HRE :: Volume #9

#896: George I am acting

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No matter wants, since the French declared war to Belgium, benefits Austria Poland , Germany second only to brace oneself to follow. 不管愿不愿意,法国人既然对比利时宣战了,利波德二世就只能硬着头皮跟上。 Fights not to proclaim this matter that does not have the surface, benefits Austria Poland , Germany second unable to do, the Belgian People will not comply. 战而不宣这种没有皮面的事情,利波德二世还干不出来,比利时民众也不会答应。 On September 28 , 1890, in one piece flurried, the Belgian government issued to the outside the circular telegram publicized to France declares war. 1890年9月28日,在一片慌乱中,比利时政府对外发布通电公开向法兰西宣战。 Without a doubt, this declaring war telegram to the French looked not only, what are more does to the Austria advantage looks. 毫无疑问,这封宣战电报不光是给法国人看的,更多的还是做给地利看的。 As if was saying: The eldest child, the little brothers got up, now looked your. 仿佛就是在说:老大,小弟都上了,现在看你的了。 In the afternoon, Franz conducted the counter- aggression speech in the Empire Parliament, denounced severely the shameless behavior of France, then the representatives adopted unanimously to law declaring war bill. 当天下午,弗朗茨在帝国议会进行了反侵略演讲,痛斥了法兰西的无耻行为,然后代表们一致通过了对法宣战议案。 Next day, Franz issued in the Vienna palace «Declaration to French people Book», listed one pile of war consequences, summoned that the French People stand the aggressive war that the opposition government launches. 次日,弗朗茨在维也纳宫发布了《告法兰西人民书》,列出了一堆的战争后果,号召法国民众站起来反对政府发动的侵略战争。 Without a doubt, advised the document least bit function not to have like this, had declared war, was naturally impossible to listen to him to call that several received the hand. 毫无疑问,这样的劝告文书半点儿作用也没有,都已经宣战了,自然不可能听他吆喝几声就收手。 Naturally, if also includes in the Italian the French People reluctantly, then this political show is the perfect rank. 当然,要是把意大利人勉强也算入法国民众中,那么这次政治作秀就是完美级别。 After the announcement sends out, Rome erupted anti-war, the counter- aggression movement, and spreads to many Italian cities rapidly. If not incompetent that too the Italian independent body displays, perhaps is people revolts. 公告发出后,罗马就爆发了反战、反侵略运动,并且迅速蔓延到多个意大利城市。如果不是意大利独立组织表现的太无能,没准又是一次人民起义。 On September 29 , 1890, the French government declared war to the Austria advantage, on the same day French armed forces invaded Belgium and Luxembourg, began European war. 1890年9月29日,法国政府向地利宣战,同日法军入侵比利时和卢森堡,拉开了欧陆战争的序幕。 In the Hanover royal palace, George I am rattling on arguing endlessly at this moment cursed: „The damn British swindler, is an all living things child......” 汉诺威王宫中,乔治一世此刻正喋喋不休的咒骂道:“该死的不列颠骗子,都是一群生孩子……” Can look from the expression, George I was given the pit to be miserable by the English. 从表情上就可以看出来,乔治一世被英国人给坑惨了。 The strength of German federation is not weak, back also Austria benefits, joins the security that the English pledged, George I took for French time goal is only Belgium. 德意志联邦的实力不弱,背后还有一个地利,加入英国人承诺的安全保障,乔治一世误认为法国人这次的目标只是比利时。 Under this situation, George I naturally must agitate in the Austria advantage, oneself hid in behind sees a play. 在这种背景下,乔治一世自然要鼓动地利上,自己躲在后面看戏了。 In order to drag the Austria advantage launches, in the early period of the anti-France coalition establishes, George I am the positive coordination. 为了拖地利下水,反法同盟建立前期,乔治一世是积极配合。 Has continued after treaty of alliance signing, thinks the general situation has decided that in addition unceasing flickering of English, George I started to be slack in work. 一直持续盟约签订过后,自认为大局已定,加上英国人的不断忽悠,乔治一世就开始消极怠工了。 The German federation is in any case chaotic, slow movement also passable, did not fear that the ally holds responsible. 反正德意志联邦内部乱得很,动作迟缓一些也说得过去,不怕盟友追究责任。 Besides in the face sets the example, George I have not urged various state expansion of armaments to prepare, the ally urged that he pushes toward the Empire Parliament on. 除了面子上做做样子外,乔治一世并没有督促各邦国扩军备战,盟友催促他都是往帝国议会上推。 Compared with Austria both countries after the French declares war, George I secretly is still celebrating to plan successfully, who knows French unexpectedly their seeing a play does not let off. 两国向法国人宣战后,乔治一世还在暗自庆祝计划成功,谁知道法国人居然连他们这个看戏的都不放过。 Hiding could not hide, because of the relations of butterfly effect, Luxembourg in German federation, the independence still had not gone out. 躲是躲不过去了,因为蝴蝶效应的关系,卢森堡仍然德意志联邦中的一员,并没有独立出去。 As „the northern Gibraltar, Luxembourg such strategic point, the French is naturally impossible to let off. 作为“北方的直布罗陀”,卢森堡这样的战略要地,法国人自然不可能放过。 Otherwise waits for the war to conduct the critical moment, the German arm force kills from Luxembourg, the French can only cry. 要不然等战争进行到关键时刻,德军从卢森堡杀出,法国人就只能哭了。 Facts showed, the guarantee of English is not valuable that side the French. No matter the German federation enters the war, French armed forces have begun in any case. 事实证明,英国人的保证在法国人那边不值钱。不管德意志联邦有没有参战,反正法军都已经动手了。 Only if George I can look on Luxembourg to fall to the enemy no matter, this war they decided on otherwise. 除非乔治一世能够坐视卢森堡沦陷不管,要不然这场战争他们打定了。 Your majesty, appeases anger! The matter of English will criticize with them in the future again, the urgent matter mobilizes as soon as possible, assures the security of western national territory. “陛下,息怒!英国人的事情未来再和他们清算,当务之急还是尽快动员,保证西部国土的安全。 Simultaneously strengthens and relation between ally, dispels the beforehand misunderstanding, finding the way to win this war. ” Prime Minister Hervoir persuaded 同时加强同盟友之间的联系,消除之前的误会,想办法赢得这场战争。”艾瓦尔首相劝说道 Has not paid attention to the prime minister, George I pursues asks: How did English say? In such matter, shouldn't they give us an explanation?” 没有理会首相,乔治一世追问道:“英国人怎么说?发生了这样的事情,他们不该给我们一个解释么?” German federation central government that Hanover leads, from top to bottom is the pro-UK faction, in the German federation the population most Pro-Austria factions, here are few. 汉诺威主导的德意志联邦中央政府,从上到下都是亲英派,就连德意志联邦境内人数最多的亲奥派,在这里都是极少数。 The English to Chinese between traditional friendship is well-established, a long time both countries have the common monarchy, in recent centuries both countries are the closest allies. 英汉之间传统友谊源远流长,在很长一段时间内两国都拥有共同的君主,近百年来两国都是最亲密的盟友。 Now had this matter, the impact on George I can be imagined, is also disliking to the prime minister of pro-UK faction leader. 现在发生了这种事情,对乔治一世的冲击可想而知,连带着对亲英派领袖的首相也不待见了。 „The British government expressed that this is a misunderstanding, they are communicating with France, making us first keep calm.” Foreign minister Wei Tarund disturbed replied “英国政府表示这是一个误会,他们正在和法国进行沟通,让我们先保持冷静。”外交大臣魏德伦德忐忑的回答道 Truly can be the misunderstanding, at least France and Germany have not declared war mutually, theoretically also has the possibility of mediation. 确实可以算是误会,起码法德两国还没有互相宣战,理论上来说还有调停的可能。 The calmness is not possible, French armed forces were attacking the Luxembourg area, George I can be calm, the frontline officers may calm not. 冷静是不可能的了,法军正在进攻卢森堡地区,乔治一世可以冷静,前线的官兵们可冷静不了。 Again how pro- brave, George I am not a fool. If the British government announced the involvement strongly, he can also wait to look, said the misunderstanding superficially, this was deceiving the fool. 再怎么亲英,乔治一世也不是傻子。如果英国政府强势宣布介入,他还可以等等看,轻描淡写的说误会,这是在糊弄傻子。 „ Does a misunderstanding ghost, run to go to the French armed forces of Luxembourg is takes vacation? “误会个鬼,难道跑去卢森堡的法军是去度假? Told the English, if French armed forces did not withdraw from the German area in 24 hours, then on war! 告诉英国人,如果法军不在24小时内撤出德意志地区,那就战争吧! Orders the first division, the second division and seventh division stationed in the Rhineland area to reinforce Luxembourg immediately, orders the ninth division and 11 th division to the Belgian area movement, prepares for reinforcing Belgium at any time. 命令驻扎在莱茵兰地区的第一师、第二师、第七师立即增援卢森堡,命令第九师、第十一师向比利时地区运动,随时做好增援比利时的准备。 Informs various state representatives, tonight holds the Empire Parliament. The government the name of by central government, issues the national mobilization order immediately to the outside. 通知各邦国代表,今天晚上召开帝国议会。政府立即以中央政府的名义,对外发布全国动员令。 Arranges, tomorrow I must go to Berlin. Matter to present this step, we must win over the support of Prussia. 安排下去,明天我要去柏林。事情到了现在这一步,我们必须要争取普鲁士的支持。 ...... ” ……” At crucial moments, George I displayed a monarchy proper quality, issued a series of orders methodically. 在关键时刻,乔治一世还是表现出了一个君主应有的素质,有条不紊的发布了一系列命令。 Does not want to make war with the French, was not equal to that the German federation has not made the war preparations. The feudal lord kings who the German area tangled warfare several hundred years, can survive all are solid educational foundation received from family elders, no fuel-efficient lamp. 不想和法国人开战,不等于德意志联邦就没有做战争准备。德意志地区混战了几百年,能够生存下来的诸侯王个个都是家学渊源,没有一个省油的灯。 The European situation is tense, hasn't everyone possibly prepared? The German federation biggest problem is the coordinated difficulty is big, rather than other. 欧洲局势紧张,大家怎么可能没有准备呢?德意志联邦最大的问题是协调难度大,而不是其他。 George I was tricked by the English, in fact was also forced. Because the following French fought a war at this time, how regardless of the victory and defeat, to have over 99% possibly to discard the throne. 乔治一世被英国人忽悠,事实上也是被逼无奈。因为这个时候跟着法国人打一仗,无论胜负如何,都有百分之九十九以上的可能会丢掉皇位。 Lost the war, did not fall the throne by French to rub, was raised by the people leaves office. 输了战争,不是被法国人撸掉皇位,就是被民众掀下台。 Won the war, virtue Austria merge is the general trend, absolutely does not have the means and Habsburg dynasty competition in the German area Elder Brother dynasty, Hanover does not compete with Austria to benefit. 赢了战争,德合并就是大势所趋,在德意志地区哥达王朝根本就没办法和哈布斯堡王朝竞争,汉诺威也竞争不过地利。 Discards the throne to a monarchy, but was not only short of a reputation, but follows the lifetime shame. 对一名君主来说丢掉皇位,可不仅仅只是少了一个名头,而是伴随一生的耻辱。 The promise of English is a straw to grasp, the desire of heart deep place, driving George I to believe. 英国人的许诺就是一根救命稻草,内心深处的欲望,驱使着乔治一世相信。 Now the lie was seen through an affair, George I had sobered. Since the war is avoidless, that must face the reality. 现在谎言被拆穿了,乔治一世已经清醒了过来。既然战争无法避免,那就要面对现实。 Won this war, he also has to discuss the capital of condition, even if cannot preserve the throne, can still have dignified ending. 赢了这场战争,他还有谈条件的资本,就算是保不住皇位,也可以有一个体面的落幕。 If lost the war, that lost completely the initiative, can only depend upon the support of English to maintain the rule, but may also be overthrown by the people anytime. 要是输了战争,那就丧失了全部主动权,只能依靠英国人的支持维系统治,还随时都有可能被民众推翻。 Experiences matter that just had, George I had lost confidence to the English, prepared to rely on one's own effort to revive. 经历了刚刚发生的事情,乔治一世已经对英国人丧失了信心,准备自力更生了。 Must go to war with the French, the importance of Prussia kingdom manifested. By with the brilliant achievement that the Russia person faces, the Prussia kingdom, but the military force acting of German federation. 要和法国人打仗,普鲁士王国的重要性就体现了出来。凭借和俄国人对垒的辉煌战绩,普鲁士王国可是德意志联邦的武力担当。 Although loses seriously in the beforehand war, won over a popular actor from another company by offering higher pay by the Austria advantage after the war, the Prussia kingdom still had the good battle efficiency. 尽管在之前的战争中损失惨重,战后又被地利挖角,普鲁士王国仍然有不俗的战斗力。 Your majesty, considering currently the complex international situation, the English has the possibility and French Station very much in the same place, I proposed the loan of temporarily suspend payment English.” Prime Minister Hervoir recovers said “陛下,鉴于目前复杂的国际局势,英国人很有可能和法国人站在一起,我提议暂停支付英国人的贷款。”艾瓦尔首相补救道 The German federation by the English pit, as the leader of pro-UK faction, is believed Prime Minister Hervoir who the English promises, is definitely responsible. 德意志联邦被英国人坑了,作为亲英派的领袖,相信英国人许诺的艾瓦尔首相,肯定是要负责的。 Prime Minister Hervoir who does not want to follow to be finished, the decisive choice and English made cutting, the pro-UK faction turned into the anti-UK faction. 不想跟着完蛋的艾瓦尔首相,果断的选择和英国人做切割,亲英派变成了反英派。 The political figure, turns hostile such as flips through the book, this is the normal operation, Prime Minister Hervoir not slightly at heart the pressure. 政治人物嘛,变脸如翻书,这都是正常操作,艾瓦尔首相没有丝毫心里压力。 This is not perhaps good, the British government is supporting the French is not false, but that is secretly, on outwardly Britain was still a neutral country. “这恐怕不行,英国政府在支持法国人不假,可那都是暗地里的,明面上不列颠仍然是中立国。 We announced the default at this time, has the possibility really to compel the English very much to French, the situation will be more disadvantageous to us. ” Foreign minister Wei Tarund 我们这个时候宣布债务违约,很有可能将英国人真的逼向法国人一方,局势会对我们更加不利。”外交大臣魏德伦德 The present was in the 19 th century, repudiating a debt was not fun, the military force received after dunning that is the common matter, this year repudiated a debt truly the successful European country also on the Russia person. 现在是19世纪,赖账可不是什么好玩儿的,武力催收那是常有的事情,这年头真正赖账成功的欧洲国家也就俄国人。 Facing the British creditor, the German federation does not have the strength of repudiating a debt obviously. If really tore to pieces the face, those who are hapless is they. 面对英国债主,德意志联邦明显不具备赖账的实力。真要是撕破了脸,倒霉的还是他们自己。 After hesitant moment time, George I clenches teeth saying: „ Erupts finance anxious on the grounds of the war, generates electricity to the English, told them us to want the postponement of payment loan. 犹豫了片刻功夫后,乔治一世咬了咬牙说道:“以战争爆发财政紧张为由,发电给英国人,告诉他们我们要延期支付贷。 This time they suspended us together, if as expected, the London government will give our certain comforting. 这次他们摆了我们一道,如果不出意外的话,伦敦政府会给我们一定的安抚。 Now the postponement of payment debt, the English should not wage a war. Remembers the tone want sincerely a little, Ministry of Foreign Affairs must comfort the English as far as possible. 现在延期支付债务,英国人应该不会大动干戈。记住语气要诚恳一点儿,外交部要尽量安抚英国人。 The necessary time, can make the commitment to the English, so long as the French withdraws troops we immediately to restore to pay. ” 必要的时刻,可以给英国人做出承诺,只要法国人撤军我们马上恢复支付。” George I must depend on the account of English also to be compelled, the German federation is rich, that is place state is rich, the central government is always poor. 乔治一世要赖英国人的账也是被逼出来的,德意志联邦有钱,那是地方邦国有钱,中央政府从来都穷得叮当响。 The tax revenue cannot receive, the German federation central government pays the staff wage, every so often cannot take, must pay by the Hanover finance. 税收收不上来,德意志联邦中央政府就连支付工作人员薪水,很多时候都拿不出来,必须要由汉诺威财政垫付。 The war commits suicide the beast, the large amount of war funds, the central government definitely cannot pull out. 战争又是吞金兽,巨额的战争经费,中央政府是肯定掏不出来的。 Wants various state governments to undertake, is prolonged wrangling. In this crucial point, that is can save for one point is a point, the debt of postponement of payment English always compared with good that the finance goes bankrupt. 要各邦国政府承担,又是一场旷日持久的扯皮。在这个节骨眼上,那是能省一分是一分,延期支付英国人的债务总比财政破产的好。 Also can warn the English while convenient, do not make too excessively, the German federation was finished otherwise, their debts were also finished. 顺便还可以警告一下英国人,不要做得太过分,要不然德意志联邦完蛋了,他们的债务也就完蛋了。 What a pity George I lacks in resonance, meaning of warning was blown not to have. 可惜乔治一世底气不足,警告的意味被吹没了。
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