On September 11 , 1890, Austria, the blackfivecountries, closedsimultaneouslyto the lawtrade pass, the commodityembargoformallystart.
1890年9月11日,德、比、奥、希、黑五国,同时关闭对法贸易通道,物资禁运正式开始。Suddenlycontinental Europeis frightened by the slightest sound, everyoneknows that thisis the omen that the wind and rainwants, the Europeanwarperhapsisunavoidable.
一时间欧洲大陆风声鹤唳,所有人都知道这是风雨欲来的前兆,欧陆战争恐怕是无法避免。Urged the Frenchto yield?
The commodityembargo of anti-France alliance, compelled the corner the Parisgovernmentdirectly. Drawing backonestepis notboundless, butis the abysshell.
反法联盟的物资禁运,直接将巴黎政府逼到了墙角。退一步不是海阔天空,而是深渊地狱。Urged the anti-France allianceto be calm?
劝反法联盟冷静?Thisis not better. The anti-France allianceis a victim, the Frenchwantsto invadeCentral Europeambitiously, will not havethismatter.
这更不行。反法联盟才是受害者,要不是法国人野心勃勃想要入侵中欧,根本就不会有这档子事。Eats the worry of melonpeople, but the worryEuropeanwarbrings disaster to the mackerel shad, is not they have loves the peace, the truepacifistcannot be in power.
吃瓜群众们的担心,只是担心欧陆战争殃及池鱼,并不是他们有多么热爱和平,真正的和平主义者也掌不了权。Palace of Versailles, Napoleon IVis going against the dark pouche, holds the political councilagain. Without the means that the waitingismostanxious.
凡尔赛宫,拿破仑四世顶着黑眼圈,再一次召开政治会议。没有办法,等待才是最让人焦虑的。With the development of situation, wantsto benefitfromBelgium and Germany, nowhas evolveddecisive battle that determinesFrenchfuture destiny.
随着局势的发展,原本只是想从比德两国捞好处,现在已经演变成了决定法兰西未来命运的大决战。Foreign ministerKarelKadlec: „ Austriabenefitshas startedto form the anti-France coalition, nowhas won overBelgium, the northernGermanfederations, Greece and Montenegrofourcountriesto join.
外交大臣卡雷尔・卡德莱茨:“奥地利已经开始着手组建反法同盟,现在已经拉拢了比利时、北德意志联邦、希腊、黑山四国加入。SwitzerlandandHollandhave startedto blow hot and cold, in the Spanish government the sound of counter-lawsteadilyis also surging upward, the mainstream opinion of Europefavors the anti-France coalitionmostly.
瑞士、荷兰已经开始摇摆不定,西班牙政府中反法的声音也在不断高涨,欧洲的主流舆论大都倾向于反法同盟。Recently, Austriabenefittedstrengthenedwith the Northern European the relation of federationandPortugal. Ifcontinuesto tow, the situationeven morewill be only disadvantageoustous. ”
The brainmakes upismost fearful, the AustriaLibyan governmentis frequent and politicianscontact, but alsoannounces to the publicthisenhances the commercialcooperation.
The AustriaLibyan governmentdid not explaingood, thisexplained that KarelKadlecthinksdid not suspectdifficultly.奥地利政府不解释还好,这一解释卡雷尔・卡德莱茨想不怀疑都难。
The free tradetime, the governmentdoes not interfere with the economical runningmostly, basiconnocooperation.
自由贸易时代,政府大都不干涉经济运转,根本就没什么合作的。In fact is also so, Austriabenefitswithvarious countriescontacts the frequency, althoughis high, has not actually signed a treaty, at leastondoes not haveoutwardly.
事实上也是如此,奥地利同各国接触频率虽然高,却没有签订一份条约,至少明面上没有。Negotiated the contentspecifically, KarelKadlecdoes not know, butrepresentedto discuss that reallyhappynews, hereceived.
具体谈判内容,卡雷尔・卡德莱茨不知道,可是代表相谈甚欢的消息,他还是收到了。No matterintentionallydisgustingFrance, reallyintendsto join the anti-France coalition, thisto the French governmentis not a good deed.
不管是故意恶心法兰西,还是真的有意加入反法同盟,这对法国政府来说都不是一件好事。Prime MinisterTerence Bourgin: „ Nowwewerein the diplomacymetnot onlytroublesome, the strategic resourcespurchasealsomettroublesome.
The strategic resourcesprice that in just several months, wemustplanto purchasenearlymultiplies, certaincommodity priceseventurntimedirectly.
在短短的几个月时间里,我们要计划采购的战略物资价格近乎倍增,某些商品价格甚至是直接翻倍。Manycountriesare hitting the name that subsides the domestic price, raisedandbetweenus the tariff, dramaticallyincreased the enterpriseprocurement cost.
不少国家打着平息国内物价的名义,调高了和我们之间的关税,大幅度增加了企业采购成本。Raw material supply the influence that is insufficientby, some domesticenterpriseshave startedto reduce the capacity, thiswill be disadvantageousto the forthcomingwar.
受原材料供应不足的影响,国内部分企业已经开始削减产能,这对即将开始的战争非常不利。All sorts ofsignsshowed,all theseareAustriabenefit the control, theyattemptto usethesemethods, beatsusoutside the battlefield! ”
The war between great nations, not onlyin the battlefield, outside the battlefield also filled the fierce combat.
大国之间的战争,不光是在战场上,战场之外同样也充满了刀光剑影。Issuffers a lossinthisaspectFrancewithout doubt, the physical volume of foreign trade that Austriabenefitsisseveral times of France, the domestic marketalsofarexceedsFrance.
The politicaleconomical affection of both sides, has not been a scale. In addition the influence of issue left over by history, the French government is almost inevitablein the disadvantage.
A Napoleon IVbrowwrinkle: „ Withoutis so serious, if various European countriesreallysupport the anti-France coalition, has joinedtogethertoourblockades.
拿破仑四世眉头一皱:“没有那么严重吧,欧洲各国要是真的支持反法同盟,早就一起加入对我们的封锁了。So long astheyjoin, wearenot possibleandallcountriesoppose, giving up the Central Europeanstrategyis the inevitableresult.
The presentaspect, is more likeAustriato benefit a control, is drawingvarious countriesto the drama that weprepare, attemptsto makeusconfuse own situations. ”
现在的局面,更像是奥地利一手操控,拉着各国给我们准备的大戏,企图让我们自乱阵脚。”Madeso manyyear of Emperor, Napoleon IVhas not beenmoenewlittlewhite. Politicallydoes not have the secret, the national politicsdiplomacylaunchesregarding the benefit.
From the benefitangle, analyzingmostis how favorablefor a country, roughlycanguess correctly that various countrieswantto do.
从利益角度入手,分析怎么才对一个国家最有利,就大致能够猜到各国想要干什么。Without a doubt, lawAustriamostserveseveryoneinterestmutually wounded. Underthisbackground, except for the twonot being able to shuntconcernedoverseas, everyonewatches the fundoes not dislike the matterbiglord.
毫无疑问,法奥两败俱伤才是最符合大家利益的。这种背景下,除了比德两个躲不开的当事国外,大家都是看热闹不嫌事大的主。Except thatGreeceandMontenegrothistypewithoutchooses, mustsupport the country that Austriabenefits, the remainingcountriesabsolutelywould have no truthto join the anti-France coalition.
除了希腊、黑山这种没得选择,必须要支持奥地利的国家,剩下的国家根本就没有道理加入反法同盟。FallstoNapoleon IVeyes, now the action of various countriesis adding fuel to the flames, provides encouragementtoAustriaaltruistic, strengthensthem the determination that battles againstwithFrance.
落到拿破仑四世眼中,现在各国的做法就是在推波助澜,给奥地利人加油打气,坚定他们和法兰西开战的决心。Economy ministerElsa: „ Your majesty, cannotdragagain. Whenwecompleted the war preparations, the enemyalsocompleted the war preparations.
经济大臣艾尔莎:“陛下,不能再拖下去了。等我们完成了战争准备,敌人也完成了战争准备。Weare notone in free tradesystem, inpurchasestrategic resources, is in itself in an inferior position, the domesticeconomyis also not as goodinAustriabenefits, does not suitwith the Austriaadvantage conducts the protracted war. ”
我们不是自由贸易体系中的一员,在购买战略物资方面,本身就处于劣势,国内的经济也略逊于奥地利,不适合同奥地利进行持久战。”Napoleon IVravelled, was not the ministerswas anxious, butwas the domesticcapitalistsis anxious.
拿破仑四世弄明白了,不是大臣们急了,而是国内的资本家们急了。Determined after the French governmentmustimplement the Central Europeanstrategy, the capitalistsopenedfully a horsepowerproductionin abundance.
确定了法国政府要实施中欧战略后,资本家们纷纷开足了马力生产。With the lapse of time, the commodity in everyonehandincreasesday-by-day, the floating capitalreducesday-by-day, the warhas not broken out, everyonethinks that anxiouslyis not good.
随着时间的推移,大家手中的商品一天天增加,流动资金一天天减少,战争还是没有爆发,大家想不急都不行。If by some chance the midwayhas the bigaccident, suddenlysaid that the wardoes not hit, orwill towin the futurefor several years, everyonemustend the calf.
The commodity that sellsismoney, piles up the commodityinhandis not the asset, butis the debt, becausestores upalsoneeds the cost.
The governmentpurchasesto think that ahead of timeonline, is impossibleto realize, the reasonis simple: In the French governmenthanddoes not haveso manywarehouse that stores up the commodity.
政府提前采购想想就行了的,根本就不可能实现,原因非常简单:法国政府手中没有那么多储存物资的仓库。Under this situation, the capitalistswantto digestto switch hands the stock, can only make the wareruptahead of time.
The ministersclamoredare launching the warahead of time, noteveryonewas bought, was mainly knows that could not have blocked.
大臣们纷纷叫嚣着提前发动战争,并非大家都被收买了,主要是知道已经拦不住了。Either the governmentprovokes the waron own initiative, has the initiative in a war;Eitherwas the capitalistsbeginsto provoke the war, how the situationto developno oneto know.
要么政府主动挑起战争,掌握战争主动权;要么就是资本家们动手挑起战争,局势会怎么发展就没人知道了。Does not wait forNapoleon IVto make the decision, aideonhurriedlyshouted loudlyinout of the door: „Your majesty, frontlineurgentmilitary situation.”
The Europeansituationis tense, even ifat this time the anti-France coalitionfirsthit, everyonewill not feelstrange.
欧陆局势已经非常紧张了,这个时候就算是反法同盟先打过来,大家都不会感到奇怪。Heard the urgentmilitary situation, Napoleon IVnaturallydoes not dareto neglect: „Takesquickly!”
……Instantly after the time, Napoleon IVsaidslowly: „Frontlinespreads the news, threesoldierswhenwego on patrolwith the Belgianintersection point, suddenlywas attacked byenemy, twodieis missing.”
The boundary friction the first time was not, was the situation of deceased person, has not actually happened.
边界摩擦不是第一次了,可是死人的情况,却是从来没有发生过。Because of the situationtensekey, in the boundaryhad strengthened the alert, the soldiergoes outto go on patrolalsoforms groups, the neighboringdistancewill not be far.
因为局势紧张的关键,边界上早就加强了戒备,士兵外出巡逻也是成群结队,相邻距离都不会太远。In the ordinary circumstanceshad the accident/surprise, the peripheralarmywill arriveimmediately. The deceased people can also understand,being missingwas thought-provoking.
一般情况下发生了意外,周边的部队马上就会抵达。死人还可以理解,失踪就耐人寻味了。So long asBelgium and Germany the braindoes not have the water penetration, will not dothisrare and beautiful flowersmatter. Howeverinthiscrucial point, no onewill care aboutso many.
比德两国只要脑子没有进水,就不会干这种奇葩事。不过在这个节骨眼上,没有人会关心那么多。No matteris reasonable, the French governmentwantedto make war, thiswas the ready-madewarexcuse.
不管合不合理,法国政府想要开战了,这就是现成的战争借口。Thatfeared that clearlyknowsthisinsidehas the issue, Napoleon IVis unable to go into seriously. Otherwisefinds outanythingto come, whatfinallyloses faceis the French government.
那怕明知道这里面有问题,拿破仑四世也无法深究下去。要不然查出点儿什么来,最后丢脸的还是法国政府。Howeveruncomfortableis at heart inevitable, butdeadFrenchsoldier. Withoutdyinginbattlefield, becauseunexpectedlysomepeoplewantto provoke the warahead of time, was hit by the unexpected misfortune.
The peoplelowered the headdo not speak, hadthismatter, they were also very awkward!
众人都低头不语,发生了这种事情,他们也很为难啊!Early, 1 : 00 pm, Ok, the onlypresentwas not goodat this time.
早一点,晚 1 点,都可以,唯独现在这个时候不行。JusteveryonelobbiedEmperorto make war, immediatelypresented the warexcuse, howto see that seemed like attempting the throne.
刚刚大家才游说皇帝开战的,马上就出现了战争借口,怎么看都像是在逼宫。Thismisunderstanding, politicallyisveryfatal. IftradeddomineeringEmperor, theycango homenow.
这种误会,在政治上是非常致命的。要是换了一个强势的皇帝,他们现在就可以回家了。Under the Napoleon IVsharpvision, Prime MinisterTerence Bourginbraces oneself saying: „ Your majesty, hadthismatter, weshouldimmediatelyaccountabilitytoBelgium.
在拿破仑四世锐利的目光下,特伦斯・布尔金首相硬着头皮说道:“陛下,发生了这种事情,我们应该立即向比利时问责。Ordered the Kingdom of Belgiumto hand over the murdererin 48 hours, the soldier who the releaseseized, andcompensatedusto lose.
责令比利时王国在48小时内交出凶手,释放抓走的士兵,并且赔偿我们损失。Wants... otherwise...... ”
要…要不然就……”Sees the Napoleon IVeven moreugly/difficult to look atcomplexion, and finally, Prime MinisterTerence Bourgincould not really be justified, the soundbecomesoff and on.
看到拿破仑四世越发难看的脸色,到了最后,特伦斯・布尔金首相实在是说不下去了,声音变得断断续续。Seemed likefeelssimilarly, Napoleon IVrestrained the vision of murder, saying that coldly: „Meaningoffice that presses the prime minister, butshould better notto go wrongagain.”
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