HRE :: Volume #9

#897: Southern line

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The Milan city, at this moment the incarnation is a military fortress, vividly diverges is only left over war. 米兰城,此刻已经化身为一座军事堡垒,繁华散去只剩下金戈铁马。 Since the European war breaks out, the Lombardy kingdom turned into the frontline of law Austria confrontation, after the war broke out, regent government Crown Prince Lutter Border first issued the people's mobilization order. 自从欧陆战争爆发后,伦巴第王国就变成了法交锋的前线,战争爆发后摄政的卢特伯德亲王第一时间发布了全民动员令。 Since the mid and late 19 th century, Wittelsbach family seemed like cursed generally, various misfortunes followed on somebody's heels. 进入19世纪中后期,维特尔斯巴赫家族就像是被诅咒了一般,各种不幸接踵而至。 First is Maximilian II responded that slowly one step, stood mistakenly the team in the international political struggle, married by the politics preserved the throne reluctantly. 先是马克西米利安二世反应慢了一步,在国际政治斗争中站错了队,靠政治联姻才勉强保住了王位。 However as the price of failure, Wittelsbach family paid the heavy price, lost long-term operation Bavaria, arrived at Lombardy to open the base industry. 不过作为失败的代价,维特尔斯巴赫家族还是付出了惨重代价,丧失了长期经营的巴伐利亚,来到了伦巴第重新开辟基业。 Just stood firm, succeeds king Ludwig II to suffer from the neurosis, sent off Ludwig II with great difficulty, succeeding king Austria held first similarly is the psychopath. 刚刚站稳脚跟,继任国王路德维希二世又患上了精神病,好不容易送走了路德维希二世,继任国王托一世同样是精神病患者。 Do not say the prestige, Wittelsbach family degenerated into the laughingstock directly, the outside world ridiculed them for neurosis royal family, even whether there is the good fellow made a bet Wittelsbach family's next king neurosis. 不要说威望了,维特尔斯巴赫家族直接沦为了笑柄,外界都讥讽他们为“精神病王室”,甚至有无良的家伙打赌维特尔斯巴赫家族的下一任国王还是精神病。 Not is only the main family misfortune, Greek lineage/vein do not feel better similarly. Same Austria named the fellow who holds, not only after oneself certainly, but also by peak political power. 不光是本家不幸,希腊一脉同样不好过。同样一个叫托的家伙,不仅自己绝了后,还被巅峰了政权。 The Vienna government involves, Wittelsbach family's rule in Greece has collapsed. 要不是维也纳政府介入,维特尔斯巴赫家族在希腊的统治早就崩溃了。 The auspicious day less than several days, catches up with the European war now. The Lombardy kingdom becomes the frontline, this to Wittelsbach family's rule, is a great challenge. 好日子没过几天,现在又赶上了欧陆战争。伦巴第王国成为了前线,这对维特尔斯巴赫家族的统治来说,又是一个重大挑战。 Regent government Crown Prince Lutter Border worried recently, for fear that the frontline has a accident, Wittelsbach family must go into exile. 摄政的卢特伯德亲王最近非常烦恼,生怕前线发生点儿变故,维特尔斯巴赫家族又要流亡了。 Under the law of new Holy Roman empire, the king and Emperor simultaneously have the army command power, absolutely does not have his prince regent anything matter. 按照新神罗帝国的法律,国王和皇帝同时拥有军队指挥权,根本就没他这个摄政王什么事儿。 Lombardy king is the neurosis, is unable to carry out the responsibility, the army command power falls in the Emperor hand. 伦巴第国王是精神病,无法履行职责,军队指挥权就落到了皇帝手中。 Power thing gives up easily, wanted to take carry back is difficult. By the situation in Lombardy kingdom, wants to bring back the army command power, only then next generation kings. 权力这东西放弃容易,想要拿回来就难了。以伦巴第王国的情况,想要拿回军队指挥权,只有等下一代国王了。 Under this situation, is beyond control Crown Prince Lutter Border not to worry. If by some chance the Vienna government is having the idea of Lombardy kingdom, comes one to murder with a borrowed knife directly, that ended the calf. 在这种背景下,由不得卢特伯德亲王不着急。万一维也纳政府在打伦巴第王国的主意,直接来一个借刀杀人,那就完犊子了。 Your highness, General Moore Kaess has arrived in the reception room.” “殿下,摩尔克斯上将已经抵达会客厅了。” The voice of aide, Crown Prince Lutter Border's drawing from ponder. 侍从的声音,将卢特伯德亲王从沉思中拉了出来。 Good, I pass immediately!” “好的,我马上过去!” Reorganized clothes, looking in a mirror, determined after cannot be disrespectful, Crown Prince Lutter Border the stride walked. 整理了一下衣冠,照了照镜子,确定不会失礼后,卢特伯德亲王大步走了出去。 In those days in do not say the general, even the empire marshals and cabinet prime ministers, Crown Prince Lutter Border still can not pay attention. 往日里不要说上将了,就算是帝国元帅、内阁首相,卢特伯德亲王也可以不放在眼里。 In the empire law has the stipulation, the Lombardy kingdom is the high degree of autonomy, no matter these people are how powerful, no means extend the hand to the Lombardy kingdom. 帝国法律上有规定,伦巴第王国是高度自治,不管这些人怎么位高权重,也没有办法把手伸到伦巴第王国。 Now is not but good, General Moore Kaess is the Italian theater commander, the Lombardy kingdom exactly in his defense area. 可是现在不行,摩尔克斯上将是意大利战区司令官,伦巴第王国恰好在他的防区内。 From overall situation, so long as can win the victory, even if the Lombardy kingdom made into the ruins, the Vienna government will not love dearly. 从全局上来看,只要能够赢得胜利,即便是伦巴第王国被打成废墟,维也纳政府也不会心疼。 As first-line commander, most important won the victory. Other is the small issue, particularly this time enemy is a French, everyone completed preparation that at heart pays the heavy price. 作为一线指挥官,最重要的就是赢得胜利。其他的都是小问题,尤其是这次的敌人是法国人,大家都做好了付出惨重代价的心里准备。 Others can think, Crown Prince Lutter Border is not good. Beats Lombardy kingdom any city, to Wittelsbach families is a disaster. 别人可以这么想,卢特伯德亲王不行。打烂伦巴第王国任何一座城市,对维特尔斯巴赫家族都是一场灾难。 This will let them originally the unstable rule, becoming the wind and rain is more indistinct. Stands in Wittelsbach family's standpoint, best defend beyond the entrance. 这会让他们本就不稳固的统治,变得更加风雨飘渺。站在维特尔斯巴赫家族的立场上,最好是御敌于国门之外。 ...... …… After exchanged greetings, General Moore Kaess came straight to the point saying: „ Crown prince, my time comes to seek the help. 寒暄过后,摩尔克斯上将开门见山道:“亲王殿下,我这次来是为了寻求帮助的。 In order to safeguard the logistics replenishment of frontline units, I hope that you can provide 350,000 labors, and takes over for use the Lombardy complete railroad. ” 为了保障前线部队的后勤供应,我希望你们能够提供三十五万劳工,并且征用伦巴第全部的铁路。” Only requests the labor, without requesting to provide the soldier, that is because the army does not turn over to the local government manages, even the reserve duty is still the same. 只要求劳工,没有要求提供士兵,那是因为军队不归地方政府管,即便是预备役也一样。 Hears these two requests, Crown Prince Lutter Border a brow wrinkle: „ General, your request was too high. 听到这两个要求,卢特伯德亲王眉头一皱:“将军,你的要求太高了。 The Lombardy kingdom is less than 4 million population, at present 200,000 people have entered the army service, drafts 350,000 labors again, almost reassigned our young. 伦巴第王国只有不到四百万人口,目前已经有二十万人进入军队服役,再征掉三十五万劳工,几乎将我们的青壮都抽调一空了。 Especially you must take over for use the complete railroad, the domestic production and life, will therefore be disrupted, this perhaps...... ” 尤其是你们还要征用全部的铁路,国内的的生产和生活,都会因此被打乱,这恐怕……” The wartime years, the boundary area's people are miserable! 战争年代,边界地区的民众就是一个惨! The fight starts, the boundary area first mobilizes, must undertake the heaviest military service and service ; The enemies hit, the boundary area also first met with a disaster. 战斗打响的时候,边界地区最先进行动员,要承担最重的兵役和劳役;敌人打过来了,边界地区也是最先遭殃。 The awkwardness of Crown Prince Lutter Border, General Moore Kaess understood, if possible, he is not willing to do. 卢特伯德亲王的为难,摩尔克斯上将非常理解,如果可能的话,他也不愿意这么干。 But gets there first, recruits the labor from the Lombardy kingdom is quickest, takes over for use the railroad to. 可是兵贵神速,从伦巴第王国征召劳工是最快的,征用铁路是必须的。 Crown prince, your worry I am clear. To payout of Lombardy Empire People, the empire will conduct the compensation. “亲王殿下,你的担心我非常清楚。对伦巴第王国民众们的付出,帝国是会进行补偿的。 I will report here situation truthfully, concrete compensatory measure. You and cabinets discussed. 我会把这边的情况如实上报,具体补偿措施。你们自己和内阁去谈。 Takes over for use the railroad not to result in discussed that is not only a railroad, must first satisfy the army including the road. If the ample capacity has the wealth, we can open give the folk use. 征用铁路没得商量,不光是铁路,包括公路也要优先满足军队。如果运力有富裕,我们可以开放给民间使用。 In addition, I hope that you can draft some vehicles from the folk, the truck, carriage, ox cart and donkey cart...... entirely all comes are welcome. ” 除此之外,我希望你们能够从民间征掉一部分车辆,卡车、马车、牛车、驴车……通通来者不拒。” Before the war has not broken out, never knows that own preparatory work, is defective. 在战争没有爆发之前,永远都不会知道自己的准备工作,有多么欠缺。 Austria benefits already prepares fully, finally the war just broke out, the discovery is not that a matter. 地利已经准备最充分的了,结果战争刚刚爆发,就发现不是那么回事。 Full of truly preparation, the soldier but who cannot support the frontline are many! 准备的确实充分,可是架不住前线的兵多啊! Franz does not think that makes war with the French, needs to conduct the national mobilization, the issue is others does not think so! 弗朗茨不认为和法国人开战,需要进行全国动员,问题是别人不这么看啊! Under people's persuasion continually, Franz decisive recognizing instigated. The people many are always less than the person, although consumed in a big way a little, but the odds of success also came up. 在众人的连番劝说之下,弗朗茨果断的认怂了。人多总比人少好,虽然消耗大了一点儿,可是胜算也上去了。 In order to beat French, the Vienna government makes a determined effort, the cabinet plan mobilizes 5 million armies. 为了击败法国人,维也纳政府是发了狠,内阁计划动员五百万军队。 Only assigns to the army of southern line has 1.5 million, originally various preparations, appeared were not at this time sufficient. 光分配到南线的部队就有一百五十万,原来各种准备,这个时候就显得不怎么够用了。 Without a doubt, this 1.5 million are only the digit on paper surface, or is value theoretically. Now Lombardy kingdom frontline, altogether such 300,000 armies. 毫无疑问,这个一百五十万只是纸面上的数字,或者说是理论上的数值。现在伦巴第王国一线,一共就那么三十万军队。 Follow-up unit anything arrives, that no one knew. All must come according to the frontline actual situation, more or less no one knows. 后续部队什么抵达,那就没有人知道了。一切都要根据前线的实际情况来,或多或少谁也不知道。 General Moore Kaess starts to prepare ahead of time, so as to avoid the frontline initiated attacked, appears embarrassed aspect that the logistics could not keep up with. 摩尔克斯上将只是提前开始做准备,免得前线发起进攻了,出现后勤跟不上的窘迫局面。 Listened to General Moore Kaess's explanation, the look slightly slow, central government of Crown Prince Lutter Border has the compensation to be good, most fears is to make Lombardy kingdom bear the loss. 听了摩尔克斯上将的解释,卢特伯德亲王的神色稍缓,中央政府有补偿就好,最怕的就是让伦巴第王国自己承担损失。 I remember after empire military reform, has equipped the truck and motorcycle massively, the logistics has realized the semimechanization. “我记得帝国军队改革后,已经大规模装备卡车、摩托车,后勤已经实现了半机械化。 Now needs to requisition so many vehicles, is the general the preparation initiates an attack? ” 现在需要征用这么多车辆,将军是准备主动出击么?” General Moore Kaess said with a smile: „ The news of crown prince is not quite accurate! The mechanization is only one idea that the military raised, will be the trend of future military development, but is not now. 摩尔克斯上将笑道:“亲王殿下的消息不太准确啊!机械化只是军方提出的一种理念,是未来军队发展的趋势,不过不是现在。 Now we also few armies can realize the semimechanization, wants completely to realize the semimechanization, within ten years are very difficult to achieve. 现在我们也只有少量的部队能够实现半机械化,想要完全实现半机械化,十年之内都很难做到。 However the logistics unit truly equipped large number of trucks, walked in the front row of mechanized path. After expansion of armaments, some are insufficient. 不过后勤部队确实装备了大量的卡车,走在了机械化道路的前列。只是扩军过后,就有些不够用了。 Considering the complex terrain and bad transportation of Italian area, we must have many transport means that so as to avoid when the time comes...... ” 考虑到意大利地区的复杂地形和糟糕的交通,我们必须要拥有多种运输工具,免得到时候……” Got the answer of wish, Crown Prince Lutter Border relaxed. Immediately had a headache, the coordination must coordinate. 得到了想要的答案,卢特伯德亲王松了一口气。随即又头疼了起来,配合是必须要配合的。 France hit, the Lombardy kingdom was the biggest victim. Regardless of the request of military is much excessive, so long as can keep off the French beyond the entrance, he will comply. 法国打过来了,伦巴第王国就是最大的受害者。无论军方的要求多过分,只要能够把法国人挡在国门之外,他都会答应。 The issue is the adjusting work is not good to be done, not to mention wrangled to compensate with the central government, the light taking over for use path and vehicles, sufficed him to worry. 问题是配合工作不好做,且不说和中央政府扯皮要补偿,光征用道路、车辆,都够他烦心的了。 ...... …… Everything needs to contrast, if knows difficult problem that opposite French faces, Crown Prince Lutter Border will not have. 凡事都需要对比,如果知道对面法国人面临的难题,卢特伯德亲王就不会感到头疼了。 In Turin French armed forces headquarters, Marshal Yarde Rehan is looking at the map to worry, according to planning him should have the attack to Lombardy Wang Guofa. 都灵法军指挥部中,亚德里恩元帅正望着地图发愁,按照计划他早就该向伦巴第王国发起进攻了。 But the Italian had/left the trick, many cities including Turin erupted the anti-war movement, delayed the action time of army. 怎奈意大利人出了幺蛾子,包括都灵在内的多个城市爆发了反战运动,拖延了大军的行动时间。 Noisily and is not early noisy late, and other wars broke out will start from now on noisily anti-war, if this no one controls, said that what Yarde Rehan does not believe. 早不闹、晚不闹,偏偏等战争爆发过后才开始闹反战,这要是没有人操控,说什么亚德里恩也不会相信。 Must know before then, the Italian People are lifting flag that supports Emperor, the request government direction ratio virtue Austria three countries declare war. 要知道在此之前,意大利民众还是举着拥护皇帝的旗帜,要求政府向比德三国宣战的。 Things have gotten to this point, Yarde Rehan can only find the way to settle. Even to the home report, he is undoable. 事已至此,亚德里恩只能想办法善后。甚至连向国内汇报,他都不能做。 Because removed the cover, will have many people to follow unlucky. The offended person were many, his marshal could not mix. 因为揭开了盖子,会有很多人跟着倒霉。得罪的人多了,他这个元帅也就混不下去了。 „Did mouse catch?” “老鼠抓到了没有?” The mouse is the synonym of Italian independent body, since France annexes the Italian area to start, the bureaucrats were that many a activity catches the mouse. 老鼠是意大利独立组织的代名词,自从法兰西吞并意大利地区开始,官僚们就多了一项抓老鼠的活动。 Marshal, you are know that this group of mice were too timid, does not crop up......” “元帅,你是知道的,这帮老鼠太胆小了,根本就不冒头……”
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