holland British warship that only then less than 100 nautical miles, behind pursues only then two, they do not have the ability a fleet everyone to eliminate a potential informant on together. 现在距离荷兰只有不足一百海里,后面追来的英国军舰只有两艘,他们是没有能力将一支船队上所有人一起灭口的。 Once close, told on their Folda to have an honored king. British military officer who following pursues will want stupidly, not to put us to leave. ” 一旦靠近,就告诉他们福尔达号上面有一位尊贵的国王。后面追击的英国军官只要不傻,就会放我们离开。” Theoretically, the royal navy does not dare to kill one's sovereign. But everything has the accident/surprise, in this boundless big sea, being missing a ship is not the important matter. 理论上来说,皇家海军是不敢弑君的。可凡事都有意外,在这茫茫大海上,失踪一艘船也不是什么大事。 Vittori Austria Emmanuele III mounts Folda matter, is completely the temporary decision, the limited several people know. 维托里・埃马努埃莱三世登上福尔达号的事情,完全是临时性的决定,只有有限的几个人知道。 Moreover these insiders in London, once the English makes a determined effort, coming to silence a witness of crime, who can show that is the English does? 而且这些知情者都在伦敦,一旦英国人发了狠,来个杀人灭口,谁能够证明是英国人干的? May leave behind the traces, but the issue is some people downward investigates Caihang, could not be the average person. 或许会留下蛛丝马迹,可问题是得有人往下查才行,还不能是普通人。 The little brother who on Folda people incorporate temporarily, the loyalty cannot withstand the test. Front said that the English does not dare to begin, that is to raise the morale. 福尔达号上的人都是临时收编的小弟,忠诚度根本经不起考验。前面说英国人不敢动手,那是为了鼓舞士气。 ...... …… On October 9 , 1890, under escorting of royal navy, Vittori Austria Emmanuele III arrived in Holland. 1890年10月9日,在皇家海军的护送之下,维托里・埃马努埃莱三世抵达荷兰。 Colonel Richard of pursuit the political intelligence is miraculous, at crucial moments changed decisively, defines this traveling schedule as for Vittori Austria Emmanuele III escorts. 追击的理查德上校政治头脑还是非常灵光的,在关键时刻果断的做出了改变,将这次行程定义为替维托里・埃马努埃莱三世护航。 As for midway is not happy, that is the small issue. Let alone Vittori Austria Emmanuele III has not restored successfully, even if really becomes King Sardinia unable to offend the English. 至于中途发生的不愉快,那都是小问题。别说维托里・埃马努埃莱三世还没有复辟成功,就算是真成为了撒丁国王也得罪不起英国人。 The strength is inferior to the person, this must eat, even must display one that owes he not to eat to eat happy appearance very much, proves Mingying to scatter in a friendly way to the outside world. 实力不如人,这个亏他不吃的也得吃,甚至还要表现出一副吃得很开心的样子,向外界证明英撒友好。 The west line, underwent half a month fight, the anti-France coalition had been in the absolute disadvantage. 西线,经过了半个月的战斗,反法同盟已经处于了绝对的劣势。 Even if the native place battles, in the face of the absolute power gap, Belgium cannot the counterattack. 即便是本土作战,在绝对的实力差距面前,比利时还是没有能够逆袭。 Reinforcements that Austria benefits also on road, the German federation is slow-acting, Luxembourg , Belgium has creakied, the Rhineland defense line had the problem. 地利的援兵还在路上,德意志联邦行动迟缓,比利时卢森堡一线已经摇摇欲坠,就连莱茵兰防线都出现了问题。 The form in battlefield was increasingly stern, benefits Austria Poland , Germany second not to have the past high-spiritedness. 战场上的形式日益严峻,利波德二世也没有了往日的意气风发。 Situation is even more disadvantageous to us, when can virtue Austria two countries' reinforcements arrive?” “局势对我们越发不利,德两国的援兵什么时候能够抵达?” Frank, Belgian army performance passes an examination. Can at the disadvantaged military, resist French armed forces to attack half a month in the battlefield hardly, taken making a move. 坦率的来说,比利时军队这次的表现还是及格的。能够以劣势兵力,在战场上硬抗法军进攻半个月,已经拿的出手了。 Foreign minister Joule replied: „ Austria army main force arrived in Budden yesterday afternoon, the leading troops have arrived in the Rhineland area, it is expected that five days later will enter our country. 外交大臣朱尔回答道:“军主力于昨天下午抵达巴登,其中先头部队已经抵达莱茵兰地区,预计五天后就会进入我国。 The mobilization speed of German federation wants to be slower, at present only then western state completed the military mobilization, east state is also in progress. 德意志联邦的动员速度要慢一些,目前只有西部各邦国的完成了军事动员,东部邦国还在进行中。 The army that however western state mobilizes, does not have first to arrive in the frontline, we passed with the German federal government ditch, they also take these state not to have the means. ” 不过西部邦国动员起来的部队,并没有第一时间抵达前线,我们和德意志联邦政府沟通过了,他们也拿这些邦国没有办法。” The direction does not unify this is the German federation stubborn illness, without these internal problems, they have joined the big powers club. 指挥不统一这是德意志联邦的顽疾,要是没有这些内部问题,他们早就加入列强俱乐部了。 Benefits asking of Austria Poland , Germany second doubts: Few days ago, George I did not say that must arrive at the frontline to supervise combat, how not to have the sound?” 波德二世疑惑的问:“前些日子,乔治一世不是说要亲临前线督战么,怎么没有了动静?” The war is the risk is also the opportunity, the Emperor throne that wins with great difficulty, George I naturally cannot easily give up. 战争是风险也是机遇,好不容易才登上的皇帝宝座,乔治一世自然不会轻易放弃。 In fact, the throne of George I am not steady, eyes covetously besides the Austria advantage, what is more important is his monarchy prestige is too low. 事实上,乔治一世的皇位不稳,除了地利虎视眈眈外,更重要的还是他个人君主威望太低。 This is the issue left over by history, the German federation is the product of special period, is the UK , France very soon and other European countries imposes on the empire of German People. 这是历史遗留问题,德意志联邦是特殊时期的产物,是英法俄等欧洲国家强加给德意志民众的帝国。 The empire that does forcefully, naturally cannot make everyone satisfy, particularly to the nationalists, this empire is the shame. 强行搞出来的帝国,自然不能令大家满意,尤其是对民族主义者来说,这个帝国就是耻辱。 Under this background, following small state naturally cannot buy the account of central government. 这种背景下,下面的小邦国自然不会买中央政府的账。 In order to weaken the authority of central government, safeguards own power, even also some people advocate Hanover betraying country theory intentionally. 为了削弱中央政府的权威,保障自身的权力,甚至还有人故意宣扬汉诺威卖国论。 In the newspaper openly publicizes, elder brother dynasty imperial crown is the big powers hinders the German area unified reward to them. 报纸上公开宣扬,哥达王朝这顶皇冠是列强对他们阻碍德意志地区统一的奖励。 Without the means that the Hanover strength is limited, without the ability coerces this crowd of small state, in addition the people do not support the central government, the German federation from establishing to start to be in the weak position. 没有办法,汉诺威实力有限,没有能力压服这群小邦国,加上民众又不支持中央政府,德意志联邦从建立开始就处于弱势地位。 In order to change this passive state, two generations of German federation Emperor made lots of efforts, for example: Vigorously develops the economy, to open the colony, to merge the Prussia kingdom and other countries the series of measures. 为了改变这种被动局面,两代德意志联邦皇帝都做出了很多努力,比如说:努力发展经济、开辟殖民地、合并普鲁士王国等一系列措施。 The achievement is remarkable, the effect this can say that is the same. After all these things, could not satisfy the appetite of nationalist. 成果是显著的,效果么这能说是一般般。毕竟这些东西,满足不了民族主义者的胃口。 In some sense, this anti-France war is the George I last chance. So long as set up enough prestige in the war, has strength of the wrestling after the war. 某种意义上来说,这次反法战争已经是乔治一世最后的机会。只要在战争中树立了足够的威望,战后才有一搏之力。 Your majesty, the internal problem of German federation was extremely troublesome. George I wants to obtain the prestige in the war, must have the support of Prussia kingdom. “陛下,德意志联邦的内部问题太过麻烦了。乔治一世想要在战争中获得威望,就少不了普鲁士王国的支持。 The issue is to experience the lesson of Prussia war, the Prussia government had gradually favored conservative twice, is not willing to continue to conduct the adventure. 问题是经历了两次普俄战争的教训,普鲁士政府已经逐渐倾向于保守,不愿意继续进行冒险了。 Because of the political change in situation, the condition that they achieved, the Prussia government does not prepare to honor an agreement now. 因为政治上的变局,原本他们达成的条件,普鲁士政府现在已经不准备履约了。 George I to convince the Prussia government tries hard, judging from the present situation, will have very big probability to be defeated. 乔治一世正在为说服普鲁士政府而努力,从目前的情况来看,有很大的几率会失败。 Mainly is Austria altruistic not to his opportunity, once the Vienna government involves, effort that George I makes on completely white Fei. ” 主要是地利人不会给他这个机会,维也纳政府一旦介入,乔治一世所做的努力就全部白废了。” Foreign minister Joule answered, the command benefitted Austria Poland , Germany second to cry but have no tears. Whether the German area unifies, this does not have the 10 cents relations with Belgium. 外交大臣朱尔解释道,令利波德二世欲哭无泪。德意志地区是否统一,这和比利时没有一毛钱的关系。 The German federation that conforms with, is the unified Holy Roman empire, to Belgium is the difference of elephant and statuette. 无论是整合起来的德意志联邦,还是统一的神罗帝国,对比利时来说就是大象和小象的区别。 The elephant cannot stir up, the statuette cannot stir up similarly, is overcautious in dealing with people in any case, the final result is the same. 大象惹不起,小象同样也惹不起,反正都是夹着尾巴做人,最终的结果都一样。 After pondering the moment time, benefits Austria Poland , Germany second saying ruthlessly: Urged the Vienna government again, told them, if did not have the reinforcements again, we must throw...... were finished.” 沉思了片刻功夫后,利波德二世狠狠的说道:“再催促一下维也纳政府,告诉他们要是再没有援兵,我们就要投……完蛋了。” Benefitted Austria Poland , Germany second to respond luckily promptly, otherwise must make with surrender the joke of threat ally. 幸好利波德二世及时反应了过来,要不然就要闹出拿“投降”威胁盟友的笑话了。 ...... …… Although the reinforcements have not arrived, the military officer group has advanced one step to arrive in the frontline. 援兵虽然没有抵达,军官团已经先行一步抵达了前线。 In order to win won finally, Franz sent the west line Albrechtovich Archduke directly. 为了赢得最终胜利,弗朗茨直接把阿尔布雷希特大公派到了西线。 This is also helpless the action, will not be the Austria advantage does not have, the key will be the west line battlefield needs the joint command. 这也是无奈之举,并非地利无将,关键是西线战场需要联合指挥。 Without a doubt, the command jurisdiction of allied armies fell Austria to benefit in the hand. Even if Belgium and Germany want to struggle, does not have the energy. 毫无疑问,联军的指挥权落到了地利手中。比德两国就算是想要争,也没有底气。 Attaining the command jurisdiction is easy, must direct the multi- Country Allied armies is not easy. The person of no enough component is the commander in chief, may be unable to suppress the position. 拿到指挥权容易,要指挥多国联军可不容易。没有一个够份量的人担任主帅,可压不住阵脚。 In the Austria benefit for the army stated that most resounding Albrechtovich Archduke, becomes the optiman. 地利军中声明最响亮的阿尔布雷希特大公,就成为了最佳人选。 The allied armies have not formed to complete, but the allied armies headquarters have been born ahead of time, Albrechtovich Archduke also starts to carry out the responsibility ahead of time. 联军没有组建完成,但是联军指挥部已经提前诞生,阿尔布雷希特大公也提前开始履行职责。 The situation is even more disadvantageous to the allied armies, saw that Arden wants not to guarantee. Put down the material in hand, Albrechtovich Archduke somewhat could not sit still. 局势对联军越发不利,眼瞅着阿登森林就要不保了。放下了手中的资料,阿尔布雷希特大公也有些坐不住了。 It seems like that present war and Austria advantage not many relations, in any case death is not Austria altruistic, losing again seriously is also the matter of ally. 看似现在的战争和地利没有多少关系,反正死的不是地利人,损失再惨重也是盟友的事。 But in fact, is not then matter. Belgium or the German federation is the major force of counter- law, now they lost seriously, in the future will counter-attack the heavy responsibility of France only to be able by Austria to resist. 可实际上,并非那么回事。无论是比利时还是德意志联邦都是反法的重要力量,现在他们损失惨重了,未来就反击法国的重任就只能由地利自己抗着。 Especially they are also controlling the strategic point, once fell into the French armed forces hand, wants to seize again, behind must pay a bigger price inevitably. 尤其是他们还控制着战略要地,一旦落入了法军手中,再想要夺回来,后面势必要付出更大的代价。
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