„Idiot! Copes with the method of mouse, don't youknow?”
“蠢货!对付老鼠的方法,你都不知道么?”Looksis a faceconfusedsubordinate, MarshalYardeRehan the helplessexplanation: „ Catches the mouseto use the cat, such simpleissue, can't youthink?
The enemiesdo not crop up, finds the wayto makethemcome out. Looks forseverallocal bullies, makingthemcatch the rebellious party.
敌人不冒头,就想办法引他们出来。找几个地头蛇,让他们去抓乱党。Combined threats with inducementsto usetome, was noteveryoneis the unyielding people, so long ascaughtone to carry over a nest. ”
威逼利诱都给我用起来,不是所有人都是硬骨头,只要抓到一个就能带出一窝。”Combining threats with inducementsis not the newmethod, Franceannexesat the beginning of the Italianareahas used, effectalsoquitegood.
威逼利诱不是什么新鲜手段,法兰西吞并意大利地区之初就已经用过了,效果还相当的不错。With the lapse of time, the situationgraduallychanged. After taming the catlifehastooeasily and comfortably, the ability that catches the mousedegenerated.
The middle-agedmilitary officeris: „ButMarshal, wehave no rightto meddle the local matter, will meddlerashlywill perhaps cause the disaffection of local government.”
A countrywantsstably, the military administrationseparationisessentialonepoint. Without a doubt, Franceis the military administrationseparationcountry.
The militarycanarrest the Italianindependent bodymember of destructionadministrative shipping, butwins over the real power factionin the place, is the politicaltaboo.
After hesitantmomenttime, YardeRehannods. Canmixin the presentposition, YardeRehanis notpoliticslittlewhite.
犹豫了片刻功夫后,亚德里恩点了点头。能够混到现在的位置上,亚德里恩可不是政治小白。On the governmentmanycommonunspoken rulesareto offend, evenheisMarshalFrench armed forces of keeping aloof, similarlyis unable to be no exception.
官场上很多不起眼的潜规则是触犯不得的,即便他是高高在上的法军元帅,同样无法不能例外。„To the cabinetelectricity generationexplanation, makingthemthink the meanscoordinatedlocal government, coordinatingusto exterminateto collude withItalianRebellious party that Austriabenefits.”
“给内阁发电说明情况,让他们想办法协调地方政府,配合我们剿灭勾结奥地利的意大利乱党。”Body waste of Frenchbureaucrat, YardeRehanis clear. Canbe the high-ranking, carries out„the multi-incidentis inferior tofewincident” the lord.
法国官僚的屎尿性,亚德里恩是一清二楚的。能够身居高位的,都是奉行“多一事不如少一事”的主。Without the central governmentinvolves, the militaryis direct and local governmentnegotiated, the finalresultdefinitelylet it go.
The general situationis important, cannot compareeveryone'sheadhatto be important. Withouthavingbigmatter, the local governmentwill not acknowledgeownjurisdictionhas the rebellious party.
The Europeanwarbreaks out, toItalianRevolutionOrganization, shouldbe the hugegoodnews, howeverVittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIInowactuallyhappy.
欧陆战争爆发,对意大利革命组织来说,应该是天大的好消息,然而维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世现在却高兴不起来。Eruptsto startfrom the war, the Englisharrangedclearlyto increaseinall aroundpolice forces, went on a journey some people of 24hours of tracksto protect.
从战争爆发开始,英国人安排在四周的警力明显增加了,就连出行都有人24小时跟踪保护。Without a doubt, involves the advantageousboard game piece of ItalianareaasBritain, VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIthis was put under house arrest.
毫无疑问,作为不列颠介入意大利地区的有利棋子,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世这是被软禁了。Although the personal freedomhad not been limited, butthatis only restricted in British Islesmoves, wants not possiblyto go abroad.
尽管人身自由没有受限制,但那仅限于在英伦三岛活动,想要出国根本就不可能。In the worlddid not have the freelunch, the Englishto give shelter to the Italianindependent body, wasdisburses moneyto strive, naturallywantedthemto play the role.
世界上没有免费的午餐,英国人收留了意大利独立组织,又是出钱又是出力,自然要他们发挥作用。In this regard, VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIcan look on the bright side of thing. Nothing butis the relations, so long ascansupporthisturning roundcountry, the remainingthingsare opento discuss.
在这方面,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世还是想得开的。无非是利益问题,只要能够支持他复国,剩下的事情都好商量。„, Howwith, are they who the Englishcommunicatedwillingto supportourturning roundcountrynow?”
The foreign policy of Englishis fickle, the supporttoItalianindependent bodyalsochangesfrequently.
英国人的外交政策是善变的,对意大利独立组织的支持也是经常发生变化。WheneverBritish and French relationsworsttime, the independent bodycanobtain the bigsubsidization, in any caseis the independent bodydaymost bittertime.
每当英法关系最恶劣的时候,独立组织都能够获得大笔资助,反正就是独立组织日子最苦的时候。Properly speaking, nowUK , Franceare the ally, the day of Italianindependent bodyshouldbe very sad.
按理来说,现在英法是盟友,意大利独立组织的日子应该很难过的。Howevereveryhas the exception, the Londongovernmentis also counting onnowlawAustriaboth countriesare mutually wounded. Before the situationis not clear, the Englishwill not putVittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIleaves.
不过凡都有例外,伦敦政府现在还指望着法奥两国两败俱伤。在局势没有明朗之前,英国人是不会放维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世离开的。After allhispolitical valueis high, if the Frenchwon the war, the Italianindependent bodykeeps in balance the sharp weapon of French.
毕竟他的政治价值高,万一法国人赢得战争,意大利独立组织就是制衡法国人的一道利器。If the Austriaadvantagewon the war, they can also support the Italianindependent bodyto unify the Italianarea, makes troubleto the Austriaadvantage.
Which situationno matterwill havein the future, the EnglishcannotletVittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIthisboard game pieceis separated from the control.
不管未来会发生哪一种情况,英国人都不能让维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世这颗棋子脱离掌控。„Your majesty, the Englishon the grounds ofsituation not bright, rejectedourproposition.”
“陛下,英国人以局势不明朗为由,拒绝了我们的提议。”Canlookfromthatfacedesperateexpression, the situationsayhimis more serious.
The Italianindependent bodyhas earned the support that Austriabenefitsnow, if the Englishdoes not supportmerely, but alsobeing insufficientmakesfeeldesperate.
After sighing, VittoriAustriahelplessEmmanuele IIIsaid: „ Ishouldthinkearly. As of lateoutsideincreasedso manyguards, obviouslytowatchour.
叹了一口气后,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世无奈道:“我早该想到了。最近这段时间外面增加了那么多守卫,明显就是为了看住我们的。It seems likeBritainthistimeis to support the French, was worried that wego backto collaboratewithAustrianowaltruistic, making the Frenchlose the war. ”
看来英国这次是要支持法国人了,担心我们现在回去和奥地利人联手,让法国人输了战争。”VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIInowexcept for the regret, is the regret. Before then, Austriabenefitted the ministeronceto invitehimto go toMilanrepeatedly, the short distancedirects the Italianindependence movement.
维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世现在除了后悔,还是后悔。在此之前,奥地利公使曾多次邀请他前往米兰,近距离指挥意大利独立运动。Fordoes not become the Austriaaltruisticpuppet, VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIchose the rejectiondecisively.
为了不成为奥地利人的傀儡,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世果断的选择了拒绝。Butcan evade1 st, does not evade15. Evadedbecame the Austriaaltruisticpuppetrisk, welcomed a blackerEnglish.
The puppet who whenAustriabenefitsis onlytemporary, after the warended, VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIalsoorganicallyrecovers the country, can be a transactionreluctantly.
当奥地利的傀儡只是暂时的,战争结束后维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世还有机会复国,勉强也算得上是一次交易。Staying inLondonlooked on that the developmentwas different, is not only unable to lead the independence movement of Italianarea, the opportunity in duplicate/restorescountry'swas buried.
留在伦敦坐视局势发展就不一样了,不仅无法领导意大利地区的独立运动,就连复国的机会都被埋葬了。Even if the Frenchdefeats, the Italianarearegainsindependently, stillwithVittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIdoes not have the nickelrelations.
The Viennagovernmentis impossiblethat the good intention, the victory that oneselfXingXingwill hitwith hardshipsurrenders something submissively, the Sardiniakingdomhas the qualificationssucceed to the thronenot, only thenVittoriAustriaEmmanuele III.
维也纳政府不可能那么好心,将自己幸幸苦苦打下来的战果拱手让人,撒丁王国有资格继承王位的也不只有维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世一人。Prime MinisterLeonidsaidcategorically: „ In any event, wemustleaveLondonas soon as possible, goes back the hostindependence movement.
The Englishmoredo not wantusto return to homeland, even moreexplained that the Frenchwas in the inferior positionin the battlefield, theyworried that wego backto becomelaststraw that runs over the camel.
The presentis we are away from the duplicate/restorescountryrecenttime, missedthisopportunity, in the futurewill want the duplicate/restorescountryto be difficultagain. ”
现在是我们距离复国最近的时机,错过了这次机遇,未来再想要复国就难了。”Europeanbalancepolicythatis the acrobatics of English, are not related witheveryone, evenmustconsider that after that is still the duplicate/restorescountrysucceeds the issue.
欧陆平衡政策那是英国人的把戏,和大家没有丝毫关系,就算是要考虑那也是复国成功后的问题。So long ascan the turning roundcountry, whomPrime MinisterLeoniddoes not care aboutto become the eldest child. In any caseUK , Francevery soonAustriawhobecomeshegemon, possiblyis notSardiniaWang Guochengishegemon.
只要能够复国,列昂尼德首相才不在乎谁当老大。反正无论是英法俄奥谁成为了霸主,都不可能是撒丁王国成为霸主。VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIInods: „ Prime ministersaidwell, wemustfind the wayto leave, thisopportunitycannotmiss.
The Englishstares atstubbornlyus, wecannot leaveBritish Isles, evensneaks acrossis not good. ”
只是英国人把我们盯得死死的,我们根本离开不了英伦三岛,就算是偷渡也不行。”For the duplicate/restorescountry, the peopleon the sceneare the human relationsactive members, oftencomes and goes outinvariousbanquets.
为了复国,在场的众人都是交际活跃分子,时常出入于各种宴会。British police who outside the face valuedefends, it is estimated thatcancalleach of them'snameclearly, wantsnot to leaverealistically.
外面值守的英国警察,估计都能清楚的叫出他们每一个人的名字,想要离开根本就不现实。As ifthought ofanything, in the foreign ministersurfaceshowed a smile, immediatelyvanishedrapidly.
似乎想到了什么,外交大臣斐恩面上露出了一丝笑容,随即又迅速消失了。Over and over after hesitates, says: „ Everyoneleavestogether, is not definitely ableto hide the truth from the informer of English.
再三犹豫过后,才开口说道:“所有人一起离开,肯定无法瞒过英国人的耳目。Ifdelivers12to leavepersonally, ishopeful, buttakessomerisks.
如果只是送一两个人离开,还是有希望的,只不过承担一些风险。Ifwere seen throughby the English, evenmaybe able...... ”
如果被英国人识破了,甚至有可能会……”Does not needto speak the words,VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIhitsto block the way: „ Handlesanythingto needto take the risk, ourcurrentduplicate/restorescountrymovements, is in itself the riskis highest.
不待斐恩把话说完,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世就打断道:“做任何事情都需要承担风险,我们正在进行的复国运动,本身就是风险最高的。Saidyourplan. So long ascanreviveItaly, Iam willingto takeanyrisk. ”
It is not VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIhas the dauntless spirit, butunder the political system of Europe, almostdoes not needto be worried about the securityas the king, theirpersonal safetywere protectedbyvarious countriestogether.
不是维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世有大无畏精神,而是在欧洲的政治体制下,作为国王几乎没有必要担心安全,他们的人身安全是受各国共同保护的。Besides the tworevolutionary parties, the normal peoplewill not kill the king. Even ifVittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIImademade the Englishrepugnantmatter, the Londongovernmentnot possibleto givehim.
除了中二的革命党外,正常人都不会杀国王的。就算是维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世做出了令英国人再反感的事情,伦敦政府也不可能把他给咔嚓了。Evenfellin a native of Francehand, VittoriAustriasomeEmmanuele IIIconfidenceassuredoneselfpersonal safety, will also receive the courteous reception.
即便是落到了法国人手中,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世都有信心保证自己的人身安全,甚至还会受到礼遇。Does not have the dangerin any case, VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIInaturallydoes not mindbefore the supporterdisplaysis more heroic.
反正没有生命危险,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世自然不介意在支持者面前表现的英勇一些。Nods: „ Myplanisto makeyour majestyfirstfeign illness, reduces and relation.
斐恩点了点头:“我的计划是让陛下先装病,减少和外界的联系。In a short time the Englishwill definitely send for the examination, buttheirnot possible24hoursto be defending, thistypevigilantnot possiblelasting.
短期内英国人肯定会派人过来查看,不过他们也不可能24小时守着,这种警惕不可能持久。Waitsafter a period of time, the Englishrelaxedvigilantly, the frequency of examinationfalls, the opportunitycame.
等过一段时间后,英国人放松了警惕,查看的频率降了下来,机会就来了。Your majestypersonal doctorisourpeople. Arrangesonewithyour majestyformsimilarperson, the assistant who pretends to beDr.Jackenters the manorto neutralizeyour majestyto replace the status.
陛下的私人医生是我们的人。安排一名和陛下身影差不多的人,冒充杰克医生的助手进入庄园中和陛下替换身份。Seesyour majestypersonto be many, buthas contactedwithyour majestyshort distance the person is actually a great person, outsidewhichfellowsare onlydistantlooks atone, shouldverynot be ripetoyour majestyfacial expression.
见过陛下的人很多,但是和陛下近距离接触过的人却都是大人物,外面哪些家伙都只是远远的看一眼,对陛下的面部表情应该不会很熟。Evening'stimeleaveswithDr.Jack, taking advantage of the dim light of nightshield, wemelts the makeupforyour majestyagain, hides the truth from the probability of guardingto be big.
The eveningis the relaxation time, even ifsomepeoplecometo visit, we still can not dodgecomfortablywithyour majestybody.
晚上是休息时间,就算是有人前来拜访,我们也可以用陛下身体不舒服搪塞过去。Wecanfirst and Austriaaltruisticrelation, arrange the shipsto aidahead of time, your majestyafterleavingmanor, at the same nightgoes by boatto leaveLondon.
我们可以先和奥地利人联系,提前安排好船舶接应,陛下在离开庄园后,连夜乘船离开伦敦。Evennext daywas discoveredby the English, the shipstillleft port. For a short time, the Englishis unable to set the direction of ships, even to send the navyto interceptdoes not know how shouldpursue.
就算是第二天被英国人发现了,船也出港了。一时半会儿,英国人无法确定船舶的方向,就算是想派海军拦截也不知道该怎么追。For safety's sake, we can also makeAustriaaltruisticarrangeseveralships, simultaneouslymoves to the differentdirections, the line of sight of scatteredEnglish. ”
为了保险起见,我们还可以让奥地利人多安排几条船,同时驶向不同的方向,分散英国人的视线。”Typicalsubstituting one thing for another, withoutmanytechnique contents, is actually VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIgets rid of the optimization of cageat present.
典型的李代桃僵,没有多少技术含量,却是维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世眼下摆脱牢笼的最佳选择。Canbecome angry out of shameas for the English, thatis unimportant. How the British governmentis angryagain, not possibleremaining the personkascratched.
至于事后英国人会不会恼羞成怒,那已经不重要了。英国政府再怎么生气,也不可能把留下来的人给咔擦了。Thisyeargoes into exilein the government of Britain, is notonetwo, ifwent too far in doing, othergovernments in exilealsomeetlike grieve for like.
这年头流亡在不列颠的政府,可不是一个两个,要是做得过分了,其他流亡政府也会兔死狐悲。Withouttheseorganizationswaves the flag and shouts, the Englishwill internationally also fall into the passive state, workingsowill not be easy.
没有这些组织摇旗呐喊,英国人在国际上也会陷入被动局面,做起事来也不会这么容易。Britaingives shelter tothesegovernmentsessentially, except forobtainingbeyond the opportunity of meddling the internal affairs of other countries, whatare moreistomakepolitical businessin secret.
本质上英国收留这些政府,除了获得一个插手他国内政的机会外,更多的还是为了暗中做政治交易。Simple, you, ifpro-brave, everyoneplayswell, thenwhatmatterwill not happen ;Ifwhichdayyouranti-brave, thentheysupport the government in exilerestorationto doyou.
简单的来说,你要是亲英,大家玩儿得不错,那么就什么事情也不会发生;如果哪一天你反英了,那么他们支持流亡政府复辟来搞你。Perhapsis unable to accomplish anything, but the misdemeanorhas more than enough to spareabsolutely. Especiallytosmall country, becausecannot withstandthistossing about, has tomake the concessionin the political diplomacyto the English.
或许成事不足,但坏事绝对是绰绰有余。尤其是对小国来说,因为经不起这种折腾,不得不在政治外交上对英国人做出让步。VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIsaying of ruthlessly: „Idecidedto bet! ForgreatItaly, the followingmattergot rid ofeveryone.”
The riskin the controllablerange, is defeatedeven, the situationwill not comparenowis worse, the peoplenaturallyhave no reasonto oppose.
The crisistime, the efficiency of independent bodyisveryhigh, VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIfell illon the same day.
危机时刻,独立组织的效率还是非常高的,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世当天就病倒了。For the disgustingEnglish, the independent bodyalsospreads the newssecretly, VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIbyBritishpopularitysickness.
为了恶心英国人,独立组织还暗地里放出消息,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世是被英国人气病的。Thisyearmedical technologyis not developed, falls illveryawfully, a littlesmallproblemcanmakeonebe killed.
The kinggot sickis the no small matter, even ifVittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIwas the king who went into exile, because of the reason of Europeanwar, hereceivedattaching great importance to of British government.
The famous doctors in London, come and go outVittoriAustriaone after another manor of Emmanuele III, had not found the cause of disease.
伦敦的名医们,接二连三的出入维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世的庄园,都没有找到病因。In the newspaper, presentedVittoriAustrianews that Emmanuele IIIlarge sum of moneyseeks medical help, seems shortly after the life.
就连报纸上,都出现了维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世重金求医的新闻,仿佛是命不久矣。In the Downing Streetprime ministerofficial mansion, justfinished a day of Prime MinisterGladstone, glanced over a newspaper on table, abovepublishedVittoriAustriaexactlyEmmanuele IIIserious illnessnews.
The brow of quickPrime MinisterGladstonewrinkled, nowat this time, the Italianindependent bodyhas becomeBritainto interfere with the chip of Europeanwar, VittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIis the core of thischip.
很快格莱斯顿首相的眉头就皱了起来,现在这种时候,意大利独立组织已经成为了不列颠干涉欧陆战争的一枚筹码,维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世更是这枚筹码的核心。Although the componentnotfoot of thischip, the chip that butchoosesforBritainnoware not many, the importance of Italianindependent bodyreflected.
尽管这枚筹码的份量不怎么足,可现在供不列颠选择的筹码已经不多了,意大利独立组织的重要性就凸现了出来。IfVittoriAustriaEmmanuele IIIdied, Italianindependent body that was split up, thatgavecompletelywaste.
要是维托里奥・埃马努埃莱三世死了,本就四分五裂的意大利独立组织,那就完全给废了。To Britain, thiswithout doubtis very badresult. According to the plan, after Prime MinisterGladstonealsowantswaits forlawAustriaboth countriesto be mutually wounded, rewrites the Europeanpolitical pattern.
The most idealresult, naturallyissimultaneouslyseperatemethodAustriaboth countries. Dividesfrom the AustriaadvantageSouthern Germany, mergeswith the northernvirtue, founds a littleGerman Empire.
最理想的结果,自然是同时拆分法奥两国。将南德从奥地利分出去,和北德进行合并,建立一个小德意志帝国。Let the Italianareaget rid of the dominantindependence of French, in additionLombardyandWignySyaform a Kingdom of Italy.
让意大利地区摆脱法国人的统治独立,加上伦巴第、维尼西亚组建一个意大利王国。This point that mustmake, the importance of Italianindependent bodyis self-evident. Althoughdoes not have the strengthto be not much, but the politicalrallying point is actually......
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