HRE :: Volume #9

#899: Bitter experience

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On clamping plank, Captain Petra a face sad melancholy is looking into the distance, seemed deep in the thought. 夹板上,佩特拉船长一脸忧愁忧郁的眺望着远方,似乎陷入了了沉思中。 Touched in sea crawls to sway back and forth for 20 years, he never had such anxiously. Even if encounters the pirate to take by force, Petra does not have to be now anxious. 海上摸爬打滚了二十年,他从来都没有这么紧张过。即便是遭遇海盗打劫,佩特拉都没有现在紧张。 Without the means that who made him meet one should not the business of meeting? 没有办法,谁让他接了一笔不该接的生意呢? In fact, Petra also knows that this business has the risk. This year sails a boat at night very dangerously, in the normal condition will be no one will request to leave port at the same night. 事实上,佩特拉也知道这笔生意存在风险。这年头夜间行船非常危险,正常情况下是没人会要求连夜出港的。 However everything has the accident/surprise, looks in the pound share, Petra does not mind adventurous. 不过凡事都有意外,看在英镑的份儿上,佩特拉还是不介意冒险的。 In his consciousness, nothing but is leads several people to sneak across leaves. Similar matter, Petra has done many times. 在他的意识中,无非是带几个人偷渡离开。类似的事情,佩特拉已经干过很多次了。 But generally, sneaks across from outside enters Britain, the smuggling leaves happened rarely. 只不过一般情况下,都是从外面偷渡进入不列颠,偷渡离开的还是很少发生。 To Petra, these are the small issues, so long as money, all discussed fully well. 对佩特拉来说,这些都是小问题,只要钱给足了,一切都好商量。 Front situation all smooth, goes on board until these special customers, Petra realized is not right. 前面的情况一切顺利,直到这些特殊的顾客登船,佩特拉才意识到了不对劲。 Touched in sea crawls to sway back and forth so many years, Petra was also experienced. Vittori Austria how Emmanuele III camouflages again, makings could not deceive people. 海上摸爬打滚了这么多年,佩特拉也是见多识广。维托里・埃马努埃莱三世再怎么伪装,身上的气质也骗不了人。 By many years of experience, Petra eyes judged that the status of this group of people are unusual, absolutely is the great person. 凭借多年的经验,佩特拉一眼就判断出这帮人的身份非同寻常,绝对是大人物。 The issue is this Folda, is only the ordinary freighter, absolutely does not have the comfortableness. 问题是这艘福尔达号,只是普普通通的货船,完全没有舒适性可言。 Only if the crisis time, even if otherwise the great people go down in the world again, will not choose this obviously disgraced trip mode. 除非是危机时刻,要不然大人物们就算是再落魄,也不会选择这种明显有失身份的出行方式。 No one is willing to get this business, this means the huge trouble. Does not wait for Captain Petra to renege on a promise, was warned. 没有人愿意接这种生意,这意味着天大的麻烦。不等佩特拉船长反悔,就被人警告了。 According to the agreement delivers to Holland, the agreement commission income doubles ; If on the road has any accident/surprise, entire family goes to hell together. 按照约定把人送到荷兰,约定佣金收益加倍;要是路上发生任何意外,全家一起下地狱。 The rejection is not possible, family stared, Petra can only expect God to bless, on road problem-free. 拒绝是不可能的,一家老小都被人盯上了,佩特拉只能期待上帝保佑,路上一帆风顺。 ...... …… In Petra is lost in thought that two warships from the distant place were pursuing, from not over 20 nautical miles. 正在佩特拉陷入沉思的时候,两艘军舰正从远方追了上来,距离不会超过20海里。 The experienced first mate reminded: Captain, situation some are not right. The following two warships, seemed like stare at us.” 经验丰富的大副提醒道:“船长,情况有些不对。后面的两艘军舰,似乎是盯上了我们。” Hears the words of first mate, Petra directly soars the looking into the distance room without demur, takes up the telescope rearward to look. 听到大副的话,佩特拉二话没说直奔眺望室,拿起望远镜向后方看去。 Really, presented two warships in the horizon, is driving to Folda. 果然,在天边出现了两艘军舰,正在向福尔达号驶来。 Because of the relations, Petra was unable to judge that is which country warship. The distance of however gradually narrowing, told Petra the future to be bad. 因为距离关系,佩特拉还无法判断是哪国军舰。不过逐渐缩短的距离,还是告诉了佩特拉来者不善。 According to the present speed, most in six hours, the following two warship will pursue. “按照现在的速度,最多再过六个小时,后面两艘的军舰就会追上来。 Transmitted orders to accelerate to go forward, we must arrive in Holland as soon as possible. After completing this single task, all income increase half. ” 传令下去加速前进,我们必须要尽快抵达荷兰。完成这单任务后,所有的收入增加一半。” First mate's frank reply: Does not have the issue, the captain.” 大副爽朗的回答道:“没有问题,船长阁下。” Everyone risks neck to go to sea to seek a livelihood, obtaining is the wealth. So long as money , anything were open to discuss fully. 大家冒着生命危险去海上讨生活,求得就是财。只要钱给足了,什么事情都好商量。 However Captain Petra is not optimistic, by many years of navigation experiences, can determine that the Folda harbor closest to Holland, is more than 100 nautical miles. 不过佩特拉船长就没有那么乐观了,凭借多年的航海经验,可以确定福尔达号距离荷兰最近的港口,都有一百多海里。 In the situation of normal speed, the warship compared with the freighter many, was the speed eruption upper limit of warship is quickly high, the words of full speed advance, highest-energy ran the two times of speeds of freighter. 在正常行驶的情况下,军舰比货船快不了多少,可是军舰的速度爆发上限高,全速前进的话,最高能跑出货船的两倍速度。 Naturally, the steam driven vessel of this year must be limited by the power. Although the warship runs quickly, once the going full speed ahead full speed advance, must welcome overhaul afterward surely a time, even might present the abandonment. 当然,这年头的蒸汽船还是要受动力限制。军舰虽然跑得快,可是一旦开足马力全速前进,事后必定要迎来一次大修,甚至有可能会出现报废。 Only if very important matter, in the ordinary circumstances, the navy will not be luxurious. 除非是非常重要的事情,一般情况下来说,海军是不会那么奢侈的。 ...... …… The sound on ship, alarmed Vittori Austria in cabin Emmanuele III. 船上的动静,惊动了船舱中的维托里・埃马努埃莱三世。 What's the matter, is it possible that ran into the pirate?” “怎么回事,莫非是遇到了海盗?” For safety, Vittori Austria Emmanuele III leaves, simultaneously arranged many freighters to leave port together, he chose in one casually. 为了安全起见,维托里・埃马努埃莱三世离开的时候,同时安排了多艘货船一起出港,他只是随便选了一艘上的。 Theoretically, so long as had not exposed that night. This year communication is inconvenient, even if the British government discovered next day he was missing, ordering the royal navy to pursue, still without such quick speed. 理论上来说,只要当天晚上没有暴露。这年头通讯不便,就算是英国政府次日发现他失踪了,命令皇家海军来追,也没有这么快的速度。 Does not need some people to reply, Captain Petra rushes. 不待有人回答,佩特拉船长就闯了进来。 Very sorry, not the good news, I have to disturb honored guest. “非常抱歉,有一个不好的消息,我不得不打扰诸位贵客。 Now the situation unusual crisis, two warships pursued, from us , is less than 20 nautical miles. 现在情况非常危机,有两艘军舰追了上来,距离我们只有不到20海里。 I have ordered to accelerate to go forward, but Folda is only an ordinary freighter, even has conducted the power-refitting, still ran the warship. 我已经下令加速前进了,不过福尔达号只是一艘普通的货轮,即便是进行过动力改装,仍然跑不过军舰。 For everyone's safety, I hope that can open the heart, talks clearly the matter, with the aim of making the decision. ” 为了大家的生命安全,我希望诸位能够敞开心扉,把事情说清楚,以便做出决定。” Heard the warship to pursue, Vittori Austria Emmanuele III complexion big change, helpless sighing. 听到军舰追了上来,维托里・埃马努埃莱三世脸色大变,无奈的叹了一口气。 Remembers heavy responsibility that oneself shoulder, Vittori Austria Emmanuele III forced himself calmly, said slowly: Captain, on Folda also many cargos?” 想起自己肩负的重任,维托里・埃马努埃莱三世强迫自己冷静了下来,缓缓说道:“船长阁下,福尔达号上面还有不少货物吧?” Captain Petra nods, the freighter must certainly transport freight, there is no need to suspect. 佩特拉船长点了点头,货船肯定是要运货的,这根本就用不着怀疑。 Obtained the affirmative answer, Vittori Austria Emmanuele III: „ Very good, then now besides retaining necessary coal-burning, all commodities and junks give to throw down the sea. 得到了肯定的答复,维托里・埃马努埃莱三世:“很好,那么现在除了保留必备的燃煤外,所有的商品、杂物都给丢下海。 Including the bed sheet bedding bag, the personal product and arms and ammunition, the grain and water only retain the half-day share, with utmost effort reduces the weight. ” 包括床单被套、个人用品、武器弹药,粮食和水只保留半天的份额,尽一切可能减轻重量。” Vittori Austria the superficialness of Emmanuele III, shocked Captain Petra, immediately calls out in alarm said: This is impossible! Discarded these commodities, I will compensate!” 维托里・埃马努埃莱三世的轻描淡写,惊呆了佩特拉船长,随即惊呼道:“这不可能!丢掉了这些商品,我会赔死的!” Really is not exaggerating, at Petra's net worth, discarded this cargo, has no alternative except for the bankruptcy. 真不是夸张,以佩特拉的身家,丢掉了这一船货,除了破产别无选择。 Vittori Austria Emmanuele III shows a faint smile, does intentionally saying calmly: „, All losses are don't worry borne by me, will solve for you including employer some disaffection people. 维托里・埃马努埃莱三世微微一笑,故作若无其事的说道:“不用担心,所有的损失都由我来承担,包括雇主的不满都会有人替你解决。 Now, what you must do discards these unnecessary thing, finding the way to pick up the sailing a boat speed, gets rid of the following pursuing troops. ” 现在,你要做的是丢掉这些不必要的东西,想办法加快行船速度,摆脱后面的追兵。” Compensation? 赔偿? Vittori Austria Emmanuele III acknowledged an own poor devil, even it can be said that entire European poorest royal family. 维托里・埃马努埃莱三世承认自己一个穷鬼,甚至可以说是全欧洲最穷的王室。 Rich family property that the ancestor left behind, because wants the reason of duplicate/restores country's, tossed about was similar. 原本祖宗留下的丰厚家底,因为想要复国的缘故,早就被折腾的差不多了。 In order to maintain dignified life, Vittori Austria Emmanuele III is heavily in debt. The so-called indemnity, is completely the bounced check. 为了维系体面的生活,维托里・埃马努埃莱三世早就债台高筑了。所谓的赔款,完全就是空头支票。 How however not to have money again, he cannot show one's ignorance. No matter how said, first arrived in Holland to say again, must pay the compensation, let's talk about it later! 不过再怎么没钱,他也不能露怯。不管怎么说,先抵达荷兰再说,要不要支付赔偿,到时候再说吧! After pondering the moment time, Captain Petra shakes the head as before: „ It is not good, even if discards the cargo on ship completely, the speed are most still increases two, we run do not win the warship. 沉思了片刻功夫后,佩特拉船长依旧摇了摇头:“还是不行,就算是把船上的货物全部丢弃,速度最多也就增加两节,我们还是跑不赢军舰。 Do not forget, on the warship has the artillery, they can the long range to the attack, Folda this small physique be possible unable to withstand to toss about. ” 不要忘了,军舰上是有火炮的,他们可以远距离攻击,福尔达号这小身板儿可经不起折腾。” Indifferent of money non- money, the key is the life is important. This year the unpopular civilized law enforcement, the navy most likes spoke with the shell. 钱不钱的无所谓,关键是命重要。这年头又不流行文明执法,海军最喜欢的就是用炮弹说话。 Vittori Austria an Emmanuele III brow wrinkle, asking of care: „The warship that comes to pursue is an English, is the French?” 维托里・埃马努埃莱三世眉头一皱,关心的问:“前来追击的军舰是英国人的,还是法国人的?” Captain Petra flips the supercilious look, replied with very exaggerating tone: „ Temporarily is indefinite. However we start from London, the warship that comes to pursue should be an English. 佩特拉船长翻了翻白眼,用非常夸张的语气回答道:“暂时还不确定。不过我们从伦敦出发的,前来追击的军舰应该是英国人的。 Did you also offend the French government? 难道你们还得罪了法国政府? God, I was too unlucky! This matter can meet, simply is rotten to the core...... ” 上帝,我真的太倒霉了!这种事情都能够遇到,简直就是糟糕透顶……” Vittori Austria Emmanuele III beckons with the hand: „ Captain, does not use that pessimistically. If the warship of English, they do not dare to open fire. 维托里・埃马努埃莱三世摆了摆手:“船长阁下,不用那么悲观。如果是英国人的军舰,他们是不敢开炮的。 I thought that you waste the time with it here, might as well go to the clear warehouse a bit faster, the probability that at least we escape is bigger. 我觉得你与其在这里浪费时间,不如快点儿去清仓库,至少我们逃过一劫的几率更大一些。 Otherwise everyone fell in a native of Britain hand, I will not have the matter, but you died. Believes me, they will hang to death your. ” 要不然大家落到了英国人手中,我是不会有事,但是你就死定了。相信我,他们是会吊死你的。” Killing one's sovereign is not the average person is competent, although Vittori Austria the Emmanuele III head throne gold content is somewhat low, but the king is a king. 弑君不是一般人能干的,虽然维托里・埃马努埃莱三世头上的王位含金量有些低,可国王就是国王。 Under the political system of Europe, kills one's sovereign, but grave offense. 在欧洲的政治体制下,弑君可是重罪。 Vittori Austria Emmanuele III is certain, the English travels the unusual disaffection to him, but has not been in the situation of killing one's sovereign again discontentedly. 维托里・埃马努埃莱三世可以肯定,英国人对他跑路非常的不满,可是再不满也没有到弑君的地步。 The British government cannot carry the charge that kills one's sovereign, the royal navy also cannot carry the charge that kills one's sovereign, who that was did who was finished. 英国政府背不起弑君的罪名,皇家海军同样背不起弑君的罪名,那是谁干了谁完蛋。 In comparison, the French was very difficult to say. both sides are the enemy, Vittori Austria Emmanuele III's moral integrity to Bonaparte dynasty does not have the confidence. 相比之下,法国人就很难说了。双方已经是敌人,维托里・埃马努埃莱三世对波拿巴王朝的节操没有信心。 Vittori Austria Emmanuele III runs from London, the French wants the facial skin to be thick enough, can definitely not acknowledge, then flings the pot to give the English. 况且,维托里・埃马努埃莱三世是从伦敦跑出来的,法国人只要脸皮够厚,完全可以不承认,然后甩锅给英国人。 Captain Petra the complexion sinks, after moment time : Good, you won. However your excellency, best give me a satisfactory confession, otherwise everyone pats two powder.” 佩特拉船长脸色一沉,片刻功夫后:“好吧,你赢了。不过阁下,最好给我一个满意的交代,要不然大家就一拍两散。” Compromise, this does not have the matter of means. Petra did not have exactly enough, does not prepare to do. 妥协,这是没有办法的事情。佩特拉还没有活够,不准备去作死。 After pondering the moment time, Vittori Austria Emmanuele III said slowly: „ Relax, the reward will make you satisfy absolutely. 沉思了片刻功夫后,维托里・埃马努埃莱三世缓缓说道:“放心,事后的报酬绝对会让你满意。 Again if you display is more splendid, even if delivers you a title, is not good. ” 如果你再表现的出色一些,就算是送你一个爵位,也不是不行。” The aristocrat title is very valuable in Europe, similarly is also very inexpensive. Now the title of Sardinia kingdom is not at least valuable. 贵族爵位在欧洲很值钱,同样也很廉价。至少现在撒丁王国的爵位就不值钱。 In London, to raise the funds of duplicate/restores country's, Vittori Austria Emmanuele III not only sells the title one time. 在伦敦的时候,为了筹集复国的经费,维托里・埃马努埃莱三世不只一次卖出爵位。 From Duke marquis, to knight. So long as rich, does not have unsellable. 上至公侯,下至骑士。只要有钱,就没有不能卖的。 To Vittori Austria Emmanuele III, the title is the most inexpensive asset, before the duplicate/restores country succeeds is not worth a red cent completely. 对维托里・埃马努埃莱三世来说,爵位是最廉价的资产,在复国成功之前完全是一文不值。 Even the duplicate/restores country succeeded, the title gold content of Sardinia kingdom will still reduce greatly. After all is the title that spends money to buy, do not count on that the aristocrat world will acknowledge. 即便是复国成功了,撒丁王国的爵位含金量也会大减。毕竟是用钱买到的爵位,不要指望贵族世界会承认。 Captain Petra is not silly, the powerful official quantity of Britain are many, but can work as the reward with the title, in fact is also going into exile some royal courts. 佩特拉船长不傻,不列颠的权贵数量很多,但是能拿爵位当报酬的,事实上也就是一些流亡的王室。 Associates to the present aspect again, Vittori Austria the status of Emmanuele III, has exposed in fact. 再联想到现在的局面,维托里・埃马努埃莱三世的身份,事实上已经暴露了。 Knows to turn over to know, but Captain Petra emotional quotient is not lowly, suppressed forcefully impulsive. 知道归知道,但是佩特拉船长情商不低,强行压制住了冲动。 At this time did not expose the status the good time, no monarchy hopes that was seen most goes down in the world. 这种时候不是揭露身份的好时机,没有哪个君主希望被人看到最落魄的时候。 Does not have your excellency of issue, I manage immediately!” “没有问题的阁下,我马上去办!” Then, looked at Vittori Austria Emmanuele III eyes, Petra drew back. 说完,看了维托里・埃马努埃莱三世一眼,佩特拉就退了出去。 In the riches and honor danger asked that was general in the ancient and modern in China and abroad. Captain Petra drifted for more than 20 years in sea, has been weary of this life. 富贵险中求,在古今中外都是通用的。佩特拉船长在海上漂泊了二十多年,早就厌倦了这种生活。 Suffers without opportunity to transform, has to continue to do. Now the opportunity came, although Vittori Austria Emmanuele III seems like goes down in the world very much, but cannot support others well-born! 只是苦于没有机会转型,不得不继续干下去。现在机会来了,尽管维托里・埃马努埃莱三世看起来很落魄,可是架不住人家出身高贵啊! Judging from the present situation, Sardinia kingdom the opportunity of restoration, won the opportunity of war to be similar to the anti-France coalition. 从目前的情况来看,撒丁王国的复辟的机会,就和反法同盟赢得战争的机会差不多。 According to the past experience judged, Captain Petra thinks the odds of success of warring parties is 55 opens. Now goes to Vittori Austria Emmanuele III, is a life gamble. 根据以往的经验判断,佩特拉船长认为交战双方的胜算是五五开。现在投奔维托里・埃马努埃莱三世,就是一场人生豪赌。 Properly speaking, new year's goods middle ten days Captain Petra should not like gambling, but the issue is other powerful official he cannot depend! 按理来说,年货中旬的佩特拉船长是不应该喜欢赌博的,可问题是别的权贵他根本就靠不上去啊! The royal family and big aristocrat in various European countries, have one group of retainers. Who will eat to the full is supporting, doesn't the person on one's own side of knowing the whole story need, to run to make a good use of a fellow of unknown origin? 欧洲各国的王室、大贵族,都有一堆家臣。谁会吃饱了撑着,知根知底的自己人不用,跑去重用一个来历不明的家伙? Do not look at the present public opinion, is getting more and more disadvantageous to the aristocrat group, aristocrat but who has the power. 别看现在的舆论,对贵族集团越来越不利,可是掌握大权的还是贵族。 Including the best fork capitalist, to become one in aristocrat group tries hard, Petra is naturally no exception. 包括最牛叉的资本家,都在为了成为贵族集团中的一员而努力,佩特拉自然也不例外。 ...... …… Looks that box of commodities tossed into the sea, Captain Petra deep place unceasingly in the drop blood, is the money of now discarding. 看着一箱箱商品被抛入大海之中,佩特拉船长内心深处不断在滴血,现在丢掉的都是钱。 Although Vittori Austria Emmanuele III pledged undertaking to pay compensation, but can cash, is an unknown. 尽管维托里・埃马努埃莱三世承诺了包赔,但能不能兑现,还是一个未知数。 After all this king was really poor, following duplicate/restores country war, must spend the magnanimous money. 毕竟这位国王实在是太穷了,接下来的复国战争,又要花费海量的金钱。 Even restored successfully, in the future will have wanted many year of hard times. 即便是复辟成功了,未来还是要过很多年的苦日子。 Does not go for shelter, this/should asking for money of asking for money, the king must go into debt. But wants to go for shelter to realize the life counterattack, Petra cannot make the eldest child feel embarrassed. 不投奔过去也就罢了,该要钱的就要钱,国王也不能欠债不还。可是想要投奔过去实现人生逆袭,佩特拉就不能让老大为难了。 The time of loving dearly how long has not continued, the following warship suddenly accelerated, 15 nautical miles and 10 nautical miles and 5 nautical miles...... 心疼的时间没有持续多久,后面的军舰突然加速了,15海里、十海里、五海里…… Distance of both sides pulled closer unceasingly, the brutal reality, making Captain Petra be able to ignore the heart pain. 双方的距离不断被拉近,残酷的现实,让佩特拉船长已经顾不上心痛。 First mate terrified saying of: Captain, the following English made the flag indicator, making our aback accept the inspection, otherwise opened fire.” 大副惶恐的说道:“船长阁下,后面的英国人打出了旗语,让我们停船接受检查,要不然就开炮了。” That is the royal navy, this year in knows, the entire world that sea mixes most cannot annoy is the Royal Navy. 那可是皇家海军,这年头在海上混的都知道,全世界最不能惹的就是英国皇家海军。 The ordinary period, everyone met can hide , then hid, avoidable short distance contact as far as possible. 平常时期,大家遇到了都是能躲则躲,尽可能的避免近距离接触。 The reason naturally benefits from royal navy also robs also officer the good reputation, even this is a limejuicer, met the royal navy in sea, everyone is worried. 原因自然是得益于皇家海军“亦盗亦官”的好名声,即便这是一艘英国船,在海上遇到了皇家海军,大家还是担心不已。 Especially Captain Petra also ordered to discard all cargos, anxiety in everyone heart, was stronger. 尤其是佩特拉船长还下令丢弃了所有的货物,大家心中的不安,就更加浓烈了。 Petra suppresses was saying ill: Replies them, here is international waters, does not belong to the British jurisdictional boundary, they have no right the inspection.” 佩特拉强忍着不适说道:“回复他们,这里是公海,不属于不列颠管辖区,他们无权检查。” Saying that the first mate voice shivers: „ Captain this can be good, if they really open fire, we were finished. 大副声音颤抖的说道:“船长这能行么,万一他们真的开炮,那我们就完蛋了。 Otherwise the aback accepts the inspection to consider as finished, on the ship also nothing, is worth them in any case...... ” 要不然停船接受检查算了,反正船上也没有什么东西,值得他们……” They come to me, but this is unimportant. Sends the flag indicator to tell them, wants to kill one's sovereign opens fire!” “他们是冲着我来的,不过这已经不重要了。发旗语告诉他们,想要弑君就开炮吧!” The sound of suddenly resounding frightened two people to jump, when did not know, Vittori Austria Emmanuele III appeared behind two people. 突然响起的声音吓了两人一跳,不知道什么时候,维托里・埃马努埃莱三世出现在了两人背后。 Sees Vittori Austria Emmanuele III indicated the status, Captain Petra quickly said: Your majesty, how you came out. Here is unsafe, you go back the cabin!” 见维托里・埃马努埃莱三世表明了身份,佩特拉船长急忙说道:“陛下,你怎么出来了。这里不安全,你还是回去船舱吧!” ...... ……
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