HRE :: Volume #9

#892: Acceleration

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Confederate States of America, in a Texas farm, at this moment hoisting a flag billowing thick smoke, inside and outside dozens can be clearly discernible. 美利坚联盟国,德克萨斯州一座农场内,此刻正升旗滚滚浓烟,数十里外都能够清晰可见。 Is looking at the fire, has mixed emotions as Delphi of farm operator. 望着大火,作为农场主的欧德尔是百感交集。 Lived the most lifetime, he runs into the customer for the first time, after buying the grain, does not move away, but burns down directly. 活了大半辈子,他还是第一次遇到有买主,买到粮食之后不运走,而是直接就地焚烧。 However looks in the face of aegis, even the request rare and beautiful flowers of buyer, Delphi will not reject again. 不过看在神盾的面子上,就算是买家的要求再奇葩,欧德尔也不会拒绝。 Poured the bottom unable to bear the curiosity, Delphi asks the doubts in heart: „ Mr. Houlbert, our transactions were closed. 倒底还是忍不住好奇心,欧德尔问出了心中的疑惑:“乌尔贝特先生,我们的交易完成了。 However such good grain, burnt like this, you did not think that is a pity? ” 不过这么好的粮食,就这样烧了,你不觉得可惜么?” Houlbert resigned-looking say/way: „ Does not have the means that the French is sharpening the knife, must invade my motherland. 乌尔贝特一脸无奈道:“没有办法,法国人正在磨刀霍霍,要入侵我的祖国。 As a merchant, I do not have the ability to return to homeland to enter the war, but wants to handle something in one's power. 作为一名商人,我没有能力回国参战,但还是想要做一些力所能及的事情。 A short time ago Europe spread the news, Austria benefits involves finally officially. Also issued an announcement, ordered the French to stop the war activity, otherwise summoned that all countries in the world conducted the commodity embargo to France. 前不久欧洲传来消息,地利终于正式介入了。还发布了一份公告,责令法国人停止战争行为,要不然就号召世界各国对法兰西进行物资禁运。 It is said at present 13 countries have announced join, this avoids the only opportunity of war. 据说目前已经有十三个国家宣布加入,这是避免战争的唯一机会。 So long as the French cannot buy enough strategic resources, they do not have the ability to start the aggressive war, my motherland can make an effort by war threats. ” 只要法国人买不到足够的战略物资,他们就没有能力发起侵略战争,我的祖国就可以勉受战争威胁。” The announcement naturally has, to hold the moral high ground, recently Franz may issue many manifestos, the persuasion French reins at the brink of the precipice. 公告自然是有的,为了占据道德制高点,最近一段时间弗朗茨可发布了不少宣言,劝说法国人悬崖勒马。 The similar words, fall to the different person ears , the produced effect is also entirely different. 同样的话,落到不同的人耳中,产生的效果也是截然不同的。 It looks like in the European People, Franz is making best effort to avoid the war ; In French opinion, this was the Austria advantage fears. 在欧洲民众看来,弗朗茨是在尽最大努力避免战争;在法国人看来,这就是地利怕了。 Is strong treatment on diplomacy, while is shouting loudly the peace banner, obviously does not want to go to war. 一边是外交上的强硬对待,一边高喊着和平旗号,明显就是不想打仗。 Besides fearing France, Franz definitely does not need to stand to conduct insignificant calling. Threatens is the weak commodity embargoes, completely do not hit the aggression that hits. 除了怕了法兰西之外,弗朗茨完全没必要站出来进行无意义的吆喝。就连威胁都是软弱的物资禁运,完全没有要打就打的霸气。 Many French also suspected, so long as begin, Austria will benefit to shrink, can capture Central Europe with ease. 不少法国人还怀疑,只要自家一动手,地利就会缩回去,可以轻松夺取中欧地区。 13 countries embargo, sounds very scary, the people in the know know that this is a joke, having a look at the participation the country to know. 十三国禁运,听起来很吓人,了解内情的人都知道这是一个笑话,看看参与的国家就知道了。 …… 比、德、三国就不用说了,那是必须有的,再然后就是希腊和黑山 Opening the map is not difficult to see, these two small countries must join the embargo alliance, because Austria benefits blocks after law, they with the trade of French have interrupted. 打开地图不难看出,这两个小国是必须要加入禁运联盟的,因为地利对法封锁后,他们同法国人的贸易就已经中断了。 Remaining Sardinia, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Papal States, Tuscany, Luca, Modena and Palma, clearly are the domains of French, unexpectedly also announced that joins the embargo alliance. 剩下的撒丁、两西西里王国、教皇国、托斯卡纳、卢卡、摩德纳、帕尔马,分明都是法国人的地盘,居然也宣布加入禁运联盟。 Fellow who without a doubt, these join in the fun, is the government in exile represents itself to announce that the state government that the French controls was not possible this time to jump instead. 毫无疑问,这些凑热闹的家伙,都是流亡政府代表本国宣布的,法国人控制的邦国政府是不可能这个时候跳反的。 Goes into exile in addition again in Austria benefits the Mexican empire, happen to collected 13 countries to embargo. 再加上一个流亡在地利墨西哥帝国,正好凑齐了十三国禁运。 Delphi sighs with emotion: You are really a patriotic merchant! However you did not sell to the French to be good the grain, why can burn down?” 欧德尔感慨道:“你真是一名爱国商人!不过你不把粮食卖给法国人就行了,何必要焚烧呢?” What this year is popular is the capital borderless, the patriotic merchant absolutely is the rare creature, in most merchant eyes only has the benefit. 这年头流行的是资本无国界,爱国商人绝对是稀有生物,大部分商人眼中都只有利益。 The reply of Houlbert righteousness expression: „ I did not sell to the French, others will sell to the French the grain. So long as is hands over the sell, the grain flows finally is not I can control. 乌尔贝特义正言辞的回答道:“我不卖给法国人,还有其他人会把粮食卖给法国人。只要是转手出售,粮食最终流向就不是我能够控制的了。 As far as I know, to bring the pressure on the French, the Austria Libyan government also conducts to sweep the goods in the market. 据我所知,为了给法国人施加压力,地利政府也在市场上进行扫货。 So long as the French government does not yield, the grain in their hand, will not flow in France, in a short time the grain price steadily rises is inevitable. 只要法国政府不让步,他们手中的粮食,就不会流入法兰西,短期内粮食价格持续上涨是必然的。 I who you know am a merchant, the merchant am unable to resist the benefit temptation. 你知道的我是一名商人,商人是无法抵御利益诱惑的。 If by some chance the midway grain price rises unceasingly, I cannot guarantee whether I can persevere in the face of the benefit. 万一中途粮食价格不断上涨,我不能保证自己能否在利益面前坚守自我。 In order to avoid the worst matter happened, burnt good. ” 为了避免最糟糕的事情发生,还是烧了的好。” ...... …… Perhaps is the accidental/surprised coincidence, two people talked ran into a reporter of Saint Frank daily paper exactly, recorded all these with the pen. 或许是意外巧合,两人对话的时候恰好遇到了一位圣弗朗哥日报的记者,用笔记录了这一切。 After the newspaper publishes this news, caused the stir in the alliance country quickly. The patriotic merchant rather burns down the grain, did not sell to the French, such touching story, naturally must spread widely. 报纸刊登这一消息后,很快在联盟国引起了轰动。爱国商人宁愿焚烧粮食,也不卖给法国人,这么感人的故事,自然要广为流传了。 Quick each region frequently presents the merchant to burn down the news of grain, some are the patriotic merchants, some are pure out of the righteous indignation, everyone does not want to make the French buy the grain in any case. 很快各地都频繁出现商人焚烧粮食的新闻,有些是爱国商人,有些是单纯出于义愤,反正大家都不想让法国人买到粮食。 The bullish reason appeared. The grain just needed, first has the Austria advantage to rush to purchase, latter has the just merchant to burn the grain, grain reduction that in the market circulates, the rise in price is inevitable! 看涨的理由出现了。粮食可是刚需品,前有地利抢购,后有正义商人焚粮,市场上流通的粮食减少,价格上涨是必然的啊! Under adding fuel to the flames of capitalists, everyone thinks that the grain price must rise suddenly, the ordinary residents start to store up the grain. 在资本家们的推波助澜之下,所有人都认为粮食价格要暴涨了,就连普通的市民都开始囤积粮食。 Then, the grain bargain price of alliance country's starts the hurricane to rise, has to pursue the trend in Europe greatly. 然后,联盟国的粮食交易价格开始狂飙上涨,大有追赶欧洲的趋势。 Especially in the futures market, several months later grain bargain prices, were more than doubled directly. 尤其是期货市场上,几个月后的粮食交易价格,直接增长了一倍多。 Similar, performs in the alliance country not only, other Americas have not fallen. 类似的一幕,不光在联盟国上演,其他美洲国家也没有落下。 But the script traded, bullish not necessarily is the grain, other industrial materials have not fallen. 只不过剧本换了一下,看涨的不一定都是粮食,其它工业原材料也没有落下。 ...... …… Price rise affected , is not only the French, the entire world follows to withstand the unexpected misfortune together. 物价上涨受影响的不光是法国人,全世界都跟着一起承受无妄之灾。 Without the means that the capitalists were too fierce. Austria benefitted drew out a head, remaining depended entirely on them to operate. 没有办法,资本家们太厉害了。地利只是起了一个头,剩下的全靠他们操纵。 Just like in the newspaper said: „ Emperor orders, Europe shivers, the world changes. 正如报纸上说得:“皇帝一声令下,欧洲为之颤抖,世界为之变动。 In the farm raised the billowing thick smoke, changed the color the world ; In the coal mine gave birth to Mt. Huoyan, inverted the day and night! 农场里升起了滚滚浓烟,把天地换了颜色;煤矿中生出了火焰山,颠倒了昼夜! Pitiful people, but also is running for three meals a day, to warm up, but worries...... ” 可怜的人们,还在为一日三餐而奔走,为取暖而烦恼……” The ironic significance full news, actually spurts is Franz, is Napoleon IV, this is an issue that is worth exploring. 讽刺意味十足的新闻,究竟喷得是弗朗茨,还是拿破仑四世,这是一个值得探讨的问题。 However mentality good Franz, the direct default is satirizing Napoleon IV, sending for without interest changed to the law sovereign Emperor quietly. 不过心态良好的弗朗茨,直接默认是在讽刺拿破仑四世,悄然无息的派人把皇帝改成了法皇。 Following burns down the commodity the behavior, was explained to become the people to oppose that the French hegemony the method, what a pity by not good capitalist using, injured accidentally the world finally. 后面焚烧物资的行为,也被解读成为了民众反对法兰西霸权的手段,可惜被无良的资本家给利用了,最后误伤了世界。 Foreign minister Wessenberg: Your majesty, these are the note diplomatiques that various countries send, they hope that we can maintain the restraint, stops the present economic tactic.” 外交大臣韦森贝格:“陛下,这些都是各国发来的外交照会,他们希望我们能够保持克制,停止现在的经济战术。” Should come must come, said no matter how, matter is also the Austria advantage does, others protested that does not have the problem. 该来的还是要来,不管怎么说,事情也是地利搞出来的,人家抗议没有毛病。 However the price rises, is the responsibility of Austria Libyan government? 不过物价上涨,都是地利政府的责任么? The answer is: Denial! 答案是:否定的! The Austria Libyan government is rich, does not have the means to buy the commodity of light entire world. Truly by the commodity that the Austria Libyan government buys, in fact only occupies a small part. 地利政府再有钱,也没有办法买光全世界的物资。真正被地利政府买走的物资,事实上只占一小部分。 Although the burning down action is the Austria Libyan government first plans, but that also sets the example, from all sides also cooked several thousand tons grain. 虽然焚烧行动是地利政府最先策划的,可那也只是做做样子,前前后后也就烧了几千吨粮食而已。 The commodity that the really gold/metal silver buys, burnt down, Franz did not have brain that to be remnant. 真金白银买来的物资,就一把火烧了,弗朗茨还没有那么脑残。 The burning down commodity nothing but invents a excuse to the capital market, making everyone believe that in the market will soon present the commodity to be scarce, pushing the price to rise. 焚烧物资无非是给资本市场制造一个借口,让大家相信市场上即将出现物资紧缺,推动物价上涨。 In the itself insufficient situation, naturally must limit the exit|to speak. France is not one in free trade system, definitely is the number-one unlucky egg. 在本国都不够用的情况下,自然要限制出口了。法国又不是自由贸易体系中的一员,肯定是头号倒霉蛋。 As for certain small countries that receiving to accidentally injure, Franz can only say the regret. After all in this world does not have the perfect tactic, some people of benefits are affected are inevitable. 至于受误伤的某些小国,弗朗茨就只能说遗憾了。毕竟这个世界上没有十全十美的战术,有人利益受损是必然的。 Asking that Franz cares about: Commodity price in the international market, one year ago how many rose?” 弗朗茨关心的问:“国际市场上的商品物价,比一年前上涨了多少?” Wessenberg: Overall price was jacked 31.4, the coal price rose 94.1, the grain price rose 144.1, the steel price rose 79.7......” 韦森贝格:“总体物价被抬升了31.4,煤价上涨了94.1,粮食价格上涨了144.1,钢铁价格上涨了79.7……” After hesitant moment time, Franz said slowly: Price is similar, starts to produce goods! Drags again, everyone must unable to sit still.” 犹豫了片刻功夫后,弗朗茨缓缓说道:“价格已经差不多了,开始出货吧!再这么拖下去,大家都要坐不住了。” Although the economic tactic is good, but the issue is it is dangerous to antagonize the masses. Fished one even, if has played, all governments will definitely intervene. 经济战术虽好,可问题是众怒难犯。捞一笔就算了,要是一直玩儿下去,各国政府肯定会出手干涉。 In fact, all governments can drag to protest to the present, the capitalists also left vigorously. 事实上,各国政府能够拖到现在才抗议,资本家们也是出了大力的。 The price by the demand decision, no one and money cannot pass, the Austria advantage swept the goods to push up the price, the capitalist was the biggest beneficiary. 物价是由市场供求决定的,没有人和钱过不去,地利扫货推高了物价,资本家才是最大的受益者。 For seeking exorbitant profits, does not know that many capitalists, are hitting the pretence burning down commodity that revolts against the French hegemony, adds fuel to the flames for the price rise. 为了牟取暴利,不知道有多少资本家,打着反抗法兰西霸权的幌子焚烧物资,为物价上涨推波助澜。 Prime Minister Carl opposes saying: Your majesty, we start to produce goods now, these commodities will flow in a native of France hand......” 卡尔首相反对道:“陛下,我们现在开始出货,这些物资就会流入法国人手中……” In some sense, the Austria Libyan government produces goods now, increased the war-making potential of French, can be one type supporting the enemy. 某种意义上来说,地利政府现在出货,增加了法国人的战争潜力,也算得上是一种“资敌”。 If not Franz says, changed anyone to propose that undersold to store up in the commodity of overseas, Prime Ministers Carl must greet his entire family. 如果不是弗朗茨说出来的,换了任何一个人提议抛售囤积在海外的物资,卡尔首相都要问候他全家。 Franz shakes the head: „ Could not tow, the price has risen high, will tow these commodities to pound again in the future in our hands. 弗朗茨摇了摇头:“拖不下去了,物价已经上升到了高位,再往后拖这些物资就要砸在我们手中了。 Originally is the high price buys up, did not take advantage that the present opportunity does not undersell, behind wants to sell difficultly. 本来就是高价买入的,不趁现在的机会不抛售出去,后面想卖出去都难。 As for supporting the enemy that you are worried about, is completely unnecessary. Even if we do not sell, the French can buy similarly. 至于你担心的资敌,完全都是多余的。就算是我们不卖,法国人同样能够买到。 Do not forget, now the capital world is the overcapacity, rather than the capacity is insufficient. 不要忘了,现在资本世界是产能过剩,而不是产能不足。 Commodity that we store up, contrasts the entire market, most also accounts for 1-2 percentage points. 我们囤积的物资,对比整个市场来说,最多也就占其中的1-2百分点。 The time that so long as the French launch the war will delay in the future, all issues were solved. 法国人只要把战争发动的时间往后延迟一下,所有的问题都解决了。 The present international situation, does not suit us to take the lead to provoke the war. Politically requests to fire the first spear/gun must be a French, we can only be accept a challenge passively. 现在的国际局势,不适合我们率先挑起战争。政治上要求打响第一枪的必须是法国人,我们只能是被动应战。 Now undersells the commodity, sold a all governments face, but can also seize the chance to gain one, along latrine pit French, why not? ” 现在抛售物资,既卖了各国政府一个面子,还可以趁机赚上一笔,顺便坑法国人一把,何乐而不为呢?” This is the fact, no matter the French government is willing to accept, the price had come up in any case, must buy must accept the high price. 这是事实,不管法国政府愿不愿意接受,反正物价都已经上去了,要买就必须要接受高价。 After pondering the moment time, Prime Minister Carl nods: „If so, then our best exciting French, after to provoking the war, produces goods.” 沉思了片刻功夫后,卡尔首相点了点头:“如果是如此的话,那么我们最好刺激一下法国人,挑起战争后再出货。” Must do must do certainly, after the price peak definitely is the war erupts . The French have not launched the war, the biggest problem is in the hand does not have enough strategic resources. 要做就要做绝,物价最高点肯定是战争爆发后。法国人迟迟没有发动战争,最大的问题就是手中没有足够的战略物资。 Once the war continues, could not want six months, they will be bogged down in difficulties. 一旦战争持续下去,要不了半年时间,他们就会陷入困境。 The French are not silly, naturally considered consequence that the war continues. After all this time enemy besides, Austria of jumbo benefits. 法国人也不傻,自然考虑到了战争持续下去的后果。毕竟这次的敌人除了比德之外,还有一个巨无霸的地利。 The war between great nations, was not a weaponry can end, failed also had the opportunity of staging a comeback. So long as the enemy is not willing to compromise, the war will continue. 大国之间的战争,不是一仗就能够结束的,失败了还有卷土重来的机会。只要敌人不肯妥协,战争就会持续下去。 The commodity bought, was not equal to that immediately can use, but must transport/fortune returning to homeland to process, this need several months, and even longer time period. 物资买到了,也不等于马上可以使用,还要运回国进行加工,这需要几个月、乃至更长的时间周期。
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