HRE :: Volume #9

#895: Declaring war

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On September 25 , 1890, France and Belgium nearly conducted the war mobilization at the same time, everyone knows that this was must real thing. 1890年9月25日,法比两国近乎同一时间进行战争动员,所有人都知道这是要动真格了。 The vision of Europe gathered in Vienna, as the eldest child of anti-France coalition, the standpoint of Austria Libyan government, will directly affect the following European change in situation at this time. 欧洲的目光汇聚到了维也纳,作为反法同盟的老大,这个时候地利政府的立场,将直接影响接下来的欧陆变局。 Vienna palace 维也纳宫 Franz asked: „Hasn't the German federation quarrelled the result to come?” 弗朗茨问道:“德意志联邦还没有吵出结果来么?” Cannot only block the French by the strength of Belgium, wants, when Austria benefits the reinforcements to arrive, at this time the coordination of northern virtue seemed especially important. 仅凭比利时的力量是挡不住法国人的,想要等到地利援兵抵达,这个时候北德的配合就显得格外重要。 Truth everyone of if the lips are gone , the teeth will be cold understands, once French armed forces occupy Belgium, northern virtue will degenerate into the battlefield, is impossible to cultivate one's own moral worth. 唇亡齿寒的道理大家都懂,一旦法军占领比利时,北德就会沦为战场,根本就不可能独善其身。 Under this situation, northern virtue dispatches troops to support Belgium is the inevitable result. However, this is only theoretically. 在这种背景下,北德出兵支援比利时是必然的结果。然而,这只是理论上。 Person many uncertain strengths are big, German federation interior state are too many, the respective paramount interest is also different, is not everyone is willing to go all out with the French. 人多不一定力量大,德意志联邦内部邦国太多,各自的核心利益又不一样,不是所有人都愿意和法国人拼命。 In the world will never lack the idiot, the German federation also has such existence, at this time some people were also fantasizing ** when advantage receiving in exchange peace. 世界上永远都不缺少蠢货,德意志联邦内部同样也有这样的存在,这个时候还有人幻想着出**利时换取和平。 The contradiction appeared, that quarrelled, existence of Empire Parliament, to give everyone in any case provided a quarrelling place. 矛盾出现了,那就吵架吧,反正帝国议会的存在,就是为了给大家提供一个吵架的地方。 Foreign minister Wessenberg: „ In dispatching troops to reinforce in the issue of Belgium, various northern virtue state reached an agreement initially. 外交大臣韦森贝格:“在出兵增援比利时的问题上,北德各邦国初步达成了一致。 However in the force allocation and command jurisdiction, all parties had the difference. 不过在兵力分配和指挥权上,各方又发生了分歧。 George I displays unusual is negative, urgently has not been urging everyone to dispatch troops, is to maintain the strength evidently. ” 乔治一世表现的非常消极,并没有急着催促大家出兵,看样子是想要保存实力。” The people have the selfishness, Franz can affirm, Belgium and Germany hope law Austria can be mutually wounded, even perishes together, with the aim of seeking the biggest benefit. 人都是有私心的,弗朗茨敢肯定,比德两国都希望法能够两败俱伤,甚至是同归于尽,以便牟取最大的利益。 George I am slack in work is not strange, the battlefield is really in any case far from Hanover, even frontline unfavorable situation, first unlucky is still Belgium and Budden. 乔治一世消极怠工也就不奇怪了,反正战场距离汉诺威甚远,就算是前线失利,先倒霉的也是比利时和巴登。 When the western territory fell to the enemy, the reinforcements that Austria benefits should also arrive, when the time comes followed to wave the flag and shout is right. 等西部的领土都沦陷了,地利的援兵也该抵达了,到时候跟着摇旗呐喊就对了。 The Austria war of original space and time, Austria benefits dies to the pit by one group of being slack in work allies, enemy who has to face two times of military. 原时空的普战争,地利就是被一帮消极怠工的盟友给坑死的,不得不面对两倍兵力的敌人。 A Franz brow wrinkle, fell into hesitant. Said frankly, before then he has not prepared to sell the teammate, after all Belgium and Germany strength is limited, is not worthwhile to weaken intentionally. 弗朗茨眉头一皱,陷入了犹豫中。坦率的说,在此之前他没有准备卖队友的,毕竟比德两国实力都有限,犯不着去故意削弱。 That but has at present, making him have to consider to murder with a borrowed knife. 可是眼前发生的这一幕,让他不得不考虑借刀杀人了。 A loss serious Germany area, after as if helps unify the stability, reduces some unnecessary trouble. 一个损失惨重的德意志地区,似乎更有利于统一后的稳定,减少一些不必要的麻烦。 Original urgent mobilization plan cancels, according to the ordinary intensity mobilized to be good, one week later dispatched troops to reinforce frontline. “原来的紧急动员计划取消,按照普通强度动员就行了,一个星期后出兵增援比德前线。 Ministry of Foreign Affairs must complete the coordinated communication work, must attain along the way the dispatch power of railroad. Tells the Belgian while convenient, the reinforcements will arrive in one month. 外交部要做好协调沟通工作,必须要拿到沿途铁路的调度权。顺便告诉比利时人,援军会在一个月之内抵达。 As for George I, temporarily no matter first he. Once the war breaks out, they cannot hide. ” 至于乔治一世,暂时先不管他。一旦战争爆发,他们根本就躲不过去。” Franz has the moral integrity, dispatched troops to the time to delay merely for a week, complete doing right by ally name. 弗朗茨还是有节操的,出兵时间仅仅延迟了一周,完全对得起盟友称呼。 No matter what who has no way to accuse the Austria Likeng ally, tires the troops on a long expedition must certainly do the preparatory work, one week of time are not really much. 任谁都没法指责地利坑盟友,劳师远征肯定要做准备工作,一周时间真的不算多。 In fact Austria Lijun team, this time does not ride the train to go to Belgium, but walks by two legs. 事实上地利军队,这次也不是坐火车去比利时,而是靠两条腿走过去。 Without the means that the railroad ample capacity is limited, the country that involves are also many, could not display the efficiency. 没有办法,铁路运力有限,牵扯到的国家又多,根本发挥不了效率。 The precious ample capacity can only use in the logistical materials and in the weaponry transportation, as for ordinary soldier, must walk. 宝贵的运力只能用在后勤物资和武器装备运输上,至于普通士兵,还是要走过去。 More than 20 days march more than 1000 kilometers, even if have no ideological problems weighing on the mind, this speed still took in continental Europe acts. 二十多天行军一千多公里,就算是轻装上阵,这个速度在欧洲大陆也拿得出手了。 ...... …… Without the unnecessary explanation, the Vienna government had indicated the standpoint with practical action, army that arms unceasingly, is the most powerful response. 没有多余的解释,维也纳政府已经用实际行动表明了立场,不断武装起来的部队,就是最强有力的回应。 This may be flustered the Tsar government, saw that law Austria must hit, without the donor and logistics team leader, how then the weaponry also to hit? 这可急坏了沙皇政府,眼瞅着法就要打了起来,没有了金主和后勤队长,接下来仗还怎么打? Great, must mediate! 没得说,必须要调停啊! St. Petersburg 圣彼得堡 Alexander III reproved angrily: „ Why does Ministry of Foreign Affairs eat? 亚历山大三世怒气冲冲的训斥道:“外交部都是干什么吃的? Let you delay the time that the European war breaks out, how long this crossed, the situation becomes unable to control...... ” 让你们拖延欧陆战争爆发的时间,这才过了多久,局势就变得无法控制……” From entering the room starts, Austria Scar Jimenez lowers the head, reduces own existence feeling as far as possible, but has not hidden. 从进屋开始,斯卡・希门尼斯低着头,尽可能降低自己的存在感,怎奈还是没有躲过去。 Does not have the means that Ministry of Foreign Affairs miscalculation. Thinks after the French completes the war preparations, will start the war. 没有办法,外交部判断失误。原本以为法国人完成战争准备后,才会发起战争的。 What a pity the plan has not changed quickly, the French is not silly, oneself are conducting the war preparations, the enemy is also conducting the war preparations. 可惜计划没有变化快,法国人不傻,自己在进行战争准备,敌人同样在进行战争准备。 When they prepared, the enemy also prepared. When the time comes scale of war, is not tens of thousands and several hundred thousand, but is several million armies fights a decisive battle. 等他们准备好了,敌人也准备好了。到时候的战争规模,就不是几万、几十万,而是数百万大军进行决战。 Such war, even if won still met the vitality to damage severely, only the cheap nearby elderly fisherman, is completely the gain does not equal the loss. 这样的战争,就算是赢了也会元气大伤,只会便宜一旁的渔翁,完全是得不偿失。 Otherwise Napoleon IV is not clearly knowing in situation that some people plan, the choice uses something as a pretext. 要不然拿破仑四世也不会在明知道有人策划的情况下,还是选择借题发挥。 When Alexander III vented, Austria Scar Jimenez exploratory explanation: „ Your majesty, the European war was mainly the French economy cannot support ahead of time. 等亚历山大三世发泄完了,斯卡・希门尼斯才试探性的解释道:“陛下,欧陆战争提前主要是法国经济撑不住了。 Ministry of Foreign Affairs has completed the preparations for emergency, we had signed the contract with the Austria advantage, even the European war breaks out, should still safeguard our strategic resources supply. 外交部已经做好了应急准备,我们已经和地利签订了合同,就算是欧陆战争爆发,也会保障我们的战略物资供应。 The industrial strengths of by Anti-France coalition three countries', support many combats not to have the issue, the European war will not affect the Afghan battlefield. ” 以反法同盟三国的工业实力,支撑多线作战是没有问题的,欧陆战争是不会影响到阿富汗战场的。” From the industrial strength, the anti-France coalition has the absolute advantage purely, light/only the industrial strength of Belgium and Germany adds, has been close to France very much. 单纯从工业实力来看,反法同盟拥有绝对的优势,光比德两国的工业实力加起来,就已经很接近法兰西了。 Under this situation, Austria benefitted only needs to safeguard the logistics replenishment of army to be good, effectiveness in Belgium and Germany can handle. 在这种背景下,地利只需要保障自家军队的后勤供应就行了,比德两国的军队后勤自家能够搞定。 Even if there is a gap, still only lacks the industrial material and grain. The French have not blocked the strength of anti-France coalition, these commodity very soon Austria can provide. 就算是有缺口,也只缺工业原材料和粮食。法国人没有封锁反法同盟的实力,这些物资俄都可以提供。 From the industrial mass, the Austria advantage supports 35 million army combats not to have the issue, but the frontline definitely has more than enough so many armies. 从工业体量上来看,地利支撑三五百万军队作战是没有问题,不过前线肯定用不了那么多部队。 Then Austria benefits in the logistics to leave leeway the ample force, pledges to safeguard to the suddenly commodity exit|to speak, theoretically is completely feasible. 那么地利后勤上就会留有余力,承诺保障对俄物资出口,理论上完全是可行的。 Alexander III sneers saying: „ Truly can not affect, but as price, in this war we must support Austria to benefit unconditionally. 亚历山大三世冷笑道:“确实可以不会影响,不过作为代价,在这场战争中我们就必须要无条件支持地利。 If in the anti-France coalition battlefield is in unfavorable situation, we must dispatch troops to help them go to war. Otherwise the Austria advantage defeats, we must follow to defeat. 如果反法同盟战场上失利,我们还要出兵去帮他们打仗。要不然地利战败,我们也要跟着战败。 Right, I remember a while ago, some idiot the grain share of this year's exit|to speak, the complete pack sold to Austria benefitted. 对了,我记得前段时间,还有某个蠢货把今年出口的粮食份额,全部打包出售给了地利。 We by the Franz bundle on the chariot, the present have been only the bundles dies. 我们早就被弗朗茨捆绑在了战车上,现在只是捆绑的更死一些。 From now on, everyone prayed Austria altruistic performance with, otherwise Russian Empire will also follow to meet with a disaster. 从现在开始,大家就祈祷地利人表现的中用一些,要不然俄罗斯帝国也会跟着遭殃。 Meanwhile we must pray, Austria altruistic should not be too competent, if 352 beat the French, then European hegemon we can only hand over! ” 同时我们还要祈祷,地利人不要太能干,要是三五两下就击败了法国人,那么欧陆霸主我们就只能拱手相让了!” Is beyond control Alexander III is not angry, the European war has not started, the strategic initiative of Russian Empire did not have. 由不得亚历山大三世不生气,欧陆战争还没开打,俄罗斯帝国的战略主动权就全没了。 Only if they can shear the meat immediately, gives up the Afghan area decisively, otherwise in this European war, can only arrive black with the Austria altruistic say/way. 除非他们能够立即割肉,果断放弃阿富汗地区,要不然在这次欧陆战争中,就只能和地利人一条道走到黑。 Was the grain of Tsar government powerful weapon, was sought after the benefit by the bureaucrats, sold to Austria to benefit long time ago, now wants to renege on a promise is impossible. 原本属于沙皇政府有力武器的粮食,被官僚们贪图利益,早早就卖给了地利,现在想要反悔都不可能。 Only if the grain export of Russian Empire, will never walk Bosphorus ; And in the following War in Afghanistan, does not benefit the purchase logistical materials and industrial equipment from Austria. 除非俄罗斯帝国的粮食出口,永远都不走黑海海峡;并且在接下来的阿富汗战争中,不从地利采购后勤物资、工业设备。 Being angry is also useless, matter has happened. Now besides pray law Austria both countries can mutually wounded, the matter that the Tsar government can handle are not many. 生气也没有用,事情都已经发生了。现在除了祈祷法两国能够两败俱伤外,沙皇政府能做的事情并不多。 ...... …… Time flies, 48 hours flashes by, benefits Austria Poland , Germany second to fantasize that the protracted time cannot realize. 光阴似箭,48小时一晃而过,利波德二世幻想中的拖延时间没有能够实现。 The standpoint of French is firm, not to the opportunity that they explained that even had the international mediation to be useless. 法国人的立场非常坚决,根本就不给他们解释的机会,即便是有国际调停都没用。 On September 27 , 1890, the French government killed French soldier on the grounds of the Belgian conspiracy, declared war to the Belgian government officially. 1890年9月27日,法国政府以比利时阴谋杀害法兰西士兵为由,正式向比利时政府宣战。
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