HRE :: Volume #9

#894: Belgium that compels ignorant

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Had/Left the royal palace, the back of Prime Minister Terence Bourgin has soaked, he understands that oneself was given Yin. 出了王宫,特伦斯・布尔金首相的后背已经湿透了,他明白自己被人给阴了。 Coincidence? 巧合? Politically does not have the coincidence, is really the coincidence must make the emperor believe is good. 政治上没有巧合,就真的是巧合也要让皇帝信才行。 Lobbied the emperor to make war not to have the issue, this was also the labor of duty of prime minister, was not oversteps. 游说皇帝开战没有问题,这也是首相的本职工作,不算逾越。 But caught up with the soldier to be attacked exactly, was mistaken as by the emperor attempts the throne, was big on the issue. 可是恰好赶上了士兵遇袭,被皇帝误认为是逼宫,那就问题大了。 Slightly after thinking, Terence Bourgin locks the suspicion on agricultural vice minister Rafael, but he really does not understand why oneself trusted subordinate wants the pit he. 略加思索过后,特伦斯・布尔金将嫌疑锁定在农业次长“拉法埃尔”身上,只是他实在不明白自己的亲信为什么要坑他。 Must know that Rafael can take the cushy job of management farm, he pushes single-handedly, how saying that is also the appreciation for being recognized. 要知道拉法埃尔能够拿下管理农场的肥差,还是他一手推上去的,怎么说也是知遇之恩。 The bureaucratic group also speaks the interpersonal relationship, where the rebel will arrive at to be despised, even if will change job, after that will still be and other Terence Bourgin prime minister game is as good as lost . 官僚集团也是讲人际关系的,叛徒走到哪里都会受人鄙视,就算是跳槽,那也是等特伦斯・布尔金首相大势已去后。 At this time punctured the back, is courting death completely, by the power and influence of Prime Minister Terence Bourgin, completely had the ability before oneself fell from power, Rafael knocking down dust. 这个时候刺背,完全就是在找死,以特伦斯・布尔金首相的权势,完全有能力在自己倒台前,把拉法埃尔打落尘埃。 Matter has happened, now intertwines this issue not to need. 事情已经发生,现在纠结这个问题已经没必要了。 Perhaps Rafael that idiot, was given to use, at least Prime Minister Terence Bourgin does not think that Rafael has the courage to plot this event. 或许拉法埃尔那个蠢货,也被人给利用了,至少特伦斯・布尔金首相不认为拉法埃尔有胆子策划这次事件。 Seemingly uneventful, making the Belgian carry the pot, was not equal to the matter ended. 看似风平浪静,让比利时人背了锅,可不等于事情就这么结束了。 What this time by pit is the French government and emperor, such obvious instigation rulers and ministers relate, possibly doesn't process? 这次被坑的可是法国政府和皇帝,这么明显的挑拨君臣关系,不处理怎么可能? Prime Minister Terence Bourgin has decided to thoroughly investigate, anyone does, must prepare to greet France most to have a retaliation of power and influence wave of people, the premise can check. 特伦斯・布尔金首相已经决定追查到底,无论是什么人干的,都要准备迎接法兰西最有权势一波人的报复,前提是能查出来。 After calming down, Prime Minister Terence Bourgin abandoned these distracting thoughts rapidly, the war was ready to be set off also the big pile of things to wait for him to process, at this time may not have the time to haggle over so many. 冷静下来后,特伦斯・布尔金首相迅速抛开了这些杂念,战争一触即发还有一大堆的事情等着他处理,这个时候可没功夫计较那么多。 ...... …… On September 24 , 1890, the French government sent out a small dish to Billy, ordered the Belgian government: Hands over the kidnapped soldier in 48 hours, as well as attacks the French armed forces soldier murderer, and payment compensates 1 billion francs. 1890年9月24日,法国政府向比利发出通碟,责令比利时政府:在48小时内交出被绑架的士兵,以及袭击法军士兵凶手,并且支付赔偿十亿法郎。 Receives this sad news, Leopold II but who also to jointly block to obtain the achievement the celebration, direct was scared. 收到这个噩耗,还在为联合封锁取得显著成果而庆祝的利奥波德二世,直接傻眼了。 Does not need to play like this. According to the convention, after the French encounters the blockade, should be first and anti-France coalition slapping in the face weaponry, then negotiated, really had no meeting of minds conducts the war. 不待这样玩儿的。按照惯例,法国人遭遇封锁后,应该是先和反法同盟打嘴仗,然后再进行谈判,实在是谈不拢才进行战争的。 But the French comes up to give a pretext on the manufacture war, issues the war to pass the small dish, does not press the repertoire to play a card completely. 怎奈法国人一上来就制造战争借口,下达战争通碟,完全不按套路出牌。 The French invent the excuse to provoke the war , the issue is Dehaut both countries they do not hit, selected Belgium to make the rafter, Leopold II was at heart really painstakingly. 法国人制造借口挑起战争也就罢了,问题是德奥两国他们不去打,偏偏挑比利时做了椽子,利奥波德二世是心里真的苦。 To avoid this war, the Belgian government has made lots of effort, including actively conducts the diplomatic mediation. 要知道,为了避免这场战争,比利时政府已经做了很多努力,包括积极进行外交斡旋。 Placed hopes in England and Austria to mediate, but the British eldest children are far-fetched, handed over sells them ; Austria watches the fun does not dislike the matter to be big, after involvement mediation , not only has not thought the means alleviation contradiction, instead further compelled the corner the French. 原本寄希望于英奥调停的,怎奈英国老大不靠谱,转手把他们卖了;奥地利又看热闹不嫌事大,介入调停后不仅没有想办法缓解矛盾,反而进一步把法国人逼到了墙角。 Even if forced to join the anti-France coalition, Leopold II started to reduce diligently has the feeling, the matter of showing off pushes to Dehaut both countries completely. 即便是被迫加入反法同盟,利奥波德二世就开始努力降低存在感,出风头的事情全部推给了德奥两国。 What a pity should come must come, the geographical position of Belgium decided the characteristics that they take a beating, cannot hide. 可惜该来的还是要来,比利时的地理位置就决定了他们挨揍的特性,根本就躲不掉。 After slow the god has come, Leopold II asked: How did Dehaut two countries ministers say?” 缓过神来后,利奥波德二世问道:“德奥两国公使怎么说?” The concessions are impossible, murderer and Missing in Action who not to mention the large amount of compensation, does not have, the Belgian government cannot hand over. 让步是不可能的,且不说巨额的赔偿,根本就不存在的凶手和失踪士兵,比利时政府就交不出来。 Foreign minister Joule's bitter and astringent reply: „ German minister has not given the answer explicitly, must wait for the domestic decision. 外交大臣朱尔苦涩的回答道:“德国公使没有明确给出答案,要等待国内的决定。 Austrian minister said that regardless of we make anything to decide to support, including makes war with France. ” 奥地利公使表示,无论我们做出什么决定都会支持,包括和法兰西开战。” Made war to say easily, if really hit, Belgium was the biggest victim. 开战说起来容易,真要是打起来了,比利时就是最大的受害者。 A little people of common military knowledge know slightly, only if the anti-France coalition initiates an attack, otherwise Belgium is the main battlefield that the alliance and French armed forces battle. 稍微有点儿军事常识的人都知道,除非反法同盟主动出击,要不然比利时就是联盟和法军交战的主战场。 initiates an attack is impossible, the anti-France coalition including Belgium, have not completed the war preparations. 主动出击是不可能的,包括比利时在内的反法同盟,都没做好战争准备。 Army of Austria also internally, even if catches up at the maximum speed, that was still half a month later matter. 奥地利的军队还在国内,就算是以最快的速度赶来,那也是半个月后的事情了。 In fact, the Austrian army can put in the battlefield in one month, even whole-heartedly. 事实上,奥地利军队能够在一个月之内能够投入战场,就算是全力以赴了。 Perhaps the average person takes the train to arrive in Brussels from Vienna, only requires two days of time, is the army action is different. 或许普通人从维也纳乘坐火车抵达布鲁塞尔,只需要两天时间,可是军队行动不一样。 The army assembles requires the time, the reassignment requires the time, the equipment and logistical materials transportation also requires the time. 部队集结需要时间,调动需要时间,装备、后勤物资运输也需要时间。 The ample capacity of railroad is not infinite, the ordinary train transports an army of camp one time most, in addition after weaponry and logistical materials, every so often an army of even/including did not transport. 铁路的运力也不是无限的,普通火车一次最多运送一个营的部队,加上武器装备、后勤物资后,很多时候一个连的部队都运送不了。 Belgium does not have the ability, oneself solve the logistic problem of reinforcements, the Austrian army must carry. 比利时没有能力,自己解决援军的后勤问题,奥地利军队必须要自行携带。 Because the orbital standard is different, the midway also needs to conduct transfers to another vehicle repeatedly. Each relay, needs to conduct to move unloads the commodity, will waste lots of time along the way. 因为轨道标准不一样,中途还需要进行多次转车。每一次中转,都需要进行搬卸物资,沿途会浪费大量的时间。 Most optimistic estimate, since Austria starts out to arrive in Belgium, requires 45 days of time. 最乐观的估计,从奥地利发车抵达比利时,也需要四五天时间。 In addition the earlier setup time, the recuperation time after with arrival, takes ten days later most quickly, can put into the fight. 加上前期的准备时间,和抵达后的休整时间,最快也要十天后,才能够投入战斗。 It seems like that the time are not much, the issue is the reinforcing unit is not companies and two companies, but is tens of thousands of companies. 看似时间不算多,问题是增援部队不是一个连、两个连,而是成千上万个连。 Railway trucks transport a even/including, a half hour sends car(riage) a time, the railroad are most every day also transports 48 times, was equivalent transported 48 companies, almost also on the forces of two groups. 一火车皮运送一个连,半个小时发一次车,铁路每天最多也就运送48次,相当于运送了48个连,差不多也就两个团的兵力。 Cannot be quick, this year transnational railway transportation, can realize for a half hour to send car(riage) a time, is not easy. 不能快了,这年头跨国铁路运输,能够实现半个小时发一次车,已经非常不容易了。 Railroad altogether such several from Austria to Belgium, calculate completely on, a day transported two divisions at the most. 奥地利通往比利时的铁路一共就那么几条,全部都计算上,一天运输两个师就顶天了。 In fact, can guarantee that every day sends a division, that is the miracle. 事实上,能够保证每天运送一个师,那都是奇迹。 The railway transportation is impossible to defer to the limit, a half hour sends a train, by the technology of this year, the difficulty of coordinated and dispatch is too big, if the midway has the accident/surprise, could not do well runs upon. 铁路运输不可能按照极限进行,半个小时发一辆火车,以这年头的技术,协调、调度的难度太大,万一中途发生意外,搞不好就撞上了。 Cannot guarantee that all bureaucrats, is the percentage hundred investments ; Also cannot guarantee that all trains wait for an opportunity, Duyun fast goes forward. 不能保证所有的官僚,都是百分百的投入;也不能保证所有列车伺机,都匀速前进。 Two trains time interval is too short, encounters the emergency case, steps on the brake without enough time. 两列火车间隔时间太短,遇到紧急情况,踩刹车都来不及。 Even if a train stopped, cannot guarantee that the following train does not follow. 况且,就算是一辆列车停了下来,也不能保证后面的火车不追尾上来。 This is an infantry, if transports the artillery and armored force, the compartment can put down big fellow, is a question mark. 这还是步兵,要是运输炮兵、装甲部队,车厢能不能放得下大家伙,都是一个问号。 In some sense, in the railway transportation, the anti-France coalition is also in an inferior position. 某种意义上来说,在铁路运输上,反法同盟还处于劣势。 Dehaut both countries are good, even the track is not completely consistent, the site connected in one, the distance of artificial transporting was not far. 德奥两国还好,就算是轨道不完全一致,站点还是连接在了一起,人工搬运的距离不算远。 The railroad in Belgium and Germany does what is right mostly, in the sites may relay more than ten li (0.5 km) road, this wasted lots of time. 比德两国的铁路大都是各行其是,站点之间可能还要中转十几里路,这就浪费了大量的时间。 Arrives before the Austrian Reinforcements, Belgium can only fight side-by-side with the German federation, the anti-France coalition is in the absolute disadvantage in a short time. 在奥地利援兵抵达前,比利时只能和德意志联邦并肩作战,反法同盟在短期内处于绝对劣势。 Slightly after thinking, Leopold II serious saying of: „ French comes prepared, the war is avoidless, from now on we must complete the war preparations. 略加思索过后,利奥波德二世严肃的说道:“法国人是有备而来,战争已经无法避免,从现在开始我们就要做好战争准备。 The government generated electricity to the Vienna, tells the Austrian us not to prepare to yield, urged that they dispatched troops as soon as possible. 给维也纳政府发电,告诉奥地利人我们不准备让步了,催促他们尽快出兵。 Ministry of Foreign Affairs negotiated with the French as far as possible, we required the time...... ” 外交部尽可能和法国人交涉,我们需要时间……”
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